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Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 7 1/20/19

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:31 pm
by keepsmiling7
I can just see Max choking on that bit of new information........
Looking forward to his response........if he has one.
Thanks, Carolyn

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 7 1/20/19

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 12:26 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn You get Max's response here.

Part 8

Liz waited until Max pulled himself together before going on.

"A three year old daughter?" Asked Max
"Yes. Her name is Ashlee." Said Liz
"Is her father in your life?"
"No. He was a drunken mistake. It had been a real hard day for me. I had just finished an ER rotation, my last one of medical school. A little boy had come in he had been beaten almost to death."
"Those are always hard cases."
"Yeah, so I went out for a drink. I drank more then I meant too. I ended up leaving with a guy I met at a party my last year of undergrad. I didn't like him then, but being drunk caused me not to use my better judgement. I had a one night stand with him. I didn't realize until two months later he didn't use a condom. I can't take birth control. I had a bad reaction to it in high school. It was one of those one in a hundred thousand or something reactions. Serena doesn't have it."
"Is your daughter the reason that you don't want to let me in?"
"Partly, but partly it's because I am scared."
"Scared of what?"
"I am scared that if I let you in my life, into my daughter's life that she will become attached to you and it doesn't workout. That we will end up hating each other."
"Liz, we can go slow. I would not even ask to meet your daughter until you felt sure that things will work out between us. That is if you will give us a chance."

Liz bit her lip and looked at Max. She could see hope in his eyes. As much as she wanted to say yes she couldn't not yet anyway.

"I can't date you right now Max. But, I wouldn't mind us meeting for coffee, or lunch or dinner when we are working." Said Liz
"That is a start. I can live with that. Would you mind showing me a photo of your little girl?"

Liz smiled and pulled a photo out of the pocket of her white doctor's lab coat and slid it across the table to Max. Max picked it up and smiled at the girl who looked just like a mini version of her mother.

"She's beautiful Liz."
"Thank you."
"So uh is she in daycare? I know your parents are out of town and Serena is busy running the Crashdown."
"Uh no. My cousin Taylor watches her when I am at work. Taylor is able to work from home."
"That is nice."
"Max, I know you took Taylor to the prom. I know you did it as a friend."
"Taylor, didn't deserve to miss the prom just because the guy she was seeing was an asshole."
"Liz, would you have gone out with me if I had asked back then?"
"I don't know."
"What about Sean? Did you really have feelings for him?"
"I thought I did. I thought he really cared about me. But as soon as he got what he wanted from me he dumped me."
"I wish I had known you were getting involved with that asshole. I would have warned you."
"I most likely wouldn't have listened."
"Liz, I am sorry that you have been hurt so much. But I promise that I will do my best not to hurt you."

Just then Liz's pager went off.

"I got to go Max."
"Go we can talk later."

Liz took off heading off to find out what was going on.


Sean watched Liz run off. He would make his move soon. But for now he would settle for finding some other bitch to fuck. He smiled when he saw one of the girls that worked in the hospital flower shop walk by. He knew that she had to be eighteen, other wise she would be in school. He got up and went after her. It took him a little bit but he got her to go with him to a small private room in the basement. He had paid off a couple of guys above him to use it for hook up during the hours he worked. Once he locked them in he went to work. He pushed her down on the bed in the room.

"Stop! What are you doing? I thought we were going to talk!" Cried the girl
"Bitch, you know very well what is going on. This was never about nothing but sex."
"No! I don't want to have sex! I don't even know you!"

Sean smacked her pinned her to the bed and pushed her skirt up. He reach and ripped her underpants from her. He stuck his fingers into her and smiled at how wet she was coming from her struggles. He smacked her again then cuffed her wrists to the frame of the bed. He then unbuckled his belt. He dropped his pants and boxers freeing his cock. He rolled on a condom and forced her legs apart. He then rammed his dick into her causing her to cry out as he went through her virginity. Sean smiled at her when he realized what had just happened. He leaned down next to her ear spoke coldly in her ear.

"Well that explains why you been putting up such a fight. Don't worry bitch, I know what I am doing and your next fuck will be happy I broke you in."

Sean started to pound into her as hard and fast as he could. Tears fell down the girl's face as Sean kept pounding into her. She prayed that it would be over soon. Finally Sean let out a loud grunt and pulled out of her. He got off her pulled his pants back on and released her.

"Bitch, you tell anyone about this and I will make you pay. Do you understand?" Said Sean

She nodded fixed her clothes and left. After she was gone Sean pulled the now blood stained sheet from the bed and tossed it in the laundry bin. He put a fresh sheet down so it was ready for his next conquest.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 8 1/21/19

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:18 pm
by keepsmiling7
It was time for Max to know about Ashlee...
They have agreed to take things slow.
Liz had such a hard time in the past, and I really hate to see Sean watching her, and waiting.
He's a real a..hole.
Thanks for the update

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 8 1/21/19

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:43 pm
by L-J-L 76
So glad Max and Liz finally talked and told Max about her daughter. Boy was Max shocked but glad he got over it. So very happy Max and Liz are going to take things slow. Wondering how many dates Max and Liz will have before Max meets Ashee? Oh no have a bad feeling about Sean watching Liz. Hopefully Max will be close by Liz so Sean can't hurt Liz. God Sean is a major f**king asshole for raping that poor girl. The girl needs to go talk to Max or Liz now.

L-J-L 76

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 8 1/21/19

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:25 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn It was time that Max found out about Ashlee. We will have to see how things go for Max and Liz. Max understands that Liz needs to go slow and build trust in him. Yes Sean is a reall asshole!

L-J-L 76 Who said that Max and Liz will even go on one date before he meets Ashlee? Max does go to the Crashdown, and Ashlee's grandparents own it so she spends time there. Sean is very dangerous. As for the girl she will get help soon.

Part 9

Liz walked out of the room of one of her patients. A four year old girl that had just lost her battle with a rare form of leukemia. That was the only thing she hated. She couldn't save them all. She headed into the bathroom to splash water on her face. Once she calmed down she was about to head out when she heard crying from one of the stalls. She headed over to the stall. She knocked on it.

"This is Dr. Parker are you OK?" Asked Liz
"No." Said a sobbing voice
"Come out and I can help you."

The stall opened and Liz saw the young lady from the gift shop. She could also see that there was blood on her skirt.

"Are you still bleeding?"
"Come on you need to be examined."

She just nodded.

"What's your name?" Asked Liz
"Come on Sarah, I know a few of the doctors down in the ER as well as some of the nurses."
"Can't you do it?"
"I haven't done this kind of exam since medical school. But I with the assistance of a more experienced doctor can."
"I just need you to answer one question."
"What is it?"
"Were you raped?"
"Do you know who did it?"

Liz knew that the girl wasn't telling the truth. But knew not to push it. She led her down to the ER.

"Tanisha, is there an exam room open?" Asked Liz when she spotted the nurse she spoke to earlier.
"Exam 4 is. Do you need some help?" Asked Tanisha
"Yes is there a female fellow or attending doctor on duty?"
"Yes. Dr. Deana Knight. She is a fellow."
"Could you ask her to join me in exam 4? Oh and can you bring a rape kit?"
"Of course doctor."

Tanisha went to get Dr. Knight and Liz took Sarah into the exam room closed the door and made sure the blinds were also closed.

"Sarah, I need you to change into an exam gown. We will give you something to wear home."

Sarah nodded and took the gown and changed. After putting on gloves Liz placed Sarah's clothes in a bag sealed it labeled it and signed it. Sarah had just finished changing when there was a knock on the door.

"Dr. Parker it's Dr. Knight and Tanisha." Came a woman's voice
"Come in." Said Liz

The door opened and a woman about ten years older then Liz came in along with Tanisha.

"What is going on Liz?" Asked Dr. Knight
"This is Sarah. I found her in one of the ladies rooms up in the peds cancer ward. She had been bleeding in the vaginal area. I asked her if she had been raped and she said yes." Said Liz
"What made you think that?"
"On her right hand is a sliver ring. Members of a club at Roswell Community Christian Church wear them as a sign of their vow to put off sex until marriage."
"Doctor have you been a member of this club?"
"No Dr. Knight. But my cousin Taylor is. She wears that same ring."
"OK Liz. Someone needs to call the sheriff."
"I know."
"Tanisha, will you please call the sheriff?" Asked Dr. Knight
"Yes doctor."

Tanisha went to the phone on the wall and Liz began the exam under the guidance of Dr. Knight. The exam was complete by the time Sheriff Valenti arrived.

"Dr. Parker, I understand you are the outcry witness." Said Jim Valenti
"Yes sheriff." Said Liz

Valenti talked to both Liz and Sarah and took the evidence into custody.

"Yes Liz?"
"She isn't being fully truthful about not knowing who did this." Said Liz
"I know. Liz, I know that you were nearly rape in college. Maybe you can get her to open up to you."
"I think she was threatened."
"Most likely."
"I think it happened here at the hospital."
"An employee?"
"Yes. There is someone I think might be capable. But I have no way to prove it."
"Liz if you find anything out let me know."
"You know I will."

The sheriff left and Tanisha took Sarah to the female showers to clean up.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 9 1/22/19

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:50 pm
by keepsmiling7
This is a small world........Liz discovering the rape victim.
Sure hope this will lead to catching Sean for all of the bad things he done to girls and women.
Maybe Sarah will open up to Liz after she gains her trust.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 9 1/22/19

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 5:56 am
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Liz found Sarah when she did. So Liz knows Sarah wss lying about not knowing who raped her. Hopefully the evidence and what Liz finds out will lead to Sean. The sheriff is right Liz should try and talk to Sarah. If Liz talk to Sarah maybe she will tell Liz who it was.Can't wait for Max to meet Ashee.

L-J-L 76

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 9 1/22/19

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:01 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn We will have to see how things play out with Sean. As for Sarah, Liz would have to see her again to get her to open up to her.

L-J-L 76 It is good that Liz found Sarah. Let's hope that Liz can get Sarah to tell who raped her.

Part 10

Max watched as Liz headed for the elevator. He wondered what she had been doing down here. He headed over to the desk where Dr. Knight was signing off on a chart so it could be sent to records.

"Dr. Knight?"
"What can I do for you Max?" Asked Dr. Knight
"Did a new pediatric cancer patient come in?"
"No. Dr. Parker had a different reason to be down here. But I can't tell you why."
"Max, I know that you grew up with Liz. She is a good doctor."
"I know she is. She is also very caring."
"That is true. Max, if Liz wants to talk she will come to you."


Taylor watched Ashlee as she played with another little girl. She hoped one day to have a child like Ashlee. But first she needed to find a man to love. Not many people understood her choice to wait until she married to have sex. That had caused a lot of problems for her dating. She only wanted to have sex with the man she planned to spend her life with.

"Cute kid."

Taylor turned to see someone she hadn't seen since high school. He had been a year a head of her.

"Thanks but she isn't mine."
"Tay, I know that. You still wear your purity ring."
"Yeah so?"
"So do I."

Taylor's eyes went wide when she saw Ryan Turner’s right hand.

"I didn't know you were in purity circle." Said Taylor
“Not something I go around telling everyone. Besides we weren't really friends.”
“So the kid is Liz’s right?”
“Where is the kid's father? I know that Liz ain't married.”
“Not around. He was a drunken mistake she made. He didn't care that she got pregnant anyway.”
“Yeah. But things might be looking up for Liz. Max Evans is now in her life.”
“They should have gotten together in high school. They are perfect for each other.”
“Yeah well you know how hard headed my cousin can be.”
“True. So I was wondering if you want to go out with me sometime?”
“I would like that. Give me your number. I need to check with Liz about her schedule or see when Serena can watch Ashlee.”
“That's cool.”

Taylor opened her cell phone and Ryan added his number to her contacts.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 10 1/23/19

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 2:10 pm
by L-J-L 76
Max knows something is going on. Hopefully Liz will tell Max what it is So Taylor and Ryan may go out on a date. That is so good. Agree with Taylor and Ryan about Liz, Max being pig headed. Hopefully Max and Liz will get together. Will Liz tell Max about what is going on? When will Max and Ashee meet? How will Max and Ashee meet? Will Max and Liz go on a date? Will Max and Liz start to get to know each other? Will Max and Liz go on a
Date? Will Sean try to cause problems for Liz? Who will help Liz with Sean? Will Sean get caught? How will Sean get caught? Who will catch Max? Sorry for the questions just wondering.

L-J-L 76

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 10 1/23/19

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:03 pm
by keepsmiling7
Love that Ryan noticed Taylor's purity rings.
I think we have a perfect pair in the making here.
Wonder when Liz will open up to Max?
Thanks, Carolyn