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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 6 9/1

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:19 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Max is a gentleman. At this point he knows Liz has no feelings for him. But he does love her already.

L-J-L 76 Don't be mad that Serena was cold and mean to Liz. She has reasons. Yes Max does want to marry Liz at some point, but only if she chooses to.

Eve Yes Liz has some powers. But they aren't very strong due to the fact that she doesn't use them.

Natalie36 It was good for Liz to see her family.

Part 6 one year later

Liz walked into Max's room after she had been sent for. Her heart was racing as she entered. She found Max out on the balcony. She was nervous. She had been here for a little over a year. She knew that when she saw her father and sister last year it might be the last time she ever saw them.

"You wanted to see me Max?" Asked Liz

He turned to face her. He could see the fear in her eyes.

"Yes. I have news on your sister."
"Is Serena OK?"
"Yes. But she has to leave your father."
"What? Why?"
"How much do you know about your mother's family?"
"Not a lot to be honest."
"Well her family is part of the guardians of the granalith."
"Mom wasn't one though."
"Your Aunt, her sister was. She has no heirs. So Serena must now go through the training to replace her."
"My dad isn't going to be happy about this."
"Liz, he knew that this day might come. I am making sure he has everything he needs to keep his farm."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Your sister will arrive in the morning. For the next month while she adjusts to her new life you will work for her."
"I will be loaned to her?"
"Max, have I done something wrong?"
*Then why are you doing this?*
"Liz, please just follow orders."
"Yes sir. May I go?"

Liz left and Max started to head back into his room.

"This isn't going to change your feelings for her."

Max turned to see his sister Isabel standing on the balcony outside her room next to his.

"I don't know what you are talking about."
"You love her. You have been in love with her since the day you bought her."
"Isabel, she will never feel that way about me."
"You don't know that."
"Isabel, she can only see herself as a slave. She knows all I have to do is tell her to undress and get in my bed and I can do whatever the hell I want to her."
"But you won't. You want it to be her choice to have sex with you."
"Iz do you have any idea how hard it was not to grab her and throw her down on the bed and have my way with her?"
"Max, tell her how you feel."
"I can't."
"I just can't!"

Max went into his room and shut the doors.


Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 6 9/1

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:48 am
by begonia9508
Is there some mystery that we don't know, because Max seems to be in mixing up feelings, about what he wants? Or is he to be bound to someone else we don't know yet?

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 6 9/1

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:24 am
by max and liz believer
So, Helen. You seem to have stories pouring out of your ears :roll:

This is an interesting one. I'm impressed by the fact that Prince Max is able to withstand the temptation to force Liz in bed with him, since it's obviously a very okay thing to do in his society - considering her status. Plus, he also has very strong feelings for her, which means that he easily could take advantage of her to satisfy his own needs. That said, because he has feelings for her, he wouldn't do anything that could hurt her.

But maybe he shouldn't be just that respectful towards her. The girl will soon be wondering if he has lost interest for her, since he keeps his distance. And now he sends her away to live with her sister. Argh. One would've thought that things would've developed between them since it's been a whole year.

Ah well, waiting for more ;)

- Jo

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 6 9/1

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:05 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Poor Liz she is scared of what Max had decided. I can't believe Max wants Liz to go to her sister. Who knows how Serena will treat Liz. And if Liz will be able to handle what Serena will put her through since they last saw each other they argued. So Serena will now be the granolith's protector like her aunt is. I hope Serena will not boss Liz around and be mean to her. I hope Max will keep an eye on Liz and make sure her sister doesn't mistreat her. Max needs to admit that he has feeling for Liz and stop fighting it. I agree with Isabel Max needs to tell Liz how he feels about her. Max needs to try and get Liz to see herself more then a slave. Max treats her more then a slave. Liz needs to realize Max treats her more than a slave. What the hell is going on with Max? Why is he so damn confused about what he feels for Liz? Will Max ever tell Liz what he feels for her? What is going on and why all the mystery? Is Max suppose to be with someone else? Will Max and Liz fall more in love? What will happen when Serena and Liz see each other? Will Serena treat Liz as a slave or be a sister? Will Serena be nice or mean to Liz? What will Serena make Liz do? Will Liz be able to take orders from her sister Serena? Will Serena make Liz do things that are mean and curl? Will Serena let Liz see Max? What will happen when Max and Liz see each other? Will Max and Liz be happy or sad to see each other? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max and Liz fall more in love? Will Max and Liz admit their feelings to each other? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz sleep together? Will Max and Liz try and spend time together? What will happen when Liz comes back to Max? Will Liz be happy to see him or upset? Will Max be happy to see Liz? Will Max ask Liz to marry him? Will Max ask Liz to marry him in a romantic way? Will Liz say yes? How long will Max and Liz have to wait before they can get married? Will Max and Liz have a small or huge wedding? Will Max and Liz have a happyending together? Will Max and Liz have kids? So sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 7 9/2

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:58 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Eve Max may seem mixed about his feeling right now, but very soon it will become very clear! :wink:

Jo Yes I do have stories coming out of my ears! :lol: As a slave Liz has very few rights and understands that. Max could at any time force Liz into his bed, but he did promise her that he would never hurt her. He wants her to open her heart to him. He is being very respectful to her, if anyone else had gotten her she would have been used by now. As for sending her to work for her sister he has his reasons. Besides he has no reason to believe that she has any feelings for him.

L-J-L 76 So you think Serena will be mean to Liz because they had a fight during Liz's visit? They are sisters! Sisters fight sometimes! I wouldn't worry about Max being far. Max may come across as unsure of his feelings for Liz, but it will be very clear soon!

Part 7

Liz walked down the hall to the wing of the palace that housed the ganalith chamber. It was also where the guardians lived. She knocked on the only open door. Serena turned to face her.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come in?" Asked Serena

Liz walked in and took a good look at her younger sister and temporary owner.

"I know why you are here Liz. The Prince left me a note. It saids that I am in charge of you for the next month."
"Yes ma'am."
"Liz, we are alone. So cut the crap."
"I don't know what you are talking about. You are a guarding trainee. I am a slave. You out rank me."
"You are still my big sister! I love you Liz."

Liz didn't say anything. She wouldn't even look at her sister.

"Liz say something!"
"You had a long trip. Would you like me to start the bath for you?"
"Yeah go a head."

Liz headed into the bathroom and turned on the tub. She checked the water to make sure that it wasn't too hot or too cold and added some of the bath oils.

"Your bath is ready ma'am."
"Thanks. Liz, please talk to me. Tell me what is wrong with you?"
"If you don't need anything else I will leave you to your bath."

Serena searched for the connection she shared with her sister but found it closed off.

"Finish unpacking my bags and then you may go." Said Serena
"Yes ma'am." Said Liz

Serena walked into the bathroom and Liz went to work unpacking her sister's bags.


Kivar walked through his house heading to the room that held some of his slaves. He grabbed the chain that was hooked to the collar of his newest one. She was only fourteen. Human which he liked because he didn't have to use the inhibitor on her. He dragged her to his bed chamber. He roughly tore the smock that barely covered her from her body before chaining her to the bed. He grinned as she started to cry knowing what was going to happen. He undressed and climbed on top of her. He forced her legs apart and rammed his rock hard manhood into as hard as he could. She screamed as he took her virginity from her. He pounded into hard and fast grunting over her sobs. He leaned down so his lips were right next to her ear.

"Get use to this slut. You stupid human vermin are only good for fucking."

He gave one final hard thrust into her body letting out a loud grunt as he had his release. After he pulled out of her he unlocked the chains and called for two of his male slaves to drag her away. He fell to sleep dreaming of the day he would get his hands on that half breed bitch the stupid prince stole from him.


Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 7 9/2

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:36 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I know Liz is mad that she has to be a slave to her sister. But her sister is trying to get Liz to talk to her. Poor Liz and Serena they don't know how to act or what to do. I think Liz and Serena need to try and talk things out though. I really really hate Kivar. I hate the way he is treating his the human slave. I hope someone stops him before he tries and do something to Liz. I hope Max and Serena will be protective and watch out for Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 7 9/2

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:39 pm
by pandas2001
Liz seems defeated, like she has no hope or expectation of her life being anything other than it is at this moment. Is Max at least showing an interesting in her TO her or is he merely being respectful? If he is not showing his interest while being respectful she won't know how he feels.
Plus when Max told her of being Serena's slave for a month she thought she did something wrong. That thought could be rolling around in her head right now and what it might mean for her.

Also Max give her to her sister as a slave must of been hard, she has no rights and must go to serve anyone Max orders her to. That's a bitter pill for anyone.

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 7 9/2

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:41 pm
by keepsmiling7
Max has great long can that hold up?
Kivar makes me sick...wish someone would get rid of him forever so he won't hurt any more young girls.

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 7 9/2

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:34 pm
by max and liz believer
Khivar never is a good guy - and this story is no different :twisted: Makes me worry that Liz is more exposed now that she's not hanging around the Prince, making her more vulnerable to men like Khivar.

It was painful to see Liz shutting Serena out and thoroughly adopting her slave roll even in front of her sister. Why? Has Serena done something to earn that behavior or is Liz just "doing her job" even if it happens to be her sister? Or is Liz perhaps jealous that Serena was the one to take over the (prestigious, I guess) role as the guardian of the Granolith, while Liz's destiny was to be a slave. I know I would be.. :?

- Jo

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 8 9/3

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:57 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz might seem mad. But there is something more going on with her. Yeah Kivar is bad and just might be up to no good, and not just with his slaves.

pandas2001 Liz has more going on with her then anyone knows. Max hasn't let Liz know how he feels about her. Max may believe that he is doing something nice by having Liz work for her sister.

Carolyn Max does have very good restraint. As for Kivar he's going to be around for a bit and causing trouble.

Jo No Kivar is not a good guy. Liz still lives inside the palace walls, so it will not be easy to get to her. There is something going on with Liz, that might explain why she is acting like she is.

Part 8 Two weeks later

Serena walked through the garden after her lessons. She was lost in thought and didn't see him until she walked into him. She nearly fell when his strong arms steadied her. She looked up right into the Prince's warm soulful eyes.

"Are you OK Serena?" Asked Max
"Yes. I am sorry my prince."
"It's fine. Are you sure everything is OK? You seem upset about something."
"Truth is it's Liz."
"What's wrong is she being trouble?"
"No. But she is cold. She acts like I mean nothing to her."
"I don't know what is going on with her. It was a few days before you arrived that she started to act different."
"You're highness, Liz isn't even acting like I am her sister. I understand that she is not free. That she is slave. That I am training for a very important roll. But I still love my sister. I don't want to lose her."
"I will try and talk to her. But your sister can be very stubborn at times."
"Yes she can be. My father thinks she got it from our mother. But dad is very stubborn too."
"Serena, I will find out what is going on with Liz. I promise."
"Thank you my prince."

Max left Serena and went to find Liz. He had hoped spending time with her sister would help her with whatever it was that was bothering her. But it didn't seem to be. He when straight to her room and knocked on the door. He knocked again when he didn't get a response.

"Liz, I need to talk to you!"

He still didn't get a response.

"Liz, I'm coming in!"

Max opened the door and found Liz curled up on the bed crying. He ran to her side and pulled her into his arms. Liz it's Max tell me what is wrong!"

Liz clung to him but still didn't speak. Max was becoming more worried.

"Liz, tell me what is wrong! I don't want to connect to you without your permission. But I will if I have too."

It was then Liz started to shake. Max knew then he had no choice. He placed his hand on either side of her face. She looked at him through tears and it didn't take long for him to get in. That was when he saw what was bothering her. He broke the connection and ran to the door. He yelled at someone to get Kara here now. He then went back to Liz and just held her. It was twenty minutes later Kara came in with her bag.

"What is wrong my Prince?" Asked Kara
"She is getting visions."
"The seer visions?"
"Yes Kara, I want you to block them and give her something to help her sleep."
"I have advise against giving her the blocking drug. She is part human. We don't know what it will do to her."
"Kara, if we don't do something she will go crazy!"
"Max, I really think that this is a bad idea."
"Kara, we don't have a choice."
"Ok. But I will be hooking her up to a monitor, and stay the night with her."
"Ok once she is sedated I will inform her sister what is going on."
"Her sister is the new guardian trainee right?"
"Max, we may need the guardians to use the granalith to remove this curse from her."
"I know."

It took ten minutes for Kara to get Liz settled and then Max went to Serena's room. He knocked and the door opened to show a very worried Serena.

"Is my sister ok?"
"It's may not be good. She is becoming a seer."
"That can't be good."
"If she can't gain control this could drive her crazy."
"Is there anything we can do?"
"If it comes to it, you will have work with the other guardians to remove the gift from her. The granalith is the only thing that can do it."
"But that will take part of who she is away!"
"Serena, that is only a last resort. But if she goes crazy then you lose her completely."
"You would have to send her away wouldn't you?"
"Yes. I would have to send her to the mental hospital on Drayer it's a colony three days from here. She would spend most of the time locked in a room. Serena they only let people visit once a month."
"Liz would hate that."
"Yes she would. Try and get some sleep. You can see Liz tomorrow."

Max turned and walked off.