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Re: Candysteffi's World - new fic 11/13/11

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:49 pm
by candysteffi
Are there as many fans for the Rosfics in German,
as there are for the English ones? Just wondering.
No, sadly there are not much German Roswellians around anymore.
I know you have your hands full already, but I think it's hilarious
that you got "sidetracked." I guess when inspiration strikes and
a new story is demanding to be born...what can you do, but write?
Yep, it's really difficult to get a thought out of your head, once it is there and refuses to leave lol.

Re: Candysteffi's World - new fic 11/13/11

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:46 am
by candysteffi
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to say: MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you!


Re: Candysteffi's World - new fic 11/13/11

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:42 pm
by candysteffi
Ate and drunk too much , lol.

Re: Candysteffi's World - new fic 11/13/11

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:13 pm
by candysteffi

I got a new part of "Doomsday" ready, just send it to Angel for beta reading. 8)

Re: Candysteffi's World - new fic 11/13/11

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:28 am
by candysteffi
Hey everyone!

I have a little Candy vid for you...

CANDY - Grenade

Re: Candysteffi's World - video 3/10/12

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:17 am
by candysteffi

I know I have been away for a while, but I am starting to get back online more often!

Thanks Novy! :D For your comment of the vid and the emails you send me while I was away. *hugs*

Gravity, hi and welcome to RF! :)

Aw, it is soo cool to meet someone again, who already read my German fics. That is a very long time ago, lol. I changed the English version of Streets of New York a lot as you probably have noticed, lol.

I know I haven't been updating Doomsday in a while, but I hope I will soon.

I don't know if you have already read MUBU? It is similar to one of my German fics as well.
And I am also writing together with Angel as "Double Trouble".

Hope to hear again from you over here, Sarah. ;)

Hey Helen!

Congrats to your award of best feedbacker, you deserve it. ;)

Thanks, I am glad you like the vid. Actually the putting together was not as much work as getting my computer to render the damn vid, lol. It blacked out on me like 100 times - very frustrating.

Yeah, I will try to come up with a traier for DE when we start posting it! ;)

To everyone: Thanks for the nominations and votes for Angel and me in the awards this year! You guys rock!

Re: Candysteffi's World - 4/14/12

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:37 am
by candysteffi
Thanks Novy. ;)


I think the fic you mean is "Look Twice", does that sound familar?

I haven't translated this one into english and I haven't finished the writing in German, since all boards were suddenly down. Hm, maybe one day i will get an english version out.

Right now I am focusing on Doomsday and I also have a few parts done for the sequel to MUBU.

I am also thinking about another ficlet in the "Friend's Series", lol. So much to write and always so less time, lol.

Re: Candysteffi's World - 4/14/12

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:34 pm
by candysteffi
Thanks, Gravity. Unfortunately real life always gets in the way to do as much writing as I want. :)

I am trying to come up with a new Doomsday part soon. Right after I get the video trailer of the new DT fic done, :).

Hey Helen!

Hope your real life has calmed down a bit.

Good news are, I started to work on the DE trailer. ;)
Sad news, I suck with updating Doomsday, lol.

Lol, thank you very much. Once I have a bit more time, I could make you an non-nomination-related signature, if ya want one.


Re: Candysteffi's World - 4/14/12

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:21 am
by candysteffi
Hey everyone!

I posted a new chapter of Doomsday... I know FINALLY, lol.

And now I am on my way to the USA! See ya guys soon!


Re: Candysteffi's World - 7/4/12

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:45 am
by candysteffi
Hey everyone!

I am back!

Man, this has been 4 amazing busy four weeks!

Missed you all!