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Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 6 7/12/17

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:36 am
by keepsmiling7
Serena is giving Liz good advice......regarding "soul mates"
Can't believe Max asked Isabel to dream walk Liz.
And Isabel got more than she bargained for......
Can't wait for more,

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 6 7/12/17

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 4:16 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Liz is starting to wonder about Serena.

Natalie36 :D

Carolyn Serena did give Liz some good advice. Max knows Liz is bidding something and Isabel is the only one he thinks might get answers for him. Isabel got way more then she bargained for!

Part 7

Liz woke from her strange dream. She couldn't understand why she was dreaming about that strange garden or why she was calling Max, Zan. Or better yet why was he calling her Lex. But in away it felt right. She had to wonder if maybe this strange girl Serena had something to do with it. One thing Liz was nearly positive about was that Serena was an alien of some sort. She also had to wonder if she was the same Serena that Future Max had said would be a friend of hers. But one thing was for sure she wouldn't tell anyone about Serena's eating habits until she knew more. Liz got out of bed and headed for the kitchen and poured herself a glass of milk. She turned and found Serena standing there.

"Uh Serena."
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you."
"You didn't. I was having trouble sleeping."
"Sorry to hear that. I can't sleep. I am kind of nervous about my first day at my new school."
"I'm sure everything will be fine."
"I hope so."
"Is there something on your mind?"
"Do you think I will be able to make some friends? I mean I what are the other kids like?"
"I'm sure you will make friends. Most of the other students are great. There are a few I would advoid. But most of them aren't too bad. Uh some of the jocks are jerks."
"I have found a lot of jocks are jerks."
"Well Kyle Valenti is a jock but he isn't a jerk. He is not really a typical jock. Over the summer he got into Buddhism."

Serena raised an eyebrow. Now that was not a total surprise to her. Ryden had been all about finding inner peace.

"A Buddhist jock?"
"Yeah. I was kind of surprised when he told me last week. I mean I thought I knew him kind of well. I dated him for a little while."

Serena tried not to glare at Liz. It wasn't like she knew that she had been dating her sister's man. Hell Liz still didn't know that she had a sister.

"So what happened? He dump you or something? He want you to put out and when you didn't he move on to some scank that would?"
"Uh no I broke up with him. His so called friends beat up my biology lab partner just because he liked me."
"Liked you?"
"You know as more then a friend kind of way."
"Really? You ever get together with the lab partner?"
"Uh sort of. But it would never work out. He and I are too different."

*Different my ass! No it was that blond scank playing her mind games trying to get in your man's pants. But don't worry dear sister. I'm here now and we will fix everything. We will make sure that you and your man get together and the scank doesn't get the chance to betray you.* thought Serena

"I think that even if people are different if they truly love each other nothindg can keep them apart." Said Serena
"I don't know about that. I'm going to go back to bed."
"Night Liz."

Serena watched as Liz headed for her room. She knew that there was no way that she was going to let that scanky bitch get away with keeping her King and Queen apart.


Tess Harding sat in her SUV waiting for her contact to show up. She didn't know why he always wanted to meet in the middle of the night. She had been waiting for ten minutes when he finally pulled up next to her. She got out of her car and he got out of his.

"It's about fucking time!"
"Don't talk to me like that you little bitch! I am your King after all." Said the man
"Do you realize how hard it is for me to sneak out of that idiot Sheriff's house?"
"Why are you staying there anyway?"
"Because the boy King thinks I will be safer there. God I hate these stupid humans!"
"Tell me are you getting closer to getting Zander to screwing you so you can give me the heir?"
"I am working on it. But he is on the outs with that human bitch he is obssed with."
"Are positive that the girl is human? You know as well as I do that Trina was going to do whatever it takes to reunite Zander and Elexa."
"Trust me there is no way that bitch is Elexa. In fact I think I might just kill little Miss Elizabeth Parker."
"Actually bring me the girl. I think that I will make her the first of my human whores. I will take over this backwater planet and turn these stupid humans into slaves."
"Fine but I just might have to rough up the bitch."
"Just don't kill her Java."
"Don't worry Khivar. I will only make her wish she was dead."

Tess got back into her car and drove off smiling. She was going to destroy Liz Parker if it was the last thing she did.


Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 7 7/13/17

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 6:01 am
by Natalie36
love all these twist and turns. Man the group better learn about tess quick

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 7 7/13/17

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 6:01 am
by L-J-L 76
Liz and Serena are trying to get each other. That is a good way for Liz to find out more about Serena. Hopefully Liz will find out more things before Tess makes her move. Kivar and Tess need to be dead already. Can't stand the way Kivar and Tess think of humans.

L-J-L 76

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 7 7/13/17

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:50 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz ^really doesn't know what to think of that "strange girl, Serena".
I love Serena's *thoughts*.
Thanks, Carolyn

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 7 7/13/17

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 4:18 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Glad you are enjoying it.

L-J-L 76 Liz is slowly getting to know Serena.

Carolyn Liz really doesn't know what to think of Serena. Serena's thoughts are great aren't they?

Part 8

Michelle Valenti parked her car on the driveway in front of the front door of the mansion owned by a man calling himself Cal Langley. Well that is what the world knew the movie producer as. But she knew better. He was really Kaldon one of the Royal Protectors of the true King of Antar. An alien shape shifter. Michelle knew this because she herself was a protector from Antar. Back there she had been known as Shella. She hated that she had to leave her charge. But he and the rest of the court were safer with her gone. The government alien hunters known as the Special Unit had come to close to discovering them ten years ago. So she had talked it over with the others in Roswell and it was decided she would lead them away from the town. Unfortunately they had still found the King because of that traitor. But for now at least the Unit was not a threat. She would return to Roswell and the man she married and hope he forgave her for lying to him. But right now she needed to talk this good for nothing shape shifter into returning to his duty. The King needed all the help he could get to stop Khivar and the imposter in his mist. Taking a deep breath she walked up to the door and rang the bell. It wasn't long before the door was opened and she was lead into a large sitting room to wait for Cal.

"Shella why are you here? Better yet how in the fuck did you find me?" Asked Cal walking into the room.
"Kaldon, you need to get off your ass and do your job. Java is trying to steal the King from your Queen." Said Michelle
"I never asked to be sent here!"
"No but you took an oath. An oath that you must live by."
"Like you have been? From what I hear you abandoned Ryden ten years ago."
"I have been doing my job. The damn Special Unit was heading after the court. I was selected to get them far away from Roswell and Dexter as I could. But that traitor Nager(Nasado) showed up with Java and screwed things up."
"The King screwed things up by healing his Queen in public."
"So you would have preferred he let her die?"
"Of course not! But it should have been covered better by Charser and Nanzara!"
"They didn't find out until it was too late. Charles and Nancy have been doing everything they can to watch out for those kids. Nancy called me and told me that the Queen's sister is now in Roswell and Tashara will join them soon."
"What do you need me for?"
"You are the King's personal protector! You are needed to train him to use his gifts to their full power."
"From what I hear Elexa, Jaxer, Brana and Ryden are clueless as to who they are."
"Liz is going to start to remember soon. As for Kyle all Serena needs to do is connect with him and he will start to remember. Max already started to wake that part of his brain again."
"Tell you what. You go back to Roswell and once the Royal brats are trained I will join you in the fight."

Michelle knew that there was nothing she could do. Only the King and Queen could force him to do his job.


Michael laid in bed wondering when he started to feel so protective of Liz. But he felt like she needed his protection. Not the same way as Maria. More like a little sister. But he couldn't understand why. Liz was not his sister. She was human. Or was she? She gets flashes. He just knew that he was not going to let anyone hurt her. Not emotionally and not physically. He was going to find who started that rumor about Liz and make them pay. If he found out that Max hurt Liz in any way he would hurt him. King or not.


Isabel didn't know what to tell Max about what she saw in Liz's dream. It was strange. But in the dream she felt that those names Zan and Lex were important to her. But why would they be? As far as she knew she had never heard them before. But the garden had also seemed familiar to her too. Could the garden have been somewhere on her home planet? But if that was the case then why would Liz be dreaming about it? Liz wasn't there in their last life. At least not according to Tess. But Isabel wasn't really sure she could trust her. There was someone she did trust. But she would have to was it until morning to talk to him at the earliest. But maybe she could pay him a visit in his dreams. Find out if he still thinks of her the way he use to. She turned the page and looked his face. The face of the man she wanted to open her heart to. Taking a deep breath she touched the picture of Alex Whitman.

~Isabel looked around and smiled as she saw the image of Alex and herself curled up on a blanket on a field of grass a shade of green that she had never seen it before.

"Jax, do you think that my brother will really let us marry?"
"He knows that we love each other. Londra besides are you forgetting that my cousin has your brother wrapped around her little finger."
"Yeah Lex really does doesn't she?"
"I honestly think that if Lex told Zan to walk across the center of the market naked he would if it got him laid."
"She would never do that."
"True she wouldn't want to risk that nut case Java seeing him that way."
"Or any other woman."
"Very true."

The couple kissed.~

Isabel woke from the dreamwalk with more questions of what was really going on.


Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 8 7/14/17

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 6:18 am
by L-J-L 76
Love how Michael is becoming the protective brother to Liz. Poor Isabel she has so much questions but no answer yet. Call is a major asshole. If I was Michelle I would zap Cal in the ass. So but that is what I think.

L-J-L 76

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 8 7/14/17

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 7:29 am
by keepsmiling7
Now we know Michelle/Stella left to keep the rest of the royals safe.
Wonder when they all start putting things together??

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 8 7/14/17

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 5:44 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Well at this point Michael doesn't know that Liz is his sister. He is just feeling protective of her. Kal is a major ass!

Carolyn Michelle/Shella did leave to protect the Royals. They might not put it together on their own.

Part 9

Liz walked into West Roswell with Serena. Liz led her to the office and waited for her.

"Parker, are you in trouble?"

Liz turned and smiled at her friend Alex Whitman.

"Of course not Alex. Uh yesterday the daughter of an old friend of my mom came to stay with us. She and her mom are moving to Roswell. I am just helping find her way around school."
"You don't seem to happy about it."
"It's hard to explain. But I will tell you about it later. Don't really want to talk about it where we could be heard by the wrong person."
"Got it."

Just then Serena came out of her meeting with the principal.

"Serena this is my very good friend Alex Whitman. Alex this is Serena Turner." Said Liz
"Nice to meet you Alex." Said Serena with a smile
"The pleasure is all mine." Said Alex
"Well ain't you a charmer. Bet you get all the ladies." Said Serena
"Sadly not." Said Alex
"Well don't worry about it Alex. At your ten years reunion you can have the last laugh. I bet you will be on your way to being a millionaire with a girl with supermodel looks on your arm." Said Serena

Liz just raised her eyebrow. If Serena only knew that Alex had a thing for Isabel Evans who has supermodel looks.

"Serena and I should go don't want her late on her first day." Said Liz
"Yeah wouldn't want that." Mumbled Serena

Liz and Serena walked leaving Alex alone. But he had a feeling that he should know Serena.


Michael and Maria watched as Pam walked down the hall acting like she owned the school. Maria looked at Michael and he nodded. Maria stepped out of their hiding place and walked right into Pam knocking her books to the floor and kept walking without looking back. Michael waited until Pam bent down to pick up her books. He then moved in to "help" her. He handed her one of her notebooks gently placing a hand on her back. Maria from her hiding place around the corner saw his hand glow. But no one else did. Pam snatched the book and glared at him. Michael just smirked as she walked off. An hour later Pam left school to see a doctor about a rash that she had spreading all over her body.


Liz and Serena walked out to the quad for lunch. Liz led Serena over to a table where Alex, Maria and Kyle were sitting.

"Hi guys." Said Liz
"Hey Liz. Hey Serena." Said Alex
"Hi Alex." Said Serena
"Serena, this is my best friend Maria DeLuca and good friend Kyle Valenti. Maria, Kyle this is Serena Turner. She is staying with me and my parents until her mom moves here in a few weeks. My mom and hers are old friends." Said Liz
"Welcome to Roswell." Said Kyle
"Thanks." Said Serena with a smile.
"Why you moving to Roswell?" Asked Maria
"Maria!" Said Liz
"Hey it's cool. It's my mom's idea. I don't think she cares much for some of my friends in Dexter. She can be way over protective at times. Sometimes I think that she is convinced I am going to fuck any guy I meet." Said Serena
"Oh wow." Said Maria
"Truth is I am a virgin."

*Well in this life anyway. I hope that Kyle turns out to be as good of a lover as Ryden was.* thought Serena

"Wow. Uh I would think a girl as lovely as you are would have had a long term boyfriend by now." Said Kyle
"Oh I have had a couple boyfriends. But I didn't love them the way I should to give them that part of me. I am the kind of girl that believes in soulmates. You know that there is one person out there that you are destined to spend all time with."

Maria and Liz just looked at each other. Neither knew what to say to that.


Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 9 7/15/17

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:32 am
by L-J-L 76
Loved what Michael and Maria did to Pam. That was really great what the did. So Alex, Maria and Kyle all met Serena and seem to like her. Can't wait to find out what Max, Isabel and Michael will do when they meet Serena.

L-J-L 76