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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:55 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I wake to the sun shining into the motel room through slotted blinds and let out a groan, rolling over in the uncomfortable bed. Pushing the sheets off me I get up slowly and drop to the floor, doing a few push ups before my shower.

Dressed and slightly awake a short time later, I pull on a jacket and some dark sunglasses and walk out the door. There's a coffee shop around the corner, and I walk in and order the strongest thing they have. I hate mornings.

Sitting at a table in the corner I look over and notice a particularly non-human thing sitting a few tables over. He's disguised, but his aura is pretty noticeable, at least to me. Making sure I'm hidden behind a newspaper, I slouch down. Hopefully he hasn't seen me, and doesn't work for my father.

You ever have that one person you really hate? Well, for me that's Sebastian. Sebastian is the Source, sort of like the king of demons, the root of all evil, the worst father in the world. Yeah, that's right. Demon's exist. So do witches, vampires, all those sorts of things. And this one in particular happens to be my father. My mother was mortal, so of course I'm immortal only by default, but up until recently I worked for him.

Until I decided I hated working for him. I hated being evil, and killing people who didn't need to die. That's what got me here, living like a fugitive in a rundown motel so that the evil can't find me and kill me, and so that those who are good can't do the same. I tell you, it's enough to make you not want to wake up in the morning.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:35 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"Calyspo! Charlotte! Where are you, what are doing, where is Michaelis and PLEASE tell me someone has something pure and good I can destroy!!!!" I hear screamed at me in my mind, waking me from a pleasant sleep.

Responding instantly, I shimmer myself, scant clothes and all to where Sebastian is busy blowing holes in the wall. "Relax, Sebastian," I say in a low voice, smiling as I come up to stand by his side. "If you want I'll find Michaelis for you." Wrapping my arms around him, I whisper quietly in his ear.

"You really just need to...relax." Bringing my lips to his briefly, I smile and then back away, standing at a good enough distance. I mean, sure, Sebastian and I have an...intimate relationship at times, but he is still my boss/the Source. I'm his assassin for hire, and you can't think of a better job.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:59 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Life is good. I’ve got the three best friends a guy could ask for. I own a computer software company where basically I just sign the checks every month. I am an upstanding leader in the community. In fact I just donated half a million to the community’s public library for renovations. The whole town admires me. I have everything a man could possible ask for. Friendship. Money. Respect. Just not what I really need.

Love. Oh sure I get hit on every time I walk out the door. Brilliant brunettes and radiant blondes seem to come out of nowhere and find me utterly irresistible ,but it’s not real. They are always after something and by the time I figure out what that is they’ve got it and gone. I just wish I could find a lady you cares about me for who I am not how much money I have in the bank.

Maria’s even offered to do a love spell for me. I quickly reminded her about her last few indiscretions with spells. That girl is always blowing something up. I’ve told her the next time she destroys my blender while concocting one of those crazy spells I am going to make her reimburse me. Not because I need the cash mind you ,but just so she’ll learn a lesson. That reminds me.

Apparently it was Maria’s turn to buy groceries because Liz called and asked me to bring orange juice. I head over to the fridge and pull out the carton. At the last minute I decide just to walk to the Deluca residence. It’s right next door anyway. A few minutes later I come through the front door without even knocking. It would seem trivial at this point. “Girls the juice is here. As well as the handsome man toting it!” :D

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:17 am
by FaithfulAngel24

"Hey," Tess replies with a sweet smile. I flash her a grin of my own which is quite an accomplishment considering how early it is. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how early I get up I‘m always late for breakfast. Must be instinctual. The aunts used to tell Liz and I stories about our parents and I remember Aunt Amy once saying that Lizzie might have got his long dark locks but that I got his punctuality or lack there of.

I am drawn out of deep thoughts when Tess questions, “Sleep well?" I tilt my head left to right as if to express so/so before explaining. “I’ve been having the oddest dreams lately. Not nightmares exactly ,because whoever is in danger its not me.” I purse my lips together in annoyance. “I can’t see the man's face but I know he needs my help.” I try to reason with both Tess and myself.

“Usually when I have premonitions I am awake and they tend to be in color. These are in black and white.” As soon as the words fly out of my mouth I instantly want to take them back. “Please don’t say anything to Liz. She’s morph into big sister mode and immediately be afraid that something bad is coming.” I plead.

Letting out a soft yawn at her expression I smirk, “Besides there isn’t anything in this world a large cup of black coffee can’t cure.” With that I start down the stairs. “You coming I think I hear Alex.” :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:40 am
by madroswellfan
I hear Alex come inside the house and call out, “Girls the juice is here. As well as the handsome man toting it!” I can't help but smile and roll my eyes at him. "I'm in the kitchen...if you don't want to wait for the slow Maria, you could come in here and claim some bacon before it becomes charcoal!" I call out as I turn the heat as low as it will go.

I look out the window and sigh. Now I can hear the clomping of Maria and presumably Tess coming down the stairs. Quickly I start serving up the food on to plates, and lay everything out, including empty glasses for the juice Alex has brought. I go sit down and sip my coffee as I continue looking over the list of numbers, and in my mind planning my plan of attack for the day.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:59 am
by FaithfulAngel24

"I'm in the kitchen...if you don't want to wait for the slow Maria, you could come in here and claim some bacon before it becomes charcoal!" Liz calls out to Alex just as I reach the bottom of the stairs. Entering the kitchen wearing my best pouty face (The one that used to get me whatever I wanted when Mom and Dad were still alive) I mutter pitifully,

“Hey I heard that.” Brightening up as soon as I see Alex I plaster a grin on my face. “That’s funny because in high school they never called her Slow Maria. I believe it was actually Fast…” Alex doesn’t get to finish the sentence before I shoot him my best evil glare. He knows not to press me this early. “Anyways…” He trails off with a slight laugh.

“What’s going on at the Deluca manor this morning? Nothing to vanquish I hope. I’m still trying to get the crud of that Chaos thingy out of my Nikes.” I can’t help but crack a smile. That’s Alex for you. Putting it all into perspective. “Because that was a great tragedy. That inconsiderate Demon got your sneakers dirty.” I shake my head from side to side in amusement as I pour myself a glass of juice.

“They were my favorites.” Alex argues with that crooked smirk of his. “Besides I remember having to listen to forty eight hours of whining with that Snorgaf demon caused you to break off the heel of your precious Jimmy Choos.” I am taken aback by the accusation. Those were $300 pumps. Biting into a piece of crispy bacon I admonish with a yawn.

“Now that my friend was a tragedy. That style was discontinued.” He snickers and then goes about his breakfast. “This is a nice spread you’ve got going here, Lizzie.” I compliment my hard working sister. “You’ve really out done yourself.” I shoot Tess a warning look. “Now don’t get used to this.” I warn her with an easy going expression.

“In a week the new and shiny will wear off and it will be coffee and pop tarts.” I steal a glance over at Liz who seems to be buried in work. :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:37 am
by madroswellfan
(ooc: Hope this is ok!!!)

“Hey I heard that.” Liz says in that strange voice before Alex comments, “That’s funny because in high school they never called her Slow Maria. I believe it was actually Fast…” I REALLY don't want to know so I quickly tune them out as I look at the numbers. I don't even bother to look up.

I hear them talk about vanquishing but as they're talking in the past tense I don't listen. I'll deal with a problem when it comes... nothing more to be said about a ex-demon.

“This is a nice spread you’ve got going here, Lizzie.”
"Hm..." I say unconcerned. I mean its a nice compliment and all but it would have been better if they had been here on time...

“You’ve really out done yourself.” Hm... I don't know about that. I sometimes do this when I get stressed and want to unwind with some work whilst cooking - its just that the others never seem to be around when I do. Probably out dating guys that it can never happen with.
“Now don’t get used to this. In a week the new and shiny will wear off and it will be coffee and pop tarts.”

I sigh as I stand up and head over to the sink to pour myself a glass of water rather than juice. They might have poptarts but usually I just drink coffee before heading quickly to the shop. As I turn the tap on, the tap breaks off in my hand. Water gushes upwards. I would duck to avoid the spray but it would mean Maria and Alex get covered so instead I refuse to scream as water hits me in the face, drenching my clothes.

"Call a emergency plumber Maria!" I call out as I try desperately to shut the water off.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:42 am
by madroswellfan
Immediately I see Charlotte shimmer into the room. I sigh, hoping it would have been Calypso.... Although the view of Charlotte is most pleasing...

"Relax, Sebastian," She says in a low voice as she sidles up to me. "If you want I'll find Michaelis for you." She says as she wraps her arms around me.

"You really just need to...relax." She gives me a quick kiss before backing away. I snarl at her... she should know better. Kisses... I HATE kisses... pathetic human thing to do. No... you don't need kisses to have passion.

"Do it then cos no one else seems to have a damn clue where the boy is and I'm getting sick of looking!" I yell before smashing another hole in the wall. I take a deep breath before slowly looking towards her. "You know what I'm in the mood for..."

I smile as an idea hits me. "I want to kill a witch." of my favorite passtimes. "Find me a witchy challenge...someone who won't give in easily... someone I can enjoy killing. Find me a pure and good witch.... ooh...maybe even a coven...its been a long time..."

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:16 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: That's cool Mad. Okay the spell here sucks but it was all I could come up with on no sleep:wink:


Liz decides to ignore my little snap. Instead she shuffles over to the kitchen sink and attempts to get a glass of water. Attempt being the key word here. Instead she takes a steady flow of aqua to the chest. Poor Liz she just can’t seem to catch a break. I watched amazed as her facial expression never changes. She doesn’t scream or duck like any normal person would. Instead she stands as still as a statue while exclaiming,

"Call a emergency plumber Maria!" I rush to the phone and just as I am about to dial Alex stops me. “Can’t you just…you know wiggle your nose or bob your head genie style to shut the water off?” I shake my head dramatically from side to side. “It doesn’t work like that, Alex.” You know we can’t use our powers for personal gain. It’s only allowed when fighting evil or saving innocents.” I explain while searching frantically in the phone book for a plumber.

“Damn!” I shout clearly aggravated that all the P pages are stuck together. “Well, you can’t save too many innocents if your sister drowns now can you?” He reasons with a concerned expression. “I guess your right, but once I do this there will be Hell to pay. Hell’s given name…Liz.” I concentrate on the abundant flow of water beating upon my sister.

“Things should not be as they seem. Stop this overbearing stream.” The water immediately stops spewing out of the faucet. Liz whirls around soaked and I can tell there is going to be a confrontation. “Look it’s just until Kyle gets here. He’ll look at the pipes at then I call a plumber.” At her dismayed look I add. “Do we really have the money to pay for water damage as well as new pipes?” She looks a tad swayed. “I didn’t think so.”

One of the reasons Tess moved in is because to be honest we needed the extra income. It’s partially my fault. I’ve been focusing on learning my craft while Liz goes out and busts her tail peddling knickknacks for a living. If I didn’t know she loved it so much I’d make her quit. It stresses her out pretty bad. I try to help out where I can but the radio station doesn’t pay me that much for the graveyard shift. Yeah that’s me ‘Maria at Midnight’. I get a good eight hours a night but the pay is minimum at best. I just wish there was something I could do to ease her worries. :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:26 am
by madroswellfan
Over the sound of gushing water, I can't hear the others talking. Just as long as they get the plumber everything will be fine...
And then the water stops. I whirl round to look at Maria. Oh no...she didn't! She KNOWS we're not meant to use our magick for personal gain!!!

“Look it’s just until Kyle gets here. He’ll look at the pipes at then I call a plumber.” What! We can't do that! She should know better!!!
“Do we really have the money to pay for water damage as well as new pipes?” we don't. But thats not the point. I have to admit, its tempting to leave it like this. But she shouldn't! “I didn’t think so.”

I can feel water dripping off everything.. my hair... my clothes. I look at her accusingly before saying, "Maria, you should know better. Im getting changed and going to the shop. And you should undo that spell. " I state before marching upstairs, leaving water drips trailing behind me. Angrily I strip off my clothes and quickly change. I feel bad that I still haven't really talked to Tess yet but I have to get going and if I talk to her now...well Im in a bad mood and I don't want her to get the wrong impression of me. Grabbing the dripping clothes, I head downstairs, dump them in machine and then walk outside letting the door slam behind me.

I walk determindly down the street knowing my figures are going to be ruined and Im going to have completely recalculate them AGAIN. Great. At least its stopped raining. Last night, thats all it seemed to do...rain rain and more rain. Im one street away from the shop when I have to cross the road. As I see the lorry come round the corner I can see whats about to happen. Quickly I move away, managing to get centimetres away from the spray as the lorry drives through the huge puddle. I sigh before heading to the shop and inside. I sigh as I start my daily ritual to open the shop.