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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 8 3/16/17

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:21 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Diane, knows that do to the abuse Liz suffered as a young child could have lasting effects. Tommy is an asshole.

Carolyn Isabel does care about her friends. Hopefully Liz will get help before it is too late.

Part 9

Liz watched her sister leave. She knew that she hurt Serena's feelings. But the fact was she was not the same as Serena. She could not express her emotions the same way. She hated that about herself. She hated that the only emotion she had really any experience with was fear. Serena knew how to show love. Not that it mattered letting anyone emotionally close was a bad idea. Liz closed her eyes as she fought the urge to pick up her pocket knife to cut herself again.


Max walked into the kitchen and placed a kiss on his mother's cheek.

"Hello Max."
"Hey mom. So how long until dinner?" Asked Max picking up a carrot and took a bite out of it.
"Soon. Not stop stealing food."

Max just smiled at her.

"Max, have you noticed anything different about any of your friends?"
"No not really why?"
"Isabel, told me that she thinks that someone she knows is hurt themself."

Max thought back to Liz in bio. He could have sworn that her arm was fine that morning and at lunch. But in bio when he brushed it she acted like it hurt.

"I don't really know. I haven't seen anyone hurt."
"Max if they are self harming then it would be in a place they could easily be covered without questions."
"Like with a long sleeve shirt?"
"Mom, I might have an idea. Let me try talking to who I think it is."
"Honey, there is a reason they are doing this. They need help."
"But unless they admit they need help it won't work will it?"
"That is true."
"Mom, I think you know who it is even if Isabel didn't give a name. I am the one who has gotten through to them in the past. I might be able to do it again."
"I hope so. Talk to her. Try and get her to get help for what is going on. She may not be trying to kill herself, but one of these times she might hurt herself in the wrong place and do it without meaning to."

Max nodded he couldn't lose Liz. He loved her too much. He knew that she only saw him as a friend. But that was fine with him as long as she was there in his life.


Nancy Parker walked into Liz's room and found her on the floor bleeding from her wrist. Nancy grabbed the towel that was on the bedroom floor and wrapped it a round her daughter's wrist.

"SERENA! CALL 911!" Yelled Nancy
"Mom what's wrong?" Asked Serena coming into the room.

Serena saw Liz and the blood. She grabbed the phone and made the call.

"Yes I need an ambulance at 3195 Elmhurst my sister has cut her wrist. She is 15 years old. She is breathing but unconscious."

A couple minutes later the ambulance pulled up and Liz was taken to the hospital. Serena stood on the sidewalk watching as her mom and sister were taken away. She didn't notice him until she felt his arms wrap around her. She turned with tears falling down her face to see Kyle Valenti.

"Kyle, I am so worried about Liz."
"Rena, we all missed signs. Maybe the doctors will be able to find out what is wrong with Liz and why she is doing this." Said Kyle
"I love my sister."
"I know sweetie."


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 9 3/17/17

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:41 am
by L-J-L 76
So now Max, Diane and Isabel know Liz is cutting herself. Poor Max he already loves Liz and doesn't want her to lose her. Oh god what a way for Nancy and Serena to find Liz. Thank god now Liz will hopefully get some help. So glad that Kyle is there for Serena.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 9 3/17/17

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:07 am
by keepsmiling7
Sure hope Max can reach Liz.......but she still needs professional help to sort out the reasons for this behavior too.

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 9 3/17/17

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:37 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max does love Liz. Liz will get help that she truly needs.

Carolyn Liz is going to get the help she needs weather she likes it or not.

Part 10

Liz woke up and saw her mom sitting by her side.

"Mom? Where am I?"
"You are in the hospital Elizabeth."

Liz winced. She knew that her mom was upset with her about something. She almost never called her by her full first name.

"What happened?"
"Well you cut your wrist and nearly bled to death."
"I'm sorry mom. I wasn't trying to kill myself."
"Why have you been cutting yourself?"
"I don't know. The physical pain feel better then this empty feeling inside of me."
"Liz, why haven't you said anything?"
"There is nothing you can do to change anything."
"Honey, don't you understand how much we love you?"

Liz turned away from the woman that had been her mother for the past ten years. She wanted to say that she did love her. But the truth was she didn't know how to love. She felt nothing like that for anyone.

"Liz, your dad and I have talked. We think it will be best if got help for what is going on. As much as you don't want to admit it, you are not OK. The abuse you suffered before you came to us really did some damage to you."
"So you going to force me to talk to some shrink?"
"No Liz, you are going to spend time at a clinic that can help you."
"So you are committing me to a nut house? You think I am crazy?!"
"No Liz, we don't think you are crazy. But there is some reason that you are hurting yourself. Some reason that you have never expressed how you feel."

Liz didn't say anything. Nancy didn't know what to do. She loved Liz so much. But Liz just couldn't express her feelings.


Diane hung up the phone. How was she going to tell Max and Isabel that their friend had just come very close to killing herself. That the signs were caught to late.

"Mom is everything OK?" Asked Max
"Honey, that was Mr. Parker."
"It's about Liz isn't it?" Asked Isabel
"Yes. She cut herself again. This time it was on the wrist and she cut the vain. Mrs. Parker found her in time."
"I don't understand why Liz would hurt herself." Said Max
"Max, Liz may not fully understand it. But she will be getting help now." Said Diane
"I'm going to go for a walk." Said Max

Diane and Isabel watched Max go.

"Isabel is your brother going to be OK?" Asked Diane
"I don't know. Mom, I think that his feelings go deeper then friendship for Liz." Said Isabel
"You think he is in love with her?"
"Yeah I do."


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 10 3/18/17

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 8:44 am
by keepsmiling7
It appears that a stay in the clinic is the only way Liz will really find out the cause of her problems.
It's my guess that Max will be available to give her added support.
This is a great group of parents that are doing only the best for their children.

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 10 3/18/17

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:35 pm
by L-J-L 76
So Liz is going to a clinic to get help. Hopefully Liz will get the help she needs. Poor Max he needs to clear his head at the news he just got. Liz is going to need all the support she can get from family and friends while she is away. So Diane knows Max has feeling for Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 10 3/18/17

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:44 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Jeff and Nancy don't want to put Liz in the clinic but they know she needs more help then they can give her. Max will be there for Liz no matter what.

L-J-L 76 Liz is going to a clinic to get better. Her friends and family will be there for her.

Part 11

It was early the next morning that Liz was forced to walk into the Roswell Psychiatric Hospital for teens just outside of town. She was not happy about this. She knew that she wasn't crazy. Just because she didn't express or show much emotion didn't make her crazy.

"Mr. and Mrs. Parker, I am Dr. Sarah Davis." Said A woman with graying blond hair pulled back in a tight bun.
"Nice to meet you Dr. Davis. This is our daughter Elizabeth." Said Jeff
"Nice to meet you Elizabeth." Said Dr. Davis
"Liz." Said Liz coldly
"Liz, that isn't a problem. Why don't we go to my office and fill in the paper work?" Said Dr. Davis

Liz and her parents followed the doctor to a small office not far from the hospital lobby. Liz sat in a chair by the window with her arms folded across her chest.

"From what the doctors at Roswell Memorial told me you adopted Liz nine years ago after a year of being her foster parents?" Said Dr. Davis
"Yes, we adopted her and another girl at the same time." Said Nancy
"What was Liz like when she came into your home?"
"Withdrawn, very untrusting. She had been badly beaten in the home right before ours." Said Jeff
"What about your other girl?"
"Serena, warmed up really fast. She had adjusted very well. Liz on the other hand still hasn't fully warmed up to us. She shows very little emotion to us. We tell her all the time that we love her and are happy that she is our daughter. But she has never said that she loves us. She doesn't just hug us. We have to hug her first." Said Nancy
"I see. It is not uncommon for people who have spent time in abusive homes to develope issues with expressing emotions. It is also not uncommon for them to have personality disorders. I will need to talk with Liz and then decide what the best course of treatment is."
"How long will this take?" Asked Jeff
"I will need at least thirty days of inpatient treatment with her. After that I will be able to tell if she needs more inpatient care or can go to outpatient. You need to understand that there is no easy way around this."
"We understand doctor." Said Nancy

Jeff and Nancy signed the forms and Liz was admitted into the hospital. Liz watched as the only two adults she had developed any form of trust in left her behind.


Serena wiped a tear from her face as she opened her locker at school. She had no idea what she was going to tell her friends about Liz. They all knew that she had been taken to the hospital after cutting herself. But they didn't know that she was going to be sent for treatment for what whatever was really causing her to hurt herself.

"Hey Serena!"

Serena turned to see Max, Isabel, Alex, Maria, Kyle and Michael coming up to her.

"Hi guys." Said Serena
"Is Liz OK?" Asked Max
"Sort of." Said Serena
"Sort of? Either she is or she isn't." Said Michael
"She will be fine physically. But there is something wrong in her head. My parents were taking her this morning to admit her to a psychiatric hospital." Said Serena
"Liz isn't crazy!" Said Maria
"No one said she was. But she is not well. Whatever happened to her all those years ago before she was adopted did something to her." Said Alex
"She seems so normal." Said Maria
"Maria, Liz was abused badly. So was I for that matter. But I have dealt with it. I went to therapy and talked about it. Liz never did. She refuses to talk about her life before she came to the Parkers." Said Serena
"Can Liz have visitors?" Asked Max
"Not right away. She is going to be evaluated for up to thirty days. They need to find out what is causing her to hurt herself. But knowing Liz she is not going to make it easy on them." Said Serena
"What about email? Or even regular mail?" Asked Isabel
"I can find out. Max, Liz will be OK. They will find out what is wrong and then she will be better and who knows she might be able to return your feelings for her." Said Serena
"I don't know what you are talking about." Said Max
"Evans, everyone knows that you like Liz as more then a friend." Said Kyle
"Liz is my best friend nothing more." Said Max

Max turned and headed down the hallway leaving his friends behind. Serena watched him go. She knew that he was lying. She hoped that he did see Liz as more than a friend because that might be the only thing that could bring out the girl that Liz hid from the world.


Tommy smiled at he learned that little Lizzie Parker was a nut case. That meant when he finally made her to pay for sending his uncle to prison no one would believe her. As soon as he got his chance after she got out of the nut house he would bury his dick deep into her right before he poured the chemical he found down her throat rendering her speechless forever.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 11 3/19/17

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:47 am
by L-J-L 76
Tommy needs to rot in hell for what he wants to do to Liz. Someone better do something about Tommy before Liz gets out. Good Liz is going to finally get some help. So everyone knows Max has feeling for Liz but Liz. Poor Serena and friends they miss Liz and they want to write her. Hopefully soon Serena and friends will be able to write Liz a letter and maybe see her too.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 11 3/19/17

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:04 pm
by keepsmiling7
Tommy out there still lurking, and planning to attack Liz later......
The 30 days will go very fast for Liz I hope as they discover her deep seated issues.
An email a day from Max would go a long way to recovery!

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 11 3/19/17

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:19 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Don't worry Liz's friends won't let Tommy near her. Liz will get the help she needs.

Carolyn Tommy is lurking. Hopefully they will find out what has been making Liz hurt herself. I'm sure that anything from Max will be a big help to Liz.

Part 12

Liz stared out the window of Dr. Davis's office. She knew that the doctor wanted her to talk about why she had started to cut herself. But she wasn't going to tell this woman anything.

"Liz, why don't you talk to me? Tell me why you have been hurting herself?" Asked Dr. Davis

Liz turned and glared at the older woman. But said nothing.

"Liz, I want to help you. But in order to do that you have to talk to me."
"Talking isn't going to change anything."
"I know that you were abused. Nothing can change that. But for the past ten years you have had loving parents and a sister. Your parents tell me that you have some very good friends."
"So what?"
"Liz, has something happened that makes you feel unworthy of their love?"
"Gee I don't know? Maybe being abandoned by my fucking DNA donors? Getting the crap beaten out of me by people that should have been taking care of me? Tell me doc what do you think?"
"Liz, I want to help you."
"Yeah right. You are only doing this because you are paid too. So let's do it this way. I stay here for however long the insurance will pay for. Then I go home and we can forget about this stupid crap."
"I can't do that Liz. We need to find out why you have been hurting yourself. There is a reason. Once we find out then you will heal and not be afraid of your emotions."
"I'm not afraid of my emotions."
"You are. Liz, you had a few bad years early on. But now you have people who really care about you."

Liz remained silent. She wasn't stupid. She knew that her parents and sister cared about her. She knew her friends cared. But she couldn't forget what had been drilled into her head at a very young age. That she was nothing but a mistake. That no one would ever really want her. That she would never be anything. She was not loveable.


Serena sat on the bleachers by the football field crying. She didn't notice that Kyle had come up and joined her until she felt him pull her into his arms.

"Liz will be OK Rena. I know that she will be." Said Kyle
"Kyle, she is more then my sister. She is my best friend."
"I know. I still remember that first day of first grade. Liz was so scared when she found out that she wouldn't sit near you."
"Yeah I know. But I understand why Mrs. Berry did it. Neither Liz or I had been around other kids much. We went to kindergarten at the special needs children's center."
"They help kids that have been abused right?"
"Yeah. They said both Liz and I were ready for regular school. But I think Liz would have been better off there longer."
"We will never know. But maybe she will get the help she needs. Then when she comes home we can make sure she knows how much we really care about her."
"Thank you Kyle. You know you are really a sweet guy."
"Yeah well don't let it get around. The guys on the team would never let me hear the end of it."
"Your secret is safe with me sugar."

Kyle hugged Serena and placed a kiss on top of her head.


Tommy watched Serena and Kyle as he took a long drag on his cigarette. Maybe he wouldn't wait for Liz to get out of the looney bin. Maybe he would take her red haired sister for a niece hard ride. He would bet that bitch would learn very fast what to do with a nice hard dick hurried deep in her nice hot, wet and tight pussy. He walked off and headed for his car. He had to get out of here and find some ass to take care of his problem. He knew just where to find it too. There were a number of bitches that he could find to fuck. But he would not be happy until he fucked both Serena and Liz. Though Liz would get far more then his dick between her legs. He would make her wish that she was dead.