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Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 6 11/27/16

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:12 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz has had bad experiences with men. Oh yes poor Kyle and his own Fatal Attraction!

L-J-L 76 Liz had a couple of bad experiences with guys. Serena is very worried about her cousin. As for Max only time will tell if he is worried about Liz.

Part 7

Kivar walked into Gomez's office. He wondered if he had a new target.

"Kivar, you been working for my family a long time haven't you?"
"Yeah boss. My old man taught me everything I know about killing."
"Then how the hell did you leave a witness alive to the Sanchez hit!"
"I didn't!"
"My man inside the PD told me they got a witness. Some girl. That is now hidden away somewhere."
"Sir give me another chance. I will find the girl and make sure that she never opens her mouth again."
"Actually I want you to find her and bring her to me. I got plans for Elizabeth Parker."
"Sir that name I think I have heard it before."
"It's the same brat you were to soft to kill twenty years ago. Her parents were Jeffrey and Nancy Parker. One of your first hits!"
"Sir she was just a stupid little kid. No way she would remember me from then."
"I don't care! Bring her to me. Rough her up if you have too! Fuck her if you want! Just make sure she is alive. But know this once you give the little bitch to me she is hands off. She is going to be my wife. Oh if you do fuck her make sure you use a rubber."
"Yes sir."

Kivar left with an evil grin. He would love to screw that bitch for having the nerve to still be alive never once had anyone lived after he put a bullet in them.


Liz winced as Serena helped her from the bedroom. Serena sat her at the table and Kyle placed a bowl of soup in front of her as well as some apple juice.

"Liz, you need to eat." Said Serena
"I know. But I am in a lot of pain right now." Said Liz
"I will give you one of your pills for pain after you eat some of your soup. It's not good for you to take them on an empty stomach."

Liz nodded and slowly started to eat the soup. Serena watched her cousin and could see the pain in her eyes. She wished that Liz didn't have to go through all this pain. She looked over at Max who was watching the snow fall. She could see that his worry for Liz went deeper than his job. She got up and headed over to him.

"You already have feelings for my cousin." Said Serena
"I can't act on them. I can't get involved with her." Said Max
"You already are. You saved her life. You are putting your life on the line for her."
"My job is to protect her."
"Max, you maybe the only one who can break through the wall she has around her heart."
"What happened to make her so cold?"
"That is something you will have to get her to open up to you about. Liz use to be very loving. But things happened and now she thinks all men are sex crazed assholes."
"Gee, really makes me want to get to know her."
"Give her time and show her you are different."
"You really think that is going to work?"
"I don't know. All I know is it has been a very long time since Liz was happy."
"Someone hurt her?"
"Yes. Someone she thought loved her. But that is her story to tell."
"She is stubborn."
"Yeah. I am her only friend."
"You live with her?"
"Yep. Though four the past four months we have rarely been home at the same time."
"You really think that I can reach her?"
"Yeah I do."

Max nodded and went back to staring out at the snow.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 7 11/28/16

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:23 am
by L-J-L 76
Oh hell no Kivar is going after Liz. Now that is not good. Max and Kyle better be on their toes. Poor Liz she is in so much pain. So Max is worried about Liz. So Max is falling for Liz. Now that is interesting. Glad Serena and Max talked. Hopefully Max will be able to get through to Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 7 11/28/16

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:37 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz is very lucky to have Serena looking out for her.
It will be interesting to see how things develop in these isolated quarters.

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 7 11/28/16

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:53 pm
by SmileeUk
Oh yes!!! I have caught up from the start :D (doing a happy dance)

I can see the cold Liz has a warm heart in beating. Max just needs to be patient to slowly get through her wall. I have faith in him to succeed :wink:

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 7 11/28/16

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:23 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Kivar is going after Liz. But don't count on him getting her!

Carolyn Serena really loves Liz. They maybe cousins by blood, but are nearly as close as sisters.

SmileeUk/b] it will take time but Max will break through the wall around Liz's heart.

Part 8

Kivar sat at a table in the back of the smokey bar. The infomat from the PD was going to be here tonight. While they couldn't make direct contact there was a waitress on the Gomez payroll. She acted as a go between. He smiled as she came over to him.

"He here?"
"He going to hand over what he knows?"
"Yeah. What you drinking tonight?"

Tess walked off. He knew once he brought that bitch back to the boss he would get in her pants again. Tess returned with his beer and a sheet of paper folded up. She placed the beer down and tossed the paper at him. She then walked off. Kivar took a swig of the beer and opened the paper. He read it and smiled. She was being kept in a mountain cabin. It didn't have an exact location. But one thing he was good at was finding his target.


Liz sat by the window the snow had stopped and it was growing dark. Serena was in the small kitchen area with Kyle making dinner. She was lost in though and didn't notice him until he held a mug in front of her. She looked up into his golden amber eyes.

"Tea. Serena said it will help you heal."
"We are going to be here a while."
"I know."
"Liz, Serena won't tell me much but I know some guy hurt you."
"Yeah well she should keep her mouth shut."
"You know she loves you."
"I love her. But she likes to butt in all the time. Thinks I should date. Well let me tell you something Evans. Guys like you are after one thing and one thing only. Once you get it you dump the girl."
"Someone really fucked you up. Not all guys are like that. I am looking for a lasting relationship. If I find the right woman I am willing to wait until I marry her to make love to her."
"Forgive me if I don't believe you."
"Just because one asshole hurt you doesn't make all of us guys the same."
"Let me tell you something Evans. Serena doesn't know everything about me."

Max looked at her and realized that she was more damaged when it came to love then anyone truly knew. If he was going to gain her trust then it would take a lot of work.


Ryan looked around the room he shared with his wife of a year. Carla Gomez had just been a pretty girl that he met at a party. A girl he planned a one night stand with. At the time he had no idea who she was. Had he known she was the daughter of one of the biggest crime bosses in the city he would have stayed far away from her. But it didn't work out that way. He had been caught by her father having sex with her. A week later they were married and Juan Gomez owned him.

"Ryan, don't think I don't know you aren't happy." Said Carla
"Yeah, well I am married to you. I am now a criminal and oh yeah a hitman is now hunting down a girl I dated in high school."
"Yeah, well she was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"You are just as heartless as your father."
"Hate to break it to you asshole but you are far worse. Meet a girl fuck her and leave her."
"You weren't no virgin yourself."
"You ever actually fuck a virgin?"
"Yeah the girl your father has that killer hunting down. I went out with her for three years before she was willing to spread her legs for me."
"Bet you were fucking some slut behind her back."
"So what if I was?"
"Well got news for ya. My father don't want your ex dead. He plans to make her his wife. See she too old to be made one of his whores. But still young enough to pump out a bunch more kids."
"She won't go along with it."
"Damn you are stupid. My father knows everything about you and Elizabeth Parker. She will be his willing wife or she will get to watch her cousin Serena Ross die a very slow and painful death."

Ryan just looked at the woman he was married to. She was as horrible of a person as her father. All he could do was hope that the cops were keeping Liz and hopefully Serena safe. But for now he had to be careful. He had a plan get as much dirt as he could on Gomez and hand it over to the feds. He would then go into the witness protection program and disappear forever.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 8 11/29/16

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:59 am
by Lillmonster
I hope Max can melt the ice around Liz's heart. And this Ryan.. What can I say? Karma's a bitch sometimes. ;)

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 8 11/29/16

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:21 pm
by L-J-L 76
Left speechless by what happened between Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 8 11/29/16

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:30 pm
by SmileeUk
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Not quite expected from Ryan! I guess he was only thinking of himself and not for Liz and Serena. :twisted:

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 8 11/29/16

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:19 am
by Roswelllostcause
Lillmonster Max might already be melting the ice around Liz's heart. Yes karma is a bitch and very soon Yan will learn how much of one it is.

L-J-L 76 :D :D

SmileeUk Ryan only cares about himself. He never cared about Liz even when he dated her.

Part 9

Thomas Jackson walked into the office of his boss of more than twenty years. In a week it would be the anniversary of his sister in law and her husband's deaths. He had not seen his niece since then. Kivar was supports to kill the girl too. But couldn't do it. Now the girl was going to be the undoing of the best killer in the Gomez family.

"Thomas, what do you know about Elizabeth Parker?" Asked Juan
"Well other than she is the daughter of my wife's dead sister nothing. I last saw the girl two weeks before Nancy and Jeff were killed."
"Yes well if they had played ball they would still be alive."
"I know. Lynda has not ever fully gotten over her sister's death."
"You might want to ask Carla's husband. From what I got on the boy he was very close at one time with my niece."
"Maybe I will talk with the boy."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Check on the whores. I got the feeling that one or two of them are not handing over all their earnings."
"Right sir. Oh by the way the the AIDs test came back on Jada"
"What it say?"
"She's got it."
"Damn she had been a good one. Hard worker."
"Brought in the most money of the hookers the past three years."
"Too bad she needs to be taken out. Have Frankie do it. Have him break her neck and crush her windpipe. Then dump her in an alley."
"Make it look like a john did it."

Thomas left and Juan grabbed his keys. Time to find Jada's replacement and start breaking her in. Once he found out which slut or sluts are holding out on him they would meet the same fate as Jada was going to.


Jim Valenti sighed as he looked over the file in front of him. No one knew why Gomez had put the hit out on Sanchez. But he never thought that it would be connected to the twenty year unsolved murders of Jeff and Nancy Parker. Liz had been a very traumatized five year old. She witnessed her parents murder. No one understood why the killer had left the five year old girl alive. Now twenty years later that killer and Liz Parker's paths crossed again. Only now she was a grown woman who they would call to testify. It had been nearly six months after her parents were murdered that she spoke. Only thing she said when asked about that night was Kivar. They didn't know what she meant. Now he was going to make sure that this killer who had killed god knows how many people paid.


After her nightmare Liz couldn't go back to sleep. She walked slowly out to the main room of the cabin. She noticed Max by the fire.

"Don't you sleep?" Asked Liz
"Not sleepy."

Max got up and reached out to help her to a chair.

"Don't touch me. I can do it on my own." Said Liz
"Liz, I was not implying you couldn't. But you need to take it easy. I was just trying to be a gentleman."
"There are no gentlemen. All men are fucking assholes looking for sex."
"Whoever this guy was he really did a number on you. I am not like that."
"Yeah right."
"You don't know me."
"I don't need to know you. I have seen enough guys to know you are all a like."

Max sighed. He knew that from the moment she had woken up in the hospital that this would be a very hard assignment. He had no idea why his captain had chosen him for this.

"Liz, tell me about your Uncle. You know Serena's father. What was he like?"
"He wasn't around much. He worked all the time."
"Did he ever give you a reason to think he wasn't a good person?"
"I don't know! Like I said he wasn't around much."
"You have any memories of your dad?"
"I was five. So not really."
"Liz, not all men are like you think. You just had the bad luck of having met the ones that give men a bad name. I want to prove to you that I am a good guy."
"I don't give a shit what you want. You can't make me trust you."
"Tell me how I can earn your trust."
"You can't."

Max sighed. There had to be a way through that wall Liz had built around herself.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 9 11/30/16

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:40 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow Liz's uncle is a major asshole like Juan is. Hate men like that. So the Anniversary of the deaths of Liz's parents is coming up. Poor Liz she is having some bad nightmares. Max must be thinking Liz's uncle might involved somehow. Hopefully Max will find away to Liz's heart. But it still may take awhile for Max to get Liz to open up to him.

L-J-L 76