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Re: Weathering the Storm (CC, MM, Mature) A/N - 11/21/09

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:04 am
by PML
Thanks to everyone following along this story. Sorry about the hiatus.

Maiqu- Thanks

tequathisy- Thanks on both counts, Unfortunately Kyle was not successful We'll catch up with him in the next part.

Eva- Thanks Killing Tess was the only way that Kyle could see them being safe. She's too dangerous otherwise. Would it solve their problems? Hard to say. But they would be safer. Unfortuanately he failed.

Begonia9508- Thanks. No future Liz yet. Liz is just trying to figure out a way to stop Tess. And since Future Max could do it, well why not her? I'm glad everyone likes my Tess :lol:

chanks_girl- This Tess is evil. And Kyle sees it. He loves her but she is poison. Poor Sean. This part is going to be hard too, in a different way.

DeDe PR- Thanks. No one is checking on Liz, because they believe she has been grounded by her parents and is stuck at home. More on that in the next part.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Weathering the Storm part 20


Liz hugged the shadows as she heard the door open.

Someone was coming.

Perhaps a friend?

She had no friends. Only those who wished to despoil her and those who would wish to save her.

Liz was beyond salvation. Her life existed solely to destroy Tess. It was all she had left.

A single tear rolled down her impassive face as she pulled the sleeping bag tighter around her naked body. She could not let herself be found.

Liz looked carefully for a place to hide, but there was nowhere to hide in the Granolith Chamber. If she had been in the Pod Chamber, there were a few spaces…..

But she had been studying the device, that ancient alien device that had allowed her beloved from the future to lead her to ruin. There had to be some reason they had needed the bitch to send Max back, to crush both of their hearts. There was no way he could have known, truly known what she was like.

Tess would have left after Liz had slept with Max. And in fourteen years they would all die from her departure.

But why? She wished she knew, wished she had pressed Future Max for more details. Why had she given in so easily?

A tiny voice in the back of her head knew why.

It had been an easy out. A way to escape all the scary chaos that seemed to increasingly follow the hybrids. It justified her decision last May.

It made all her decisions and self justifications for leaving the correct choice. Being with Max would doom them all. All needed to bear witness to the grand martyr willing to give up a deathless love to save all.

How pathetic. If I were as strong as I thought myself, I would have garnered all the information I could and tried to solve the problems the future would bring.

Instead, once again I tried to run away. Clad in noble reasoning and rationale, but cowardly never-the-less.

But then she always did try to escape personal situations she could not control. Bring on a threat to friend or family, and she would stand strong. A personal problem…. And she would find a way to retreat until she could think it through.

And it had destroyed her. Had destroyed Alex.

He would have lived. He would have made Isabel so happy, helping to raise their children. He would have made a wonderful father.

She had taken that from both of them. He lay dead, and she was bereft, as were her children.

Liz heard as the voices approached the gap in Isabel’s pod. They would find her!

Maybe that would be for the best. Let the others find a way to save them all. Let them know of Tess’s treachery.

Or perhaps it would be Tess herself And Liz could assuage her grief through a useless attack and find peace in death.


No she was done running. She would find a way. A way to fix all of this. Somehow.

But for now she not ready. She could not be found.

The voices were walking through Isabel’s pod right now.

And it was Tess! Tess and another!

MUST find a way……

And it came to her. The light. The light in the Granolith Chamber did not react correctly. The little sparkles, they were off set from where they were supposed to be. Shifted in color and position.

Liz thought faster than she ever had. And as so often was the case, came to a workable solution.


Tess walked through the residue of Isabel’s pod as she walked into the Granolith Chamber. Once again she was held in awe at the magnificent device. Why it had been allowed as the exclusive province of Max’s family on Antar, Tess had no clue.

She certainly planned on letting her family use its power for their own uses.

Those who had recreated her had given her a demi-seal that allowed her access. Not full access or control, but more than most non-Royals had ever had.

She paused a moment as she fully entered the Chamber. “Hello?”

She did not feel alone. And she wasn’t just referring to Aric. There was someone or something here…. A sense of fear and hatred……

Tess walked around the whole of the Chamber. And saw nothing.

Aric stood and stared at her, Control Crystal in his hand. “What are you doing? It is already late, and you will need your sleep. I’m not as good a healer as Max. You will need to rest.”

It must have just been her imagination. “I need to know.. I need to see.”

Aric nodded. And walked over towards the Granolith. “Max is the only one with full access to the Granolith.”

“What if he died?”

“Making plans? You know that your family needs him for leverage. Your children will help, but until they are past the usual childhood issues…..”

Tess nodded. “I have no plans. But if anything happened, then what? Would we all just be trapped here?”

Aric stared at her and sighed. “No, it would go along the chain of succession. First to Michael and then to Isabel.”

“And then to me.”

“No. No Tess, don’t even think it. You are not part of the succession. Control would slip to some other. Probably a distant relative back on Antar. But not you.”

Tess looked away. The Book had said the same.

“No they would be able to command the Granolith to assemble the ship just as Max could. You my dear would simply be let to rot.”

“This is why you took me, isn’t it? Because I would need you, need you to help control them.” Until they got to Antar, of course. Once she got her feet underneath her there, once her position was firmly in place….. He was a dead man.

Maybe sooner. She had already took precautions if Aric had a sudden burst of loyalty. The Trilithium Amplification Generator would work on him as well as any other. And it would cripple his self repair and hibernation elements.

Tess could actually fully kill him dead like all her friends though he had been. Her mouth quirked in annoyance that ‘Nasedo’ had not informed her of his continued survival until she had been in New York.

That was Aric. Always looking for an angle to get home.

He didn’t answer her question, but then they both knew it was true. So she listened to him as he described what would need to be done.

And in the back of her mind she thought of Max and Kyle.

Max who would be her plaything until she was done with him. Liz’s death would shatter him. And she would be able to pick up the pieces easily enough.

Kyle…. Why couldn’t Kyle have just left it alone? She wouldn’t have hurt him. Not him. She’d even had to have Sean take care of him, to dispose of him with the body of Liz.

She had changed her mind about Liz dying by an anonymous serial killer. Oh, she was grateful for the way she had died. Tess only wished she’d had the wit to have Sean videotape it all for her amusement.

Those last sounds of her whimpers and moans as Sean had raped her again, as Tess had whispered her hate into Liz’s ears….

That would be something Tess would treasure always. If only she had heard or witnessed the girls struggle against Sean’s knife, the feel of her still beating heart quivering in her palm…..

A sense of warmth filled her as she day dreamed of her rival’s horrific death.

Too bad it was so late, or she would see if Max was up for a little casual dalliance. He had spurned her earlier, but she was confident in her feminine wiles.

It was already too late to use Kyle. Well if it came to it she could always use Sean. He wasn’t so bad looking.

They left the Pod Chamber and Tess felt a little tension leave her. She had never truly shaken the belief that someone had been watching her. Just her imagination.

She drove Aric towards the Crashdown and their next part of the plan. No she had come up with a better plan for Liz. One that would cover her tracks a little neater if it took a little longer than planned.

She watched as Aric, in Liz’s form clambered up the fire escape to her room.

Yes, this would be a much better plan.


Maria’s sleep was deep that night. After they’d gone for dinner with Kal, she had planned on going home. But it just hadn’t happened.

They had just stopped at Michael’s for, well she wasn’t really sure. But it had seemed like a compelling reason at the time. It started with her sitting on the couch, watching a little TV while Michael changed his clothes…..

It ended with mad passionate sex. Mixed in with a little languorous sensual sex. Followed by more mad passionate sex.

When they finally collapsed, both of them had been exhausted.

Maria was deeply asleep. She could still feel Michael just beyond the mental horizon, supporting her. She sat in the Crashdown waiting for Alex to arrive.

Maria smiled as she sipped her cherry cola. She’d never really liked it until she started stealing sips from Michael’s. She still couldn’t stand it when they added Tabasco, but Michael was still paranoid about being found, so he didn’t usually add it in public. Not to his soft drinks anyway.

She was pretty sure she’d end up liking Michael’s new drink of choice, Snapple. Even if she hated it now. It would grow on her.

Alex breezed into the Crashdown, still looking better dressed than he ever had in real life. He smiled, talked to one of the fuzzy faced dream waitresses and walked over to her table.

His face was serious when he saw her. “So your really going to do it.”


“I’m not so sure that it’s a good thing anymore. Maybe you should think about it a little more.”

“Why are you suddenly against this action. I managed to convince the others that it needed to be done. Don’t tell me I have to do the same here. I thought you at least would understand.”

Alex looked away.

“You are the one that led me here. That your babies would need me. And from talking to Kal, well it’s true. They will need someone to Prime the device. And I can provide the most. I can make them human.”

“But the cost….”

“Alex…..” Maria stopped.

Alex’s top button was undone. Every time she had seen him in her dreams it had been the same. It had nagged at her slightly. Tickled her subconscious.

Alex always had it buttoned up. Always. Not even Isabel had been able to convince him…..

Well okay, that had been part of their shtick. When she wanted something or was spending time with him, the first thing Isabel would do was…..


Alex blinked, “Excuse me?”

Maria began to weep slightly. She knew. Knew she was right.

Alex was dead. Had always been dead.

“What’s wrong pretty lady?” Alex walked over and held her.

“You’re not real?”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re just a dream. I should have realized it before. But I was just so happy to see you…. So happy to be able to share a few moments with you…. That I, I didn’t let myself see the truth.”

Alex’s face was serious as he held her. “And what is the truth?”

“You are dead. Really dead. And, and this is a dream.”

“Okay.” Alex said in his calm voice. “Go on.”

“If I really were having visions, then wouldn’t I see you at other times too? Like day dreams or, or just in waking life. But no, always dreams….. And always while Isabel was asleep.”

Alex’s smile was sad. “You always did see more than you let on. When you looked outside of yourself you could see through a brick wall.”

“It’s true isn’t it.”

Alex pulled away slightly, wiping a few stray tears from Maria’s eyes. “Mostly. But not entirely. I am dead, or perhaps I should say mostly dead.”

“Mostly dead?”

Alex sighed and looked away. “You’ve bound yourself to Michael, you should know.”

“Know what?” Maria’s heart was beating fast. It was something she knew, but hadn’t fully admitted to herself….

“That you give a piece of yourself in the bond. That a part of you resides in the other. And when I died, when the rest of me died, I was still left behind. Part of Isabel forever.”

“And when she said that she had felt a part of herself die when you died.”

“A part of her did die. We are linked forever, she and I. He is not alone, wherever he is now. Part of her goes with him, as I go with her.”

Yes. She had known. Had not wanted to admit it to herself, but she had known.

Michael had indeed ruined her for other guys. Which was fine, because he was the only one for her. And she for him.

“Does Isabel know?”

Alex shook his head, “I can’t be in her conscious mind too much or she would dwell on me too much. She would drown herself in her guilt and not move on. I know I will never truly be replaced, but she is still alive. I want her to live and enjoy life. And, and, the babies. I knew about them immediately. And I knew that she would need help. Memories of something like this, memories of Antar. I can see them so much clearer than she can. They’re still not clear, but when I knew that she needed help, I knew who I could trust. Liz just wouldn’t listen.”

“Oh, Alex….”

And she held him, held that tiny portion of Alex that had survived his death.

Held him until the alarm woke her. The clarion call for her to be a hero.


Michael felt Maria’s arms wrapped around him as the drove off to the Evan’s.

She hadn’t budged in her determination over night. They had played a little in the shower as they got ready, but Maria had been watching the time. Making sure they would not be late.

How he wished he could just turn his bike and ride off into the dawn with her. To take her away and build a life with her somewhere.

But she would never forgive him. She would still love him, but she would always remember. Always remember what he had taken from her.

And he just couldn’t do it. Couldn’t stop her. But he could still try….

Michael brought the bike to a stop at the Evan’s. Both of them got off his bike. He reached out and held her close. “You don’t have to do this. It’s too dangerous…..”

They held each other tightly for a few moments before Maria pushed him slightly back. So that they could look eye to eye. “It’s my turn Michael. Time for me to be the hero.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Never mind Michael, they are waiting for us.”

“Tell me, Maria.”

Maria pulled further back, and tilted her body to one side. She said softly, “I’ve always been the side kick, Michael. Always the one to advise, or support, or help pick up the pieces. But here and now, I can do something for all of you. Something that I can do better and help you all.”

“You’ve always helped us! Helped me! I, I don’t want to lose you Maria.”

“I’ve always been there for you, or for Liz. Or even Max. Always there to pick up the pieces. But now its my turn.”

“You could die, Maria.”

“A risk I am willing to take.” She shifted her weight, “Look it’s not just Isabel this will help. It will help me and Liz too.”

“Maria, there has to be a better way….”

Maria smiled up at him, “Come on they’re waiting.”

And so the morning went. Both he and Max were in the front, quietly listening to their own thoughts. In the back, Isabel and Maria were softly talking and laughing. He couldn’t quite make out what they were saying over the rumbling of the Jeep.

If he lost her he would die. He would simply die.

All too soon they were at the Crèche.

Kal was waiting.

He had set up a little tent that the girls would disrobe in. Apparently it would work better if they were nude. Made sense with Isabel, but why Maria as well?

He made to follow Maria, but they stopped him.

Maria said something softly to Isabel and she almost fell over giggling.

Isabel looked radiant, but tired. And the tiny bump in her abdomen was quite noticeable. If you were looking.

Moments later both of them left the tent, wearing fancy dressing gowns. Both praising Kal over the high quality of the material.

Maria and Kal talked quietly together for a moment. And Maria headed into the Crèche.

Michael followed. They tried to stop him, but let him go.

Max and Isabel understood. Hopefully Maria would as well.

Michael walked into the Crèche. He was amazed at the crystals glowing blue and green and red coming from the walls. They were bright and the place felt…. Cold and sterile. If not completely dead, it felt mechanical. An imitation of life.

He caught up with Maria, still dressed in her gown, as she daintily traced a toe in the water. The water was lit as well from crystals that surrounded it. It almost seemed as if the very water itself were glowing.


“Michael…. What are you doing here?”

“I, I couldn’t let you face this alone.”

Maria looked at him. “I need you to promise that you will not interfere. That you will let me do this. I’m warning you Michael.”

Michael gulped. This was so very hard! Letting her risk herself like this…..

But he had to.

For the first time he understood how he had always driven Max and Isabel crazy doing something that had seemed completely necessary to him. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes he had made it worse.

But if they had stopped him, if he let them stop him from doing what he believed needed to be done…..

He loved Maria. He did not own her. She wanted, no needed to do this. He had argued with her, had tried to persuade her.

Now came the hard part. Letting her do what he disagreed with. Supporting her.

“I promise.”

Her eyes glowed in approval and her smile was radiant. She slipped off the robe and handed it to him. “Try not to get it wet.” She walked down a few more steps.


“No, its warm, it, it tingles.”

“So what do you need to do?”

“Just let the pool analyze me. Get an imprint of me.”

“Oh.” He admired her body in the light of the crystals. She was so beautiful

She took a few steps more, sliding in deep enough to almost cover her breasts. She looked coyly over her shoulder, “No you can’t come in and join me. But if you’re real good, I know a little pool we can visit together sometime this weekend.” She gasped.

“What is it?”

“Its nothing. It just doesn’t feel like water does. Its, its so warm and, and…. I can’t really describe it. Like granular. I feel it brushing against me. Caressing me.” Her breathing was becoming more rapid, her cheeks flushed.

Michael watched as she closed her eyes and smiled. Her voice was excited, almost ragged, “Oh, God Michael, this feels so good…..” And she moaned in almost sexual pleasure.

Through their bond he could feel her growing arousal. Could feel his own body respond. It took a great deal of strength to hold himself from going to her.

But he held back. Letting her do what she thought she must.

The air felt heavy, charged. And he watched her as she slowly walked down another step. Could feel her tense up, waiting for release.

Then waves of ecstasy ending in sudden shock. The lights suddenly flared brightly, the pool aflame with brilliance. He could no longer see her in the glare.

But he could feel her. Feel as the pool pulled her under, her muscles still shaking from the release. He felt as the water poured down her screaming throat, filled her lungs, and dug deeper. Ever deeper.

The feelings and sensations grew stranger and stranger…..

But he was no longer a passive voyeur. He HAD to save her!

He raced along the suddenly solid water, water that would not give way for him. Would not let him retrieve his love from its depths. He could see her struggle beneath him, see her reach for him, his name on her lips.

Their eyes locked.

And they knew.

Michael screamed in rage, summoning all the power that was his gift. Fueled by his fear and rage and love, it did nothing, the power slid from him into this place.

All he got was a soft and enigmatic smile from Maria, mere inches from the surface that had turned harder than steel. As she let go.

As she died.

The lights blazed ever brighter and brighter and he could feel the very fabric of the area shift around him.

His eyes were solely on one thing and one thing alone. His dead love.

Once more he rallied everything he had and was, all of it to reach Maria.

And the water gave way…..


Max held Isabel’s hand. He would be there for her. He had a lot to make up to his lovely sister, so much that he needed to make right.

He had made so many mistakes. Mistakes that he would not make again.

He just wished that Liz would talk to him again. He missed her.

“So what are you thinking about, brother dear.”

He looked over at her sheepishly.

“Liz, huh?”

Max nodded. “I’ve made so many mistakes and screwed everything up.”

Isabel nodded and then paused. “We’re not innocent you know. We, meaning all of us, could have reacted better. To this whole damn year. I, I should have trusted you with Vilandra. I just didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“That’s why Lonnie killed Zan I think. She spent her whole life trying to prove how loyal she was. And he took advantage of it. And, well she had this conversation with me. I thought she was you at the time, but well I’ve been thinking about this whole past year. It was all about her and her relationship with her brother. And, and I was starting to do the same things. I don’t know if I was the best person on Antar.”

“You don’t have to be. Your Max. Our Max. You don’t have to be Zan.”

“But what if they come back, what if they need Zan….”

“We will face it together. That is what we forgot this year, that we were always stronger together than apart. Even stronger with our friends. You were right about them. We need them.”

“I just wish Liz were here.”

“She will come around. I know she will. She loves you Max.”

Max opened his mouth to speak when he heard a cry of loss and despair roar from the cave.

“That was Michael!” Max and Isabel ran to the cave. To save their friends.

Michael met them at the cave entrance, his eyes wild. In his arms was a smiling Maria. Her eyes seemed bright, but they were already glazing over. “Please, Max. Please.” The last horse and pleading.

Max motioned him to set her down. Max placed his hands on her warm slick skin and began the connection.

Only there was nothing to connect to.

He tried again and again.


He had failed again.

Isabel just held one of her hand and stared at the body in shock.

Kallen was swearing under his breath as he watched. He turned to Michael, “I didn’t know. I swear I didn’t know.”

Michael just lifted her body up and cradled it, rocking it back and forth. Calling her name softly.

Max stood up and walked a ways away. Why had he failed yet again? How could fate be so cruel? To steal away those they loved so ruthlessly.

Isabel walked up behind him, “What do we do now?”

“I don’t know. We can’t let you use the Creche. It is too dangerous. I guess we tell Mom and Dad. And have them help us. How we will cover all this up…. But Michael, we have to somehow keep Michael sane. We will need him.”

“It won’t be easy. I know that I was so very close….”

Max closed his eyes and unconsciously reached out for comfort to an old source. Had he consciously realized what he was doing he never would have done it.

But he felt some comfort return and he felt a need and hunger fill him.

Liz. He needed Liz.

Oh, God, what were they going to do?

He was staring off into the distance, unknowingly staring at the Granolith Chamber and Liz hidden within…..

There was a commotion behind him. A coughing sound and demands, bloodthirsty demands to be set down.

In a voice he had never expected to hear again.

He turned around and there was Maria in all her glory. He turned away, a slight blush.

“Can I have some clothes or a towel here? I’m cold!”

How and why, Max didn’t know. But Maria was alive.

Re: Weathering the Storm (CC, MM, Mature) Part 20 - 12/05/09

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:17 pm
by PML
Thanks to everyone following along this story.

Begonia9508- At the end of last part, Nasedo(Aric) was entering Liz's room from the balcony in her form. They had a plan that was to be put into place but it required Liz to be alive to do it. And as far as they know she is already dead. Maria's death will be touched on in this part.

chanks_girl- Yes, but those mistakes have to be seen and dealt with before they can truly move on. Tess is living on borrowed time. Maria's experience will be touched on in this part. As for Liz, well we shall see.

nibbles2- No I am not trying to deliberately kill you. There was a reason why what happened, happened. My apologies. Liz is in the Granolith Chamber. Tess wanted to see how she needed to convince Max to act in order to go home. information is devulged between Aric and Tess, neither knowing that Liz is right there....

Earth2Mama- Um. Wow. How to respond? Thank you very much for your comments. I'm sorry that I've caused distress, but I do hope you still are enjoying the story.

This was one of the most flattering comments I've ever had. Thank you. (Pleasure to meet you Ellie, my name is Peter.)

Maiqu- Thank you.

Eva- It is getting closer. Tess is now living on borrowed time. But even saying that the queston remains of how much more damage she can do before she is stopped.

DeDe PR- Thank you.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Weathering the Storm part 21


Michael stared at Maria. He had lost her.

She had died he had felt it.

She was standing there in another dressing gown that Kal had provided. Ready to help Isabel in the Crèche.
It was strange there seemed to be more of her. Not physically, but somehow as if her presence had been expanded somehow.

Their connection seemed razor sharp now, as if something obscuring it had been torn away.

When she had come back to him, he had smothered her with kisses. She had eagerly given them back. The feel of her, even through her thin gown had made him want to make love to her. To possess her utterly.

Could he let her go down there again, into that cave? Even to help Isabel?

Needless to say both Isabel and Max were having second thoughts themselves.

Max asked, “But Maria, I don’t understand it. You were dead. I tried to heal you, but you were, were gone.”

Maria’s easy smile beamed out at Max, “I’m sorry, girlfriend, sorry to scare you like that. But the thing is, I was dead. She had to kill me to understand me, so to speak.”

Isabel shook her head, “And you want me to go into that, trust my babies to that?”

“I’m not being clear. She needed to view all of me. Mind, body, and soul. The body was easy. Even the mind was doable. She had probes all through my body and my brain. But the physical stuff and the mind, it well obscured the soul so to speak. To see it, to examine it. I, I uh, needed to die.”

Michael gripped her hand tightly and said in a roughened voice, “Did it hurt?”

Maria looked away for a moment, a tear in her eye. “Yes, Michael, it did. You felt it. She tried to make it fast and painless, but…..”

“You keep referring to the Crèche as a she.” Kal asked quietly.

Maria looked at him quizzically, “Isn’t that why you had me Prime it? To make it more human? It’s patterned after me, so why wouldn’t it be female? All you have to do is look at her and tell she’s alive. Alien beyond belief but alive.” Her gaze switched over to the glowing cave, a fond smile on her face. “Seriously it will be okay Isabel.”

In a tiny voice she said, “Is it going to kill me too?”

Maria turned and looked at Isabel, “Why would it do that? No it is just going to help you. It loves us.” She chuckled evil, “Although I wouldn’t bring Tess here. If she ever gets knocked up, she’s going to need a different Crèche.”


“It’s patterned after me. And, and it saw something inside of me that made her hate Tess.”

Michael held her close. Had Tess hurt Maria and then mind warped it away, had she done something to his Pixie.

Rage surged into him at the thought of that bitch inside of Maria’s head.

Maria gave him a quick kiss, “Its okay, really. She said it would heal, that she had kicked started the healing process. I’ll be fine.” Maria cocked her head to the side, “Maybe I should ask her if she could check the rest of you. For lingering damage.”

Tess HAD hurt her. One dead alien coming up.

“That bitch is dead.”

“Do you think she mind warped us all, Maria?”

“I don’t know. But she left fingerprints the Crèche could sense and recognize. Until those memories return, I’m not sure exactly what it was that she altered.”

Max’s voice was grim, “She has a lot to answer for.”

Isabel was looking at him, “Do you think, you know when you and she?”

“Maybe. Maybe not. I was pretty close to despair that night. No, I’m thinking about Liz.” He focused all his attention on Maria, “I know you promised her, but I need to know. Why did she pretend to sleep with Kyle? She was going to tell me, but she got too emotional. I haven’t seen her since, and her parents won’t let me talk to her. Why Maria?”

Isabel walked over and gave Maria a hug. “He should know.”

Maria nodded. “Can it wait? I can tell all of you on the drive back to school. But we need to hurry to get this done or we will be late.”

Michael spoke up, “Pity the thought.”

“Hey, I have a test second period, and I care about my grades. And Isabel needs to pass everything so she can graduate. We need to hurry.”

“Okay. But Maria, I need to know.”

Maria nodded. “I promise. We should probably have told you before this. But Liz wanted to be the one to tell you.” She gave Michael another kiss and she turned to go.

Michael felt as the sense of closeness vanished, as the bond weakened slightly with the increasing distance…..


Everyone was looking at him, but Michael didn’t care. He took the ring from his right hand, and with his powers buffed it to a gleaming shine. White gold, the ring was one of his prized possessions. He took the few steps between him as if walking on air, and falling to one knee, “Marry me.” He lifted the ring up to Maria.

Maria looked down on him, “You know, as romantic proposals go, this one is kind of lame.” She took the ring and looked at it, a slight smile on her face. “I’ll think about it.”

“No, now.”

Maria raised and eyebrow at his command. But she held the ring reverently and placed it on her finger.

Michael could feel a strange swell of emotions roaring through Maria. Hope and love and…. It was all just so intense. And still she just looked at him.

Isabel spoke up, “Michael we don’t have time for this. I’m sure she’ll accept, but we need to hurry. No time to rush to Vegas to get you married.”

Kal chuckled slightly, “That won’t be necessary. We have Max. Now this ceremony won’t be binding on Earth, but would you be willing to accept a brief cut down version of an Antaran wedding, Michael? Or perhaps I should ask would you be willing to do so Maria?”

First one tear and then another slipped down her cheeks. “Yes. Yes I will.” She then rushed and held onto Michael tightly.

Michael just held her and drank her in. How long they just held each other, he wasn’t sure. It seemed only seconds before they were broken up and standing before Max.

Max had a slightly bemused but happy expression on his face when he looked at the both of them. “Not a lot of ceremony here. Can I have the rings?”

Michael pulled off his other ring. It was just silver, but he had always treasured it as well. Had he known all those years ago what these rings would be to him?

Maria reluctantly handed hers to Max.

Max placed both of them firmly in one hand and closed it. He then closed his eyes and Michael could feel the power flowing around that hand. Power well past that needed to melt and destroy them.

He opened his eyes. “Maria Stephanie Deluca and Michael Adam Guerin, both of you stand before me to pledge yourselves to each other. Do you come without reservations and of your free will?”

“I do.”

“I do.”

“Do you accept that you will be bound by your love regardless of your fate? Whether good or ill shall befall you, you will be bound by this ceremony and love you share. Are you truly willing to accept the responsibility to love, honor and protect the other?”

“I am.”


Max opened his hands and two glowing rings spun above his palm. “A circle denotes eternity, as there is no beginning or end. So to do these rings mark the hope of Love Eternal. By wearing them you acknowledge your pledge to one another to love, honor, and protect the other. Maria Stephanie Deluca, do you so pledge?”

“I do.” Maria was beaming.

“Michael Adam Guerin, do you so pledge?”

“I do.” Michael was shaking. How could he possibly think he was worth her?

Max was all smiles amidst the strain of whatever it was he was doing. “Under the Light of Creation and by my right as King of Antar, I declare the two of you wed.”

The rings vanished above Max’s palms.

Michael felt the bit of something at once very cold and very hot encircle his ring finger. He hissed in surprise. And he felt dizzy as if the world had suddenly moved underneath him.

Maria also gasped.

Max looked exhausted. “I guess this is where I tell you to kiss the bride.”

Maria looked up at him wide eyed. Her green eyes luminous with joy.

Michael reached down and kissed her. There was a rush of sensation as the bond hit him once again. His wife.

They broke after a few moments. Maria was crying.

Isabel hugged her. “We need to do this.”

Maria nodded.

Michael watched as Maria left with Isabel to go into the Crèche. Only there was a difference this time. Before they had been bound, their souls intertwined. But somehow that ceremony, or more likely those strange rings had changed them.

He knew, KNEW that through the ring he could support her. And if it were necessary her, him.

Max sat down. “I didn’t realize that would take so much out of me.”

“You did an excellent job, Your Majesty.” Kal said with a slight bow.

Max winced, “Please just call me Max.”

Kal nodded. He turned to Michael, “You do realize you are going to have to go through that again?”


Kal called over to Maria, just as she was about to enter the cave, “Hey Maria, I’ll spring for the human ceremony. Just let me know what you want.”

Maria blinked and then grinned. She whispered something to Isabel, who looked at Michael and burst out laughing.

“Human ceremony?” Michael said dully.

“Only if you want to make it legal here on Earth.”

Damn. Visions of what Maria could envision backed by Kal’s money….

Michael shuddered.

This was going to be painful.


Sean carried Kyle’s body from his trunk. He was still alive.

Tess had not told Sean to kill him. Only to dispose of the body along with Liz. To burn them.

Sean opened the door carefully and walked towards the little cabin’s bedroom. Hopefully…..

For the first time in days a smile slipped across his face. Liz had escaped.

He hadn’t been able to help her, had gone out of his way to avoid this place on the off chance Tess’s programming made him kill her for real this time.

He set Kyle on the blood soaked bed next to the other woman he had killed to get a heart to fool Tess. Sean closed his eyes in remembered pain.

He’d had to. It had either been Liz or someone else.

He had loved Liz.

Not that it mattered now. Sean deserved to die. He was actually looking forward to it.

It was his only path to freedom from Tess.

There was a groan from the bed. Kyle was beginning to recover.

Hopefully it would be in time. And hopefully part of him could hear him. Sean spoke loudly as he prepared the cabin. He told the wounded man as much as he could. All of Tess’s actions and plans.

He did not stint his own actions. Sean wanted to be caught. Caught and preferably killed.

Surely God would have some mercy on him.

Tess certainly had had none.

In particular he wanted to be caught before his next mission. Before he had to kill Maria. He was to kill her later on that night.

And it was a direct order. Not a ‘Kill the girl and rip her heart out.’ order like she had given him regarding Liz. Tess had been specific.

Just like she had been with Kyle. Of course with Kyle it had just been to place him with the other body and to burn them both in the cabin he had used.

He hadn’t actually been ordered to kill Kyle. He only hoped Kyle would recover before the flames got him first. The compulsion he was under made him make sure that where he placed Kyle would consume the body…..

If Kyle didn’t wake up and move. But it was tricky. If Kyle woke up now, Sean would have to subdue him so as to threaten him with burning death. That would put him even more at risk.

It was unlikely that Kyle would be able to overwhelm him right after recovering from that heavy hit to the head.

No. Sean would just have to hope the smoke woke Kyle before he was overwhelmed.

Tricky but his best shot.

Kyle would then be out in the middle of nowhere, but this time Sean had been able to set up a little care package for the teen to find.

Sean finished his preparations and made a long set of fuses, at least one of which would set the cabin on fire in a couple of hours.

Kyle would hopefully have recovered by then, because Sean had put enough accelerant to make the cabin go up quickly. And Sean would have another soul on his conscience.

He already had enough on his plate as it was. Somehow he had to think of a way to save M. Some loophole.

Tess wanted him to use a knife.

Sean lit the fuses and left. Vainly trying to think of a way through his dilemma. He had to obey Tess. He had to.

But there had to be a way. Somehow.


Maria felt good. Better than good. She felt wonderful. Perhaps a little strange, but wonderful.

The very air had never tasted so sweet, the sky so blue.

She was married to Michael, and Kal had promised a real ceremony to be had. She grinned at the thought of all the money she was going to force him to lavish on her.

The Protector owed her. Owed her big.

And before her was the cave in which she had just recently died. All she had to do was just go in and support Isabel. Simple.

Except she remembered dying, remembered the feeling of pain as her lungs scavenged for air. As they were punctured by the questing Crèche, as her very blood and brain were filled with it.

As her soul was wrest from her body so she could be examined unclad.

Maria shivered in remembrance. She couldn’t remember what that had been like. It had been both scary and wonderful in equal measure. Only vague shadows of remembrance lingered.

True memories of it were impossible. Her brain had been stopped, completely turned off. Its signals had interfered with the Crèche’s sensors regarding her soul.

Even now she could feel parts of the Crèche move with in her. It was a part of her now as surely as she was a part of it. And it was fixing her. Not just the damage it had done, but all the little things Maria had picked up in the short time she had been alive.

And it would keep fixing them until in time she died in truth.

But that didn’t mean she wasn’t frightened of the Crèche. She was surprised that Michael didn’t feel it off of her. That he was letting her do this.

Her husband.

Isabel broke her reverie. “Did you see Michael’s face when he realized he’s going to have to marry you again?”

“Yeah, but that won’t be for a year or so. I want to do it right. You’ll be a maid of honor right? Along with Liz?”

“Of course.” She stopped staring at the glowing pool.

Maria looked herself. It was different. Changed. The sharp harsh lights had been softened. It felt safer somehow, almost friendly.

She closed her eyes a moment as she felt the presence of the Crèche brush her mind. And she knew what she must do.

Maria took off her dressing robe. “Okay Isabel, what we need to do is to go into the pool. Deep enough so that you can float without touching any of the edges.”

“And if it pulls me under?”

“That is why I am here. To support you.”

“Look, what exactly is this going to do to me? I mean, maybe I just want to carry these babies. Maybe that would be better safer.”

“Seven Isabel. Seven. That would be bad enough if this were a normal pregnancy, but its not. We’ve been over this. Their growth will slow down, its already slowing down. But they are still growing way too fast for your body to keep up much longer. Soon it will start to consume you. It would take you years to recover, if you ever did. And it might kill you to save the babes. Do you really want to be a shell of yourself for the rest of your life?”

Isabel opened her gown and caressed her belly. It was a noticeable bump now, “I know it is strange, but I don’t want to lose them. Now that I know that they are there….. Maria they are constant companions in my mind. I, I feel them. If they were removed, oh God, just the thought of being alone again…..”

“Isabel, we will all be here for you and your children. And something tells me that this will not break the link between you and them. Trust me.” Maria took a couple of steps into the water. Feeling again its strange warmth and granular feel. It caressed her feet

Isabel watched her wade in deeper..

“Come in Isabel, the water is warm.” Again came the soothing caresses along her skin. It was happy she was here and excited for Isabel to join in. “Please?”

Isabel took a halting step. “That is warm. And it tickles.”

“Come on Isabel, come to Aunty Maria.”

“’Aunty Maria’?” Isabel stared at her, one eyebrow arched.

“To your kids, come on Isabel, I wasn’t kidding about that test in second period.”

Isabel stared at the glowing crystals covering the wall and the soft glow of the pool. And she waded forcefully in. Blinking occasionally in surprise and wonder.

“Feels good?”

“Yes. Yes it does.” Isabel shivered in pleasure. “Did it make you feel like you were, I don’t know….”

“I climaxed before it killed me. So I believe I know what your asking. Now you need to float.”

Isabel shuffled a little before floating. “Its tugging at my feet Maria. Is it, its trying to pull me under!”

Maria walked over and held Isabel’s head. “That is why I am here. Just stay calm.” There was a steady tug on Isabel vaguely down. Not forceful, but steady. And then her legs were forced apart.

Maria then spent her time holding Isabel’s head and gripping one of her hands as the Crèche removed the children from her friend.

One by one they were removed and were swaddled into a pod, similar perhaps to the one Isabel herself had been born in. As they entered the pool, Maria could feel the presence of the child until there were seven slumbering minds filling the pool and Isabel was crying.

“I can feel them Maria. In my head, their still there. Sharper than they were. Sleeping. Why are they sleeping?”

“They need to get used to their new home. We can visit Isabel. We will visit them. Come on, we have school. I hope we’re not too late.”

It took several minutes longer to persuade Isabel to leave her babies.

They were safe.

In truth, they were now safer than Maria and her friends. Maria too, felt those minds. She was linked to this device now. It had marked her a surely as she had marked it.

They got dressed and they left for school.


Liz had watched it all. Had felt a burst of joy for her friend as she felt her get married.

She had felt Max’s need and hunger for her. And she had followed it like she had with Isabel back in the fall. Liz had to finally admit to herself that Max’s healing her had changed her.

No longer could she tell herself that it had been Isabel, that she had piggybacked on Isabel’s ability to dream walk. Rather she had used the other girls might to reach farther than she ever could have at the time.

Liz was stronger now. Broken but strong.

And determined now to see Tess destroyed.

She could feel again as the determination that had let her carry on her quest to find Alex’s killer alone filled her again. She would see Tess destroyed no matter the cost. No matter that it would consume her.

She was dead anyway, merely a shell of the girl that had called herself Liz Parker. A girl who was in part responsible for so much death and pain.

For she knew the truth now. The reason she could not figure out how to use the Granolith for time travel.

Nasedo and Tess had had quite a chat while in the pod chamber. Nasedo, or Aric as Tess called him had apparently survived the Skins’ attempts to destroy him. But it had taken months of recuperation in the Pod Chamber.

He had recovered in late October, not long after Isabel had destroyed Vanessa Whittaker. He had passed amongst them all hidden, determined to protect his charges, but to do it secretly.

So as to move Destiny forward. But to do that he needed to get Tess and Max closer. And to close off any hope of Max once more linking himself to Liz.

To do that he would use the best means of separating them that he had in his arsenal. Liz herself.

Liz still shook in rage as the creature listed how he used the warps that Tess had placed on her early in her tenure in Roswell. Warps to weaken her resolve. Warps to increase her feelings of unworthiness, of slowing Max down with her pathetic humanness.

He had crept in her room and whispered to her in her sleep, using his powers to subliminally influence her. But his masterwork had been Future Max.

All a phantom. All a dream.

Liz Parker was a fool. A tool to push Max into accepting his Destiny. A Destiny furthered by the babies in Tess’s belly.

Tess was pregnant. Pregnant by Max.

Oh, God that HURT!

She had hurt Max over NOTHING. And now they were using the chaos brought on by Alex’s death and by hers to push Max, Michael, and Isabel to leaving for Antar with Tess.

She had to stop them. She had to.

But how? That was the problem. There would be no time traveling salvation. It would have to be in the here and now.

There was the positive news that they still thought her dead. At least she had that much.

She had used the green lightning that flickered even now around her body to bend the light as it reached her. Bending it so totally that the light completely avoided touching her.

Liz had become invisible. She had been unable to see, but neither could they see her.

That could prove to be a useful talent.

But now she had to somehow contact the others. And she was naked and alone, miles from civilization. She knew that she had somehow walked here, but there was no way she could do that again.

And so she projected herself. But if she was stronger than she had been, she still was not strong. They did not see her. Although she thought they might have felt an impression of her presence.

So she began to call Max.

And prayed that he would listen.


Tess was tired. Happy but tired. She ran a hand along the body beside her.

Too bad about Kyle. She would have liked to have had him again. But duty’s needs must prevail.

The same thing had denied her Sean. He had been busy disposing of Kyle and making preparations for tonight.

Well if she couldn’t have Kyle, she could always try one of his friends. Tommy Hoag had been only to happy to see to her needs.

Now she just needed to figure out what she was going to do with him. It would ruin her plans if Max found out about this.

But killing him just seemed so tacky. He had done such a good job. Vicky Delany was a lucky girl.

Sort of, because if Doug would cheat with her, well there was no saying that he hadn’t cheated on Vicky already. It had only taken a weak warp to break the ice.

Tess shot up as she heard someone enter the house. The Sherriff wouldn’t be back for at least another week. And Kyle was gone for good.

She reached under her bed for the Trithium Amplification Generator. She could stop any human unaided. And with the device she could stop anyone alien with their own powers. Not even Aric could resist it.

“Tess? Where are you?” It was Kyle’s voice

“Just a moment.” She looked around for the shirt she had tossed to the floor. She knew it wasn’t Kyle, but rather the only one who would take that form now.


And he would not be pleased to find her sleeping around.

The door opened. Doug was still asleep. And Tess was still very naked.

Aric in Kyle’s form stood there, “So. It is as I feared.”

“Don’t you ever listen? I was just getting some, uh, exercise. Sex is great cardio.”

“Shut up you slut. This is why I couldn’t sense a Seal on either of your babes. Do you even know who the father is? Or have you slept with every male in the local area?”

“How dare you!”

“I am done dealing with your tantrums. Good bye Tess. I hope you enjoy your life amongst the humans. You will never leave if I have my way. Particularly not after I discuss your actions with the others.”

“I can’t let you do that. You said you serve me!”

“I serve Antar. And a child by your body would have served Antar best. Would have let me build the largest consortium of powers to help the Royals reclaim the throne. The Monarchy would be weak for a generation or two, but it would be restored. And it will be restored. Only not by you. Good bye, Tess.”

Aric began moving toward the door.

Tess followed, her hands activating the controls on the stolen TAG.

Aric was suddenly flung across the room and lay there weakly moving.

Tess stood over him, a savage grin across her face. “Did you think I was going to let you betray me? Do you truly think me that much of a fool… You have never truly cared for me. I knew that. I knew that it was all about duty for you. BUT THIS IS MY LIFE! AND I, TESS HARDING WILL BE QUEEN!”

Aric whispered softly, “That is why you are killing them. You’re afraid that one of them is carrying the true heir. And it burns you to know that another will have your place.”

“I will have my child on the throne or no one.”

“You will fail Tess. You were always too weak for greatness.”

“Oh, I don’t think so. I think I have everything sewn up. After I get rid of her parents, Isabel will have no reason to stay here in Roswell. And once Max learns I am pregnant…. Well lets say, he will diligently follow me. And I will use Liz’s death to crush his mind and make him my slave. Why should I serve at the beck and call of someone just because of a lucky birth? No, I will have it all!”

“You fool…. I only returned because the heir had been conceived. You are too late.”

“You will never know.” Tess placed her hand on Aric’s chest. “Isn’t this how you used to kill? Now you get to feel it from the other side. Time to die, father.” And Tess slowly ratcheted up Aric’s body temperature to kill him.

For the first time she got to personally savor the death. And to her it was a rush.


Tess looked behind her at a confused Doug Hoag. She was going to be late for school, but she didn’t care. She reached out with her mind and crushed Doug’s mind. Not enough to kill him, she had uses for him. But so that he wouldn’t think anything she didn’t think for him himself.

Her very own living breathing sex doll. She ordered it into the bedroom. Time for a little fun.

She didn’t even look back at the ashes of her former father.

Liz was dead. Maria would die. And that should remove the chance of an heir that was not hers. For Isabel was too broken up by Alex’s death…..

She smiled and entered the bedroom. Doug’s body was waiting, his eyes feverish but empty. Tess went to join him.

Re: Weathering the Storm (CC, MM, Mature) Part 21 - 12/12/09

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 11:53 pm
by PML
Thanks to everyone following along this story.

Earth2Mama- Thanks. Tess does indeed need to die. But while Tess's crimes are beginning to appear on the others radar, they don't have a firm lock on the extent of her evil. But they will. As for Sean, he would happily dive into a bullet if it were afforded to him. For him there is no peace this side of death.

Eva- Thanks. Sean is doing what he can to get himself and Tess killed or found out. But he has no choice to follow Tess's orders. He stopped resisting them directly and began to subvert them instead.

nibbles2- Thanks. She has a lot to pay for. Michael has his moments.

DeDe PR- Thanks. Tess is destroying everything in reach.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Weathering the Storm part 22


Tess rolled off of Doug’s cooling body. Fighting Kyle and killing Aric had taken more out of her than she had thought. So had her romp with Doug.

It had taken much more from him. It must have been the mind warp. She must have wiped something that he needed, because at some point during her slumber he had died. His jaw slack and his eyes completely empty.

Huh. She supposed she should feel something now. Feel like she had with Alex. But somehow those feelings and sentiments had gone away.

Oh, she still regretted Alex’s death, but she couldn’t help but realize how much it had helped her. Freed her from the pathetic shackles of human sentiment that must have been creeping into her psyche while she had resided with the Valentis.

Pointless and useless, it was better lost. This world, this reality was nothing more than a dream from which she would awake refreshed upon her arrival on Antar.

But there was so much more left to do before that day.

She needed to be carrying Max’s babies for one thing. Killing Kyle’s spawn in her belly would be difficult for her. It would be the final part of Kyle that died, and somehow, for some reason that hurt her.

Tess closed her eyes for a moment. She needed to focus, to remember her Destiny.

It was too late to think of Kyle. His ashes were likely floating on the wind now, alongside Liz’s.

Which brought her to another quandary. Killing Aric so early may have been a trifle bit hasty. Tess knew that Liz had been scheduled to leave on a bus early that morning, late in the night in fact. But had Aric had time to finish his task before she had killed him”

It wasn’t like she could call and ask. She would just have to wait and see. If there was a tragic bus accident then she would know that it had been successful. If not then there would likely be even more questions.

She needed to hurry and get off this rock as soon as possible.

But if she was going to go back to Antar, she wanted to go as undisputed Queen.

And to do that she had to make sure there were no little bastards lurking anywhere, even here on Earth. That was why she had ordered Maria’s death. No point in taking chances.

Ava was a bit of a loose end, but Tess saw no way to take care of her. Besides, she would have the same lack of standing on Antar that Tess had. So maybe her lack of knowledge was okay.

She had used Aric’s money and contacts to send killers to snuff Laurie Dupree. One less minor loose end.

Aric had already handled Riverdog. And the next time that Eddie used his motorbike would be his last. There were several others that would suffer ‘accidents’ soon.

Aric had lost his ability to kill when Max had ordered him not to kill anyone. But Aric had managed to find a loop hole in poisoning and sabotage. Both of which he’d had a significant amount of training in back on Antar, but had rarely used here on Earth. He’d enjoyed killing people with his powers.

And Tess could relate. There was a certain rush as you felt your dominance over the victim, as you felt their futile struggles.

Of course she’d only deliberately killed Aric. Alex and Doug were just mistakes. Her mind warping abilities must be more dangerous than she thought. Perhaps she’d left others damaged and dying on her travels with Aric in her childhood.

Oh, well. It doesn’t really matter. They had only been human.

She wracked her brains as she tried to think of other loose ends to be cleared up. She absently began rubbing her belly, sending little pulses to the babies encased within.

Something of how Aric had died had bothered her. He had said that the heir had already been conceived. Well with Liz out of the way and Maria soon to follow it seemed like that she had it taken care of.



Damn. Why hadn’t she seen it? Her extreme moodiness lately, her odd actions. Even that idle gossip at school about her gaining weight…..

Isabel was pregnant. And if she’d gotten pregnant by Alex…..

The heir had already been conceived. Tess was too late. All her plans were crashing down on her now. She could not afford to kill Isabel. She needed her.

Tess needed Isabel. She did not need Isabel’s babies. And Isabel might not even know what was going on with her body. She wouldn’t know that it would affect her so fast.

Isabel might even be happy with Tess for curing her of a strange alien disease…..

Tess clambered off the bed and walked over to where she had the Book hidden. And opened it to the large section on poisons.

Antaran politics could get a little rough.

There had to be something that wouldn’t kill her, just induce miscarriage…..


Maria was having a strange morning. Not strange bad, just strange.

She’d expected more of a reaction from Max when he learned about Future Max. About the necessity of Tess, and the fall of Earth.

Max had listened to it all stone faced as he drove them all to school. Maria knew the emotions were there, she could feel it.

Why did men always feel the need to bottle everything up? Didn’t they realize that didn’t ever help?

She looked out the window and saw a plume of smoke off in the distance. Someone was likely having a bad day. A day without aliens and all the craziness that it brought.

She promised herself that tonight she was going to break out the old guitar, and play. It had been too long and she needed something that would remind her of who she was.

Because she was not just in the Abyss anymore. She was part of it. She could still feel Isabel’s babies, sleeping soundly in the Creche’s embrace.

Maria’s eyes flitted back to the rear of the Jeep. Michael was asleep. That clod could sleep anywhere. Her husband. Her Husband!

Wow. She looked down at her ring, and felt along it. Wonderful sensations rolled from it. Michael was dreaming. Dreaming of her.

Maria smiled.

And sitting beside him was Isabel. Her eyes were tightly closed. A broad smile on her lips and a glow to her face. Communing with her babies probably.

Life was strange but good. Now they just needed to do something about Tess. They needed her for some odd reason, but she couldn’t keep mind warping them. Because if they had mind warped Maria there was little doubt the bitch had affected the others.

Maria had always been comparably unimportant to the blonde hybrid.

And Liz. They needed to find Liz.

“So, Max, what are you thinking about?”


“Okay. I get that, what about this whole future you scenario.”

“I just don’t get it Maria. I don’t understand. Tell me again about how it all started.”

Maria sighed. “Okay, you were still trying to get her attention. You know, trying all sorts of stuff. You even sank to the level of hiring a mariachi band and serenading her. Which, you know I told you wouldn’t work, ‘casue your singing voice… Max it’s really bad. I told you last year about that. But no, you had to try. And I guess I understand it, I mean, I wanted to try just about anything to get Michael and…..”


Maria stopped full rant. “What.”

“I never did that.”

“Did what?”

“I never serenaded Liz.”

“But you had to! It is what made Liz trust future you!”

“And don’t you find that suspicious in and of itself Maria? All of us have been on our guard for a long time. Liz is smart, can you picture her just rapidly trusting someone just because they look like me?”

“Well she said she suspected it might be a shape shifter or Skin. But she seemed pretty certain. Certain it was you.”

“It wasn’t.”

Alarm started to fill her. “But if it wasn’t you, then who or what…?”

“That is the question. But think, Maria. Liz went to some pretty far to persuade me to throw her over to Tess. She was pretty convincing too. I knew something was wrong, that something was pushing her. But I thought it was just her fear. And then I thought, I thought that she had fallen out of love with me. Which was just plain stupid. Looking back I can see that now. She wouldn’t have done some of the things she had if she hadn’t still, hadn’t still loved me. But can you imaging the impact, Maria? Of seeing Michael with someone else?”

Maria spoke up in a small voice, “Yes. I can. I caught him once with Courtney. All she was wearing was a towel. And then there was his dance instructor…… Oh, yes, I can imagine it. Mom has filled my head with tales of unfaithful men. I can, I used to fear it all the time. I just don’t see why he loves me so much, how he could truly love me…..”

“Oh, Maria! How can you say that! Do you feel that even now, even now that he is yours?”

“No. He would no more betray me than I him. But I didn’t know that then, Max. And you didn’t know about Liz. We’re all young, I guess we all feel insecure at some point. Particularly with someone who can hurt us so deeply.”

Max sighed. “I wish I knew the truth. But I fear….”

“Fear what?”

“Liz was about to tell me the truth. And when she did, I would know that she had been manipulated.”

“Manipulated…. So you don’t think it was real?”


“Damn that Tess!”

Max shook his head slightly. “I don’t think it was Tess. At least not just her. She was just as shocked, and well, she was kind of broken up about Kyle. Apparently they had been growing close.”

“Really? Kyle and Tess?” Maria tilted her head back, “Yeah, I can kind of see it. They did have a bit of chemistry going on there for a while. You should have seen them giggling in Vegas!”

“Exactly. While she’d be more than happy that I fell into her orbit, I don’t see her being willing to go that far. Not with Kyle. There are plenty of other boys at West Roswell that would love to get in Liz‘s pants. It didn‘t have to be Kyle. No there is some other force at work her.”

“But who?”

“Kal seems to have shown up awfully conveniently.”

“Yes, but he wants you to be human. He’s the one that had you marry Michael and I. And while that might not be legal on Earth, apparently it is on Antar…. No he’s not pushing Destiny at all.”

“We are going to be have to be careful.” He broke off and sighed.

“What is wrong?”

“I just feel a little strange. That’s all. I’ll be fine.”

“I’ll see what I can about Liz. It seems strange that I haven’t seen her lately.”

Max just nodded. The wall was back up. But the temporary breach had let her get a couple of insights she would have to share with Spaceboy.

Maria sighed as the pulled into school. Just a couple more weeks.


Kyle awoke to the smell of smoke. A smell that it anything improved the stench in the cabin he was laying in.

He needed to get out of here!

He tried to stand up, but was almost overcome with dizziness. Memories of the past swirled through his head.

He had failed. Somehow Tess had gotten the drop on him. And now her plan was what, to burn him to death?

He held a cloth over his face and looked around for a way out. There was a shuttered window to the room. He worked idly at the shutter.

It was not just the smoke he needed to escape. There was a heavy scent of death and corruption that filled the room. When the window opened he saw why.

On the bed not far from where he had lain was a woman who had had her chest torn open, her face displaying the suffering of her last moments.

Had that been what had been planned for him? Had something gone wrong in that foul witch’s plan?

He HAD to stop her.


He heard a rush behind him. Fire. It was rapidly consuming the room behind him.

He squeezed out the window and moved away from the cabin. And watched as the fire consumed it.

He stood there stupidly for a few moments. Pondering the immense absurdity of his recent life experiences.

And he began to laugh. What else could he do?

He was barefoot miles from civilization. Buddha only knew where. And he had tried and failed to kill a psychopathic alien girl.

A girl that he loved. A rabid girl that needed to die.

Kyle closed his eyes and began to meditate, to try to bring himself back together. To do what must be done. How long he took, Kyle could never say.

But when he opened his eyes he saw a pack of supplies. And a note.

And with a defiant grin and sense of determination he went to claim them.


Max was contemplative as he walked through the day. He was trying to figure out what had actually happened to Liz on that fateful night last November.

Who had actually impersonated a future version of Max? And why?

It couldn’t truly be an enemy, because if they were they’d had plenty of opportunities to destroy them all. Unless now was the time they had planned to move on the Royal Four. But the divisions in their group had been fairly wide before, why wait so long?

No. It probably wasn’t a complete enemy. But definitely not someone with Max’s best interests at heart, or they would never have done it the way they had.

Tess was still the Prime suspect, but he still doubted it had been her. She had been too shocked, too unprepared to make full use of her new opportunities.

If it had been her, he would have expected her to be better prepared to jump him at the earliest opportunity. Becoming the only one he could trust had worked as a plan, but Tess was not really the most patient of people. No, odds are she hadn’t been fully part of whatever scheme had occurred.

That didn’t mean that she hadn’t taken advantage of it. In fact, she’d probably gained the most from it. So it was likely that whoever was involved had wanted her to succeed.

There was one name of a person who would have had the ability and the desire to do what had happened. The only problem was that he was dead.


But it couldn’t have been him! He’d been killed by the Skins…..

Only Tess had been so sure he couldn’t die. That they could bring him back…..

That had actually been a turning point for the group. Tess had changed from being an outsider with distant past ties, to being one of them. Not perhaps the favorite of the group, but one of them.

Max shivered at the thought of the killer alien on the loose. He was programmed to protect them. Wait. No he was programmed to protect the hybrids….

Alex had died suspiciously. Maria had almost committed suicide. And Liz hadn’t exactly been that stable lately. Even Kyle had had his problems lately.

Could it be that simple? Could Nasedo not only be alive but trying to rid the hybrids of their human friends and lovers?

The teacher in his class walked over to him. “Max? You’re needed in the office.”

Max gathered his things and quietly left. He had no real clue what the problem could be. But the rumors that were floating around were wild.

He mostly ignored them. But one caught his ears.

Alyssa Madigan was dead. Shot to death last night. At the UFO Museum.

So soon after Alex’s death had hit the school, this was a double hammer blow. She’d been a sunny popular sophomore.

The mood in the school was somber to say the least.

Max wasn’t too surprised to see Hanson waiting for him in the office.

Because Alyssa hadn’t been the only death. Brody Davis had been there too.

It had only been a matter of time before they wanted to talk with him. But he was surprised by the fact that Valenti wasn’t here. It worried him.

Hanson thanked the secretary that ushered Max in. “Sorry to disrupt your day, Max. But have you heard about Brody yet?”

“There were some of my classmates, they had mentioned that…..” Max swallowed. Poor Brody. And poor Sydney.

“The Madigan girl. Yes. Well we tried to keep it under wraps, but this is such a small town. I can not wait until Jim gets back. Well, that is unimportant. Do you know anything that could help us Max? Did Brody have any enemies or anyone that might wish him harm?”

“Not that I’m aware of Deputy. Am I in trouble?”

“No son, its just I was hoping. He trusted you, Brody did. And I was hoping that maybe he had shared something.”

“No. Do you have any suspects?” Sudden anger filled him, sudden certainty that this was linked with his own troubles. Brody had been a link to Larek, a helpful alien. Could he have been killed just for that? “I want you to find his killer and bring him to justice!”

“We have some ideas. It, it looked like a burglary. But there was too much that was left of value. Maybe the shooter got nervous, but. It just doesn’t seem right.”

“I will help you any way I can, Deputy. Where is the Sheriff?”

“Hell of a time for him to elope, I’ll say. He leaves and everything starts falling apart. I have to figure this out.”

“Have you checked the security tapes?”

“Yes, but they were pretty vague.”

Max wavered. It was betraying a trust that Brody had put on him. But then Brody was dead. And this could help catch the killer. “Did you check them all? Not just the main ones, the old ones Milton put in. Brody put up a fairly elaborated rig to watch everything.”

“No. We just checked the Museums logs.”

Max nodded. “I will show you.”

“Do you have any important tests or school work that needs to be done today? Can I take you there now?”

“Sure. This is important.”

“Let me talk to a few people and we’ll go. Thanks Max.”

“Sure, anything to help.” Max sat back. It felt strange working with the establishment when it wasn’t Valenti. But finding out who killed Brody and Alyssa…..

Max closed his eyes for a moment. And suddenly it felt like she was there.

Max opened his eyes. Liz stood there. And it had to be a dream because she was naked, clad only in what seemed to be rolling bands of green. Her eyes seemed lost and beyond despair. But meeting them….

Meeting them sent an electric thrill through his entire body. He needed her! And he could… feel her. Could feel her want and need of him.

There was no sound. That was the strange thing. No sound at all. But he could swear he heard her voice.

“Come to me, my beloved.”

Max walked over to where the apparition stood and tried to touch her. She faded out of existence. But he could still feel the call, still feel the pull.

Toward the desert. Toward the Granolith.

Hanson entered back into the room, “Okay. We’re set. They’ve given me permission to take you off campus.”

Max was torn. He needed to find Liz, to go to her. But he also needed to help Hanson, to show him the secret surveillance tapes that Brody had set to watch his own movements. To see if the aliens had been watching him.

So Max nodded and they left.

But Max heard the Call. And he would find her. He would find his Liz.


Michael was a bit disgruntled about the day. Here he had managed to find the courage to propose and to marry Maria and somehow school still managed to suck out all the joy. Just like every other school day.

Max had disappeared off somewhere as well. He had been moody once they found out that Liz had missed another day of school.

Isabel was surprisingly chipper, still mourning Alex, but the babies were moderating her moods.

Kyle was missing and so was Tess.

Michael was starting to get nervous at all of their missing friends.

He felt rather than saw the bundle of energy that was Maria. And she was in a mood. She smiled at Isabel and gave Michael a strictly beyond the rules kiss.

There were a couple of whistles before both of them broke up. Maria’s face was flushed and Michael tried to hide his own.

If only they had a little more time to visit that art supply closet today….. But Maria had a full schedule of tests and other not to miss stuff.

Maybe he could get in a little Eraser room time, but probably nothing more than that.

Tonight though…..

Maria slid down and opened her lunch bag. “I have the information on Liz.”

“Well,” Isabel asked.

“Vermont. Her parents are sending her to Vermont. Apparently at her request. She’s actually on the bus right now.”

“That can’t be right. She’d at least talk to us about it. Did she call you or do anything, Maria.”

“No. And that is not like her. Not like her at all.”

“So what do you think?”

Michael growled, “Tess.”

“Prize for the lovely Neaderthal!” Maria gave him another kiss. “It has to be her. I’ve, I’ve been starting to remember a little. A little about the other day.” She clung to Michael. And swallowed hard, “The day when I almost…..”

“But you didn’t Pixie. You’re okay now. I will protect you.”

“Thank you Spaceboy, thank you Isabel.”

Isabel just smiled at her, “Thank you, Maria. Without you, without you and Alex and Liz, my life would be so empty. And I wouldn’t even KNOW it.” Isabel started to cry.

Maria got up and held Isabel and the two held each other for a little while.

Maria then got up and tried to drag Michael over to her and Isabel. But there was no way he was budging. No way.

So she smiled looked over at Isabel.

Isabel gave her a disbelieving look, looked around the lunch area. And shrugged. She and Maria made a coordinated assault to force him into a group hug.

It was this scene that Max walked over and sat down. “Looks cozy.”

Isabel shot up and glared at Max. “Where have you been? I was starting to get worried about you.”

‘Max’ said, “Don’t worry about your brother. He’s helping one of the local Deputies over at the UFO Museum. It appears someone got killed there last night. The owner and some local girl.”

Maria nodded sadly. “I hadn’t heard about Brody. But Alyssa…. God, she was so young.”

Michael held her close. He could feel the emotional turmoil lurking just beneath the surface. “So if Max is there, who are you?”

“I did say that I was a shape shifter. This seemed a safer form than most. I just came to wish the new couple best wishes and that I’ve arranged accommodations for you. It’s not much, but the best this little burg has to offer. When we do the real thing, I’ll send you to Maui or something.”

Michael just looked at Kal, “Why? I thought you hated all this.”

He shrugged, “Maybe I’ve gotten a bit lonely for people who know who I really am. As long as you folks don’t plan to drag me from Earth I’m happy.”

“Won’t you be missed?”

“I’m between pictures. I’ve let it be known I’m taking an extended holiday. Don’t worry about me. I want you to be happy tonight.”

Maria looked down. “I don’t know that I can. I mean what if my mom comes home. I need to be there.”

“Maria, my dear, I am a shape shifter. That is not going to be a problem. Just meet me after school and I’ll take care of everything.”

Isabel was beaming and crying at the same time, “I’m happy for you two.”

And suddenly for Michael the day didn’t seem so bad. They still had to worry about what was going on with Liz. But they could handle that tomorrow.


Liz sat there shivering on the floor of the Granolith Chamber.

It was not from the cold. It was from a desperate need for Max. A hunger for his touch. Those urges that had filled her last year were back. And stronger.

And so she Called. And Called.

For the longest time she was almost maddened by his resistance to her pleas. She could feel that he wanted her as much.

She had appeared to him several times, and each time they had locked gazes. And it was so intense. Just that look.

But now he was coming. He was coming and she realized now that she was too broken for him. She wasn’t worthy and there were so many reasons why he shouldn’t choose her.

And could she actually let him touch her. Touch her like that. Touch her like Sean had.

She was so very torn. And Max was so very close.

Also there was so much she needed to tell him. So much she needed to apologize for.

And yet thinking about any of that just seemed to get pushed out of her head by her desperate need for him.

Liz heard the door open. And felt as he entered. Looking for her. “Liz?”

Liz huddled on the floor. She gathered her power and pulled the light around her so tight that it wrapped around her.

Liz was invisible.

Invisible to the eye, but not to the heart. Not when her heart, her soul was calling to his as firmly as she was trying to hide.

Max crossed into the Granolith Chamber. She couldn’t see him, but she knew. She knew that he could feel her. That part of her was not trying to hide.

“Liz?” Max said softly.

Liz let the invisibility drop and hugged herself in almost a fetal position. She needed him so much, but…..

“Liz what has happened to you? What, what did they do to you?”

Liz began to chuckle slightly and then began to laugh, rocking back and forth hysterically. The horror and terror of the last few days released all at once in the realization that she was safe.

For the first time in days, Liz Parker was safe.

She felt rather than saw as he used his powers to heal the multiple small injuries she’d sustained over the past few days. And reveled in the feel of him through the inevitable flashes that contact with him always brought now.

She knew the moment when he realized what had been done to her. Could feel as his soul winced under the weight of pain and humiliation she had felt. The complete degradation. As Liz Parker was broken and nominally killed.

She could feel as he trembled and wavered under the weight. And she could feel the blame for it all settle in his mind on his own shoulders. As if he had done it to her.

As if he was responsible for the nightmare that was Tess.

Liz straightened out and stood up. Max still stood before her, weeping. Liz wrapped her arms around him. And felt the need almost consume her.

She could feel the same heat, the same desire coursing through him. But she could feel him resisting, because of what had been done to her. Not because of the shame of it, not because he thought it made her less.

Because he didn’t want her to hurt anymore.

And that was just stupid. It wasn’t his fault.

And she wanted him as much or more than he wanted her. “Max, I need you.”

“But, Liz you were, you were…..”

“Yes, I’ve had my fill of hell. Just give me a slight taste of heaven, please Max. Please?”

“Liz, I…”

She kissed him. And that was all it took to break his reserve.

And there on the Granolith Chamber floor they made love.

The Once Fallen King had reclaimed his Bride from death.


Sean was not ashamed at the tears winding slowly down his cheeks. He’d tried for hours to find a way past the orders that Tess had given him to no avail.

Here he was back home. But it would never be home for him again. Not after this. Not after killing M.

He quietly opened the door and checked the house. Despite the early hour, it was mostly quiet. But he knew she was here. He had seen movement from her bedroom window.

Sean only hoped the hoodlum boyfriend she was sleeping with was gone. That would make this much more complicated. Because he was not allowed to hurt Michael.

He crept up to the bedroom door.

She was alone.

Sean’s mouth quirked up. Maria was making poses in front of the mirror. Terribly cute and silly all at the same time. He closed his eyes one last time, blinking out the tears.

He HAD to do this.

Sean would miss his aggravating cousin. He’d never admit it but she was his favorite.

And now he was going to kill her.

Maria caught sight of him. “What are you doing standing there. Don’t you know the meaning of the word privacy”

Sean walked a little closer. Make a quick lethal cut. Make it as clean and fast as he could. “I was just wondering if you already had something for dinner. I was thinking of ordering some pizzas.”

“Oh. Well, no. Sure.” She turned away from him. “Let me get you some money for my share.”

And Sean attacked! A quick arm around her shoulder and quickly drawing the knife across her throat.

But if he had expected her to just drop he was in for a surprise. She threw him across the room. One hand on her ruined throat she staggered toward him, her palm glowing.

Sean blinked. His cousin was an alien! He knew that if the alien reached him he would be dead. So despite the fact that he really wouldn’t mind being dead, he had to follow the orders keeping him alive.

He staggered out of the room.

Followed by an increasingly erratic Maria, blood coursing through her fingers as she tried to stem the flow. Her other hand growing steadily brighter. As she fell, she flung something at him.

When it hit him he flew across the room. He tried to move but it hurt too much. He watched as Maria looked satisfied as she fell to her knees.

And died.

Sean did all he could do at that moment. He cried.


Isabel was watching the news. There had been a horrible bus crash earlier that day. Isabel was worried about Liz. Worried that that might have been her bus.

The timing fit.

She hovered over her cell phone, wondering if she should call the Parkers and find out for sure.

Her mother came in. Bearing a plate of cookies and some milk. “Here dear, I just thought you could use these. It’s been such a stressful week. Have you heard anything from San Francisco?”

“I’ve actually been reconsidering. Not the fact that I need to go to school. But it is so far. And I would miss you.”

“Oh, honey. We would miss you to. But don’t base your future just on us. You need to think about yourself too.”

“I know. I, I just don’t want to go into something not because I wanted it, but because I was running away from something.”

“Okay honey, I need to get dinner ready. We can talk about this later if you want.”

“I would like that.”

Diane walked out and Isabel turned back to the TV. Sports. She turned the channel looking for something diverting.

She took a bite of one of the cookies. Very good. Very, very good. Very sweet with just a taste of bitterness.

The perfect cookie.

She ate them all.

Where had her mom found such perfect cookies? Was there some new bakery around? She hadn’t even felt the need to add Tabasco to it. Which was strange now that she considered it.

Cookies were usually sweet enough, but usually lacked that spicy tang that she always craved.

She got up to ask her mom when the first of the cramps hit her. For a good minute she just whimpered there on the floor from the extreme pain.

Isabel managed to stagger to the kitchen. Both of her parents were sleeping at the table. Although her father’s breathing seemed a little shallow. In front of them were half full cups of coffee.

She shook her mom awake. Another set of cramps swarmed her and her world was consumed by pain.

Her mother’s arms were around her. “Are you okay honey?” Her speech was slurred and she seemed to be fighting against her eyes closing shut.

“Mom, who were those cookies from?”

“I don’t know what has come over me. I just feel so tired.” She closed her eyes a moment and mumbled. “Tess. Tess said that you would appreciate them. She even brought some designer coffee for me and your father.” Her eyes slid shut. And her breathing began to become shallower.


They had all been poisoned. By Tess.

The cramps hit her again and she cried out in pain. They were all dying. In her altered state she could see her parents slipping deeper and deeper into a sleep they would not wake up from.

She on the other hand…..

Her babies. This was aimed at her babies.

She felt them begin to wake, begin to try to hold her. Because she was dying.

Suddenly Alex was there, his presence filling her.

“Alex. I’ll be with you soon. My love.”

“No. Don’t die Isabel. Our children still need you. Our friends still need you. Don’t abandon them!”

“It hurts Alex. It hurts so much.”

Alex looked away for a moment and then snapped his fingers. “Call them.”

“I can’t call them. My phone is in the living room. And the kitchen phone is on the wall. I would never reach it.”

“Not that way. You bonded them remember. Call them through that.”

“I don’t know. Both of them are human. How would they know?”

“Please, love. Just Call them. They love you. They will do what they can to save you.”

And so she reached deep within herself and she Called. Not just Maria and Liz. But Michael and Max, too.

She didn’t know what good it would do. But she would do anything for Alex. Anything at all.

So she Called.

Re: Weathering the Storm (CC, MM, Mature) Part 22 - 12/19/09

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 2:13 am
by PML
Hope you all enjoyed the holiday. Thank you as always for following along this story.

Earth2Mama- Thanks. Sean thinks he killed Maria. He didn't. Kal was covering for Maria, just in case her mother returned.

Aric was responsible for Future Max. It was not a mind warp, but Aric did use a lot of psywar stuff on Liz.

Tess is unfortunately not stupid. Even she could eventually see the obvious. Kyle has a bit of a dilemna in this part. But he plans on finishing Tess off next time. As for Tess suffering, well you will see a little of that. Sometimes making careless mistakes can really really hurt.

begonia9508- Max does not support Tess. Particularly not now that he knows what she did to Liz. But he doesn't think Tess was responsible for Future Max. And in this he is correct. Don't worry, Tess won't have things going her way for much longer.

Eva- Um, Thanks, I think.

chanks_girl- Thanks. Ah, but is she an effective and frightening villian? Don't worry, that charade is not going to be working well for much longer. Max, Kyle, and Liz all know the truth. As does Isabel. Michael and Maria suspect. So no, her easy days are over.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.
Weathering the Storm part 23


Kyle looked at the compass and the map. He actually knew where he was and the best route home. It would be a long trip on foot, but he should make it in a day or so.

Maybe faster is he could flag someone down.

There was a set of woman’s clothing carefully folded near the tiny stream. On top of it was a small locket. One that he had seen Liz wear.

Sean’s note had included all of his crimes. He had even noted that he could only confess all of it because he was fairly certain that Kyle would die in the fire.

A loophole in Tess’s mind warp on the man.

Sean had raped Liz. And then in another loophole managed to not kill her. But to kill another and cut out her heart.

Kyle thanked every transcendent spirit and deity that he had not tasted that soup of Tess’s. The meat had been that poor woman’s heart.

He had retched when he realized how close he had come.

Aric, Sean, and Tess. All of them needed to die.

And Sean had provided the means. Where he had found a working M1 Garand in such good condition, Kyle wasn’t sure. But Kyle was a good enough shot to make sure that it put either Sean or Tess down.

There were no qualms, no doubts. They needed to die.

He’d shoot Aric too, he just wasn’t sure it would kill the shape shifter. The damn creature seemed nearly indestructible.

But first he had to get back to civilization and warn the others. Assuming it wasn’t too late.

Kyle fingered the locket. He would keep it. Liz had been here. But why had she left this and her clothes? Sean had been so certain in his letter that she had escaped somehow.

He closed his eyes and envisioned her leaving the cabin.

He nodded to himself. This stream would have been the logical place for her to come. This was the easiest pathway to the road.

She might not have known that, but it was still the easiest route away from the cabin.

And after all she had been through…. Yes, she would have tried to wash it all away. Bad for evidence, but I doubt she was thinking about convicting Sean. She just wanted to escape.

Now. A quandary. Do I follow Liz’s tracks or do I try to flag someone down to get to town?

Liz if she’s alive will need my help badly. But if I go get help maybe they can help me find her.

But the tracks will be even more faded. Will there be enough left to find her from here? The police almost certainly could do so, but do we really want them involved. It might risk the whole damn alien invasion conspiracy.

Kyle opened his eyes. Would that truly be that bad? Surely the authorities would be able to deal with Tess.

Except. The White Room.

Kyle was no friend to Max, but he liked Isabel and even Michael. Would they truly leave himself and Liz alone either once their true story came out?

No, it was too risky. Better to deal with it inside the family so to speak. But that left the quandary.

Follow Liz? Because he could see small faded female footprints leading into the desert. Or try to head home and find help?

How could he decide? Either way could lead to the death of someone he cared for.

Kyle nodded to himself and produced a coin. He flipped it. Heads. He headed in one direction. Thought about it and headed in another.


Maria was jumping on the sumptuous bed that was in the Presidential Suite of the Tumbleweed.

She couldn’t help it. She just felt so full of life and energy.

Michael was off getting food. Her excitement had gotten a little on his nerves and he’d needed a breather. She could feel him calm down. And for that deep well of carnal hunger that always lay so close to the surface to fill his thoughts.

His thoughts of her. She could feel his passion grow as he was driving back to the hotel.

She looked down at the ring on her finger. This took the bond to a whole knew level. An awesome level of coolness beyond everything.

It was like he was right there. You couldn’t ignore it.

She continued her bouncing and thought of what kind of outfit to be dressed in when Michael came back. They hadn’t had a lot of time, but there had been a small window to power shop for the night.

A slight blush filled her cheeks as she thought of it. She liked the feelings he felt when he looked at her. What would it feel like if she could raise his passion up a notch or two?

These were the thoughts racing through her mind when she felt the impact of Isabel’s plaintive call. The pain, fear, and despair hit her like a hammer.

Maria’s next jump was entirely uncontrolled and she slammed hard into the dresser. Pain laced through her body. And she lay there for a few moments to catch her breath.

She could feel the tenor of Michael’s mind shift. And she could feel him race back to the hotel.

And wondered what it was she had just felt. It had felt like Isabel had been begging her to help. But how or why? And how had she heard such a call?

The wave of pain and fear washed into her again.

It was Isabel. Maria just knew it. She listened and she could also feel the fear of the little babies in the Crèche. Fear for their mother. Unfocused and undefined pleas for Maria to save their mommy.

She paused and felt for Isabel’s wave to come to her again. That direction. Focusing on it she could feel it deep within her mind.

The connection they had formed. Isabel was using it to contact her. She was in desperate need.

“Hurry, Spaceboy, we need to go,” Maria muttered as she staggered up. She looked at her left hand, the pinky of which she was sure had broken. Only it just seemed a little stiff.

Must have just twisted it wrong.

In fact the aches and pains she had gotten from her fall seemed to be fading.

The adrenaline probably.

She quickly got dressed and gathered up all they might need. And waited for Michael.

They needed to hurry.


Sean slowly moved across the living room. The pain in his gut was intense, but he had to obey Tess’s commands.

She had told him to report back to her when he had completed his task.

He passed out on at least three occasions on his way to his car.

He felt like he was dying.

Maybe if he was lucky he was.

He took one last look at his Aunt’s house and Maria’s body. Not all of his tears were tears of pain. Or perhaps not simply of physical pain.

Sean had never truly been religious. But he prayed to God that Justice would be served.

Neither Liz nor Maria had deserved what had happened to them. Not even if Maria had been a little alien herself. She hadn’t deserved to die like that.

And Liz…..

Sean pulled himself together and went off to fulfill his evil mistresses commands.

Because he had to.


Liz snuggled closer to Max. The connection that had been dammed up for so long had released all of its energy into them filling them with a frenzied passion.

What had been stopped at the Radio Tower so long ago had been consummated at another of the alien caches.

And their lovemaking had washed away so much of the pain that both of them had been carrying for so long. It was still there, still had to be dealt with. But it would be. Ironically it was quite possible that their bond was stronger now than it would have been untested.

It didn’t justify all the senseless pain, but they would learn from it. They had made horrible mistakes and would grow wise from them.

Max knew all about Tess and Nasedo. Tomorrow morning he was going to take her back into town, to the Evan’s house. Isabel might have something suitable for Liz. She certainly would be able to adjust her clothing to fit the much smaller girl.

And then they would gather Michael and Maria. Liz sleepily smiled in joy for her friend. She had only witnessed the alien ceremony in her projected form. But she would be there for the real wedding.

She felt Isabel’s call almost immediately. Isabel was dying.

Liz could tell that she didn’t believe that she could be saved. That she thought she was doomed. That Isabel was going through the motions, not giving up, but not expecting to survive.

Liz felt a thrill of anger flush through her. Hadn’t they been through enough? Hadn’t Isabel been through enough?

Tess. It had to be Tess. Only the bitch would fail.

Liz would not allow her sister to fall. For that is what Isabel was. Family.

Liz felt as the pain began, as the lightning lit across her bare skin. And she was gone.

Her projection stood in the Evan’s dining room and watching in horror at the scene. Isabel was laying in a small pool of blood and other fluid, both seeping through her jeans. And crying for Alex. Asking him if she could just give up, if she could just let go and join him.

Liz tried to comfort her. But she couldn’t touch her and she made no sound. She could just witness the scene. She looked over at the two Evan’s parents as they dozed at the table.

They were near death. Very close now.

NO! This had to stop! Max had to be there. Had to save his family.

But how?

Liz flashed back into her own body and shook Max. “Wake up! Isabel needs you?”

Max’s eyes flashed open. “I, I can hear her. Calling me. It sounds so faint.”

“You need to get to your house now!”

Max leapt up and rapidly dressed. “Are you coming?”

She looked at the now sweat stained sleeping bag. What would she wear?

“Come back to me. I will be watching you.”

Max nodded and kissed her. He began making his way to the door.

Liz looked around her in despair. She wasn’t sure that Max could get there in time. If only there was another way.

Another way.

Liz looked over at the Granolith. The conversation that Nasedo had held with Tess rang again through her ears.

Max could command the Granolith. The Granolith was capable of opening a wormhole all the way to Antar.

Surely it could make a small one to Roswell?

“Max!” Liz rushed after him. “Max, wait!”

Max was opening the door. Worry was etched across his handsome face. “Liz, I need to hurry.”

“I think I have another way……”


Isabel was in complete agony. And she couldn’t tell if anyone was hearing her.

“Please, Alex. Please, let me go. Let me just let go.”

“Hold on just a little longer, honey. Just a little longer.”

Isabel could feel as the pain worked its way from her lower abdomen to her lower back. She shrieked as it began to dissolve her kidneys.

And called. And called.

Only her babies held her. Her babies and Alex. They let her summon up that stubborn core of adamant that lay in the center of her being. The part of her that would stand strong against any adversity.

A candle in the dark perhaps, but a damn bright candle.

But even diamonds can be crushed. And she could feel her strength begin to waver.

And then she felt Maria. Felt as the bright flame of her passionate soul began to support hers.

Maria and Michael were on the way.

And then another. Bright and hard like her own soul. But different. Calm on the surface. Deep currents underneath. Relentless and implacable, she felt Liz’s steely soul join hers.

It would be enough. They would not fail her.

And Isabel would hold.

For her deepest truest fear was forever shattered. Isabel was not alone.

Her family was coming.

They would Heal her.

And then they would… deal… with the traitor.

In her pain near to madness, Isabel began to laugh. Powerful eldritch energies began to lace around the house, filling with her unbound power.

And if Tess could have heard it she would have whimpered in fear.

Tess had read the entry on Vilandra after all……


Michael knocked on the door to the Evan’s home.

Maria just gave him a look. “Just open it.”

Michael shrugged and used his powers on it. As always seemed to happen with Maria near, his power surged and easily accomplished the task.

He grabbed her hand as they braved the house. Waves of pain were radiating from the kitchen. A hoarse laughter seemed to be coming from it.

The scene and the smell was horrible. Isabel’s jeans were soaked with a reddish bloodlike fluid that flowed from her onto the floor.

Maria’s hand tightened on his. He could feel Maria’s gaze and her plea.

Michael had some level of healing. No where near what would be needed. But maybe he could help. He steeled himself to make the connection to Isabel.

The pain was unbearable. How Isabel was still conscious let alone still alive amazed him.

He could feel pulses of Maria flow into both him and Isabel. She didn’t have any power to give, no strange gift to aid. Just herself and her fiery soul.

Michael did what he could, slowing the dissolution of Isabel’s last functioning kidney and slowing the liver damage. But already bits of the toxin were attacking the heart and lungs.

Michael could only fight a holding action.

They needed Max.

As if summoned by that thought, Michael heard a gasp from Maria.

He looked over. Max stood there wavering, his clothes rimed in frost. And barely visible behind him was a vision of Liz. A naked Liz.

Michael looked slightly away from her. Now was not the time.

Max reached out for Isabel. He looked deep inside of her. “I think, I think I will need help. That I will need all of you for this.”

And the links, those separate links that they all shared began to come together. And like an instrument finally in tune, or a song finally properly sung, they were one.

And together they healed Isabel.

Isabel stood, wonder on her face as she looked at all of them. Liz still just a flickering shadow, but as firmly connected as the rest.

Only now Michael could feel the loss. Like a rainbow missing one color.


They lacked Alex.

But from a distance came seven bright little flickers. Isabel and Alex’s children. All of them were sobbing at the knowledge of their permanent loss. Of what could have been.

And now never would be.

The bond dissolved. Maria held Isabel tightly.

Michael and Max looked at each other.

Liz winked out.

Michael was unsurprised at the sadness that laced through the joy of saving Isabel. But the tears in Max’s eyes somehow surprised him.

As did those of his own.

Max moved over to heal his parents, to pull them back from death. But with the bond they had shared still so fresh, he could feel his brother mourning Alex.

For once, Michael was not ashamed of his tears or the feelings behind them. Because he knew they were shared.

And that Alex deserved to be mourned.


Tess sat contentedly on the couch as she finished the last of the stew she had made from Liz’s heart. She plucked the last shred of meat and savored it.

The world was such a wonderful place. And soon she would be ensconced on the throne of Antar.

She would make Earth a hunting preserve. They would hunt and kill humans for sport. Certainly much more thrilling than killing a defenseless deer.

It would be glorious.

And then she felt the first of the cramps.

At fist she thought it was just the reaction of her body to the rapid changes taking place. Just one more annoyance to be dealt with on her road to power.

Except she felt as first one and then the other baby inside of her began to die.

She still needed them! They couldn’t die yet!

Wave after wave of nausea and pain began to lace through her.

Tess had been careful when mixing the poisons. But when she had baked the cookies for Isabel, she had used her bare hands.

And had absently licked a tiny bit of batter.

Tess felt as the tiny minds were consumed with agony and then winked out. But it didn’t end there. Poisons like this were the whole reason Crèches had been invented.

So the toxicologists of Antar had to invent even more effective toxins. Ones that didn’t just attack the children being carried, but the entire reproductive system of the female that carried them.

Tess lay there in pain and fear as the poison ate away at her uterus and fallopian tubes and ovaries.

The Destiny Book had the cure. In fact the poison had been included not for use, because it had not included all the warnings needed. It had used a simple do not use symbol. One of many that Alex had not been able to fully translate.

But even if Tess had been mobile, the time it would take to whip up a batch of the anti-toxin would be much too late. By then Tess would be barren and sterile. Within a short period she would begin early onset of menopause.

Of course, Tess hadn’t ladled herself with the ridiculous amount of poison that she had lavished on Isabel. Not knowing just how effective of a poison it really was.

She hadn’t really meant to kill the girl…. It was just another in a long line of massive overkill mistakes.

And there was no one coming to heal her.

Sean did arrive. By that time the poison lay quiescent. Its damage done, its venom spent.

Tess just lay there sprawled on the couch in a pool of blood and her own jellied reproductive system slowly oozing out of her vagina.

Tess quivered in agony. But with Sean’s halting help, she washed herself off. And healed what little she could.

She managed to stop herself from bleeding out.

She was weak and not safe here. She needed somewhere she could recover.

Aric had had a hideout. So she ordered a dying Sean to take her there.

To safety.

Re: Weathering the Storm (CC, MM, Mature) Part 23 - 12/27/09

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:40 am
by PML
Okay, we are one post closer to completion. Thanks for everyone following along this story. I have to warn you, Sean's POV (the last one.) is a trifle dark. You have been warned. But it does resolve a plot point. Something like it had to happen.

Earth2Mama- Thanks. No sympathy for Tess? What a surprise. She has earned much worse. As for Liz, well she improvised. The Creche can actuall store the babies for a more convienient time. But at least one will be decanted sometime soon. Sean meets his fate in this part.

Eva- Yep, you reap what you sow. Thanks.

Begonia9508- Thanks. Tess only poisoned herself a little. Her ovaries and uterus are gone. But she'll live. Max is bringing her clothes now. And my guess is that you're right. He enjoyed the sight a bit too much.

Natalie36- Thanks.

chanks_girl- Thanks. Tess is beginning to reap what she has sown. Sean meets his fate in this part.

Nibbles2- Thanks. Sean meets his fate in this part. As for the group, it is very much a 'hang together or hang seperately' type situation. Now they just need to get everyone together and on the same page.

DeDe PR- Thanks. Tess's doom is very near now.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.
Weathering the Storm part 24


Isabel still felt a little ill. But she no longer felt like something was eating her alive from the inside out. Tears still washed across her face.

But she was not alone. Never alone. Not ever again.

She could feel little mental kisses that her children were giving her. They were still so young and unfocused, but they loved her. Seven bright points in her mind.

And they were not alone. For the connection that had healed her had not vanished. It had diminished, dwindled. But it would never fade so long as they cared for each other.

They were all connected now. Family.

She looked over at Max. He was healing their father. Diane was groggily coming awake. Isabel moved to comfort her mother.

Diane reached for Isabel and sobbed. “I could hear you. I could hear you scream…. And I could do nothing. I couldn’t move, I, I was just so tired.”

“Poisoned, mom. You were poisoned.” Isabel looked over at Michael and Maria. They met her gaze.

Maria reached up and caressed Michael’s cheek.

Michael looked at her and sighed resigned. He then turned to Isabel and nodded firmly.

Isabel had been certain he would fight her over this. But her parents needed to know.

Diane’s voice was shocked. “Poisoned? But who would do such a thing.”

Isabel’s shock was complete when, while she was looking to make sure it was okay with Max for them to tell her mother, Max spoke.

“It is our enemies. We had hoped to leave you out of it. To keep you safe by keeping information from you. But for whatever reason, Tess wanted you both out of the way.”

“Tess? An enemy? She dropped by not long ago and left cookies for Isabel and ….” Diane stopped and quietly continued. “You think she tried to kill us?” She shook her head and moved stiffly over to Phillip. “Is he going to be okay? Should I call an ambulance?”

Max’s voice was focused, “Dad’s been hiding something from all of us. It is his heart. I’m fixing it, but it is going to take a little while for him to recover.”

Diane closed her eyes. “You’re fixing him like you did that bird all those years ago.”


Isabel reached out and touched Diane’s arm, “You said you wished you had special powers to remove my pain. And do you remember what I said.”

“That they don’t help. You have them too.”

“Yes. And while they are useful they come with strings. And enemies.” Isabel hugged her mother. “Max?”

“Tell her everything. Maybe she can see something we don’t. Plus we’ll need as much help as we can get with the kids.”


Isabel sighed. Her mother wasn’t going to like a lot of what she was going to hear. Of course, both she and Max were over 18. And Kal could probably help them find another living situation if things became too tense here.

Isabel didn’t think that was going to be necessary.

“It’s going to be a long story. We’ll get to them.”

“Are you pregnant, Isabel?”

Michael snickered.

Maria hit him. “The Crèche will accept her, Isabel. It would draw from your memory. So unless she meant them harm…..”

“Crèche? What is she talking about? Are you in trouble, Isabel Amanda Evans?”

“It is complicated mom.”

“It is a yes and no question. I love you and I want to help you but I need to know…..”

“Oh, God, but you see my life is so complicated. Because I can say yes and no. I’m no longer carrying any children, a good thing because that bitch. Uh, sorry mom. But Tess’s poison would have killed them.”

“You’ve already given birth?”

“Um, no. Maria?”

“She’s your mother. I’m going to be sunk enough with mine.”


Maria sighed and started talking about the Crèche. How she had been lead to it and how Kal had found them.

Max and Michael moved Phillip to his bedroom to rest. It was several minutes before they returned.

Isabel, Maria, and Diane had moved to the living room.

Isabel was a little worried. Her mother had her lawyer’s face on and was taking notes.

Michael moved into the room and held Maria.

Max stood at the doorway. And Isabel felt a thrill of hope. The old Max was back. There was uncertainty there, it would take a while for that to fade. But the brother who was determined to control his own fate was back.

Max caught her eye and smiled. “Isabel, we need to go.”

“But I wanted to tell mother about us!”

Max nodded. “I need to get Kal and Liz back here. Michael and Maria will get Kal. I’ll get Liz. Can I borrow some of your clothes for her?”

“Do I want to know?”

“Maybe not, but you will hear it. The time for secrets and secret agendas is past. We can not afford it.”

“What about Valenti?”

“The Sheriff is on his honeymoon. Apparently he eloped.” His voice was dry.

Maria asked, “Is it anyone we know?”

“Seen your mother lately?”

“What! No, no, no! She would have told me. She doesn’t keep secrets from me!”

Michael growled one word, “Tess.”

Maria got very quiet, very quickly. “She has a lot to answer for.”

Max nodded. “She does. We need to figure out what we are going to do with her. She tried to kill both Liz and Isabel. And I think that when you regain your memories, Maria, you will see it was Tess making you fall into despair. I am sure of it.”

Michael rubbed Maria’s shoulder as her face grew grim and cold. “You realize we are going to have to deal with her. In a very permanent fashion.”

Isabel agreed. “She needs to die, Max.” A horrible thought occurred to her. “Max, what if, what if she was responsible for Alex…..” The house shook as wind shrieked across the roof.

Max looked at her, “Calm down Iz. We will deal with her.”

Diane’s face was white. “You want to kill Tess Harding? Shouldn’t we go to the authorities or, or…. I mean you can’t just kill people.”

Max looked at Diane, “That is why Isabel will tell you everything. When we get back the rest of us will fill in any gaps. I know you never wanted to be any sort of judge, but Mom, we need your input on this. I want to be certain. This isn’t something to take lightly.” He turned to face Michael and Maria, “Go get Kal. Bring him back here. I’m going to fetch Liz.”

“Where is she?”

“The Granolith Chamber. Please, I’ll explain more when I get back.” He moved over and gave his somewhat shell shocked mother a kiss. “I’ll be back in a little more than an hour. Call me if anything goes wrong.

And Max left.

Michael and Maria got up as well. Maria walked over and gave her a hug. “Love ya,”

Isabel tried to not be self conscious as she told Maria, “Love you too. Now you and Mr. Neaderthal take care. And come right back. We all need to stick together.”

Maria and Michael looked at each other.

“Cut it out guys, aren’t you two ever satisfied?”

Michael just smirked and Maria slinked up and gave him a kiss.

“I guess that’s a no.”

They left.

Isabel turned and faced her mother. It was time to face the truth. And tell her everything. She had waited for this moment for so long and yet…..

“Are you alright Isabel?”

“Just nervous. Are you ready to plunge firmly into the Alien Abyss?”

“The what?”

“It’s Maria’s definition for the insanity that is our lives. Where to begin?” Isabel paused and looked at her mother.

Where to start?

With the beginning.

“Once upon a time, on a world far from here……”


Tess watched as Sean listlessly carried all of her luggage into the old building. Aric had made sure it had modern amenities. This building had been his safe house here in Roswell.

And the location of her other servant. A somewhat shocked and frightened Jennifer Coleman staggered out to meet her. “Tess? How may I serve you?”

Tess had thought up new plans. Her old plans had failed. She would never be pregnant again. Would never bear a child.

And her hormone levels were going berserk. She could feel a crushing level of depression over her dead babies. And yet her estrogen levels were plummeting.

Tess felt very strange.

And she knew that Isabel was dead. Tess must have accidentally poisoned herself when she made those cookies. But even then she must have given herself just a small dose.

Still that dose had been strong enough to completely eat away at her entire reproductive system. She had even suffered a small amount of kidney damage before it had halted.

That at least she had been able to heal a little.

Isabel would have gotten a much larger dose. It would have eaten her kidneys and liver. For all Tess knew Isabel’s entire internal organ structure was now a pool of jelly slipping slowly out of her.

The nerves seemed unaffected.

Tess was tempted to try it out, to see if she could still feel the pleasure of sex, now that her ovaries were gone. She would have to check the web to find out any health information on such incidents.

But she was too tired. Too tired and she needed time to think.

Her servants on the other hand needed a diversion of sorts. After they completed their tasks.

Jennifer had a large batch of poison to brew after all. There were limits to what the human could do. There were a couple of spots that the venom required direct manipulation to form the strange brew. But Jennifer could whip up the base stock for Tess to finish tomorrow morning.

So many of her classmates were forever going on about how pregnancy scares and pregnancy in general crowded out their ability to enjoy themselves as liberally as their male peers. Not to mention the monthly grousing over periods.

Well Tess was free of that worry now. And she planned to spread that freedom to her classmates. Tess wasn’t really sure what the toxin would do to her male classmates.

But then she didn’t really care either.

Tess was sterile and her plans were barren. She would never leave Earth. So her new plan was to make the human race extinct.

There should be a way to convince some virus to produce the toxin. She might need to mind warp some high level scientists to do it. But in theory it should be possible.

So many opportunities.

She would treat Jennifer tomorrow after the poison was completed. And try it on Sean to see what it did to males.

Tess cocked her head back and decided that would be unwise. Sean had proved his worth.

She gave detailed instructions to Sean and Jennifer about what they needed to do. And finished it with a smirk and commanded them to enjoy each other.

And she went to bed.


Maria loved the feel of Michael as they cruised along the streets of Roswell.

At least she knew that her mom would not be home. Still, married to Valenti. That was going to bring changes.

Maybe her mom would just let Maria live with Michael. Surely that would be the easiest thing to do.

Maria smiled at the thought. Having him laying at her side every night. Falling to sleep in contact with him, their connection in full bloom.

Her cheeks grew hot just thinking about it. And that was not the only part of her. Between her thoughts and the vibration of the motorcycle between her legs…..

They didn’t have a lot of time. But they were newly weds and surely they would all understand.

Through her bond, she could feel Michael responding to her desire. And she in turn fed off of his desire and…..

Funny how every light they drove through was green.

The house was dark. Kal must be doing something or he was sleeping early.

Maria didn’t really care. She was too busy tearing at Michael’s clothes as he carried her across the doorway. And that was about as far as they got.

It would take weeks before she could look at her front door and not blush.

Their lovemaking was quick and fierce and passionate. And very satisfying.

Maria was the first to recover, Michael still leaning against the door scavenging for breath. She gave Michael a languorous kiss and she headed to the bathroom to do a little necessary clean up.

It wasn’t like they wouldn’t suspect that she and Michael had made a pit stop somewhere. But there was no need to be totally obvious.

It was then that she saw herself, throat gashed open. Red blood spilled across the floor.

Kal was dead.

And Maria screamed.


Kyle followed the tracks for a while before he began to notice some oddities.

Along Liz’s footprints, there were spots where she had left tiny bits of fused glass behind. Not a lot, but consistently enough that Kyle was beginning to wonder if he was actually following something other than Liz.

He had actually ran into a local nutcase investigating the stories of a ghost sighting along the road he was walking along. Apparently several truckers had seen a young ghostly girl sheathed in blue green lightning walking alongside the road.

One of the eyewitnesses had said the ghost was naked. The revenant of some poor raped girl alongside the road.

Two years ago he would have told the nutcase exactly what he thought of him. One year ago he would have thought that Max Evans was somehow involved.

Now in the never ending craziness that was his life, he just accepted that Liz apparently could glow. That Tess look-a-like chick had said that Max had changed her. That Liz had powers.

Because Max had healed her.

Just like Kyle himself had been healed.

Of course there were other dimensions in regards to Liz’s healing. Maybe that made her special. Maybe Kyle didn’t have anything to worry about.

But he knew how he felt. He felt different. And he had ever since Max had healed him.

Kyle closed his eyes and took a deep breath. No time to meditate and focus himself. He had to keep going on. Liz was likely out of water and in need of help at this point.

That was what had tipped him over to following her. Liz had gone camping from time to time, but she didn’t have Kyle’s wilderness skills.

Kyle couldn’t help that the one uncle of his on his mother’s side he could stand was a gun nut in Wyoming. One determined to make Kyle as self sufficient as he could.

Some of his tips had helped him win that NRA shooting trophy.

No, he was fairly sure he was catching up to her. And he was afraid he knew where she was going.

Kyle had only been to the super secret hideout once before. And the place freaked him out. Knowing your friends had hatched from a pod was strange enough.

Actually seeing the pod they had hatched from thought….. Yeah.

His friends were tough on his mental equilibrium.

He was about twenty feet from the road way when he saw the Jeep zip on by. Away from the Pod Chamber.

And El Presidente was not alone. A familiar small brunette was seated next to him.

Kyle waved his hands and tried to get their attention. But this was Max and Liz. Together.

It was amazing Max could actually stare at her and still drive.

And they drove right past him.

And kept going.

Kyle smiled and lifted the one canteen that was completely full. And drank deeply from it.

Liz wasn’t going to need it. And Kyle had a long way to go to get back to Roswell.

Despite his sense of annoyance that he had been ignored, he couldn’t help but smile. Liz was alive and well. And safe.

As safe as any of them were as long as Tess lived.

Still, it made Kyle’s life easier.

It left only two things on his list.

Find Tess.

And Kill her.

Kyle turned around and began to trudge back home.


Sean stared at the frightened girl who lay naked in his arms.

She was pretty and athletic, both of them plusses in his book. He usually preferred brunettes to blondes, but she fit well enough in his arms.

The sex had actually been fairly good. It would have felt better if it hadn’t felt like mutual rape. Neither of them had had a choice in their coupling. And the pleasure he had felt still carried an acid tang of despair.

He could see the same in her eyes. The same self hatred and desire to end it. Another traumatized soul.

So he did what he could to calm her. He talked to her, about the stupidest things. Trying to fill the gap between them.

She was silent for the longest time. “We’re never going to escape her, are we?”

Sean was silent, trying to think of something comforting to say. But what was there? Only the truth. “Not this side of death.”

She clung to his shoulder and cried.

He held her and felt so much the worse for his blunt answer. But it was true. Sean had seen small ways he could defy Tess, but no way to escape her.

He couldn’t even kill himself.

Jennifer said in between sobs, “I just wish there was someway to end it.”

“Me too. Have you thought, seriously thought about, about….”

“Suicide? I’m too scared. I don’t think I could do it.”

Sean thought carefully. Probably she had been programmed like himself. Only there had been a dark time in his life when he had actually carefully considered the option.

He knew he could do it. But it was such a drastic step. One that you couldn’t take back. So he had decided to try and muddle through.

And he had almost made it. He would have made it.

Except for Tess. Tess had ruined him. Ruined all his hopes and dreams. Memories of what he had done…..

No, even if Tess disappeared, Sean knew he could not trust himself to live. At some point, he would find himself drawn to the plans she had causally discussed. Casual mass murder. Genocide at the very least, the destruction of his species at the most.

No it was too great a risk. Even if they could forgive him. He could not risk it.

And he could not forgive himself. A vision of Maria gripping her ruined throat as she staggered after him.

No. He needed to die.

But if he couldn’t kill himself, who could.

Wait. Could he kill Jennifer.

Yes. Yes he could. A smile flicked across his face. “Do you want to die?”

Her gaze was full of fear and determination, “If it will make me free of her.”

“I can kill you. But only if you kill me.”

Her voice was soft and scared. “Okay. But can we, can we make love one more time. Only for real this time. By our choice and not hers?”

Sean smiled softly. “I’m game.”

Jennifer was shaking. “Let me get some wine to calm my nerves. Would you like some?”


So they talked. Talked of their tragically short lives. Of their plans for their lives. Lives they would never live.

And they finished off the wine. Enough to give a buzz, but not enough to make things complicated.

Their lovemaking was tender and sweet. Amazing how much the nearness of death could amplify the glory of life.

“I wish we had met under different circumstances.” Sean’s heart was still beating fast. And his fingers were beginning to tingle slightly.

She held him closely, her legs still wrapped around him. Holding him inside her. “I think, I think I could have loved you.” And she began to cry.

“What is wrong. What is the matter Jenny?”

She looked at him. “I have done my part. Are your fingers tingling yet?”

“Yes, why?”

“I poisoned your wine. You are dying. Now, I, I want the same freedom. But, I’m so scared! So very scared of being alone!”

Sean’s voice was a little slurred as he said, “You’ll never be alone. We’ll go together. Who knows, maybe in death we will truly find love.”

“What if, what if we’re separated?”

“I will find you. My Jenny.”

“Do it. Please. I’m so scared, but promise. Promise you will find me.”

“I promise you. Good bye. For now. See you on the other side.” He placed his fingers carefully on her carotid arteries, denying her brain the oxygen it needed.

He saw the fear in her eyes fade as she lost consciousness. And died. He held on long enough to make sure. To feel as her breathing beneath him slowed and stopped. And the pulse he could feel so intimately still.

Jennifer Coleman was dead.

Sean Deluca followed her minutes later.

Re: Weathering the Storm (CC, MM, Mature) Part 24 - 01/04/10

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:21 pm
by PML
Thanks to everyone following along this story. And thanks to folks who nominated me as well.

Earth2Mama- Thanks. Hey weren't you the one always asking for him to be put down? Don't worry about Kyle, he has a part to play, but not as Tess's play thing.

As for Diane.... She's simply in shock from information overload. Which is worse, finding out that your daughter is a reincarnated alien princess with hordes of enemies or that she's also been pregnant with septuplets! It's going to take a while for it all to sink in.

The cleanup from Tess's little psychotic spree is not going to be fun.

begonia9508- Thanks. They didn't kill Tess for the same reason they couldn't tell anyone about her. She told them not to. Kal was killed by Sean, he had taken Maria's form to allow Maria and Michael a mini honeymoon.

Eva-Thanks Tess is a blight on the world by this point. I have to say I agree with you about Sean and Jenny.

nibbles2- Thanks. As for the scene with Kyle, I can just so see it. Those two could be oblivious about anyone else when with each other. Poor Kyle. As for Kal, he'll be dealt with in this part.

DeDe PR- Thanks. Max and Liz were not paying attention to anything other than comforting the other. Poor Kyle, left to fend for himself as always.

chanks_girl- Thanks. This Tess is evil. It seems based on the feed back that I dealt with Sean's death correctly. As for Isabel... Poor Diane. Information shock anyone. and there has been so much tragedy in their lives, and Diane feels guilty for not helping as much as she could. And yes those grandchildren will be spoiled. Life will never be the same for any of them.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Weathering the Storm part 25


Tess woke up cranky and in need of release. Hopefully Sean had not completely worn himself out on little Jennifer. Tess wanted a quick ride herself.

She nodded to herself, she wouldn’t poison him. At least not until she was sure that it didn’t affect the male libido. Having a source on hand to scratch her itch was useful.

Tess walked into the other section of the building. The chemicals were ready. Tess finished up a batch and infused it into more cookie dough. She popped the cookies in the oven and went in search of Sean.

She wanted him to shower before she used him. Plus she needed to get Jennifer ready to test the newest batch of cookies on. Tess had cut down on the toxin, she was shooting for sterility not death, after all. But she needed someone to test it on.

Jenny would do. She was a useful lab assistant, but not much use in the field. The girl was simply too nervous. She was expendable.

Tess called out for both of them. She went into their room and saw them still just laying there. Sean was on top of Jennifer, whose legs still wrapped around him.

This had better not affect how quickly he was ready for Tess….

“Wake up, you two! We don’t have all morning.” She shook Sean’s shoulder.

It was cold. He was cold, a small smile on his face. Dead.

Moving Sean slightly, she looked at Jennifer beneath him. Her eyes were open and staring into space.

Also dead.

How could they do this to her! Didn’t they realize how important they had been to her PLANS!

Tess went berserk for a few minutes, using her powers to lash at the bodies and the room they had been in. By the time she was done, there was even a small fire burning in the corner.

She stopped when the buzzer for the cookies went off. She took a couple of deep breaths and went back to the kitchen. She removed the first batch of cookies and put the second batch in.

She would have to find someone else to test them on.

Or maybe she should just leave. She wasn’t really safe here. And she felt hollow.

It was funny how much she had come to rely on Sean. Now that he was dead, even more than the loss of Aric, she felt very alone. She was afraid that it would take a while before she had as useful a lieutenant. And until she did, was remaining Roswell really a good idea?

Only Michael and Max remained who might be a threat to her. But they would be quite angry.

Could she risk that she would be able to keep her own participation in these events from them? Max would be very difficult to warp if he suspected. And that damn Guard training that Michael had gotten would make him even harder to warp.

It wasn’t like she could bear either of their children. She was barren. Even if Max appeared and was willing to heal her, those organs were simply gone. He could repair and fix what was broken, but she doubted he could simply recreate her reproductive organs.

Her plans to be Queen of Antar had completely failed. And her plans to exterminate this pesky human race did not require her to remain here.

There was nothing for her here.

She closed her eyes and felt a familiar pain.


She had loved him. She hadn’t truly understood until she had been certain that he was dead, until she’d had Sean burn him alive along with Liz’s body.

No there was nothing for her here, and memories she would like to forget. She hadn’t really meant for it to get this far.

Maybe she’d have to rethink her plans.

San Diego. She had liked it there. Maybe she would simply take a little vacation and think about what she should do. Maybe refine her plans.

Who knew, maybe she’d decide to become the Queen of Earth rather than that of Antar.

She spent the rest of her morning baking cookies and setting up her new life in San Diego.

It was such a good thing she had managed to get access to Aric’s funds before she had destroyed him. It would make it all so much easier.

She was eating breakfast and reading from the Book when her plans suddenly changed again. Because there was a device that might just be able to heal her. Might just be able to restore her plans for Antar.

Certainly she could postpone her move for a day or two and find out if she could resituate her old dream. She was rubbing her belly in relish at the thought of life once more occupying those now empty spaces….

Not Max’s. Not after how he had treated her the other day. Michael would be much harder to warp, but how focused would he be with Maria dead? Particularly when it was just the two of them left.

Maybe she wouldn’t be going to San Diego alone.

She read the plans for the Crèche. It would require a willing and living soul to Prime. An Antaran would be best, but a human could suffice.

Tess finished her breakfast and made plans.

Maybe everything wasn’t lost.


Michael held a still shuddering Maria.

Kal’s dead body lay not far away, still in its form as Maria.

Isabel was cleaning up all the blood from the carpet, with Mrs. Evans watching in bemused wonder.

Max was holding a shocked Liz as he helped Isabel. From time to time Liz was covered with ropy stands of green light.

And she had powers. That blew Michael away. The idea that Liz was now one of them.

Of their little group, Maria was the last human. Sort of human anyway. She hadn’t shown any sign of powers, no matter that Kal had said she wasn’t human anymore.

Michael didn’t care. He just wanted Maria to feel safe again.

And to do that Tess Harding had to die.

Michael turned to Mrs. Evans, “So based on everything you have seen tonight, everything you have been through, do you see why she needs to die?” Michael waved over at Kal’s lifeless body.

Liz smiled at Michael, before turning to Diane. “And then there is what she had done to Sean and that poor girl Sean killed to save me.” Guilt washed across her face, guilt and a sense of remembered horror.

Michael was fairly certain that only Max new all the details of what had happened to Liz Parker. That she was now a tortured soul was fairly obvious. But Michael admired her steely resolve.

They were all hurt and damaged, but they were not down. They would find Tess and Nasedo and Sean.

Maria spoke up softly, “Poor Sean. I was never fair to him. And now that bitch has ruined him. I think she killed Alex, too. We might not have proof, but…..”

“And my babies. She tried to kill MY BABIES!” Isabel said whirling to face her mother. “YOUR GRANDCHILDREN. Surely that is enough, enough to condemn her.”

“I think all of you are too young for any of this. Your babies, Isabel. I somehow doubt that either Max and Liz, or Michael and Maria are anything close to virginal now. This whole alien nightmare you have been forced into. Too young. Where are your people, your vaunted supporters here on Earth? Just this one poor broken man? And they expect you to….. “ Diane shook her head. “I have spent my life opposing the death penalty, one of the few arguments between your father and I we have never resolved.” Her voice grew small, “I never thought the day would come when I would be forced to choose between my principles and my loved ones.” Diane began to cry, “Too young. And yet from all you say, you are the only ones who can do what needs to be done…..”

Diane looked at all of them, tears sheeting down her face. “I accept that the authorities can’t get involved. Not after what happened to Max last year. God, I wish you had told me! I wish I could have helped you both! Too young for this, all of you.” Her voice grew hard, “But you are right. Tess Harding needs to die. For what she has done…. And thought it pains me beyond all hope of succor, it seems that you are the ones that will need to carry it out. GO! FIND HER! And KILL HER.”


Isabel walked over to hold her mother. And Diane Evans was her mother. Her true mother.

That Apparition that she had seen last summer…. That had just been one more lie. Maybe at some distant point that had been a tie there. But how could she have given her loyalty so fast to a woman who had never been there for them.

Who expected them to do the impossible with so little. Who asked to be saved, when surely they had had fifty years to recover themselves.

Were the people of Antar so weak that they could not defend or protect themselves? That they required unsupported teenagers to save them?

Well, if she could help them someday she would. But she was not going to live her life by it. She had wasted so much by even thinking Destiny even in the slightest bit.

If she had clung to Alex last summer like she had wanted to, if she had not taken the easy path. Had not blown him off yet again. Maybe she could have saved him.

But even if Alex had still died, Isabel would have had more than a few scattered memories of her love. They certainly would have had more than one night!

“I love you, Mom.” She opened a connection between herself and her mother. She could feel the wonder of her mother as she felt the love flow from her daughter. And then the awe as Isabel’s babies approached her in the connection, Isabel providing the bridge.

Both of them were crying.

Liz was making some point about Kal. Important no doubt.

But right now that was only Isabel and her mother and her babies. And the love that they shared.

Isabel’s eyes caught Maria’s. Isabel mouthed ‘thank you’ to her.

Maria just beamed at her. The first sign of joy she had seen out of her since they had found Kal.

And Isabel held her mother. Both trying to provide comfort to the other. Both feeling the wonder of the bond between them and Isabel’s children.


Maria held onto Michael’s hand tightly as they walked into the Pod Chamber. The place where her husband had been born.

The place that they would hopefully be able to recover Kal.

“I don’t know, it took all four of you to bring him back. I mean, will even Liz and I be able to help?”

Liz looked at her with a serene grin, “Five stones, the five of us. A perfect match don’t you think?”

“You seem chipper.”

Liz laughed, “This place has good memories for me now. The old ones washed away completely. It is good to be back. Can’t you hear It sing?” Liz closed her eyes and began humming alone tunelessly to something only she could hear.

Max held her tight and kissed Liz on the forehead.

Michael began to draw lines for them to concentrate on. And to each of them he handed one of the stones.

Maria also got a kiss.

Isabel’s fond voice broke her and Michael apart, “Can we get on with it. I swear you two are as bad as Max and Liz. Or maybe I should say that they are as bad as you.”

Maria looked over at her. And rushed over to give her a hug. “Someday you will find someone else. It won’t be Alex, nothing could replace him. But we won’t let you go through life alone.”

“Maria, I don’t know if I will ever want anyone ever again. Besides the damage that poison wrought…. I already have seven children. What more do I need.”

“I’m not saying you should go bar hopping tomorrow. But someday….. Besides, we can fix that. Do you seriously want to go through menopause at eighteen? Don’t you want to breast feed your babies at least once?”

“Do I need to remind you that I have seven, Maria? You seriously expect me to breast feed them all?”

“Well I hadn’t really thought about that. I’m sure we can figure something out.”

Isabel gave her a fond and somewhat exasperated kiss on the cheek, “I love you like a sister, but now is really not the time.”

Maria blushed as she noticed all of them were waiting for her.

She took her place and held the stone in her hand. “So now what?”

“Think of Kal.”

Maria thought of the shape shifter. The one who had taught Max how to more tightly bind her to Michael. The one who promised a real Earth wedding for her.

He had liked her. And she had liked him. She’d even been able to gossip a little bit with him about some of the movie stars he knew.

Her stone began to glow. As did the others.

And she felt them again, felt as the bond that she and her friends shared once again enfolded them. Again the sorrow came, the might have been.

Yet, although they honored Alex, and would always. That was not what this was about. They were here to heal another.

Maria heard a familiar feminine gasp and some vile words spilling from a voice that sounded just like hers.

Kal sat up. “Did I at least get that bastard?”


“Damn. I’m slipping.”

It was strange to see someone who looked just like her dust herself off. Maria met her own green eyes, but the expression was all Kal. “Sorry kid, your cousin’s been turned by that bitch. I’m glad you’ve all made it. How long was I out?”

Liz spoke up, “Its just tomorrow.”

Kal looked over at Liz, still in Maria’s form. “Glad to see you are up and about as well.” He stopped and blinked a couple of times. “You have chosen well, Your Majesty.”

“Please, just call me Max.”

Kal took them all in. “Well is anyone else hungry for breakfast?”

“We have plans to make. We need to find and eliminate Tess. And Sean.”

Liz spoke up, “And Aric.”

Kal looked suddenly shocked.

Maria looked at Kal in wonder. Did her eyes really get that wide?

Michael nuzzled her neck and gave her a fond kiss. She held him back. Their bond was so strong, she could feel his love for her flow into and out of her.”

A little privacy would be nice, but she was fairly sure that until Tess was taken care of, privacy was going to be lacking. They needed to stick together.

And echoes of the bond the five of them shared lingered.

Kal cursed again softly, “So that bastard is still alive. Some things I was wondering about are all starting to make sense. I wonder what faction he had contacted. Hmm, Tess’s family probably. Their still strong enough to keep the baby alive and hold off Khivar until they are ready to move. How long any of the rest of you would be allowed to live after Tess persuaded you to leave for Antar…..”

Michael cleared his throat, “This summer, Tess taught me a lot. One of the things she taught was that the Protectors could not move against us. That we were safe from you.”

“To a degree, son. But your lady love there, she would not be protected. Not from Aric.”

Michael held Maria closer. She could feel his need to protect her from anything flow into her. Maria felt as tears began to well.

She was the most important thing in the world for him.

And he to her. She didn’t have powers, but there had to be a way she could help him……

Kal tilted his head back and looked at them carefully. “There may be a way. And it would have more than one use as well.”

“Well, if I tell you folks what to do and we do it, can we then go and get some breakfast. I am starving. Dying does that to a Protector, you know.”

“Okay, what do we need to do.” Max’s voice was serious and he held Liz tightly.

Isabel just looked wistful. “We reconstitute the Royal Four. With you four. That way both of you will be Protected from Aric.”

“But what about you?”

“I have no desire to be a Princess anymore.”

Maria shook her head, “I’m not going to take this from you, Isabel. It is part of who you are. Liz, Liz is the logical choice to replace Tess. And…..”

Max held up his hand. “Kal is there any reason why it has to just be Four?”

“Well there is the Prophecy and Destiny and all that bull shit. But somehow I doubt you care. No. No, there really is no limit. It’s been custom to just choose Four because all those fools wanted to be the Prophesied saviors. I think Five would be a nice change. And then someday, perhaps a sixth.” He said with a smile towards Isabel.

Isabel just rolled her eyes, “Is it something about that body form or something. I am content.”

Kal’s stomach rumbled. Michael’s answered.

“Yeah, let’s get this taken care of. And then breakfast.”

And so began the legacy of the Royal Five.


Vicky could feel that something was wrong at school. Too many people were missing. And not just Alex and Alyssa.

Kyle had gone missing. Liz was presumed dead in a bus wreck. Maria hadn’t shown up this morning. Nor had Max and Isabel.

Moreover, no one had seen her boyfriend in over a day. Even his parents didn’t know where he was.

She’d been asked to the Principal’s office to talk to a very harried Senior Deputy Hanson. Those questions had been unpleasant, her love life was no one’s business but hers.

She needed information. And where better than to ask West Roswell’s chief gossip, Pam Troy. Pam had promised to tell her everything she needed to know over lunch.

But Vicky had to pay for lunch.

A small price to pay.

Both of them were nearing Vicky’s car when Tess pulled up along side. Tess hit a button in the SUV and Vicky could hear as the doors unlocked. “Get in.”

Vicky felt as desperate need to follow Tess’s orders filled her. She fought for a few moments while Pam piled into the SUV. “Why? We were just going to lunch…..”

“Oh, I have something more important planned for you two. Now get in, you know you can’t resist.”

Vicky felt as a something began to wind around her mind, as her will began to be subverted. As Tess enslaved her to her will. Vicky cried as she got into the SUV.

She knew her life was over. That something truly dark had entered into her world. That Tess Harding was a demon in disguise. Vicky looked over at Pam and saw she was crying too.

Tess turned back and smiled at them. Now I only really need one of you. The other, well the other will be my little guinea pig. To see if the Crèche can really repair me. Now who should I choose?”

Tess snapped her fingers. “I know, I will let you plead your case. But really I think it would be so much better if you truly knew what you were trying to avoid. Hmmm….. Because whoever I choose will have to willingly sacrifice something.”

Vicky shook her head. She would not sacrifice her soul. And if she were right about Tess….. No she would rather die.

Tess caught sight of something, “Yes, she will work perfectly. Now, neither of you say anything. Just stay quiet and follow my lead.”

Tess drove up to another girl. Tara Munos. Not exactly a popular girl. “Hey, we were thinking of grabbing a bite to eat off campus. Did you want to join us?”

Tara looked around as if to see if Tess were talking to someone else. “Are you talking to me?”

“Of course, hop in!” Tess said happily.

Why couldn’t Tara catch the predatory tone?

Vicky wished she could talk more than anything. But she had to follow Tess’s orders. She had to.

She remained silent. Pam actually talked to Tara and welcomed her to join them.

Damn suck-up.

Tess drove off the campus. And offered a couple of cookies to Tara. She offered some to her and Pam, but she could feel a command to refuse the treat. There was something wrong about those cookies.

Something evil.

They were in the desert when it happened. When Tara began to fidget and complain. “I don’t feel so good. Can you take me to the doctor?” Another shudder and she began to whine slightly as if in severe pain. “Or the hospital or something.”

Tess smiled. “Get out of the car, Tara.”

“I need help Tess, I’m sick.”

“You are ruining the upholstery is what you are doing. Now if you well get out of the car and strip. I want to watch what happens.”

Tara disbelievingly opened the door and stiffly removed her clothes. There was a stream of blood and other fluid running down her legs.

And Tara began to scream.

Tess turned to them for a second. “There are a pair of shovels. I want you two to dig a shallow grave for our friend. And while you are digging, I want you to think on her screams. And come up with a convincing reason I shouldn’t do this to you. Now get digging!”

How long they listened to their classmate scream, she wasn’t sure. Vicky shot the occasional glance over at Tara and Tess. Tess had a look of sublime joy as she caressed one of Tara’s hands. And every time Tara began to fall, Tess would command her to stand.

And Tara remained standing until the end. Until she was too weak from pain and blood loss.

Tess had Vicky and Pam drag Tara’s body over to the shallow pit they had dug and toss her in.

Tara was still alive. Still weakly moving and trying to get out of the pit. Even as they tossed dirt on her.

Tess just stood there watching, her eyes glowing with pleasure.

When they were finished, Tess did something to them. And their clothes were clean and the sweat of their bodies was gone.

She smiled at them, “You know, I’ve changed my mind. I’m sure both of you have compelling reasons not to be the one who has to go through that. And I am sure either of you are willing to make the sacrifice. But I think I have a way you can prove it. I still have plenty of cookies for you to hand out. Let’s say I give you each a dozen, and you pick out twelve lucky recipients. The first one gets to make the sacrifice and the other gets to be the guinea pig. How does that sound?”

Vicky was shaking as was Pam as they got in the car.

“Now, you can’t tell anyone about what these will do. Now, don’t worry, one cookie shouldn’t be fatal. Just consider it a form of extreme birth control. I command you to make sure that no one realizes what is going on. It takes about thirty minutes for the effects to begin, so you only have a small window. And the one who makes sure that all dozen cookies are eaten first is the winner. Now go.” Tess cocked her head back. And try to give them all to girls. It’ll probably work on boys too, but I’m not sure how fast it will work or what it would do. So girls only. I need to do more testing to find something for the guys. And I will. I wouldn’t want the women of the world to be the only ones having fun.”

Pam shot off. Vicky left more slowly.

Visions of Tara floated in her brain. Could she really do that to anyone else? There was Claire Manes. She was always annoying or……

Vicky stopped. Vicky had watched as Tess poisoned and killed a classmate. Had dug the grave for said classmate and buried. While she was still alive.

Visions of Tara spitting out dirt and crying for them to stop, moving pitifully and trying to climb out.

What had she become?

Could she really do that to someone else?

But she could feel a nagging pull in her brain. Pushing her to make sure those cookies got eaten.

There had to be another way. A way she could do what she was told and not poison her schoolmates. She closed her eyes and prayed for guidance.

And it came to her. She could follow Tess’s orders to the letter and not kill anyone else. At the cost of her own life.

Would God still accept her soul? Suicide was a mortal sin. But then so was murder. And she knew that it would not end here. That Tess would demand more of her.

And she could not disobey.

Had she committed some horrible sin for this to have happened to her?

Another vision of Tara flicked before her eyes.

No she couldn’t do that to anyone else. Not even her worst enemies.

She prayed that God would forgive her. And would somehow accept her.

She ate the first cookie and kept nibbling away, knowing that the pain would soon follow. As she finished the last she took a sip of water from a drinking fountain and waited.

Pam came around the corner. “So how many do you have left? I’ve given out all of mine. Tess says I won. And to bring you to her.”

Vicky followed and waited.

Pam asked again, “So how many you given away?”

“All of mine have been eaten.” The wait was agonizing. She was almost grateful for the first cramp that hit her right as they got at the SUV. She staggered slightly but held in her cry.


Pam was crying as she reported, “She said all of her cookies were eaten. I, I made sure that they were all handed out first. That has to count. I still say I won fair and square.”

“Now, now Pam. The rule was to make sure they were eaten. What if one of those girls throws the cookie away or only nibbles a tiny bit. No, Vicky is the winner. Congratulations. I was pretty sure it would take you much longer than Pam.”

Vicky looked her straight in the eye. “And I win the right to sacrifice something for you willingly?”

“And not suffer like Tara did. That is right.”

“Then give it to Pam. Somehow you can force me to do things. Make me obey to do evil. But I will not allow you to corrupt me. I don’t know if God will forgive me, not after Tara. Not after….. No let her sacrifice herself for you. You can only take from me, Tess. I will not give anything willingly for you.”

Tess’s face paled. “You…. You ate them yourself.” She slapped Vicky. “You ate them all?”

Vicky smiled. And then a sudden sharp pain roared into her. And she began to cry out.

Tess glared at her. “None of that. Get in the car. You may think you have disrupted my plans, but you haven’t. I will just pick up someone else handy to test the Crèche on.”

“So I win?”

“Yes Pam, you win. No help me get Vicky into the car. We’ll dump her on the way.”

Pam moved over to grab Vicky’s legs. “So what do I have to give up.“

“Nothing you will miss.“

Vicky’s world began to contract to a never ending sea of pain as one by one her internal organs began to dissolve.

Kyle was relieving himself behind a bush when he heard the SUV pull up. He hurried up. This might be his chance to get back to Roswell and closer to finish off Tess.

He heard two female voices talking as he scrambled over. He dropped the rifle. He looked longingly at it.

Well if they were willing to stop for him, maybe they could wait for him to grab his stuff.
As he got closer he heard the agonized sobs of another. A person they were pushing out of the truck.

There was so much blood.

It was Vicky Delany. He remembered her fondly from last year. Before he had fallen for Tess.

Worse he recognized the other two. Pam Troy and Tess.

His eyes tightened. There she was. His target. If he rushed her he would…..

Die probably.

Even assuming that Pam was a minion and no Nasedo in some other form, Tess could still fricassee him before he could close the distance.

If he thought he could kill her before or even as he died, then he would simply have attacked. No he needed to go back for the rifle.

It was his only chance.

“Did you see something,” came Tess’s soft voice.

“No. Do you need me to look?”

Kyle remained very still. Now that he was close to her, he could feel her. Could feel his rightful prey.

Never had he wished for the ability to destroy someone as he did at this moment.

“No I don’t see anything either.” She turned to address Vicky, laying prone on the ground and whimpering. “Just think, Vicky. It could be a scavenger. Who knows it might not even wait until you are dead. Come on, Pam. It is just a few more miles I think.” For good measure she stomped on Vicky’s stomach.

And got in the car and drove away.

Kyle scrambled for the gun, but he was too late.

But he could feel her. Could sense Tess. And he knew that she could not hide from him.

He could follow her from edge of the world to the next. But she would die.

He walked over to Vicky, still whimpering softly. Her pants were soaked with blood and other less pleasant liquids. Blood was oozing from her nose and mouth, even from her eyes. There was a prominent boot imprint in her stomach, almost as if there was nothing solid to the girl.

“Oh, Vicky…. What did she do to you?”

Vicky’s eyes were sightless and she just kept whimpering.

“I am so sorry. We didn’t know she was so evil. We didn’t know. But I swear to finish her. To avenge you along with the others.”

He wished there were someway he could comfort her. But as far as he could tell she was trapped in her pain.

Maybe…. Maybe he could heal her or do something! Liz apparently had powers. Maybe he did too.

He touched her feverish skin. And strained, strained so very hard.

He felt the body beneath his touch still.

“Thank you, Kyle.”

He looked up, there was a ghostly image of Vicky.

“I am so sorry. We didn’t know.”

“What she has done is her fault, not yours. Stop her if you can. And Kyle, if there is some way… Pam poisoned some of our other classmates. Not with this bad of a dose, but…..”

“I will see what I can do.”

“Thank you, Kyle. You always were a good guy at heart. Good bye.”

“Good bye….” He watched as Vicky looked vaguely up and smiled. And she was gone.

Kyle felt himself shake with emotion. He cried and remembered Vicky for a few moments. Even said a few remembered prayers. For her.

And then he began to follow his trail. A trail he would follow unto the bitter end.

The Hunter sought his prey.

And there would be no mercy for her.

Re: Weathering the Storm (CC, MM, Mature) Part 25 - 01/09/10

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:13 am
by PML
Thanks again to everyone following along. And thank you all for all the nominations. I don't really know what else to say. Thanks. This is the last part before the epilogue.

Earth2Mama- Thanks. Diane would have supported them much earlier than this if they had approached her I think. As for Tara and Vicky.... Like too many people they simply were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Pam on the other hand, well I don't know if she really thought through what she was doing or was more caught up in avoiding Tara's fate. Don't worry about Tess, her hours are numbered.

begonia9508- Thanks. Well Tess was considering genocide, so.... Lets hope the gang finds her first, shall we?

Eva- Thanks. I've been trying to leaven up the story a little with bright patches or tiny bits of humor, sometimes with more success than others. As for the nightmare, daybreak is in this part.

mary mary- hope your happy with Tess's fate. She meets it here.

DeDe PR- Thanks. And yes, Tess is looking for the Creche.

chanks_girl- Thanks. I agree with you about Diane. It allows them to rekey all the alien devices. Tess can't enter the pod chamber anymore, for instance.

Tess's powers were never as vast as she thought. Its just until Sean, and Jennifer and Vicky, she did not see them fight against her successfully.

As for the breakfast, what esl e do you need before you go on a plan of glalactic conquest?

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Weathering the Storm part 26


Isabel sat at the table and watched her friends as they ate breakfast. The conversation was light, but they knew what was to come next.

Tess. They would have to track down and kill her. That would not be easy. It was always hard to dream walk someone that was awake. And she knew from experience that dream walking a hybrid carried dangers.

All of her pod mates had mental defenses of one sort or another. Tess was no different.

It would do no good to find her dream and wake enslaved to her will.

Only….. Tess might not be able to perceive Liz’s projected form. Liz said that she had been there for Maria’s Antaran wedding……

And if she could find her, could she send them to attack her like she had sent Max?

Isabel looked over at her sister-in-law. Max and Liz had taken the time to vow themselves to each other like Maria and Michael.

A sudden pang ran through her. Alex. It always came back to him.

As always happened when she thought of him, her children huddled close to her in their bond. Comforting each other. They would never know their father outside of her own mind and memories.

So much pain. So much loss.

She felt first one hand grasping her right and then another her left. Liz and Maria looked at her with such sympathy and love.

Her sisters.

Isabel closed her eyes for a minute. She took a deep breath and begun. “It is time. I know that none of us are eager to discuss it, but we must. How are we going to find Tess and her minions?”

Michael nibbled on another piece of bacon and looked at Isabel. “I always thought you would track them down, Is.”

Kal shook his head. “That might not be wise. If we could be sure that Aric didn’t teach Tess how to defend herself in her dreams….. No, now that she knows you have access, she will likely be prepared.”

“That is what I was afraid of.”

Max looked at their Protector, “So what do you advise?”

Kal looked at them all, “What you did this morning, reconstituting the Royal Five, will have profound implications. First, Aric will not be able to harm any of you. He will have to listen to you, and give what you say some weight. The only one whose orders he will have to obey will be Max’s. But if we can find Aric, we will have a mole in the enemy camp.”

Liz chimed up, “Sean isn’t happy with what he has been forced to do…. He can’t seem to break the warp, the conditioning she has set up on him. But he can twist it.”

Max reached over and gave Liz a huge hug.

Liz continued. “That is why he killed that other woman. Tess was not specific whose heart he gave her. I was able to reach him, to bring a little bit of him out, but…..”

Maria said in a soft voice, “Can we save him?”

Michael gripped her hand tightly.

Liz’s eyes were full of tears as she said, “No. I don’t think so. The memories of what he has done….. And remember he also thinks he killed you as well…. No the scars are likely too deep.” Liz turned to Kal, “Maybe you know of a way?”

Kal looked thoughtful. “I can contact Ava. She might be able to help a little. But none of your dupes were anywhere near as powerful as you are. Not in potential Their Protector was able to train them a little better before she died. I don’t know if Ava could wipe out a full power warp from Tess.”

“Can we try?”

Kal nodded. “One of my friends in Vegas is putting her up. I’ll let her know the score.” Kal took a sip of coffee, “She’s a little skittish though, she won’t be much good in a fight.”

Max shook his head, “We can keep Sean in check once we stop Tess. It would be better if Ava just steers clear of Roswell until this is all done.”

There were comments of agreement all around the table.

Maria turned to face Kal, “So what we did this morning will help us with Aric, but you seemed like it would be some major thing as well…..”

Kal smiled at Maria, “It re-keyed all the alien devices. A lot of gear that would have worked wonders for her will now sit quiet. I doubt she’ll even be able to open the Pod Chamber. Although, Aric might be able to open it for her.” Kal shook his head, “No, if she was hoping to use any of the Royal equipment. Even the communicators won’t work for her anymore.”

Isabel looked around, “So, I know you hate it when I say this Max, but what should we do now?”

It was Maria who spoke up. “We heal you. No, don’t say anything Isabel. Your hormones have got to be completely unbalanced by now. The sooner we take care of that the better.”

“What if I don’t want anymore kids, Maria? I already have seven!”

“And if we wait? And we can no longer fix you? Or you start having health problems because you are post menopausal at eighteen.”

Liz spoke up, “and then I find Tess.” She gripped Max’s hand tightly. “I can do it. She won’t know I’m there.” She hummed a little tune to herself, closing her eyes for a moment. Her eyes were fierce and bright when they opened. “And when I find her, I will bring all of you to her.”

“Can you do that?”

“I think so. The song I hear, the tune…. It is the Granolith. I, I don’t think I opened the door at all when I first went into the Granolith chamber. I think I just teleported into the Pod Chamber. I, I think I can move anything to and from the Granolith Chamber. So when we are ready…..”

Maria let loose an evil chuckle, “That bitch won’t see us coming.”

Max looked at Isabel, “There you go. That is what we will do.” And took a bite out of a muffin.

Kal looked at the table and all the food on it. “I guess we’d better get started……”


Pam gingerly looked at the ground. Trying to keep from stepping on something sharp that might hurt her feet.

Pam was stark naked. Apparently the device they were going to reactivate required the person who activated it to be unclad.

Only Tess had made her strip at her SUV. That was almost two miles ago.

Tess was muttering and looking at her map. “It has to be around here.”

Pam stubbed her toe for what seemed like the millionth time. “If I needed to be naked to do this, why couldn’t I just strip when we finally found it. If we ever do.”

Tess looked at her and smiled. It was not a pretty smile. “Because I’m enjoying your suffering too much.”

Pam shivered, and not from the cold. Such malevolence….. Tess wasn’t human.

Pam didn’t realize that she had said that aloud until Tess said, “Thank you.”

Pam began to tear up yet again. What had she done wrong? How had she deserved this?

Visions of Vicky and Tara flashed before her eyes.

Those poisoned cookies.

And she had given out all the ones that Tess had given to her. Some of the girls had been her friends. Tess had been only too happy to describe what the poison would do.

And what her prize was.

Pam would sacrifice her soul to power an alien device to repair Tess. And she had promised of her own free will to do so.

Pam Troy was damned by her own hand.

How she hated herself!

Why couldn’t she have been strong, like Vicky? Why hadn’t she tried to think of a way out of it? She had been so eager to avoid Tara’s fate…..

Damned. She was damned.

Pam looked up. Her cheeks blushed. This was the last thing she needed. An audience to see her shame.

Tess looked up. And began to swear. She fished into her pocket and brought out a pentagon shaped thing. “They got here before us. But how could they know? Well, no matter.” Tess scanned the three vehicles. And nodded. “At the very least Max and Michael. Probably Isabel is being healed. Unless they found it before hand and Isabel’s babies….. They might already be inside. I must DESTROY THEM! IT WILL BE MY CHILDREN OR NONE ON ANTAR”S THRONE!”

At Tess’s shout, Pam could see movement among the vehicles. Michael Guerin popped out from behind the Jeep. “Max, Kal, it’s Tess!” He raised his arm and something bright flew towards them.

Pam wanted nothing more than to run away in fear.

But she had promised to serve Tess in any way. She was even giving up her soul for the evil woman. Pam screamed as she threw herself in front of Tess to shield her.

Pam felt like she had been struck by lightning. Her whole body vibrated and she flew through the air. When she landed, everything from the middle of her back up hurt like hell.

Everything beneath it felt numb. Her heart was pounding and she could hear conflict behind her. Familiar voices crying and screaming.

But she couldn’t move her body. It was still there, she could feel it with her arms. But she could feel nothing. Like her nerves had stopped working on the bottom two thirds of her body.

She had to get out of here.

Only she couldn’t. She had to help Tess. Somehow. She had to help the demonic woman.

Pam began to drag her body along the desert floor in the vain attempt to help Tess. She felt as the rocks dug into the skin on her breasts, and she could only imagine what was happening to the rest of her now paralyzed body.

But she didn’t have a choice. She had to.


Michael cursed as a naked Pam Troy leapt in front of his blast.

Hopefully he hadn’t killed the girl…. Of course, if Tess had screwed up her as badly as she had Sean, then it might not matter. Still, he really wasn’t eager to add more than Tess to his list of people who he had killed.

He still sometimes had nightmares about Pierce. He doubted he would if he nailed Tess. He readied another blast.

Max stood behind a shield and advanced on Tess. “Give up and we will show you mercy.”

Well he might. The rest of them would tear her to pieces.

Tess just smiled. “Recognize this?” She held up the pentagram and pressed a series of buttons.

Michael watched as Max’s shield went out and he was flung back.

But not for long, as the wave of power engulfed him.

‘I’m sorry Pixie’ He sent a wave of love along the bond.

And his world went dark.


Tess surveyed the carnage. Both Max and Michael were out of commission. As was an old man who she hadn’t seen.

Tess whistled slightly. That had been close. They’d had a shape shifter of their own. Probably how they knew of this place.

He probably had felt the birth of the heir just like Aric had.

A close call. She had gotten lucky. The shifters could turn invisible for brief periods of time. Long enough blast her from behind.

Speaking of blasts. Tess looked over at Pam.

Pam was pitifully dragging herself along the ground. Tess could see the glowing blast mark on her back. Pam was lucky to be alive. And not likely to remain in that condition for too long.

Even assuming she didn’t die of internal injuries, the radiation poison would kill her. Tess wondered if she would be able to take the time to watch her die, or if she would be too busy trying to rework the Crèche. Maybe if she was real lucky, she could over ride whatever poor sucker they had used to power the device with Pam’s soul.

Sort of take possession of the device.

Well, even if Pam died, there were plenty of other humans she could use. No big loss.

She blasted the shape shifter a few times, just to make sure it was incapacitated. She could kill it, she had the Trithium Amplification Generator to help her. But she might be able to use him, once he knew the score.

Tess reached into Max and Michael’s minds and deepened the sleeping. It would take a bit of work, but she should be able to set up a set of conditioning on both of them in this condition.

She would have to choose one or the other. Or maybe she’d keep both.

She rubbed herself. Maybe it was time for a test drive.

Sure she wouldn’t be able to be impregnated right now, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have fun. If one of them pleased her more, she would kill the other.

Of course, she’d already had Max once. So she’d better start with Michael.

With her mind she started to stimulate his anatomy. And with her hands she worked at his belt and began to lower his pants. No need for more than that. She was just going to ride him after all.

She smirked slightly as his body readied itself for her as she slipped off her own jeans.

She had really needed this. Maybe she should have found someone at school while the girls had been handing out the cookies…..

She had one hand on Michael’s penis and was angling it toward her entrance, slowly lowering herself…..

And she was hit in the head with a rock.

It was Maria. “Get away from him, you bitch.” She stooped to pick up another rock. This one missed.

Tess regained her footing. Maria was perhaps ten feet away, just toward the outside edge of this power, but…..

Tess moved her arm in a vertical slash. A similar slash washed across Maria’s belly. Tess moved her arms in a horizontal slash, ripping a cross section in Maria.

Maria’s eyes were wide with pain as she held her stomach, trying to keep the loops of her intestines inside.

Tess smirked, cupped her hands and pulled. The look on Maria’s face was almost comical as she fell to her knees and tried to stuff her guts back inside of her.

“Oh, you can’t die yet, Maria. You need to watch as your Michael brings me pleasure. Oh, I can’t wait to see the look in your eyes…..”

Tess felt as something heavy hit her in the back. For just a moment, Liz was visible. And then she disappeared. Tess turned slightly, trying to figure out where Liz was…..

Again she was hit in the arm.

Tess lunged for the TAG. If Liz had powers it should work on her too….

She heard a clack. Liz must have missed her.

Tess triumphantly hit the power cancelling and stunning sequences.

Liz suddenly appeared and held her head for a moment. Their eyes met for a moment, hate crackling between them.

Tess casually prepared to destroy her old rival. She would have her heart this time, her real heart.

Sean must have found a way to defy her. Damn him!

But before Tess could blast Liz, Liz vanished again.

What? How?

She felt a tug on her stunned hands as the TAG was torn from her grasp and she heard Liz run away.

If Liz turned that device on her, Tess was dead……

Tess used her powers to spread a wide but weak blast around calf height.

Liz tripped and the TAG spilled from her hands.

Tess wasted no time and blasted the girl. Tess then walked over to the stunned girl. She rolled her over and made a large slash in her upper abdomen.

She was going to rip out Liz’s heart and eat it raw. Maybe there was a way to keep Liz alive and watching as she ate her heart?

Liz’s eyes flicked open and she was humming some odd off key tune.

And she was gone.

As was the TAG.

And Max. And Michael. And Maria.


Oh, the frustration!

She began rubbing herself to at least relieve a little of the physical tension. It would take much to long to get back to Roswell to find a proper outlet. Although there would come a time tonight when she would be laid properly.


Tess looked over at the opening of the Crèche.

Isabel was striding from it looking like a goddess. A very pissed off goddess of war if Tess was any judge.

And the battle begun in earnest. Tess no longer had the TAG to provide her with a major advantage. And she was slightly battered by this point.

Isabel was also stronger, much stronger now that Tess was no longer part of the Royal Four.

But Tess had both the training and the knowledge from the Destiny Book. She knew what she was doing.

That made the battle close.


Maria’s last thought before she died was trying to put herself back together. To push all of herself back inside of her body.

And then she died.

So she was very surprised to sit up in the Granolith Chamber. The skin of her belly was smooth as if nothing had happened. But her shirt and jeans were covered in blood and gore. And her shirt was torn where Tess had ripped the hole in it.

Maria shivered in reaction.

What had happened?

She absently crawled over and grasped Michael’s hand. He was in a deep sleep. But his pants were still rolled down onto his thighs and his dick throbbed engorged.

Rage filled her. Tess had been about to rape Michael.

Oh, God. Tess……

She looked around the chamber. Kal lay sprawled near the center of the room, where the Granolith spun and glittered as always.

Max lay along the wall, also unconscious. And holding his hand was a heavily bleeding Liz Parker.

One look at her and Maria knew that Liz had minutes at most before death. She scrambled over to her friend.

Liz looked up at her blearily, still humming off tune.

“Oh, Liz…..” Maria began to try to rouse Max. Max could save Liz.

Only Max was as deeply unconscious as Michael was. Waking him up right now was impossible. It would take hours for him to recover.

Hours that Liz did not have.

Maria needed to think!

How had she herself survived?

The Crèche…. It must have changed her. Just like Liz’s healing had changed her…..

Only that didn’t feel right.

No. She could still feel the Crèche. Even here and now she could feel it. She was part of it. And it could heal any wound.

Maria could heal any wound.

But only at the Crèche…..

Maria was shaking. There was one tiny chance.

Liz’s eyes were glassy, but she was still conscious, still humming that strange tune.


Liz’s face glowed as she smiled up at Maria. “Have I told you I love you, Maria? That you were my best friend?”

“I love you, too. Liz, can you, can you still use the Granolith to move us?”

“Maria, why is it so cold in here? I don’t remember it being cold.”

Maria was crying, “Liz, please. Can you bring us back to the Crèche, inside the Crèche?”

Liz just smiled and hummed. And then her large brown eyes closed.

Maria’s heart clenched.

And they were submerged in the waters of the Crèche……


Tess could feel herself slowly winning the fight.

Isabel simply didn’t know how to use her powers properly. If she had, Tess would be dead. There was no doubt about that.

As it was, Tess had to try to wear Isabel out. This was one of the worst ways to try to win, as with the disparity of power, Tess was one mistake away from death. Isabel on the other hand, could make the occasional mistake and Tess couldn’t take full advantage of it.

It was very frustrating.

But they had been fighting non stop for over a half hour. And she knew that she was getting very tired. And she could feel through her powers that Isabel was almost spent.

Game. Set. Match. Tess Harding.

Tess would kill Isabel and if her babies were inside, she’d kill them too. If Pam still lived, Tess would have her purge her soul and re-Prime the Crèche for Tess.

And then it happened. She felt as Isabel’s will faltered.

Like a snake she struck and coiled her power around her brainstem. She reveled in the despair that flooded throughout Isabel.

It was so very sweet.

She began to weave her dominance patterns into Isabel’s brain. She would be such a valuable servant.

No. Killing her would be a waste. And in truth, Tess would likely want her to be fairly pliable, so she would alter Isabel’s memories and make her loyal.

But just now, Tess wanted Isabel to know how badly she had failed. How deep her failure truly was.

Tess stroked Isabel’s cheek. “I killed him, you know. Alex. I didn’t mean to, I really didn’t. But it was me. Oh, the feel of his mind as it collapsed in on itself! The…..”

Tess shook herself. She had fallen.

And she didn’t know why. There had been a brief moment that she had felt like a spear of fire had roared through her chest. And then nothing.

She struggled to get up.

Isabel just looked down at her with such hatred.

Tess tried to make her warp force Isabel to help her, but she couldn’t seem to focus. She just felt so tired. Tired and cold.

There was a crunching on the sand as Tess just stared at the oddly darkening sky.

As though through a long tunnel she saw Kyle’s blue eyes. Such pretty eyes.

“Tess, you have been a blight on all of us. You have tried your hardest to destroy us, like some terrible storm. And you have wrought horrible destruction on us. But Tess, your days are ended. And like a bad storm, we will survive and rebuild our lives. And think only bitter thoughts of you.

“Good bye Tess. You have failed. We have weathered your storm.” Kyle raised the rifle. And then stopped.

“I almost forgot. Something that you had given Vicky.”

Kyle touched her lightly on the cheek.

And the pain began. Not her pain, not the pain that her body was shielding her from by going into shock. No, this was the pain of a girl whose internal organs had been turned to jelly by a poison that she, Tess, had concocted. And in the center, there was the feel of a boot stamping an imprint in her jellied insides.

When Kyle had released Vicky from her mortal shell, allowing her the peace of death, he had take along a piece of her pain. And gave it to the one who had inflicted it.

Kyle then walked away.

Perhaps to help Isabel. Or Pam. Or even to see if anyone else was alive.

For all Tess cared, it didn’t matter.

Because Kyle had done more than just give her a memory of Vicky’s pain. He had bound her to her mortal frame.

On top of Vicky’s pain, she would feel every moment as her body rotted. Feel every bit as her soul was abraded and split amongst all the atoms that had made up her body. Until she was bound only to her skeleton, a skeleton that lay buried in the wilderness for countless centuries.

Had her bones eventually decayed, perhaps that would have been the end of it. Perhaps she would then have been free. Unfortunately for her, her bones were recovered at some point by archaeologists of a future society. They protected and preserved those bones - and the soul that was unwillingly still bound to them.

Nothing physical lasts forever, and she would in time gain freedom to gain whatever form of afterlife would be waiting for her. But that was millennia hence, and far beyond the scope of this story.


Kyle helped Isabel to her feet. “Are you okay?”

“How long were you out there?”

“Isabel, if anyone had the right to take her down, it was you.”

“She killed Alex.”

“Yes. I helped her. Not willingly, but I helped her.

A giggling and flushed Maria and Michael worked their way up the stairs from the Crèche They looked so happy and fulfilled.

Kyle looked at Isabel.

Isabel just rolled her eyes.

Yeah. Trust Michael and Maria to take a roll in the hay during the final fight.

Maria looked at both of them and her gaze softened. “Are you two okay? Why don’t you two go downstairs. She will fix you up.”


“The Crèche.”

“The what?”

Maria patted him on the arm, “We have a lot of catching up to do.”

“I guess so.”

“What about her?” Michael pointed at Pam, still dragging herself along the ground, a trail of blood behind her.

Maria looked up at him, “We heal her too. If Kal is right, Ava should be able to be here shortly…. But even if she wasn’t, we can just leave her like that!”

Kyle looked at her, “And Tess.”

Maria’s voice was cold. “Let her rot.”

Michael and Kyle carried Pam over to the Crèche and followed Maria and Isabel.

And they were healed.

Re: Weathering the Storm (CC, MM, Mature) Part 26 - 01/16/10

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:51 pm
by PML
Thanks as always to everyone who followed along this story. A bit of a roller coaster ride at times, thanks for following along, even when things got dark for our heroes.

And if I haven't mentioned it, thanks to all of you who nominated me for various awards. Thank you very much.

Begonia9508- Tess is dead. I think she manages to kill or command others to kill around twenty eight people. Of course, if she hadn't been stopped.....

chanks_girl- Thanks. Kyle did not want Tess healed, merely wanted to know what to do with the body. You know, in a way Sean did get his revenge. Sean is the one who gave Kyle that rifle back at the cabin.

Pam will do penance, but her life will not be terrible. She will live.

Earth2Mama- Thanks. Its over. I had to make it close, to make it seem like Tess was so very close to victory. And yeah, those kids are going to be a handful.

Eva- Thanks. This Tess just seemed to bring out blood thirstiness in my readers. It was close but the good guys won.

nibbles2- Hmm. Is that an insult or a compliment or both? Sad to say that there is a touch of truth to it. Helps when I write villians.

mary mary- Thanks. Those cookie eaters will be touched on in the epilogue. Glad you liked my Tess.

DeDe PR- Thanks. I knew about ten parts back that it would be Kyle that put her down. And that he would gun her down from a safe distance. that battle has been in my head for quite a while.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended

Weathering the Storm Epilogue

What does one do when one’s life has been destroyed? When a storm comes through your carefully built up world, toppling all that you care for?

You live. You access the damage.

And rebuild.

You learn from the disaster and do your best to ready yourself for the next storm. For there is always the slight sound of thunder on the horizon. It does well to be prepared.

Pam Troy was found half clothed staggering in the desert outside of Roswell. She was a different person, anyone who had known her before could recognize that. That something both horrible and wonderful had happened to her.

What it was, she never said. But she did lead authorities to Tess’s SUV. To Vicky and Tara’s bodies. And confessed to her poisoning of her classmates. She told all that she knew about Tess.

She mentioned nothing about the battle in the desert or any others that might have been involved.

She spoke of Vicky’s heroism. And her own weakness. She begged for forgiveness from the classmates she had hurt.

Fourteen of her fellow students were ill from consuming the poisoned cookies. Three boys and eleven girls None of them died, but all of them were horribly injured. Mostly due to damaged kidneys and livers, but also every single one of them was sterile. Their reproductive organs completely destroyed.

Roswell is a small town. Coupled with the murders of Alyssa Madigan, Brody Davis, and Doug Hoag; the town was properly terrified. The FBI later recovered the bodies of Sean Deluca and Jennifer Coleman in what appeared to be Tess Harding’s poison making base.

Their bravery would never be known. Jennifer was wanted for planting a bomb on a bus that had killed seventeen. Sean was wanted in connection to the murders of Alyssa and Brody. There were few tears shed for them.

But that mattered little to them. For wherever they exist now, they exist together.

Tess Harding’s body was also recovered, and it’s differences were noted. And catalogued and compiled. It was never revealed to the public, but she was not entirely human. And there was evidence that the poison she had used so lavishly on others had been used on her.

The FBI had the body for little more than six weeks before it disappeared. No intensive search could find her remains. Not surprising, as they had been encased in solid rock and entombed forty feet down. Deep enough to preserve the bones for a very long time.

The FBI did use the findings on the body to check with other potential suspects in the Roswell area. But all the readings came back dismayingly human.

For that is what the Pod Squad was now. The Crèche had healed not only their surface wounds, but the deep defects that had required the Gandarium and other chemicals to sustain them. It was they that made their cell structure look so alien under the microscope.

There still were differences, but they were subtle. Far more time and money would be needed to find them than the government was willing to spend. They never bothered them again.

Not until those distant dark days during the war. But by then they were heroes loved far and wide.

For they were not idle.

They started first with their classmates. One by one, each of them had some strange experience. And found themselves healed. The Royal Five made sure of that. It turned out to be surprisingly easy.

The three ex-hybrids could use their powers to abduct the target. Liz could move them to and from anywhere. And Maria could heal them with the Crèche.

Ava helped by clearing out their memories as needed. She personally did not like using her powers much, not the mind warping anyway. But was happy to slowly find herself drawn into the ever growing Royal community that was centered on Roswell.

Centered, but not tied there. All of them were free to travel and to live elsewhere. Because Liz could always fetch them if needed. Also she saved quite a bit on plane tickets, moving people from one place to the other.

But mostly Roswell was home.

Every Christmas, and often at random times throughout the year they would seek out children to heal. That these children would later exhibit gifts that would later become crucial to the survival of mankind during the war…..

That had not been their plan. They had merely sought to help.

So much of their future life seemed like that. Charmed. As if fate itself were working with them.

Liz and Max lived out their lives, seemingly quietly outside of their large family. They worked as scientists and secretly used their powers to advance science. It took lots of work to find out how and why what they could do was possible. But they spent their lives trying.

And they were happy.

As was Isabel. She decided to have all of her kids born on the same day. On Christmas Day she awoke her children into real life.

For a town that had still been reeling from all the shocks earlier on in the year, the birth of septuplets by girl who had once been perceived of as the Ice Queen, was a never ending sense of shock. The fact that she openly admitted that the father was Alex Whitman caused a shock as well.

She was socially ostracized from her old friends. Like that would hurt her. She was no longer in high school and could care less about what her old high school clique thought of her.

Still, seven babies made college tough. But she persevered, eventually joining the Evans law firm. At first it was taken as an openly nepotistic move. But if her mother had been loved, and her father had been respected in the courts of New Mexico, Isabel Evans was feared. She had a razor sharp wit matched with a sense of drama. And armed with a photographic memory and the ability to read at incredible speeds, she was rightly feared.

But mostly she spent time with her kids. They were her life.

Kyle Valenti became a lawman. And in time he became a US Marshall, and feared in his own right. For a while he and Isabel looked like they were gravitating towards each other. But it was not to be.

They remained great friends, and he was accounted as one of their closest allies. He did eventually marry and his children found their way amongst the other Royals.

Max’s gifts bred true.

Maria and Michael’s wedding was spectacular. Stars attended the wedding, not so much for her, but for her new patron.

Maria never did become a singer. She did write songs and work behind the scenes on others efforts. She wouldn’t know it for many years, but Kal managed to groom her to take his place. And when he died twenty years later, she was ready.

Michael was a fireman. He just had that intrinsic need to save people. And he learned how to use his powers subtly. To the point that he was simply considered lucky when some freak incident happened.

But it was during the war, when the aliens finally invaded in 2046 that Michael’s true calling came to the fore. For it was he that was his families war leader, and the many children that the Royals had were very well trained.

It took three long years, but they pushed the enemy back.

Another storm. But they were ready this time. Ready and the enemy did not catch them unaware. Or divided. They had learned their lesson.

Together they could accomplish anything.

And so they did.