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Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:29 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I walk into school, late as usual, and not even sarcastically happy to be here. With the bells ringing loudly in my ear, I try to tune out any and all background noise as I head in the direction of Liz's locker.

Liz and I have been dating for a while, and while I have no idea what brought us together, I'm happy about it, because she's a fun girl to be around. I mean, who would have thought that the supposed bookworm actually liked to have a good time? I mean-

As I'm walking and musing, I see something move briefly in front of me, like a large object falling to the floor. A very familiar, large object. Gaining ground, my eyes focus in on one Maria Deluca, best friend of Liz, laying on the floor on her back.

"I like your shoes." I hear from below me, stopping right by her head to put my backpack down and lend a hand.

"Thanks," I say grinning, pulling her up quickly. I've never seen anyone fall on the floor like that before. "Lose a fight with your locker?"

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:06 am
by littleroswell
Occ: Mad/Mel, you didn't give us a school schedule! LOL! You wanna establish who has classes with who?


I swing the jeep into an empty parking lot, grab my bag and jacket from the back and head for the school doors, not even bothering to check if Isabel is coming. Once we hit those doors, she'll probably pretend she doesn't even know me anyway. As I step inside, I look around, trying to get my bearings. The school sent us each a welcome packet, complete with our schedules, a map of the school, a copy of the school handbook, and our locker assignments. There was a letter of welcome as well, and it said that our books would be in our lockers waiting for us.

I tried to memorize the map of the school, at least enough to be able to get to the right hall for each class, but it's a pretty big campus. Lockers weren't on the map. I look at the numbers on the lockers right next to me. These are 100's. I look down at the slip of paper with my locker number and combination on it. I'm locker 1237. Well, at least I got a top locker...I think. I walk down the main hall, trying to keep an eye on the numbers on the lockers and also avoid a collision with any of the other students.

"Excuse me," I mumble as I move past a group of girls who look like the cheerleading type.

"Honey, you don't need any excuses as far as I can see," one of them says flirtatiously. The other girls giggle, and I blush a little but keep on walking.

Finally, a good ways down the hall, I find the numbers I've been looking for. I find my locker and notice a tall, lanky guy with brown hair talking to whoever is behind the locker door that's open a couple of lockers down from me. I quickly turn my attention back to my locker and turn the lock to the combination, trying to ignore the other people around me.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:11 am
by madroswellfan
(ooc: Ok I'm thinking one class, lunch, class?

Ok I'm thinking (Brackets around people sitting together)
Period 1 -
Algebra - (Liz, Kyle) (Max, Tess)
History - (Alex, Isabel) (Maria, Michael)

Period 2 -
Biology - (Liz, Max), (Isabel, Maria)
Chemistry - (Michael, Alex), (Kyle, Tess)
And in this last class perhaps Michael can start to suspect that Liz is with Alex as well?

I think I've arranged it so all the couples get one slot together... what do you all think?)

"Hey Liz,"
I smile as Alex appoaches and stands by my locker.
"How's it going?"
I pull out a few more books before looking at him and drawing him into a polite, friendly kiss. Alex, my best friend, is the most sweetest guy you could possibly meet. He is a real sweety and a gentleman. And he puts up with a lot of crap from me. I know he hates that I'm dating Kyle and Michael as well as him but... I just don't know what to do about it. I can't choose between them.

I grin as I look back up at him and say, "I'm good" I ask as I close my locker door....

And see a the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen. You could even call them breathtaking. And its only when I force my eyes to look away from them I realise they belong to a guy that I have never seen before. He has black hair and from what I can tell a toned body...


I quickly look away and smile back at Alex. "What have you got first?" I ask trying desperately to keep myself from thinking about tall, dark and mysterious over there.

I sigh in annoyance at my brother as I jump out of the car and head inside the school. I wander the corridors cooly and immediately get talked to the popular girls who had just started hitting on my brother. "Isabel" I introduce myself to them. Within a few minutes it seems like they already have decided to make me not only there friend, but to follow my lead. I guess cool confidence shines through. I wander down the corridor before slowly walking with the girls towards my first class.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:51 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Through blurred vision I see a black back pack get lowered to the ground. Rising my chin I look up to meet the gaze of Liz’s boyfriend #3 the incredibly gorgeous Michael Guerin. Of all the embarrassing situations I could have maneuvered myself into wiping out in front of the hottest guy in the school has got to be the worst. "Thanks," He replies with a polite grin before offering his hand. I accept it reluctantly and in one swift motion he lifts me off the ground and settles me back easily as if I was as light as a feather.

"Lose a fight with your locker?" Feeling rather foolish I nod sheepishly. “ Yes, but to give myself a little credit it was a hell of a battle.” I state with a flair for optimism. Noticing my scattered papers and discarded text books I bend over and hurriedly scoop them up. “Thanks for the hand. I probably would have just laid there in defeat. It hasn’t been the best day.” Why am I telling him this? It isn’t like he cares.

“Well, I got to sprint if I’m going to be on time for History.” Pausing for a moment I feel like there’s something I want to add but the feeling passes. “Uh…Thanks Again.” :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 8:45 am
by littleroswell
Occ: Ok, I assumed since Max and Liz were so smart that they would have advanced classes. I hope that's ok. Also, what grade are they in? Are they juniors, sophmores? I kind of thought they were juniors and around 17 but if seniors, just let me know.

Ok, maybe I didn't make it clear that Max was asking Alex and Liz about where his class is. I edited my post.


I glance back over at the couple a few lockers down and find my eyes colliding briefly with dark brown ones. They seem to go on forever and are set in a beautiful face framed with long dark brown hair. I realize I've been caught staring and glance away quickly. Grabbing my Advanced Algebra book, I slam my locker shut, shove the book in the bag and look down at my schedule to try to remember where my classroom is. Room number 140. Well, at least I can assume it's on the first floor.

Sighing, I glance over at the two people nearby, the only people nearby. On closer look, the girl with long brown hair is absolutely gorgeous, not just beautiful. The guy is kinda lanky but he looks like a likable sort of guy. Gathering up my courage, I sling my bag over my shoulder and go up to them. I clear my throat before saying quietly, "Excuse me. I don't mean to bother you but I'm new here and I would really appreciate if one of you could point me in the right direction of Advanced Algebra with..." I glance down at the piece of paper, "Mr. Dewey? Room 140." I glance back up and give a shy smile.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:12 am
by Fehr'sBear

“Thanks for the hand. I probably would have just laid there in defeat. It hasn’t been the best day.” Maria says, picking up all of her scattered papers before I can do anything to help her.

“Well, I got to sprint if I’m going to be on time for History. Uh…Thanks Again.” She says just as quickly, and I pick up my backpack and walk with her.

"I'll walk with you, cause otherwise I'll be late too," I say with a smile, and we head down the hall to history class. We arrive a minute after the bell, and get a terrible look from the teacher, but I just ignore it and sit down.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:22 pm
by madroswellfan
"I have history first, what about you?" I smile at him, trying to listen but also VERY aware of the fact that the guy with the perfect eyes is coming this way.

"Excuse me. I don't mean to bother you but I'm new here and I would really appreciate if one of you could point me in the right direction of Advanced Algebra with..." He glances down at his paper in a cute fashion. "Mr. Dewey? Room 140."

Wow, he also has a lovely voice, although he is rather shy...
I'm about to answer when...

"Hey there," Alex says, stretching out his hand with a smile. "I'm Alex."

I look between the two nervously and smile.

"I'm Liz...Liz Parker" I say, trying not to over smile at the hot guy, because I know I'll end up blushing. "Actually...I have that class next, I'd be happy to take you if you'd like..."

I look back at Alex to see if that was ok with him. "Is that ok?" I ask hoping he doesn't kick up a fuss. I know he doesn't like the whole boyfriend situation but I still can be friendly to a guy.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:25 pm
by littleroswell

I shake Alex's hand and mumble a "nice to meet you" before the girl introduces herself and declares that she also has advanced algebra...with me. And from the way she asked Alex if it's ok if she walks me to class, I'm assuming she's his girlfriend. Oh well. I guess it was too much to hope that a beautiful girl like that was still single.

I smile at her. "Thanks, that'd be great, Liz...Liz Parker," I tease lightly. Ok, I don't know what made me do that but I guess it's just that she seems like a likable person. Nodding to Alex, I say, "Thanks for letting me borrow your girlfriend to show me the way. It was nice to meet you." Then I turn back to those depthless eyes. "Lead the way."

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:57 pm
by Fehr'sBear
bump :D

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:05 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"I'll walk with you, cause otherwise I'll be late too," He respond with a polite smile as he follows me toward class. I’m in a rush so I don’t even attempt at small talk. Besides what in the world could I possibly say to Michael Guerin? That’s the point nothing, because every time he gets near I become a babbling idiot. I’m so serious. It’s like I go all nonverbal. I have a communications disease where that boy is concerned.

We arrive about a minute after the bell and the teacher shoots a not too pleased expression. Oh well, that don’t hurt my feelings none. Liz was always the one who wanted to stay in the teachers good graces. I’ve never much cared one way or another. I feel like if I showed up that’s good enough. I tilt my head slightly to the side giving the teacher an ‘I’m here aren’t I.’ He shakes his head in response and continues with the roll call. Unfortunately due to our tardiness there are only two seats left.

Right beside each other. Is fate just trying to rub it in my face? Sighing I sit down take out my book and note book.. This is going to be a long class. Realizing that somehow in the shuffle I’ve misplaced my only pencil I lean over to Michael and whisper as cool and aloof as I possibly can, “Can I borrow a pencil?” Wow, that was smooth. :wink: