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Post by isabelle »


Michael climbs in and I steer the jeep in the direction of the Crashdown. I can't help but think he looks more than a bit distracted. I wonder what's up and if I should ask him or wait for him to tell me. I decide on waiting for the moment. The Crashdown is only a few minutes away.

As I pull up next to the Crashdown, I look over at Michael and ask. "Is something on your mind?"

Then I look past him, through the windows of the diner. She's working today. I knew she would be. Liz Parker. She's my lab partner, but I really like her. Not that she'd ever know. I don't say anything to her except for schoolwork. I mean, it could never work. She's normal and I'm ... not. But she is amazing. I've felt this connection to her since the first time I saw her. If ever there were any human that I'd love to break the rules for, it would be her. But I won't. I swear, I won't. It's not safe.

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Post by AntarPrince04 »


"Is something on your mind?"

This is the the first question he asked me as we pull up to he Crash and could almost laugh at it, but instead I snort in amusement at it. If only you knew how loaded tht question is, I think to myself.

I glance at him briefly and follow his like of sight. Roling my eye's I get out of the Jeep. Max isn't even paying attention probably. Instead he's watching Liz through the window as she takes the order of a couple of tourists.

I slam the door of the jeep a little harder than needed for the sole purpose of making him jump; and smirk as he does just as predicted. "Not much more than usual", I say as he looks back to me and I look down the main drag of town filled with tourist, many of which are dressed in corny green costumes and mke-up to turn the skin colors.

It's not actually a complete lie. I never did like the festiville, these idiots wouldn't know an alien if it kiced them in the ass.

"Come on, I'm hungery", I say shortly, making my way into the Crash. I stop for a minute and look around. On the other side of the room a tourist couple sit looking avidly at something in the ladys hand, Liz is making her way toward the counter and Maria, and over in the corner closes to where I stand two...burly gentlemen are talking in hushed tones Heh, I wonder if the guy ever got his money...

Shaking my head I walk over and sit in one of the booths.

This'll be interesting.
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Post by isabelle »


Michael puts me off, not answering the question. He's eyeing the stupid Alien-themed costumes as if this was his problem, but I know it's not. He was like this before we got within range of them. His non-answer does tell me that there's something more on his mind.

With a sigh, I follow Michael into the Crashdown. I try not to watch Liz as I walk in with him, but I can't help it. She's just so ... perfect. If I were human, I'd ask her out.

Well, maybe I wouldn't. I don't have any idea how I'd talk to her, but maybe if I weren't carrying these secrets around, I'd have figured that out.

I force myself to look away and I slide into a booth. I sit on the side that faces the back of the diner, like always. This way I can watch Liz as she works. But I don't do that. Not right now. I turn my attention to Michael. He's not going to say what's bothering him but maybe if get him to talk about something-else, I might get a clue.

"So what's new?" I ask.
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Post by magikhands »

ooc: I'm waiting for a Maria post to actually get the 'action' going :wink:
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Post by Zanssoulmate08 »


I snort in amusement when I notice Liz baiting two of the more eccentric customers in the Café. That girl gets way too much pleasure out of showing off her picture of a melted baby doll, I mean “alien”. Quite frankly, if aliens existed, I would most likely run away screaming bloody murder. Shaking my head, I make my way over to the two men in the corner, coffe pot in tow. Both, look really angry, and kinda like a muscular Beevis and a Beefy Butthead.

“Refill?” I ask sweetly, trying my best to not let my mind wander to the all-night movie fest that Liz, Alex and I had planned for tonight.

“No, get outta here.” Beevis barks sharply, and I sniff in indignation, fluncing back over to the counter, where Liz soon follows, smiling smugly.

“Girl you are sooo bad.” I tell her, nodding to the tourists. I notice Max Evans and Michael Guerin are in their usual booth, and low and behold, Max is staring. “Oh, and Max Evans is staring at you again.”

Bingo, I think to myself as she starts denying it and her face turns bright red. If Evans doesn’t ask her out soon, I may have to do it for him. I mean really, Kyle Valenti?

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom,
Man made up a story, said that I should believe him.
Go and tell your white knight that he’s handsome in hindsight,
But I don’t want the next best thing.
So I sing, I hold my head down, and I break these walls ’round me.
Can’t take no more of your fairytale love.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


I can tell Max is otherwise occupied again and I just let it be. It pissed me off yeah, but...let him have his eye candy for the moment. So I just sit back and watch as I grab a bottle of tabasco off the rack on the table and take a swig after opening it. It's kinda nostalgic really...

The arguement in the corner is becoming increasingly more intense. I can't hear what is being said very clearly but the angry expressions on thier faces were any indication they would blow soon. I'd stayed with Hank long enough to know when a temper has reached its limit. Like to see him try that this time around, I snort to myself.

The truckers seem to sense that they are being watched and look up directly at me and sneer. I sneer back and take another swig of the tabasco and divert my attention.

"So what's new?" , Max asked.

"Nothing really", I answer casually, keeping an ear on the truckers...or are they bikers? I mentally shrug. "I have that Math assignment due monday." I shoot him a pleading look and a playful pout, but don't ask, he knows I suck at Math. History and art are more my area's. I can play the piano too, but only as a secondary skill. My art is far better.

Okay yeah, so...lame I know but I can't very well tell him whats going on with me and I can't very well...

A slam from the corner catches my ear and I tense in readiness... The boys have made it to thier feet....
OOC: hee, Okay Magik hun, theres your cue[/u]
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Post by magikhands »

Thanks dear *smooch*


“Girl you are sooo bad.” She says with a smile. “Oh, and Max Evans is staring at you again.”

"No way." I say resisting the urge to look over my shoulder. "Maria, that is so in your imagination." But then I can't help it. I must know if he is looking. I turn my head and know exactly where to look. He was in his usual booth sitting across from the Guerin kid. Our eyes meet briefly before he looks away.

I turn back to Maria. "Max Evans? This? No, uh uh... it's not..." But I feel a creeping of pink on my cheeks. Max Evans was the hottest guy in all of Roswell. We were... friends? Well, maybe not, but we were lab partners. Does that count as friends? He's so quiet and shy...and mysterious. So different than his gorgeous popular sister. What I could never figure out was why he was always hanging with Michael Guerin. They had NOTHING in common. Michael rarely attended school.

I've had a crush on Max since I started puberty. It wasn't something I ever admitted to anyone, not even my best friend Maria but she knew anyway. She rags me enough saying that Max has interest in me. What, just because he comes in all the time and I catch him watching me, doesn't mean that he has a thing for me, right? Maybe he just likes the food.

I've known Maria since we were both in diapers. She's my yin to my yang. She's my left to my right. We've always been close. So I tolerate her fussing and good intentions.

"Besides, even is he was interested I'm going out with Kyle. I mean, he's steady and loyal and he appreciates me." Oh help me, I think. Listen to me. Who am I describing? My boyfriend or a... no, I won't even think it.

Movement across the way catches my attention. Those two men in Maria's section. Their discussion seems to be heating up.

"Uh, Maria. Maybe those men need their check." I say not liking the way the men are looking at each other.
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Post by magikhands »

ooc: Sorry must have posted about the same time as me. I'll let 'Maria' have another go is she wants before I do my big DYING scene *tee hee*
And gotta say, I love your siggy Zanssoulmate *drooling all over keyboard* Such hotties they are Sorry :oops:
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Post by isabelle »


Liz catches my eye and I quickly turn away. I don't want to be watching her. It's pointless, I know. Besides, I need to give Michael my attention. He's my best friend. My only friend, besides my sister.

He's drinking the Tabasco sauce, like nobody's going to notice. Weird stuff like that in public is no good. But he finally starts talking and when he does, it's about Math. Math? Okay, school has barely started so I don't think that's a big problem yet, but I'll go with it. Maybe I'll get a clue to what's really on his mind. He seems to be distracted by the loud customers in the corner but I don't think that has anything to do with us.

"Sure, I'll help you out with that," I say, as if he actually asked. "We'll take a look at it as soon as we're done here." He doesn't actually have his books, but we can swing by the trailer park, assuming he even brought the book home.

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Post by Zanssoulmate08 »

Thanks! mrsjbehr made it for me since we both LOVE the series! I'll try to post today, probably during my lunch break. :D


I know, I know, I'm an awful person! Sorry guys! :shock:


Yep, she's got it bad, "And with those cheeks? Preciosita tan linda!"

In typical Liz fashion, she admonishes me and starts going on about how steady and loyal Valenti is, "Sounds like your describing a poodle." I tell her in disgust.

Suddenly, Beevis and Butthead start yelling and the dishes on their table go crashing to the floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Michael Guerin watching them with a smirk before my eyes are drawn back to the men and Beevis pulls out a gun, "LIZ!" I scream as the guns goes off and a bullet heads straight for my best friend, "Liz..."

I'm sorry! My life sucks right now, so please don't hate me! :cry:


Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom,
Man made up a story, said that I should believe him.
Go and tell your white knight that he’s handsome in hindsight,
But I don’t want the next best thing.
So I sing, I hold my head down, and I break these walls ’round me.
Can’t take no more of your fairytale love.
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