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Re: Unpopular Opinions...Round 2

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:23 am
by tequathisy
You know how in fics, Liz is always described as having a sweet voice? Well, I thought her voice was kind of annoying. :cry:

Re: Unpopular Opinions...Round 2

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:25 pm
by mirae01
Coccy wrote:I thought that this thread was in the roswell general discussion & news board (aka the canon show) and not in the fanfiction discussion board. :roll:
it's getting confusing. what's the real purpose of this thread?
I have to agree with this comment completely!

Re: Unpopular Opinions...Round 2

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:57 pm
by nibbles2
I think the point of this thread is to discuss unpopular opinions. We've managed to get this far without it's location being a problem or getting too heated - which is a miracle in itself. Does it really matter if sometimes the topic veers into fanfic? At least the negative opinions are confined to one thread where the people who use it are thankfully mature enough to appreciate that it's just a rant thread and not take anything personally. We all need someplace to vent. And after ten years, the show and fanfic are synonymous for most people on this board and one doesn't exist without the other.

Re: Unpopular Opinions...Round 2

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:23 pm
by ken_r
With the blessing of a long time reader Nibbles2 I would like to go on. I didn’t ever think that it was an unpopular opinion, but the way the show was written was terrible. In a horrible state of depression I discovered Roswell when it was on the SciFi channel. I loved the concept of the show. I was lucky as the first show I saw was the pilot. This was SciFi right out of my youth. “I was captured by wild Venusian Women,” or “How I made Love to Women of Mars,” these were concepts of pulp fiction, that fiction printed on cheap paper so that few of my collection has survived, I bought them when I was in grade school. We had just discovered the crash as our teacher was making us learn to read newspapers. We used to stand out side looking at the mountains waiting to see the UFOs as they approached. Damned things seemed to always wait until after recess before they were seen. We would read about them the next day but to my knowledge none of us ever saw one.

I bought the Roswell High books and I read all 10 of them and frankly didn’t like them that much. I bought the Andy Mangles books and they were better. Then I ran out of Roswell. My son pointed me to FanFic. I was in glory, but I was stunned. These stories were ever so much better than the TV show. I think that is the popularity of Fanfic. The writers are better. A kindly reader on chat took me to task as she explained that even if the writer was good they still had to get by semi literate directors and producers not to mention meddlers from the network.

Now I have fanfic that I do not particularly like. I do not like slash. It just isn’t my thing. blessings to those who do. UC as I have been saying must be done carefully for me. I also have trouble when the AU without aliens strays far from characterization. As a teacher if it gets them writing I would embrace the words of the Devil.

I always saw Canon as attempts at correcting the stupidity of he original writers. They made so many blunders. Isabel was so lonely and detached, why didn’t they give her somebody. In a way the wrote her more cruelly than they did Tess. If she didn’t like Alex send him off. That would have been more humane. Fanfic writers show her fear but so many show how Alex could have filled that insecurity and given her a companion. Even if canon wasn’t a blunder there were so many places a single choice could produce a totally different story and change all the characters. I look for this when I read canon. Every one knew that the show was cut short and many beautiful ideas were set aside to bring any type of closure. The myriad of stories including those written by Mangles, namely “Turnabout” brought a more fitting ending. Misha in the “Offer” is trying to do that. She should be applauded for that effort.

AU either with or without aliens brings challenges for me both writing and reading. How many characteristics from canon can you incorporate in the story? Recently both as canon and AU I have rediscovered Maria. I am not candy but I can see a lot of potential in Maria that was missed in both the series and in many early fanfic.

Max might be a cowboy but he picks Liz up off the ground when she was thrown and the allegory of the crashdown shooting can be repeated.

Writers do not want to realize this but the interpretation of their story ends the minute they post or print it. Yes, they own the story and they own the characters. Fortunately we are allowed to get away with fanfic. Without fanfic Roswell would have ended long ago. I agree fanfic is not legal but as long as it last it gives us variety we can accept or reject or better yet try our own hand at writing to do a better job. If we stuck strictly to law we would have a small collection of half-assed stories written legally with a dwindling community of interest. As it is we have a rich supply of stories to read, write, discuss and tare apart

ken r

Re: Unpopular Opinions...Round 2

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:30 pm
by mirae01
I think the point of this thread is to discuss unpopular opinions. We've managed to get this far without it's location being a problem or getting too heated - which is a miracle in itself. Does it really matter if sometimes the topic veers into fanfic? At least the negative opinions are confined to one thread where the people who use it are thankfully mature enough to appreciate that it's just a rant thread and not take anything personally. We all need someplace to vent. And after ten years, the show and fanfic are synonymous for most people on this board and one doesn't exist without the other.
I did not say that don't write about the fics in this thread.
Yes, sometimes we cannot help but write about the fics during writing your opinions about the show.

But I think we need to focus on the show instead of the fics in this thread.

Because we all know that there are many difference between the show and the fics in many ways.
many uc couples in the fics, but also personalities of the characters, backgrounds...

It's really different between the show and so many fics.
Therefore we have so many different opinions too.

Re: Unpopular Opinions...Round 2

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:52 am
by Coccy
mirae01 wrote:
I think the point of this thread is to discuss unpopular opinions. We've managed to get this far without it's location being a problem or getting too heated - which is a miracle in itself. Does it really matter if sometimes the topic veers into fanfic? At least the negative opinions are confined to one thread where the people who use it are thankfully mature enough to appreciate that it's just a rant thread and not take anything personally. We all need someplace to vent. And after ten years, the show and fanfic are synonymous for most people on this board and one doesn't exist without the other.
I did not say that don't write about the fics in this thread.
Yes, sometimes we cannot help but write about the fics during writing your opinions about the show.

But I think we need to focus on the show instead of the fics in this thread.

Because we all know that there are many difference between the show and the fics in many ways.
many uc couples in the fics, but also personalities of the characters, backgrounds...

It's really different between the show and so many fics.
Therefore we have so many different opinions too.
to talk about fanfictions in general is not a problem
what i notice is that these discussions can easily get to the point that instead of criticize the show we criticize the fans because they like this or this (and i know that maybe i did it too but to my defense i was replying to other people :lol: ) and also there's a big nonsense created when people try to justify canon using fanfictions.
like someone say "i hate Tess" and someone reply "but she's good into this or that fanfiction! you can't hate herrrrr"
this is absurdity.
a friend of mine for example doesn't read fanfictions. she doesn't give a damn about them and if Tess is good or not in fanfictions. she saw the show not another thing. me on the other hand i read fanfictions but i still don't care if she's good or not in fanfictions. :|
i can even like her in some ff, i'm not saying that it can't happen. But still fanfictions aren't the original story and i can't use them in order to change my opinion about characters.

it's the same with Max's haters. some people hate him just because they read biased polar ff where Max is an abusive man who even raped Liz. and this is just an example of many.

here we confuse canon with fanon and basically we make tons of OT to the point that the whole thread is getting confusing

also there's a section about fanfictions talk in the board. and if i'm not wrong there's a thread about what we like or not like in ff there too.

ken_r wrote:
Writers do not want to realize this but the interpretation of their story ends the minute they post or print it. Yes, they own the story and they own the characters. Fortunately we are allowed to get away with fanfic. Without fanfic Roswell would have ended long ago. I agree fanfic is not legal but as long as it last it gives us variety we can accept or reject or better yet try our own hand at writing to do a better job. If we stuck strictly to law we would have a small collection of half-assed stories written legally with a dwindling community of interest. As it is we have a rich supply of stories to read, write, discuss and tare apart

ken r
see it's not that i disagree with you
i'm here because i like fanfictions too. :lol: i'm not crazy
BUT we always have to keep in mind that the real show is only one. all the fanfictions are just the personal (biased) opinion of a fan who is trying to get something that he/she couldn't get from the original story. fanfiction is manipulation of the story in order to change things or make them look into another way. sometimes fanfictions can be even written in order to make people believe in the things we believe. don't tell me that many authors who transform good characters into bad aren't biased. most of the time it's a pure hate that character or love that character propaganda. no more no less.

i have to say that unlike what some people wrote here when it's about Tess dreamers can't be called biased because they follow the canon and they write her like she was written in the show too. it's pure logic.
the real biased fan are the ones who make her good while in the show she wasn't.
sue the writers not the fans.

I love fanfictions but i don't confuse them with the show.
i love Max and Liz not because of the ff about them. it's the show that made me love them.
then fanfictions are a pretty "plus" and i like to read them- you're right it's like if the show is still alive and it's great. but there're always limits to everything.
also it's undeniable that some stories are more faithful to canon than other stories to the point that they can't be so biased like AU and UC-OOC are.

anyway maybe it's my limit but i still don't understand what was the point of your example of that fanfiction that doesn't even exist :lol:
oh well... ^^"

Re: Unpopular Opinions...Round 2

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:57 pm
by suie
Even though I´m a dreamer I kinda liked the whole Sean romance... That was really sweet and it helped Liz through a difficult time...

Re: Unpopular Opinions...Round 2

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:32 pm
by spacegirl23
I didn't like the whole Jesse/Isabel getting married. (Is that still unpopular? It seems like a popular opinion! :lol: ) But still, I don't even like them in fanfics. In some of my fanfic, I only have Jesse there as a fling, or a soon-to-be ex, just a totally temporary thing.

I didn't like Tess on the show, but she's grown on me the past several years due to fanfic written with "cute bubbly Tess". And fanfic was the only way she got redeemed. So I'm totally two thumbs up for fics with good Tess!

Max+Liz decreased in likeability in the 3rd season. Especially in the latter half.

Oh, and I'm not sure if I'm the only Candy to say this, but I didn't like the speech and flashes that Michael gave Maria in Departure. The flashes and the speech were a bit cheesy. So unlike Michael. I love the scene, mind you, with the candles and dinner, but I just remind myself of what the scene REPRESENTS, not how the writers wrote it.

Okay, I just realized I'm not really privy to what the popular and unpopular opinions are. Sorry, I just wanted to share. :D Peace.

Re: Unpopular Opinions...Round 2

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:30 pm
by vilandragirl
suie wrote:Even though I´m a dreamer I kinda liked the whole Sean romance... That was really sweet and it helped Liz through a difficult time...
I totally dig them too.

Re: Unpopular Opinions...Round 2

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:51 pm
by Cocogurl
vilandragirl wrote:
suie wrote:Even though I´m a dreamer I kinda liked the whole Sean romance... That was really sweet and it helped Liz through a difficult time...
I totally dig them too.
I was never a fan of the Sean/Liz romance. They just seemed too much like friends for me to see any kind of romantic potential between them. I saw more chemistry between Kyle and Liz and I always wanted to see a little more of that relationship, even though I am a dreamer.