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Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt19(p12/13)11/19

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:52 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 20

Michael stood over his father’s body, silently thinking of what the future now held. He knew that the council would soon approach Max and ask that he take his father’s place as a negotiator. Max was more than ready for it, especially with the grace he’d shown at the meeting earlier.

Michael knew he wouldn’t have been able to stand there as calm as Max had appeared and reminded the council that they still had to worry about the Danasga. No, he would have been shouting and cursing just like the rest of the furious Udeyona were. He wanted blood just as much as the rest of them did.

He knew Max probably wanted the same, but he was much better at hiding his anger and fury than Michael could ever hope to be. Still, Michael didn’t ever want to hide his emotions. He didn’t want to be a negotiator and be fair to everyone. That was why he’d told his father that he wanted Max not only to take over the role of negotiator but also to take over the role as head of the family.

Michael hadn’t wanted any of the responsibility or decision-making power Bright Moose had and now it was Max who would have that. He didn’t envy his little brother one bit even though he knew Max would be good at it.

Still, he knew he had a decision to make. Looking down at his father’s cold body, he realized just how short their lives could be. His best friend, Jesse had the right of it. There was no time to waste.

With a silent good-bye to his father and a silent prayer to the Great Spirit for safe passage of his father’s spirit, Michael turned away and walked out of the healer’s building. Standing outside, he took a deep breath of fresh air and steeled himself for what he was about to do.


Liz glanced at Max as they sat side by side on a fallen tree trunk in the secluded area they had chosen after the council had removed everyone from the council building so that they could privately discuss their next move. That had been several hours ago and now Max had sunk into a silent sulk after he’d grabbed her hand and literally dragged her to the area.

He’d told her that the council was now trying to figure out what to do next and in the meantime, the rest of the village had to find ways to pass the time regardless of how they felt. As they’d made their way to the area, Max had told her how he’d tried to get the council to make a quicker decision by reminding them of the women and slaves that were still with the Danasga. He’d recanted every word that had been said in the meeting even as they’d reached the area and gotten comfortable.

Once he’d finished, he’d fallen into silence and Liz knew his thoughts had to be filled of his father and the things he wished he was doing about it. He wasn’t showing it, but she knew his father’s death had left him both angry and upset. She’d gotten that glimpse of it when they’d first seen his father’s body, but it had quickly been covered as Max went into disciplined negotiator mode.

Still, they were alone now and to her, that meant he didn’t have to hide it anymore. Reaching out, she took his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. When he didn’t seem to respond to it, she moved closer to his side and slipped her arm around his waist.

Leaning in, she spoke in a hushed voice. “Max? Do you want to talk about it?”

Max lowered his head for a moment before he looked over at Liz. She didn’t even start at the swirling emotions she saw in his eyes. Sadness mixed with worry, but at the forefront, anger.

She reached up with her free hand to caress his cheek. “Talk to me.”

He closed his eyes and leaned into her caress, remaining that way for a few moments. When he opened his eyes, he spoke in a voice roughened with unshed tears. “It is too hard to be calm when all I want is to tear the Danasga apart.”

Liz nodded. “I know Max, I know.”

She did know. She remembered when her parents had been killed and she and her siblings captured all those years ago. Then, she’d mostly been scared because she hadn’t known what was going to happen. But afterwards, her fear had turned to sadness over the loss of her parents and siblings before it finally turned to anger over her parents deaths.

To this day, she still harbored anger towards the tribe that had ruthlessly killed her parents and torn her family apart. However, she was one of the few slaves that knew to direct her anger towards the proper people and not every single tribe. If she had, there would have been no way she would have been able to become close to her current family and friends. Most of all, she wouldn’t have met Max.

When Max was silent again she asked, “Do you think the council won’t allow a war party to go in and rescue the women and slaves?”

Max shrugged. “I don’t want to get my hopes up, but I believe they won’t be able to sit by and do nothing.”

Liz nodded. She was hoping that too. “If they do decide to send a war party will you be a part of it?”

“I will ask for that right,” he replied.

Liz looked at him for a moment before looking away with a sigh. Max heard that sigh and knew what she was thinking. He took her hand in his and squeezed it.

“Liz, you know I can’t just sit by and let them fight without me…”

“But you once told me you would be the one to take your father’s place. You can’t just go and fight…”

His voice rose as he snapped, “They killed my father! I can’t just…”

“And what if this time they kill you!”

Max went quiet at her words. He stared at her for a few moments in shock that she would even say that. Liz was a strong woman and he knew she must be really upset for fear take over.

“Liz…” he whispered.

He saw the realization seep into her eyes as she realized what she’d said. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath to calm down. When she opened them, she looked into Max’s questioning gaze.

“Max, I’m sorry. I got carried away…”

He shook his head as he gripped her face in his hands. “It’s okay. We all slip from time to time.”

When she didn’t reply, he continued on. “Liz, I know how you feel. And if I were in your place, I would be upset too. But you know me. You know what I must do.”

She slowly nodded as she covered his hands with hers. “I know. I don’t blame you for it. It is your right to go and fight with them.”

Max smiled as he leaned in to brush his lips over hers. “I promise to be careful. I will return to vex you some more.”

She smiled at his teasing. “You could never vex me, Max.”

He raised his eyebrows. “I can’t?” When she shook her head he added, “Well then, I shall just have to work harder huh?”

Liz’s laugh was cut short when his lips covered hers for a deeper kiss.


Michael saw Maria the moment his parent’s house came into view. She was sitting outside warming something over the small fire. When she saw him striding purposefully towards her, she rose to her feet.

Giving him a worried frown she asked, “Michael what…”

He didn’t let her finish as he reached out and pulled her into his arms, while his mouth descended on hers. She didn’t argue with him as her body melted into his and her arms slid up his chest to wrap around his shoulders. He deepened the kiss as he relaxed his own arms around her waist and enjoyed the moment.

When he finally released her for some air, she smiled up at him and spoke in a breathless voice. “Hello to you too.”

He chuckled at her response before his expression turned serious. “There is something I wish to ask you, Maria.”

“Oh, what is it Michael?”

Michael took her hands in his and looked into her eyes. “I know we do not know each other that good. And I cannot speak your English that good. But what I…think of you is more than I can speak or show. Maria, I want to know if you can… allow the Great Spirit to…bless a hand-fasting?”

“Bless a hand-fasting?” she repeated in question.

He nodded. “Yes. You know? You and I?” He motioned with his hands, hoping she would understand.

From the look on her face, she did. “Oh my God! Are you saying….I mean, are you asking me to marry you?” she exclaimed.

He nodded with a grin. “Yes, mar-age! That is it!”

Maria couldn’t help but laugh at Michael’s attempt of proposing to her as she threw her arms around him. When she could speak again, she hugged him tighter even as he hugged her.

“Yes! Oh yes, I would love to Michael!”

Michael simply grinned as he continued to hold her close to him. Elated that she had agreed to become his other half.

Gentle Otter pushed the door flap aside and walked out to see the two of them in an embrace. She couldn’t help the smile that flittered over her face at the grin her eldest son sported.

“I was wondering what all that noise was out here. I’m glad it was nothing serious.”

At her words, the couple broke apart and Maria sported a slight blush on her cheeks as Michael continued to grin at his mother. He glanced at Maria for a moment as he took her hand in his then turned to his mother.

“Mother, I have come to ask for her rights and her hand if you would be so kind to grant that.”

Gentle Otter raised her eyebrows as she turned to look at the still blushing Maria. “Is that what you wish, Swift Antelope?”

Maria nodded. “He has asked and I said yes.”

Gentle Otter gave her a warm smile as she reached out to hug her. “Then I welcome you with open arms to our family, my daughter.”

Turning to her son she said, “I grant you her rights and her hand in as much as it is my duty, Fighting Dog. However, you must know that it is now Horse Dreamer who is the head of our family. You must now ask him for his blessing too.”

Michael nodded as he gave his mother a grateful hug. “I will do that. Thank you mother.”

She gave him a smile before she gently steered both of them away. She watched with a smile as Michael took Maria’s hand and the two of them set off to find Max. When they were far enough away, she gave a sad sigh and moved back into her home.


A voice intruded into Max’s mind, interrupting the intimate moment. Still it took a while for him to part from Liz’s warm body and lush mouth and realize his brother was calling his name.

“Max? Max where are you?”

He let out a disappointed sigh as he glanced down at Liz who wore a smile that mirrored his disappointment. He caressed her cheek, enjoying the way her eyes still held a hint of passion from their kiss.

“Max? Can you hear us?” came Maria’s voice.

Liz blinked in surprise at her voice, making Max groan in annoyance. He knew he had to respond.

“I’m over here, Maria.”

“Where?” came Michael’s reply.

“Over here,” called Max.

For a few moments there was the sound of vegetation brushing against flesh and cloth, as well as the sound of footsteps, before Michael and Maria appeared in the small clearing. Both of them wore smiles and held hands as they approached Max and Liz.

“There you are,” said Maria.

Max nodded as he and Liz stood up. “Yes, here we are,” came his answer. He knew it sounded short, but made no move to apologize.

The smile faltered from Maria’s face. “Sorry about this, but…”

Liz gave Max’s arm a squeeze as she chuckled. “It’s okay, Maria. Why were you two looking for Max?”

“Oh! Michael has something he needs to ask him.”

Both Max and Liz turned inquisitive faces towards Michael, waiting to hear what he wanted. Michael appeared flustered for a few moments before Maria nudged him with her arm. He looked down into her eyes for a few moments, seeming to find the courage there before turning to look at his younger brother.

“Max, Maria said yes to mar-age and mother said yes, but you now take our father’s place so you must…” he paused and turned to Maria for help.

She nodded and looked at Max. “What he means is that he asked me to marry him and I said yes. So he asked your mother for my rights and my hand. She gave that to him, but told him since you are now the head of the family that you must give him those rights too.”

Michael nodded as she finished. “Yes, that is it.”

Liz, who had been grinning from the moment Michael had said the word mar-age, now threw her arms around Maria. “Oh Maria, that is wonderful!”

Maria hugged Liz back as the two of them began jumping up and down in place. Max looked at the two of them with a grin before turning back to his brother. Shrugging good-naturedly, he answered Michael’s request.

“It seems you have my blessing….and Liz’s.”

Michael chuckled as he clasped forearms with his brother before pulling him into a hug. “Thank you, my brother.”

“You are welcome,” replied Max.

Liz and Maria were still giggling and hugging as Michael and Max turned to them. Max reached out to give Maria’s arm a squeeze. “Welcome to the family, little sister.”

Maria laughed as she let go of Liz and hugged Max. “Thank you, Max! Thank you so much!”

Suddenly she pulled away from him and exclaimed, “Oh! But we were interrupting weren’t we?”

Max grinned at her sudden change in demeanor. “It’s okay.”

She shook her head. “Oh no it’s not.” She grabbed Michael’s hand and began tugging him away from them. “Come on Michael, let’s go find someplace to celebrate and leave these two alone.”

Max and Liz laughed at her take charge voice even as Michael grinned and allowed her to drag him away.

“Really Maria, it’s okay,” called Liz.

She shook her head as she looked over her shoulder at them. “No it’s not. I know how hard it is for you two to even get a moment alone together. Even Michael and I have more time together than you two. So, enjoy and thanks again Max!”

Michael waved to the two of them. “Yes, thanks!”

Max watched them leave with a chuckle. It was a few moments before he realized Liz wasn’t besides him anymore. Turning around, he saw that she’d returned to sit on the fallen tree trunk and was worrying at her bottom lip as she stared into the distance.

It hadn’t occurred to her until after Maria and Michael began walking off and the excitement of the moment began to wear off. When they had first made the announcement, Liz was thrilled for them, of course. How could she not be? But once they began to leave and realization set in, she began to wonder.

First Jesse and Isabel and now Michael and Maria…

“Liz? What is it?” asked Max as he sat down next to her and saw the look on her face.

For a few more moments, she wondered if she should even bring it up to Max. Would it even matter? But when he prodded again, she knew she had to just say it.

“Liz? What’s on your mind?”

She sighed and turned to look at him, deciding to just blurt it out. “Why haven’t we moved on Max?”

He gave her a puzzled look. “What do you mean?”

“First Jesse and Isabel and now your brother and Maria? Why not us? Haven’t we known each other longer than they have?”

Max nodded. “Yes, we have.”

“Then why…”

He took her hand in his, unable to look into her eyes. “I just didn’t want to pressure you into doing something that you didn’t want to. I know how you feel about your freedom.”

Liz nearly gaped at him. Her freedom! He was worried she’d turn him down because she liked her freedom!

She shook her head as she took both of his hands in hers and made him look at her. “Max! You have it all wrong. I do value my freedom, but that’s not what I see when I look at you. I love you Max! I want a life with you. I want to share my freedom with you, Max.”

She watched as his eyes lit up at her declaration. “You do?”

She nodded and smiled at him. “Yes Max, I do.”

With a soft laugh, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. Before the kiss could get too heated, he pulled back to look into her eyes.

“I love you, Elizabeth Parker.”

She gave him a beautiful smile. “I love you too, Horse Dreamer.”

He grinned before taking her lips in for another kiss. This one was deeper and lasted until he needed to come up for air. When he did, he took a few deep breaths and took her hands in his before looking into her eyes.


“Horse Dreamer!” came Michael’s shout as he pushed through the foliage and stumbled into their view. When they both looked up at him, he dropped the news.

“The elders are calling everyone back to the council building. They’ve made a decision!”


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt19/20(p12/13)

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:53 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 21

Max walked with purpose as he moved through the village. His long strides eating up the ground as he made his way towards the woods. He knew Liz was out there with several other slaves collecting wood for many of the homes, but this was the only chance he would have to talk to her before he left for the Danasga raid the following morning.

It had been two days since the council had announced that they were going to put together a raiding party to send to the Danasga tribe. That party was ordered to take as many women and slaves into their custody as they could and leave the remaining Danasga with as little as possible.

The party was also ordered to make sure there was as much damage as possible to the weapons and other things the Danasga needed to survive. While they hadn’t outright said that the Danasga were to be killed, there was an unspoken pact that the Udeyona party could do what they felt was right to teach the Danasga a lesson.

Once the council had announced their decision and put together the raiding party, the next two days had seen the members of the raiding party busy with preparations. Max had been chosen as one of the warriors for the party, which meant he hadn’t had time to talk to Liz since they’d had those few moments alone the day Michael had asked for Maria’s hand.

Michael had been luckier with his time, even though he too was chosen to go on the raid. The very next day after he’d asked Maria and the council had announced their decision, he and Maria had been hand-fasted. Just like that, he’d gone from lone warrior to part of a hand-fasted couple.

However, Maria wasn’t moving her things into his home until he returned from the raid so that Gentle Otter would have company until then. Still, it was obvious she’d spent every night since they’d been hand-fasted sleeping at Michael’s side.

As Max entered the area where Liz and the other slaves were gathering wood, he spotted the braves that had been chosen to watch over them. He moved to one of them and informed them that he was taking Daring Elk away. Then he walked to her side and leaned over to tell her to gather her belongings and follow him.

Liz quickly gathered up her things, leaving the rest of the wood there for the other slaves to take back with them. Max led the way as they left the area and began walking down a small trail. They followed the trail until Max found a secluded area not too far from a small pond.

The pond itself was rarely used by either man or beast since it was still water. It was also not as clean as some of the other water ways in the area since it was covered in moss, lily pads and some water plants deemed toxic to others. Still, the greenery on the pond made it look rather lovely, especially when flowers bloomed on the lily pads.

The secluded area Max had chosen allowed them to see the pond if that was what they’d wanted, but anything or anyone near the pond wouldn’t be able to see them. That was why it was a good spot for Max to have a private talk with Liz. He was hoping this time, they could settle things without being interrupted.

As soon as he made sure no one else was around, Max took the baskets from Liz and set them down nearby. Then he gathered some foliage and made a soft place for the two of them to sit down. The moment they were comfortable, Max wasted no time in saying what he wanted to tell her.

“Liz, I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to finish our talk a few days ago.”

Liz nodded as she tucked her hair behind her ears. “It’s okay Max. I understand. You wanted to know what the council had decided. We all did.”

“Yes, but I tried to get some time to talk to you again..”

“I was busy helping Blue Raven prepare to go on the raid anyway. You wouldn’t have been able to talk to me.”

She looked up at him with a sad smile. “Maria told me Michael was chosen to go on the raid too. That’s why they had the hand-fasting ceremony the day after he’d asked you for permission.”

Max nodded. “Yes, he was chosen to go. As was Jesse.”

“Oh? I haven’t had the chance to talk to Isabel or Tess, so I didn’t know.”

Max sighed as he reached out and took her hand. “I am going too, Liz.”

She didn’t look up at him as he said that. She’d known that was probably why he’d wanted to talk to her now, even though she’d hoped deep down inside that the council would have said no. After all, he was to take his father’s place as a negotiator, which meant he wasn’t supposed to be at the forefront of any fighting.

Alas, the Great Spirit hadn’t been listening to her silent prayers.

“Kyle is going with me too,” he added.

Liz tensed as Max’s words sunk in. “Why?”

“He’s my slave, but he’s good at fighting. The council believes we will have need of his skills.” He didn’t tell her that Kyle was also getting paid to fight with them.

Liz frowned. “So both you and Kyle are leaving then. And once more I will remain here to wonder how you both will fare! Just when I finally have the chance to be close to you both, you are leaving again!”


She shook her head as she pulled her hand out of his and rose from her seat. She stalked a few feet away and folded her arms over her chest as she glared at the bushes in front of her. Hot tears of frustration and worry burned in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

Max remained seated for a few moments, thinking she needed that time before he finally rose to go to her. Standing behind her, he lightly placed his hands on her arms.

“You knew I would try to go if I could,” he said, his voice pitched low.

She gave a jerky nod, but didn’t turn to look at him.

“It wasn’t my choice to take Kyle, but the council…”

Liz moved out of his grasp and turned to face him. “That’s not the point Max!”

Max saw the tears shining in her eyes and tried to reach up to touch her face. She batted his hand away.

“Just go,” she whispered.

Max curled his hand into a fist as it fell by his side. “Liz…I couldn’t leave without telling you that I love you.”

She closed her eyes against the words, swallowing the lump in her throat. “Max…please. Go before it gets any harder.”

He didn’t move. He stared as she stood there with her eyes closed and lips trembling. He knew he wasn’t leaving until they finally settled things between them. It was now or never.

Grasping her face in his hands, he pulled her to him and kissed her hard. It caught Liz off-guard, making her stumble into him so that they were close to each other. He slid his tongue over her bottom lip, then nipped at it. Her reaction was to part her lips with a gasp, allowing him to slip his tongue inside.

The feel of his tongue teasing hers made her melt into his arms. As their kiss deepened, she lifted her arms and slid them around his shoulders. Max tightened his hold around her waist, pulling her so close that not even a breath of air could come between them.

Just as a soft moan began inside of her, Max pulled away for some air. Liz opened her eyes to see that he looked just as disappointed as she did. However, a tender smile spread over his lips as he lifted a hand to cup her cheek.

“I love you,” he whispered.

She couldn’t help but respond to that. “I love you too, Max.”

His eyes darkened at her words and he lowered his hand from her face to take her hand in his. Holding her hand between both of his, he didn’t waste another moment.

Going down on one knee the way he’d been told was the way of the white man, he gave Liz a look full of hope. “Elizabeth Parker, would you allow the Great Spirit to bless a marriage between us?”

Liz’s eyes went wide at those words, then the tears returned to her eyes as she realized the way Max had blended her traditions with his. “Oh Max,” she said, in a choked up voice.

Max’s smile faltered. “Liz…”

She quickly nodded before he got the wrong idea. “Yes! Yes, Max I will!”

The smile returned and dazzled her. “Really?”

She bit her bottom lip as she nodded again. The tears were now threatening to spill.

Max rose to his feet and pulled her back into his arms for another kiss. This time it was more tender, but he soon stopped as he realized the tears were trailing down her face.

Worried, he pulled away to look into her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head in negation, but her trembling lips gave her away. At his prodding, she finally answered him.

“I’m just afraid for you, Max. For us.”

He gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t be. It’s going to be okay, you’ll see.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

He grinned at her before he pulled her back into his arms for another kiss. This time she willingly leaned against him and slid her arms around his shoulders again. Parting her lips in invitation, she sighed when Max slid his tongue in to tease hers.

She ran one hand up to the back of his neck and slid the other hand down his leather covered chest. Max moved his lips to kiss the corner of her mouth before making his way across her cheek.

Liz tilted her head to the side, giving him more access to her skin as her fingers began to burrow into his hair. He responded by trailing kisses down to her neck, just as leisurely as her other hand trailed down his ribs to his waist.

When he slid his tongue over her pulse, Liz moaned and dug her fingers into both his hair and waist. “Oh Max!”

Unable to stop himself, he slid his hands down her back to bring her closer to his body as his lips returned to hers. It didn’t take much longer for their kiss to turn heated and for Liz to began running her hands under his leather jerkin.

As her hands began to wander over the expanse of his warm chest, Max let one of his hands move from her back around to her front. He moaned when Liz’s nails scraped over one of his nipples and let his hand dip beneath her shirt.

As his fingers caressed the skin of her stomach, Liz slid her hands up over his jerkin to until they reached his biceps. She enjoyed caressing them and feeling them flex as his fingers continued their journey over her ribs. The moment his fingers brushed against the underside of her breast, she moaned and arched into his touch.


The sound of the need in her husky voice penetrated Max’s hazy mind, making him go still as he realized what was happening. The moment he began to pull away, a sound of protest issued from Liz’s lips.

When he didn’t respond to her attempt to pull him back into her arms, she looked up at him with a frown. “Max? Why did you stop?”

He sighed as he slowly shook his head. “We should stop. It’s getting late and I should walk you back to your home soon.”

“But Max…”

“Liz, we can’t.”

He could see the determined look in her eyes as she began to resist his words. “I’m not afraid.”

“I know but…”

She lifted her fingers to his lips, silencing him. “Max, I want to.”

He stared into her eyes for a few moments after she’d lowered her hand from his lips. Then with a sigh, he took her hand in his. “What you want, it must wait until after the hand-fasting. To do so before that is frowned upon by the laws of our tribe.”

She nodded. “Frowned upon, but it still happens.”

When he began to shake his head, she continued. “We love each other and you are leaving in the morning. I just want to be close to you tonight before you leave me for who knows how long.”

She reached up to trail fingers along his jaw. Her eyes followed their journey for a few moments before she looked back into his eyes with a look of longing. The feel of her hands on him as well as that look was enough to make Max lose his control.

“You’re sure?” he asked as he walked backwards, leading her to the place where they’d been sitting.

She nodded with a smile. “Yes.”

Max stopped and pulled his jerkin off, spreading it over the soft pile of foliage he’d made. Then he took Liz’s hand and pulled her close to him. He trailed his fingers over her cheek and into her hair as his eyes bored into hers.

He was giving her time to back out before he went any further. When she closed her eyes and parted her lips as she tilted her head back, Max lowered his mouth to hers. Once more sliding his tongue into her mouth, he enjoyed the taste of her while her hands roamed over the skin of his chest and back.

He soon maneuvered her until she was standing over his jerkin. Then, he slid his hands down to the edge of her shirt and slowly began to lift it up. Trailing his fingers along her skin, he pushed the shirt up to expose her body to the air.

As his fingers caressed the sides of her breasts, Liz moaned into his mouth and lifted her arms up so he could remove the shirt. Their lips parted only long enough for him to lift it over her head and toss it to the ground. Then her bare chest pressed against his, making them both moan in satisfaction.

Max held her in his arms and enjoyed the feel of her against him before he began to caress her bare back with his hands. Soon, his lips moved from her mouth to her cheek and down her neck.

Liz’s hands buried themselves in his hair as she arched back and encouraged him in his exploring. He swirled his tongue over her pulse, smiling at the way she shivered in his arms before he nibbled his way across her collarbone. From there, he kissed a trail down her chest between the hollow of her breast.

A whimper escaped from Liz, letting Max know she wanted more. Still, he took his time brushing his lips through the valley of her breasts until he decided he’d teased her enough. Turning his head to the side, he finally took one darkened bud into his mouth and gently suckled.

It was enough to make Liz gasp, then moan in pleasure as her arms tightened around his shoulders. She arched her back some more, offering herself up to him and he gratefully accepted it. He swirled his tongue around the outside of her nipple, then nipped the bud with his teeth before laving it with his tongue.

Liz shuddered in his arms and pressed her hips against his in an attempt to alleviate the ache growing there. His arms tightened their hold on her as he eased her down to lay on top of his jerkin. Stretching his body over hers, he let his mouth trail over her skin until he was savoring her other breast the way he’d savored the first one.

Soon Liz was writhing and moaning beneath him, her fingers insistently tugging at his leggings to remove them. Max lifted his hips, giving her room to do so as his lips returned to hers. Balancing himself on one arm, he helped her remove his leggings until they lay discarded on the ground.

Liz wrapped her arms around his torso, letting her hands move over his back as he continued to kiss her. He lowered his hips to hers and pressed his groin against her heat, letting her feel how much he wanted her.

At the feel of his bulge against her cloth covered mound, Liz hissed and ran her hands down to his naked backside. Gripping his bottom in her hands, she pulled him closer to her even as she lifted her hips to grind against him.

Max couldn’t hide the growl that escaped his lips where they had been nibbling her jaw at the feel of her body, so eager for his. Quickly, he slid a hand down her stomach towards her skirt. Gathering the material in his hand, he pulled it up until he could slide his hand beneath it.

He caressed his way up the inside of her thigh, feeling the skin quiver beneath his touch. Her fingers were still gripping his behind even as she spread her legs for him. He didn’t hesitate to push past the loincloth that covered her womanhood and dipped his fingers into her hot center.

She was already wet and ready for him, but he didn’t want to rush things. He let his fingers caress her folds as he continued to nibble the skin of her neck and behind her ears. Liz’s hands were now busy moving over his back and shoulders, but she gripped him when his fingers brushed over the hardening nub above her entrance.

Knowing this was a sensitive spot for her, Max began circling the tiny nub with his finger. With each pass, he made the circles smaller and smaller until he was once more brushing over the sensitive area. When he added more pressure, Liz’s hips bucked and a small cry escaped her lips.

Max couldn’t help but lift his head to look down at her as he continued to add pressure with his fingers. The look of wonder on her face was enough to tell him that he was doing it right, but when she began to whimper, he knew she needed more.

He slid his finger away from the nub and began circling her entrance. Once more the circles got smaller until he finally slid his finger inside of her. Watching her to make sure he didn’t hurt her, he smiled when he saw her gasp and felt her grip him again as her hips bucked against his hand.

The more he slid his finger in and out of her, the more she moved her hips to meet him. She was panting now and Max was amazed she could even open her eyes to look up at him.

“Max please,” she begged him.

Lowering his lips to hers again, he kissed her as he began to rub her nub with his thumb even while his finger continued to slide in and out. She moaned into his mouth and slid her tongue in to tease his until he slid a second finger inside of her.

The moment he did, Liz tossed her head back and cried out as her body found some release. Max groaned at the feel of her liquid heat coating his fingers and knew he couldn’t wait any longer. Finding the ties to her loincloth, Max removed it and tossed it to the side.

Before Liz’s body had a chance to completely come down from its high, Max positioned himself over her entrance and gently began to slide inside. He could feel the way her walls seemed to close around him as if welcoming him in. Liz immediately lifted her legs to wrap around his, but Max pulled back out before she could completely do so.

This time instead of a gentle slide, Max surged into her body breaking through her barrier in one swift move. He felt Liz tense beneath him as a hiss of pain escaped her lips. That was enough to make him still for a few moments, allowing her to get used to him.

When she seemed to relax a bit, he began to move his hips slowly. As her legs wrapped around his, he picked up the pace. Lifting himself up on his arms, he looked down at Liz’s face. Her eyes opened to meet his and she smiled as a single tear slid down her cheek.

“Oh Max,” she moaned.

He returned her smile and picked up his pace even more, making sure to rub against her pleasure spot when he pushed back in. It served to stir her passion as she lifted her legs higher to wrap around his hips.

That shift in position made him go even deeper, making him moan at the way her body felt wrapped around his. He nearly lost it when she gave a long, serrated moan which made her walls vibrate around him. Gritting his teeth, he willed his body to wait a little longer.

He wanted to continue to feel her soft warmth around him and he wanted to enjoy the sounds of pleasure she made as he moved inside of her. Even as he tried to prolong their pleasure, he hoped that every time they came together after this it would always feel as good as it did at that moment.

Unfortunately the thought of loving her like that over and over again in the future and the way her hips were lifting to meet his every thrust was almost more than he could take. As her walls tightened around him, he could feel the liquid heat beginning to bathe him. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she let out a cry of his name, signaling her ultimate release.

The sound of his name was what pushed him over the edge. Tilting his head back, he closed his eyes and gave a shout as his body emptied itself inside of hers. Even then, he could feel the way her body clung to his and her walls fluttered around him as if encouraging him for more.

When he was spent, he lowered himself over her carefully to keep from crushing her despite the fact that his arms were trembling. Liz didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around his torso and pulled him down against her, letting her body cradle his weight.

She turned her head to press soft kisses against his shoulder while Max tried to catch his breath. When he could breathe a little easier, he rolled onto his side and pulled her into his arms. Taking her lips into his, he gave her a tender kiss before nuzzling her cheek.

“I love you,” he whispered.

She lifted her eyes to meet his and gave him a sleepy smile. “I love you too, Max.”

He returned her smile before rolling onto his back and cradling her against his side, allowing her to rest for a while before they would have to return to the village.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)note(p16)5/3

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:42 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 22

Max awoke with a start at the sounds of voices nearby. It took him a moment to get his bearings and realize where he was. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he stared up at the sky and gasped. Lifting his head, he looked down to see Liz curled up against his side with her head on his chest.

She still appeared to be asleep, unlike him. Then again, he’d been trained from a young age to be a warrior, which meant he didn’t sleep through many sounds that were loud enough. Sighing with regret as the sounds of the tribe continued to reach his ears, he reached down to run his fingers through her hair.

When she sighed in her sleep and snuggled closer to his body, he couldn’t help the tender smile that spread over his face. Wishing they could stay like that for a while longer, he knew the sounds he was hearing was the village preparing to send the warriors off to war with the Danasga.

Leaning over to press his lips close to her hair, he spoke in a soft, but firm voice. “Liz? Wake up, elra coharon.”

She mumbled something before opening her eyes to look up sleepily at him. “Mm, hi Max.”

He smiled. “Good morning, a’mora.”

She was about to reply when realization set in. She sat up with a gasp and looked around. “Oh no! We slept through the night out here!”

“Yes we did. We were fortunate that it was a rather warm night for the beginning of the winter season.”

She cocked her head to the side as if listening to the sounds in the distance. “Fortunate? But Max that sounds like the entire village is awake! Someone is surely looking for us right now! I’m sure everyone is preparing for the war!”

“I doubt anyone is too worried yet, but we should get dressed and return soon.”

Liz nodded her agreement as she started to gather her clothes, but before she could get too far, Max stopped her.

“Max wha…”

Cupping her face in his hands, he leaned closer and took her lips in for a gentle kiss. He could feel her smile against his lips then she wrapped her arms around his shoulders as her body leaned into his.

When breathing became necessary, Max pulled away from her lips to smile at her. “I love you.”

Her face lit up as she replied, “I love you too.”

They stared at each other for a few moments until the sounds interfered again.

Liz shook her head as she stood and began to get dressed. “I have to hurry! I’m sure Crow Flies needs me to help him prepare his son for war.”

Max nodded as he got to his feet and dressed. “Kyle and I prepared last night, so there shouldn’t be too much for us to do this morning.”

“Do you think they will figure out where we were? I mean, will there be any punishment?” she asked as she nibbled on her bottom lip.

Max reached out to take her hands in his. Looking into her eyes, he made sure she understood what he was saying.

“Crow Flies knows of my intentions with you, even if he doesn’t know that you have accepted. He will not say or do anything to you. As for me, I intend to ask for your rights as soon as I return from this war. At least for the time being you are safe with Crow Flies until I can take you into my home.”

Her eyes widened with hope. “Do you mean that? As soon as you return?”

He nodded. “Yes. I can’t wait to begin a life with you at my side. As soon as I return, I want to marry you.”

She threw her arms around him. “Me too Max!”

He chuckled as he hugged her close. They held each other for a few moments before helping each other to finish dressing. When they were ready, they shared one last kiss before slowly pulling apart. They knew time was running short, but neither of them was ready to let go of the other just yet.

Max had just finished tying the last weapon to his horse when he spied Jesse approaching him with Tess not too far behind him. Jesse came to a stop besides him with a hint of a smile on his face.

“Ready now?”

Max chuckled at the jibe. Michael and Jesse had been nearly relentless in their teasing when they saw the usually punctual Max come tearing into the group of warriors, loaded down with all the things he was taking with him to war.

Kyle had already brought Max’s horse, the packhorse, and his own when he’d arrived earlier. But it had been clear to everyone that Max was running late. Of course, no one knew that it wasn’t simply a case of oversleeping that had made him late.

Still, they teased him as he loaded the packhorse, then began to prepare himself and his stallion for war. Now it was nearly time for the war party to mount their horses to begin their journey to the Danasga tribe and Max had managed to make everything ready in record time.

“I’m ready,” he answered.

Jesse nodded and continued to talk to Max as Tess moved over to where Kyle was double checking his own horse.

“Any idea what time Max went to sleep last night?” She asked in a whisper so the others didn’t hear.

“No idea,” replied Kyle just as quietly. “I was fast asleep by the time he must have come home and when I ventured outside this morning, he was sitting outside talking to his mother.”

Tess shrugged. “Must have had a lot to do before today then. Anyway, I wanted to give you this before you left. I-I mean, I know we can’t have a public goodbye so I made this for you.”

She held out her hand and when Kyle reached out his own hand, she dropped her creation into it. Sitting in the middle of his palm was a thin leather strip with colored beads etched out of the local rocks. The beads surrounded a small bag that was in the middle of the strip. When Kyle held the strip up from the ends, Tess explained what it was.

“I put a few locks of my hair in the bag f-for good luck. There’s still room for you to put anything small in there. I-I think it’s long enough to wear as a necklace, b-but I can make it smaller when you come back so you can wear it around your wrist or s-something.”

Kyle fingered the rocks and bag. “You made these?”

She nodded hesitantly. “I w-wanted you to have something to t-take with you. S-so you wouldn’t feel so alone.”

He looked up at her with a genuine smile. “Thank you Tess,” he said as he tied it around his neck.

The leather was long enough for him to tuck the small bag beneath his jerkin for safe keeping.

“It’s perfect,” he added as he leaned in to give her a hug.

Tess returned his hug before stepping back and looking nervously around her. Even though it was known that women did not physically say goodbye to their warriors in public, Kyle didn’t seem to mind not following that particular etiquette.

Isabel had said her goodbyes to Jesse in private and was now standing with the rest of his family away from the war party. Maria was with Gentle Otter and Liz was with Crow Flies family since they too had said their private goodbyes to their loved ones.

Tess nodded to Kyle before moving back to where Jesse was. He finished his conversation with Max before escorting Tess back to the family she now lived with. Incidentally, they stood right next to Isabel and Jesse’s family. Maria, Gentle Otter, Liz and Crow Flie’s family stood on the other side of Jesse’s family.

As Jesse walked back to his horse, he thought of the amazing parting he and his beloved Sunshine had shared that morning. He had woken up to the smell of cooked wild hog and fresh fruit. Upon opening his eyes, he’d seen Isabel lying next to him and smiling. She wore absolutely nothing and her loose hair fell down her back and shoulder as she propped herself up on her elbow.

The plate of food was on the bedding between them. With a grin, she’d leaned over to kiss his forehead before saying, “Eat up, you’re going to need all of your energy for your journey.”

He couldn’t believe how good of a mood she’d been in as they shared the breakfast she’d made. She’d told him that she was surprised he’d slept through the preparations and when he was still asleep when she’d finished, she’d quickly gotten undressed and slid back in bed with him. She’d only been gazing at him for a few moments when the smell of the food had woken him up.

After their breakfast in bed, they’d made love before hurrying to bathe and gather the things he was going to load onto his pack horse. It was while he was preparing to leave that she’d become more somber. Still, she had refused to cry and carry on like several women were prone to do.

She had bravely helped him prepare, told him to be careful and had given him one last thorough kiss. Then right before he’d walked out of their home, she had told him that she loved him, so he had to make sure that he returned to her.

The look of love in her eyes had not only made him feel like the luckiest man alive, but it had also made him silently pray to the Great Spirit that he’d be able to return to keep seeing that look of love she had for him. He had nodded his affirmation as he’d cupped her cheek affectionately, then schooled himself to walk away from her.

He’d known she’d left right behind him to go to meet with his parents while he joined the gathering war party. Then she’d shown up with his parents not too long after that with Tess and her family right behind them.

Jesse glanced over at Max who was currently checking his stallion over as Michael walked up to him.

“Wow! You are actually ready to go on time!” exclaimed Michael in Udeyona, prompting Jesse to snicker besides them.

Max gave Jesse a rude Udeyona gesture before glaring at his older brother. “Don’t you have something better to do rather than pick on me?”

He’d purposely answered in English knowing Michael still had some trouble understanding it. Michael answered with a smug grin.

"No, I am ready unlike you. All I have to do now is mount my horse.''

Max tried not to roll his eyes at Michael’s sarcastic remark as he pretended to ignore him while busying himself with his horse. Both Michael and Jesse chuckled as they returned to their own mounts. Michael smoothed the mane of his stallion before glancing in the direction of the crowd where Maria stood.

She glanced in his direction and smiled. He returned the smile and gave her a little wave. Her smile widened and she nodded to him, but that was all. It made him proud that she could restrain herself from showing too much emotion in public.

From the moment he’d told her that he was going with the war party, she’d tried to be on her best behavior. He knew she was trying not to be overly emotional and more like the more traditional women of the tribe. Despite her willingness to conform to the ways of the tribe, he knew that just wasn’t the way she was made.

Of course, he loved that she was anything but restrained in private. In fact, he was certain that it was her ability to be so animated that helped them both to communicate and understand each other when the language failed them. He had been learning a lot from Maria now that they were married.

When it was just the two of them, Maria became a patient and gentle teacher. Granted, she still liked to tease him from time to time, but he could tell when she was being playful now. She never teased to be hurtful. Instead, it was her way of being flirtatious with him or a way to lighten the mood.

Still, it had only been a few hours after he’d told her he was going to war before there were tears in her eyes and her movements became full of anxiety. Even then, she had refused to let go of her emotions until the night before his departure. He wholeheartedly blamed himself for her emotional state at that point since he’d been the one to instigate it.

It had started right after their evening meal. He’d waited until the fire had been banked and everything else had been done for the night. Then he’d taken her hand and led her to their bed.

Lying down besides her, he’d looked into her green eyes while running his fingers through her hair. When she’d smiled up at him, he’d returned her smile with one of his own.

“You are so beautiful,” he’d whispered in her language.

The tears began to leak out of her eyes as she placed a trembling hand against his cheek. “Don’t go,” came her barely there reply.

Michael closed his eyes with a soft sigh. She misinterpreted it as his way of being disappointed with her ability to hold her feelings in.

“I’m sorry,” she’d blurted through trembling lips, “I thought I could do this, but…I can’t.”

He’d opened his eyes at her apology and saw the apologetic look in her eyes. Leaning down, he’d taken her lips in his and kissed her like a starving man. Then he’d slowly pulled away to look into her eyes again.

Wiping her tears away with his thumbs he said, “Do not apologize. You do nothing wrong. I want you to be just the way you are. The way you always have been.”

“Oh Michael,” she’d cried as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.

He’d hugged her back for a few moments until one thing had led to another and they’d made love. The fact that she’d clung to him and urged him on as if she was trying to bury him deep enough inside of her so that he’d stay there forever had only added to the love he felt for her.

Afterwards, they’d lain wrapped up in each other’s arms waiting for their breathing to return to normal. Then after a few moments of silence Maria had begun to sob harder, prompting him to hold her tighter to him. His hands spread soothing circles over her back as he whispered endearments to her until she’d fallen asleep.

He’d lain awake for a little while longer simply cherishing the feeling of holding her in his arms and marveled over the fact that he couldn’t imagine sharing his life, his home and his love with anyone else but her. Who would’ve thought a staunch Udeyona brave like him would be attracted to someone so completely opposite like her.

Now, he was certain that not only was he attracted to her, but she had swiftly become his entire world. There was nothing she did now that seemed offensive or strange to him. Now he was able to welcome the differences between them as if he’d been doing so his entire life.

When they’d woken in the morning, he’d spent more time saying goodbye to her and letting her know he never wanted her to change the way she was. She’d given him a tearful goodbye, telling him to be careful, but she wasn’t as upset as she’d been the night before.

By the time they had left their home, he knew she had made herself strong again for his sake. She refused to embarrass him in any way, especially if none of the other women had ever done such a thing. Silently he was proud of her will to be strong, but he’d held her hand until they had met up with his mother.

There he’d gently squeezed her hand before letting go to say goodbye to his mother. Then he’d gone to his horse, leaving his wife and mother to comfort each other. He’d never thought it would be one of the hardest things he’d ever do.

Even now, watching Max look over his horse and belongings one last time, he could feel the heavy weight in his chest and resisted the urge to look in Maria’s direction one more time. The lighthearted banter he and Jesse had with Max did nothing to lighten the weight so he was glad when the call came for all of the warriors to mount their horses so that they could be on their way.

As the war party began to make their way out of the village, those who were staying behind continued to watch the group until they were just a shadow on the horizon. Little by little the crowd began to disperse as daily life went on in the village.

Isabel had told Jesse’s parents that she’d be joining them after she said hello to Maria and Gentle Otter. As she joined them, Tess’ owners came to talk to Gentle Otter too. When Liz came over to talk to them, Maria and Isabel moved off a little further from the others.

“So how have things been going Maria?” asked Isabel.

Maria grinned. “They’ve been going well.”

“Really? You haven’t had any problems?”

Maria chuckled at Isabel’s wide eyes. “No problems at all. Why? Someone tell you otherwise?”

Isabel quickly shook her head. “No of course not! It’s just with your um… and his language… well, you know.”

By this time even Liz was grinning. “Why Isabel, I thought you knew that the language of love has no language barriers.”

“And trust me Izzy, there are absolutely no problems between Michael and me.”

At Maria’s smug grin Isabel gave her an equally smug one. “No problems huh? Well that’s good! I’m glad I’m not the only one enjoying married life.”

The two of them shared a secret giggle until Maria turned to look at Liz standing there with a smile on her face.

“Oh Liz! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

“We didn’t mean to…” corrected Isabel.

“No that’s okay. I understand what you both said. Really, I do.”

At her widening grin, Isabel and Maria glanced at each other before turning back to look at Liz again with suspicion in their eyes.

“In fact, I can’t wait to start enjoying married life myself!”

Maria’s mouth fell open as Isabel gasped and asked, “You mean?”

Liz nodded. Her eyes sparkling with mirth. “Yes! Max intends to ask for my rights as soon as he returns!”

Maria squealed in joy as she and Isabel hugged Liz in turn.

“That’s wonderful Liz!” cried Isabel.

“Yes! I’m so glad!” echoed Maria.

“Thanks, me too,” answered Liz.

The three of them continued to laugh and share their joy with each other. None of them noticed the silent and forlorn Tess standing nearby. She had heard every word and all she could think was what was Kyle going to do when he got wind of his sister’s news.


The war party had been riding for the better part of the day, having stopped once to rest the horses and for a quick meal. Now as they continued on their way, Michael and Jesse flanked Max while Kyle rode a little ways behind with another group.

“What is up with you little brother? You’ve been grinning all day,” came Michael’s inquiry in Udeyona.

Jesse chuckled. “He’s right. You’re smiling as if you heard a really good secret.”

Max’s smile grew wider. “Oh, it’s not really a secret, at least it won’t be for long.”

Jesse leaned forward to raise an inquisitive eyebrow at Michael which he answered with one of his own.

“Okay, so are you going to let us in on this secret?” asked Jesse.

Max looked at Jesse for a moment before looking at his older brother. Finally, he looked forward and held his head higher. “I’m going to ask for Daring Elk’s rights as soon as I return to the village.”

Jesse grinned as Michael punched his brother on the shoulder. “I knew it! It’s about time brother!”

“Does Daring Elk know?”
asked Jesse.

Max nodded. “She knows and she’s already accepted.”

“Well then, congratulations are in order!”

“Yes, congratulations!”
added Michael. “No doubt she’s telling the others as we speak.”

“No doubt,”
answered Max as he accepted their well-wishes. Even as the three of them celebrated their happiness, Kyle silently fumed behind them. He had heard them and had managed to get the gist of it. He couldn’t believe his sister would have agreed to become the wife of a savage.

As the group continued on to their destination, he began to think of ways to keep his sister from marrying Horse Dreamer. He was absolutely certain that he could find a way to get Liz away from the savage’s clutches if it was the last thing he’d ever do.


elra coharon- dear heart
a'mora (ama mora)- my love

Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)note(p16)5/3

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:51 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 23

“No! Please! I didn’t do anything!” cried the woman as she cringed on the ground with her arms covering her head for protection.

A Danasga warrior growled at her in his language. “You are still using that disgusting language when I told you to stop! Now stop sniveling and get on your feet!”

The woman sniffled as she looked up at him with teary eyes. “Please. Please don’t make me…”

“Silence I said!” roared the warrior before he grabbed a whip from his waist, preparing to use it on her.

Before he had the chance to strike, an arrow came whistling out of the trees and lodged itself in his arm. Seconds later he was lying on the ground with more arrows sticking out of his body as he expelled a dying breath.

The woman opened her eyes when she realized no blow had been struck only to see his dead body. As the scream tore from her throat, the Udeyona war party erupted from the surrounding trees and attacked the Danasga village.

With no other warning at all, the Udeyona flowed into the village, dispatching any enemy warriors they came upon. Jesse and Michael were part of the first group that had been told to make their way towards the council building in hopes that most of the important tribal members were there. Max and Kyle were part of the group that was to secure the leader of the Danasga tribe as well as any of his family members.

So as the Udeyona moved into the village, Jesse’s group led the way with Max’s right behind them. The Danasga were overpowered at the beginning, but the further into the village they got, the better the resistance became. All too soon, the Udeyona were being surrounded and made to fight their way through anyone who came at them with a weapon.

It was during this fighting that Jesse began to notice something odd. As Max fought those in front of him, he had positioned himself so that Kyle guarded his back. It was the way most of them fought as Michael and Jesse were fighting that way also.

However, Kyle seemed to be distancing himself from Max therefore leaving a considerable gap behind Max’s back. It was becoming such a huge gap that if anyone came at Max, Kyle soon wasn’t going to be able to reach him in time to protect him.

Sure enough, Jesse saw the incoming warrior wielding an axe at Max’s back. Kyle seemed to be too busy fighting another warrior to get to Max, so Jesse grabbed his tomahawk and ran and threw it in the direction of the warrior. It hit the warrior across the back of his thighs, enough to take him down to the floor but not to incapacitate him.

However, Max had heard the warrior’s anguished scream and turned to finish him off quickly with one of his knives before turning back to the oncoming warriors he was fighting. Jesse narrowed his eyes as he realized Max was too busy fighting to realize it wasn’t Kyle who had first taken the warrior down. Without another thought, he shouted to Michael and moved closer to him before pointing to Kyle.

“The white eyes isn’t protecting Horse Dreamer,” Jesse hissed in Udeyona. “I have an idea why, but you go pair up with your brother and I’ll take the snake as my partner.”

Michael scowled as he realized what Jesse meant. “You sure?”


Michael nodded and quickly moved into position behind Max as Jesse grabbed Kyle’s arm and pulled him further away from Max. He could see Michael quickly letting Max know that he had his back now.

Before Kyle could say anything, Jesse spoke to him in fluent English. “Come on, we need your help translating. You’re my partner now.”

The two of them rejoined the group heading towards the council building and continued fighting their way through. As they moved and fought, Jesse was always aware of where Kyle was and knew better than to rely on him to guard his back. At one point, he had glanced in Kyle’s direction to see him looking at Max’s group with clear disappointment in his eyes.

That only served to make him realize he had been right. Kyle wasn’t overly concerned if Max lived or died at all. That meant he must have heard Max’s earlier announcement about Liz and had not been happy at all, but Jesse wasn’t going to let Kyle ruin a good thing if he could help it.

Luckily the fighting didn’t last that much longer since the Danasga had not been prepared to be involved in a war and had been overtaken rather quickly. In no time at all, Jesse’s group had reached the council building where many of the elders had immediately surrendered despite the fact that their leader was shouting at everyone to kill all the Udeyona.

It became evident that the leader knew why the Udeyona was raiding his village and was trying to thwart their revenge to no avail. As soon as all of the men and warriors had been rounded up, the Udeyona had confronted the leader and those responsible for the deaths of Bright Moose and the others.

“We did nothing wrong! Your men came to our village and threatened us to do as they said or else! Of course we would retaliate!”

“They were sent here to negotiate with you about the welfare of your women and slaves! It was a peaceful group we sent, not warriors!”
explained Max.

“It was no one’s business how our tribe conducts itself! As you can see, our women and slaves are plentiful!”

“Yes, but we clearly witnessed a warrior abusing a slave just as we began our raid,”
Max pointed out as the slave in question was brought forward by Kyle and another Udeyona warrior.

Kyle nodded to the woman and spoke in English to her. “Tell them what you told me, it’s okay.”

His smile helped her to tell the truth. “I-I was trying to finish my chores when Prairie Dog accosted me. He wanted me to…to…” she stopped as her face turned red and she looked down at the ground.

“But I wouldn’t so he was going to whip me when he was killed.”

The leader glared at her in anger. “Liar! She’s just a slave! We do not believe their lies!”

“Really? Then do you believe the words from your own women?”
asked Max as he indicated a small group of Danasga women standing nearby.

One of them stepped forward and said, “What the slave said is true of the treatment of all the slaves here. It is also true of many of the Danasga women too. Many of us are treated as nothing more than objects for the amusement of the men.”

“Silence woman!”
roared the leader.

He was quickly subdued by several of the Udeyona warriors around him.

“Tell me,” prompted Max of the woman, “do you know about the negotiation party we sent days ago?”

The woman nodded. “Yes, they came in peace they said. Some of the slaves heard them trying to convince the council and our leader to change their treatment of us. The leader refused to listen and shouted at them instead. He ordered them to be disarmed and when they tried to leave peacefully, several of our warriors were ordered to attack them to make sure they couldn’t tell anyone anything.”

Michael stood besides Max and glared at the leader. The only indication of Max’s anger was in the curled fists at his sides. He kept his gaze level and his voice calm as he continued to speak to the leader.

“Know this. Several of the men you ordered to be killed were well respected among our tribe. One in particular was not only respected, but like a father to many of us. He had been responsible for many a successful peaceful negotiation with other tribes and with the whites. Not only have you left the Udeyona bereft of his many gifts, but you have taken him from his family.”

Max indicated Michael, then himself. “Now I, the chosen son, must follow in his footsteps to continue down the path my father started. However, there is one thing my warrior side must do before I take up the mantle of negotiator.”

Max looked around at the rest of the people there before looking the leader in the eyes. “I, Horse Dreamer, son of Bright Moose challenge you to a death duel.”

There were several gasps among the Danasga and the leader gritted his teeth in anger. “How dare you!”

“You cannot bellow your way out of this,”
interrupted Jesse as he backed up Max. “He has challenged you and the duel will take place now!”

Another Danasga warrior stepped up besides the leader and glowered at Jesse. “If anyone should be punished for any wrongdoing then it should be I!”

hissed the leader.

“Yes! It was I who followed my father’s order to kill Bright Moose. I am the one who ended his life, so it shall be me to die.”

Max exchanged looks with Jesse and Michael before looking back at the young warrior. “I will duel the leader of the Danasga as I have said. You will face Bright Moose’s eldest son, Fighting Dog in a death duel too.”

Without another word, the Udeyona cleared two spaces in which Michael waited in one and Max in the other. The leader and his son were dragged into the respective clearings by a couple of the Udeyona warriors.

All four combatants were given two knives each and nothing else. As soon as the word was given, the combatants began to circle the clearing.

At least that was the way of Michael and his opponent. Unlike the leader, the son knew there was no other way to survive what he had done. Rather than stand and yell about things as his father was still doing, he decided to fight for his life against Michael.

As the two of them began their nearly well-matched duel, Max had to listen to the leader trying to shout his tribe into rescuing him. But not even the council members could be swayed into helping him no matter how many threats and insults he hurled at them.

As Max inched closer to him, he knew he was going to have to fight but it soon became clear that he was no longer a warrior in his prime. He feinted a few times trying to throw Max off balance, but Max was good at reading body language and knew he was faking.

With a couple of quick moves, Max had disarmed the leader and placed him flat on his back with both knives at his throat. The leader’s eyes went wide with fear as he knew he’d been bested.

“I yield,” he gasped over the knives at his throat.

Max glared down at him, not wanting to let the man who had ordered his father’s death live but he knew the rules. After a few long, tense moments he backed away and sheathed his knives as he was declared the winner.

The whispered curse and whoosh of a knife warned him in time. Ducking as the knife flew over his head, he whirled around and let both of his knives fly. Both imbedded themselves in the leaders chest, making him stagger back in shock.

Max hadn’t let his guard down because he knew what kind of snake the leader was. He’d judged right. The leader had just tried to stab him in the back, but Max was quicker and smarter.

He watched the leader sink to his knees with blood running down his chest from the knife wounds. No one stopped him as he walked over to the leader and yanked his knives out of his chest, making sure to inflict as much pain as possible.

The leader hissed in pain and flopped onto his back, glaring up at Max in hatred. Max knelt over him and growled. “You deserve more than this for what you did to my father!”

Then he silenced him for good with one final slice of the knife to his neck.

“It is done,” announced Jesse as Max stood up from the leader’s dead body.

In the other clearing, the son was beginning to tire. Michael was drenched in sweat, but he was still quick on his feet. Clearly in his element, he was able to move here and there much quicker than his opponent.

This had enabled him to get in some good blows so that his opponent now had many cuts and bruises all over his body. Blood ran down his arms and into his hands, making the knives almost too slick to hold on to. Blood and sweat dripped into his eyes, clouding his vision occasionally.

Michael was biding his time, waiting for the perfect opening to deliver his killing blow. It came a few moments later when his opponent lunged at him trying to throw him off balance.

Michael simply stepped out of the way, whirled around and plunged the knife down into his opponents back. The warrior grunted as he spun around, trying to reach the knife in his back with one of his hands while the other kept him from falling completely. His lack of concentration enabled Michael enabled Michael to plunge the second knife at a downward angle into the warrior’s chest stopping him cold.

The warrior sank down to the ground on his knees and feebly yanked the knife out of his chest before throwing it listlessly at Michael who simply batted it away. As the warrior sat there with his head low, Michael walked up to him and grasped the knife still in the warrior’s back.

The warrior could only roll his head slightly as he growled at Michael. “Finish it.”

Michael yanked the knife from the warrior’s back and swung it around to silence him permanently. The warrior fell to the ground as his blood poured from his slit throat to soak the earth.

“It is done,” came the second announcement.

Silence permeated the village for a few moments as everyone acknowledged the death of the wrongdoers. Then things began moving again as the Udeyona began to finish up the rest of the punishment.

All valuables were taken completely from those directly involved with the murders of the Udeyona negotiation party. Then from the rest of the tribe, tribal prisoners and all of the slaves were taken away. The Udeyona made sure that the Danasga understood that they were to have no slaves or prisoners left behind and any of the women who wished to join the Udeyona tribe would be treated with respect as if they had been born Udeyona instead of Danasga.

Those Danasga who remained behind were mostly men and they all knew better than to try to start anything with the Udeyona warriors. Hardly any of them complained when their women and slaves were escorted away. Those that did were quickly put in their place.

As the day began to wane, the Udeyona began readying for their journey home. Transportation and other arrangements were quickly being made for those joining them on their trip home. Everyone was busy preparing or making sure the remaining Danasga didn’t retaliate that no one noticed the one lone slave girl slip through the edges of the crowd to make her way towards the trees.

She waited until she was clear to break into a frantic run towards the trees. However, being in her late teens and unaccustomed to stealth, her running caught the ears of one of the warriors who had been watching the remaining Danasga. Quickly realizing no one had seen her yet, he turned his horse in her direction and caught up with her in a few gallops.

He leaned over and pulled her up into his arms in one swift move before depositing her in front of him in the saddle. She struggled against him as her soft cries reached his ears.

“Shh, little one. It is okay, I am not going to hurt you. You will be safer with my tribe than trying to run into the unknown wilderness alone.” He knew she wasn’t understanding his language, but hoped his calm voice and gentle demeanor would soothe her.

Within moments she seemed to realize that he wasn’t going to hurt her, yet she was firmly in his grasp so that she couldn’t escape. Accepting defeat, she went limp against him and became silent.

Still, he could feel the slight trembling of her body which told him that she wasn’t too far from being spooked again. So for the time being, he held her close and whispered soothing words to her as the rest of the Udeyona began to leave the Danasga village.

Far on the other side, Max and Michael rode side by side in silence. Both lost in thoughts of their father and what had been done that day. Behind them was Kyle and Jesse. The former never seemed to stop glaring at Max’s back and the latter had never let Kyle out of his sight.

Throughout the entire ordeal, Jesse had made sure Kyle had never had the opportunity to bring harm to Max. And when he couldn’t personally watch Kyle, he’d made sure someone else did. He knew that he was going to have to tell Max as soon as he was able to talk to him alone. Max had to know there was a viper in his midst before it was too late.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt22/23(p17)6/13

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:55 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
*Note:Italics means they are speaking in Udeyona.

Part 24

Maria sat on the blanket next to Isabel enjoying the way the sun warmed them despite the slight chill in the air. Winter was slowly approaching now since the mornings found the ground covered in a blanket of ice and their breathing could be seen as white puffs of smoke coming from their mouths. However, once the sun rose higher into the sky it warmed the earth again therefore keeping the cold at bay.

As the women sat outside of Isabel’s home that she now shared with Jesse, they both knew it wouldn’t be long before the sun lost its battle with winter and snow would soon cover the ground. They were already prepared for the winter, dressed in thicker leather dresses and tall leather moccasin boots with the furs they’d worn as coats draped on the blanket around them.

Maria sighed as she turned to look at Isabel who was leaning back on her hands with her eyes closed and face turned up to the sun. Maria thought Isabel looked radiant and seemed to be glowing despite the slight chill in the air. The two of them were lucky enough to have time to sit and relax for a bit before Maria would return to spend time with Gentle Otter.

They were much more fortunate than Liz and Tess who still had chores to do as life went on in the village. The two of them were currently at the river washing clothes with some of the other slaves which was why it was only Maria and Isabel soaking up the sun’s rays.

“How much longer do you think they will be gone?” asked Maria.

Isabel answered without even opening her eyes or moving from her position. She knew exactly who Maria was asking about. “Not much longer I suppose. It should be a surprise raid, the Danasga don’t know they are going to be raided.”

Maria frowned. “Unless someone managed to forewarn them.”

Isabel opened her eyes to look at her friend. “True, but that seems too impossible.”

“Maybe, but what if the fighting goes badly? I mean, even if the Danasga are taken by surprise, what if they manage to fight well enough to make our warriors struggle?”

Isabel shifted so that she was facing Maria. “Even if the Danasga put up a good fight, they can’t be that prepared. I have faith in our warriors Maria. I believe they would have planned it so that they would have the best sneak attack possible. They wouldn’t have just gone blundering in.”

Maria looked at Isabel for a moment before turning her eyes in the direction of the last place the war party had left the village. Isabel saw the worried look her friend still wore and reached out to give her hands a comforting squeeze.

“They will be okay Maria. Have faith that they will be okay and will return to us soon. You’ll see.”

Maria turned to look into Isabel’s eyes and when she seemed to finally see something there, she returned Isabel’s smile with one of her own. “You’re right. I just have to have faith in them.”

Just as Isabel was about to reply, a shout came from the far side of the village. “The war party is returning! The warriors have come home!”

As others took up the joyous cry, Isabel grinned at Maria. “See? A little faith goes a long way!”

Maria laughed as the two of them got up and hurried towards the entrance to the village where they knew the warriors would be returning to.


“The war party has returned!”

Liz looked up as a young boy ran into the clearing before the river to finish making his announcement. As soon as he was done, many of the slaves began gathering up their possessions before making their way back to the village. Liz was among those eager to get back to the village to greet the returning warriors.

As she hurried to gather up her belongings, she glanced at Tess who had been working not too far from her side. Unlike most of the others, Tess was in no hurry to return to the village despite the fact that she knew Kyle would be returning too. She wasn’t in any hurry because she knew what was going to happen if Kyle knew about Liz and Max’s plans for the future and she still wasn’t sure if she wanted to witness that.

However, she could only delay the inevitable for so long because even the men who had been the ones to watch over the slaves as they washed were now trying to hurry everyone back to the village. She wasn’t very far behind Liz as they rushed into the village and joined the rest of the men, women and children who were already waiting for the war party’s appearance.

Isabel and Maria were among those already there, along with Jesse’s family and Crow Flie’s family whom Liz still worked for. Just as Liz made it to the group, Gentle Otter arrived and joined them too. Tess didn’t see the family she worked for anywhere, but then she wasn’t really looking for them. Instead, she moved to join her older sister and their friends to wait as patiently as they could.

Within moments, the sound of horses could be heard over the excited chatter. People began to crane their necks and raised to the tips of their toes in hopes of catching sight of the returning warriors. As the excited chatter changed into cries of joy and welcoming cheers, Maria caught sight of Michael riding his horse next to Max with Jesse and Kyle not too far behind.

“Michael!” she cried as she began to make her way through the crowd towards her husband.

Michael grinned as he caught sight of her and swung to the ground. Keeping one hand on his horse’s reins, he swept Maria up with the other arm and pulled her in for a deep kiss. Behind them, Jesse was hugging Isabel close to him as Tess made her way towards them. Further in the crowd, Max had spied Liz and was now making a beeline towards her as she ran towards him.

Holding his wife in one arm, Jesse ruffled Tess’ hair affectionately and smiled at her. “Hello, Tess. You have been well I hope?”

Tess nodded. “I have.”

“Good, then why don’t you go say hello to Kyle. I’m sure he would like to have someone welcome him home.”

Tess nodded and made her way to Kyle’s side as Jesse watched. Kyle had been watching Max approach Liz with eyes narrowed, but when Tess approached him and said hello he turned his attention away from them. Inwardly Jesse smiled since Tess had just managed to grab Kyle’s attention away from the loving homecoming Max was currently receiving from Liz.

As Max held Liz wrapped in his embrace and drowned in her sweet mouth, the two of them were oblivious to the stares and covert looks around them. Neither one of them was aware of the anger of Kyle or of the fact that Jesse had just brought them some time to enjoy a good hello.

They were still kissing when Michael and Maria walked past them as they made their way towards Gentle Otter. When Michael uttered a “hello Liz” as Maria chuckled a “hi Max” all the couple did was wave a hand at them without breaking the kiss. But that didn’t offend Michael and Maria who continued arm in arm on their way to Gentle Otter without breaking their stride.

Jesse chuckled at the sight of Max and Liz, making Isabel glance in the direction he was looking. She laughed in turn as she caught sight of the two lovebirds who were so lost in each other that not even Michael and Maria had managed to interrupt.

Jesse looked down at his wife with a smile and noticed she seemed even more radiant then ever. It was as if every time he saw her, she seemed to shine brighter and brighter than the sun itself. Hugging her closer to him, he nuzzled her hair.

“It is good to be home. I have missed you, my sun.”

Isabel returned his hug before looking up at him with a smile. “I’ve missed you too, my love.” Then her smile turned mischievous. “Or rather we have missed you.”

Jesse gave her a puzzled look. “We?”

Isabel nodded as her smile turned even more radiant. Taking the hand that he held her with, she led it to her stomach and pressed it gently against her skin.

“We,” she repeated.

Jesse’s eyes widened in realization. “Truth?” he asked in a mixture of hope and awe.

Isabel laughed at the look on his face. “Yes, I missed my last phase. The healers say it must have happened on our hand-fasting day.”

Jesse silently gave thanks to the Great Spirit for that miracle and the fact that they found out so soon. He’d had no idea that when he’d taken Isabel into his life that they would be blessed with a family so quickly. But he was glad that they would get to share that together and hoped she felt the same.

“Are you okay with this?” he asked, worried that she wasn’t ready.

Isabel knew what he was asking. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she looked up into his eyes with a reassuring smile. “Yes. I’m so happy that I am going to have a family with you, my husband. It’s what I’ve always dreamed of.”

Jesse relaxed as he saw the truth of it in her eyes. She was beyond thrilled and more than ready to have a family with him. He was still thanking the Great Spirit for all the gifts he’d been receiving lately.

He leaned down and brushed a soft kiss over her lips before leaning back to look at her glowing face. With a sigh of contentment, he brushed strands of hair from her face.

“My sunshine,” he breathed, lost in his newfound happiness.


Even as Jesse and Isabel basked in their new family, Max and Liz had finally come up for air. Grinning at each other, they only parted enough to rest their foreheads against each other’s. While they continued to breathe air into their lungs again, Max cupped Liz’s face in his hands.

When he could finally speak again he said, “Oh how I missed you!”

Liz chuckled softly. “Um hm. I missed you too.” She glanced down at him before looking back into his eyes. “I’m glad you are not hurt.”

Max didn’t miss the worry she tried to hide. “I’m fine. It was not a long fight.”

“Were you able to resolve things?”

Max shrugged as he moved away to take her hand in his. “As much as a thing like that could be. Come, let us walk to my home and I’ll fill you in before I have to go to council.”

Liz nodded as she fell into step with Max. She listened as he started to tell her about the raid until something caught her attention from out of the corner of her eye. Turning to look with curiosity, she spotted a slender girl who looked to be in her mid-teens struggling with one of the Udeyona warriors.

It wasn’t that the warrior was being rough with the girl or mistreating her in any way. It was that something seemed familiar about the girl. As Liz took in her slender appearance and light brown hair that seemed to have burnt copper highlights in it, she suddenly realized who she was looking at. Even at such a young age, the girl was the spitting image of Liz’s mother.

The moment that thought came to her, she stopped dead in her tracks causing Max to look at her in puzzlement.

“Liz? What is it?”

“Max! Oh my God Max! It’s her!”

Max looked in the direction Liz was staring, but had no clue what Liz meant. “Her?”

Liz’s answer was a scream as she let go of Max and ran towards the girl and warrior. “Serena! Serena!”

The girl was still struggling with the warrior even as she turned towards Liz’s voice. The moment she saw Liz running towards her, her eyes went wide in recognition.

“Lizzie?” she whispered brokenly.

Liz could only see the movement of the girl’s mouth, since she was still to far away to hear her voice. “It’s me Serena! It’s Liz, your sister!”

At that confirmation, Serena began to thrash more wildly against the warrior until Max motioned to the warrior to let her go. As soon as she was free, she rushed towards Liz with tears blossoming in her eyes.

Others had heard Liz’s scream and had turned to see what all the commotion was about. Kyle was one of them, who had heard his sister’s scream. And when he looked up to see Liz running towards a younger girl, he knew exactly who it was. Leaving Tess’ side, he ran towards his two sisters who were now embracing each other tightly.

Liz looked up to see him running towards them. She wore a smile despite the tears in her eyes. “Kyle! Look! Look! We’ve found Serena! We’ve found our sister!”

Kyle wrapped his arms around both of them and hugged them fiercely. “Oh thank God you’re okay, little sis! You’re okay!”

Serena couldn’t speak past the sobs that were growing more and more hysterical by the moment. All she could do as the tears ran down her face was cling to the brother and sister she’d never thought to see ever again.

As the three siblings continued their reunion, Max moved to talk with the warrior who had been with Serena. “She is yours?”

The warrior shook his head. “She is one from the Danasga. I caught her as she tried to escape into the trees without thinking about facing the dangers of the wilderness alone. I tried to warn her of that and to reassure her that she would not be harmed but I fear she does not understand our language. She struggled with me at first, but I think she calmed when she realized I did not raise my voice or treat her roughly.”

“Why was she struggling with you now?”

“I do not know. She was calm for most of the journey back. It wasn’t until I took her off the horse and was trying to lead her to the council building that she seemed to panic.”

Max nodded. “Do you intend to claim her as yours?”

The warrior glanced at the three huddled figures before turning to look at Max. “I think it is best if I leave the girl with someone who can talk to her and keep her calm.”

Max inclined his head in gratitude. “My thanks.”

The warrior returned his nod before walking off to help with the rest of the slaves as Max made his way towards the three siblings. Leaning in slightly, he touched Liz’s arm without startling her. When she looked up at him, he gave her a warm smile.

“Why don’t you and Kyle take Serena to my home while I go to the council building. The three of you can spend some time together there.”

As Kyle looked up at them Liz asked. “What is to become of her?”

Max gave her arm a reassuring squeeze. “I will inform the council that she will be my slave so that she will be with her family again. They will not argue against that once they hear what I have to say as well as the warrior who brought her here.”

“Are you sure they would agree?” asked Kyle with some skepticism.

Max nodded. “Yes, our council likes to keep families close together. We believe it makes it easier for them to accept their new life and surroundings.”

Liz nodded as she realized what Max said was true. “Okay, we’ll go wait for you at your home then.”

Max watched as Liz and Kyle coaxed a still hysterical Serena to her feet before they began to make their way in the direction of his home. He waited until they were out of sight before he turned towards the council building. He knew it would be some time before he would be able to return to his home which meant they would have plenty of time to catch up with one another.

He only hoped that once the war party had reported the results of the raid and sorted through all of the slaves, ex-Danasga villagers and the rest of the items they had brought back with them that there would still be time for him to consult with the council on one more thing that had nothing to do with the raid itself.


“Listen to me Liz! You can’t be serious about this!” snapped Kyle.

Liz sighed from where she sat next to Serena. Kyle had been yelling at her for some time now to no avail.

Once the three of them had reached Max’s home and Liz had managed to get Serena inside and seated, they had first tried to get Serena to tell them where she had been. Unfortunately, Serena was still a little hysterical and hadn’t been very clear about what had happened to her since they had last seen each other.

However, Kyle and Liz had been able to discern that no serious harm had come to their little sister while she had been with the Danasga. Somehow, she had managed to avoid being abused or violated in any way. It seemed a miracle that no one had laid a hand on her in any bad way, but they hoped it was because of her skittishness and her general hysteria that kept others away.

Once they realized that Serena was physically fine, Liz had tried to get Serena to eat something and had placed blankets around her to keep her warm. She was focused on trying to coax Serena into a comfortable, relaxed demeanor while Kyle had begun to pace in front of them.

When Liz had given up trying to get Serena to eat something and simply sat next to her little sister with a comforting arm around her, Kyle had finally gotten it off his chest. Without any warning, he’d blurted out that he didn’t believe for one moment that his sister would agree to marry a savage so easily and wanted to know what they had threatened her with for her to give in to them.

When Liz told him that she had willingly agreed to marry Max because she wanted to, Kyle had lost it. He kept insisting that there was no way any sister of his would willingly marry any of the savages around them and went on to point out all of the reasons why any civilized human being would stay as far away from the savages as possible.

However, all of his ranting was falling on deaf ears. Liz wasn’t swayed by anything Kyle had said so far and he was now tired of her ignoring him. Still she, held her ground.

“I am serious about it, Kyle.”

Kyle gritted his teeth in frustration as he glared at Liz. Curling his hands into fists then releasing them, he tried another argument.

“Look, you know that I am able to keep earning the bounty that I started with the Taganila. I planned to buy my freedom with it, as well as yours and Tess. I thought we would then go look for Serena, but since she’s here I’ll just buy her freedom too.”

Liz frowned. “Buy our freedom?”

“Yes. I planned to earn enough to get us all free so that we could go back to our world again. The Udeyona will honor the same rules the Taganila had for slaves like me. They told me so.”

Liz sighed again. “Well if that’s what you want to do, then you should do it. I’m sure Tess and Serena will be pleased to go home.”

She glanced at Serena. “Is that what you want Sere? To go home again?”

Serena simply nodded her head, but her unfocused gaze remained on the floor. Liz got the feeling Serena wasn’t really putting any effort into the conversation, she was simply contented to be safe for the moment.

Kyle sighed as he glanced at his fragile baby sister before looking back at the ever stubborn Liz. It seemed nothing had changed at all over the years. Serena was still the delicate little lady while Liz remained the headstrong and wild girl she had always been.

He knew she would never give in without a fight. “Liz, we are all going home. You, me, Tess and Serena.”

Liz quirked an eyebrow. “What about Isabel? I don’t think Tess would want to leave her sister.”

“We talked about it already. It’s too late to save Isabel. She’s already in too deep.”

Liz gaped at him. “You did not just say that! Save her!?! You talk as if you were one of those crazy people our parents were trying to escape persecution from!”

“That’s different.”

“How is it different Kyle? You want to save us from the evil of these savages just like those fanatics wanted to save everyone from the evils that they came up with! There’s nothing evil about these people Kyle! They’re people, just like we are! They just live their lives differently than we were used to, that’s all!”

“They are not people Liz! They’re savage! Uncivilized!”

“You’re wrong! You haven’t even tried to understand them! You condemn them just because they are different! But they are like us in many ways! They have feelings! They have families! God Kyle! They bleed just like us!”

“Then let them bleed! But you cannot become like them! You don’t belong here anymore than I do!”

Liz threw up her hands in exasperation. “This is getting us nowhere.” Looking steadily at her brother, she spoke in a clear and firm voice. “I’ve already made up my mind Kyle. I told Max yes. He is going to ask the council for my rights.”

Whatever Kyle was going to retort died on his lips as Max entered the house looking exhausted. Liz was instantly on her feet and at his side.

“Are you okay, Max?”

He nodded wearily. “Yes, it has been a long day.” He glanced at Serena. “How is she?”

Liz sighed. “She’s calmed down a little, but she doesn’t talk much.” She turned to give her sister a sad look. “She’s always been this way really, a little on the fragile side.”

Max nodded in understanding. “Why don’t you try to get her to sleep before I walk you to Crow Flie’s home?”

“Okay, come on Sere let’s go to bed.” As Liz helped Serena into the next room and got her to lay down on one of the pallets there, she could hear Max telling Kyle about the council meeting.

“The council now has the report of the raid from everyone. Tomorrow they will continue to sort through everyone and everything we brought back from the Danasga. But the council did agree to give me Serena’s rights. She is now my slave and will remain here with you so that she can be cared for. It may help her if she is surrounded by family.”

“My thanks,” replied Kyle.

Liz leaned over and placed a kiss on her sister’s forehead before whispering to her. “Did you hear that Serena? You get to stay here with Kyle and Max. And I’ll be over here often too. You’ll like Max. You’ll see just what a great person he is. He’s always been nice to me and I know he’ll treat you just as wonderful as he’s always treated me. You’ll see.”

Serena simply stared at her for a few moments before closing her eyes. Liz brushed hair from her sister’s forehead. She hadn’t expected a reply from Serena at all.

“Good night, little sister. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

With that, she got up and returned to the front room where Max was waiting for her. When she looked around for Kyle, Max answered her.

“Kyle went to get some wood for our fire. Serena should be okay for a few moments. Come, let me walk you home.”

She took Max’s hand and walked out of the house with him. As they made their way between the homes, she asked him about the meeting.

“I guess the meeting was too long for you to ask about my rights.”

Max sighed as he brought their entwined hands to his chest. “Yes, we did not even get to finish everything about the raid. Council will call all of us to meet again in the morning. When they do, I will stay until I have an answer from them.”

He stopped walking and turned to look into her eyes. “I don’t want to wait any longer than I have to Liz. As soon as they allow it, I want to do the hand-fasting. That way you can come home to not only me, but your sister and brother too.”

Liz smiled up at him. “I want that too Max. I don’t want to wait too long to start my life with you.”

He smiled in return before leaning down to give her a kiss. As deep as the kiss was, Liz could tell just how tired Max was. Reluctantly pulling away from him, she led him towards Crow Flies home.

“Come on Max, the sooner we get to our beds tonight, the sooner we can be together again.”

Max chuckled at the impatience he could hear in her voice. She was feeling the frustration just as much as he was. Still, he was certain that it would only be a matter of a few hours before they were both happy again. For as soon as the council finished talking about the raid, he was going to ask for Liz’s rights.

Then as soon as they granted that to him, he was marching right over to Crow Flies home to collect Liz for the hand-fasting. By the time night fell again, she would be spending the first night of the rest of their lives in his arms as his wife.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt24(p4)8/11

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:57 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 25

Kyle stood before the council as they continued to deliberate over his demands. As soon as first light, he’d woken up, rushed through his morning chores then headed to the council building as soon as he’d seen the elders gathering. They had tried to tell him to come back later because they had another meeting to finish, but he wouldn’t be deterred.

As soon as all the elders were present, they had allowed him into the room to state his business. He had presented his total earnings to them and told them he wanted to purchase his freedom as well as that of his family and a friend. The elders then had told him they would look at his earnings and see if he had enough for everyone he wanted to free once he’d told them their names.

So, once they’d decided how much his total earnings were worth, they now sat deliberating on if he had enough to set everyone free. He could hear them murmuring, but their voices were too low to hear exactly what they were saying. Finally, they all took their seats and faced him with their decision.

“We have totaled your earnings and have deduced that once we take the amount that you are worth from the total, there is only enough to free on other.” announced an elder.

“What? But Rabbit Runs Quickly is new, she cannot be worth that much yet!”

“Because she is new, we cannot allow her freedom yet until we discuss this with her owner about her worth to him. Only then could we tell you if you can afford her. As for the other two, they are both valued by their owners which means you only have enough for one of them.”

Kyle gritted his teeth in frustration. As much as he hated leaving Serena behind, he knew that was what he was going to have to do.

“Fine. Then I choose to buy my freedom as well as that of Daring Elk.”

The elders looked among each other before one spoke up again. “Is that your final choice?”

Kyle nodded. “It is.”

“Very well then,”
the elder motioned to two braves who stood near the entrance. As they moved closer, he pointed to one then the other. “You will go to Crow Flies home and bring both him and Daring Elk immediately. You will go to Horse Dreamer’s home and bring him immediately.”

After the braves left to do as told, the elder finished talking to Kyle. “As soon as all parties are here, we will finish these purchases. If all is agreed upon, we will allow you to pay us and be on your way.”

Kyle nodded and took a seat to wait for all of the others to arrive. He just hoped none of them had a good reason to keep him and Liz there other than the fact that Crow Flies liked Liz for all she did for his family. Still, Kyle knew that wasn’t a good enough reason to deny Liz her freedom. Especially since Kyle had more than enough earnings to buy her freedom from them.


“Daring Elk! We are needed at the council building,” announced Crow Flies as he approached Liz where she was finishing up washing the morning dishes between houses.

She straightened up from where she had been leaning over a very large wooden bucket that was filled with sudsy water that appeared a little dirty. She still held a slightly curved wooden piece in her hand which was one of the plates they used to eat on.

“All right. Give me a few moments to clean up here then I’ll…”

Crow Flies shook his head. "Leave it. Squirrel Gathers will clean up for you. I was told by the messenger that we were to go immediately.”

Liz nodded as she wiped her hands on the cloth she had tucked into the side of her belt. She straightened herself up a bit before following Crow Flies.

As they walked, Liz couldn’t help the feeling of giddiness that began to well up inside of her. She knew Max was supposed to speak to the council this morning, but she couldn’t believe how fast it had all been done. She hadn’t expected to be summoned by the council until it was closer to the afternoon. Still, she wasn’t going to complain. The sooner she was summoned, the sooner she and Max could begin their lives together.

Hitching her skirts a little higher so she could keep up with Crow Flies longer strides, she tried not to break into a run to get to the council building quicker than necessary. However, she couldn’t keep the smile from blossoming over her face.


Max was finishing up getting ready to go to council building when there was a hail at his door. Wearing a puzzled expression on his face, he made his way to the door and pulled the flap aside.

The brave standing there inclined his head. “Excuse me Horse Dreamer, but I have come to summon you to the council building. They need you to come immediately.”

Max frowned. “Has the meeting started already?”

The brave shook his head. “They are waiting for you and a few others to show up before they finish the proceedings.”

“All right. I am on my way.”

Once more the brave nodded before leaving Max alone. Max quickly finished getting ready before heading to the council building. He hoped the meeting wouldn’t take that long to complete. He was more than ready to get to the part where he asked the council for Liz’s rights so that he could be hand-fasted to her.

He had been ready since the night before because he’d returned to his home in high spirits after leaving Liz at Crow Flies. Once he’d returned home, he had looked in on a sleeping Serena and a subdued Kyle before retreating to his room for the night.

There he had gone about making his room suitable for both him and Liz since he was certain by that time the following evening she would be living there with him. He had made plenty of room for Liz and any items he was sure she would have with her before finally calling it a night and getting some sleep to be rested for the meetings in the morning.

As he made his way to the council building, he couldn’t keep the smile from forming on his face as he began to wonder just what life with Liz Parker would be like. However, the smile slipped when he saw Liz approaching the council building with Crow Flies.

Reaching the building first, Max waited until they had approached too. He nodded to Crow Flies before looking at Liz. “What brings you two here?”

Liz shrugged as Crow Flies answered him. “I have no idea. All the messenger said was that the council elders needed us to come immediately.”

replied Max as they entered the building together.

It was then that Max noticed none of the other warriors from the recent war party were there. Only the elders were seated at the far end of the room and not too far from the center of the room was Kyle. Max frowned as he approached Kyle with Crow Flies and Liz behind him.

He glanced at Kyle, who simply stood and faced the elders. Turning to the elders too, Max asked them, “Is something wrong?”

One of the elders spoke up. “Horse Dreamer, you have been called here because you are the owner of the slave, White Snake. He has just petitioned with his earnings for the right to free himself from his servitude. We agree that he has enough to purchase that freedom. Can you give us a reason that we should deny it?”

Max knew he didn’t have a strong reason to keep Kyle. Besides, he had only kept him for Liz’s sake, but if the man wanted to go free, Max saw no reason to deny him that.

He shook his head. “There is no reason to deny his request. I leave the decision to you, the elders.”

“Very well then, White Snake we will take the earnings which we have deemed is the price for your freedom.”

One of the other elders stood to extract the amount of goods from the pile Kyle had brought with him. Once the goods had been taken away and half given to Max, there was still a few items left in the pile. The elder speaker waited until the one who had retrieved the payment was seated before he spoke again.

“It is done. You are now a free man, Kyle Parker.”

Kyle nodded his acknowledgement, as did Max.

“Our business with you, Horse Dreamer, is done. You may go.”

Max nodded again and moved to leave as the elders addressed Crow Flies.

“Crow Flies, you have been called here because you are the owner of the slave, Daring Elk. Her brother has petitioned with his earnings for the right to purchase her from you. We agree that he has enough to purchase her rights. Can you give us a reason that we should deny it?”

At the mention of Liz’s Udeyona name, Max had stopped to listen. When the elders said Kyle was buying her, he knew that meant Liz was going to be free.

Crow Flies looked at Liz with a sad smile before shaking his head to the council. "There is no reason to deny his request. I leave the decision to you, the elders.”

“Very well then, we will take the earnings which we have deemed the price for your sister’s purchase,
Kyle Parker.”

Once more an elder went to extract the amount of goods from Kyle’s pile and handed half of them to Crow Flies. As soon as he sat back down, the speaker finished up.

“It is done. You are now given into the care of your brother, Liz Parker.”

As Liz moved to her brother’s side, the elder looked to Crow Flies. “Our business with you is done, Crow Flies. You may go.”

Crow Flies nodded before leaving the building. As he disappeared, Max walked up to the elders once more.

“Forgive me for the interruption, but there is something I must ask.”

As the elders gave Max their attention, Kyle took Liz by the arm and tugged her towards the door. “Come on, let’s go pack our stuff, little sister.”

She refused to move as Max made his request.

“I would like the council to grant me the right to ask Daring Elk to be hand-fasted to me.”

Liz smiled and tried to go to his side, but Kyle held on to her arm. “Let go Kyle!”

“No, you are free and I am taking you out of here!”

The elders appeared shocked that Max would ask that now, after the deals had been made. They looked to where Liz and Kyle stood before turning back to Max.

“We are sorry Horse Dreamer, but it is her brother you must now ask. He is her care taker.”

Max turned to Kyle, who shook his head before Max could ask. “Don’t ask me, Horse Dreamer. I will not give you my permission.”

Liz frowned as she tried to pull away from him. “Kyle! Hear us out please.”

Kyle turned to glare at her. “I didn’t go through all this trouble to free you just so you could stay here! I didn’t have enough for Serena or Tess! How do you think they are going to feel seeing you free but still here?”

“But I want to…”

“Liz! As your older brother, you are my responsibility! Don’t argue with me!”

Max turned back to the elders. “It was my intention to ask for Daring Elk’s rights before she was freed. Had I known White Snake was going to do this, I would have come earlier. Can you not allow me to…”

“We are sorry Horse Dreamer, it is not our decision anymore. You must take this up with
Kyle Parker.”

The elder paused before glancing at Liz and back to Max. A compassionate look was on his face. “I am truly sorry, my son.”

Max turned to Liz with a helpless look on his face. Liz could feel the tears welling up in her eyes.

“Kyle,” she pleaded, her voice cracking.

Kyle pursed his lips and turned to the elders. “May we leave now?”

“Yes. The both of you should gather your belongings and be ready to journey within the hour. A couple of braves will escort you where ever you want to go.”

Kyle nodded, then pulled his sister out of the room. Once outside, Liz yanked her arm out of his grip and glared at him.

“How could you! You know I was happy here!”

“And you know I could never leave you behind! I promised mom and dad I would take care of you both and that is exactly what I’m doing!”

“I don’t need you to take care of me Kyle!”

He gritted his teeth. “Look, it’s done okay. Now you heard them. We have one hour to get out of here and find someplace to stay before it gets dark.”

Liz glared at him. “You don’t even know where we are do you?”

He sighed. “Just go get your stuff and meet me by the horses. I’ll think of something.”

Liz huffed before she turned on her heel and began to stalk away.

“Liz,” Kyle called, making her turn to glare at him.


“Don’t take too long or I’m coming after you! I mean it Liz!”

She gritted her teeth and stalked away again, furious with Kyle for doing that to her. She should have known he would try to come between her and Max from the beginning, especially after the way he had gone on and on about the heathens the night they had welcomed Serena back. Still, she had tried to give him the benefit of a doubt, thinking maybe he would understand that she was a grown woman who could take care of herself.

She made her way to Crow Flies home where she found him, his wife, their daughter and Squirrel Gathers, the other slave waiting outside for her. As she reached them, Whispering Dragonfly pulled her into a hug.

“Crow Flies has told us what happened. I am happy that you will be with your family again, but sad to see you go.”

Liz hugged her back before moving away to look at them all. “I am sad too. You and your family have been so wonderful to me.”

Crow Flies hugged her quickly before ushering her inside. “Go ahead and gather your belongings. I am sure your brother is waiting for you.”

Liz nodded unhappily before heading inside to pack her things.


Kyle walked into Max’s home to find Serena sitting in the front room looking lost. She startled when she heard him enter, but a smile quickly spread when she realized it was him.

“Kyle! I was scared when no one was here when I woke up!”

Kyle sighed at the timidity he heard in her voice. Serena wasn’t going to take this well he knew, but it had to be done. He knelt down in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders.

“Listen Serena, I went to the council today to buy our freedom and Tess’ but the council would only let me and one other person go with the earnings I had. So I chose Liz.”

Serena’s eyes went wide. “Liz. So….so you and Liz are,” her voice caught as tears welled up in already red-rimmed eyes. “…you’re leaving me here!”


“You’re leaving me!” she cried as the tears flowed freely down her face.

Kyle shook his head. “No, it’s not what you think little sister! I am just going to go find a place to stay and get some more goods so I can come back and get you and Tess!”

As Serena continued to cry, Kyle pulled her into a tight hug. “Sere, I promise! I will be back for you as soon as I get the money okay?”

She clung to him desperately, but he felt her nod even as he felt her tears soaking his jerkin. Kyle continued to hold her, rocking her gently as he tried to think of where to go. Suddenly he remembered the trapper Liz had introduced him to. Alex was a good friend of Liz’s who lived in a cabin not too far away.

Pulling his little sister away so that he could cup her face in his hands, he smiled down at her. “Listen Serena, I won’t be far away okay? There’s this man who has a cabin not too far from here. Liz and I are going to go stay with him. His name is Alex and he comes to this place often to trade with the heathens.”

“How do you….you know you can stay with him?”

“He’s good friends with Liz. I know he’ll let us stay with him for a while since she told me he said she could visit him when she wanted to. I’ll ask him to come see you often and you can give him messages for me. I’ll do the same okay? But you won’t be alone Serena. Tess is here and I know she’ll come see you too.”

Slowly she nodded even though the tears continued to fall freely. “O-okay.”

He gave her another hug before letting her go. “I’ve got to get my things together and meet Liz. I’ll try to get Alex to come see you tomorrow, that way you’ll know we’re there. I promise Ser, I won’t leave you here for long.”

She nodded and wiped the tears away with the backs of her hands while Kyle rose to go gather his things. A few moments later, she went to the door to watch him finishing packing.

Neither of them were aware that someone had overheard the short conversation. Someone who had stood silently just outside of the entrance the way he had been trained since childhood. Now, as Kyle was busy inside packing, Jesse quietly backed away and went to search for his friend to tell him what he’d heard.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt24(p4)8/11

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:04 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
WARNING: This part contains sex scene

Part 26

Liz had finished packing and saying her goodbyes to Crow Flies and his family before walking out of their home and stepping into the bright sunshine. Halting in her steps, she looked around for a moment before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.


Her breath caught for a moment as she opened her eyes to see Max hesitantly approaching her. She stared at him as her lips began to tremble.

“Max!” she cried as she ran to him.

He held his arms open, allowing her to run into them before he hugged her close and buried his face in her hair. She laid her cheek against his chest and listened to his heart beat for a few moments as her tears began to fall.

“Oh Max, how could he do this to me? Is there nothing you can do?”

Max swallowed, trying to keep his voice steady as he answered her. “I tried talking to the elders some more after you two left, but they cannot do anything. I’m sorry Liz, I tried everything I could think of.”

She pulled her head back to look into his eyes. “It’s not fair! Maybe I could just run away!”

“He would go after you wouldn’t he? I know I would.”

Liz ground her teeth in frustration. “I should have known he’d do this! The signs were all there, but I…I trusted him!”

Max caressed her cheek. “I know. I regret that I told my friends my intentions as we rode to the Danasga village. I think that is when he overheard me and decided on his course.”

A soft sob escaped Liz as she lifted her hands to take Max’s jerkin in her fists. “I can’t leave you Max! You promised me that we would be together!”

He nodded before putting his forehead against hers. “I will think of something. Somehow I will find a way to be with you.”

Liz smiled through her tears. “I love you, Max.”

Max closed his eyes at the heartbreak he could hear in her voice. “I love you too, Liz.”

He cupped her face in his hands and took her lips for a deep kiss. Liz clung to him as he deepened the kiss, his tongue sliding through her mouth as if he were trying to memorize her taste.

Max knew there was the chance he might never see her again, so he wanted that kiss burned into him. He wanted to always remember what she tasted like, smelled like and felt like in his arms. As he realized he might never hear her voice again or feel her next to him, the tears he’d been holding back began to escape.

Moving his lips from hers and kissing his way from the corner of her mouth down to her neck, he buried her face there to inhale her fresh scent.

“I’ll always remember you Liz…and I’ll always love you.”

“I’ll love you forever, Max.”

He gave her one last hug before letting her go and turning away. He knew he couldn’t look at her tears or let her see his. It would only hurt more.

“Goodbye Daring Elk,” he whispered in Udeyona as he walked away from her.

Liz heard his whispered words as she held on to his hand for as long as she could. Then she watched as he walked away and disappeared around a building.

“Goodbye Horse Dreamer,” she choked out past the lump in her throat.


Kyle glanced at his sister as she rode silently on the horse besides him. She had not spoken a word to him since she had met him where he’d been waiting by the horses. He had already spoken to the two heathens that had been chosen to escort them out of the village, asking them if they knew the way to Laughing Coyote’s cabin since that was their destination.

One of them had known since he had gone with the group who had once helped to put the cabin back together after the Gineduli had raided it. So the three of them had finished packing the horses as they waited for Liz to arrive.

When she had, she simply put her stuff on the horse, then mounted it and waited for them to be off. Kyle had tried to talk to her, but she refused to say anything to him. She remained silent all the way to the cabin.

When Liz realized they were stopping, she looked up and widened her eyes in surprise. She glanced at her brother as he dismounted and walked up to the door leading his horse behind him.

Kyle knocked on the door and waited for Alex to answer, silently praying he was home. However, after a few moments when there was no answer Kyle sighed and turned to look around the clearing as he tried to figure out what to do next. He avoided looking at Liz who sat on her horse with a frown on her face.

Finally, he decided to tell Liz that maybe they should just try to camp out near the cabin until Alex came home. As he made his way to the horses, however, Alex came walking around the side of the cabin with his rifle in one hand and a couple of rabbits in the other.

“Liz!” called Alex as he caught sight of her. Then, “Kyle? What are you doing here?”

Kyle reversed course and went to Alex’s side. “Hello Alex, I know this is kind of sudden, but I was hoping we could impose on your hospitality.”

Alex set his rifle against the wall then held his hand out to Kyle who shook it. “Sure, tho’ I don’ know if all four of….”

Kyle shook his head. “Just me and Liz.” At Alex’s surprised expression he added, “I was able to buy our freedom.”

Alex grinned, “Really? Well come in, come in! You can tell me all about it once you’re settled.”

Kyle nodded and went to gather his things from the horse as Liz dismounted and did the same. The two braves helped unburden the horses before waving goodbye to them so that they could return to their village. They took with them the two horses that Liz and Kyle had ridden.

Alex smiled at them as he showed them into his cabin. “Sorry it’s messy. I wasn’t expecting company an’ been treating some pelts I mean to trade soon. But you can put your things in the corner for the time being an’ I’ll tidy up the bedroom for you Liz.”

“Oh no Alex, I couldn’t put you out in your own house!”

“Bah! It’s not a problem. I got a couple o’ cots I can pull out o’ the shed. Me pap got them from the army a few years ago.”

They stowed their things where Alex had indicated then Kyle went to get the cots from the little shed behind the cabin while Alex tidied up the bedroom and Liz tidied up the area where the fireplace was. Alex was going to do all of it, but Liz and Kyle had insisted on helping him around the house since they were going to impose on him.

Later, the three of them spent the rest of the afternoon in the cabin working on the pelts and cooking the rabbits Alex had caught. While they all worked, Kyle and Liz filled Alex in on how they had been freed and Alex told Kyle he could help him with the trapping and trading he did since he wanted to earn more money to free Serena and Tess.

Once Kyle and Liz had explained about Serena’s timid personality and the way she had reacted to the news that they were leaving, Kyle asked Alex if he would visit the village to let her know they were okay and staying with him. Kyle told Alex that he had told Serena that once she got to know who Alex was, she could give him messages to bring back to Kyle and Liz if she wanted and they would send her messages too.

Alex agreed to be the messenger for the three of them and said he would be glad to go to the Udeyona village in the morning to introduce himself to Serena. So, after they had their meal of rabbit stew that evening, they cleaned up and retreated to their beds for the night. Kyle and Alex had set up the cots near the fireplace for them to sleep in while Liz took the bedroom upon Alex’s insistence.

Alex and Kyle were asleep as soon as they lay down, but Liz lay awake in her bed for a while. Alone in the room, she let her thoughts wander to Max and the times they’d shared together. As tears leaked out of her eyes, she tried to figure out some way to convince Kyle to let her go back to Max. Just before she fell asleep, she wondered if Max had figured out anything yet.


Earlier that afternoon while Kyle and Liz were arriving at Alex’s cabin, there was a caller to Max’s home. Serena flinched when she heard the scratching at the front door. She didn’t move from her spot, afraid of which Udeyona stranger it would be trying to visit Max who wasn’t home. However, her fears dissipated when she heard the feminine voice call out.

“Kyle? It’s Tess. Are you there?”

Remembering that Kyle had told her about Tess, she got up and went to push the flap aside. Timidly smiling through the dried tears on her face, she held out her hand to the startled Tess.

“Hi Tess, I’m Serena….Kyle’s younger sister.”

Recognition bloomed in Tess’ eyes as she returned a full smile and shook Serena’s hand. “Hello! Nice to meet you! Kyle and Liz have told me so much about you!”

Serena’s smile widened. “That’s right, you and my sister grew up here together…. oh! Come on in, Kyle wanted me to fill you in on what’s going on.”

Tess nodded as she followed Serena inside to where they sat down so Serena could fill her in. She told Tess all about Kyle getting himself and Liz free, but he didn’t have enough for the two of them. However, he already had plans for freeing the two of them, so Tess didn’t have to worry since he would be back for them.

While the two girls talked the rest of the afternoon away, Jesse had managed to find Max to tell him what he had overheard that morning outside of his home. Now that Max knew Liz and Kyle were staying nearby at Alex’s, his hopes for seeing her again had risen, especially when Jesse said he was going to help think of ways to get Liz back. Still, they knew however they did it, it had to be in a way that would make Kyle see the truth of Max and Liz so a rift wouldn’t happen between the siblings.


It would be nearly a week before Max had a chance to talk to Alex in person. Alex had come to the village the day after Kyle and Liz went free to introduce himself to Serena and to tell her how her siblings were doing. However, Max had gone with Michael to do some hunting that day, so Alex simply spent the time getting to know Serena instead of being able to visit with Max too.

At first, Serena was just as nervous and panicky as she was around most strangers, but Alex’s smile and calm demeanor began to quickly soothe her until she was able to talk to him without stuttering or trembling. Over the next couple of visits she became good friends with Alex, loving the funny stories he often told her about growing up in the cabin with his pap.

He even told her about the times he had visited the village to see Liz and even Max. He also took messages to Kyle and Liz for her and vice versa. This went a long way in calming Serena because she knew her family was still close by.

However, when Alex arrived for his third visit nearly a week later, he found Max waiting for him with some surprising news. Jesse had convinced his neighbors to sell Tess to Max so that he now had sole possession of the two people Kyle was hoping to free soon.

This move had been Jesse’s idea after a few conversations he’d had with Isabel. She had told Jesse that she knew Tess would never be happy living among the Udeyona for the rest of her life the way she was. Now that she was expecting a baby with Jesse, she had her own family to think about without constantly worrying about her moody little sister.

So, she had told Jesse that it might be a good idea for Tess to be given to someone else who could care for her better than Jesse’s elderly neighbors, someone who could keep an eye on her for Isabel’s peace of mind. That had given Jesse the idea of letting Max take her in, plus he thought Max would be able to convince Kyle to trade Liz for both Serena and Tess. They were hoping that when Kyle came to the village once more to try to buy them, he would agree to the trade instead.

Still, as Max and Alex talked about it, Max asked Alex not to divulge any of their conversation they were having with Kyle or Liz. He wanted to make sure Kyle wouldn’t have time to come up with something else to prevent Liz from being with him. Upon seeing just how miserable Max was without Liz and understanding just why Liz had seemed rather down since she’d arrived at the cabin and avoided Kyle when possible, Alex agreed to keep his silence to help them out.

He tried to lift Max’s spirits by filling him in on how Liz was doing at the cabin. While she spent most of her time in and around the cabin tending the place and cultivating the garden she had started next to the cabin, Kyle was working with Alex so he could earn the money he needed to get Serena and Tess. However, Alex mentioned that it would take some time before he would make enough to get both of them.

Liz seemed happy to be able to spend her time in the garden or in the cabin when Kyle was around. She was also still friendly to Alex, holding lengthy conversations with him and leaving her brother out of them. There was no doubt that Liz wasn’t forgiving Kyle for what he’d done any time soon.

Max thanked Alex for the update, then excused himself to allow Alex some time to visit Serena. He knew Serena still didn’t like being around anyone besides Tess or Alex even though she seemed to be warming up to Max lately. Because of her skittishness, Max had delegated the household chores to Serena so that she didn’t have to leave the safety of his home while Tess did the other chores.

Since Tess was currently out doing her chores, Max went to visit Jesse and Isabel so that Alex could be able to spend some time with Serena. Although he mostly visited her to trade messages between her and her siblings, Alex also spent time simply talking to her and asking her how she was doing. It went a long way towards making her begin to trust him and confide in him the way she did with Tess or her family.

Later, after another day talking to Serena, Alex was on his way out of the village when Max caught up with him and asked if he could give a message to Liz without Kyle being able to hear it. Alex told him it wasn’t a problem, so Max gave him the message then saw him off to the cabin.


Liz slid out of bed as quietly as she could and quickly pulled on the pants and shirt Alex had lent her for the night. He had returned from his visit to the Udeyona village with a message for her from Max. While Kyle was busy hunting their dinner in the woods, Alex had quickly filled her in on how she was going to sneak out that night to meet Max. He had given her the pants and shirt so she could move much easier than in a skirt and told her he would make sure Kyle wouldn’t find out she had gone out for the night.

Now that the two men were fast asleep near the fireplace, at least Alex was pretending to be, Liz finished dressing and tied her hair up into a knot behind her head. Moving to the window where she had set a chair earlier, she climbed carefully out of the window so she wouldn’t make any noise. Landing on the ground in a semi-crouch, she got her bearings before setting off in the direction Alex had instructed.

Once she reached the tree line, she picked up her pace and began a slow run through the trees. She stayed on the faint path Alex had told her was visible if she knew how to look even in the dark. That wasn’t difficult for her since she had picked up some tracking skills from living among the Udeyona.

She passed the first marker Alex had set out for her which were two heavy stones set side by side right beneath a bush with slightly yellow leaves. Glad that she was doing good so far, she continued on her way for a while until she reached the second marker.

A moss covered tree stump with a ring of mushrooms growing at the top of it made her slow to a walk since Alex had said Max would be waiting for her just beyond the second marker. She stepped into a small glade and looked around in expectation.

Across the way Max stepped out of the trees and smiled at her. “Hi Liz.”

She laughed with happiness as she ran to him. “Max!”

He held his arms open, enveloping her in a tight embrace once she was against him. They held on to each other for a while, simply savoring the feel of each other.

Max was the first to pull back slightly as he cupped Liz’s face in his hands to give her a deep kiss. Liz slid her arms around his shoulders and surrendered her weight to him as they both enjoyed the kiss.

When air became necessary, Max pulled away and grinned down at her. “I brought some blankets to relax on so we could talk for a while.”

Liz nodded as he walked to the area where he’d been waiting for her and retrieved the rolled up blankets he’d brought with him. Then they walked to the moss covered tree stump where Max laid out two blankets on top of each other to act as a soft place to sit. He and Liz made themselves comfortable, with Max leaning back against the trunk and Liz between his legs leaning back against him.

Holding hands beneath the third blanket that covered them, they began to talk about what had been going on since they had last seen each other.

“Jesse and I have been trying to find a way to see if we can convince Kyle to let you come back to me. Jesse thinks Kyle might give you to me if we have something Kyle really wants.”

Liz sighed. “I don’t know Max. He’s being really stubborn! I’ve been trying to talk to him when I’m not mad at him, but he always seems to find an excuse not to listen to me. He’s been really busy trying to make enough money so he can go get Serena and Tess.”

“I know, Alex told me Kyle is working with him now, but I’m sure he still has a long way to go.”

Liz shrugged before leaning back to look up at him. “He’s being such a jerk! I don’t think he even sees me for me anymore. I feel like I’m just a possession for him. He’s just not the brother I used to know when we were young.”

Max nodded. “Things have happened to you both since you were separated. Plus, you are both adults now, not children. Of course you are both going to be different.”

“Yeah well sometimes I feel like he still treats me like a child,” she huffed.

Max slid his fingers beneath her chin to make her look into his eyes. “He’s making up for lost time, Liz. Despite how he is acting, I know he still loves you and Serena. You are the only family he has left.”

Liz curled her fingers around his wrist. “I love him too Max, but it’s you I want to be with. It’s you I love more now.”

“I promised you Liz, I am not giving up on marrying you. I will find a way past the stubborn man that is Kyle.”

She smiled at his reassurances and leaned in to kiss him. Max cupped the back of her head as she turned around until she was sitting in his lap.

In between kisses, Liz slid her hands over his chest and breathed against his lips. “I miss you so much Max.”

“I miss you too Liz,” he mumbled against her lips.

She pulled back to look into his eyes. “Will you make love to me?”

He stared at her as his breath caught. “Are you sure? I-I mean…”

“I’m sure. I want to be with you Max.”

He gave her a gentle smile which she took as a good sign. Reaching up, she took her hair out of its knot and shook it out. Max’s smile lifted as he slid his hands through her silky tresses while she reached out to undo his jerkin.

Liz slid the jerkin off his shoulders once the ties were gone and dropped it to the side after Max had lowered his arms so she could remove it. Her hands slid over his shoulders and down his chest as he took his turn removing her shirt. Once he’d lifted it off her and dropped it, he leaned back to allow her to continue running her hands over him.

Liz traced the lines of the tattoos on his chest, her eyes following her fingers trail. She spent a few moments enjoying the way his muscles twitched beneath her touch before moving her fingers lower. She continued a trail down his abs until her fingers moved beneath the soft leather pants he wore.

As the tips of her fingers grazed his shaft, he sucked in his breath but otherwise didn’t move. Liz scooted back so she could sink her hand further inside to grasp him completely. As she began to stroke him, his eyes went to half mast and he laid his head back against the tree trunk.

Liz smiled at the look on his face, enjoying the fact that she was the one putting that look there. Leaning over, she began to nibble her way from his collarbone to his neck. Never once stopping her steady strokes, she continued nibbling up until her lips covered his again.

Max deepened the kiss immediately, sliding his tongue into her mouth to tease hers. He knew he couldn’t let her tease him like that much longer or she would end up disappointed. Taking hold of her hips, he lifted her off his lap until she was standing. Quickly, he pulled her pants down and off until he had her naked from the waist down before pushing his own pants down to his knees.

As soon as she was naked, Liz began to straddle his thighs again and went back to stroking him. Max growled as he slid his own hand between her legs, using his fingers to test her readiness. She was already slick and hot, but it was the fact that she bucked her hips when his fingers rubbed her clit that told him she was more than ready for him.

Still, he teased her a bit more as their tongues continued to duel and her hand stroked him in time to his rubbing. Soon, he took hold of her hips and leaned back so he could watch her as she took him into her body.

Liz’s lips parted as she sank down on him until she could feel him, thick and full inside of her. She gripped his shoulders as she began to slowly ride him with his help. Max kept his hands on her hips for a few moments just watching as she moved over him. He groaned at the way her walls felt as they gripped him and the look of pleasure on her face.

Soon she picked up the pace, digging her fingers into his shoulders as the pleasure intensified. Max lifted his hands to cup her breasts, kneading them and teasing her nipples with small tugs of his fingers until she tilted her head back and moaned.


Knowing what she was asking for, he teased her breasts a little bit more before sliding a hand down between her legs. As soon as he began to rub her clit again, she began bucking more wildly against him even as she moaned in a soft rhythm.

“Yes….Max!” She suddenly cried out as her nails dug into his shoulders.

Max gritted his teeth as he felt her walls tighten even more around his hardened shaft. He continued to rub her sensitive spot, picking up the pace until her nails bit into his shoulders, nearly breaking the skin as she finally cried out in completion.

Glad that she had found her release, Max took hold of her hips and lifted his hips up, pounding into her again and again. Not only did his thrusts increase her pleasure, but he soon found his own release.

Giving a shout of her name, he buried himself inside of her until he was spent. Liz held him in her arms as they both reveled in the aftermath of their intense, yet satisfying lovemaking.

Max wrapped his arms around her when he could move again, running his hands up her back until they were buried in her hair again. Tilting her head to his, he took his time kissing her even while she remained on his lap. He could feel himself slipping out of her, but didn’t want her to move from her position just yet.

They stayed embraced that way for a little longer, just enjoying sharing kisses and quiet murmurs together. All too soon, Max knew it was time to let her go so she could return to the cabin.

He gave her another tight hug before helping her to stand then handed her clothes to her. They dressed in silence, each knowing they had to part again. Then Liz helped Max fold the blankets before he kissed her again.

“I’ll send word with Alex the next time he visits so you will know how things are going,” whispered Liz.

Max nodded. “I will do the same…and if it becomes too much, I will send word that I want to meet you again.”

“As long as I can do the same,” replied Liz with a sad smile.

“Of course you can,” he paused to run his thumb over her cheek. “Don’t look so sad Liz. We will find a way.”

She leaned her cheek against his hand. “I know.”

He sighed before giving her a quick kiss on her forehead. “You should go now. I love you.”

She nodded before pulling away and walking back the way she had come. Max watched her go, waving to her when she turned to wave at him. Once she had disappeared into the foliage, he hoisted the blankets over his shoulder and headed back to the village.

It was easy for Liz to find her way back, even in the dead of night. It had been a relatively straight walk to the glade, so she kept that in mind on her walk back. In no time at all she passed the bush and stone marker before finally emerging into the clearing where the cabin was.

As quietly as before, she crawled into the window and undressed. As she put her gown back on, she took a deep breath. She was happy that she got to see Max, but hated that she had to sneak around like that.

As she climbed into bed, she resolved to begin anew with Kyle, hoping that soon she could wear him down. If he could be stubborn, so could she and this time she was going to win.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt24(p4)8/11

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:07 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 27

Over the next few weeks Liz began to talk to Kyle more. Hoping she could get on his good side by being nice to him, she took her time doing so until the right moment came along when she would bring up the Max situation. When that moment came, she carefully brought up the subject, telling him she wanted to be with Max.

However, Kyle still didn’t change his mind as he continued to say that heathens were beneath them then steered the conversation in another direction. Liz didn’t push the issue, but didn’t give up either. Instead, she continued being nice to him and bided her time until she could bring it up again.

During those weeks that Liz worked on her brother, Alex continued to visit Serena in the Udeyona village. But the more he went to see her, the more changes began happening. At first, he went as a go between messenger for Serena and her siblings, but as time went on, he began going to see her because he liked her company.

Even Serena was looking forward to Alex’s visits because although she was friends with Tess, the girl was a little too talkative and rambunctious for the quiet Serena. Plus, Serena didn’t really hate the Udeyona the way Tess always voiced her disgust of the savages. Serena thought some of them were rather nice, especially Max and Jesse.

Serena liked the way the two of them always seemed to be considerate of her, keeping their voices down so as not to frighten her and they always asked her to do something, not ordered her like her previous owners had. They even asked Tess rather than ordered her, but she still said she hated all savages.

She was glad Max was Alex’s friend since that meant she got to see him whenever he came to the village because he always tried to stop and say hi to Max and her even if he wasn’t really there to see them. To Serena, Alex was a lot like Max yet there was something more to him too.

She wasn’t sure exactly what it was about him, but she knew he was the one she felt the most comfortable with. When he visited, he usually did the most talking since he always had entertaining stories to tell her, but he also was comfortable simply sitting in silence with her. She did talk to him, but he never seemed to expect her to have something to say. She liked that he didn’t pressure her to open up.

In the end it was that fact that actually helped her to open up to him alone. Soon, she looked forward to his visits because it meant she had a friend she could talk to about whatever she wanted to and he wouldn’t judge her for it. So, with each later visit she began to tell him more about her life growing up among the Danasga knowing he wouldn’t repeat it to anyone else.

When she heard the rhythmic scratching on the door flap that afternoon, she knew it was Alex come to see her. With a smile, she put her sewing aside and went to greet him.

Pulling the flap aside, she moved out of the way to let him in. “Hi Alex! How are you today?”

He grinned at her as he stepped inside. “Just fine, tho’ a bit parched.”

“Oh! I can get you some water,” she motioned to the jug in the corner of the room.

Alex waved her away. “I’ll get it an’ join you for a chat.”

Serena nodded as she went back to her seat while Alex got himself a cup of water. When he sat down across from her, he noticed her sewing supplies.

“Not bothering you, am I?”

She shook her head. “I was just doing something to pass time until you got here. It doesn’t have to be done right away.”

“Really?” He looked at the pattern she had been working on. “That looks really good. I didn’ know you could sew like that.”

Looking bashful, she answered him. “It’s just something I like to do to pass the time. It’s relaxing actually.”

Alex smiled at that. “Well I’m glad you got something you like to do.”

Serena nodded in response. Soon they fell into a comfortable conversation until she eventually got around to telling him about her day and having to put up with Tess’ complaining.

“I think I’m getting to the point that if Kyle gets enough money for just her, he can come get her and leave me here. At least then I know I’ll have some peace and quiet.”

Alex chuckled. “Oh come now! Are you saying you’d stay here instead o’ going home with your brother an’ sister?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. I know they worry about me, so they would hover over me and never leave me alone. Here, Max let’s me have my space.”

Alex gave her a curious look when she mentioned Max by his English name. It said a lot about her acceptance of him as a person. Knowing that, he decided to bring up a certain subject.

“Serena, did you know Max was courting Liz?”

She looked up from her sewing pattern and scrunched her face as if trying to remember something. “You know, I think Kyle and Liz were arguing about something like that the evening I was brought to this village, but I can’t remember everything they said.”

She tilted her head as she asked, “Was he really? Courting her like my father once courted mother?”

Alex nodded. “Yes. The natives do it a bit different than we do, but it’s about the same.”

“What’s different?” asked Serena.

“Well, for one thing, when the man asks the woman if he may court her an’ she says yes, he’ll give her one o’ his feathers to wear. It’s like an engagement ring, but not like an engagement.”

When Serena scrunched up her face, Alex chuckled. “A feather? Not like an engagement?” she asked.

“Yes. See every family has a feather that is recognizable as theirs only, like a coat o’ arms from overseas. It may be the color, shape or size o’ the feather that is recognizable. That feather is seen in their clothes an’ other belongings. The women put it in their hair. So, when a man courts a woman, she wears his feather in her hair. That way everyone sees she is taken by that man.”

“But why is it not like an engagement then?”

“ ’Cause the man an’ woman can call off the courtship if they want to. A courtship here isn’t serious like an engagement is to us. Once we’re engaged a wedding usually follows, see?”

“Oh,” replied Serena.

“Well that doesn’t always happen with the natives. Sometimes it does, but when it doesn’t the woman gives the feather back an’ they are free to court with others. No one looks down on those who break a courtship, not like when we break an engagement.”

Serena nodded. “I remember mama used to say if a woman broke an engagement she lost the respect of society. Even though she was more likely still pure, not many men wanted to court women who had a broken engagement.”

“Yes. See why it’s different? We tend to have stricter rules.”

“I see. So, Liz had a feather from Max?”

Alex sighed. “To tell the truth, she still has his feather. Max ne’er took it back.”

Serena’s eyes got large. “Really? But she’s gone. How can he court someone else if she still has his feather?”

Alex looked her in the eye and said, “They still want to court each other. Liz ne’er wanted to leave this village, but Kyle got his way.”

Her eyes got even wider, but Alex could see it was simply from surprise, not disgust. Since she didn’t seem upset so far, he decided to plow on.

“Did you know that Max had planned on asking the council for Liz’s rights when he got back from the raid on the Danasga? He had promised Liz the night before he left for the raid an’ she’d agreed.”

“Wait! So, he promised my sister he’d ask if he could marry her?”

Alex nodded.

Suddenly realization dawned on her face. “But Kyle beat him to it and took Liz before Max could ask.”

Again Alex nodded. “Yes. Max tried to get the council to negotiate with Kyle, but Kyle refused to let Liz go.”

“But he freed her!”

“True an’ as the eldest Parker, Kyle’s the head o’ the family. That means Liz has to listen to him. The council knew that, so if Max wants to marry Liz…”

“He has to go through our brother,” finished Serena.

Alex nodded his confirmation.

Serena twirled a stray piece of hair around her finger as she processed everything Alex had told her. She even tried to remember the exact words Liz had used the evening they had all been reunited once again, but she couldn’t remember. Still, she was getting the feeling that Liz had been telling Kyle to mind his own business.

As Serena continued to ponder, Alex spoke up again. “Sere, I know this may not be any o’ my business, but how do you feel about your sister being with a native?”

She blinked her eyes as she came out of her musings, then gave him an honest look. “Honestly, I don’t think it’s my place to judge. After all, Liz has always been the stronger one and that hasn’t changed. So I know she can make up her own mind and her own decisions. But then, it is Max she’s seeing. He’s been nothing but kind to me which makes me like that Liz likes him. If he’d been one of us, he’d been what mama called a gentleman.”

Alex grinned at that, glad that Serena seemed to like Max despite her fear around almost everyone else. “I’m glad you like Max, Serena.”

She shrugged. “He makes it easy too like him.”

Suddenly she frowned as a thought occurred to her. “Kyle was his slave too wasn’t he? So why didn’t he like Max unless he was mean to him?”

Alex sighed. “Max was ne’er mean to Kyle an’ from what I got from both him an’ Liz, Kyle doesn’t like any natives at all. He sees them as heathens an’ savages.”

Serena shook her head. “Sounds like my brother is trying to act like the big man. You know, the tough man who’s not afraid of anything. He puts down what he thinks is beneath him.”

“Yes, that’s what it sounds like, but I also think he’s trying to live up to your father’s example. I think he believes that’s what he’s got to do.”

“Maybe, but he’s forgetting that it’s Liz. Even when we were younger, Liz always stood up to him. Not because she wanted to, but because she knew she was in the right.”

Alex nodded in understanding.

They were both quiet for a few moments before Serena stated, “I guess Max is still trying to find a way to get my sister back?”

Again Alex nodded.

“Before he left, Kyle told me he was gonna come back for me and Tess when he got more money,” Serena announced.

“That’s true. He’s still working with me an’ saving what he can so he can come get you.”

“I know, but what I don’t understand is why just Tess and not Isabel too?”

Alex winked at her. “Seems he an’ Tess have been friendly, you see. An’ since Isabel is married to a native, she’s pregnant on top o’ that. Kyle thinks it’s too late to save her.”

She scrunched up her face. “Save her? He thinks we need saving?”

“That’s how he said it to me.”

Serena rolled her eyes. “What an arrogant idiot! I really do hope Max or Liz can come up with something to put him in his place!”

Alex chuckled, she looked adorable with her hands on her hips. “I hope so too, Serena. I hope so too.”


Serena sat quietly just inside the door to Max’s home listening as Jesse and Isabel talked enthusiastically about the coming birth of their baby. After Alex had left, Serena had gone back to sewing until it had been time to prepare dinner.

Just as she had started, Tess had arrived with the clean utensils and the vegetables she’d gathered from the garden. As Serena set to cutting up the vegetables and Tess went back outside to start the cooking fire, Max had returned home. He quickly informed them that he was having guests for dinner which meant they had to prepare enough for five people instead of the usual three.

It hadn’t been that hard to prepare more food, especially since Max helped out. While the girls started with what they had, Max ran to the garden for a few more vegetables before stopping by his brother’s home to trade for some venison.

By the time Isabel and Jesse had arrived, the meal was almost ready. Max had sat in the front room entertaining them until Tess and Serena served them. Once the three of them had what they needed, Tess and Serena had gone outside to serve themselves.

Later, after the meal was over, Tess and Serena had been invited back inside to join in the conversation. That had been pleasant as Tess talked to her sister, but when the topic had switched to their baby, Tess had quickly tensed and become moody. In no time at all she had excused herself and stalked to the room she shared with Serena.

Feeling a little awkward, Serena had moved closer to the door where she sat quietly and listened to the three friends talking. She liked Isabel because she reminded her of Liz. They both seemed to be such strong-willed, confident women. Jesse was much more intimidating than any of the other Udeyona she had met, but he’d been very nice to her, so she knew she could trust him.

What really made her relax in his presence was the way he smiled at Isabel and the way he was always more animated when he talked about his baby. She knew that anyone who looked at his wife the way he tenderly looked at Isabel, couldn’t be that bad.

Soon, they were saying goodbye to Max, Isabel even tried saying goodnight to a still moody Tess to no avail. As soon as they began to walk out, Isabel stopped to ask Serena how she was holding up and told her she was always welcome at their home is she wanted to go by.

Serena timidly thanked them as Max saw them out. Alone in the room, she moved to finish cleaning up.

“Uh! How disgusting is that?”

Serena glanced up to see Tess standing in the doorway to their room with her arms crossed over her chest while glaring at the front door. As she went back to cleaning, she heard Tess continue to complain.

“How can anyone be excited to have a baby out in this wilderness? There’s no physician or wet nurse around for miles! And on top of that, it’s gonna be a half-savage baby! Gross!”

Serena sighed. “I’m sure it’s not as bad as you make it out to sound.”

“Yeah, right!” She sighed. “I can’t wait for Kyle to come and rescue us! I really hate this place and I hate seeing my sister turn into one of them!”

Serena was just about to speak up when the flap was pushed aside and Max walked in. He smiled down at Serena.

“Thank you Serena, the meal was great. You too Tess.”

Tess shrugged and turned around to go back to her room.

“Tess? Shouldn’t you be helping Serena clean up?”

Tess stiffened before whirling around and stalking into the room. She grabbed up a small pile of dirty utensils and stalked outside without a word.

Max sighed and moved to kneel next to Serena. “Here, I’ll help too.”

Serena nodded as she continued to clean the room with Max’s help. They worked in comfortable silence for a while until she noticed that Max seemed to be slacking off. Glancing up at him, she saw the faraway look in his eyes. Guessing at what he was thinking of, she hesitantly spoke up.

“You must miss my sister a lot.”

Her soft voice pulled Max out of his daydreams, making him look at her to see the understanding smile she wore. He returned her smile as he nodded.

“Yes. Yes I do.”

Serena’s smile grew wider. “Alex says she misses you too.”

Max sighed. “I guess so, but I know she misses you. So does Kyle.”

Serena shrugged, knowing he was trying to make her feel good too. Instead, she let it go as she said, “I can see why Liz likes you.”

Max quirked an eyebrow. “You can?”

“Um hm. You actually take the time to listen to everyone and you don’t act like you are the one in control. Kyle’s the exact opposite and he’s so stubborn, but Liz can be stubborn too.”

Max grinned at that. “Yes she can, but that is one of the things I like about her.”

“Really? What else do you like about her?”

Max put down the rag he’d held and sat back to stare at the roof.

“There is not much I do not like about her, but I guess what I like the most is her strength and her smile. I like the way she can stand up to everyone, including me. But she is also friendly to everyone here, greeting them with a smile that shows on her whole face.”

Serena couldn’t help the wistful pangs that filled her chest when she saw the look on Max’s face paired with his words. It made her wonder if she would ever have anyone who would have feelings for her the way Max had for Liz.

“Liz was always that strong and friendly,” replied Serena in a hushed voice, as if she was hesitant to disturb Max’s musings. “Even when we were little, I remember her always being the one to protect me when Kyle picked on us. She is a lot like I remember our father was. I was always the weak one.”

Max turned to look at her with a gentle smile. “You are the baby of the family, Serena. Of course they protected you. But never think that makes you weak. You still have it inside of you to be as strong as you want to be. Do not let anyone tell you how you should be, but be the way you feel the most comfortable being.”

Serena nodded, but shyly looked down at her hands. To prevent her from feeling anymore awkward, Max moved on.

“Did you know I intended to ask the council for the right to become hand-fasted to Liz as soon as I returned from the Danasga raid?”

“Yes. Alex told me. He also said Liz had known you would and she wanted you too.”

“Yes. We discussed it the night before I left, but when I got back, the council was too busy listening to the results of the Danasga raid. I had to wait until the next morning as soon as they were done with the raid.”

“But Kyle beat you to it.”

Max sighed. “Yes. I did not know he was against Liz staying here with me until it was too late.”

Serena frowned. “But how did he find out what you and Liz were going to do?”

“Jesse told me that Kyle heard us talking as we rode to the Danasga village. That is when I announced it to my friends.”

“So Kyle was riding with you?”

“He was not with the group, but Jesse thinks he was close by. Jesse also told me what he believes Kyle was up to during the entire raid. It seems Kyle might have been planning this all along.”

“What was he planning?”

Max sighed. “Please understand that I am only telling you what Jesse told me he witnessed. I do not know if Kyle really meant it the way Jesse believes.”

Serena nodded. “I understand. Just tell me Max.”

Max proceeded to tell her what Jesse had witnessed Kyle doing during the raid. How he had not been protecting Max’s back that well. It had seemed as if he had purposely left Max open to be injured or worse. Then towards the end, Kyle had seemed to be looking for chances to slip Max up. He had even appeared angry when Max had won the last important dual with a Danasga.

As Max continued to repeat everything Jesse had told him to Serena, he kept telling her that he wasn’t making a judgment on Kyle despite what Jesse had said. She could tell he was doing his best to let her know he didn’t hate Kyle for what he’d done, but she knew he was going easy on her brother mostly for Liz’s sake. Honestly, she didn’t mind since all that really mattered to her was how he felt about Liz and that he would treat her right when they were together.

When Max had finished his story, Serena knew Kyle had done everything exactly as Jesse claimed he was doing. Even though Max seemed to be giving him the benefit of the doubt, Serena believed her brother had purposely tried to get Max out of the way. But when that had failed, he’d done the only thing he knew that would keep Liz from Max. He’d gone to the council and quickly brought his and Liz’s freedom so Max would have no chance to claim her.

With a sympathetic smile, she reached out and took Max’s hand in hers. Max looked up with a shocked expression. Serena knew he knew that she was not one to initiate physical contact. Still, she was no longer scared of Max since she was starting to think of him as family. He was the older brother she had always wanted.

“I’m sorry Max, but I think I agree with Jesse. My brother was up to no good. I remember his anger when he was arguing with Liz the evening I came to this village. He really didn’t like that she wanted to stay and that she didn’t share his dislike of all of you. He was furious that she didn’t seem to pay attention to his warnings and commands.”

Max let that sink in before nodding. “I see. I guess that is part of the reason why he chose to free her before you or Tess. To him, she seemed to be the one who was in the most danger of becoming one of us.”

Serena gave a sad nod. “Yes. I’m really sorry Max.”

“Do not be.” He squeezed her hand affectionately. “I am still going to find a way to be with her. I know she wants to be with me. I promised her I would find a way.”

Serena held his hand as she gave him an encouraging smile. She was glad that Max was keeping his promise to her sister and prayed that soon the two of them would be back together and happy.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)AN(p7)12/20

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:20 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 28

Two days after Serena had talked to Max, the unexpected happened. Kyle decided that he had earned enough to free his baby sister and Tess, so he told Alex he was going to the Udeyona village to do it. No amount of warnings from Alex could stall him from going. Alex kept telling him that he had heard Tess and Serena’s worth had gone up which meant Kyle still needed more money.

However, Kyle believed he would succeed in getting at least one of them out. Not even Liz’s declaration that she was going on the trip with him and Alex could keep Kyle back. He did try to force Liz to stay behind but she turned out to be more stubborn than he was, eventually wearing him down.

So Alex entered the village on horseback with a serious looking Kyle and Liz sharing a horse behind him. The three of them dismounted just inside the village where a couple of boys who recognized Alex came to take their mounts from them. Alex grinned at the boys ad gave them a bag of sweets as payment.

As the three of them walked through the village towards the council building, Alex caught sight of Serena who was half hidden behind a house and motioning for him to join her. He quickly turned to Kyle and Liz.

“You two know how to get to the council right? I need to make a couple o’ stops while I’m here.”

Kyle nodded. “I’ve got it.”

“Okay, I’ll meet ya later then,” replied Alex as he watched the two of them walk off.

When he was certain they weren’t looking, he made his way over to the house Serena had ducked behind. As soon as he saw her, he gave her a puzzled look.

“Serena? What are you doing out an’ about?”

Serena waved her hand dismissively. “The scouts gave us word that the three of you were approaching, so I came hoping I could talk to you without anyone else knowing. Especially since Kyle is here!”


She nodded. “He’s what I want to talk to you about. Well, him and Max and Liz.”

She looked around to make sure no one else was nearby before going on.

“I talked to Max the night after you left and found out some things about Kyle that I don’t think Liz knows about. For instance, Jesse and Max are sure that Kyle was riding close by on the way to the Danasga raid when Max told his friends that he was gonna ask for Liz’s rights after they got back from the raid. Jesse claims he also saw Kyle doing some things during that time that makes it seem like Kyle was planning on coming between Max and Liz. And if Kyle thinks the same way Tess does, then I know he’s trying to keep them apart!”

She continued to fill him in on the conversations she’d had with Tess ever since she’d met her. Then she told Alex that putting Tess’ conversations with the one Alex had with her, then the one Max had with her that evening all added up in her mind.

Serena was convinced that Kyle had planned all along to take Liz away from Max the same way he planned on taking Tess and Serena. Only Liz didn’t want to go since she had found a home among the Udeyona, but Kyle would not allow one of his sisters to become a savage if he could prevent that.

The more Serena told him, the more it made sense to Alex. He knew Liz had some idea that Kyle had heard Max’s announcement to his friends, but he didn’t think she had come to the same conclusion as Serena had.

“Serena, I think you should tell Liz what ya just told me. In fact, I think ya should tell her right now while Kyle is talkin’ to the elders, so he won’ interfere.”

Serena nodded. “Right. I just wanted to run it by you first. To make sure it was a good idea.”

“It’s a great idea,” replied Alex with an encouraging smile. “Liz should know the truth about Kyle an’ I think it’s best that it come from ya since you’re their sister. O’ course, it also helps that you have nothing to gain by tellin’ her this. I think that’s why Max hasn’ told her anything about Kyle. He doesn’ want to make her mad at him.”

Serena grinned at that before straightening up and walking away from the house. Alex followed her as they headed to the council building where they spotted Liz waiting in front with Max. Even from the distance, Serena could see their heads bowed toward each other as if they were having an intimate conversation they didn’t want anyone else to hear.

It wasn’t until she was almost next to them that she could see that they were also holding hands which had been mostly hidden by their closeness and the building behind them. She smiled at their need to be close to each other regardless of who came by which only made her feel better about telling Liz how sneaky their brother was being, even though she regretted having to interrupt their moment.

As soon as they turned to look at her and Alex, she began to tell Liz what she knew. “Liz, listen I think there’s something you should know about Kyle. After talking to Alex and Max a couple of times, I know Kyle planned all along to keep you and Max apart.”

Liz nodded. “I know Serena. I realized that the day he freed me.”

“Yes, but did you know that he tried to kill Max at the Danasga raid after he overheard Max tell his friends that he was going to ask for your rights when he returned to the village?”

Liz’s eyes went wide as Max mumbled. “Not directly!”

When Liz looked at him Serena added, “Max told me Jesse kept Kyle from succeeding and Jesse was the one who told Max what Kyle had tried and all of his suspicions about what Kyle was up to.”

Liz narrowed her eyes at Max as he held up his hands in a placating gesture. “It’s only Jesse’s suspicions. That does not mean I believe anything. Maybe Kyle wasn’t really doing what Jesse thought.”

Liz still didn’t stop glaring at Max for a few moments. Then shaking her head she said, “Just tell me what Jesse told you word for word, Max.”

Max grimaced. “Okay, but I’m only repeating…”

Liz stopped him from going on. “I know! You’re giving Kyle the benefit of the doubt, although I don’t know why! Just tell me.”

So Max told her exactly what Jesse had witnessed Kyle doing as well as what Jesse said he thought Kyle was up to. When Max was finished, Alex spoke up to put in his two cents.

He told Liz what he’d told Serena. Kyle was probably trying to play the role their father once had as protector of the family.

Then Serena also said that while Kyle may have been doing what Alex thought, he was also trying to save Liz from becoming a savage the way he believed Isabel was. Kyle thought that he had a chance to save Liz since she was the one closest to turning more than Tess or Serena.

By the time Max, Serena and Alex were done saying their parts, Liz was furious.

“I’m going to kill him!” she growled.

“He was only looking out for you, Liz.” said Max in a gentle tone.

She shook her head. “Oh no he wasn’t! This was all about him!”

At that moment, Kyle walked out of the council building wearing a scowl on his face.

“Can you believe they told me I don’t have enough money to buy the freedom of even one of them! How…”

Liz walked up to him and slapped him. “How dare you think you could get away with what you did! You conniving snake!”

Kyle massaged his reddened face where her hand had made contact. “What did I do?”

“Don’t play innocent with me, you jerk! You knew Max and I wanted to get married! You knew I wanted to stay! But instead you did everything you could to take Max out of the picture and when that didn’t work, you brought my freedom!”


Her voice rising with every point she made, she continued on. “You bought it even though you knew Serena would have been better off going with you! Even Tess was a better pick than me!”

“I was not going to leave you here to be brainwashed by these savages!” roared Kyle.

“The only savage here is you!” snapped Liz.

Both her and Kyle continued their heated argument with Max trying to keep Liz from advancing on Kyle and Serena trying to keep her siblings apart. All of them were too involved to notice that Alex had ducked into the council building sometime during the argument.

“I promised our parents that I would look after both of you!”

“I don’t need looking after Kyle! I’m old enough to make my own decisions and I choose to marry Max! You can’t stop me! Not by buying my freedom and certainly not by attempting to harm Max! You can’t keep us apart like that! You wasted your money on me for nothing!”

“Well it doesn’t matter anymore since I still can’t afford to get Serena or Tess free!” Kyle hissed between gritted teeth.

Max pulled Liz to his side and stepped up to face Kyle. “Actually, you might still be able to free them.”

Both Kyle and Liz gave him incredulous stares, but for completely different reasons.

“What?” they both uttered.

Max glanced at Liz for a moment before he looked back at Kyle. “What the council hasn’t told you is that I am now the owner of both Serena and Tess.”

As Kyle gaped and Serena grinned, Liz snickered. The sister’s reactions spurred Max on.

“I would be willing to trade them both to you in exchange for Liz’s hand and the money you were going to buy them with.”

As Kyle sputtered with indignation, Alex walked back out of the council building and pulled Liz aside.

“I just spoke to the council an’ they confirmed my suspicions. All ya have to do is tell them that not only did you an’ Max arrange to ask for a hand fasting when he got back, but the two o’ ya have been intimate. That right there is Max’s claim to ya if you be consenting.”

“Oh really?” Liz replied, sounding smug.

Alex nodded. “Especially since you two been intimate before Max left to the raid.”

Kyle could do nothing but gape at Liz in stunned silence, giving her the opportunity to grab Max’s hand and march into the council building to do just that.

Serena shared a grin with Alex as he winked at her conspiratorially. Things were getting much more interesting now.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)AN(p7)12/20

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:41 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 29

Liz had barely set one foot inside the council building when she heard Kyle roar from behind.

“You filthy savage!”

She and Max both turned in time to see Kyle launch himself at Max, who could only stumble back into Liz to avoid Kyle’s flying fists. Since Liz was too slow to get out of Max’s way, he had no choice but to take a stand and deflect Kyle’s hands. Unfortunately, Kyle managed to get a fist past Max’s defenses and placed a solid blow to his stomach.

Max grunted, but quickly recovered enough to throw his own punch. The second Max’s fist connected with Kyle’s jaw, the fight was on.

Kyle’s head whipped to the side, but he recovered enough to take a few more swings at Max. “How dare you touch my sister, you bastard! You had no right to smear her innocence!”

“Kyle! Stop it!” Liz yelled while Alex tried to separate them without getting hit in the process.

A few of Kyle’s punches connected with Max’s body, but Max was holding his own. Ducking down, he went into a crouch and swept Kyle’s feet from under him. As Kyle went down, Max leapt on top of him and began to pummel him.

He managed to get a couple of punches in before he was pulled off of Kyle by Alex with the help of Jesse. Jesse had just arrived with Isabel after a messenger had informed them that someone was trying to free Tess. As Jesse and Alex dragged Max up, Kyle muttered curses at him then tried to lunge at him again.

This time he was held back by two braves from the council guard just like Max was held back by Jesse and Alex. As Liz stepped up to Kyle, his struggles lessened a little.

She glared at him. “It was my right to allow him, not yours.”

That was all she said before motioning for Max and the others to follow her into the room where the elders sat. It was obvious that they had all been waiting for her to arrive since Alex had just left them after inquiring about his suspicions.

Liz walked up to the middle of the room and gave the customary greeting and respect to the elders. The one who sat near the center of the group, nodded and spoke to her in Udeyona.

“Greetings. What brings you here today?”

“I have been told that I can inform this council of the fact that Horse Dreamer and I discussed petitioning for a hand fasting once he returned from the Danasga raid. We agreed to do this the night before he left for the raid.”

“Is this true Horse Dreamer?”
asked the elder.

Max nodded. “It is. I also made the announcement to my friends as we rode to the raid.”

“Can you name those witnesses?”

Max motioned to Jesse. “Black Weasel is one of them. Fighting Dog was there as well.”

The elder looked at Jesse. “Is what he says true?”

Jesse stepped forward and nodded. “It is.”

The elder motioned to one of the braves who stood as guards. “Fetch Fighting Dog.”

As the brave left to find Michael, the elder turned back to Liz. “I must warn you, my dear. Even if the two of you had agreed to ask for the right to be hand fasted the night before Horse Dreamer left for the raid, we still cannot grant our permission.”

Liz nodded. “I understand, but there is one other thing I believe you should know.”

“And that is?”

Liz glanced at Max before she faced the elders to make the next announcement. Sweeping the entire council with a serious gaze, she finally looked the speaker in the eyes.

“The night before Horse Dreamer left for the raid, I was also intimate with him.”

A few gasps came from behind Liz as Tess, Michael and Maria joined the rest of the onlookers.

“And we have been intimate a few more times since then.”

“What!” exclaimed Kyle. “How is that possible?”

As everyone ignored his outburst for the moment, the elder motioned to Michael. “Fighting Dog, we have been told that on the journey to the Danasga raid, Horse Dreamer made an announcement. What did he say to you?”

Michael stepped closer to where Liz was before he answered. “Horse Dreamer told Black Weasel and I that he intended to ask for Daring Elk’s rights once he returned to the village. Daring Elk had already agreed to be hand fasted to him the night before we left.”

The elder nodded before he joined the other council members in whispering together. A few moments later they turned to face Liz once again.

“While these testimonies add weight to our agreeing to allow a hand fasting between you and Horse Dreamer, we still cannot do much since you are no longer a part of the tribe. You must still have the permission of your caretaker.”

Liz gritted her teeth as she glared at Kyle. “So give it to me!”

Kyle narrowed his eyes. “How were you able to be intimate with the savage when I had already freed you from this village and taken you to Alex’s?”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Since Alex came to talk to Serena often at your behest, he also talked to Max. We sent messages to each other through Alex and managed to arrange some late night meetings.”

Kyle turned to glare at Alex. “You covered for them!”

Alex shrugged, obviously not threatened by Kyle’s posturing. “I’m not blind to their feelings for each other. I’m sure anyone else standing in this room can also see what you refuse to see.”

Kyle huffed as he took in the acknowledgements from everyone else in the room. Turning back to Liz, he remained stubborn as he shook his head. “I’m not changing my mind.”

Liz let out an aggravated sound as she lifted her hands towards her brother in a choking motion. Max stepped towards Kyle and spoke loud enough so everyone could hear.

“Kyle, I offer you both Serena and Tess if you agree to allow Liz to stay so that she may be hand fasted to me. All I want is Liz and you may have the others.”

Kyle lifted his chin. “I will get the money to release them! I will not trade my sister to you!”

As Liz began to advance on her brother, a murderous look in her eyes, the others began to speak up.

“Kyle, listen to me! I think you should take the trade!” said Serena.

He turned to look at her. “Are you out of your mind?”

She shook her head. “No, but Alex is right. You refuse to see what the rest of us do. Liz loves Max and he loves her. He’d do right by her, Kyle. You would never have to worry about that!”

“She’s right,” added Maria. “Max is Michael’s younger brother and I am now married to Michael. Take it from someone who was mistreated by the tribe I was with before I came to the Udeyona. You have nothing to worry about here. Liz will be in good hands with Max.”

“And she will have all of her friends around her too,” said Isabel. “Although Liz doesn’t need protecting because she’s saved my life as well as my little sister’s, we will definitely be there for her the way she’s always been there for us.”

Alex nodded. “I’ve been around the Udeyona all my life an’ me pap before me. I count Max as one o’ me best friends. Believe me when I say that I know Max would never hurt the ones he loves. He’s even helped me out many times.”

Tess stepped close to Kyle and placed a timid hand on his arm. “Kyle, as much as I don’t want to be here in this village. I have to agree with them… Max would never hurt Liz. She was always there for me when I first came to this village and despite my feelings against everyone here, she was always my friend. Liz always had the level head between us.”

She turned to give Liz an apologetic smile as she added. “She always listened to me complain about being here without ever getting mad at me. Even when I was unintentionally putting down the things she loves about this village, she was always fair.”

She looked back at Kyle. “And she always protected me from harm as best she could even when I was being stubborn about it. Most of this was before Max came back from being schooled by our people.”

Serena stepped forward. “So you see? Liz doesn’t need you to protect her. She was always stronger than I was Kyle, she was always the one who could adapt with the changes. I think you should let her lead her life the way she wants, where she’ll be the happiest. Tess will be happiest away from here, so you should take her away with you.”

Kyle narrowed his eyes. “What about you?”

Serena nodded. “I will go with you too, but only if you promise to let me have some peace and quiet. However, you should know that I do not have any hatred for this village at all. And I already consider Max to be like a brother to me because he took care of me and was never cruel to me.”

It was a few silent moments as Serena and Kyle stared at each other before Kyle finally sighed. Looking at Liz, he reluctantly nodded.

“Fine. I can see that I’m outnumbered. I’ll take Tess and Serena if you want to stay here, Liz.”

Liz grinned as she turned to Max and gave him a nod.

Max turned to the elders with his offer. “I agree to trade the two slaves that I own to Kyle Parker in exchange for the right to be hand-fasted to his sister, Liz Parker.”

The elders nodded as one of them spoke to Kyle. “Do you agree to this trade, Kyle Parker? For your sister, you will receive in trade both Blue Deer and Darting Rabbit and nothing else.”

Kyle grudgingly nodded. “I agree.”

“Do you wish anything else in trade for the two slaves you will be giving up, Horse Dreamer?”

“No. The right to be hand-fasted to her is all that I ask for.”

“Very well then, we will allow this trade,”
answered the elder as he motioned to the rest of the council members.

“Let all those here be witness to this trade.” He looked at Tess and Serena in turn as he continued. “Blue Deer and Darting Rabbit, you have been given into the care of Kyle Parker in exchange for Liz Parker. We ask that you both go gather your belongings immediately so that you may leave this village with your caretaker.”

Both Tess and Serena nodded before leaving the council building with Isabel and Alex in tow. While everyone waited for the others to return Jesse, Max, Michael and Maria retreated to a corner to talk amongst themselves leaving Kyle and Liz alone for a while.

Kyle pursed his lips as he looked at his sister. “I really hope you know what you are doing.”

Liz sighed. “I do, but even if I make mistakes they’re mine to make. I’m not afraid of this Kyle. I know what I want.”

Kyle shook his head. “Yeah, apparently you do. Even our quiet baby sister is adamant on that fact.”

Liz grinned. “Serena is slowly coming into her own too. She just needs time and a lot of space to discover herself.”

At her pointed look, Kyle held up his hands. “I know, I know. I will do my best to give her the space she needs.”


“And I’ll try not to be so bossy with her the way I tried to be with you.”

“Good and you have to allow her to make her own decisions and mistakes too. Don’t try to hold her hand all the time or act like the overbearing protective older brother.”

“Okay, okay.”

Liz nodded as Serena and Tess returned with the others and moved to stand next to Kyle.

“Are you both ready?” asked an elder.

Both Tess and Serena nodded.

“Very well then, you are both given into the care of Kyle Parker and Liz Parker is given into the care of Horse Dreamer.”

Liz walked over to stand next to Max as the elder indicated.

“Now that the trade is done, you and yours are free to go, Kyle Parker.”

Kyle nodded to the elders. “My thanks.”

The elder gave a nod of acknowledgment before turning to smile at Liz. “Welcome back to the Udeyona, Daring Elk.”

“It is good to be back,”
replied Liz as she took Max’s hand.

As Kyle motioned for Serena and Tess to follow him back to where Isabel and Alex were waiting for them near the entrance, Max led Liz to the center of the floor to face the elders.

“If I may, I would like to ask the elders for permission to be hand fasted to Daring Elk.”

The elders looked at Liz. “Do you accept Horse Dreamer’s request, Daring Elk?”

“I do,”
replied Liz.

“Then it is our pleasure to give Horse Dreamer permission to be hand fasted to Daring Elk.”

Max grinned before moving to stand before Liz. He took her hand in his and spoke loud enough so that even all of their friends and family could hear.

“Liz, I know we have already done this before, but I want to do this were everyone can see and know just how much I love you.”

Once more he went down on one knee the way he’d done the night before the raid. “Elizabeth Parker, would you allow the Great Spirit to bless a marriage between us?”

Liz gave him a dazzling smile. “Yes, Max. I will.”

As their friends and family cheered them on, Max rose to his feet and pulled Liz into his arms for a kiss to finally start the event that had been a long time in coming. Their new life together.
