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Re: LizNdAlec4eva's Fanfics. Coming Soon added!

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:22 pm
by LizNdAlec4eva
Sorry for the delay, but Guardian Angel has been updated! :D

Re: LizNdAlec4eva's Fanfics. Coming Soon added!

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:32 pm
by LizNdAlec4eva
Hey guys, sorry it’s taken so long for me to update any of my stories or at least alert you to when I would be updating. This AN is just to alert you as to how I’m coming along in writing my fics, unfortunately there is some bad news.
Now, although I have been writing a few sentences here and there, a few weeks ago I wondered if my muse had abandoned me for good, but after recently taking some time to really look over my fics and reread what I’ve written so far, I’ve actually starting writing properly for the first time in months!
Thank you for all you’re notes about my sister, it means a lot that you took the time to show your concern and I’m sorry if the news below about updates on my fics isn’t what you had hoped for.

A Transgenic In Ipswich
This is probably the worst one of all, sorry to say guys, but I have officially lost my muse for this fic and it doesn’t seem to be returning, and I’m not sure it ever will. I think its time to leave this fic where it is and concentrate my stories that I can come up with ideas for. I’m really sorry guys, I enjoyed writing this fic so much and I’m proud of what I’ve got so far. Thank you for all your kind feedback and bumps.

His Guardian Angel
Now this is one of the best AN’s, I have started writing the next part and have planned out another 2 or 3. I had actually hoped to have updated by now, but the part is a lot longer than I originally planned as it contains a lot of Liz/Nathan interaction and starts to build up that whitelighter/charge bond that I wanted them to develop.
Hopefully I’ll finish the part soon, and when I do I’ll post it straight away.


I have 3 drabbles written so far for the new post, and really wanted 1 or 2 more before I posted it. But if people would like for me to post the 3 I have now it wouldn’t be a problem and I would be glad to do it! Just let me know if you would like for me to post them.

Maths Can’t Solve Everything
I had a few parts of this written, but when I went back to reread it, I decided I hated the way I had started the fic, so a reread has turned into a rewrite! Now, I’m halfway through the prologue and once I’ve written another 2 or 3 parts and a have a basic outline done for this fic, I’ll start posting!

Holy Matrimony

This is the one fic I haven’t reread yet and I hope to actually get around to that tonight if I can. I think that it will be another fic where I may need to watch a few videos of James Lafferty to get back into the writing mood! But I am definitely not complaining about that!
So far I have the first few parts written, but I really need to go over them and make sure their up to my standards before even thinking about posting them.

Hayley. :)