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Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:43 pm
by isabelle

'A secure facility' she says. That doesn't really help. This whole area is filled with 'secure facilities.' The Air Force Base. Area 51. There are dozens of buildings that would match that description.

"We need a location," I growl. "How are we going to narrow that down?" I turn and look at Isabel. I can guess how shattered she must feel. I'm feeling the same thing. Visions of that horrible 'alien autopsy' film keep running through my head. What if they're doing that to Max? They could be doing it right now.

"We gotta find him. We have to get him out."

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:08 am
by madroswellfan
Liz doesn't answer. My heart seems to drop. I don't care what they do to me as long as Liz is okay.

"Liz? Are you there? Answer us!" Kyle yells out, clearly upset. But I bet to him his heart is being wrenched out. Okay, I'll admit it... I have a small thing for Liz. Who wouldn't. I REALLY need to hear her voice right now...

"Alex? How do you know where we are? Did you see something?"

Immediately my mouth opens and words spew out of my mouth. "Yes. The power they gave me through the serum. I was unconscious." My mouth snaps shut again, as if its on a spring. "What the.... What serum? When I said that it felt like I HAD to say it... Like I had no choice!"

I swallow before yelling out again. "LIZ! Please answer us...answer me... Liz...."

I need to focus....I can't help Liz if I'm panicing. "We need to work out whats going on... are either of you two feeling... I don't know....strange?"

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:28 am
by isabelle

Serum? Powers? What is Alex talking about?

"You were unconcious?" I repeat, incredulously. How does he know what was going on when he was unconcious? Was it a truth serum? Is that why he feels compelled to answer?

"What about Liz? Is she here?" I ask Alex. "Did you see what happened to her when you were unconcious?" Please let her be okay, I beg silently. I'm hoping against hope that they didn't take her.

Alex asks if I'm feeling weird and I have to say that I don't feel any requirement to answer him like he apparently does. However, now that he mentions it, I do feel a bit ... odd. Energetic. Tingly. It's becoming very uncomfortable to remain motionless.

"I feel ... charged up. I need to move," I say, not really sure what it all means.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:30 am
by madroswellfan
"You were unconcious?" I hear Kyle say, sounding as if he thought I'd completely lost it.

"What about Liz? Is she here?" Kyle asks worriedly. Immediately I get that sensation again, but I try to force myself not to answer, just to see what would happen. "Did you see what happened to her when you were unconcious?"

The sensation increases, erging me to answer. I bite my lip hard as I hear Kyle say,

"I feel ... charged up. I need to move,"

But I can no longer hold myself back. In a rush I say, "What do you mean by what about Liz? Liz is in the room. I didn't see anything because I was unconscious."

I swallow hard and murmur, "It's like I HAVE to answer your questions... but I don't know the answers... or at least I don't think I do..."

I swallow, "Ask me more.... ask me something I shouldn't know... ask me about you or something... ask me about Liz?!" I say frantically. I pull at my restraints wanting to get free. "Liz?! If your in the room can you hear me?!"

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:09 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

“LIZ! Please answer us...answer me... Liz.... What about Liz? Is she here? Did you see what happened to her when you were unconscious? What do you mean by what about Liz? Liz is in the room. I didn't see anything because I was unconscious? It's like I HAVE to answer your questions... but I don't know the answers... or at least I don't think I do... Ask me more.... ask me something I shouldn't know... ask me about you or something... ask me about Liz?! Liz?! If your in the room can you hear me?!” many of familiar voices I heard having a conversation about me.

I tilt my head side ways, “Alex? Kyle?” I called out. I guess I’m not the only when here and that means I’m not alone. But what did these people want from us. What makes us so special? I don’t know what it is, but I sure as hell going to find out.

“I’m fine…I’m just a bit of….on the freakiest side. Where are we? Why are we here” I said. I then remember waking up with a headache and I feel a bit weak. “I’m scary…this isn’t funny.” I said trying to wiggle around again. I have to get out of here before….

a dark head man lying on the floor, he looks like he is completely out of it. Suddenly 3 strangers, 2 female, 1 male, come in toward him…

What the hell was that? How did I see that? Was I dreaming? I couldn’t possible be dreaming well standing here. It too hard to sleep with your eyes open, well for me it is. “Something just happened to me…” I said to Alex and Kyle, I’m not sure where Maria is, but I got a feeling she is in the room with us.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:09 am
by isabelle

Alex says that Liz is here, even 'though we haven't heard from her. Maybe she's still unconcious? It's weird the way he seems to need to answer -- even stuff that he says he doesn't know. That's ... I don't know what that is. It's creepy.

"Ask me more.... ask me something I shouldn't know... ask me about you or something... ask me about Liz?!" Alex says. I'm wondering what to ask when he goes on. "Liz?! If your in the room can you hear me?!"

Huh? Didn't he just say that she was here and now he's asking? Before I can wonder what that means, Liz finally speaks up. I'm relieved to hear her voice but sad to know she's trapped here like the rest of us. She sounds scared... just as scared as I feel. I wish I knew what was going on. Well, Alex did say I should ask him something that he wouldn't know....

"Why are we here, Alex? What's going on?" I ask.

“Something just happened to me…” Liz says.

"What? Liz are you okay? What happened?" I ask.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:25 am
by madroswellfan
"Why are we here, Alex? What's going on?"
Immediately the sensation of needing to open my mouth hits me once more. I reaaaally don't like that feeling!! I decide I will give in to it when I hear Liz's voice.

“Something just happened to me…”

Oh she ok?! Is she alright?!?! Not Liz...please not Liz...

"What? Liz are you okay? What happened?"
Kyle asks quickly. I open my mouth to speak my concern for Liz but the moment I do words spill out of my mouth.

"We are here because the special unit of the FBI wish to investigate the serum they have created that gives alien powers to humans. We are standing in a room waiting because we can not move. The earth is spinning is slowly. People are going about their daily routine and others are not. The special unit of the FBI are looking at their new 5 subjects." The words don't seem to stop. The question Kyle asked was too open ended. The room is spinning horribly because I can't seem to breath as I speak. "Plans are being formed to get one subject out. Agent Pierce is looking through the cameras watching us, and listening to everyword we say. Would you like me to continue?"

My mouth slams shut and I immediate start hacking up my lungs as I try to breathe. If these restraints weren't in place I can tell I would be on the floor. The room continues to spin dangerously, but I'm not worried about myself right now... I'm worried about Liz. "Liz... Liz what happened..." I say between fast breaths, "Are you ok..." I say worriedly.

"And don't ask...long questions....can't....breathe..." I murmur as my breathing slowly becomes more rational. And its only then I realise what I had just said, "Tell me... I didn't say....alien powers?"

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:02 am
by isabelle

Alex starts talking about the Earth spinning? This because I asked him what was going on? Can't his stupid serum know what I mean? I guess not. Gotta be more specific.

"No! Stop answering, Alex," I say as I hear him straining. five subjects? Alien powers? Plans to get one subject out? Are they going to take one of us away? Why? Would that be bad or good. And who is Agent Peirce? There's so much to ask but now I know I need to be more careful.

"Tell me... I didn't say....alien powers?" Alex asks, sounding scared.

"You did," I say, trying to stay calm. "I didn't think aliens were real. That's just the story to keep the tourists coming. Or at least, that's what I always thought."

I'm still trying to make sense of what Alex said. Someone was listening. Agent Pierce. And Liz said something happened to her. "You said they gave us all this serum?" I ask. That's a yes or no question. Should be safe. "We're all going to get powers?"

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:10 am
by madroswellfan
"You did,"
Aliens... My god... I...Aliens? It doesn't make sense... it doesn't make any sense.... "I didn't think aliens were real. That's just the story to keep the tourists coming. Or at least, that's what I always thought." His words echo my thoughts...or at least they would if I wasn't freaking somewhat...

"You said they gave us all this serum?" I HATE this.. the feeling that goes through my body when someone asks me anything... it feels like a bolt of electricity.... like its running up and down my spine and around my body. And I think if I completely forced myself not to answer...I get a feeling I wouldn't survive long.

"We're all going to get powers?"

Deciding to just let it happen I relax my mouth so that my mouth opens and immediately the words come out.
"Yes. We already do."

Wait...if Agent Pierce was listening...he would know now we all do have them... that we have powers...not just me. And that can't be good. Does he know what they are? Do we have any choice but to find out?

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:17 am
by isabelle

"Great," I grumble, because it's anything but that. "He's turned us into freaks."

I wonder what it really means. What are alien powers? In the movies aliens can use teleknesis, or start fires with their eyes or all sorts of strange things. But that's fiction. What are real alien powers like? I bet Alex would answer if I asked him, but I don't like the idea that we're being watched.

"My grandpa always said that aliens were real. But I never believed him."