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Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:15 am
by Corina Star

"Hey I think we should just stay cool, you know. If we get in trouble I'll take the blame." I told Tara trying to comfort her.

"So do you think they'll believe us if we said we took too long for breakfast and lunch and we lost track of time?" I ask with a big grin on my face. She looks really pretty when her face turns red when she blushes. I don't really have a clue why she's blushing though.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:18 am
by OnDragonflyWings

I shake my head slightly when he says that he'll take the blame,"But it's not your fault..." I unconsciously slip my hand into his when I say this. he shouldn't ahve to take th fall for everybody. And I ahve this irrational worry sometimes that he'll resent us for always making him be the fall guy, even though I know he wouldn't have it any other way. I know there's no arguing with him on this one, but I feel the need to say the words anyway.

And I can't help but laugh despite the situation at what he says. I shake my head. "Something tells me not so much..."

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:19 am
by Corina Star

"I have to go...I can't tlak to you right now..." Says Maria trying to get away. Before she leaves I grab her wrist. I look at her with a soft glance and then take a breath.

"Maria I know." I say simply hoping she'll understand.

(ooc: sorry my posts r so short!)

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:29 am
by OnDragonflyWings

I know what he means with his simple admission to me. My eye drop down to the table. He's probably mad that I tlaked to Liz first. he's probably uspet that I didn't feel like I could come to him. But all that aside how does he feel about me? About the baby?

I feel tears behind my eyes and I pull away from him again, my fingers tracing shapes only I can see on the table. Does he still want me? Does he hate me?

And why am I even wodnering that. it's Michael. of course we'll make it through this. he loves me. I love him. Right?

"So...?" I ask him, hazarding a glance in his direction, hoping he can't see that I'm clsoe to crying.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:20 am
by OnDragonflyWings

I'm caught a little off guard as Matthew comes around his desk to mine, and even more off guard as he helps me out of my chair. His touch sending slight chills down my spine.

Maybe I really am getting sick.

I try to ignore the feeling as I lean into him, letting him help me walk out of the room.

My eyes catch his for a breif moment when he talks to me. Ignoring his tone and his smile. You can't spend a lot of time getting caught up in things like that. Sweet tones, cute smiles. Not that his smile is actually cute.

Who am I kidding Matthew is cute. Hot even. But he hides it. And he hides himself. And he's kind of a no fun stick in the mud kind of guy most of the time. All school and books and rationality. A little annoying if you ask me.

I can't wait until we're out of this damn classroom so that I can move out of his arms and stop thinking crazy thoughts and walk on my own.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 6:39 pm
by DreamerLaure
"Something tells me not so much..." Tara admitted, and I cleared my throat as I came around the other side of the wall and saw their linked hands. "You're probably right," I agreed. I laughed self-deprecatingly, "We need to come up with something more. I bet they already called our parents, so we at least need a better excuse for them."

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:06 pm
by DreamerLaure
I frowned when Ms. Mahoney came in. Did he get caught? I know him inside out, and if he's planning on doing something or, if he's already done the deed, he knows what's coming. But, today, he looked nervous. Was it a close call then? He held his hands to his temples for a little while - that only happens after one of his visions.

I didn't expect it to take him that long. He was only going to go in and look around, see the paremeter. I saw Drew this morning - I saw him in precalc (he borrowed a sheet of paper), and I saw him in pe in third period - he was about to rough McGregor up before I called out to him in my mind...he hears my voice the clearest. And after pe, he said, "Later," before he left. But, this was close to four hours. I know he went with Tara - she came over last night to see it, and to be perfectly honest, she might have told Ryan. Ally has been distancing herself from this, from us lately. And, Candi and Luna wouldn't...or they couldn't.

I eased the notebook peeking out of Drew's bag and flipped it open under the table. It hadn't been hard identifying this as a lab, somewhere things were made and unmade. Reliving it, I closed my eyes, remembering each sensation, each pulse, each voice, each thought. And I saw something I didn't draw - something I hadn't remembered last night.

I saw a man in the mirror.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:38 pm
by Corina Star

"Look as far as I'm concerned we haven't skipped so many times. So were not in major trouble. Just follow my lead and will be fine. I instruct easily to Luna and Tara. Just as I'm done talking Ms. Mahoney rounds the corner with Ryan. We are al ready to face our makers.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:41 pm
by Corina Star

"Maria sit down," I reply calmly. I look at her sweetly waiting for her to sit down. She probably thinks I don't want this child and that I hate her but I don't. How could she think that.

"Maria, I love you. And part of being your husband is also being a father."

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:58 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

Like I said earlier, I trust Drew, maybe more than I should. I would, and have trusted him with my life. So tlaking to the principal I'm not so wrried about, so long as we all do this together, with Drew taking the lead, sicne this is kind of his thing.

It's my parents I'm worried about. Mom and dad aren't gonna be too thrilled about the skipping. And I can't tell them the truth because then they'd worry.

I squeeze Drew's hand before letting it go, offering him support and letting him know that I'm following his lead, without obviously nodding in front of the principal.