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Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:49 pm
by LittleBit
I'm glad that everyone loved DBEYH. I loved writing that story and it's funny how an entire plotline can come out of one thought. The one for that story was it depends on whose side you are on to determine who the enemy is. After all I know that the skins and Khivar never saw themselves as the bad guys.

I really wish I could find my muse for the sequel or even a whole new story. But so far it hasn't happened and I don't find much time to write anymore with two boys running around. Maybe when my youngest one gets a little older. Oh well. If anyone ever comes up with an idea that they don't want to write, let me know and maybe it'll get the sparks flowing.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:32 pm
by Cinder
Fehrbaby wrote:Does anybody known where there are any traitor challenges? I'm just kind of curious, because the couple does have it's appeal. I'm finishing a M/M story right now, but I might try my hand at Liz/Khivar some time.

Oh, I would love to read a traitor story from you, Christina.

I don't know of a particular place for Traitor Challenges. I know they pop up here and there on the general challenge area, but I haven't seen any in a while.

LittleBit wrote:I'm glad that everyone loved DBEYH. I loved writing that story and it's funny how an entire plotline can come out of one thought. The one for that story was it depends on whose side you are on to determine who the enemy is. After all I know that the skins and Khivar never saw themselves as the bad guys.

I really wish I could find my muse for the sequel or even a whole new story. But so far it hasn't happened and I don't find much time to write anymore with two boys running around. Maybe when my youngest one gets a little older. Oh well. If anyone ever comes up with an idea that they don't want to write, let me know and maybe it'll get the sparks flowing.
DBEYHH is such an inspiring story. I love it and reread it from time to time. You helped me to see the potential of a Liz/Khivar pairing...and it pushed me to write a story, too. So, I guess what I am trying to say, is thank you. :D

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:14 pm
by GloryBlack
Hello, everyone!

I've only just discovered the world of traitors, until now it's been polar all the way. I never really considered a Liz/Khivar pairing until I read "Something Wicked this Way Comes", a WIP here on Roswell Fanatics, now I can't get enough. :D

I haven't read the entire thread through yet, but I will. Promise. I just had to post when I got to the "How do you picture Khivar" question.

Now, while everyone who replied chose some very fine men to fill the role, there's one that seems to be missing: Ralph Fiennes.


Bloody gorgeous, yeah?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:53 pm
by Cinder
I wanted to drop off a link to a new traitor story.

So Far Away by Caelen

Summary: Taken from Guilty Pleasure Fanfic challenge. Picking up from Panacea, Liz discovers that Max may be gone, but a part of him remains with her, a part that Khivar will risk anything to take.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 1:49 am
by RavenSprite
I never really considered a Liz/Khivar pairing until I read "Something Wicked this Way Comes", a WIP here on Roswell Fanatics, now I can't get enough
Ooh, GloryBlack, glad I could convert you to the Traitor world! It's very nice down here with us sinners!

And while I adore Ralph Fiennes, think he is one of the hottest men to ever grace the screens, I have always pictured Khivar as the physical opposite of Max, aesthetically speaking. It's why I chose Scott Speedman for my story on him, dark blonde hair, tall, vivid green eyes... *shivers* either way, any and every Khivar should have primal intensity.

I really wish there were more Traitor fics!

I really should stalk Calinia till she decides to write one. Kat's awesome in the unconventional coupledom, she makes Liz rock with anyone, hee! :D

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 3:51 pm
by Sologirl102
I always thought Stuart Townsend worked very well. He played Dorian Gray in League and Lestat in Queen of the Damned.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 6:27 am
by Calinia
RavenSprite wrote:I really should stalk Calinia till she decides to write one. Kat's awesome in the unconventional coupledom, she makes Liz rock with anyone, hee! :D
Lol, I think I'm already being stalked enough regarding various fics. Tell you what, as soon as I'm done with all the x-tremer fics I have planned, the loyalist fic I've been meaning to write, the laneslider fic I've been meaning to write, the Liz-centric non-couple-y fic I've started writing, the polar short-story I've started writing and of course all my current fics, I'll think about a traitor story. :P

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 10:18 am
by GloryBlack
RavenSprite wrote:And while I adore Ralph Fiennes, think he is one of the hottest men to ever grace the screens, I have always pictured Khivar as the physical opposite of Max, aesthetically speaking. It's why I chose Scott Speedman for my story on him, dark blonde hair, tall, vivid green eyes... *shivers* either way, any and every Khivar should have primal intensity.

I've always pictured Khivar as having messy black hair and dark blue eyes. I don't know why, maybe it's because blondes do nothing for me. :lol: However, I can understand wanting Khivar to be portrayed as Max's opposite, only I enivision it as more of a personality thing than an aesthetic one. As you said, and rather well might I add, Khivar has a primal intensity that Max will never posses.

Out of curiosuty, how old does everyone imagine Khivar to be? I know logically he should be over 50 Earth years since the Royal 4 arrived on Earth in the 40's, but come on, like any of us picture him as an old man. Please. :roll:

Personally, I see him as quite a bit older than the Pod Squad. Late 20's or early 30's.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:02 pm
by Cinder
GloryBlack wrote:Out of curiosuty, how old does everyone imagine Khivar to be? I know logically he should be over 50 Earth years since the Royal 4 arrived on Earth in the 40's, but come on, like any of us picture him as an old man. Please. :roll:

Personally, I see him as quite a bit older than the Pod Squad. Late 20's or early 30's.
I definitely picture Khivar as older than the Pod Squad, but not into his early retirement years. I see Khivar in his late 20's, early 30's also. I never really pictured him as a blond either. I generally picture him as having dark hair and intense eyes...could be blue, green or even gray.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:23 am
by LittleBit
I picture him in his late 20s but as a blonde. Like Liz/Tess, I always think of Max/Khivar as complete opposites.

Although now that I've discovered who Wentworth Miller is, he would make a good Khivar.