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Post by isabelle »


I watch and listen to my friends talking about our situation. It feels familiar. Not the situation, but the watching. Gathering information and making a decision. It's clear to me that these are my friends. Michael and Isabel are even more than friends. They're family. I know this somehow and seeing the looks in their eyes, I'm guessing they know it, too.

“I can’t exactly place how we would have known one another but I immediately recognize you as a friend of sorts. Like perhaps we confided in each other once.” Liz says.

"I think you're right," I tell her. I don't understand it but I do trust her. She was a friend. Her deep brown eyes draw me in, making me want to trust her with everything in me, but I'm not sure if I can. There's something that makes afraid of revealing secrets. But if I actually have any secrets, I can't remember them now.

The others, Maria and Kyle, are also friends. Close friends, I'm guessing. As Liz pointed out, the feelings must have been strong if there are still echoes of them even when all our memories are gone.

My feelings for Tess are a bit ... unsettled. There's something there I don't understand, but I know she's one of us.

Isabel, Michael, Maria and Tess continue to talk about questioning the others. I feel like I should make the first move. Are they waiting for me, too? Why would they do that?

"Clearly, we are together. Even they know that. Isabel's right. Those feelings are the only thing we have so we have to trust them for now," I say. Trusting. Now that's not so easy, is it? There's so much at risk.

What? What's at risk? We're locked up with strangers. I know it hasn't been like this. It was different. What do we possibly have to risk now?

I look over at the others who are still staring at us, wondering which one of them I should talk to first. None of them are in charge, I know that. But is there one of them who seems to be a leader? That girl at least said 'good morning.' I guess I should start there.

"I'll go," I tell my friends. I give Isabel a look. I feel like I'm trusting her to look after the others. Why would that be? Heck, I'm only going a few yards away and it's not like anything is going to happen.

I push my chair back and get to my feet. I walk towards the girl, trying to smile a little. "Good morning," I tell her, although I don't much think there's anything 'good' about it. "Sorry about not answering you. We're all still trying to figure this out."
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Post by isabelle »


I walk down the hall to the common area, feeling sour. What's today going to bring? More experiments and tests? These last two days there haven't been doing much -- probably concentrating on the newbies -- but I know that won't last.

I pause in the doorway, looking in for a quick survey. The new group is sitting together in a lump while the others all stare at them. We've had newcomers before but never so many all at once. As I watch, one of the guys gets up and walks towards Rebecca, saying good morning. As if!

With a "Humph!" I enter the room and lean against a wall, watching all of them. I wonder where all this is going to go.
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Post by OnDragonflyWings »


I watch the others, with the rest of my friends. The confusion, the slight fear. It's not new to any of us. We know. We went through it too. Waking up in a strange place. Not remembering ANYTHING. It's disorienting, maybe even makes you do the wacky.

But at least they have each other.

I smile warmly at Max as he walks over. I really see no reason to be standoffish, while others might argue with me. What could they possibly want, aside from answers? What could they possibly do that ahsn't already been done? One more day of tests, experiments, wouldn't be anything new.

But when I look into his eyes, I can tell it's all honest, no acting.

"Hey," I say, holding out my hand to him, to shake.

I don't really know why I always make the gesture. Maybe someone taught me once. I know the doctors didn't. But it almost always seems necessary when I meet people.

"I'm Rebecca," I say a little airily, to keep myself from being distracted by the thoughts about shaking. I make no move to introduce anyone else at the time. They may not want to be known.

Just then Philip entered the room with a humph. Nothing new there. As it distracted some of their attention I said teasingly,"Don't worry about him, Philip's almost always grumpy..."

Philip shot a look at me and I just grinned innocently back at him.
"Still a little....groggy?" I ask him, not quite sure what the right word for the feeling you first get when you arrive here is. ANd then I ask the question that's been on everyone's minds for a bit. "You all came together?"
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Post by isabelle »

OOC -- does the Roswell crowd remember/know what they can do?


"I'm Max," I say, taking her hand as Rebecca introduces herself. I've heard the names of a few of the others since we've been here, but I'm not completely sure which name belongs to who -- and I'm sure there are a few names I haven't heard at all.

She indicates the guy who just came in and calls him Phillip. I make a mental note, hoping to remember it, but seeing as I can't remember anything about my life right now, I'm not at all sure that I will.

"Still a little....groggy?" She asks. Groggy? I don't know if that's quite how I'd describe it, but the phrasing gives me hope. She goes on, asking, "You all came together?"

"Yeah, we're all together," I say, slowly. "We're having trouble remembering anything. Is that going to wear off?" I ask, daring to hope just a little. Then I ask her, "How long have you been here?"
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Post by OnDragonflyWings »

OOC: SInce it doesn't say in the profile how long Rebecca's been here, I'm making it up, if you want me to change the number, let me know.


Max. His name is Max. He makes no move to introduce his others, but that's fair.

I sigh slightly, hating to be the bearer of bad news. Does the memory ever clear up? I wanna tell him maybe. I wanna tell him that mine's been working on it. But I don't wanna tell the others. I see the hope though, and I don't want to rob him of that either.

I shake my head slightly,"Unfortunately, it never really gets clearer."

And then I add brightly, hoping to bring him back to some sort of good mood. As good as it could get right now anyway. "But maybe that's a good thing. Maybe there's some things better left unremembered." It was true for me. I couldn't really rememebr, but the feelings that came with the distorted sights and sounds was familiar, and it was not a good feeling, so the memory couldn't be good.

"I've been here for six years," I tell him honestly.

I offer what little hope I can, my smile still in place,"We're good people here...we're good family."

I can't offer him hope of escape. I can't offer him better days to come. I can't offer him his memories back, but I can offer him the eventual acceptance into our little group and what that entails. I can offer it to him...and his friends.
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Post by isabelle »


My heart falls as Rebecca says that the memories never become clearer. That's not something I can accept. I need to remember the past so I can be ready for the future.

Wait. Where did that come from? What's so important? I don't even know what my own thoughts mean. I feel like this has happened before. I can remember every moment since two days ago when I woke up her but before that, nothing. I know I had a life. How can that be stolen from me?
Nasedo taught me a few memory retrieval techniques. I can show them to you some time.
Who's Nacedo? Who was the female voice in my memories? Was it Liz?

Rebecca says she's been here six years. Six years! She would have been a child. What kind of animals are running this place? I can't just stay here. We have to get out. I don't know how, but I know we have to get out. I can't remember it, but I feel that we weren't alone before we were here. Is there anyone out there looking for us?

"We're good people here...we're good family," she adds.

I keep my expression carefully neutral. They haven't been particularly friendly to us so far. I'm trying not to judge, but it isn't easy. For all I know, this is all a scam and these 'fellow prisoners' are really agents of those who are keeping us captive.

"Who brought us here?" I ask, using 'us' to include Rebecca and her friends as well as my group. "Who are those people? What do they want from us?"
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Post by OnDragonflyWings »


I take a deep breath again. SUddenly always the bearer of bad news. I want tot ell him that things will get better, that everything will be okay...but then I'd be lying. Things might go south even later today...if the doctors come around...with the experiments.

And he seems like he's trying to keep from looking upset, injured even, that he's stuck in this place with us, being even a stranger to himself.

"You'll start to rememebr you better," I try to assure him. It probably makes no sesne, but at the base of it all you are who you are. You remember that basic instinct ebtter over time.

When he asks who brought us here, I try to decide how much to tell them. Do they have powers? Would they know? And I don't want to scare them.

"Doctors," I answer him,"Scientists."

I grin,"We're all revolutionary here..." I figured if he knew he had powers he'd know what I meant.
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Post by isabelle »


"Doctors. Scientists," Rebecca says.

The words send chills down my back and my blood goes cold. It scares me as much as this place and yet, somehow I've been expecting it. It's what I've been afraid of and I didn't even know it until I hear her say the words. Scientists. Doctors. Why does that scare me?

She grins at me. "We're all revolutionary here..."

"... Revolutionary?" I repeat, trying to make sense of the word. They're political prisoners? But they're just teenagers like the rest of us. Why would doctors and scientists be involved with them? It's not like they could have big political or scientific secrets, could they? Could we...?

"What do they do? What do they want?" I can't seem to stop the questions from escaping my lips although I'm almost completely certain that I'm not going to like the answers.
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Post by OnDragonflyWings »


He questions my choice of words and questions what they really do here. Does he really not know? Does he really not remember?

If he doesn't know he has powers, would he want to? Would he want to jsut wait to find out? Would it scare him? Should I show him mine?

I'm stuck. I don't know what to do. I don't know if we should prepare him for it. I don't want him to do nothing but freak about the doctors until they finally take him. it could be days.... I want to do the right thing.

To tell or not to tell.

"They want to understand us," I tell Max simply, not sure what he would want to hear, or could handle to hear. "They want to know what makes They want to try and make others special."

I try to keep it light. WHile this place does have it's horrors. I'm pretty sure the world outside of these walls does too. And since I can't remember, I'm assuming the world I know is the lesser of two evils.

I've never been as scared and upset as I am in that maybe memory, here.
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Post by isabelle »


"They want to understand us," Rebecca says. "They want to know what makes They want to try and make others special."

Special. Others who aren't special. I feel tension rising in me and I make an effort to keep breathing normally. I don't like this at all. Her words seem to stir a memory but I can't quite catch it. I try to focus on what Rebacca's told me. They're special. Are we special, too, or are we ones they're going to 'make' special? I don't know for sure, but somehow, I think it's the first. They took us here because we're ... different.
We're just... Different.
I'm not sure who said that. One of them was me but the other... It doesn't matter, I'm sure. I don't know how and I don't know why, but I'm sure it's true. My friends and I are 'different'. I definately don't like the idea of being around scientists who want to 'understand' me.

".. No ..." I whisper. I glance back at Isabel and the others, wondering if they're hearing all this. What are we going to do? "We gotta get out of here."

Just then, one of the others approached, plopping down into the seat near Rebecca. Phillip. That's what Rachel called him.

"Whatcha doing, 'Becca?" He asks in a dismissive tone. "These guys will figure it out on their own."
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