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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:06 pm
by pijeechinadoll
many thanks to all people who having been reading...

and to all those people who left feedback, ive enjoyed reading every single one :D
83 AlienAngel

many thanks again. mwah xxxx


Zan and Elena stood standing on the balcony watching the Antarian sunset, as they remembered what had happened in the last couple of years.

After Queen Salina had come to earth herself to take her sons back, Ava had still been throwing a fit about being trapped inside the sphere. Elena has had wondered back to Ava to have it out with her. But the Queen decided that Ava should go on trial and sent her packing to Antar kicking and screaming; to prison. Ava throwing a fit everyday had not gone amiss by anyone. She could be heard screaming and kicking in prison. She had her powers stripped before she went in. She kept shouting that she was to be Queen and that Elena shouldn’t have any powers.

The King was finally told and he was not best pleased at all. But realised the errors of his ways when he realised how much Zan had been hurt physically by Ava. He passed judgement of high treason and attempted murder against Ava and had her memories stripped completely. She now wondered alone on a neighbouring planet where she could do no harm.

“Do you regret it? Coming back here?” asked Zan as he kissed her.

Elena smiled.


Sitting in the corner was little Reia playing with her toys. She was a cute little girl who was aged two. She was the spitting image of her mother and father.

She giggled to herself as she slapping a brick into the right hole.

Zan smiled at his daughter and caressed his wife’s bulging stomach. They were expecting twins. When they finally marry the whole planet rejoiced in having the future king marry. But not as much as Zan and Elena had rejoiced at finally being together, as predicted they had finally made love on their wedding night and Zan finally got his powers back from Elena. But some remains of his powers never left Elena. To add to the fact, their daughter emitted powers as well. Elena was the only human to walk Antar ever to have powers. She walked the Planet Antar as queen with dignity and honesty. Antar loved their new queen. Queen Salina and the King decided to retire early and let Zan take the reins.

Coronation had been quick and easy with the whole world watching, people who had come from earth had also been invited to come and watch. Vilandra finally married Alixander. Mrs and Mr Parker watched with tears in their eyes. The High Priestess who appeared out of no where, bindded their souls together so they never part from one enough. She gave them her blessing for them to have a long and blissful life together.

Max Evan never heard of a Liz Parker ever again. Nobody on earth in Roswell remembered a Liz Parker. It was like she was a figment of their imagination. She was never see or heard of again. It was decided by Max Evans that he wanted his memory wiped. His heart hurts so much over the loss of Elena, he had a breakdown. And so they had his memory cleanse of her.

“King Zan!”

“Queen Elena.”

“Happy anniversary!”

“Happy anniversary!”


A couple months later, down on earth Max Evans at Harvard studying Law. He was leaving his classroom when he bumped into a girl.

“Oh god I’m so sorry!” He cried.

The girl smiled and picked up her books and tucked a lose strand behind her ear.

Max was stunned at the girl before him.

She was beautiful, but weirdly familiar. He shook his head to shake the thoughts from his head.

“I’m Max Evans. Would you like to get a coffee with me as an apology?”

She nodded shyly.

“I never did get your name?” asked Max as they walked.

“Liz Parker. I’m pleased to make your acquaintance.”


EDITED: and that's it. :( im very sad the story is over. I really enjoyed writing this one. i hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it. I hope the ending satisfied everyone's needs. very much love. pingx