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Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:18 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Hey all! Hope you weren't too frightened to see that the story was locked for a while. Sorry, there was a mix up when I'd asked for the story to be pruned. It's all good now, so here's my weekly update...

And my boyfriend and I would like to thank all of you who sent their condolances and prayers: La'Shon, roswell, dmb, Cayla, and 83AA.
Thank you again.

La'Shon- I'm glad you saw the connection between Tess and Kyle. I wanted to let people see that Tess isn't 'evil', just misguided, :lol: . Pregnancies are always a strange occurance, eh :twisted: ? :lol: , I was looking forward to writing that scene with Izzy and Michael's nerves. Yep, it's Saturday :P .

Zanity- Yep, at the least :wink: . True, but in human years, Kyle is only 18 :shock: !! So, he wasn't in any rush.

Strawberry- :lol: , careful what you wish for :twisted: !

roswell- baby :twisted: ! Will Tess groveling work?

Erina- Yes they are :wink: . Yep, awww, thanks :oops: .

candycane- :lol: it was 1 climax, there's more coming...

dmb- :lol: , yep that's the irony of Tess's coven name. You're welcome, I'm a fan too and I love it when my fave authors reply to my feedback too. Yeah, it certainly seemed like blood was 'spiked' that night. Remember, time is nothing to vampires. :twisted: , that's Max- he's King- he doesn't have to apologize for his behavior. Good question :twisted: . LMAO, 'making like bunnies' LMAO!!! Um...this particular angst won't happen to them....well....okay, I'm not saying anything else or I'll give the future away :? . Again, I warned...this is a DARK story :twisted: . Whew, glad no one's objected to the ages so far.

Cayla- I'm glad you liked the part. Thank you again for the heads up. :wink:

M in Y- :lol: , yes it is. :lol: , no Tess never wanted to kill Liz, just to get back into Max's pants. Thanks and I updated Wild Boys as promised on Tuesday. I don't mind...I'm the same way with my fave stories I read. ~mwah~

83AA- :lol: , surprises abound in this story don't they? It's the same as human pregnancies. I'd thought about changing it, but I couldn't get it to work with the story... :? . Oh, they will :twisted: .

Okay, here we go....

Part 21

It was early the next night when Liz looked up from the cushions she was reclining on in the domatio ilios because Max had burst into the room wearing a huge grin on his face.
“Guess what, agapo mou!”
“What?” she asked.
His grin spread and his eyes sparkled as he said, “Tess and Kyle made the announcement that they are each other’s omologia. She’s agreed to become his syndeo.”
Liz’s eyes went wide, “Theos! You’re kidding.”
“No, agapo mou. Your prayers were definitely answered.”
Liz rose from her seat and Max wrapped his arms around her. Laughing, he twirled her around before pulling her close to him. “It’s over, Liz. I won’t have to deal with her incessant flirting and she won’t drive you crazy with it either.”
Liz sighed as she hugged him back, “I hope so, Max, I really hope so.”

It was a little over a month later that found Isabel frowning as she watched Liz getting ready for the Akakios ball. “Are you sure this is a good idea Liz?”
Liz finished putting on her necklace before turning around with a sigh. “We were invited Isabel. Max and I have no choice but to go, you know how these things work.”
Isabel nodded, “I know, but this is just the celebration for Tess and Kyle becoming syndeos, it has nothing to do with politics or business.”
“True, but it would still be an insult not to go. Max is the Archigos of the Aristomache, to have him at their celebration is a sure sign to everyone that everything is all right.”
Isabel shook her head, “I don’t know how you do it, Liz. How do you put up with having to make all these appearances and rub elbows with people you don’t even know all that well.”
Liz shrugged, “It’s a part of the being married to the Aristomache Archigos, I’ve gotten used to it.” She sat down on the arm of the chair Isabel was sitting in and took her sister-in-law’s hand. “I knew this was part of what I had to do when I got involved with Max, Isabel. Max was very straightforward with me. He told me all about what I would be required to do as his wife. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when I wish I could do nothing but lie in bed all day and be lazy, but I don’t let it get to me. I love your brother and I wouldn’t trade what I have with him for anything.”
Isabel nodded as she squeezed Liz’s hand in hers, “My brother is one lucky man to have you at his side.”
Liz chuckled, “Trust me Izzy, I don’t let him forget it.”
They shared a secret laugh between the two of them for a few moments.
Then Liz got serious again as she ran her hand over Isabel’s stomach, “How are you feeling?”
Isabel chuckled, “Like a beached whale. I swear I’m still getting bigger and I can’t seem to stop craving the most ridiculous things! You have no idea how grateful I am that Alex has the patience of a saint! I know I would have driven a normal guy crazy long before now.”
Liz giggled, “He loves you Izzy. You know he’d do anything for you.”
Isabel nodded, “I know, I love him too.” She sighed, “I wish I could go with you tonight, but Alex thinks it’s too dangerous.”
Liz nodded, “I agree, you are too close to your due date to take too much excitement. Although I’m hoping there isn’t going to be any at the ball tonight.”
“Well, if there is, I’ve instructed Vanessa to step in for me.”
“Isabel! Tess is Kyle’s syndeo! I highly doubt she’ll be hanging all over Max with Kyle there. I can’t believe you told Vanessa to help me deal with Tess!”
Without looking apologetic, Isabel shrugged, “What? I just told her what Tess had been doing to the two of you and told her what I thought, that’s all.”
Liz rolled her eyes, “Okay, Izzy.”
There was a knock on the door before it opened to reveal Max and Alex behind him.
“You ready, agapo mou?” asked Max.
Liz stood up and met him half way. He smiled as he took in her appearance, then leaned down and kissed her cheek, “Esi kitazo oraios, Liz.”
Isabel stood up with the help of Alex and rolled her eyes, “Really Max. As if Liz spends her time stressing over whether or not she looks good enough to please you.”
Max raised his eyebrows as he glanced from his sister and back to Liz, “Don’t you?”
At Isabel’s shocked gasp, Liz laughed, “Max! Leave Izzy alone!”
A wide grin broke over his face as he turned to look at his sister with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, “Liz doesn’t have to spend time stressing over how good she looks, adelfi. She already looks beautiful all the time.”
Alex chuckled at that before turning to place a kiss on his isyzygos cheek, “You look beautiful all the time too, isyzygos mou.”
Isabel sighed, “I’m as big as a house!”
Alex slid his arm around her waist, “You’re a very healthy, glowing pregnant woman. And that, agapo mou, is beautiful to me.”

Alex grinned as Kyle came up to the group. He shook his friend’s hand and said, “Congratulations, Kyle. May your life be filled with happiness, filos mou.”
“Efkharisto, Alex.” He turned to look at the others, “I hope you all have been enjoying yourselves so far tonight?”
Liz and Max nodded, as Liz said, “It’s been wonderful, Kyle. You and Tess put together a great celebration.”
He laughed, “Actually, it was all the work of her uncle and father. Between the two of them, Tess and I never really had to raise a finger. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pair of men act so much like mother hens in my life.”
That had them all chuckling at the image Kyle had just presented.
Grinning, Alex said, “Kyle, I don’t believe you’ve met my eldest daughter yet. Vanessa, this is Kyle Valenti. Kyle, Vanessa.”
Kyle gave her his familiar friendly smile as he shook her hand, “Vanessa, it’s wonderful to meet you. Your father and I go way back.”
Vanessa nodded as she shook his hand, “Yes, both he and mom filled me in about you. It’s great to meet you too, Kyle. Congratulations.”
He grinned, “Well, if you will all excuse me, I’ve got to go find my isyzygos and make sure her uncle and father aren’t driving her insane. Enjoy yourselves!”
As Kyle left them, Max turned to his wife, “Well, he certainly seems happy.”
Liz nodded, “Yeah, I’m hoping that’s a very good sign.”
Vanessa chuckled, “I’m gonna go get a drink. While I do that, I can scope her out for you.”
“Vanessa!” chastised her father, despite the fact he was wearing a smile on his face.
Liz grinned, “Thank you for that, glikos, but it won’t be necessary. You just enjoy yourself okay?”
Vanessa nodded and left to get her drink.
“Will you two be okay without me?” asked Alex.
Liz rolled her eyes as Max said, “We’ll be fine Alex, just don’t drive Vanessa crazy, okay?”
Alex chuckled, “I’m not Isabel. I’m just going to go catch up with Kyle if I can.”
They nodded and watched him walk away too.
Max looked over his shoulder at Michael who was keeping his usual watch over his charges. He turned back to Liz and wrapped an arm around her waist, “Care to dance with me, akribos?”
Liz gave him a radiant smile, “I’d love to, osizigos mou.”

Michael stood by the dance floor, keeping watch over Max and Liz as they whirled through the other dancers. He wasn’t looking directly at them, but he was always aware of where they were and what was going on around them. As he continued to survey their surroundings, he caught sight of his favorite green eyed beauty.

She seemed dressed in all of me, stretched across my shame.
All the torment and the pain
Leaked through and covered me

Maria was standing on the other side of the dance floor leaning against another man. He had his arm around her waist and was leaning down whispering something into her ear. Michael narrowed his eyes as he watched Maria laugh at whatever the man said before she raised her head and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The man smiled and said something else to her which she nodded to. Then she moved out of his arms and walked away.

I'd do anything to have her to myself
Just to have her for myself
Now I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do when she makes me sad.

Michael followed her with his eyes until she disappeared out of the room at the same time that Max and Liz walked off of the dance floor. He followed his charges as they walked a little ways off to a quieter area of the room. As they stood there with their arms around each others waist, talking softly to each other, Michael motioned for one of the other guards to take his place.

She is everything to me
The unrequited dream
A song that no one sings

He made his way through the room, heading in the direction he had seen Maria disappear. He walked out into a long hallway and began looking into any open doors he saw. Eventually, he looked into one door to find Maria sitting on a lounge chair on a patio area. As he walked up to her, she looked up and smiled, “Michael! Shouldn’t you be watching Max and Liz right now?”

The unattainable, She’s a myth that I have to believe in
All I need to make it real is one more reason
I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do when she makes me sad.

“One of my guards is watching them, I’m on a break.”

But I won't let this build up inside of me

She nodded and walked over to him lifting her arms to wrap them around his shoulders. Before she could, he grabbed her wrists and narrowed his eyes at her, “Who is he?”

I won't let this build up inside of me

Maria frowned, “Who is who?”

I won't let this build up inside of me

Michael growled, “Don’t play games with me, Maria! I saw you talking to someone just a few minutes ago, by the dance floor.”

I won't let this build up inside of me

Maria gave him a puzzled expression as she tried to think of what he was talking about, then she smiled, “Oh! You must mean Vincent!” She chuckled, “He’s the Archigos of my coven. He came tonight since my brother, a member of his coven married a member of the Akakios coven. You know it’s tradition.”

A catch in my throat choke
Torn into pieces
I won't, no!
I don't wanna be this...

“He’s your Archigos?”

But I won't let this build up inside of me

Maria nodded, “Yes.”

I won't let this build up inside of me

“Is that all?”

I won't let this build up inside of me

Maria frowned, “What do you mean, is that all? He’s my Archigos!” She paused as she looked at the expression he was wearing. “Oh.”

I won't let this build up inside of me


She isn't real
I can't make her real

She gave him a gentle smile as she caressed his cheek, “He’s my Archigos, Michael. Nothing more. I told you that you are the only one I’m seeing now. Don’t you believe me?”

She isn't real
I can't make her real

He stared at her for a moment before wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her in for a hard, possessive kiss.

“Max, Liz, excuse me for interrupting.” Max began to frown as Liz tensed in his arms. The two of them had been talking to themselves when Tess had intruded into their moment.
As they turned to look at Tess, Liz asked, “Is there something you want, Tess?”
Tess nodded as she looked from one to the other, “There’s something I have to say to both of you, in private.”
“What is this about, Tess?” asked Max.
“Please, if you’ll come with me, I’ll tell you.”
Liz looked up at Max who hesitantly nodded. As they followed Tess out of the ballroom, Max wrapped his arm around Liz’s shoulder and brought her closer into his side. He glanced to the sides to make sure his guards were following closely.
Tess led them to a private patio area that was currently empty. The guards took up positions around the area, making sure to give the three of them plenty of space and privacy to talk.
Tess turned to look at the both of them before lowering her head and softly saying, “I just wanted to apologize to the two of you for everything I’ve put you through these last few years.”
When she lifted her head, she noticed how they were both staring at her in slight shock. It didn’t stop her from continuing on.
She looked Max in the eyes as she said, “I know it sounds strange, coming from me, but things are different now. I didn’t know, Max. I didn’t know what it felt like until I found Kyle. So, I want to say how sorry I am for not respecting the syndeo bond you share with Liz.”
Tess turned to Liz and continued, “I’m sorry for being rude to you and behaving the way I did in front of you. I know that it will be a long time before you forgive me, if you ever do. But I wanted you to know, that I know what it feels like now. I know what it feels like to love someone with everything you are. I’m so sorry, for not understanding what you share with your syndeo.”
She lowered her head again, in the way of respect. Even Liz could see she meant every word she’d just said. It didn’t take much for either one of them to realize that the woman who stood in supplication in front of them wasn’t the same arrogant, haughty woman they’d come up against over the last several years.
Max tightened his hold on Liz’s shoulder and looked down into her eyes as they shared their thoughts with each other. Finally, Liz nodded and turned to look at Tess.
“We understand Tess.” As Tess lifted her eyes to Liz’s, she continued, “Max and I thank you for coming to us with this apology. We know it must have taken a lot to do this. Thank you.”
Tess nodded, “I had to. I just couldn’t leave it alone after what I’ve gone through with Kyle.”
Liz nodded, she fully understood what Tess was feeling for her new syndeo. It was the same thing Liz felt for her own syndeo.
Max smiled as he nodded to Tess, “Congratulations, Tess. Liz and I wish you and Kyle the very best.”
At Liz’s nod, Tess gave them a small smile, “Efkharisto, Liz. Max.”

Vanessa walked into her bedroom and shut the door quietly. She smiled as she retrieved the envelope from beneath her bodice and made her way to her bed. Sitting on the edge, she tore the envelope open and unfolded the letter within. Her smile brightened as she began to read his handwritten letter.
“Vanessa, I’m sorry I couldn’t go to the ball tonight. I was looking forward to seeing you again, but things have been really busy at home. I hope you enjoyed yourself and I hope we do get to see each other soon. I loved the letter you sent me the other day. Knowing that you think of me as much as I think of you made me smile. I wish I could see you more often than we get to and I wish we could see each other out in the open. I hope we can do that someday. I would love nothing more than to take you out and court you like you deserve. I’m looking forward to that and I hope you are too. So, until the next time we meet, remember that I’m thinking of you and I miss you. Love, Aidan.”
With a soft sigh, Vanessa hugged the letter to her chest and closed her eyes. She had missed him tonight too, but she knew he had responsibilities. Ever since she had met him over five years ago at that ball, the two of them had found ways to talk to each other every time they went to the same balls. In between those times, they had taken to writing letters to each other too. Aidan had managed to find a way to get those letters to her without anyone knowing and she had enlisted the help of her most trusted servant to get her letters to Aidan.
She wished they could be out in the open too, but she knew it was still too soon, she was still too young. She also knew exactly what her mother would say when she found out her daughter wanted to date the man who was half brother to her own deceased half brother. With a sad smile, she got up and walked to her table, intending to write a response to his letter.

Michael made his way through the house, having made sure everything was secure. As he approached the front door, he was stopped by his Archigos.
“Michael, care to tell me where you disappeared to earlier at the ball?”
Michael turned around to face Max as he walked down the stairs. He bowed his head, “I’m sorry, Kyrios, I took a much needed break. My men informed me that all went well while I was gone. I had no idea she would approach the two of you.”
Max shrugged, “She meant no harm. But it worried me that you weren’t there.”
Michael lifted his head, “I made sure that you were well covered, Kyrios.”
Max nodded, “I know you did.” He sighed, “Is there something going on that I should know about?”
Michael stiffened, “What do you mean?”
Max shrugged, “You seem to be taking a break more often when we go out and you seem to be spending lots of time away from the house at night now when you aren’t on duty. You’ve never done that before, so Liz and I are starting to worry.”
Michael raked his fingers through his hair, “Forgive me for sounding rude, Kyrios, but I am allowed to do whatever I want to do with my free time, right?”
Max nodded, “Yes, but I want to be sure you understand that if it concerns Liz, me, or the coven that you won’t keep it a secret from us.”
“Trust me, Max. This doesn’t have anything to do with any of you.”
Max just gave Michael a scrutinizing look. It went on for so long that Michael finally threw his hands up in the air, “Fine! I’m seeing someone, if you must know.”
Max’s eyes went wide and a slow smile spread over his lips, “You’re seeing someone?”
Michael rolled his eyes at the question. He knew Max was teasing him since everyone knew just how many times Michael actually confessed to dating anyone. “Yes, Max, I’m dating Maria.”
Max chuckled, “Maria? Kyle’s sister?”
“That’s her.”
He clapped Michael’s shoulder, “Well, well. It’s about time you showed interest in someone. I think Liz will be glad to hear it.”
Michael scowled, “Do you have to tell her?”
Max grinned, “Michael, you know better! I tell Liz everything.”
Michael groaned as he turned back to the door, “I’m leaving now. Everything is secured for the night. I’ll be back when my shift starts again.”
Max continued to grin at Michael’s embarrassment as he left the house. Once he was gone, he willed himself into his bedroom and grinned at Liz who was waiting under the covers for him.
As he slid in next to her, he chuckled, “Agapo mou, you will never believe what is happening to Michael.”

Alex leaned over his wife ignoring the pain in his hand when she squeezed it. As she continued to grimace in pain, he coached her gently, “That’s it, Isabel, agapo mou. Push, meli, push.”
Isabel moaned as pain continued to spasm through her body, but she continued to push as both her husband and the yatros continued to coach her too.
Alex brushed his fingers through her hair, moving it out of her face before placing a kiss against her temple, “Good, Isabel, you’re doing good, moro.”
Isabel nodded as she leaned back and took huge gulps of air. “It didn’t hurt this much with Vanessa!” she gasped in between sucking in air.
Alex nodded, “I know meli, I know.”
She sat up once more when the yatros told her to brace herself, then once more she was pushing as she gritted her teeth against the pain.
As Isabel’s cry echoed out of the room into the hall, Max stopped his pacing and whirled around to face the door with a look of fright on his face. Liz sat up straighter, but didn’t take her eyes off of her worried husband. A split second later, Max was being blocked from entering the room by Liz who had her hands flat against his hard chest.
As another cry escaped the room, Max growled and strained against Liz’s hold, “What the hell are they doing to her in there!”
Liz slid one arm around his waist and took hold of his chin with her free hand, making him look at her. “She’s fine, Max. Let her have this baby before you go barging in there. The yatros knows what he’s doing. She’s in good hands.”
“She’s not fine! Listen to her! They’re killing her!”
“Max, she’s okay. If something was wrong, they would have pushed Alex out of the room, you know that. Haven’t you been around this before? You should know it’s not always easy to give birth.”
He gave another frustrated growl before moving away from Liz and beginning to pace again. “I know, I know! I just wish she’d have it already!”
Liz chuckled to herself, wondering just what he was going to be like when it was their turn. If he was this bad now, she could only guess how much he was going to drive her crazy. Still, she couldn’t really blame Max for being in a bad mood.
Isabel’s baby’s timing couldn’t have come at a worse time. Max had already been under a lot of stress over the past week because of several business deals.
Two of which had been nothing but covers for those involved to try to get inside of the Aristomache. Luckily, Max had competent people working for him who had managed to discover the cover up before any damage had been done. Once uncovered, Max and his men had quickly dealt with the perpetrators.
A third deal had been one that Max had worked hard at securing, only to have it fall through when the other side decided to get cold feet and pull out of the deal before it was finished.
So far, the other four deals seemed to be going well, but Liz knew Max was still worried about them. Now, he was worried about his sister making it through the birth of her second child in one piece.
As another, fainter cry reached their ears, both of them turned to stare at the door. Moments later, a smiling Alex came through holding his new baby. “Max, Liz. Meet Caiden, my son.”

Liz mentally checked off everything as she looked around the room. She wanted to make sure things would be perfect for Max when he got there. Once she was certain everything was in order, she moved to the closet to finish getting dressed.
After making sure Isabel, Alex, and their new son, Caiden were in good health and resting peacefully, she and Max had returned home. Max had immediately gone to his office to check up on his work and Liz decided to go prepare a surprise for him in the third floor bedroom. She hoped the surprise would go a long way in getting her husband to relax.
Max? Are you busy? Max blinked at the computer screen as Liz’s voice sounded in his head.
I’m almost done. Is something wrong? he asked.
No, I just wanted you to come up here. There’s something I wanted to show you, she replied.
Where are you?
In the third floor bedroom. Just come when you’re done.
I’ll be there in a few minutes.
Okay, I’ll be waiting.
Max felt her invisible fingers brush over his cheek as he went back to perusing the computer screen. He closed his eyes for a moment, breathing in the scent of Liz that came from nowhere, another one of the tricks she’d learned well.
Opening his eyes, he quickly finished his work and shut down the computer. Then he stood up, stretched, and willed himself to the third floor just outside of the bedroom door.
He knocked on the door first before opening it and walking in, “Liz, I’m…”
Max stopped as soon as he caught sight of Liz. She was on her back, propped up on her elbows on top of the round table in the room and wearing absolutely nothing. Her long hair covered her breasts and a long, golden tray holding various pieces of fruit was placed strategically over her groin area. She lay there looking at him with a sultry smile.
“Hungry?” she asked, in a husky voice.
All worries instantly left Max’s mind as he focused on the feast that was laid out before him. He quickly shut the door and made his way to his wife. As he stood between her feet, he grinned at her, “This is what you wanted me to see?”
His smile widened, “It’s definitely a feast for my eyes.”
She returned his smile, “Then eat your fill, akribos osizigos. Tro sas yemizo.”
Max leaned down and pressed a kiss along the inside of her ankle before he made his way up her leg. As he reached the tray, he lifted it up and placed it on the table besides her, then went back to placing kisses on her skin.
Liz closed her eyes as Max slid his tongue over her folds and moaned when he slid his tongue inside of her and took long licks. She widened her legs and draped them over his shoulders as his fingers curled into her hips to bring her closer to his hungry mouth.
Max opened his eyes to watch as Liz arched her body and lifted her hips to meet his mouth. He loved watching the way her lips parted as she began to pant when she got closer to the edge. He swirled his tongue over her folds once more before flicking her bundle of nerves, then sucked it into his mouth. With a cry, she came and he opened his mouth to drink his fill of her sweet honey.
When he was done, he lifted his head and pressed a kiss against her abdomen before rubbing his face against her smooth, warm skin.
Liz ran her fingers through his hair and gave him a smile full of love as he slid up the length of her body. He settled himself between her thighs and leaned in to kiss her lips. When air became necessary to the both of them, he pulled his lips from her with a sigh.
“You always taste good, oraios.”
She chuckled and lifted a grape from the tray. As she placed it against his lips, she asked, “Feeling better?”
He opened his mouth to accept the grape and nodded as he chewed.
She grinned as she watched him, chew then swallow the grape before he leaned down to lick her nipple. “Mmmm, Liz and grapes. A heady combination, much like wine.”
She chuckled at his remark, then moaned again as he continued to tease her nipple with his tongue and teeth.
Max took his time, alternating between taking the grapes Liz fed him and savoring her breasts. It didn’t take long before Liz had stopped feeding him and began to writhe beneath him. He groaned as her heat rubbed against his pants covered erection.
Placing a hot kiss on her lips, he stood up and hastily removed his clothes before laying over her again. As their bodies came in contact with each other, Liz let out a sigh.
“That’s more like it.” she whispered.
Max chuckled as he kissed her neck, “Are we getting greedy?”
She wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing his erection much closer to her heat, “It’s your fault I’m spoiled and you know how I feel about sharing.”
He lifted his head and plucked a strawberry from the tray. Placing it against her lips, he said, “Yes, it’s exactly how I feel.”
She opened her mouth and took the strawberry in. Max let her chew on it for a few moments before he kissed her and slid his tongue into her mouth to taste both Liz and strawberry.
The two of them continued to feed each other more pieces of fruit which also included melon, apples, and peaches. In between that, they teased each other with kisses, licks, and touches.
Finally, when Liz began moaning louder and squeezed his waist harder between her thighs, Max gave in and slid into her welcoming heat. He buried his face in her neck, breathing in her scent with a groan.
“Theos, toso stenos.”
“Neh! Oh Max! Neh!” Liz cried out as Max began to thrust into her. She could feel his heavy breathing against her neck as she tightened her hold around his waist. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his shoulders and she slid one hand into his hair to hold him to her neck.
With a growl, Max sank his teeth into her neck and began to drink her original brand of nectar. Liz tilted her head back to give him better access and raised her hips to meet his ever deepening thrusts.
Max lost himself in the taste of his Liz. He savored the way her blood was hot and sweet on his tongue. She was the best tasting food he’d ever had and nothing would ever change that. As he continued to savor her, he felt the way her blood rushed into his body, mingling with his. He let the sound of the rushing blood lull him into a blissful place, just the way the sound of her heartbeat did.
He slid his hand up to cup her breast, pressing his fingers against her skin to feel her heartbeat just as he heard it reverberating through his body. Just as her body tensed up beneath his and she cried out his name, he became aware of a second heartbeat. It was extremely faint and followed so closely behind Liz’s steadier, louder one that he’d almost missed it.
His eyes flew open, but just as the realization hit him, so did his climax. With a roar of joy, he threw his head back and released himself inside of his wife’s body.
Oblivious to anything but the way her husband felt in her arms, Liz held him close, using her body to milk him of his release. Slowly, he came down and rested against her, shuttering in her arms. It was a few moments more before she realized that he was still shaking and she felt wetness against her neck. She knew, it wasn’t her blood she felt. Her wound had already closed.
She frowned. “Max?” she whispered, “Are you okay?”
“Yes.” came his muffled reply against her neck. “Oh, Liz.” he breathed, as another shutter ran through his body.
“Max, you’re scaring me.”
He lifted his head to look down into her eyes. He smiled through his tears as he whispered, “Liz. Emis iseh engios, moro. Emis iseh engios!”
Liz stared into Max’s eyes as the truth of what he said sank in. A smile slowly spread over her face and her own tears matched his as she hugged him to her.
“Theos!” she answered in relief, “Emis iseh engios!”


Song is Vermillion pt 2 by Slipknot.

new Greek words
filos - friend (masculine)
glikos - sweetie
yatros - doctor
tro - eat
stenos - tight
neh - yes
emis - we
iseh - are
engios - pregnant

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:02 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
LOL, La'Shon, strawberry, and 83AA thanks for the bumps and reminding me it's Saturday. Sorry, I was having trouble deciding which song I wanted to fit into this part since there were so many of them that went with each couples scene. I finally decided to stay with Max and Liz's scene since I DID say this was supposed to be a fic about them :roll: .

As you all will probably tell, this is a sort of interlude, so everyone gets a glimpse of each couple in the story so far. Yeah, some of it is getting set up for the future, but mostly I thought it was time to show couples being couples. That was another reason this took so long to get out. I was tweaking some parts to make them lighter because they just kept trying to be darker. ~sigh~ My muse sometimes drives me insane :| .

La'Shon- LOL, glad you like that, but it really does seem like Max had become such a big softie, I'm gonna have to do something about that soon or my 'author's note' will be a lie :? . Yes, now watch her with the YOUNG Kyle :twisted: . No kidding :shock: . LOL, he is isn't he?

strawberry- LOL, overprotective Max will have to wait a bit.

confused- thanks

roswell- More Nessa and Aidan here.

candy- Yep, she's about 17 and he's about 19. Yep. LOL, that'll be a running joke in this part.

Em- thanks

Zanity- LOL, you think?

sonii- LOL, more coupling here. I understand, most people don't trust Tess. They're worried about the past history.

dmb- Yeah, I didn't realize that until you pointed it out and I went back and read it...well I'm just going to have to do something about that since this is supposed to be a 'dark' story, LOL. Kyle's good for her. LOL, Michael and Maria are just getting started. It's okay, more Nessa and Aidan here. LOL, yeah the speculation about Max as father to be is fun, aint' it? I'll try, :wink: . Yeah, it's starting to worry me that Max is turning into a big softie :? . :twisted: worries, worries, I'll do my best to keep you satisfied :wink: .

83AA- It's Kyle, I tell you it's Kyle :D . Yep. Not saying anything about Michael's scenes... :twisted: . Did I mention that I love your smilies? First the vamps and now the cute baby/pregnant girl. Oh and look Jason's very own cheerleader :D !

BehrOb- LOL, yes all is good, for now...

Laira- LOL, well there's more Nessa and Aidan here. Thanks, we're fine now.

M in Y- LOL, Kyle's helping. Hey! That's a great idea! Too bad I didn't think of that sooner :( . LOL, they can 'fake' eating it. I think I mentioned somewhere in the story that it's like a human pregnancy :? . LOL, another good idea about the cravings :twisted: .

shattered- Oh, you're evil :twisted: ! Well, Michael may have probs to deal with.... LOL, I think everyone agrees about Max's protectiveness.

Okay, here's the 'coupling' :wink:

Part 22

Max walked into the bedroom the following evening to find Liz sitting at the computer, gazing at the screen. She didn’t look up until he was standing next to her and ran his fingers through her hair. She smiled and leaned into his touch.
“Sorry, did you need something?” she asked.
“Are you really busy?”
She shook her head, “Not really.”
He waited until she had shut the computer down and stood up to face him, “What’s up?”
He gave her a tender smile and took her hands in his, “I have something for you.”
Before she had a chance to ask, Max had willed them outside. Liz looked around and realized they were standing inside of the gazebo and Max had fixed it up for them.
Her eyes widened in surprise as she took in the view. The thin gauzy, curtains were all down, except for the one at the back which provided the view of the tall white rose hedges. On the floor surrounding them were dozens of scentless candles flickering with the gentle breeze the two ceiling fans made.
In the center of the gazebo, where they were standing, Max had laid out silk sheets in cream and peach colors. There was also an abundance of matching throw pillows scattered around them. To complement the romantic setting, Liz could hear soft music in the distance.
She looked up into Max’s eyes with a smile, “It’s beautiful, Max.”
His eyes glittered as he leaned his head down to brush a kiss against her cheek before whispering in her ear, “theh kathos oraios kathos seh.”
He took her hands in his and helped her to get comfortable among the pillows before sitting down next to her. As he did, she asked, “What made you do this?”
He shrugged as he removed the clip holding her hair up and began to run his fingers through her silken tresses. “Nothing really, I just thought it would be nice for us to have a romantic evening together. We haven’t really had a chance to just be with each other lately.” He sighed as he slid his fingers over her cheek, “I missed just being with you.”
Her eyes sparkled as she said, “Really?” He nodded. “So, this has nothing to do with the fact that we found out we’re having a baby?”
She smiled when she saw the look in his eyes as he realized she’d figured him out. She chuckled and curled her fingers around his on her cheek. Moving them to her mouth, she kissed his knuckles. “It’s okay, Max. I missed just being with you too.”
He smiled at that and leaned in, meeting her half way as their lips met and brushed against each others softly. When she sighed, Max slid his hand around to the nape of her neck and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss.
Liz leaned in closer, pressing her hands against his chest to push him down onto his back among the pillows. She leaned against him, one hand going around his waist and the other curling around his shoulder. She could feel him wrapping both arms around her, holding her close as she spread her body out along the length of his.
This time it was Max who sighed in contentment as they lay among the pillows, holding each other and kissing to their hearts content.

Vanessa peaked into her parents bedroom through the half open door. She grinned at the sight that greeted her. Both of her parents were stretched out on the bed, her father leaning back against the headboard and her mother leaning back against him. In her mother’s arms was her day old baby brother, Caiden.
Alex lifted his head and smiled at his daughter, “You can come in Nessa.”
She shook her head, “That’s okay, I just wanted to let you know I was going over to Corinna’s for a while.”
Isabel looked up with a smile, “Okay, honey. You be careful and don’t stay out too late.”
Vanessa nodded, “I won’t. Bye.”
She heard her parents saying bye to her as she made her way out the door. As she slid into the back of the car, she thought of how happy her parents looked with their new baby. She was glad they had a new child to take care of because it meant they wouldn’t be watching her like a hawk anymore. Now that they were occupied with Caiden, she could do things without getting the third degree about it.
That was why she’d known she would be able to leave without them getting suspicious. Still, she was glad they hadn’t asked any questions because she’d known she wouldn’t have been able to lie to them for long. With a sigh of relief, she settled back to enjoy the ride into town.

Michael grinned at the sight of Maria standing in her front doorway with her hands on her hips impatiently tapping her foot. As he neared her she growled, “What took you so long?”
He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “Sorry, babe, work ran longer than expected.”
She rolled her eyes as she stepped back to let him in, “Gee, why am I not surprised.” He sighed as she closed the door and turned to him.
“Maria, you know how this is. I explained it to you. I’m Dioikitis of the coven. As second in command, I have to be there for Max it’s my duty.”
“I know, Michael, believe me I know.”
He moved over to her as he softly asked, “Then what’s the problem?”
She sighed, “I just feel like I never get to see you. You seem to be here and gone in like seconds.”
He pressed his forehead against hers, “That’s not true. I spent all of last night with you. And I spend hours with you every time I come over.”
“Yes, but you never stay. I just want you to stay.”
Michael brushed his thumbs over her cheeks as he brushed his lips over hers, “I will Maria, I will.” He captured her lips in his, immediately deepening the kiss when she didn’t protest.
When he pulled away, she met his gaze with her green ones, “When?”
He sighed as he moved away from her, running his fingers through his hair in exasperation. This conversation was nothing new. It seemed every time they got together, she’d bring it up again.
“Michael? Answer me.”
He whirled around to face her, “What do you want me to say that you haven’t heard already? I can’t just stop being Dioikitis, Maria! You know it’s a full time job. And now that Liz is pregnant…”
Michael nodded, “Yeah, they found out last night. She’s pregnant.”
Maria frowned, “Great, just great.”
“Maria, do you have any idea what great news that really is? The Archiga of the Aristomache coven is pregnant! She could be carrying the heir!”
Maria rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, “Gee, imagine that.”
Michael gaped at her, “How can you not be excited about that.”
She glared at him, “Am I correct in assuming that you have been put in charge of her protection?”
“I’ve always been in charge of her protection. Hers and Max’s.”
Maria nodded, “Yeah, but now that she’s pregnant, it’s going to turn into a round the clock thing. Sort of like it was when she was still human. Like you told me about.”
“Liz isn’t human anymore Maria. So now she can better protect herself, besides things were different then too. She wasn’t completely bonded to Max as a human, you know how that’s not possible until they’ve been converted. Now that she is, she not only can protect herself, but she’s got Max’s protection and the entire coven’s too.”
She frowned again, “That’s why you were late tonight, isn’t it? You were dealing with her protection issues.”
He groaned, “Maria, I was dealing with the change of the guard, nothing serious.” When she just stood there looking at him he held out his hands, “I swear, it had nothing to do with the pregnancy!”
With one last look at him, she gave a little huff and disappeared into her bedroom.

“Ah neh! Kyle, moro, monon kathos ekinos!” Tess cried as she dug her fingers into his back, trying to pull him even closer to her.
Kyle grunted in time to his thrusts, using his knees to balance himself over his syndeo. He lowered his head to her neck and mumbled, “Theos, esi iseh toso stenos moro, toso wet.”
She panted against his shoulder, “Ya seh, agapo mou, ineh ola ya seh.”
He growled at that as he nipped at her shoulder, drawing blood. She gasped in pleasure and tilted her head to give him better access. As he lapped her blood, he kept driving himself deeper and deeper into her body.
She felt the trembling begin and gripped him tighter, “Toso klino, Kyle, toso klino.”
He swirled his tongue over the bite in her shoulder and leaned up to look down at her. Picking up his pace, he watched the look of ecstasy that bloomed over her face as she finally screamed his name in bliss. He closed his eyes when he felt her walls gripping him tight and groaned as he released himself into his isyzygos.
Tess smiled as she held him close to her body where he’d slumped down after his orgasm. She ran her fingers down his back enjoying the way his sweat slicked skin felt beneath them. He sighed then kissed her neck and rose up to kiss her lips for a few moments before rolling off of her.
She turned on her side to face him, sliding a finger down his arm. When he turned his head to smile at her, she asked, “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
Kyle laughed as he rolled on his side to face her, “Why would I mind? I’m with you, you know.”
She nodded, “I know. I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable here, that’s all.”
He leaned in and kissed her lips, causing her to close her eyes when he deepened it. Slowly he pulled away and looked into her eyes. “Tess, I don’t care where I live so long as I am with you. Don’t worry about it.” He suddenly grinned, “Besides, your parents love me.”
She chuckled and swatted his arm, “Well, you’re the one who keeps making them laugh. I swear, I don’t think I’ve ever seen my mother laugh that much since you’ve been here. And daddy, he never has a straight face around you.”
Kyle shrugged, “Everyone needs a little laughter in their life Tess, it makes things less dull don’t you think? Especially with the long lives we have to live.”
Her eyes went wide, “Wait, do you mean you’ve lived too many centuries?” She gasped, “But they told me you’d only lived one!”
He mock growled, “Hey, I’ve lived longer than one century!” At her laugh he shrugged, “Okay, so it’s a century and a quarter.”
She giggled and leaned over to plant a kiss against his cheek, “It’s okay, mikros andras, I still love you.”
He growled again as he pushed her onto her back, “Did you just call me little?” When she laughed he added, “Oh no you did not!”
Once more her laughter sounded through their house, joined by his. Soon their laughter turned to sighs and moans once more indicating that they just couldn’t keep their hands off of each other.

Michael quietly removed himself from Maria’s side and began to get dressed. He looked down at her sleeping form and sighed. She could be upset with him all she wanted, but things still remained the same. No matter how many times she tried to be bossy with him, tried to insist that he needed to spend more time with her because it’s what she wanted, he knew he couldn’t.
At least not yet, he couldn’t. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend time with her, that was far from true. But to do that, he would have to make a lot of changes in his life. One of which was to find a place of his own. He hadn’t had one since he’d become Dioikitis of the Aristomache.
That kind of thing was often normal for unattached Dioikitis anyway since they tended to spend most of their time working. So, rather than rushing off to their place to beat the dawn then rushing back before the Archigos were fully awake, it was easier to live in the same place as their Archigos.
Since Michael didn’t have anyone to rush home to, it hadn’t been difficult to make his home with Max. Granted, it had been easier when Max had been a bachelor like him, but it really wasn’t much more difficult now with Liz there. In fact, there seemed to be a much more balanced feel to the house since Liz had arrived. More balanced and much more calmer.
Still, he knew he was going to have to make some changes if he wanted this relationship with Maria to continue. And he did want it to continue. He’d realized that the moment she’d told him she was only seeing him after he’d gotten jealous of seeing her next to another man at one of the balls. Michael had never considered himself a jealous man, yet there he was, bristling because she had simply smiled at another man.
It didn’t help matters that his brief show of jealousy was the one thing Maria kept using as ammunition when they began to fight about his not staying the night with her. It was always the same argument. He’d get there, she’d demand he spend more time with her, he’d explain why he couldn’t, then she’d throw his jealousy in his face. She’d say it was okay for him to get jealous of other men, but it wasn’t okay for her to be jealous about the time he spent away from her.
He would try to get her to calm down, but her temper never seemed to go away. He always ended up saying something wrong, something that would send her into a rage and they’d yell at each other. He’d finally get fed up with trying to calm her down and would try to leave. She’d follow him to the door, still yelling at him until they’d come together in a flurry of hard kisses and growls.
As he leaned over to place a kiss against her temple, he wondered if they were ever going to have one night of peace. Would he ever be able to spend a night with her where they wouldn’t argue about anything and just enjoy the time they had to spend with each other? He really wanted to be able to love her without all of the dramatics involved.
With one last look, he stepped out of her bedroom and willed himself back to Max’s house. He missed the pair of green eyes that watched him leave her bedroom before softly sighing and rolling over to face away from the door he’d walked out of.

Vanessa leaned back against Aidan’s chest, feeling him tighten his arms around her waist as she did so. He leaned his chin on her shoulder as she sighed in contentment.
“It’s really beautiful here, Aidan.” she whispered.
“Yeah, it is.” he whispered back.
They were standing on a pier at the lake not too far from his home. After she’d been dropped off at Corinna’s house with instructions to pick her up an hour before dawn, she’d waited until the car had driven away. When she was certain it was gone, she’d made her way down the street to where Aidan was waiting for her. She’d been hesitant to go with him since he was still so young and she’d thought he wasn’t that used to his powers yet.
He’d proved her wrong when he’d simply smiled and wrapped his arms around her, telling her to trust him as he willed them to the lake side. First, she’d been amazed that he could do that so easily at such a young age, then she’d been amazed at the view of the lake.
In their last correspondence to each other, they had arranged to meet one night so he could show her the lake he’d been telling her about. Once they’d gotten there, they went for a moonlit walk around the lake, just talking to each other.
He’d listened to her tell him all about her new baby brother and how thrilled everyone was about it. She’d made him laugh when she explained how upset her uncle had been while her mother had been giving birth. Still, everyone was happy that mother and baby were now doing fine.
She’d also told him that she’d found out her uncle and aunt were expecting their own baby in about eleven months. Aidan had been thrilled about that news. He knew all the allied covens would be thrilled when they found out the Aristomache leaders were expecting a possible heir soon. It would be that much harder for any of their enemies to destroy the coven that so many others, including his own, depended on.
After she’d filled him in on the recent news about her life, he told her about his. How his mother seemed to finally be getting over blaming herself for his half brother’s deeds. How his father was proud of the fact that Aidan seemed to be learning his powers much quicker than he’d thought he would.
He’d then made her laugh with the antics of his two older sisters and younger brother. The eldest was often the baby sitter for their little brother, who was always getting into mischief. He was constantly playing pranks on everyone and accidentally losing things. Aidan had conceded that his eldest sister was a tad bit on the anal side which made it extremely easy to get her riled up. Still, their family was a close knit one. Even when there were times they wanted to strangle each other, they still loved and stood by their kin.
Vanessa knew that was why he had been so hard for the entire family to get over what Kivar had done. Just as they’d been a close family, Kivar had always been included in it. No one had ever realized just how unstable he’d been until after he’d done it and the sketch had been sent out. She knew it had been a huge blow to the family to know one of their own had grievously betrayed them. Still, they had managed to move on and become even closer than before.
Vanessa was thankful that Aidan wasn’t letting what Kivar did come between the growing feelings they had for each other. When she’d found out exactly who he was, she’d been afraid he wouldn’t want anything to do with her. Then she’d found out he’d felt the same way, thinking she wouldn’t want anything to do with Kivar’s family. Neither one of them had let that stop them from trying to see each other.
He kissed her cheek and asked, “You want to sit down for a while? We have about an hour before I have to get you back.”
She nodded, “I’d love that.”
He took her hand and led her to a pole that held one of the few lights along the pier. She waited until he sat down and leaned back against it before sitting down between his legs. As she leaned back against him, he wrapped his arms around her to hold her close.
She smiled as she felt him nuzzling her hair, “What are you doing?”
He chuckled, “Sorry, your hair smells really good.”
“Oh, thank you.”
He chuckled again, “I’m embarrassing you, sorry.”
She shook her head, “No, it’s okay, really.”
He lowered his chin to her shoulder and said, “I really wish you’d come visit me and my family one night. I know they’d love to meet you.”
She sighed, “We can’t Aidan, it’s still too soon.”
He was silent for a moment before he sighed. “I know,” he whispered, “I know.”

Isabel opened her eyes and smiled as she instantly caught sight of her osizigos holding their son in his arms while sitting in the rocking chair. Both father and son appeared to be sleeping. Alex had his cheek resting against the baby’s head while the baby had his thumb in his mouth. Neither one of them showed any sign of moving with the exception of the even breathing from both of them.
Isabel slid out of bed and made her way to Alex’s side. Leaning over, she placed a kiss against the top of his head. Instantly he jerked awake. “What is it?”
She giggled, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” She looked down at her son and made sure he was still sleeping soundly before she whispered to her osizigos. “Maybe you should put him to bed and come to bed yourself.”
He sighed and leaned up to kiss her lips, “Yeah, I’ll be there in a sec, you go back to bed, okay.”
She nodded, “Okay.”
It didn’t take that long for Alex to get his son settled into his crib before he made his way back to his own bed. Isabel smiled and held the covers up for him to slide underneath them. He made himself comfortable before she snuggled into his side.
“So, do you think my adelfos is going to survive the birth of his own child?”
Alex chuckled, “How much do you want to bet he’s already tying Liz down to the bed and making sure she won’t be able to get out of their bedroom?”
She giggled, “Oh, I’m with you there. He’s probably going to drive her insane with the worrying.” Alex laughed at that before she gave him a smile, “He’s not going to be as strong as you were during the delivery.”
Alex arched an eyebrow, “I already had practice with Vanessa. After the first one, it was a piece of cake. This is going to be Max’s first.”
Isabel blinked, then looked as if she were thinking about it. When she looked at Alex again, there was a moment of silence before they both started laughing.
“Okay,” said Alex between his laughter, “You’re right, Max will fall to pieces every time he’s got to go through this.”

Liz sighed in contentment as Max continued to rub the soles of her feet. She opened her eyes and looked up at her osizigos with a smile. He returned her smile as he softly asked, “Feeling relaxed?”
“Mm, yes, very.”
He leaned over her to kiss her lips and when he pulled back slightly, she said, “Thank you, Max. You really swept me off my feet tonight.”
He wiggled his eyebrows, “Yeah, I did, didn’t I.”
She giggled, then caressed his cheek. “You can spoil me like this any time you want, okay?”
“I’ll keep that in mind, moro.” he said as he turned his head to kiss her palm.
She sighed again and wrapped her arm around his shoulder, pulling him down to lay besides her.
After he’d taken her to the gazebo, they’d gotten comfortable among the pillows and enjoyed the time they had to just be together. A little while later, Max had made her roll onto her stomach and began to give her an all over body massage. Once he’d finished with her back, she’d rolled over so that he could do her front.
While it had been arousing to have Max’s hands all over her, his touches had been more therapeutic than anything else. Eventually, he’d ended with massaging the soles of her feet. Liz knew Max was right, she couldn’t really remember the last time they’d had a night where they could just be by themselves, with no interruptions. She was now glad Max had thought of it.
She smiled as she felt his hand slide protectively over her stomach and looked up to see him gazing at it. “Max, don’t start panicking on me, okay.”
He turned to look at her with a frown, “Why would I panic?”
She slid her hand over his as she said, “About me being pregnant. It’s a perfectly natural thing and I know I can handle it, okay? You’ve got to remember that just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I’m suddenly made of glass.”
He gave her a puzzled look for a moment before he leaned down to brush his lips over hers, whispering, “But Liz, you’ve always been made of glass to me.”
She growled as she heard him chuckle right before his lips claimed hers. That kiss effectively ended any argument she was about to give because she decided she’d rather spend the rest of the night in his arms being loved by him then arguing about her health.

Listen as the wind blows from across the great divide
voices trapped in yearning, memories trapped in time

As Max deepened the kiss, Liz slid her hands over his shirt, slowly exposing his skin. She continued to remove the rest of his clothes in the same manner until he was as naked as she was. When she was done, she wrapped her arms and legs around his body and rolled them over until he was lying beneath her.

the night is my companion, and solitude my guide
would I spend forever here and not be satisfied?

She moved her lips from his and trailed kisses from the corner of his mouth, to his jaw, and finally along his collarbone. Then her mouth followed the path of her hands as she made her way down his chest. She heard him groan when she slid her heat over his groin as she moved backwards. Then he hissed when her tongue flicked one nipple and then the other.

and I would be the one
to hold you down
kiss you so hard
I'll take your breath away

She smiled against his skin at the way he was responding to her ministrations. Her hands continued to travel down his body as she feasted on the skin of his chest. Soon, she’d wrapped a hand around his cock and began to slowly stoke him. As her lips traveled back up, she felt his moan vibrate against her lips when she’d reached his throat.

and after, I'd wipe away the tears
just close your eyes dear

She continued to stroke him as she covered his lips with hers once more and devoured him. When he moaned again, she let go of him and rose to her knees.

Through this world I've stumbled
so many times betrayed
trying to find an honest word to find
the truth enslaved

Max looked up at her with a gentle smile and placed his hands on her hips, helping to guide her down onto his cock. She kept her eyes locked with his as she took him entirely into her body before she gave a little sigh and leaned back slightly. She closed her eyes as she began to rock against his hips.

oh you speak to me in riddles
and you speak to me in rhymes
my body aches to breathe your breath
your words keep me alive

Max didn’t take his eyes off of her. He watched as she took her time riding him, enjoying the look of pleasure on her face as she did. He trailed his hands down her thighs, then back up to her hips. He continued on up her sides before cupping her breasts in his hands. As he
used his thumbs to tease her nipples, Liz picked up the pace and covered his hands with hers.

And I would be the one
to hold you down
kiss you so hard
I'll take your breath away

“Max,” came her breathless plea, prompting him to lower his hands to her hips, giving her the support she needed to ride him faster.
“Liz,” he groaned as he felt her walls beginning to tighten around him, making his own body tighten in response.

and after, I'd wipe away the tears
just close your eyes dear

She leaned over him, placing her hands against his chest, looking into his eyes again. “S’agapo,” she whispered, before leaning down to press her lips over his heart. He closed his eyes as she bit deep, drawing his blood into her mouth.

Into this night I wander
it's morning that I dread
another day of knowing of
the path I fear to tread

As she fed, he gave himself up to her completely, allowing her to set the pace. Soon, when she’d fed enough, she swirled her tongue over his chest then sat up again, picking up the pace once more. Max helped her with his hands around her waist until she tossed her head back and cried his name as she came.

oh into the sea of waking dreams
I follow without pride
nothing stands between us here
and I won't be denied

Max shuddered as she gripped him, then he was crying her name in the next moment as he finally released himself into her eager body. Liz continued to ride him until they were both sated. He opened his eyes to watch as she slowly came to a stop, a satisfied smile on her face. With a sigh, she leaned down and draped her body over his.

and I would be the one
to hold you down
kiss you so hard
I'll take your breath away

He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. With a few thoughts, he stopped the fans, put out the candles, then willed them to their bed. Liz sighed as he spooned her into his body, “Nikhta, agapo mou,” she mumbled sleepily.

and after, I'd wipe away the tears
just close your eyes...

He kissed the back of her head, “Nikhta, oraios. S’agapo.”


Song is Possession by Evans Blue

new Greek words
theh - not
ah - oh
monon - just
ola - all
klino - close
andras - man
nikhta - night

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:19 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
La'Shon, Strawberry, 83 AA, and candycane- yes, it's Saturday...LOL. Okay, so I'm a little over an hour late... :?

Once again, I have to thank all of you for reading this and enjoying it so much! And to think, I believed I was writing this because of my deprived little mind! LOL. You guys make me feel so good!

Zanity- thanks

Em- :?: . Yes she is.

dmb- LOL, okay, okay, I get the hint :twisted: . LOL, no he was trying to show his love for her without asking for sex. But he was a satisfied hungry man, LOL. Hey! No leaping to conclusions, LOL! No, they live in their own home. Kyle is now a member of the Akakios coven since Tess' family is higher ranking than his. (see note below)

Erina- thanks

83AA-thanks. LOL, some day...I'll try :wink: .

LJL- hi!

Empress- they could :twisted: . Hmm....think it really is a solution?

orphyfets- thanks

*NOTE* Just wanted to explain something. When a vampire couple marries, they belong to the coven of the highest rank. For example, Alex was a member of the Euphranor coven, but Isabel is the sister of the Aristomache Archigos, so he had to become a member of the Aristomache upon marrying her. Tess' father is Dioikitis of the Akakios coven and her mother is of the noble class too, which means Kyle had to leave his Hilarion coven since he married Tess. If Liz had been a member of another coven, she would have had to become a member of the Aristomache upon marrying Max, the Aristomache Archigos. :wink: Obviously if Maria marries Michael, she'll move to the Aristomache coven since he is their Dioikitis.

Okay, here we go....

Part 23

*Four months later*

Liz frowned as she watched her osizigos talking to the blonde bimbo on the other side of the room. “What is it with Max and blonde bimbos?” she growled.
As one, Isabel and Vanessa turned their gazes in the direction Liz was looking. As soon as Isabel saw who Max was talking to, she frowned.
Too late, she hastily tried to cover it up as Liz’s eyes narrowed at her, “Let me guess, another woman from his past?” she continued to growl.
Isabel looked helplessly at Vanessa for a moment before she turned back to Liz. “Liz, trust me when I say this one wasn’t anything like Tess.”
Liz growled once more as she watched the woman lay her hand on Max’s arm. “That is it! I can’t take this any more!”
Vanessa reached out to place a soothing hand on Liz’s back, “Liz, are you okay? Does your back still hurt?”
“Vanessa,” Liz snapped, “I may be a six month pregnant hormonal woman, but I still know when my osizigos is being flirted with!”
As Vanessa raised her hands in a gesture of surrender, Isabel started to say something, “Liz…”
“Save it Isabel!” snapped Liz as she stalked her way across the room towards Max, a smirking Michael at her heels.
Vanessa turned to her mother, “Um, shouldn’t we go after her?”
Isabel shook her head, “No way. Not unless we want to be the ones in pieces on the floor. I think I’ll let my clueless adelfos handle this one.”

“Liz, how is…” started Tess as Liz stalked right by her and Kyle, oblivious to their greetings since her entire focus was zeroed in on Max and the bimbo. Tess turned to Kyle who returned her puzzled look with a shrug before they both turned to see Liz moving up to Max’s side.

“Max, honey, I want to go home right now.”
At the sound of his wife’s voice, Max turned his attention away from the conversation he’d been having to see Liz walking up to him with a hand over her stomach and a frown on her face.
He was at her side in an instant. “What’s wrong, moro? Is the baby giving you problems again?”
“I just don’t want to be here anymore, I want to go home!”
Max nodded as he rubbed the small of her back with one hand, “Okay, let me go inform the Bion coven leader that we are retiring for the night.”
She nodded and watched as he walked off towards the area where their host was. When she was certain that he was out of earshot, she turned around and narrowed her eyes at the blonde. “Did anyone ever teach you that is it not polite to encroach on another woman’s territory?” she hissed.
The woman blinked, “I’m sorry, Kyria, I was just…”
“Save it, bitch! I have eyes! I know what you were trying to do. You had your chance a long time ago and it didn’t take.” She leaned in closer and growled, “If you ever come near him again for the sole purpose of flirting with him, I will rip you to shreds! Do I make myself clear?”
The woman instantly lowered her head in a submissive gesture, “I understand. Forgive me, Kyria.”
Liz gave another growl before turning away and stalking towards Isabel and Vanessa.
Michael followed along behind, but not before he leaned in to say, “You have no idea just how lucky you are to be getting out of here without a scratch. Other women who dared to flirt with her osizigos weren’t.”
As he walked away from her following his charge, the blonde lifted her head and watched them leave. She swallowed heavily, then beat a hasty retreat from the room.

Max closed the door to his office and turned to his wife with worry in his eyes. Liz had been silent the entire ride home. Nothing he could say or do could cheer her up. And every time he asked her to tell him what was wrong, she just clenched her jaw and looked away. He was now getting this close to just reading her mind without her permission to find out what the baby was doing to her now.
Liz was standing near the book case, waiting until he walked over to her before pressing the button to open the door to their room.
He moved behind her and slid his hand over the small of her back. It was something she often liked him to do since it helped relieve some of the pain there. “Liz, parakalo, ti lathos?”
Liz turned to glare at him, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong! Geez, Max! Do you always have to be so oblivious to the way these women throw themselves at you!”
Max gave her a confused look, “What? What has that got to do with the baby?”
Liz growled, “Would you stop! There’s nothing wrong with me or the baby!”
“But you wanted to leave because you…”
“I wanted to come home because at least here, there’s not going to be some blonde skanky bitch trying to get into your pants!”
“Honey, there wasn’t…”
“Oh yes there was!”
“Who? When?”
“Right before I told you I wanted to leave. The one you were talking to then.”
He gave her a shocked look, “You mean Zia? She’s just…”
“An old flame!”
“Liz it was just…”
“Sex! I know Max! The cow still wanted more!” she hissed.
Max shook his head, “Even if that’s what she wanted, you know that’s never what I want.”
Liz shut her eyes and prayed for patience, “I know that, but they always want that, Max. They always do.” She opened her eyes and looked at him as she finished, “And you are always the perfect gentleman. Polite to them even though they are coming on to you so strongly that every one else in the room can smell it.”
Max stared at her for a few moments, noticing the way her lips were beginning to tremble. “Liz,” he whispered, “Moro, esi xero idios imeh omologia sas, syndeo sas. Idios boro theh poteh kitazo sto alo gynaika, ooteh kego poteh thelo mechri. Esi tha panda imeh katheh ti mechri meh.”
Liz nodded as tears began to fall down her cheeks.
Max moved to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest, careful not to injure the child. He lowered his lips to the top of her head as he willed them into their room.

Roman candles that burn in the night
Yeah, you are a shining light

He placed his fingers beneath her chin and lifted her face to his. Leaning down, he brushed his lips over hers before turning her around in his arms.

You lit a torch in the infinite
Yeah, you are a shining light

As Liz looked into the floor length mirror they stood in front of, he captured her gaze in the mirror and whispered in her ear, “Kitazo Liz.”

Yeah, you light up my life

He willed their clothes away as he continued, “Kitazo sto pos oraios esi imeh mechri meh.” He slid his hands up her arms and around front to cup her breasts. “Prosekhehteh meh agapo seh keh mono seh.”

You've always been a thorn in their side
But to me you're a shining light

Liz watched as he pressed his lips against her neck and trailed kisses down to her shoulder even as his hands continued to tease her sensitive breasts. As his thumbs teased her nipples into hardened peaks, he ran his tongue along her shoulder, up her neck, and behind her ear.

You arrive and the night is alive
Yeah, you are a shining light

Liz’s eyes went to half mast as she felt him press against her folds behind her. She leaned back against him as his hands slid down over her protruding belly. He gently curved one arm underneath her belly and slid the other hand down between her legs. She moaned in pleasure when his fingers began to caress her bundle of nerves.

Yeah, you light up my life

Max continued to pleasure his syndeo with his hands and mouth. Watching her face in the mirror the whole time to make sure she was enjoying herself. When he knew she was getting close, he licked her neck again, just over her pulse. He smiled when he felt her shudder in his arms.

We made our connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention

“S’agapo,” he whispered, just before he sank his teeth into her neck and thrust his cock into her depths. Liz gasped as she leaned her head back against his shoulder, her eyes finally closing in bliss as her husband continued to take her closer and closer to completion.

Yeah, you are a shining light

“Hi! I have so much to tell you about tonight! You wouldn’t believe what aunt Liz did at the Bion coven ball! Mom and I laughed about it all the way home, especially since we had to watch our poor, clueless Archigos leave with Liz. I used to think mom was bad when she was pregnant with Caiden, but aunt Liz takes the cake. It was a sight to see her walk right up to this woman who was flirting with uncle Max and tell her to keep her hands to herself! And that’s saying it lightly. She growled and hissed and called her some choice words. Of course, Michael was right behind her making sure nothing happened to her, but as soon as Liz was done ripping her a new one, the woman high tailed it out of there.

A constellation once seen
Over Royal David's city
An epiphany you burn so pretty

Despite Liz’s hormones going crazy, her and the baby are fine. Uncle Max watches her like a hawk, so does everyone else. You know how important it is to every last one of us to make sure nothing happens to aunt Liz or the baby. I think Liz is grateful to everyone for not treating her like she’s an invalid, especially Max. Mom and dad thought for sure uncle Max would be trying to be all ‘I am coven Archigos, do what I say woman!’ but he’s not. I mean, he does watch out for her, but he doesn’t stifle her.

Yeah, you are a shining light

I like watching when the two of them are together and they think no one is watching. You can tell how much they really love each other by the way they act around each other. It really is like watching two halves of a whole. Like they have this silent communication going on constantly and know what move the other one is going to make. Or what the other one is going to say. They even complete each others sentences! Not even mom and dad do it like uncle Max and aunt Liz do and they’ve been together a whole lot longer!

You are a force, you are a constant source
Yeah you are a shining light

Anyway, I’m sure by the time I’m finished writing this, uncle Max will have found out all about that woman and why Liz is so upset. They’ve probably already kissed and made up and are back to being the perfect couple they always seem to be.

Incandescent in the darkest night
Yeah you are shining light

Mom and I left the ball at the same time Max and Liz did since dad stayed home with Caiden and mom was eager to get home to them. We only went to keep Liz company and to make sure she didn’t drive uncle Max and Michael crazy.

My mortal blood I would sacrifice
For you are a shining light

Caiden is a handful now at four months. He’s already demanding so much of my parents attention. Mom was worried that I would be upset if I didn’t have their attention, but I don’t mind. I like spending time with Caiden when I can too. Seriously though, I think Caiden is going to be a handful all of his life if these past four months are any indication. He’s forever spitting up at the least convenient times and I swear he soils his diapers on purpose just to get us to pick him up and pay attention to him. Still, he’s the cutest thing when he gurgles at us with that infectious smile. Dad says it’s the Evans smile because it makes us all forget about being mad at them. Isn’t that funny?

Sovereign bride of the infinite
Yeah, you are a shining light

Well, that’s really all I wanted to tell you about this time around. Although I also want to say that I miss you so much and wish we could see each other again. I know it’s been a while since we last saw each other at the lake near your home. I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to meet with you since then. Hopefully I can see you soon.

Yeah, you light up my life

I hope you are doing well and your family too. Come to think of it, Caiden may just be like your younger brother with all that mischief making. Oh Theos! I hope I don’t turn out like your older sister!

We made our connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention

Okay, well, I’m going to end this letter here and send it off before my servant gets off duty so she can get it to you. I miss you! Love, Vanessa.”

Yeah, you are a shining light

Vanessa folded up the letter and placed it into an envelope. Once she’d sealed it and wrote Aidan’s name on it, she slipped out of her room and down the hallway. As she walked by the nursery, she glanced in and smiled at the sight of her mother sitting in her father’s lap in a large plush chair. Caiden was in his mother’s arms, happily gurgling up at them with his little limbs waving in the air.

A constellation once seen
Over Royal David's city
An epiphany you burn so pretty

She continued down the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen. Peeking in the door, she looked for the servant who always delivered her letters to Aidan. Spotting her near the breakfast nook, she motioned for her to join her in the hallway.

Yeah, you are a shining light

The servant came out and smiled, “Another letter, Kyria?”
Vanessa nodded, “Yes, will you be able to deliver it before the night is over?”
“Yes, Kyria, I will be leaving in a half hour. More than enough time to get it to him before returning to my home.”
Vanessa gave her a grateful smile, “Thank you, Karen. I really appreciate this.”

And these are days you often say
There's nothing that we can't do

Karen slipped the letter into her pocket and gave Vanessa a respectful nod before returning to the kitchen. Vanessa turned around and headed back up the stairs, deciding to go spend some time with her family.

Beneath a canopy of stars
I'd shed blood for you

Kyle growled as he thrust his hips forward, burying himself to the hilt inside of his syndeo. She leaned back against him, moving her own hips in time to his movements.

The north star in the firmament
You shine the most bright

As he cupped her breasts in his hands, she moaned, “Oh, I don’t think I’m ever going to get enough of they way you love me!”

I've seen you draped in an electric veil
Shrouded in celestial light

He nipped at her neck as he whispered, “I won’t ever get enough of the way you love me either, moro.”

We made our connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention

She let out a cry of ecstasy as he finally sent her over the edge and laughed when she felt him joining her there.

Yeah, you are a shining light

Kyle slid his hands down her body and wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her close as the two of them came down from their high. With a sigh, he pressed his lips against her neck, “S’agapo, Tess.”

A constellation once seen
Over Royal David's city
An epiphany you burn so pretty

She craned her head to look into his eyes, “S’agapo, osizigos mou.”

Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life

Kyle grinned as Tess turned in his arms and kissed him before they lay down on their bed together. He ran his fingers through her hair as he looked into her eyes.

Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life

Tess smiled, “What are you thinking?”
He shook his head, “It’s nothing.”
Frowning, she looked deeper. A few seconds later, her eyes widened.
“Oh, Kyle,” she whispered as she closed her eyes.
He didn’t say anything, he knew she’d just read his mind and saw what he was thinking of.
Opening her eyes again, she looked straight at him, “You know that was in the past, Kyle. You know I love you now. Only you.”
Kyle nodded, “I know.”
Tess caressed his cheek, “Moro, don’t do that! Don’t compare yourself to him. He is nothing compared to you.”
Kyle looked at her, “He’s the most powerful Archigos around Tess, how can I not compare myself to him.”
“Kyle, being what he is doesn’t make him better than you. Max will never be you! You are my syndeo. I belong to you, not him. Believe me when I say, I want to belong to you. You complete me.” She placed her forehead against his as she whispered, “You do, Kyle. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.”
Kyle sighed, “I know, I’m sorry. Sometimes, I’m just a little insecure, I guess.”
She chuckled, “You have absolutely nothing to be insecure about, moro. I can’t get enough of you. I need more.”
He laughed as she slid over his body and began to show him just how much more of him she needed.

“Maria, I am not going to do this with you again!” Michael sighed as he finished putting on his clothes.
Maria stood with her arms crossed over her chest near the door to her bedroom, wearing her green gown. “Not doing what Michael? What do you ever do with me besides say hello and goodbye?”
“Don’t! I’m tired of hearing your excuses Michael!”
“They’re not excuses, meli, you know what my job entails!” He walked towards her, his hands out, “Moro, all of my free time is spent with you, it’s where I want to be.”
She stepped back, avoiding his embrace as she looked up into his eyes, “If that was true then you would spend the night with me.”
He sighed, “I spend the nights with you, Maria.”
She growled, “You know what I mean! Stay with me! Don’t go back to the house! There are other guards there to protect them! Why would Max need you during the daytime when he is in his room with Liz? I have a computer here Michael, you can communicate with him there.”
“I’m Dioikitis Maria, I can’t just take a break like the other guards. If something happens to Max or Liz, then it will be up to me to take care of things. We have been over this before.”
She rolled her eyes, “Yeah, we have. Fine, then. Go! I have too many things I need to do anyway and you’d just be in the way.”
She pushed past him as he hung his head, “Just go, Michael. You’re running out of time.”
He turned around to look at her before he walked over to her once more. This time she didn’t move as he slid his fingers over her cheek, “S’agapo, Maria.”
He leaned over and pressed a kiss against her lips before turning away and leaving the room.

Liz looked down at her husband with a smile. After Max had made love to her in front of the mirror, he’d carried her over to one of the high backed chairs in front of the fireplace and sat down with her in his lap. With a wave of his hand, he’d gotten a nice fire going and settled them down together, placing a throw over the both of them.
They’d sat there together enjoying the comfort of being with each other until she’d shifted over him and straddled his lap. Now she sat there, looking down at him and letting her hands roam through his hair and over his face, neck, and shoulders.
Tracing his lips with her fingers, she sighed, “I’m sorry, Max.”
Max kissed her fingertips as he asked, “For what?”
“For blowing up on you like that. I mean, I know I’m hormonal and I know that you love me and you could never love anyone else, but I still blow up.”
Curling his fingers around the back of her neck, he brought her head down until their foreheads were touching. “It’s okay, Liz, I understand, moro. You can blow up at me anytime you want. I’ll just keep reassuring you of how much I love you.”
She gave him the smile that always made his heart flip. “I love you too, Max.”
He caressed her cheek before lifting his lips up to meet hers. As the kiss deepened, he slid his arms around her and shifted her slightly. Liz helped him by sliding her arms around his shoulders and lifting herself up.
Slowly, they lowered her body until Max was buried inside of her slick heat. As they moaned into each other’s mouths, Liz began to slowly rotate her hips. Max’s hands moved to her behind as she began to pick up the pace.
She sat up and gazed down at him through hooded eyes. Her lips were slightly parted as she panted in time with her movements.
Max groaned as he caught sight of her fangs peeking out from her parted lips. When she ran her tongue over her teeth, Max could feel himself getting harder. He tilted his head back and whispered her name in offering.
Liz didn’t waste any time leaning over him and sinking her teeth into his neck. As she drank deep, Max closed his eyes in bliss and continued to guide her movements over his cock.
He felt her growl against his neck before her tongue lapped at the wounds, closing them. Then she sat up and picked up her pace as she threw her head back. Gripping his shoulders in her hands, she cried out as she came, her walls clamping down on Max’s cock.
With a cry of his own, he gripped her closer to him and emptied himself into his wife’s body. He could feel her arms lifting to cradle his head in them as she pulled him close. Pressing his face into her chest, she leaned down to place a kiss on top of his head.
He sat there for a few moments, letting the both of them come down from their high before he gathered her into his arms again and carried her to their bed. Gently laying her down, he slid in next to her and covered her stomach with his hand.
He pressed a kiss against her cheek, before moving down to kiss her shoulder, her breast, and finally her stomach.
Liz slid her fingers through his hair as he carefully laid his cheek against her stomach.
The two of them lay there in silence, enjoying that time to just bond with each other and their child.


song is Shining Light by Ash

new Greek words
bion - life
ti - what
lathos - wrong
xero - know
poteh - ever
alo - another
ooteh kego - nor do I
thelo - want
tha - will
katheh ti - everything
prosekhehteh - watch

(I really do hope I got all the words :? )

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:43 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Surprise! It's Saturday! Yep, my boyfriend is out of state for the weekend, so I have lots of free time to write and post! :roll:

Empress- LOL, yep meow :twisted: !

Laira- :twisted:

Zanity- Well.... :twisted:

roswell- LOL, oooookay.

Em- thanks

strawberry- Yes she is! I loved writing that part :twisted: .

La'Shon- LOL, hmmm :twisted: we'll see. So true about females and sharing things. ~sigh~ I know. Well, I did say this was a Max/Liz centric fic :wink: . Oh....and.....IT'S SATURDAY! LOL.

pandas- LOL, she is. Yes, he is the youngest.

candy- LOL, we'll see.

BehrObsession- Aidan :twisted: . The blonde woman was funny. Michael and Maria :twisted: .

orphy- LOL, I dunno, why?

83AA- LOL, yep! They could :twisted: . Tess and Kyle :wink: . Sorry, Isabel is Liz's best friend in this fic :( . Michael will talk to.... Oops, sorry about that 'dislike' list, but I won't be able to do much about that...I think....

sonii- No, I think I've explained it before, but a syndeo is not able to have sexual relations or conceive children with anyone else. Only with their syndeo. However, lots of people still want what they cannot have :twisted: . Max overboard, not yet :twisted: . You'll see :wink: .

nibbles- Good points :wink: . LOL, true but she originally wanted nothing but sex from him anyway. Well, there are reasons why he hasn't had her over for a night, had a night off, etc but I'm not getting into them now. I did try to mention them before, I guess I wasn't that clear. Oh well. Hmm...interesting theory.

Cayla- LOL, yeah I skip a lot. Cool 8) .

xmag- LOL.

Here we go!

Part 24

“Theos, Maria! What would you have me do? Abandon Max? Liz? Do you have any idea what would happen if I did that? It borders on betrayal!” shouted Michael.
“What about you Michael? Who’s going to watch out for you?” Maria shouted back.
Michael growled, “I’m not the Archigos, Maria.”
“I know that!”
“Their lives are important! The entire coven depends on them!”
“I depend on you!”
Michael went silent at her words. As he stared at her, he saw her lower lip tremble and the tell tale red liquid welling up in her eyes.

A swollen sun melting at the horizon
Between the sheets I wait for her to come

With a sigh, he moved to her. “Oh Maria,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her to him. “I know how you feel Maria, but you have to understand how important it is that I keep doing my job.”

A living flame, impossible to resist
Burning me deep with every bite, kiss and lick

She hugged him back, her voice muffled by his chest, “I know it is, but I still worry that something will happen to you. You’re going to put yourself in harms way to protect them and I’ll lose you. What good is that? It’s not right that you give so much to them. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your life for them.”

I'm haunted I'm haunted I'm haunted (by her)

Michael sighed, “It’s the choice I made, Maria. I know it’s hard for you to accept that, but it was my choice.”

Invades my sleep with tumescent intentions
Hades I'm sure must be missing a demon

She sniffled before pulling away from him. He stood there as she walked away from him and folded her arms. She didn’t turn around to face him, but he knew she was still crying.

I hate the morning
I hate the morning

She shook her head and turned around to face him. “I can’t do this Michael. I thought I could, but I can’t share you with your job. I can’t stand by and watch you throw your life around for them. It hurts too much.”

From the panes a green mist swirls
Is it a shadow of reflection
This apparition in moon beams bathed

Michael felt his throat grow tight. “What are you saying?”

A voice like wind through trees beckons
Cool rain on hot summer stone
The odor fills my presence
Of freshly dug grave and death and night

She lifted a hand to wipe a stray tear away. “I’m saying that I won’t share you with them anymore. So, if that’s what you want to do, then you should just go.”

These things are her essence
Nocturnal mistress,
spirit lover your mouth of wine and wood smoke taste

He didn’t move. His eyes begged her not to do what he knew she was doing. “Maria…” he pleaded, as he lifted his hands towards her.

My goddess of the violet twilight
You are lust incarnate
In the sweat of my bed
The eastern sky hints of dawning

She backed away from him, motioning to the door. “Just go, Michael.”

Alone and awake but exhausted I lie
Oh how I hate the morning

Michael dropped his hands to his sides. She’d made her choice, now he had to do as she asked. Without another word he walked past her and disappeared out of her home. As soon as she knew he was gone, the sobs escaped and she threw herself on the bed, her heart breaking.

I hate the morning (light)
I hate the morning (light)

“Liz?” Liz and Isabel looked up from where they were sitting in the domatio ilios, two month old Caiden asleep on the blanket between them.
Liz frowned when she saw the sad look on Michael’s face. “Michael? What’s wrong?”
Michael glanced at Isabel before turning back to Liz, “I’m sorry for interrupting, but I really need to talk to you.”
Liz nodded, “Okay, well come in and sit down…”
He glanced at Isabel once more and Isabel took the hint. “I’m just going to take Caiden and go home.”
Liz frowned, “But you just got here.”
“I know, but Michael needs to talk to you…”
“No, Isabel, it’s all right. Maybe you can help me too,” interjected Michael.
Both of the women looked at each other for a moment before Liz asked, “What’s this about Michael?”
He swallowed, “Maria.”
Liz gave him a gentle smile as she realized what was going on. She knew Michael had been having problems with Maria lately, but he had assured her he was handling them. Liz knew Michael had grown attached to the green eyed woman, but he rarely said it out loud. What he didn’t say was apparent in the way he acted when her name was mentioned or when she was anywhere near him.
As Michael sat down in a chair near them and folded his hands in his lap, Liz scooted closer to him. She slid one hand into his as she said, “Tell me.”
Michael sighed and looked up at her. Liz held in her surprise at the helpless look in his eyes. Michael rarely showed his emotions, almost as rarely as Max did. So, it must be big for him to be so shaken.
“I don’t know what to do Liz. I’ve tried to explain and she still doesn’t seem to understand. I can’t just stop being Dioikitis! I can’t.”
Liz nodded, “I know. Why don’t you just tell me what she said tonight.”
He gave a great sigh, it came out in a staccato, indicating he was near tears. “She said she couldn’t do this anymore. She couldn’t share me with my job.”
Liz frowned, “Do you take any work with you when you are with her?”
He shook his head, “No. When I’m with her, I’m with her. I know how she doesn’t really like to hear about my day, so I don’t tell her.”
“I see.”
Isabel asked, “Did she specifically tell you she doesn’t like hearing about your day?”
“No. But she didn’t have to. I always saw the look on her face every time I brought up the subject.”
Liz chewed her bottom lip for a moment before she asked, “When you talked to her about your job, what did you really tell her?” At Michael’s puzzled look, she clarified, “I mean, did you tell her about us being at a ball for instance?”
Michael nodded, “Yes, I would tell her about the things I did that day. If it involved going to a ball then I’d tell her about that.”
“What else have you told her about?” Isabel prompted.
Michael shrugged, “Lots of things. I’ve told her about the times I’m at the businesses with Max or doing other things. I don’t know. I’ve always told her what my job entails. She knows I do the same things Max does and the things Max doesn’t have time to get to.”
Liz nodded, “Right.”
Michael frowned as he watched Liz chew on her bottom lip again. “What?” he asked.
Liz sighed and looked up at him, “Well, my guess is that she’s scared of losing you.”
“What?” he asked again.
Isabel nodded, “I agree.”
Michael looked from one woman to the other before he said, “But she wasn’t losing me. I never gave her any indication that I wanted to leave her.”
Liz shook her head, “Not like that, Michael. Maria is afraid the job is going to kill you. Your job is a very dangerous one. She knows that if someone attempted to take my life or Max’s, you’d jump in front of us. You’d die to protect us. Everyone knows that’s part of your job.”
Michael growled, “Yeah, but it’s not like I jump in every time someone threatens you. You and Max can take care of things yourselves without my having to butt in.”
Liz nodded, “Yes, but Maria doesn’t see it that way. Believe me, I can understand where she’s coming from Michael.”
“You have never been afraid of Max dying on the job.”
“Max and I share a connection. Something Maria doesn’t have with you. So, I will always know instantly if Max is in danger and if something happens to either one of us, the other will follow. Maria doesn’t have that luxury. She knows that if something happens to you, she may very well be the last one to find out. Then, she’ll have to live with that for a very long time.”
Isabel nodded, “She’s right. Alex doesn’t have a high risk job like you and Max do, but I know if he did, I’d be constantly worried about him. It would tear me apart every minute that I don’t know where he is or if he’s hurt. I’d be praying that no one ever comes to my door in the middle of the night to tell me that I’ll never see Alex alive again.”
Michael shut his eyes, “Okay, so my job is high risk, but can’t she see that I love her? I want to spend my time with her. Why can’t loving her be enough?”
Liz and Isabel looked at each other again before Liz gave his hand a squeeze. “Do you want me to go talk to her?”
Michael opened his eyes and looked at Liz, “Do you think it’ll help?”
Liz shrugged, “It’s worth a try. Maybe she’ll tell me what’s really bothering her and I can help ease her fears.”
He smiled as he squeezed her hand back, “I’d like that. Please tell her how much I love her and how I want to keep spending time with her.”
Liz nodded, “I’ll try.”
As she stood up, she looked to Isabel, “Want to come along and lend some support?”
Isabel chuckled, “Sure, let me go see if Alex is free to take Caiden while we go, okay?”

Maria opened the door to find Liz and Isabel standing there. Her eyes widened and she gave the customary head nod to them, “Archiga of the Aristomache and Kyria Isabel, it is an honor.”
Liz smiled, “Hello, Maria. Do you mind if we come in and talk to you?”
“Of course,” Maria replied as she stepped back and held the door open wider. When she had shut the it behind them, she said, “This way, we’ll be seated in the living room.”
The other two followed Maria into her living room where she indicated that they have a seat on the couch. As they made themselves comfortable, she asked, “Can I get the two of you anything?”
Both women shook their heads as Liz said, “Please, have a seat, Maria. We’d just like to have a little girl talk, that’s all.”
Maria made herself comfortable on a nearby chair and looked between Liz and Isabel for a few moments before she said, “This is about Michael, isn’t it?”
Liz gave her a gentle smile, “Well, he really didn’t give me a choice. You see, I saw my Dioikitis suffering and it’s not something I see often. But when I do, I try my hardest to make it better. I know my husband would do the same. Michael means a lot to both of us. I’m sure you can understand why it’s important to us that he be happy.”
Maria sighed, “I’m sorry, Kyria, but there’s nothing I can do…”
“Please,” interrupted Liz, “we are just women here, talking about men, call me Liz.”
Maria nodded, “Well, Liz, I don’t think there’s anything I can do to help.”
Liz nodded, “I was under the impression that you had feelings for him. Was I wrong?”
Maria shook her head.
“I see, well has he ever told you how he feels about you?”
Maria sighed, “Yes, frequently.”
Liz turned to look at Isabel for a moment before turning back to Maria. “May I be frank?” she asked.
“Of course,” replied Maria.
Liz took a deep breath before saying, “Michael came home tonight to ask me for help. He said that he didn’t know what else to do to explain to you about why his job is so important. He said you couldn’t share him with his job anymore, is that right?”
Maria swallowed, “Yes, but it’s not what you think.”
Liz nodded, “You are afraid you’ll lose him.” She turned to Isabel who nodded and continued.
“I know if Alex got into a high profile job like them I’d be staring at the door all night wondering if someone is going to knock and tell me he won’t ever be coming home again.” Isabel paused before adding, “As it is, I used to do the same thing over my adelfos before Liz came along.”
Liz nodded, “I worry about Max all the time. I know it’s not the same thing, but Maria, I knew what Max was before I completely made the commitment to him. He allowed me to see what his life was like. While it’s true that if I’d left we would have suffered, at least we’d still be alive. But I would be alone, as would Max. I loved Max enough to want to be with him despite the danger we both now have to live with. I chose Max. I chose to accept his life as it is and let him love me as I love him.”
Maria looked down at her hands that she’d placed in her lap. Tears were shining in her eyes. “I don’t think I’m as strong as you are, Liz.”
Liz reached out and slid her hand into Maria’s. “You are only as strong as you let yourself be, Maria. We all are. You have to decide what you really want. Do you really love Michael? Do you want to spend your life with him? Do you think that time spent loving him will be worth it in the end? No matter how long or short that time is?”
Maria closed her eyes. She knew what Liz was saying was true. She did love Michael, but she didn’t think she was strong enough for him. He needed someone who could deal with his absences and his running off to do things better left unsaid. She knew it would kill her if she ever got the word that she wasn’t ever going to see him alive again. Her lips trembled and a tear slid down her cheek.
Liz turned a worried look on Isabel as Maria silently cried. Isabel was the first to move to Maria’s side since Liz was slower getting up in her pregnancy. As Isabel sat there with her arms around Maria, Liz made her way to them and hugged her too.
“It’s okay, Maria. It’s okay to be scared,” whispered Isabel.
“She’s right, Maria. None of us are invincible. Every time Max goes out, I’m terrified that I’ll never see him again. But I love him too much to let him go. I know that even without the connection we have, I’d still love him this much.”
Isabel nodded, “It’s the same for me. I love Alex too much to let him go.”
Maria sniffled, “I don’t know. I don’t know if I can do it. It hurts too much.”
Liz held her closer, “It’s okay. You don’t have to make a decision now. Just think about it. Decide what you want, then go get it, okay?” She moved away slightly and looked down into Maria’s eyes. “And remember, you won’t be alone, Maria. You will have me, Isabel, Max, and our entire family. We will all be there for you.”
As Liz gave her a smile, Maria nodded, “Thank you, Liz.”
Liz nodded as she wiped Maria’s tears away with her fingers, “You’re very welcome, Maria.” She leaned over and pressed a kiss against Maria’s forehead before enveloping her in a hug again.
The three of them sat there in silence for a while, just simply giving each other some comfort.

Max walked into the den and frowned when he saw Alex sitting on the couch with Caiden in his arms. Looking around the room, he noticed there was no one else there.
Alex looked up from the couch and grinned, “Well, lookie here Caiden, it’s uncle Max.”
Max arched an eyebrow at Alex’s light mood and said, “I thought Isabel and Liz were supposed to be in the domatio ilios with Caiden, why do you have him?”
Alex rolled his eyes, “They had to go deal with a womanly crisis with Maria.”
Max frowned again, “At Maria’s?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Where’s Michael?”
“Um, in the security office?”
Max growled and strode out into the hallway. As soon as he was in the foyer, he barked, “Michael Guerin! Get down here now!”
A few seconds later, Michael was standing in front of Max, his head lowered in a formal greeting, “You called, Kyrios?”
Again came a growl, “What is Liz doing at Maria’s?”
Michael swallowed, “Talking.”
Narrowed eyes made Michael look down. “Talking? Did she go alone?”
Michael shook his head, “Isabel went with her.”
Max hissed, “I know Isabel went. What I meant was did she take any guards with her?”
At Michael’s silent response Max roared, “What!”
“She said she could…”
“Michael! She’s eight months pregnant! How could you let her go alone without protection when she is this close to giving birth! Have you lost your mind! This is not the time for her to be going anywhere at a whim.”
Michael licked his lips before speaking, “She just wanted to go talk to Maria.”
“About what! What was so important that she couldn’t wait until Maria came here?”
“We had a fight and Liz thought…”
“Wait! Oh no, you didn’t! Are you telling me she went to go talk to Maria about something that is between the two of you? Theos, Michael! I understand how important Maria is to you, but this is Liz! You shouldn’t have let her go without protection! She’s supposed to be resting!” Max shouted.
Michael didn’t say another word, he simply lowered his head in shame.
Max growled, hands curling into fists. “This better be the only time you get my wife involved in your problems, understand?”
“Yes, Kyrios.”
“Take me to them!” Max commanded.
With a nod, Michael reached out and clasped Max’s forearm.

Tears of mirth escaped Liz’s eyes as she laughed with Isabel and Maria. After Maria had calmed down, the three of them had started to talk and it soon turned into a good, old fashioned girl talk. Now the three of them sat on the couch laughing and sharing confidences.
“Oh that is too much, Isabel!” exclaimed Maria, while Liz continued to laugh as she held her belly in her hands.
Isabel chuckled, “Well, it’s true!”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” replied Maria in a serious tone.
As one they all looked at each other and burst out laughing again.
It was Maria who went silent first, staring at the two men who had materialized next to the couch. Isabel noticed that Maria had gone stiff and looked up to see them. She cleared her throat and Liz looked at her, then turned to look at what she was staring at.
One look was all it took for her laughter to die down. With a sigh, she said, “Max, don’t.”
His eyes narrowed slightly at her before he turned to look at Isabel, “Your osizigos is waiting for you in my den with your son.”
Isabel nodded and leaned over to give Liz a kiss on the cheek, “Later, Liz.”
As Isabel disappeared, Max held his hand out to Liz and helped her to her feet. Curling an arm around her waist, he turned to Michael. “Consider yourself relieved of duty for the next two nights. Do what you have to do to take care of your business.”
Michael gave a slight nod and gave Liz an apologetic look.
She just smiled at him before turning to Maria, “It was nice to see you again, Maria. We’ll get together soon, okay?”
Maria nodded, “Okay.”
Max pulled her in closer and willed them out of the room.

Alex closed the door to the nursery and began to make his way towards his bedroom. He stopped when he thought he heard a sound coming from downstairs. Listening closely, he heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. As he moved to the stairs, he frowned when Vanessa came into view.
She whirled around, clutching her chest, “Theos, dad! You scared me!”
Alex chuckled, “Sorry, moro. Are you just getting in?”
Vanessa swallowed, “Yeah, sorry. We were enjoying ourselves and didn’t realize the time had flown.”
Alex nodded, “I see. Well, don’t let it happen again, Nessa. We don’t want you caught out during the day.”
“I know dad. I’m sorry.”
He walked to her side and kissed her cheek, “It’s okay. You go on and get some sleep. I won’t mention this to your mother, but please don’t make this a habit.”
“I won’t. Thanks dad. Good night.”
“Night, Nessa.”
Vanessa walked down the hall and into her bedroom. Closing the door behind her, she leaned against it and gave a huge sigh of relief. She was glad her father didn’t ask for any details of what she’d been up to because then she’d have to improvise. She hadn’t been prepared at all to come up with anything. She closed her eyes and smiled.
She’d met Aidan again and he had taken her back to the lake. It was fast becoming their favorite place to be. At least there, they didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing them or interrupting them. She’d loved the way he’d greeted her when she first met up with him. He’d wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a long kiss. Then he’d willed them to the lake and made sure she was seated comfortably so she could watch as he picked a handful of night blooming flowers for her.
When he’d returned to her side with the flowers, he’d been wearing a huge grin and said that he knew she couldn’t take them with her, but at least she could enjoy them there. They’d spent the rest of the night talking and making flower garlands. He’d made a crown for her hair and she’d made a necklace for him.
He’d told her about the new responsibilities his father had given him to prepare him for the coven leadership and she’d told him about the new dress her mother had gotten for her. When they were covered in flowers, they began to talk about places they’d wanted to see someday and things they wanted to do. She was amazed that Aidan wanted to see France and Greece just like she did, but he also wanted to see Germany, while she would rather see Italy. They had both agreed that they wanted to travel a bit before they had to settle down.
After giggling about their dream travels and other things they wanted to do, they’d taken a stroll along the shore for a bit before he’d returned her the place where her driver was going to pick her up. He’d given her another kiss goodnight and stepped into the shadows to watch as she safely got into the car before returning to his home.

Liz stood in the middle of their bedroom, facing off with her husband. Neither one of them moved, but they continued to glare at each other. His hands were curled into fists and she had her arms folded in front of her, high on her chest.
He growled, she hissed, and still they glared.
Finally, she was the first to break the staring contest. “I’m not apologizing, Max! And you shouldn’t expect Michael to either! We didn’t do anything wrong!”
“No! Max! I’m pregnant! That’s all!”
“And so close to the due date!”
Liz rolled her eyes, “Stop! Just stop before you say something so imbecilic that I’ll want to hurt you!”
As Max opened his mouth, Liz narrowed her eyes and hissed, “You know I will, Max!”
He shut his mouth and folded his arms in front of him.
Liz looked at him for a few more moments before she turned and waddled to the side of the bed.
Max sighed as he watched her remove her jewelry. Moving to the foot of the bed, he looked up at her through his lashes. “What if I begged?” he asked.
Liz stopped what she was doing and looked up at him. Seeing the innocent look on his face, she resisted the urge to laugh. Keeping a straight face, she said, “No.”
Now he was pouting, “Liz? I don’t think I’m going to survive this!”
This time, she couldn’t help but laugh at the pained look he was sporting.
He pouted more, “It’s not funny! I swear you are giving me premature grey hairs!”
She shook her head and walked around the bed to stand in front of him. She took his head in her hands and lowered it down, turning it this way and that.
“Nope,” she said when she’d let him go, “you’re safe, no grey hairs in sight.”
He rolled his eyes, “You’re still not funny.”
She grinned, “Oh, ala esi iseh, akribos osizigos mou.”
He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. Liz moved to stand between his legs and slid her hands up his chest. She leaned in and pressed a kiss against his forehead. “Max, S’agapo.”
He tilted his head back to look up at her. “S’agapo,” he huskily replied.
She smiled and kissed his lips, immediately opening the connection between them. As his hands slid around her waist, she leaned in closer and deepened the kiss. Her fingers began to work their way down the front of his shirt, unbuttoning it. When she had it open, she slid her hands up his bare chest and pushed it off of him.
He took it off the rest of the way before helping her out of her dress. Once she was out of it, he removed the rest of his clothes and sat back down on the edge of the bed. Liz stepped between his legs again and he helped her out of her underwear.
As his hands trailed over her body, she leaned down to kiss him again. When she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, he lifted her up and set her down on his lap. She wrapped her legs around his waist and used her arms as leverage to lift herself up with Max’s help.
Max looked up into his wife’s face, watching for any sign of pain as he helped her to lower herself over him. There was nothing but pleasure on her face and he could feel her need of him through their open connection. Not only did she need him physically, but she needed his nourishment.
Her eyes closed in bliss as she settled over him and began to rock gently. Max moaned at the feel of her tight body surrounding him. He couldn’t believe she was already so wet for him. He held her hips tighter to help her ride him, taking care not to hurt her or the baby.
It didn’t take long for Liz to near the end. She had already been hot for him the moment he’d come for her at Maria’s. She couldn’t help it, there was just something about a menacing, dominating Max that always turned her on. The longer they dueled, the better it would be.
“Max,” she whimpered.
Max answered her unspoken plea and helped her to pick up the pace. She moaned and lowered her head to his neck as he bared it for her.
She swirled her tongue over his pulse once, twice, then bit down hard.
Max threw his head back with a cry as he came inside of her. He could feel her drinking deep and was glad he’d fed well earlier that night. He’d known she would need sustenance.
With a sigh, Liz pulled her teeth from his throat and licked the wounds. As she licked her lips, Max lifted her up and settled her back on the bed. He willed the pillows to prop her up before standing between her legs and entering her again.
Making sure she was comfortable enough, he began pumping into her. He positioned her at an angle to make sure he was hitting her spot while he held her legs up. Liz leaned back against the pillows and looked up at him through hooded eyes. Her lips were parted as she panted in time with his movements.
Max hadn’t been at it long when she gripped the comforter in her hands and cried out his name in release. Still, Max didn’t stop pleasuring her until he was certain she was satisfied. When she finally slumped back against the pillows, Max slowly slid out of her and pulled her into his arms.
He settled her into the bed and pulled the covers up over her, tucking her in. She gave him a sleepy smile as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. Then he kissed her lips as he slid one hand over her stomach.
Pulling away to look into her eyes, he whispered, “Goodnight, my love.”
“Night, Max.”
He waited until she closed her eyes before he moved away from her and went to his desk. Without putting on any clothes, he settled himself into his chair and turned on his computer. After it had booted up, he checked his mail. Most of them were just business notes and the like, but one was actually some surprising news.
It was from the Akakios coven. The announcement read: Ineh mas eycharistisi mechri agkello ekinos Tess, kori too Dioikitis mas, ineh peripou thio mines engios meh osizigos tis moro.


Song is Haunted by Type O Negative

new Greek words
ala - but
agkello - announce
peripou - about
thio - two
mines - months
tis - her

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:05 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
:x Gah! I'm sooooo sorry guys! My brother borrowed my laptop AGAIN and kept it allllll week! And I hadn't even worked on this part at all until yesterday (sunday). This is getting really irritating. I mean, I love my brother and all, but he seriously needs to get himself in gear. He's been without a job since January and had to cut off his internet because he couldn't afford it. Unfortunately, most of the jobs he goes for are heavily dependent on emails and the like (he's a doctor/PhD. and has a double major in Biology and Chemistry.) Basically, he's the kind of person who could find a cure for diseases or MAKE THEM!!!! Yeah, he's one scary dude, but since he's got all these issues :roll: he won't take the first job available to him or even work in an emergency room until a better one comes along. (His last job was an ER and he swears to never go back.) I told him to just get a job working at a fast food place until he gets the nobel prize job offer cause at least then he'll be paying the bills and can stop taking my laptop. It's the only recourse I have to the internet and to my writing, so I'm lost without it.

But enough of my ranting.... :x

Cayla- Thanks

Strawberry- LOL, here ya go! I'm soooooooo sorry :? !

Zanity- Good one! :wink: I'm fine, thanks. Soooo sorry :? .

candy- The sun pretty much weakens all of their powers so that it's almost like they're mortal :shock: !

La'Shon- Awww, and here I go and disappoint ya this week. No happy dance. I'm soooo glad you are really enjoying this story. And I'm fine, but I'm sooooo sorry :? .

Laira- LOL, can I ask what it is about Aidan that you don't like? You can PM me if you want.

BehrObsession- All of your observations are very good, but we'll have to wait and see how things play out.....eventually.

Em- thanks

orphy- thanks

roswell- LOL, Max will always be Mr. Dominator, but he'll have his moments. Aidan will take a while before we start to see what will happen...
And I'm fine. I'm soooo sorry :? .

83AA- The baby answer is here! LOL, not that I know of. I'm sooooo sorry :? .

nibbles- Um....well, that's a thought. True, but Michael doesn't always take that time off :wink: . Everything you said in the last paragraph about Michael and Maria is all true.


Okay, here's the VERY LATE part.... :?

*note* italics means they are speaking in Greek.

Part 25

Liz gripped her husband’s hand harder as she let out another scream. The contractions were so close together now and they were brutal, yet she continued to grit her teeth through the pain and push when told to.
Max was amazing. Just when she’d thought she’d have a hard time during the delivery because she’d be too occupied with Max’s hysterics, he’d proved her wrong. Throughout it all, he’d been her rock, her calm through the storm.
The moment her water had broken and she’d sent him the call, he’d appeared at her side and taken her to their bedroom beneath the ground. As he’d begun to prepare her for the delivery, the yatros and her assistants had arrived and finished prepping Liz for the process. Max had immediately taken his place at her side, talking to her in a soothing voice to keep her calm and relaxed.
As the rest of the family began to gather in and around Max’s office, the yatros had informed them that the child was ready to be born and they had begun.
That had been nearly two hours ago.
Now, Liz was exhausted and in pain, but she refused to give up until their child was born. She was glad Max was there for her. At first, she’d been hesitant to connect with him, thinking it would just make things worse for her if she knew what Max was thinking and feeling. Now, she was glad she’d let him convince her to do it.
Max exuded nothing but calm and strength as he held her hand in his and used his other arm to support her back when she sat up and pushed. She could hear his voice softly urging her on both in her mind and in her ear. And every time she squeezed the life out of his hand, he just held on tighter.
When she lay back and relaxed as the yatros told her to, Max leaned over her and brushed her sweat slicked hair out of her eyes, planting kisses all over her face, and talking to her some more. He told her how much he loved her. He told her how proud he was of her for doing that and for enduring through everything for him and their child.
The more he coached and urged her on, the more she pushed herself to stay strong and to keep working to give birth.
Finally the time came when she felt the child being expelled from her body and the voice of the yatros telling her to relax again.
As she leaned back against the pillows, Max leaned over her and once again pushed the hair out of her eyes.
“You did it moro, you made it through.”
Before she had a chance to respond, they both heard the first cries of their child sound throughout the room.
Max lifted his head to look in the direction of where the assistants were busy wrapping the baby in a blanket. He continued to watch as the one holding the infant made her way to his side.
As she came to stand next to him, she gave him the customary nod and said, “ Yos sas, Archigos mou.”
Max’s eyes went wide as he gazed down at the swaddled baby. “Yos mou,” he whispered as the assistant settled the baby into his arms. As he looked down at the infant in awe he said, “Liz, emis ekho enas yos!”
Max leaned over Liz and settled their son against her chest. Liz opened her eyes and looked down at their son. She smiled as tears gathered in her eyes.
“Max, aftos ineh toso oraios!” she whispered.
“Neh agapo mou, aftos ineh.” replied Max.
It was exactly six weeks after the incident with Michael that Nathaniel Maxwell Evans made his entrance into the world.

Max opened the bedroom door when Michael had knocked.
It was now early the next evening after Nathan’s birth and everyone in their immediate family had been in to see them and their newborn son. Both of them had welcomed the respite of the daylight to get some sleep and relax with their son.
As soon as the sun had set, Max had sent word to Michael that he was to pick up Maria and bring her to see Liz and the baby. When they arrived, Max ushered them in and led them to the bed where Liz sat propped up by pillows. With her son sleeping peacefully in her arms, Liz greeted them with a smile.
“Maria! It’s so good to see you again, how are you?”
Maria nodded, “I’m doing fine, my Kyria.”
Liz chuckled, “Maria, it’s Liz remember?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Liz.”
Liz nodded before she motioned to her side, “Why don’t you come sit besides me?”
Maria made her way to sit next to Liz on the bed. She leaned in and cooed over the baby. “Oh Liz, he’s adorable!”
Liz grinned, “Isn’t he? I think he looks just like his father.”
Michael had moved to the other side of the bed and leaned down to look at the baby. When Liz had finished speaking, he looked up at her with a frown. “You think he looks like his father?” he asked.
Liz nodded, “Yes, he most certainly does.”
Michael looked down at the baby again before looking up at Max. Max quirked an eyebrow at Michael, who looked back down at the baby again.
“But I thought Max was the father.”
A low growl came from Max as Liz gasped, “Michael! What a thing to say! Of course Max is the father! Who else could it be?”
Michael looked up at Liz and shrugged as a smile spread over his face, “I’m just saying I don’t think the kid looks half as scary as Max does.”
Again Max growled before he said, “Liz, moro. Are you sure you want to ask him?”
Liz made a face at Max, “I’m sure Max! And so are you!”
As Max rolled his eyes Michael said, “Ask me what?”
Liz grinned at Max. “Ask him honey.”
Max gave an exaggerated sigh before he turned to glare at Michael. Suddenly a grin spread over his face as he asked, “Would you do us the honor of being our son’s prostatevo?”
Michael blinked in confusion. “Me?”
Max nodded, “Yes, you.”
Liz chuckled, “Well, since he needs two, Max and I thought we would ask you and Maria to be his prostatevo.”
Now it was Maria’s turn to gawk. “What! You trust me enough to be that?”
Liz nodded, “Of course I do and we both trust Michael.”
Max nodded and looked from one to the other. “So? What do you say?”
Michael stood up and gave them all a bow, “It would be an incredible honor.”
Maria bowed her head as she agreed, “Yes. I would be honored too.”

Two days later, the ceremony to introduce their son to the world took place in their back yard. Many of the Aristomache coven were in attendance, as well as diplomatic emissaries from the allied covens.
Isabel and Alex were there along with their daughter and infant son. Also in attendance was a four month pregnant Tess with her osizigos, Kyle to represent the Akakios coven. And of course, Joran and his family were in attendance too since they represented the Irinikos coven.
Since Michael and Maria were the chosen prostatevo, they too were in attendance to participate in the ceremony. It was an added plus that Maria represented the Hilarion coven. Once everyone had arrived and the time was right, the mystikistis began the ceremony.
Max and Liz stood a couple of steps below him with Nathan in Liz’s arms. The mystikistis raised his arms above his head and spoke in Greek using a loud, clear voice.
“People of the Aristomache coven and those representatives of the allied covens. We come together today to celebrate and pay our respects to the newest prime of the Aristomache leaders.”
He motioned to Max who took Nathan from Liz and held him up for all to see.
As Max held his son up he said, “People of the Aristomache and our allies, I give you my son, Nathaniel Maxwell Evans. Prime of the Aristomache.”
One by one, the people at the ceremony began to lower their heads in acknowledgement of Nathan being named the newest protos of the Aristomache coven.
Then the mystikistis raised his arms once again and said, “It is so.” He lowered his hands and nodded towards the couple and their son. “Come forth, you who would pledge your loyalty and protection to the prime.”
Together, Michael and Maria stepped forward to stand on the step just below Max and Liz. Holding their right hands over Nathan’s head, they spoke in tandem. “I, the god parent of this prime, pledge my loyalty to him. I promise to watch over him and to offer guidance should he need it. He will have my protection and my loyalty to the end of my days.”
“Let all here witness the pledge made by these two. Prostatevo…”
“Maria Deluca,” answered Maria.
“And Prostatevo…”
“Michael Guerin,” answered Michael.
“Let the Archigos and Archiga acknowledge the pledges made by these two.”
Liz slid her hands beneath Max’s as he held Nathan and together they handed him into the combined hands of Maria and Michael.
“I, Maximillian Evans, acknowledge the pledges these two have made and accept them completely.”
“I, Elizabeth Evans, also acknowledge the pledges these two have made and accept them completely.”
Max and Liz stood back as Michael and Maria turned around to face the crowd. Maria held Nathan in her arms with Michael’s arms beneath hers.
Once more the mystikistis raised his arms up. “Let it be known that from this day forth, Nathaniel Maxwell Evans shall have the two prostatevo so named here.”
Just like before, the people there lowered their heads in acknowledgement before the mystikistis spoke his final words.
“It is so.”

Liz smiled as Tess and Kyle walked up to her and Max. Nathan had been taken inside and put to bed as soon as the ceremony was over and was currently being watched over by his epistatis.
“Hello Tess, how is the pregnancy going?”
Tess rolled her eyes, “I’m surviving. Of course, my mother could have warned me about the terrible backaches we are prone to. After I had the first one, she suddenly remembered that she’d had bad ones while pregnant with me.”
Max chuckled, “That bad, huh?”
Kyle nodded, “Yeah, they were so bad, she seemed to wipe them from her memory.”
Tess groaned, “I so don’t blame her. Especially since I have a feeling they are only going to get worse.”
Liz frowned, “Oh Tess, I’m sorry.”
Tess shook her head, “Don’t be.” She gave Kyle a bright smile as she continued, “If it was a choice between not being pregnant or dealing with the backaches. I’ll take the backaches any day.”
Kyle slipped his arm around Tess’ waist and rubbed her back. Returning her smile he said, “Of course she’s saying that right now while she’s not in pain. But trust me, when it starts, I know she’ll be out for my blood.”
Liz started laughing, “Oh yeah, in more ways than one.”
That statement prompted the rest of them to erupt into laughter.
When they had settled down again, Tess told Liz that Nathan was adorable and once more Liz stated that he looked just like his father. Tess readily agreed while Kyle raised an eyebrow and studied Max for a few moments.
Then he shook his head and said, “I don’t see it.”
Max rolled his eyes and looked at his wife, “I’m beginning to think only females think Nathan looks like me.”
“But he does look like you Max,” stated Tess.
“No he doesn’t,” replied Kyle.
“Yes he does, Kyle. He’s got Max’s eyes and his smile too.”
Liz grinned, “That’s right. He’s also got his nose and his dark hair.”
“Liz,” said Kyle, “your hair is dark too.”
Liz shook her head, “Not like Max’s. Mine is more brown while Max’s looks like it’s really black.”
Tess agreed. “Yes, that’s it. Nathan’s hair is black, not dark brown.”
Kyle rolled his eyes, “Okay, fine I’ll take your word for it.”
Joran walked up to the group with a smile. “Max. Liz. I must say Nathan already looks just like his father! You must be really proud, Max.”
With that, Tess and Liz gave their osizigos smug smiles.

“Michael, shouldn’t we be outside celebrating with the others? We are the prostatevo after all.”

It was in the lobby when I set my sights on you
Shoulda kissed you in the elevator,
but I was too scared too.

Michael shut the door to his rooms and turned to face Maria as he said, “We’ll go back out in a sec, but first, there’s something I have to ask you.”
Maria nodded, “Okay, what is it?”

It was in the morning when I made up my mind
I want you staple-gunned right to my side all of the time.

Michael took Maria’s hand and led her over to one of the comfortable chairs he had in the room. He motioned for her to sit down and waited until she was settled before he spoke.

Do I have to spell it out for you
or scream it in your face?
Oh, the chemistry between us could destroy this place.

“Maria, I’ve been thinking of this for a while, but I never really thought it was the right time to do this. Then Max and Liz asked both of us to be the prostatevo and I knew the time was right. I mean, it only makes sense that since we are the prostatevo of Nathan that we should be together.”

Do I have to spell it out for you
or whisper in your ear?
Oh, just stop right there
I think that we've got something here.

Maria nodded, “We are together, Michael.”
“I know, but I mean together, together,” replied Michael.

We were all alone when I finally made a pass at you
It didn't work, and no it never does,
but you know how I do.

Maria gave Michael a puzzled look as she asked, “What exactly are you saying?”

We were on the phone when I made up my mind
I want you staple-gunned right to my side all of the time.

Michael sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “I really suck at getting these things out. So, I’m just going to say it, okay?”

Do I have to spell it out for you
or scream it in your face?
Oh, the chemistry between us could destroy this place.

“Maria Deluca,” Michael started as he got down on one knee and produced a diamond ring, “will you marry me?”

Do I have to spell it out for you
or whisper in your ear?
Oh, just stop right there
I think that we've got something here.

Maria’s eyes went wide as she stared at the gorgeous ring. Looking up into Michael’s eyes she whispered, “Michael, are you sure you want to do this?”
Michael nodded, “I’m positive.”

Do I have to spell it out for you
or scream it in your face?
Oh, the chemistry between us could destroy this place.

Maria smiled and knelt down in front of him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Then yes, Michael. I would love to marry you.”

Do I have to spell it out for you
or whisper in your ear?
Oh, just stop right there
I think that we've got something here .

Michael grinned in relief as he hugged Maria back, his momentary panic that she was going to refuse him having evaporated.

“Nessa, we’re playing with fire here. Someone is bound to see us,” whispered Aidan.
Vanessa shook her head. “No one is going to come out this far. The celebration is only taking place on the patio and pool area.”
“Don’t you think other couples will take a stroll through the garden?”
“No. No one comes here unless they ask Max and Liz first. I think everyone believes these are their cherished gardens and they don’t want to disrespect them by coming in without permission.”
Aidan crossed his arms in front of him as he asked, “Are you saying you don’t mind disrespecting them?”
Vanessa rolled her eyes, “Aidan! I would never disrespect Liz! What I meant was that the others don’t know that Max and Liz really don’t mind if people strolled through the garden during a party. I only know that it is okay because Liz had mentioned it to me one time. Otherwise, I’d be keeping out too.”
Aidan nodded, “I see.”
She chuckled, “Come on, there’s a bench not to far from here, we can sit and talk for a bit before we go back to the celebration.”

“Liz, Max congratulations on having a healthy, beautiful son,” said Tess as she and Kyle said their goodbyes for the night.
“Thank you Tess. And thank you for coming,” said Max.
She nodded as Liz added, “Yes, thank you and take care of yourself and your baby. I hope the backaches don’t get any worse!”
Tess chuckled, “So do I!”
Kyle nodded, “Me too, I really don’t want to wake up one day and find out I’ve been dismembered.”
“Oh Kyle, I’d never do that, moro.”
“Theos, I hope not,” replied Kyle as he slipped his arm around Tess’ shoulders and began to lead her away from Max and Liz, waving to them as he did so.

“Max, I’m going to go in and check on Nathan for a while.”
“Liz, he’s fine. Dori would have contacted us if Nathan needed us. That means he’s still asleep.”
Liz sighed, “I know, but I just…”
Max shook his head and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “I’m not entertaining all of these people without you, agapo mou.”
“Liz!” called out Maria as she headed towards them.
Liz turned to see Maria wearing a dazzling smile as she approached.
“What’s going on, Maria?”
Maria chuckled, “You’ll never guess what Michael just asked me!”
“What?” asked Liz.
Maria chuckled again and held up her hand and waved to Liz.
As Max gave Maria a puzzled frown, Liz laughed. “Theos! He finally took the plunge!”
Max’s eyes went wide, “Michael asked you to marry him!”
Maria nodded, bouncing in place as she held out her hand for them to see the ring.
“Oh, Maria! It’s beautiful!”
“I know! I can’t believe he found such a perfect ring!” exclaimed Maria.
Max chuckled, “He’s not that hopeless Maria.”
Maria gave a little sigh, “Thank, Theos!”
Max laughed as he held out his hand to her, “Congratulations Maria. I know you’ll make him very happy and I hope he does the same for you.”
Liz nodded, “Yes. I hope so too.” She moved to Maria and gave her a hug. “Congratulations!”
Maria grinned, “Thank you both! I’m glad you both don’t mind that Michael…”
Max shook his head, “Really Maria, I know you make him happy! Why would I not allow him that?” He looked around the area as he asked, “Where is Michael anyway?”
“He stepped inside to check on security for a few minutes. He should be out soon.”
Max nodded, “Right, okay, I’m going to go check in quickly too.” He leaned down to kiss Liz’s cheek, “Don’t go anywhere, moro.”
Liz chuckled, “I’ll stay right here and listen as Maria gives me a play by play of how Michael asked her to marry him.
Max chuckled as he walked off in the direction of the house.

Max turned his head at the sound of his name and saw Joran approaching. He gave the older man a smile as he said, “Joran, I didn’t get the chance to thank you for coming earlier.”
Joran shook his head, “It’s all right.”
Max nodded, “Did you need something?”
“Oh, well my family and I are getting ready to take our leave for the night and I was just looking for Aidan. You haven’t seen him have you?”
“No, I haven’t, but he’s got to be around here somewhere. If I see him, I’ll let him know you’re looking for him.”
“Okay, thanks,” replied Joran as he made his way back to his family.

Aidan held Vanessa close to his side and buried his face in her hair. Breathing in her scent he mumbled, “I really wish it wasn’t time to go yet.”
Vanessa hugged him tighter around the waist. “I know, I wish that too.”
Aidan slid a hand beneath her chin and tilted her head back. His lips met hers as he tenderly began to kiss her goodbye. Vanessa returned his kiss until they parted for a few moments.
Aidan gave her a smile and said, “Goodnight, Nessa. I’ll write to you tomorrow.”
Vanessa nodded, “I’ll write too.”
As Aidan lowered his lips to hers once more, they both heard Joran calling out in the distance.
Aidan groaned and gave her a quick kiss. “I’ve got to go. Wait a few minutes before going out after me okay?”
Vanessa nodded, “Okay. Bye Aidan.”
“Bye.” Once more he gave her a kiss before pulling away and walking towards the garden entrance.
Just as he reached it, Joran turned the corner and nearly ran into him. Vanessa hastily pressed back against the bushes, hoping Joran didn’t see her at all.
“There you are! We’ve been looking all over for you! It’s time to go home, you ready?”
Aidan nodded, “Yes, I am.”
As the two of them walked away from the garden, Vanessa could hear his father ask, “What were you doing in the garden anyway?”
Then they were too far away for her to hear Aidan’s answer. Still, she waited a few more minutes before composing herself and making her way back to the celebration.


Song is Staplegunned by The Spill Canvas.

new Greek words
yos - son
ekho - have
aftos - he
prostatevo - sponsor/protector (God parent)
mystikistis - mystic
protos - prime (first prince)
epistatis - caretaker (nanny)

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:50 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Hello everyone. I had been trying to come back for about a week now, but every time I sat down to write, I'd just get upset again. It's been a really frustrating and sad few weeks for me and I'm hoping I'm starting to heal now. I still miss her like crazy, but I know I can't dwell on her not being there forever. So, here's to trying to get back into the groove. I don't think this part is long enough and there are a couple of scenes that I know I could have done better, but this was the best I could do. Hopefully I'll get better with next weeks.

Thank you to all of you who posted your prayers and condolences as I went through the testing and the final decision to let Delilah go: roswell, maya, French, mareli, La'Shon, Laira, googi, Marie, lovie, candy, cocogurl, M in Y, and Erina.

Thanks to cowgirl and aussie for understanding about RL getting in the way.

Now to the feedbackers to my last post, this is going to be short:

vampyrax- :lol: I decided not to make Max act psycho.
Emz- they think no one will approve
aussie- glad you're hooked
roswell- the debate over Nathan looking like Max was a cute scene to write
La'Shon- Will M/M be okay? We'll see...
BehrOb- we'll see...
cocogurl- Wow! I'm flattered that you like this! I hope I don't do anything to offend you, but I will understand if it ever happens.

Okay, here we go again...

Part 26

*One Month Later*

“Keh toso thio ginomai ena. Epitrepo ola pios iseh etho martiras o gamos too kiri-eh keh kiria Michael Guerin.”

As the mystikistis finished introducing the newlyweds, everyone in the place stood up and began clapping and cheering. Michael and Maria turned around and linked arms as they made their way through the crowd.

Max and Liz stood on either side of the mystikistis watching as the couple walked among the crowd while being congratulated.

The mystikistis turned towards Max and gave a slight nod, “Kyrios, it was an honor.”

Max returned the nod, “Efkharisto, the wedding went smoothly.”

As the mystikistis moved down the steps, Liz moved to Max’s side. He wrapped an arm around her waist and brushed his lips over her hair.

Well, it is finally done.

Liz looked up at him as she arched her brow. You sound like you’re relieved.

I am. I mean, Michael had been so distracted lately and no matter how many times you and I talked to him or tried to get him to slow down, he just kept working himself into a hole. I’m just glad that Maria is willing to be his wife, to let him make her happy.

Liz nodded, I hope she will make him happy. You’re right. They just need to get things situated. They need to find a way to coexist.

Max chuckled as he pulled her closer into his side, You mean like we coexist.

Liz giggled as she poked him in the side, No Max. You and I don’t coexist. We seem to exist as one entity. At least that’s what Isabel keeps telling me.

And you believe her? came Max’s mock astonished reply.

Liz burst into laughter just as Isabel and Alex joined them.

“What’s so funny, Liz?” asked Isabel.

Liz and Max glanced at each other a moment before hastily replying together, “Nothing.”

Alex grinned, “Oh, right the nothing game is it?”

Isabel gave him a curious look, “The what?”

Alex simply slid his arm around Isabel’s waist and said, “So I guess it’s safe to say Michael is no longer going to work himself into the ground.”

Max nodded, “I hope so.”

“Max and I are hoping his marriage to Maria will calm him down some. Plus we hope it also helps Maria to understand just how much Michael really loves her,” finished Liz.

Isabel agreed, “True. Maybe this is what Maria needed so that she could see that Michael really cares for her.”

The others nodded their heads in hope as Tess and Kyle came up to join them.

Liz immediately moved to Tess’ side and ran her hand over her stomach. “Tess you are positively glowing!”

Tess grinned, “Thanks. It helps to have a wonderful osizigos to help, but at least it‘s only about four months left now.”

Liz glanced towards Max as she replied with a smile, “Yes it does.”

Max returned her smile as he asked, “Are the backaches getting any better?”

Tess nodded, “They seem to be more tolerable now, but I think that has a lot to do with Kyle.”

As Max quirked an eyebrow in question, Kyle answered him. “Tess thinks that because we are syndeos that I siphon a lot of her pain.”

Liz nodded, “Right. I think that’s true too. I always thought Max was drawing a lot of my pain away from me or sharing it when I was pregnant with Nathan.”

Isabel grinned, “Like sympathy pains.”

“Yes, exactly,” replied Liz as she and Tess joined Isabel in giggles.

The men looked at each other and shrugged good-naturedly just as it was announced that the reception hall was ready to accept the wedding party.

As everyone filed in, Michael and Maria were already seated at the head table where Max was going to join them since he was the host Archigos of Michael’s coven. There was also room for the representatives of the Hilarion coven since Maria had been a member before she married Michael.

Tess asked Isabel how Caiden was doing as they walked through the room.

“He’s doing great. He’s a very happy baby, which is just like his father is.”

Tess chuckled, “He is, isn’t he? So he’s, what? About seven months now?”

Isabel nodded, “Yes, and a very rambunctious seven months! I don’t remember Vanessa ever being as energetic as Caiden is! But really, I can’t complain. Alex has been a wonderful father through it all and our epistatis is just as energetic as Caiden is.”

Tess nodded, “Guess she needs to be, in order to keep up with him huh?”

Isabel laughed, “You got that right!”

Tess surveyed the main table and frowned as Liz came closer to them. “Liz, aren’t you going to sit with Max at the table since you are his isyzygos?”

Liz shook her head, “Not tonight. I’m going to head on home to take care of Nathan.”

“Leaving already? But you only saw the wedding!” pouted Tess.

Liz reached out and squeezed Tess’ hand, “I know, but he’s only a month old and still needs a lot of my attention. I don’t feel that comfortable leaving him with Dori for that long yet.”

Tess nodded, “I understand.”

“We’ll get together one of these days okay? I’ll bring Nathan with me and we can talk about the birth of your baby.”

Tess smiled as she returned Liz’s hug, “I’d like that.”

Isabel and Tess made their way to their seats with their spouses while Liz went to say goodnight to the bride and groom and Max.

“Congratulations, you two!” Liz exclaimed as she hugged first Michael then Maria. “Boro keh i thio ekho enas makris keh eftikhismenos i zoi-i mazi.”

“Efkharisto, Liz.” beamed Maria.

Michael nodded, “Yes, thank you. For everything.”

Liz smiled at both of them, “Oh, it was a pleasure to help. I hope you enjoy the rest of the night. I’m sure my osizigos will see to it.”

Max nodded as he slipped his arm around Liz’s waist, “I will do my best.”

Liz gave the newlyweds another hug and kiss on the cheek before bidding them good night.

Max escorted Liz out of the room and pulled her into his arms, giving her a deep kiss.

As they finally pulled away, Max laid his forehead against hers and said, “I’ll see you at home later.”

Liz chuckled, “Yes, you will agapo mou. Enjoy yourself in the meantime, okay?”

He gave an exaggerated sigh, “Do I have to?”

“Yes, Mr. Evans, you do!” Liz grinned.

Max wiggled his eyebrows, “Convince me.”

Liz slid her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down to her. She claimed his lips in hers and gave him another deep kiss. When Max moaned, she slowly pulled away prompting him to groan in protest.

He looked down into her eyes as his own sparkled. “I was almost convinced.”

She gave a husky laugh before leaning in to whisper in his ear, “There’s more where that came from waiting for you at the house if you are a good boy tonight.”

When she pulled away from him, she saw that his eyes were now starting to glow that familiar molten gold color.

She stepped away from him with a smile and blew him a kiss before willing herself to their home.

Vanessa walked into the public library and made her way to the elevator. Inside, she pressed the button for the 6th floor and waited as the elevator made its way up. When the doors opened upon the floor, she walked out and made her way towards the back where all of the enclosed study rooms were.

As she neared one of the rooms, she saw the green piece of paper taped to the door, indicating that she was to enter it. She opened the door and walked in, closing it softly behind her.

Aidan was waiting next to the door as she entered and locked the door as soon as she had closed it. Then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a kiss.

Vanessa slid her hands up his arms and around his shoulders as they continued to kiss.

When they pulled apart for air, she spoke breathlessly. “Hello, Aidan.”

“Hello, Nessa.” replied Aidan as he slid his fingers through her hair. “I missed you.”

She laughed, “It’s only been about a month.”

He nodded, “I know, but it feels like much longer. I wish we could see each other more.”

“Aidan, you know my gonis would freak if they knew about us. And I couldn’t do that to thios Max.”

Aidan sighed, “I know, Nessa, I know. I just wish it could have been better that’s all.” He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Vanessa gave him a sympathetic look before moving to his side and slipping her arms around his waist. “Come on, we have about two hours before I have to get back home. Don’t you want to hear about Michael and Maria’s wedding?”

He grinned down at her before taking her hand and leading her to a couple of chairs, “Yes, but before you tell me that, I have to tell you about the last few days that my father has allowed me to shadow him in meetings! He’s said he’s proud that I’m taking an interest in the day to day ruling of our coven and thinks I am learning quickly.”

“That’s wonderful Aidan.”

“I think so too, but I had no idea ruling a coven took so much work! I swear dad never looked exhausted when he came home, so I always thought he just went and sat behind a desk and let others handle it! I’m not complaining though, I really like being so involved and busy. It makes time go by faster and keeps me occupied with thoughts other than you.”

Vanessa blushed, “Aidan.”

He smiled as he held her hand to his chest, “It’s the truth, Nessa. If I’m not busy, I think of you. Always.”

“I think of you too, Aidan.”

Michael walked into his room and smiled at the sight of Maria standing in front of the vanity mirror brushing her hair. She was wearing the green robe that was his favorite article of clothing on her and nothing else.

He walked up behind her and slid his arms around her waist, “S’agapo .”

Maria put down the brush and leaned back against him, “S’agapo episis.”

Michael lowered his lips to her neck and pressed a kiss against her pulse before nibbling his way down her shoulder.

Maria watched his movements in the mirror as he slid his hands over her stomach and began to undo the ties to her robe.


“Hm?” he mumbled as he tugged the robe off her shoulders and kissed her bare shoulder blades.

“Will we be moving into a house of our own?”

“Mm hm.”


He nipped at the back of her neck as he mumbled, “Dunno.”

Maria moved out of his embrace and turned to face him. As she closed her robe around her, Michael frowned. “When are we going to move, Michael?”


“I asked you if we are going to get our own house and you said yes. So I want to know when.”

Michael quirked an eyebrow, “Do we have to discuss this right now? Couldn’t we wait until tomorrow or something?”

Maria narrowed her eyes at him, “Have you even thought of moving into your own place?”

Michael sighed, “Yes, plenty of times.”

“So, how come you haven’t?”

“The time wasn’t right. You know it is more convenient for me to be in the same house as my Archigos.”

“Well, you have an isyzygos now, so I would think the time is right.”

Michael nodded, “And we will go looking at houses soon. Together. But not tonight. We have a wedding night to enjoy.”

He lifted his arms to take her back into them, but she stepped away again. “How long is Max giving you off for?”

Michael growled, “We’ve been over this Maria! I am off for three days.”

“Just three?”

“It’s all we can afford.”

She frowned, “Liz said she and Max were willing to give you a week or two for the honeymoon.”

“Why do I need to take a week or two when I want my entire marriage to you to be one long honeymoon?” he replied huskily as he tried to pull her close again.

“That’s not the point Michael!” she hissed and sidestepped again.

He threw his hands in the air, “Then what is the point, Maria?”

“The point is a proper honeymoon is supposed to last for about a week or so with no interruptions! That means no working!”

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, “Fine. You want a week of no interruptions? Then that’s what you’ll get. I’ll talk to Max tomorrow and tell him you and I are going to disappear for a week long honeymoon, okay?”

Maria folded her arms in front of her. “Don’t do me any favors Michael.”

“I’m just trying to make you happy Maria. If you want to go somewhere for a week, then we’ll do that. Just name the place and we’ll go.”

Maria continued to stand there unmoving.

Michael pouted, “Moro, please. We just got married and this is our wedding night. Shouldn’t we be enjoying ourselves? I just want to start our life together in happiness. Can’t we just love each other?”

Maria slowly lowered her arms and moved towards him. She lifted her arms to his shoulders and kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry. You’re right, we should be enjoying ourselves and celebrating the rest of our lives together.”

Michael grinned as she pressed her lips to his and slid her hands down to remove his shirt. His own hands resumed taking off her robe.

Liz looked up from the book she was reading when Max walked into the library. Nathan had fallen asleep almost an hour ago, so Liz had decided to go to the second floor library to read until Max returned home.

As soon as Max had materialized into his office, he had called to Liz with his mind and she’d told him she was in the library.

Max made his way to Liz as she slowly came to her feet. When he’d reached her, she slid her arms around his shoulders and tilted her head back to welcome him home with a kiss.

When their lips finally pulled away from each others, Liz asked, “So, how did it go?”

Max smiled, “It was a lot of fun. Isabel and Alex danced to a lot of the newer songs even though Alex claimed he couldn’t dance. And Michael danced to all the slow songs with Maria.”

“What about you? Didn’t you dance?”

“I danced a few with Isabel and a couple with Maria.”

Liz frowned, “Max, I told you to enjoy yourself!”

“I did! I danced and then enjoyed watching the others dance. And when we weren’t dancing, we all sat around talking. Kyle kept us laughing for most of the night until he and Tess left. Then it was Isabel, Alex, and I teasing Michael for not going and dancing faster numbers with Maria.”

“Oh. Poor Maria, so she didn’t get to dance to faster songs then?”

“Oh she did. Alex and I took her out for a few turns, but none of us could get Michael out to try a faster number no matter how much Maria pouted. Still, she seemed to be having a good time anyway.”

“Well, that’s good. I was worried about you and the others having a good time.”

He shrugged, “It would have been better with you there, but I know there will be other times. Our son needed you here.”

Liz nodded, “Yes, well he’s fast asleep now. Which I’m sure he will be for the rest of the night.”

Max grinned, “You’re sure?”


“Good,” he replied as he looked around the room.

Liz gave him a puzzled look, “What are you looking for?”

How does it feel to know you're everything I need

Max took her hand and began to lead her to the area where the cushions were spread out on the floor. As he walked, he turned to her with a smile. “Enas kalos meros kano agapo mechri isyzygos mou.”

The butterflies in my stomach
They could bring me to my knees

Liz returned his smile as she let Max lead her to the cushions. Once there, he turned around and took her into his arms.

How does it feel to know you're everything I want

Liz didn’t waste any time in undressing her husband since he had a lot more clothes on than she did. She was only wearing a long silk red robe over a short red cotton spaghetti strapped gown and nothing underneath that.

I've got a hard time saying this
So I'll sing it in a song

Max had only removed her robe by the time Liz had him completely naked. He took his time removing the gown in order to savor each inch of her soft skin as his fingers pushed the gown down.

Oh I adore the way you carry yourself
With the grace of a thousand angels overhead

He slid the straps down her shoulders and ran his fingers over her arms, leaning in to kiss her collarbone and then down her chest. As he continued to push the gown down, her breasts were revealed and his tongue snaked out to tease her nipple.

I love the way the galaxy starts to melt
When we become one

Liz closed her eyes in bliss as her husband gently teased her bud before taking it fully into his mouth and sucking on it.

When we become one

As Max took more of her breast into his mouth, he swirled his tongue around her puckered bud before nipping it with his teeth.

When we become one

Liz moaned in response and slid her hands into his hair once he’d freed her arms of the gown. She could feel the gown pooling at her feet as Max moved his mouth to her other breast and gave it the same treatment as the first.

When we become one

Max could feel Liz beginning to tremble in his arms as his mouth left her breast and trailed feather light kisses down her stomach and hips. He gently nudged her legs apart with his hands and took a long, slow lick of her nether lips causing her to gasp.

How does it feel

Liz widened her legs a little more as Max began to kiss her exposed lips, his tongue easily sliding in and around her folds.

How does it feel when we get locked into a stare?

When he was certain she was wet enough, he began to recline back against the cushions, his hands on her hips to guide her over him.

Please don't come looking for me
When I get lost in the mess of your hair

Liz allowed Max to help her straddle him as he lay back amongst the cushions. When she was certain he was comfortable, she slowly lowered herself onto his hardened penis until he was completely sheathed inside of her.

How do you feel when everything you've known
Gets thrown aside

Max kept his eyes glued on his wife’s face as she took him completely into her body and savored the way her eyes fluttered closed when he was buried to the hilt.

Never fear, my dear, 'cause we have nothing left to hide

Liz simply sat there enjoying the way Max felt inside of her for a few moments before she opened her eyes to look down at him. His eyes were that sexy molten gold color as he gazed up at her with love.

Oh I adore the way you carry yourself
With the grace of a thousand angels overhead

She gave him a seductive smile before she began to move her hips in a circular motion.

I love the way the galaxy starts to melt

Max’s lips parted slightly as he felt Liz’s walls sliding around his shaft. He used his hands on her hips to help her in her movements, but didn’t move until she gave him a sign that she was ready for it.

Hold on to me girl
If you feel your grip getting loose

It didn’t take long before Liz was using her knees as leverage to slide up and down, taking Max in, then allowing him to slide out until only the tip remained inside.

Just know that I'm right next to you

As she bent over slightly to place her hands on his shoulders, Max took that as the cue to begin thrusting his hips up to meet her downward strokes.

Hold on to me girl
If you feel your grip getting loose

As he bit his lower lip and groaned at the wonderful friction they were creating, Liz threw her head back and began moaning in time to her movements.

Just know that I won't let you down

Her nails began digging into Max’s shoulders as she picked up the pace and Max was right there with her.

Well, I'm ready

Together they moved their bodies in an ever increasing rhythm as their breathing got louder and shorter.

Well, I'm ready

Suddenly Max could feel Liz’s walls clamp down on his penis as she dragged her nails from his shoulders down his chest, punctuating her orgasm with a high pitched scream.

I am ready
To run away with you

The sight and feel of Liz in the throes of her orgasm was more than Max could take as he clenched his eyes shut and cried out her name, emptying himself inside of her.

Are you ready?

Liz continued to ride him until both of them were sated and trembling in the aftermath.

Are you ready?

As Max gathered her to his chest, he willed them both to their bedroom and started the bath with a wave of his hand.

Are you ready?
To run away with me

Liz leaned against his chest and sighed in contentment. “I don’t think I have the strength to take a bath right now.”

Pack your things we can leave today

Max leaned down to nuzzle her hair, “I’ll bathe you. You just relax and enjoy it.”

Pack your things we can leave today
Say our goodbyes and get on the train

As soon as the tub was full, Max lifted her into his arms and got into the tub, leaning her back against the side.

Say goodbye

Liz watched Max through hooded eyes as he picked up the sponge and lathered it up before running it over her body.

Just you and I in the sweet unknown
We can just call each other our home

Soon, Max had bathed her and was now working on himself as Liz watched. Liz smiled lazily, “You are too good to me, you know.”

If I had to choose a way to die
It'd be with you

As he rinsed himself off, he smiled at her. “It’s the least I can do after everything you do for me.”

In a goosebump infested embrace
With my overanxious hands cupping your face

Liz took his hand in hers as he began to help her out of the tub. She gazed into his eyes as she said, “Max, don’t ever think it’s a burden for me to love you. You know it’s not. I would do anything as long as I’m with you.”

In a goosebump infested embrace
With my overanxious hands cupping your cherub face

Max wrapped Liz in a huge, plush towel before caressing her cheek with his hand. “S’agapo Elizabeth.”

How does it feel?

Liz smiled and captured his hand in hers. Turning her head, she kissed his palm before looking at him again. “S’agapo, osizigos mou.” As she lowered their linked hands, she whispered, “Erkhomeh, pairno emena mechri krevati.”

Max did as his heart asked.

Song is So Much by The Spill Canvas

new Greek words
ginomai - become
epitrepo - let
pios - who
etho - here
martiras -witness
o gamos - the wedding
kiri-eh - Mr.
kiria - Mrs.
boro - may
keh i thio - you both
makris - long
eftikhismenos - happy
i zoi-i - life
mazi - together
gonis - parents
thios - uncle
meros - place
kano - to make
erkhomeh - come
krevati - bed

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:34 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Hello everyone and MERRY CHRISTMAS! LOL, guess what? I've got part 27 right here all ready to go and then part 28 should be finished by Sat! Woo hoo, finally!
So, I hope you all enjoy this part and forgive me for not responding to your feed back this time... I also want to thank all of you who were understanding about that awful writers block I'd been experiencing...I think that with everything that had been going on in my RL, my muse wanted me to write 'happy bunny, fluffy pieces' which is what this story isn't supposed to be... :roll:

To those who left fb...
M in Y

-thanks a bunch! :D

WARNING- A little note to remind you guys once more...Max is not always a good person...and this is not a candy fic, so be warned...Maria may be hard to take for most of this fic...

That being we go...

Part 27

*Four months later*

“Kyrios, the two foremen from the docks are here.”

Max looked up from his seat behind his desk at the thooli-es building where all the day to day deals and managing of all his businesses were dealt with. He nodded to his secretary, “Efkharisto, Kira. Send them in and tell Lucian to come to my office with two of his men immediately.”

Kira gave him a respectful bow and walked back out of the office.

Max remained seated behind his desk, sitting back in his chair and looking relaxed to any observers. However, inside he was carefully keeping close reign on his temper. He would wait to hear their accounts before he passed any judgment at all.

Kira appeared at the door again and stood back to motion in the two foremen who were under Max’s pay. Max kept a steady eye on them, noticing that one of them wouldn’t look him in the eye and the other immediately gave him the respectful head nod that all of his loyal people did.

As soon as they were inside, Kira closed the door behind them effectively shutting them in with their boss.

Max continued to sit there silently watching them until they began to squirm under his scrutiny. Finally he spoke.

“I commend you both for getting here so quickly.”

“It would have been rude of us to ignore your summons Kyrios,” replied the eldest of the two.

“Just the same, I prefer to get this over with as quickly as possible.” Max paused a moment before going on, “I assume that you both have an idea why I wished to speak with you.”

The two men looked at each other before the eldest spoke again. “Forgive our ignorance, Kyrios, but I’m afraid we don’t have a clue.”

Max just looked at the man for a few more moments and realized what he said was true. The younger one however, hadn’t said a word and still didn’t look him in the eye. Inwardly he sighed as he thought to himself, If he wanted to get away with this, someone should have schooled him on how not to give himself away.

Just then there was a quick knock at the door before it opened to reveal Lucian, manager of the security team at that building, and two of his men. Without a word, the three of them simply came in, acknowledged their Archigos with a nod, and moved to recline against the couch and wall near the door.

Outwardly, Max ignored them as he addressed the eldest foreman again. “Well, Tomas, it seems I was mistaken in asking you to come here. There are a few incidents which were brought to my attention recently, but it appears they were not done on your watch. I am sorry for making you come all this way for nothing, but since you are here, I would like to congratulate you on a job well done and assure you that before the week is out I will have some good news for you and your family.”

Tomas nodded, “Thank you Kyrios and it wasn’t a problem to come here at all.”

Max gave him a smile as he rose from his chair and indicated to Tomas to walk with him to the door. As he approached, he opened the door with one hand and held the other one out to Tomas. “Thank you again, for coming so quickly, my friend.”

Tomas shook his hand, “You are more than welcome, Kyrios.”

Max nodded to Kira, “Escort Tomas out, would you akribos mou? See that he gets compensated for taking time out of his schedule to come here.”

Kira nodded, “Of course, Kyrios.”

Max watched as Tomas followed Kira down the hall, waiting until they had both disappeared from sight before closing the door behind him. He glanced at the remaining young foreman before giving Lucian a slight nod. Lucian returned Max’s nod as Max made his way back behind his desk.

Once he was standing behind his desk, Max folded his hands behind his back and looked directly at the man who was now beginning to show signs of nervousness. He waited for a few more moments before finally asking, “What have you got to say for yourself, Orsin?”

Orsin looked up at Max, but immediately looked down again as he replied, “I don’t understand, K-kyrios.”

Max frowned, “How old are you?”

The young man’s head snapped up and he jutted out his chin with pride, “I am one hundred and sixty two, Kyrios.”

Max raised an eyebrow, “Really?” He shook his head as he looked in Lucian’s direction, “Well, I guess I’ve just learned my lesson about promoting someone who’s just barely out of their teens then.”

Orsin gave Max an outraged look, “I said sixty two, not sixteen.”

Max turned a heated glare at Orsin as he hissed, “I heard you the first time, o neos! And since you continue to give me disrespect, I shall do the same to you! Now, do not waste my time and yours, pethi! Tell me what were you thinking doing all that down on the docks that I own! Did you not think all that excess would be discovered and brought to my attention?”

Orsin swallowed audibly, but didn’t say a word. Instead, he glared right back at Max.

Lucian began to growl low in his throat and took an almost invisible step towards the young man, but Max held up his hand. “Your time is already short, pethi!”

Lucian hissed, “Anoitos! Your Archigos is giving you a chance to defend yourself and you are refusing to take it!”

Max leaned forward and put his palms down on his desk as he held Orsin’s eyes with his own. “It’s all right, Lucian he’s obviously made his choice.” Max continued to hold Orsin’s gaze for a few more moments before he said, “For using and discarding uninitiated humans and allowing others to do so…”

“What! We aren’t allowed to play with our food, but only those who are your favorites may do so!” yelled Orsin.

This time Lucian didn’t hesitate to launch himself at Orsin, knocking him to the ground and curling one very effective claw around the youngster’s throat.

“Lucian!” hissed Max. “Hold!”

Max walked around the desk and bent over to glare down at Orsin as he asked, “What do you mean by that?”

Orsin’s voice was constricted by Lucian’s grip, but they could still hear him. “You own the Syllogos. Isn’t that the place where you allow those you favor to play with humans?”

Max narrowed his eyes, “All humans who go there are not harmed! If they are initiated, it may be a fair exchange between them and us. If they are not initiated, we generally don’t touch them. But under no circumstances do we put their lives in danger, everyone knows the rules that I made to protect the humans!”

Orsin croaked, “How do you know they follow, huh? You are not there all the time.”

Max narrowed his eyes, “I have security watching the place at all times!”

“Maybe inside, but what about when a human leaves with one of our kind? You only protect them inside your businesses, but once outside, they’re on their own.”

Max glared at him for a moment before getting up and walking to his desk. Picking up his phone, he dialed a number and waited.

“Yes, Kyrios?”

“Check the files, find out who from our people have left the building with humans over the past few months. Then track those humans down. I want the results yesterday!”

“Consider it done.”

As the phone went dead, Max looked down at Orsin, “I will deal with each one who has dared to disobey our laws. In the meantime, you have broken our laws too.”

“I only did what everyone else was doing!” Orsin sneered.

“That is no excuse! You knew the rules! I specifically forbade any of my people from destroying innocent humans! Yet you allowed others to play with them as if they were nothing but rag dolls! No one is allowed to kill! You take what you need and you let them go!” Max roared.

“They were going to rat us out! They deserved to die!”

“You are not the one who makes the rules! If an uninitiated finds out, then you are to contain them and report it so that someone can rectify the situation!” Max curled his hands into fists as he hissed, “Now, because of your foolishness, I have found out about those murders from the police! The human police! And they have to be the ones to deal with the mess left behind by those you and your followers so recklessly discarded! How dare you put our people in jeopardy! You almost destroyed the peace I have worked hard all these centuries to procure for both our people and the humans! Do you have any idea what I am going to have to do to pacify those humans who believed me when I told them they had nothing to fear from us? Do you?”

“Then don’t do anything! Let them fear us! We are the stronger!”

“And let our two species go to war? We need them to survive! We can’t wipe them out and I will not herd them like cattle! They are not animals, no more than we are! You are too young and too greedy to see just how our species can benefit from each other!”

“No, you are too much of a bleeding heart to see that we could rule the world!”

Max roared and leapt the distance from his desk to where Orsin still lay on the ground. As his knees touched the floor, he slammed his clawed hand into Orsin’s chest and yanked out his heart.

Orsin’s scream was cut short as blood welled up in his mouth.

Max growled, “For using and killing humans and allowing others to do so you are condemned to death. For nearly destroying the lives of our people and for destroying innocent human families, you are condemned to death. May your soul never know peace and may no one mourn your passing!”

Max stood up, still holding the beating heart in his hand. Instantly, it turned to ash and Max curled his hand into a fist as he glared down at the now lifeless husk that was once Orsin.

“Get rid of it! Do not allow his remains to be given to the loved ones he left behind.”

Lucian nodded and motioned for the other two men to help him in removing the body. As they left the room, Max walked over to the sink at the far end of the room and dumped what was left of the ashes down the sink before washing his hands.

Kira knocked on the door a few moments later and walked in holding a few files. “Kyrios, Tomas has been taken care of as you wished. He is home with his family now.”

Max gave her a thankful nod. “Are there any other issues for today, Kira?”

“No, Kyrios. You just need to sign a few papers and you’re done,” she replied as she opened a file for him and pointed to where he needed to sign.

Max picked up a pen and proceeded to sign wherever Kira indicated. Once he was done, Kira gathered up all the files and bade her Archigos to have a good evening.

Max finished cleaning up and willed himself to his home, appearing into the nursery where an unfazed Dori sat in a chair reading while Nathan slept in his crib next to her.

She casually looked up at Max and gave him a nod, “Good evening, Kyrios.”

Max walked over to the crib and looked down at his sleeping son. “I take it my isyzygos is still visiting the Valentis.”


Max nodded, “Very well then, you can go Dori. I’ll take care of Nathan until his mitera returns.”

Dori gathered up her things and quietly left Max alone with his son. Max leaned over the crib and ran his fingers lightly over the soft fuzz of his son’s hair. At the sound of the baby’s soft sigh, a tender smile spread over the awed father’s lips and lit up the rest of his face.

Liz stepped out of the car surrounded by Michael and several other guards. As she made her way up the steps towards the front door, Michael remained by her side while the others took their places around them.

The front door opened to reveal Kyle, who graced them with his ever friendly smile which seemed all the brighter because he was now a proud father. As Liz approached him, he held out his hand in welcome.

“Liz! Tess and I are so glad you could come by today.”

Liz smiled as she leaned in to give Kyle a friendly hug. “Really Kyle! You make it sound like I haven’t been by to see Tess in ages! Is she really that bad to you?”

Kyle laughed, “No, of course not. It’s just I know how much she enjoys your company.”

Liz nodded, “As I enjoy hers.” As Kyle led her inside, some of her guards remained outside while others took up places inside the foyer. Michael never left Liz’s side.

Kyle turned towards Michael and nodded, “Michael, good to see you too, Dioikitis. How’s married life treating you?”

Only Liz was aware of the subtle movement of Michael’s eyes. She and Max were the only two who seemed to know that all was not well with Michael and Maria. Of course it could have been because they lived in Max’s house and Liz was often having to calm a hysterical Maria, while Max did his best to calm a panicked Michael. Not even Isabel or Alex knew just how bad things were between the two.

“It’s fine,” replied Michael.

Kyle grinned, “Hey, she’s my sister. I know how she is, which means she’s keeping you on your toes, eh?”

Liz chuckled, “She is an energetic one, isn’t she?”

Michael nodded, “That she is.”

Kyle laughed as they walked up the stairs towards his bedroom where both Tess and their two week old daughter, Arissa were. Liz and Max had both been there the day Tess went into labor, sitting downstairs in the den with the rest of the friends and family members who’d arrived for Arissa’s birth. After that day, Liz had been by to see Tess and Arissa at least three times already.

Liz turned to look at Kyle with a smile, “So, missing any sleep yet?”

Again Kyle grinned, “Oh yeah. I’ve almost forgotten what sleep is.” He paused as an almost euphoric look graced his face. “But I wouldn’t trade being a father for anything.”

Liz nodded, “Max says the same thing.”

Kyle quirked an eyebrow, “Seriously? Man, I would’ve thought he would have left the childrearing to you while he’s off keeping our world in one piece.”

Liz rolled her eyes, “Really, Kyle. When are you going to stop thinking of Max as being the big intimidating king of the world type?”

“Huh? But Liz, he is ‘Mr. Mess With Me and I’ll Obliterate You’ Archigos of the Aristomache coven. There isn’t any other Archigos as intimidating as him!”

Liz sighed, “He’s not that bad Kyle. Max is a very kind, loving man who loves his family and cares about his friends.”

Kyle chuckled, “Are we talking about the same guy?”

Liz swatted his shoulder as he opened the door to his bedroom and stood back to allow her in. She smiled as she looked at the bed where Tess was propped up against the headboard with Arissa in her arms.

Tess looked up and returned Liz’s smile as her friend made her way to the bedside with Kyle in tow. Michael remained outside of the bedroom door.

Liz leaned over and kissed Tess on the cheek, “How are you feeling today, Tess?”

“Much better, thanks. I guess it’s a good thing our species heal quickly huh?”

Liz laughed, “Yes, that is definitely a plus.”

Kyle grinned, “Okay, ladies, now that I’ve done my duties, I’ll leave you two to ooh and ah over our daughter in peace.” He leaned over and kissed Tess on the lips before looking into her eyes, “Call if you need anything.”

Tess smiled as she gazed back at him, “Iposkhomeh.”

After Kyle had left and shut the door behind him, Liz and Tess settled in to talk about their children and husbands. Tess had been grateful to Liz for being there when she needed her since Liz was one of the few who knew what she was going through as a syndeo.

Ever since Tess and Kyle had bonded and Tess had made the apology to both Max and Liz, the rivalry between the two females had virtually disappeared. The turning point was when Tess had told Liz about her fear that Kyle would do something to Max out of resentment for being one of Tess’ previous lovers. Especially since Kyle knew Max had been one of the very few recurring lovers whom Tess had greatly enjoyed.

Liz had first asked Tess how she felt about Max now and when Tess had replied that she only felt respect and admiration for Max, Liz asked how she felt about Kyle. It had been plainly obvious what Tess’ feelings for Kyle were because it was written all over her face. Tess practically glowed from the inside every time Kyle’s name was even mentioned. And Liz realized that Tess didn’t have that reaction at all when Max’s name was mentioned.

So, Liz told Tess to simply be truthful with Kyle. She assured Tess that as long as Kyle could feel and hear her love for him, he’d never doubt that she loved him and not Max. Liz was certain the bond that existed between Tess and Kyle would only grow stronger and help Kyle to realize that Max was not a threat to him.

When Liz had offered to talk to Kyle for her, Tess had shook her head and said she would talk to Kyle since it was something that was between them. However, she always kept Liz up to date on how Kyle was handling things.

Liz was relieved to see that with the birth of Arissa, Kyle seemed to have relaxed immensely and Tess was basking in the glow of their daughter’s birth and the love of her osizigos. Now, there was no awkwardness at all when the four of them occupied the same space and Liz was glad that all rivalries were finally being laid to rest.

Vanessa lay on her bed with her eyes closed, clutching Aidan’s recent letter to her chest. His words still ran though her head.

I miss you Nessa. I know it’s only been four months, but I really do miss seeing you. I miss just sitting there, holding you in my arms and sharing stories of our families with each other. I love listening to your stories. You are always so animated when you talk about your pateras or your thia Liz or any other member of your family.
And I love the way you always make me smile and laugh about my own adelfis even when I am complaining about them. Somehow you always make things seem better than they are. I guess it’s because you make me see things from another point of view rather than just my own.
I love that about you. That you seem to look at things from all angles before you make a decision. And I wonder if that’s your pateras influence or your thios Max. I know it’s not your mitera since you keep telling me she’s extremely possessive when it comes to her loved ones. (Yes, I am laughing as I write this because I’m picturing your face as you tell me once again how much your mitera is so unbearable at times.)
Still, I hope it’s not another four months before we can see each other again. At this point, I’m not sure when I will have some free time to meet you again. Ever since I’ve started working with my pateras, he’s been giving me more and more responsibilities when he thinks I can handle it.
Like I said before, it makes the time go by faster. Still, when I’m alone in my room, lying awake on my bed, I think of you. And wish there was a way we could tell your family about us and not worry that they won’t allow us to be together. I know you are right. We should wait a little longer. Until you are of an age that they can’t protest against. I look forward to that day with all my heart.
Until we meet again. Love, Aidan.

With a heartfelt sigh, Vanessa slid off her bed and went to her desk. Sitting down, she gathered the materials she needed to reply to such a wonderful letter.

Liz glanced at the silent man sitting next to her in the back of the limo. He was looking out of his window, his pose reminding her of a night so long ago. A night when she’d been just a scared human woman, mistakenly wondering what the man who’d brought her was going to do with her.

Now, she was a much wiser immortal woman who knew what a silence meant from the man next to her. She knew his silence would last only as long as she let it. She knew that now she was one of the few among their kind who could get this normally quiet man to talk.

Reaching over to take his hand in hers she asked, “Have things been smoothed out yet?”

Michael sighed and shook his head in answer.

Liz squeezed his hand in hers to encourage him. “Michael, maybe she just needs a little more time.”

Michael turned to look at her. “I don’t know how much more time she needs, Liz. I mean, she has always known what my job entails. She knows everything. I don’t keep any secrets from her, yet she thinks my world revolves around you and Max.”

Liz sighed, “Maybe you just need to show her that you love her.”

“I have. I do all the time. When I’m with her and not on duty, she’s my whole world. I give her everything she asks for. Everything. She wanted more room, so I asked Max if we could expand the underground area and he allowed it. She wanted me to take more time off to spend with her and I’ve rearranged my schedule so that I can be with her more often. I spend all my days with her now, only doing my duties in the evenings. And Max and I are talking about letting me just be your lead guard to free up more of my time.”

Michael stopped talking and turned to look back out of the window. Just when Liz thought he’d said all he had to, she heard his voice whispering, “Still, it’s not enough. It’s never enough and I don’t know what else to do to prove to her that I love her. That she’s my world.”

Liz didn’t say anything. There was nothing she could think of to say that would help Michael out at all. Her heart went out to her Dioikitis. He was a great man and she couldn’t understand how Maria couldn’t see what a kind, loving, loyal man he was. Michael may have been a man of few words, but that didn’t stop her from seeing how much he loved Maria. Even Max knew there wasn’t anything Michael wouldn’t do for his isyzygos.

Once they had arrived home, Liz had bid Michael a good night and gone to change before going to check on Nathan. She was pleasantly surprised to find her osizigos sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery holding their son. Both father and son were fast asleep.

With a smile, Liz gently ran her fingers through Max’s hair and placed a light kiss on his cheek. Max slowly came awake, a smile on his lips before he opened his eyes.

Liz returned his smile before she leaned over to kiss her son’s forehead.

Nathan murmured in his sleep and curled in closer to his father’s chest.

Liz chuckled softly as she looked from Nathan to Max. “I think he likes you better.”

Max grinned, “No,” he whispered, “he just likes the warmth I provide.”

Liz rolled her eyes, “Really Max, he knows you’re his father. He can feel your affection for him.”

Max nodded and stood up, carrying his son to his crib. Liz stood by and watched as Max tucked Nathan into his crib and leaned down to kiss his cheek. Then Max straightened and slid his arm around Liz’s shoulder, pulling her close.

“How was the visit?” he asked.

She nodded, “It was nice. Kyle thinks Arissa looks a lot like her mother. I’m inclined to agree. At least she does have Tess’ eyes.”

Max grinned, “Yet he doesn’t think my son looks like me.”

Liz stifled a giggle and wrapped her arm around her osizigos waist, tugging him towards the door. “Come on, agapo mou. Let’s take this conversation somewhere where we won’t disturb our son’s sleep.”

Max grinned and willed them into the theater on the second floor of the house. As Liz looked around and laughed, he shrugged. “I thought we’d relax and watch a movie tonight.”

Liz nodded as she made her way to the shelves that housed the DVDs. “Sounds like a good idea.”

Once she’d selected a movie, she handed it to Max and he set everything up as she got comfortable on the couch. Soon, Max joined her there and they both settled in as the previews began. Liz filled Max in on her visit with Tess until the movie started, then they turned their attention towards it.

Towards the end of the movie, Max had shifted to lean back against the arm of the couch with his legs stretched out on the cushions. Liz had moved to lay over his body, her head against his chest. The moment Max’s hand had started to innocently caress her back, Liz had become instantly aware of him.

You're captivating while evading
All the questions I have for you like,
"What exactly makes you tick?"
When the guilt sets in tell me
What are we going to do?

She knew his caresses were simply affectionate, but that didn’t stop her from wanting him to caress other parts of her body. So, when his hand didn’t stray from her back, she willed their clothes away and turned her head to nip at his chest.

Your tongue is wet with a top secret passion
I hope I am the cause of it
I'll navigate this unsturdy vessel
Filled with a soft sea of pillows and blankets

Max let out a soft hiss and glanced down at her. His attention was instantly riveted to her when she suddenly sank her teeth into his chest and drew some of his blood into her mouth. Letting out a moan, Max sifted their bodies until her legs were wrapped around his.

And I fight the urge to explore
The vastness of your curves I adore
You know I, I hate you
No, I hate you more
You know I, I love you
No, I love you more

Liz withdrew her teeth and leisurely lapped at his chest until the wound had closed. Then she kissed her way up his body until her lips fused with his. As her tongue slid into his mouth, he let out a growl when he tasted his blood in her mouth.

Yes, it's true
You've brainwashed me and now I'm more confused
I still somehow hope I end up with you

Liz continued to kiss Max as she moved to her knees and sank down on his groin, impaling herself on him. Her fingers curled over his shoulders at the same time his curled around her hips. She pulled away from his lips and sat up, eagerly starting a fast pace of riding him.

Yes, it's true
I romanticize every single thing I do
Especially when it comes to you

Max grunted and tightened his hold on her hips. Gritting his teeth, he half pleaded, half commanded “pao argos, agapo mou. Argos.”

I've sunken in the quicksands of love
And I don't want you to rescue me
Screw what my supposed friends think
It's obvious they reek of jealousy
It's obvious they reek of jealousy

Liz whimpered in protest, but did as he asked and slowed down her pace.

And I fight the urge to explore
The vastness of your curves I adore
You know I, I hate you
No, I hate you more
You know I, I love you
No, I love you more

Max leaned further back against the arm even as Liz leaned back herself. She ran her hands over his chest, enjoying the way her osizigos body felt against hers. Max’s hands weren’t idle either as the two of them took their time exploring each other’s bodies and loving each other.

Yes, it's true
You've brainwashed me and now I'm more confused
I still somehow hope I end up with you

They continued on like that until they both felt the beginning prickling of their skin. Knowing their time was growing shorter, Liz picked up her pace again and Max moved his hands back to her hips to help her. Soon, their breaths had quickened to match the frantic pace of their hips and Liz was digging her nails into Max’s shoulders as her orgasm washed over her.

Yes, it's true
I romanticize every single thing I do
Especially when it comes to you

Max reveled in the feel of his isyzygos pleasure for a few moments before his own pleasure overtook him. As he let go, Liz continued to ride him, her eyes watching the expression on his face as she did. All to soon, they were both lying on the couch, clinging to each other’s sweat soaked bodies.

I hope to God I mean a little more then the sounds that escape your tired 4 A.M. lips
And oh-how I wish I meant a little more then a symphony of heavy breathing and the friction of hips

Max willed them to their room and sifted Liz in his arms so that she was lying besides him. She opened her eyes and looked up at him with a lazy smile. He pressed a kiss against her forehead before tilting his head back and exposing his neck.

Yes, it's true
You've brainwashed me and now I'm more confused
I still somehow hope I end up with you

Liz began to press kisses from his shoulder up to his neck until she reached the pulse she sought. She licked the skin there a few times before sinking her teeth in and drinking her fill.

Yes, it's true
I romanticize every single thing I do
Especially when it comes to you

Max closed his eyes in bliss as his love fed from him. He had fed well to provide for her this night the way he always did, just as she always patiently waited to take her nourishment from him. As his blood flowed into her body and blended with hers, they both knew that was the way it was always meant to be.


Song is Himerus and Eros by The Spill Canvas

new Greek words
thooli-es - business
o neos - teen boy (supposed to be an insult)
anoitos - fool
pateras - father
thia - aunt
pao - go
argos - slow

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:09 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr

Hope these last two parts help make your holidays great! See you next Saturday just in time for the new year!

La'Shon- Yes, Max is a badass, doing his job, but I hope his soft side comes out where it counts :D . Wow, you are right on all counts about Michael and Maria :shock: . You'll see :twisted: . Nessa won't be an adult for a few decades :twisted: . Yes, Tess is now ALL Kyle's and you know I love the dreamer moments too :wink: .

Zanity- LOL, glad you thought so. LOL, yes Michael should just be blunt, huh?

cocogurl- Yes, that's Max :D . LOL, well I did warn you about Maria.

nibbles- would be interesting, but I won't. I'll just have to stick with the warning...

xmag- :lol: thanks xmag. We'll see...

BehrObsession- might be on to something :wink:

confused- LOL, apparently....a lot

French- Wanted to show how he has to go from 'fearless leader' to 'softie' in a heartbeat :wink: . Liz isn't human anymore and she was never really squeamish. LOL, that's the drama of this, eh?

candy- Yep :D . A few decades :shock: !

roswell- Hmmm....We'll see...

Here we go...

Song is Next Contestant by Nickelback

Part 28

Max growled under his breath as yet another man approached his isyzygos that night. He watched with narrowed eyes as the man came too close to Liz and seemingly whispered something to her. She simply eased away from him, looked him in the eye and said something to him. Max watched as the man slowly nodded, a look of disappointment on his face, before walking away.

All night long since he and Liz had walked into the Theron coven ball, men had been approaching Liz left and right. Granted, they had been warned that the members of the coven seemed to take the title seriously. Even those who were already mated. To every member, male or female, everything was fair game.

Max had also been approached a few times, but the women had seemed to have gotten the message the first few times after he’d glowered and hissed at the poor females. After that, no other woman had seemed to want to approach the intimidating Aristomache leader.

It wasn’t the same for Liz. Everyone knew who she was, but that didn’t stop the men from openly flirting with her. Liz wasn’t as obvious in her refusals as Max was, but she did refuse immediately. Still, since she wasn’t glowering and hissing like Max, the other males figured they had a chance.

As Max let out another growl, Michael turned to look at him. With a lowered voice he said, “Kyrios, we were warned and Liz would never do that to you.”

Max gave a curt nod as he hissed, “I know that, but that still doesn’t stop me from wanting to rip them apart.”

“No one has touched her yet.”

“That is why no one is dead yet.”

Michael wisely didn’t say anything else as his eyes remained on Liz across the way. She was talking to Nia, the isyzygos of the Theron coven’s Archigos. Yet Michael knew Liz was fully aware of Max’s looks and feelings. Liz would know what to do to keep her osizigos calm.

Max didn’t tear his gaze away from Liz as he spoke to Michael. “What are you doing at my side, Michael? It’s your night off tonight. Aren’t you supposed to be by Maria’s side?”

Michael hid the pained look from Max as he responded, “I was, but she’s off making nice with the Archigos son and his friends.”

Now Max tore his gaze from Liz as he stared at Michael. “I repeat, what are you doing at my side?”

Michael gave a sigh, but before he could speak, Max continued. “Michael, now would be the perfect opportunity to show Maria how much she means to you. If she’s making nice with other men, then you should step in and show her that you are the one she is going home with. Stake your claim, but stake it in a way that won’t offend her and let the other men see they don’t have a chance.”

Michael turned his head to look in the direction of where Maria was standing, surrounded by four men. She was laughing at something one of them said and all of them were watching her avidly. With a frown on his face, Michael nodded.

“Right, you’re right. Okay, I’m going.”

Max grinned as Michael wiped the frown off his face and casually made his way over to his isyzygos side. He watched as Michael moved to Maria’s side and kissed her cheek in greeting. As Maria introduced him to the other guys, Michael shook their hands in turn and subtly slid his arm around Maria’s waist.

Max couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he saw the look of pleasant surprise on Maria’s face when Michael seemed to be letting her and the other men know that Maria was his. Even he was glad when Michael leaned in to nuzzle her cheek, prompting Maria to turn her head to his before they kissed in full view of the others. One by one, each of the men seemed to move away knowing that Maria had made her choice for the night.

Max continued to smile as he looked away from the now happy couple, but the smile quickly faded as his eyes landed on his isyzygos. Another man had made his way to her side and was whispering something in her ear. Max growled low as he watched the man try to get close to her, but Liz once more moved away and turned to look the man in the eye. She spoke to him and Max was waiting for the usual disappointed nod before he walked away.

That didn’t happen this time. This time the man leaned in again, his lips dangerously close to Liz’s as he once more said something to her. Max’s eyes narrowed and he could feel his claws and fangs elongating as he watched Liz hiss something back at the man. Still, the man didn’t get the message and reached out to touch Liz’s arm.

Liz jerked her arm away from the man, but that was all Max needed to will himself to her side and roar at the man who had dared to touch his mate. Liz didn’t even bat an eyelash as Max appeared at her side, but the guy was taken aback.

Liz curled her fingers around Max’s arm to hold him next to her as she hissed at the man. “I told you I wasn’t interested. Now you see why! Go away before he rips you apart!”

The man held his hands up in the air, “Sorry, thought you wouldn’t mind. I wouldn’t mind if we had a threesome you know. Or if you want a foursome I could…”

“No one but me is allowed to touch my isyzygos!” roared Max.

The man blinked, but kept his composure, “I have an osizigos, so I could ask her to join us. I know she wouldn’t mind.”

Max hissed, “We are not of your coven, go find another playmate.” With that, he pulled Liz to his side and began walking away from the man.

Liz cringed as she watched the foolish man step in front of Max and say, “Why don’t we ask the Kyria what she wants, huh?”

“She wants me,” growled Max.

The man arched an eyebrow, “You gonna let her say anything?”

“Max…” Liz pleaded.

“She doesn’t have to say it, I know it!” yelled Max.

The man narrowed his eyes. “I would like to hear it from her own mouth, if you don’t mind.”

“Mind? Of course I mind! She’s mine!” roared Max.

This time several others nearby stopped what they were doing and turned to stare at the confrontation. Liz swallowed and tugged at Max’s arm.

“Max, let’s just go…”

As Max moved back towards Liz, the man spoke again. “Oh come on sugar, you can’t possibly be intimidated by him can you? It’s not like I’m asking for more than one night in your bed anyway.”

I judge by what she's wearing
Just how many heads I'm tearing
Off of assholes coming on to her

With a sigh, Liz let go of Max’s arm and watched as Max launched himself at the man. She rolled her eyes as she saw him brace himself, clearly ready for Max’s attack. In the next instant, his eyes went wide as Max disappeared and reappeared a split second later right in front of him. Clearly the man didn’t know just how good Max was since there was surprise written all over his face.

Each night seems like it's getting worse
And I wish she'd take the night off
So I don't have to fight off
Every asshole coming on to her

Max didn’t even hesitate as he appeared, he lifted his clawed hand and swiped it across the man’s face. He stumbled back and lifted his hand to touch the fresh welts that had appeared there. Pulling his hand back from his cheek, he looked at the blood on his fingers.

It happens every night she works
They'll go and ask the DJ
Find out just what would she say
If they all tried coming on to her
Don't they know it's never going to work

He glared at Max and roared, “All right, if that’s how you want it. I’ll fight you for a piece of her!”

They think they'll get inside her
With every drink they buy her
As they all try coming on to her
This time somebody's getting hurt

“Oh, skata!” hissed Liz as she watched Max and the man launch themselves at each other.

Here comes the next contestant

Within moments, Max had the man pinned on the floor, but both were already breathing hard and bleeding in several places.

Is that your hand on my girlfriend?
Is that your hand?
I wish you'd do it again
I'll watch you leave here limping
I wish you'd do it again
I'll watch you leave here limping
There goes the next contestant

“Max, stop! Just let him go and let us leave this place!” Liz pleaded before she looked towards the other man. “And you. You should have listened to me when I said no because the answer to your question is yes, I only want Max, my syndeo. No one else will ever replace him!”

I even fear the ladies
They're cool but twice as crazy
Just as bad for coming on to her
Don't they know it's never going to work

The man looked at her and managed to croak out, “You haven’t even tried me yet! How do you know he’s the best?”

Each time she bats an eyelash
Somebody's grabbing her ass

As Max roared once more and proceeded to pummel him, Liz threw her hands in the air. “Theos! You just will not shut up will you? Fine, let him beat you to a pulp. I don’t care.”

Everyone keeps coming on to her
This time somebody's getting hurt

She was just about to look for Michael and Maria when she noticed several other men moving in. Her eyes went wide as she recognized every one of them. They had all tried to make a move on her and now they were making a bee line for Max. She knew what was going to happen, but she also knew who would be the victor.

Here comes the next contestant

“Max! No!” she screamed in warning as Max disappeared just before one of them clawed him in the back.

Is that your hand on my girlfriend?
Is that your hand?
I wish you'd do it again
I'll watch you leave here limping
I wish you'd do it again
I'll watch you leave here limping
There goes the next contestant

As his claws shredded nothing but air, Max appeared behind another man and slashed him good in the back. Before that one had a chance to turn around, Max had already disappeared and reappeared to attack another one of them.

I'm hating what she's wearing
Everybody here keeps staring

He’d gotten three of the six before one of them had gotten lucky enough to grab hold of Max before he disappeared again. As he did, he tripped Max and the others leaped into the fray.

Can't wait 'til they get what they deserve
This time somebody's getting hurt

Liz gritted her teeth as she watched all six men, now joined by the seventh who had been pummeled by Max, gang up on her osizigos. Still, Max stood and managed to rip into every last one of them. He was getting hit just as much as they were, but he was fueled by rage and the need to protect his mate.

Here comes the next contestant

Liz was sending messages via her mind, trying to get Max to stop and just leave with her, but it was falling on a deaf mind. Max was too consumed with rage to listen to her. She knew it was time to call in the cavalry when Max grabbed an arm and almost snapped it in two. As it was, Liz knew he had broken the arm.

Is that your hand on my girlfriend?
Is that your hand?
I wish you'd do it again
I'll watch you leave here limping
I wish you'd do it again
I'll watch you leave here limping
There goes the next contestant

Quickly she looked around and searched for Michael, frowning when she couldn’t see him at all. She turned back to see Max lift one of the men up and throw him against a far wall. She cringed as she heard Max roar once more before whirling to the others who were now beginning to back away from him.

I wish you'd do it again
Each night seems like it's getting worse

“Max! Listen to me! They’re giving up! You have to stop this!” yelled Liz.

I wish you'd do it again
This time somebody's getting hurt

“No! They will die for daring to take what belongs to me! Do you hear me? You will die for this!” he roared at them before he attacked once more.

There goes the next contestant

Liz looked around trying to plead with someone to interfere, but she could clearly see no one dared to come between a raging Max and the others. As she listened to the screams of the others, she rushed around the room looking for Michael. Rushing out of the doors, she ran down the hall and frantically looked through each door she came upon.

Finally, she found Michael making out with Maria in an alcove far from the ballroom. Inwardly upset that she was going to have to break up the intimate pair, she cried hysterically, “Michael! Hurry! Max has gone into a rage, he’s this close to killing several members of the coven!”

The minute he heard her voice, Michael moved from Maria’s side and listened as Liz spoke. “What! Skata! Someone touched you, didn’t they?” he asked.

Liz’s nod was all the confirmation Michael needed before turning back to Maria and kissing her cheek. “I love you, can you wait for me at home? I’ll come to you as soon as I get Max contained.”

Maria frowned, “Can’t the other guards on duty do this?”

Michael shook his head, “I know him the best. In this state, he’s more likely to rip their heads off before they have a chance to do anything.” He reached up to caress her cheek, “Wait for me at home, moro. I’ll see you soon.”

With that he willed himself back to the ballroom, appearing just before Liz was there too. He frowned at the sight before him. “This is bad.”

Liz nodded, “He’s not listening to me, out loud or mentally.”

Michael nodded and motioned to the other guards who had looked at him the moment he’d appeared. He sent them messages to contain the other men while he dealt with their Archigos. As soon as the men had their orders, they began to carry them out.

Michael turned to Liz, “I’m going to grab him and will us to the house. You…”

Liz nodded, “I’m going to make the apologies to the Archigos of the Theron coven and will myself there too. Don’t worry about me, just get him home.”

Michael nodded as Liz made her way towards the Theron Archigos. Turning back to the fighting, he waited as his men moved in and began effectively getting the other men out of harms way. As soon as Michael saw an opening, he willed himself behind Max and wrapped his arms around his Archigos, trying to keep his arms pinned so he wouldn’t lash out at anyone.

Max’s anguished roar was still echoing around the ballroom long after the two of them had disappeared.

Aidan waited as patiently as he could in the room of the library that he had reserved for him and Vanessa. It had been nearly nine months since the last time he had been able to see her. Granted, nine months was like nine weeks in a vampire’s life, but he still missed her something terrible.

At the sound of the door opening, he whirled around and watched as Vanessa walked in with an apologetic smile on her face.

“Sorry I’m late. It was a little hard to sneak around my gonis and get out without being noticed.”

Aidan nodded as he enveloped her in his arms, “You’re here now.”

Vanessa didn’t say anything else as his lips descended on hers, kissing deeply. She slid her arms around his waist and leaned against his weight, relishing their closeness.

All too soon, he pulled away from her lips and sighed, “Theos, I’ve missed you.”

She gave him a smile, “I missed you too.”

They stood there for a few more moments just looking in each others eyes before he finally led her to a chair. Sitting down next to her he asked, “Your gonis were home tonight, then?”

She nodded, “Yes, they were both occupied with Caiden of course, but it was still a little hard to get past them without them noticing.”

Aidan frowned, “What would you have said if you’d been caught?”

Vanessa shrugged, “That I was going to visit my friends, then I’d have called them and had them cover for me.”

Aidan shook his head, “That’s just not right, Nessa. If you and I are ever caught, they could get in trouble too.”

Vanessa sighed, “I know Aidan.”

He looked up at her with a frown, “We need to tell…”

Vanessa adamantly shook her head, “We can’t! Aidan please…you said you’d understand. I’m still to young by all standards and I know my mitera would freak if she knew I was seeing you…Kivar’s half brother.”

Aidan didn’t say anything for a few moments, but finally he slowly nodded, “I know, I’m sorry, agapo mou, for putting you in this position.”

Vanessa reached up to caress his cheek, “I don’t regret any of the time I have with you Aidan, let’s just try to enjoy the time we have, okay?”

Aidan smiled, “Okay.”

Vanessa grinned, “So, tell me. What’s been happening in your life lately?”
With a laugh, Aidan settled in as he and Vanessa began to enjoy their time together.

Liz had gone in to check on Nathan first as soon as she had gotten home. She knew if she didn’t do it now, she wouldn’t have a chance again until the next night. She knew Max was going to take all of her time.

Once she had fed him and rocked him to sleep, she took some more time to sit with him, even though she could hear her syndeos chaotic thoughts shouting at her and she could feel the tension in the house. When she finally felt like she’d had as much time with her son as she could spare, she calmly tucked him into his bed and kissed his forehead, saying goodnight.

As she made her way towards Max’s office, she could hear the noise getting louder and louder. There were several men outside the room wearing tightly controlled masks of calm, but she could see the fear in their eyes. She acknowledged each one of them as they gave her the respectful nod and ordered them to go on their way.

They all dispersed as she walked into the heavily messed up room. Michael was standing near the door with his arms crossed over his chest just watching his Archigos pace and growl like a caged animal.

Liz nodded to Michael, “I’ll take it from here.”

As Michael left the room, Liz shut the door behind her and faced Max who was still pacing. She sighed as she took in the mess that was her osizigos.

“Max? Listen to me. You knew nothing would have ever happened there. I have your strength remember. And I would never have gone with one of them. We are syndeos. You’ve told me this before when I’ve gotten jealous, so now I will tell you. There is no way I could ever be with another man since I am bonded to you. Nor do I ever want to. S’agapo Max. Only you.”

Max stopped his pacing and turned to face her. She watched as his eyes began to glow in that familiar way as his nostrils flared. Instantly she could feel the heat spread in her body, responding to his heated look.

In the next moment, Max had her pinned to his desk and was ripping her clothes off her body. She reached up and yanked his head down to hers, kissing him hard. He growled in her mouth as she bit his bottom lip and licked up the blood.

As his hands began to touch her in all the right places and his lips moved from hers to greedily suck her breast into his mouth, she wrapped her legs around him and ground her hips against his. She let out a soft sigh as he bit her breast and licked the blood that pooled there.

Her sigh turned into a whimper as she realized he still had his clothes on and willed them away, seemingly more impatient than he was to stake a claim. As she tugged at his head, she moved further up the desk to have their bodies at a better angle.

Max lifted his head from feasting on her breasts and Liz nearly lost it as she watched him lick her blood from his lips. Instead, her eyes darkened as she growled at him, “Pairno meh, Max!”

Max grinned at her before gripping her hips in his hands and plunging into her body.

Liz threw her head back and screamed as he slammed into her again and again. Her nails dug into the desk top and left furrows in the wood. Still she urged him on, begging him to complete her.

She could feel how close she was even as she could feel how hard Max was pounding into her body. She revealed in the feel of her powerful syndeo claiming her as his. Gritting her teeth, she lifted herself up and wrapped her arms around his torso.

Locking her ankles around his thighs, she kept him locked to her body and still urged him to continue his plundering of her depths. He let out a hungry growl as she licked him from his ear to his collarbone. Then, without warning, she sank her teeth into his chest.

Max threw his head back with a howl and spilled his seed into his isyzygos body even as she licked his wound closed. She hadn’t fed, but she’d known that bite would send him over the edge. She could feel him pulsing inside her even as his hips continued to slam against hers. His hands held her to him so tight that she knew she’d have fingerprint bruises.

As Max came down from his high, he tilted her back onto the desk and slid one hand down between their bodies. As his fingers stroked her clit, he leaned over her and bit into her breast again. Liz closed her eyes as she finally felt her end nearing. As Max began to drink from her, she felt her orgasm wash over her and she was flying high.

Even as she soared, she heard his voice in her head. S’agapo, Liz… Efkharisto ya katalavenas.

Tess looked into the nursery and smiled. She silently watched as her syndeo held their nine month old daughter in his arms and sang softly to her. Anyone who had seen Kyle with Arissa knew without a doubt how much the father was in love with his daughter. Even Tess knew it, but she also knew he was every bit as in love with her for giving him a perfect little girl.

Tess couldn’t help but realize just how doting Kyle could be towards both her and Arissa. He was also very protective of them both. She knew from their connection and from finally having that talk with Kyle, that he was secure with her love for him. Kyle knew without a doubt that Tess was his. She would never leave him for another man.

Kyle had admitted that it wasn’t that he thought Tess would cheat on him. It was the fact that it was Max, who was known as the most intimidating Archigos on the planet. Kyle said he believed all Max had to do was snap his fingers and anyone would run to obey him. He was certain that if Max gave the order, Tess wouldn’t hesitate to obey him or she would find herself under his claws.

In the end though, Kyle realized Max wasn’t like that at all. To his enemies, Max was a formidable opponent. He did what he had to do to keep those he cared for safe. But Max had his own syndeo now, so that meant he had no need for any other woman. Plus, Max had already taken Kyle and his family under his wing. They were considered close friends now and Max had never done anything in front of Kyle to make him think otherwise.

He looked up from his seat in the rocking chair and gave his syndeo a sleepy smile. Hi, want to say goodnight to her before I put her in her crib?

Tess nodded and made her way to his side. He stood up and held Arissa up a bit, allowing Tess to kiss her cheek and nuzzle it a moment before he moved to put her in her crib. Tess stood next to him as he straightened up and slid an arm around her waist.

He leaned over to nuzzle her hair and sighed. She’s so beautiful. Just like her mother.

Tess chuckled softly. You are such a softie, but that’s why I love you.

He returned her chuckle as he nipped at her neck. Ready to go to bed?

Tess rolled her eyes and looked at him. I thought you were sleepy.

I am, but I still have enough energy to make sure you sleep good too.

She giggled, Then come on my syndeo, I’ll race you to our room.

Liz stretched her arm out over the sheets besides her before she opened her eyes to confirm that the bed was indeed empty of her osizigos. Lifting her head slightly, she glanced in the direction of the computer desk and lazily smiled when she saw him sitting in his chair staring hard at the computer screen. It wasn’t the fact that he was concentrating on the screen that made her smile. It was the fact that he wasn’t wearing a single stitch of clothing.

Licking her lips, she let her eyes trail over every hard inch of his body, remembering well just how hard his body had been a few hours earlier. Her eyes went half mast as she also remembered just how hard he’d taken her before sending her soaring. And all it had taken was a gentle push by her to get his aggressive, possessive nature to take over.

Through the bond they shared, both she and Max were very aware of the differences in her. Mainly in the way she often wanted him to make love to her. It seemed the longer she was a vampire, the more aggressive she became in their play.

She knew Max often liked to take things slow, to savor the way they felt together. But she couldn’t really help it when her nature took over and wanted nothing but to reach that perfect place Max always seemed to take her when they came together. Liz couldn’t help it if every time he touched her all she craved was more. More faster, more harder, more everything.

With that thought in mind, she slid out of bed and made her way over to him. Standing behind him, she placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned forward, letting her hands slide down the front of his chest. As she nipped his neck without breaking through the skin, Max tilted his head back slightly to look up at her.

“Hey,” he smiled, “get enough sleep?”

“Yes,” she whispered before covering his mouth with hers. As she deepened the kiss, she moved around until she was in front of him. She pressed one knee between his and forced his legs apart.

Pulling away from his lips, she grinned at him and slowly slid her hands down his chest as she went to her knees. Max watched her kneel and slide her hands over his hips, down his thighs, and come to rest over his knees.

Liz continued to hold his gaze as she licked her lips and pressed his knees farther apart. When she began to lean forward, placing her body between his thighs, Max spoke again.

“Liz, you just got some rest, maybe you shouldn’t use up your energy. Nathan should be waking soon and…”

“Max,” Liz growled.

Max stopped in mid-sentence and said, “What?”

Liz grinned again before saying, “I haven’t eaten yet.”

Max watched speechless as Liz leaned down and licked him from base to tip before licking her lips once more. As she sat there and continued to keep his eyes locked with hers, he opened and closed his mouth, unable to form a coherent thought.

With a final smile, Liz leaned down once more and swirled her tongue over the head of his cock. Max gave up fighting at that point and sat back in the chair, letting her have her way. As her mouth slowly took him in, inch by inch, he gripped the arms of the chair but didn’t take his eyes off of hers.

Max watched as Liz’s mouth created suction around his shaft and she began building a rhythm of moving her mouth up and down his length. Using her tongue, she licked the underside of him, making him move his hands to grip her head.

As his breathing grew short and quick, she added more pressure to her sucking and slid her fingers underneath to caress his sac. He knew he wasn’t going to hold out much longer and when her tongue caressed the underside of his length once more, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes in bliss.

Liz waited until she knew he was close and when she saw him tilt his head back, she knew the time had come. Taking him completely into her mouth, she deep throated him and sank her teeth into his skin just as she felt his essence hit the back of her throat.

With a long, serrated moan Max could feel his orgasm spilling into his isyzygos mouth, mixing with the blood she took for nourishment.

Liz’s eyes closed as she drank her fill of his love for her. Even as she did, she could feel the way he tenderly held her head to him, encouraging her to take what she needed. Through their bond, she could feel his acceptance of her and his assurance that he would always give her whatever she wanted, however she wanted it.


new Greek words
theron - hunter
skata - shit
katalavenas - understanding

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:47 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Before I say anything else...

Hope you are having a great one!

Okay, that being said...

Zanity- LOL, apparently it is, LOL.

aussie- Thanks, I had a great one! Hope you did too! :D

La'Shon- Well, I think you know now why no one interfered :wink: . LOL, guess how many years have passed in this part :shock: . LOL, close your ears. Thanks, hope you had a Merry Xmas too!

BehrObsession- LOL, inbreeding, LOL. They'll think twice huh? Read on :twisted: .

candy- LOL, I think I agree with you :twisted: .

83AA- Thanks, hope yours was great too.

cocogurl- LOL, wow :twisted: . We will see on both counts. Thanks.

roswell- Thanks.

Laira- LOL, wish mine was too! Thanks.

Michelle17- LOL, Thanks.

NUN- Thanks.

Okay, here we go...

Song is Adrenaline by Gavin Rossdale

WARNING: This part has scenes of violence and loss of innocent lives. Due to some fb and talking with my *conscious* (thanks La'Shon), I came back to add this and apologize to those that read this without the warning. I am truly sorry. :(

Part 29

*Nearly 30 years later*

Alex came running up to where Max stood with Joran and the other leaders of the six allied covens who fought against the seven enemy covens that had all but destroyed his Euphranor coven.

“Lukas and Zeth have their men dispersed on the west side. Trent and Vito have the east and Michael and Thanos have the center. The rest of my men are with them and all of us are good to go.”

Talos, the Archigos of the Akakios coven nodded. “Then we are all ready for this.”

“Yes,” replied Basil, the Elpizo Archigos. “It’s finally time.”

“Time to let our enemies know that greed won’t get them anywhere,” finished Ermin, the Bion Archigos.

Joran nodded, “This is it gentlemen.”

“Alex, we fight for your fallen coven and for the innocents everywhere,” said Vincent, the Hilarion Archigos.

Max nodded, “He’s right. For the innocents, for our Euphranor comrades.”

As they all nodded their agreement, Max turned to Alex and said, “We’re ready, Kyrios, give the order for them to begin.”

Alex nodded and raised his hand above his head. As his hand came down every single allied Archigos and their Dioikitis heard his voice shout in their heads, For Euphranor! Now!

You don't feel the pain

As one the six covens and what remained of the Euphranor coven rushed forward to attack the waiting enemy covens. It was a bloody battle from the start as vampire fought vampire for greed or for peace.

Too much is not enough
Nobody said this stuff makes any sense
We're hooked again

The six Archigos stood back watching as their men joined the fray of fighters until even the Dioikitis of each coven was also in the midst of the fighting. Alex remained standing with the Archigos even as those who remained from his Euphranor coven fought alongside Michael and the Aristomache coven.

Point of no return
See how the buildings burn
Light up the night
Such pretty sight

The initial attack had taken them all by surprise and no one could figure out what the enemy covens where thinking when they’d made the initial attack against the Euphranor coven. Seven covens had banded together in greed. The Pyrrhus, Akhortagos, Pseftikos, Agonas, Ziliaris, Khamilos, and the infamous Theron coven had all joined to destroy all the other covens and the peaceful world they’d created.

Adrenaline keeps me in the game
Adrenaline you don't even feel the pain

Word of the attack had reached the remaining allied covens too late. By the time they had received word and rushed to their aid, the Euphranor coven had been nearly destroyed. A distraught Alex had gone in with Max and Michael to see the aftermath and to help the remaining members.

Wilder than your wildest dreams
When you're going to extremes
It takes adrenaline

As Alex began to gather up the remaining members of his birth coven with the help of Max, Michael, and several others; the enemy covens tried to attack once more. This time they went after the Bion coven. However, the Bion coven was ready for them, having prepared when they rushed to help the Euphranor.

(You don't feel the pain)

While the Bion held the attack, word was sent to the other allied covens who immediately rushed to help them. Together the Elpizo, Akakios, Hilarion, Irinikos, Aristomache, and what remained of the Euphranor helped the Bion to stave off their enemies. Once the enemies had retreated, the remaining allied covens regrouped and began to devise a plan of war against their enemies.

Sail through an empty night
It's only you and I who understand
There is no plan

Several months had passed in which the allied covens had to constantly send out fighters to protect the innocents and clean up the mess the enemies were leaving behind. No one could figure out any pattern of attack so everyone was on guard. All allied coven members were warned to stay inside and all initiated humans were warned of the same. Every human and vampire were to keep eyes and ears open for any signs of what the enemy was up to.

Get closer to the thrill
Only time will kill
What's in your eyes
Is so alive

They had tried attacking the Hilarion not long after the Bion had been attacked, but gave up when they realized the covens were now expecting them. That was when they’d started these random attacks on unsuspecting humans or vampires who were far from their coven’s protection. Immediately the allied covens had rushed out and defended the innocent, then pulled everyone in and sent out warnings that no one was to wander out alone again.

Adrenaline keeps me in the game
Adrenaline you don't even feel the pain

It had been a tense and dreary seven months as the allied covens tried to come up with some clue about the attacks and which covens were behind them. Just as tensions were coming to a head, word was sent via the internet that the enemy covens wanted this to end.

Wilder than your wildest dreams
When you're going to extremes
It takes adrenaline

They wanted the allied covens to come out and face them once and for all. It was time for a new world order to replace the tired, old complacent one they said. It was then that they learned what the enemy covens plans were.

Run through the speed of sound
Every thing slows you down
And all color that surrounds you
Are bleeding to the walls
All the things you really need
Just wait to find the speed
Then you will achieve
Escape velocity

They had planned to attack the covens one by one in a way that wouldn’t tip off the other covens. But something had gone wrong when they’d gone after the Euphranor since the others had found out. It had been their mistake not to take out the Aristomache first since that was the most powerful of the seven allied covens. Still they’d wanted to save that coven for last thinking that by the time they got to the Aristomache they’d have inflated their ranks enough to stand against the powerful coven.

Too much is not enough
Nobody gave it up
I’m not the kind
To lay down and die

When Max had learned that one of the enemy covens was the Theron coven, he knew exactly why they’d gone over to the enemies side. Tensions had run high between him and that coven ever since he’d fought some of them at that ball years ago.

keeps me in the game
you don't even feel the pain

That was the night many of them had hit on Liz and he’d fought them all off when they’d ganged up on him. Despite the fact that Liz had apologized to the Archigos that night and Max had gone to apologize a few days later, they still held a grudge. In a coven that encouraged open marriages and multiple partners, they couldn’t understand why Max had gotten angry at them for hitting on Liz, syndeo or not.

Wilder than your wildest dreams
When you're going to extremes
It takes adrenaline

So the Theron had joined with the other six enemy covens to try to change the rules that governed both their world and the human one. The Theron wanted everyone else to see things their way and each of the other covens had their own things they wanted to enforce on the world that was most likely opposite of what was already being enforced. Plain and simple, it was greed. The lust for power.

Screaming out your name
you don't even feel the pain

Max knew this the moment he’d gotten the message that they wanted this last war. They wanted the existing rule to end and their new one to begin. It was exactly the same as the last war he’d been in centuries ago. The one where he’d lost his parents and nearly lost his own coven. This time it was Alex who was going through the pain he’d gone through.

Wilder than your wildest dreams
When you're going to extremes
It takes adrenaline

Alex had lost his entire family and several of those he’d known as he’d grown up. Even though Alex was a grown man, where Max had been in his teens, the loss of family was still a painful thing to go through. The entire Aristomache coven had been with Alex, helping him to sort through everything. Most of all, Isabel and Vanessa had been at his side giving him the emotional support he’d needed.


At thirty years old, Caiden was still too young to understand exactly what was going on. He understood that his father was upset, but he didn’t fully understand the repercussions of war. Still he was there to show his support of his father, even if he wasn’t aware of everything.

You don't even feel the pain

Once the enemies had made their last demand for war, Max and the other Archigos of the allied covens had gotten together and asked Alex to stand in as the representative of the remaining Euphranor members. He had accepted that request and joined them all in coming up with strategies for war.

You don't even feel the pain

Now he stood with the other Archigos looking at the fighting that raged not too far from where they stood. He watched as many of those he’d grown close to already fought among the bloodied fighters. Michael was in there, as were Aidan and Kyle. There were a few women among the fighters, but none of those he was close to.

I'm going to extremes
There is nothing in between

Isabel and Vanessa were at the Aristomache headquarters, along with Tess, Maria, and a four month pregnant Liz. It was also where Caiden was along with his best friend and Max’s son, Nathan. Kyle’s daughter Arissa, who had barely turned thirty herself, was also there with her mother.

You don't even feel the pain

Alex heard Max sigh besides him and turned to look at the one man whom all of them had unanimously and silently voted as the leader of them all.

You don't even feel the pain

“Toso, filos mou,” Max stated in a calm voice, “Emis pao mechri polemos.”

You don't even feel the pain

As one, the seven men rushed forward to join their covens in the fighting.

You don't even feel the pain

Vanessa stood at the window staring into the distance. She could see nothing but the front lawn of course, but she imagined she could see something else. They were too far away from the fighting for her to see anything at all, but that didn’t stop her from looking out of the window for any kind of sign. Fear clutched her insides as she continued to stare out the window. She had initially thought of her father out there. Then her uncle Max. Then all of the others she knew who were fighting out there had passed through her mind until it had finally and steadfastly settled on Aidan.

She knew he was out their with his father. He’d sent her a letter letting her know that’s where he would be. At his father’s side, fighting the war for their continued peace. She hadn’t thought of that until she’d received the letter. Her thoughts had all been focused on the pain and anger her father had been going through up to that point. She’d known immediately that her father was going to fight with the other Archigos, one of which was Joran. Still, it had come as a shock to know that Aidan would be joining them too.

Now she stood at that window and thought of only him. She wondered if he was doing all right in the fighting. She knew it was his first. He’d never been involved in something this big before. He’d fought before, but nothing like this. Closing her eyes for a moment, she sent up a silent prayer. Please, let him be all right. Let him survive this war. Let him come back to me.

Isabel, Tess, and Liz stood around a table with several other of the women from the allied covens looking down at the blueprints of the building they were currently in. It was called To Spiti Asfalis, the safe house. They were discussing the layout and where they were setting up the makeshift hospital for the wounded that were already starting to arrive.

Tess nodded, “I think that room is the best place for the hospital, Liz. It’s well ventilated and it’s large enough for all the pallets and equipment we may need.”

“She’s right. Although I’m certain we won’t be needing the equipment often.” replied Isabel.

Liz looked up at her with a frown, “Why’s that?”

“Because most of the ones who are sent here are too wounded to need any help,” replied Nyla, Joran’s wife. “You know how most vampires tend to have wounds that heal instantly. It’s what makes us more than human. But there are still wounds that even we cannot survive.”

Liz nodded, “I see your point. Still, the least we can do is make them as comfortable as possible and ease their suffering in any way we can. It’s the least we can do since they fought for our continued freedoms.”

The others murmured their agreements as they began to delegate responsibilities to those around the room.

“I think we can get Caiden and Nathan to help carry the equipment in and set everything up where it’s supposed to be,” said Liz.

Isabel nodded, “Yes, and I’m sure Arissa and Vanessa can help me with readying the extra pallets for those who will arrive later.”

“I’ll go find Arissa and let her know she’s to help. Where shall I tell her to meet you?” asked Tess.

“Here in the hallway to the infirmary,” Isabel replied as she tapped her finger on the proper spot on the blueprint.

She looked up at Liz and asked, “Could you tell Caiden what he’s supposed to do since I’m certain he’ll be with Nathan when you tell him? I’ve got to go find Vanessa and tell her.”

Liz nodded, “Sure, I’ll tell them.”

As the others began to disperse, Maria came up to Liz. “Are you sure you’re supposed to be doing all this moving around, Liz? You’ve been feeling bad a lot lately, you know.”

“I’m fine right now Maria,” replied Liz as she slid her hand into Maria’s. “Come on, help me find Nathan and Caiden? I’m sure two sets of eyes are better than one.”

Maria gave her a smile, “Of course I’ll help.”


*Two months later*

“Mom, you really should sit down for a while,” suggested Nathan as he watched his mother bend over slightly and breath through her mouth.

“I’m fine.” Liz remained where she was for a few more moments before she finally straightened up with a hand on her back. “I’m fine, really.”

“What would dad say, mom?”

Liz patted his arm, “I’m fine, okay. Do me a favor and go see if Maria needs any more help with the wash? I know she had huge loads of sheets to transfer from one machine to the next.”

Nathan gave his mother a worried frown, “What are you gonna do?”

“I’m gonna go take the nap I missed earlier.”

He smiled, “Okay, good. I’ll go help Maria.”

She kissed his cheek, “Thanks, baby.”

He nodded, “Want me to help you to the room?”

“No, I can make it. Just go help Maria before she kills herself trying to lift all of those wet sheets.”

He laughed, “Going.”

Liz watched as he made his way down the hall before she finally turned in the opposite direction towards their living quarters. As she walked into the room, she gave a tired sigh and sank down onto the bed. Running her hand over her stomach, she felt the baby kick again.

“I know you’re eager to get here little one, but you’ve got a while yet. I just hope you’re father’s here to welcome you into the world the way he was for your brother.”

She lay back on the bed and closed her eyes, thinking of her osizigos. It had been two months since the war had started and it was still going strong. Neither side seemed to be backing down or winning. The enemies had numbers on their side since it was seven covens to six. The allied covens had experience and the talents of the Aristomache and Max. Still, it wasn’t enough to tip the favor in either direction.

In those two months, Liz had only had contact with Max once. They had agreed to shut down their minds to each other so that Max could concentrate on the war and Liz wouldn’t be affected because of the baby. However, Max had left the fighting for a few hours and willed himself to the safe house a month into the fighting to see her despite the protests of his men and the women in the safe house.

He’d arrived bloodied and bruised, stumbling into the front doors and everyone had immediately cried since they thought he was one of the newly wounded. Liz, however, had announced that it wasn’t his blood that he wore and sent everyone scurrying back to work as she ushered Max to the living quarters. There she had bathed him as best as she could despite the fact that he’d been holding her in a near death grip, checking her and the baby both for any sign of illness.

Once they’d had a couple hours of reassuring each other that they were okay and filling in each other about what was going on, both on the war front and in the safe house, the two of them had taken a short nap and cuddled for a bit before Max had to leave again. She knew he’d only come to check up on her, worried about her health like everyone else seemed to be because she had been having more problems with this baby than with Nathan.

That had been the last time she’d seen him, but she knew he was okay. Even though his mind was still closed to hers, their bond was still strong. She would know if something happened to him as soon as it did. And she’d shoved her fear as far back into the recesses of her mind as she could so that she could concentrate on everything that was going on in the safe house. She’d had no other choice. Because if she hadn’t done that, Max’s words would haunt her.

Before he’d left, he’d told her that the war was more brutal than he’d thought it would be. It was so bad that he was seeing too many people from the allied covens fall. Even though it was the same on the enemies side, Max felt that this war would see every last one of them dead before either side gave up. He knew that the only way the allied covens were to win was to destroy every last one of the enemies, down to the last man standing. And that knowledge had made him sad.

Liz sighed as she settled into the mattress and tried not to let her mind wander. She knew she needed some rest. Knew that if she didn’t take it a little easier, things could get bad. Slowly, she let herself relax and drifted off to sleep.

Max hid the grimace that threatened to cover his face as he felt the burn from the huge gash on his side where an enemy had managed to strike. He was weary of fighting, but trudged on like everyone else did despite the gash which was now one among many on his body. None of them had any choice anymore, there really weren’t enough of them left to fight in intervals like they’d done in the beginning.

Then while one wave rested, another wave had fought. Now too many had fallen to allow that from happening. Now everyone who was able fought for as long as they could. He knew the end was nearing, it had to since those that were left were on their last legs. Even he was barely hanging in there.

Ducking another swinging claw, he reached up with his own claw and shoved his hand into the chest. He used his free hand to grab the wrist of the incoming claw and wrenched the arm out of its socket. As his enemy screeched, Max curled his fingers around the heart and yanked it out of his chest immediately incinerating it in his hand. He didn’t stand still to watch the body follow the heart as he whirled around looking for another victim.

As he did, he quickly took in the state of those who fought on his side. Joran was down with Aidan and a few others acting as guards to keep anyone from finishing him off. Kyle was with the Akakios coven, staggering here and there even with a twisted ankle and several deep gashes on his body. Alex was amazingly the least injured of them all, but he was still heavily fatigued as he fought. Michael was at Max’s side sporting several gashes, a broken nose, and a broken wrist. Still he fought as valiantly as the rest of them.

With a growl, Max lunged at the next enemy that tried to take Michael unawares. Dispensing of him quickly, Max continued to take on anyone who dared to take him on. It would be a long time before he laid his tired body down and allowed them to defeat him.

Isabel glanced up at her daughter as she sat on the edge of her bed with her head in her hands. Her heart went out to her as she watched her for a few moments. Vanessa had been working as hard as the rest of them around the safe house. Isabel knew she was still so young to see all of the pain and grief that was so common now. She knew that it had to make her think of what her father was probably having to deal with out there in the middle of it all.

She made her way into the room and sat down next to her, sliding her arm around Vanessa’s shoulder. Vanessa looked up and gave her a teary smile.

“Sorry,” she sniffed, “I was just having a moment.”

Isabel nodded, “You’re entitled to it, you know. All of us are.” She hugged Vanessa closer. “It’s okay to be afraid, Nessa. I’m scared for your father too. I miss him a lot.”

Vanessa nodded, but didn’t say anything else. She couldn’t tell her mother that it wasn’t her father that she was thinking about. She couldn’t tell her that she was afraid for the man who was Kivar’s half brother. The man that she was certain she was in love with. She knew it would hurt her mother to know this. Instead, she simply nodded.

Isabel sighed, “He’s okay, though. We would know if something happened to him. Max would make sure of it.”

Vanessa nodded, “You’re right. I know.”

Isabel smiled, “Maybe you should rest for a bit. I know none of this can be easy for you, you’ve never been though something like this before and I know how bad it can be for the first time.”

“It’s okay. I had just gotten up before you came in, so I’m good.”

Isabel was about to say something else when Caiden came careening around the corner. “Mom!”

As the two of them looked up he said, “It’s aunt Liz! She collapsed in the middle of the infirmary! Nathan and Maria are taking her to her room.”

“What!” Isabel exclaimed as she and Vanessa rushed out of the room with Caiden on their heels.

The three of them entered the room where a now hysterical Maria was pacing the room and Nathan was leaning over his mother.

“I told her to take it easy!” sobbed Maria. “I told her she’d been working too hard! That we all knew she was having problems with the baby and she shouldn’t work so hard! She wouldn’t listen! She wouldn’t listen when I told her to take a break and go rest or eat. She wouldn’t listen to me!”

As Maria continued to wail, Tess and Arissa joined the growing group.

Isabel had leaned over Liz where a worried Nathan had whispered that his mother wasn’t waking up. Isabel immediately sprang into action.

“Caiden, go find a yatros and let them know it’s the Aristomache Archiga that needs assistance. Nathan go stand outside the door and don’t let anyone in except the yatros. Tess come help me prepare Liz. Vanessa could you and Arissa take Maria and calm her down.”

As soon as each one of their names were said, they all moved to do what Isabel told them to. Caiden went to hunt down a yatros. A still worried Nathan took his place outside of the room. Tess moved to the other side of the bed to help Isabel and Vanessa and Arissa nearly dragged a still hysterical Maria out of the room.

Max remained where he was kneeling and hunched over amidst the fallen. He sucked in air into his starved lungs, shocked that it was finally over. Just like that, the enemy had stopped fighting and ran. Just like that every last one of them had disappeared until all that remained were those of the allied covens. The moment the cry had gone up that the enemy had conceded the victory to the allied covens, Max had sunk down to his knees in exhaustion.

It was over. The war was finally over. He lifted his head and surveyed his surroundings. Aidan and those of his coven were surrounding Joran and removing him from the field, taking him to safety. Alex was already walking among the fallen with Kyle searching for any signs of life and alerting others to help them. Michael was on his knees nearby, eyes closed, face slack.

Max took in the devastation and realized they had all been hit hard. Closing his eyes, he lowered his head and took a deep breath breathing in the stench of death. As he expelled his breath, tears began to fall down his face. Bloody tears splashed into the ground to mix with the blood spilled from countless fighters. The cost had been too high. It was the only thing he could think of. Too many people had lost their lives in another war against greed.

He continued to mourn those who gave their lives as others around him rejoiced at being alive. When would they ever learn?

Isabel sat next to Liz, holding her hand and watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful now, but she knew that wouldn’t last. They would have to tell her when she woke up. Then again Isabel knew that Liz would know immediately.

Things were quiet now in the safe house. The girls had finally had to sedate Maria and Caiden and Tess were with Nathan. Everyone else in the place had gone quiet when the news had slowly filtered through the safe house. Only Isabel remained at Liz’s side, waiting for her to wake up again.

A knock sounded on the door and Isabel glanced up at it. “Come in,” she said softly.

Vanessa walked into the room, her eyes trained on her mother, not daring to look at the bed where Liz lay. “We just got the word. The war is over. We won.”

Isabel nodded and turned to look at Liz. “Are they back yet?”

“No, they sent word ahead. To expect the wounded. The others are staying behind to clean up.”

Isabel nodded, “Let me know when he gets here, then.”

Vanessa nodded, but realized her mother wouldn’t see it. “Of course.”

Slowly she backed up until she was out of the room again and shut the door again.

Isabel sighed as she caressed Liz’s hand. She wondered if Liz would be awake to give Max the news when he returned or would it be Max who would be giving Liz the news?


new Greek words
Pyrrhus - fire
Akhortagos - greedy
Pseftikos - false
Agonas - fight
Ziliaris - jealous
Khamilos - low
polemos - war
spiti - house
asfalis - safe

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:51 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a great New Year's Eve and everyone was safe too!

Okay, before I start, I have to say that this was an incredibly difficult part to write :cry: . I didn't think it would be, but it affected me more than I on that note.

*WARNING* You may need lots of tissue...

And also...thank you to those who nominated this fic in the category of Best Use of Music in a Fic...I love you all :D


aussie- After writing this part...I'm glad Izzy was there for her too. Awww, thanks hope you had a good New Year's too.

Zanity- Yes. :cry:

La'Shon- Well, I did try to warn you the other night :? . Well, I know how I want them to deal with it, but let's hope my muse agrees... You're welcome. I hope you have another happy, fluff piece waiting after this one... :wink:

candy- um...sorry :? , you'll have to get more tissues here...sorry again :?

Laira- Sorry :? . LOL, thank you.

Michelle- Wish I could :( .

cocogurl- :( , yes you are right. Be prepared for more...

Joy- It is hard, I didn't enjoy writing it either and this part too, but this is where I wanted this story to go...

roswell- Thanks. You're right. :(

BehrObsession- Yes, they are. Well...

French- Yes, I wanted everyone to see how war is never good, even for the victors. Yes that's true about Vanessa and Aidan.

spray- Awwww....thanks :oops: . You were right about this next part :cry:

83AA- You're welcome. :? Um...well. They do. Hope you had a great New Year! :D

Okay, here we go.... :cry:

Song is Fear by Sarah McLachlan

Part 30

All six of them surrounded Alex as Max told him what they’d decided.

“Alexander Whitman, formerly of the Euphranor coven, it is our decision that you be offered the title of Archigos of the Euphranor since you have more than proven your worth in the war.”

Alex swallowed as he stared at Max. He’d agreed to lead what was left of his former coven in the war, but he’d never thought they’d ask him to take the coven over once the war was over.

“Are…are you sure?” he croaked.

The others nodded as Vincent spoke up. “You’re the best one Alex. We all noticed how all the others from your coven looked to you for guidance.”

Joran, who had since healed from the worst of his wounds, added “We believe you are the one for the position, but we will understand if you do not want it. It is a lot to undertake.”

“You will not be alone Alex, all of us will be here to help you,” said Ermin.

“You must know that we will be there to help you build your coven again and give you the guidance you need,” added Talos.

“We will answer all of your questions and help you learn what you must know to lead,” supplied Basil.

Max laid his hand on Alex’s shoulder, “Not that you need to learn that much. You are already a good leader, old friend.” He paused as he looked into Alex’s eyes, “We will understand if you want to take some time to think about this.”

Alex looked from one man to the next as he let their words sink in. Slowly, he turned to look at the others still working in the field. What was left of his former coven was out there burying their fallen comrades and helping those who needed it.

He knew what the Archigos just told him was true. All those remaining had looked to him for guidance. His family had been among the nobility, even though they had been far down the line from ever becoming the ruling family. Now though, he was one of the few remaining nobility left. There were a few, but they were either too old or too young and they had all looked to him to lead.

He knew he couldn’t let them down. He just prayed that the others would understand. With a sigh, he nodded and turned back to the waiting leaders.

“It’s okay, I don’t need time to think about it. I would be honored to accept your offer.”

They all smiled as Max clapped him on the shoulder.

“Good! I knew you could do it, Whitman!” chuckled Ermin.

Joran grinned, “We will spread the word that you are the new Archigos of the Euphranor.”

Max nodded, “And as soon as we have all recovered, we will hold an official ceremony naming you the Archigos.”

Alex nodded, “Thank you, filos mou.”


Liz woke up slowly, becoming aware of the hushed voices around her and the feeling of sadness. Lying there with her eyes closed she heard whispers of relief, the war was over. Mixed with the relief was the sadness of those loved ones lost. She could also hear the pain of those who had returned only to die.

She knew she needed to get up and help her friends. She couldn’t lie there and let them work alone. The war was over, she needed to get up and make things ready to welcome Max and the others home. Opening her eyes slowly, she frowned when she saw Isabel standing at the window staring out of it. Why would Isabel be there? Why wasn’t she helping the others prepare.

Liz was just about to ask her that when she suddenly felt it. Her eyes widened for a moment before she closed her eyes again. Lowering a trembling hand to her stomach, she touched what was no longer there.

“No.” she whispered.

Isabel turned from the window to see Liz lying on her back, her hand clutching her now flat stomach. Seeing the red tears flowing down Liz’s cheeks, Isabel knew she knew what had happened.


Liz’s eyes opened and she turned wide unbelieving eyes on Isabel. “It’s not true! Isabel, please! Tell me I’m dreaming.”

As Isabel made her way to her side, Liz could see the truth in her eyes. “I’m sorry Liz.”

Isabel wrapped her arms around her friend’s shoulders as she began to sob, “No! Theos, no! Nooo!”

Liz’s cries brought the rest of them into the room. Nathan was the first one there with Caiden and Arissa trailing behind him. They stood by the door while Nathan made his way to the bed and wrapped his arms around his mother.

Liz clung to him, both of them crying as Isabel remained sitting next to Liz stroking her back and whispering soothing words.

Tess and Maria came next, but Maria couldn’t go in and began pacing outside in the hallway quietly sobbing. Tess went inside and sat on the other side of Liz, helping Isabel to calm Liz down.

Vanessa was the last to arrive and she quietly stood with Caiden and Arissa near the door as they all stood helplessly watching Liz’s grief.

Throughout the rest of the building, the cries of a grief stricken mother echoed off the walls as all those present silently listened.


Max walked into the To Spiti Asfalis with the last of the men who had stayed behind. Since Michael was in front of him, Max saw a hysterical Maria come flying out of nowhere to wrap herself around her osizigos and sob loudly into his chest.

Michael grimaced as she clutched him tight and gave a helpless look at Max. Max simply shrugged since he had no idea what Maria was babbling against Michael’s chest. As Michael tried to soothe her and pry her from his body, Max turned away intending to look for his isyzygos.

Instead, a gloomy looking Alex made his way up to Max. Alex had returned two days ahead of Max and the last of the men.

“Max, Isabel sent me to get you.”

Hearing the hushed tone in Alex’s voice, Max knew something was wrong. Before Alex could say anything else, Max immediately opened his mind, searching for her.

The moment his mind melded with hers, he knew.

Disbelief was written all over his face as he whispered, “No!”

Alex took a step towards him, “Max, we should…”

But Max was already gone. Using what little strength he had left, he willed himself to where he knew Liz was startling Isabel who had been trying to get Liz to eat something.

“Oh! Max! You scared me!” Isabel exclaimed as she righted the glass she had nearly spilled.

But Max wasn’t paying attention to her. Instead his gaze was riveted to the woman sitting quietly in the chair with a blanket covering her lap. She was staring blankly at the floor, her hands trembling slightly in her lap.

Morning smiles
Like the face of a newborn child,
Innocent, unknowing.

Max went to his knees and slid his hands over hers. “Liz?” he whispered.

Winter's end
promises of a long lost friend.
Speaks to me of comfort

Liz blinked and slowly looked up at him, letting him see the sadness in her eyes. “Max?”

But I fear
I have nothing to give.
I have so much to loose here in this lonely place.
Tangled up in your embrace
There's nothing I'd like better than to fall.

He nodded, “Yes, I’m here moro, I’m here.”

Wind in time
Rapes the flower trembling on the vine
And nothing yields to shelter it from above.
They say temptation will destroy our love.
The never ending hunger

Her lips trembled slightly and a tear slid down her cheek, “Oh Max…”

But I fear
I have nothing to give
I have so much to loose here in this lonely place
Tangled up in our embrace
There's nothing I'd like better than to fall

Max lifted a hand to her cheek, using his thumb to wipe away her tears. “I know, moro.”

But I fear I have nothing to give.

She began sobbing at his quiet words and Max quickly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her out of the chair and into his lap. He held her tightly as she cried.

I have so much to loose.

“I’m so sorry. Max, I’m so sorry.”

I have nothing to give.

Max ran his fingers through her hair as his own tears fell. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”

We have so much to lose...

Isabel quietly backed away from them towards the door. She was unable to tear her eyes away from the two of them as they cried and clung to each other in their grief. Shutting the door, she leaned against it and shut her eyes. Her own chest tight as their mixed cries continued to reach her through the door.


*Nearly a week later*

“Michael! Why aren’t you listening to me!” shrieked Maria as she stomped her foot in agitation.

Michael resisted the urge to sigh as he turned to look at Maria. “I am listening to you. I heard you and you know I have to go.”

“No you don’t! They have others there! They don’t need you too!”

“Maria, as Dioikitis, I have to stand behind Max when he makes Alex the new Archigos of the Euphranor. Besides, aren’t you going too? Everyone else is going to be there for the ceremony.”

Maria rolled her eyes. “Not everyone. It’s just the Euphranor coven and we aren’t part of it so there’s no need.”

Michael sighed, “All the other allied Archigos will be there, as will their Dioikitis. As my wife, I would have thought you’d support me the way the other spouses are supporting theirs.”

Maria growled, “Liz isn’t going to be there!”

Michael nodded, “Liz is still feeling bad. She has a good excuse.”

Maria huffed, “Well, I’m not going!”

“Fine, then stay home.” He went back to finishing getting dressed as Maria continued to tap her foot impatiently.

“Michael, I’m sure Max will understand…”

“Maria, I already told him I’d be there.”

“Well tell him you changed your mind!”

He turned once more to look at her with a frown. “You knew about this since the end of the war! Why are you doing this now?”

“I just don’t see any reason why you have to go! It’s just a stupid ceremony anyway!”

Michael stared at her incredulously, “A…what?”

Maria rolled her eyes, “He’s already the Archigos, this is just a formality.”

“Formality or not, we should give our support.”

“Fine! Go!”

Michael looked at her, “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?”

Maria shook her head and turned her back on him.

Michael sighed and walked over to her kissing her cheek. “I’ll be back soon, moro.”

Maria stood there listening to him walk out of the room. When the door closed, she let out a sigh. “Why can’t you do what I ask you to do Michael? Why does it always have to be them?”


Liz looked up as Isabel paced in front of her bed. She smiled to herself as she watched her friend wringing her hands in agitation.

“Isabel, it’s going t be okay.”

Isabel turned to look at Liz with a frown. “I can’t do this Liz. I can’t leave you and Max like this.”

Liz held out her hand to Isabel who moved over to the bed. Sitting down next to Liz, Isabel slid her hand into hers.

Liz squeezed Isabel’s hand in reassurance. “Isabel, Max and I will be fine. I know we will. You have to go with Alex. He’s your osizigos and he’s going to need your support.” She grinned as she continued, “Just think, you are going to be an Archiga, just like me! We’ll have lots to talk about and you know I’ll be there to help you when you need pointers.”

Isabel laughed, “I know. I know, it’s just…”

Liz shook her head, “No, Isabel. This isn’t your problem. You know that. Max and I can handle our own problems. You need to go be with your family.”

Isabel sighed. “I just worry about you two, you know?”

Liz nodded, “I know. And we love you for that, you know we do. But Isabel, this is something we have to deal with on our own.” At Isabel’s hesitation Liz said, “I know you won’t be very far away Isabel and neither is Tess. We will still be able to see each other often. Besides, I still have Maria here.”

Isabel rolled her eyes, “Right.”

Liz chuckled, “At least I have Maria, I won’t be alone. Okay?”

Isabel sighed and squeezed Liz’s hand. “Okay.”

Liz grinned, “Good luck, Isabel, although I know you won’t need it.”

Isabel laughed as she hugged Liz, “I’ll miss you, Liz.”

Liz hugged her back as she whispered, “I’ll miss you too.”


Max stood with Alex, Michael, and several others as they all enjoyed the celebration after the ceremony that had named Alex the new Archigos of the Euphranor coven. Others were spread out throughout the back yard of Max’s home enjoying the festivities. Even Isabel and Tess were not too far away talking in another small group.

Joran looked at Max with a smile, “How is your isyzygos doing Max?”

Max glanced up towards the windows of the domatio ilios where Liz stood huddled up in a thick blanket looking out at everyone below. Their eyes met for a moment and Max sent an invisible hand to caress her cheek, trying to comfort her.

Liz simply looked at him for a moment more before turning and walking away from the windows.

He turned back to Joran and gave him an answering smile, “She’s as well as she can be. We all know vampire pregnancies can sometimes be difficult.”

Joran nodded as Vincent spoke up. “Well, it certainly looks like Nathan is handling things well. He’s growing up nicely, I’ll bet you are proud of him Max.”

Max turned to look at where his son was standing with Caiden and Arissa. All three of them had their heads close together as if whatever they were talking about they didn’t want anyone else to hear.

Alex chuckled, “What do you think Max? Think our boys will be able to handle be apart from each other?”

Max grinned, “It’s not like you’re going that far Alex. I’m sure they will all be fine. Plus, they will still see each other at school too.”

Alex nodded, “That they will.”


Tess grabbed Kyle’s arm and pulled him back to her side, “Leave her alone, honey.”

Kyle frowned as he continued to stare at his daughter. “I don’t think she should be hanging around with those two Tess. How is she going to grow up to be a proper girl if she keeps hanging out with them?”

Tess rolled her eyes, “She’s fine Kyle. Arissa is already growing up into a fine girl. Nathan and Caiden are her friends, but she isn’t being influenced by them. If anything, the two of them can benefit by having a woman among them.”

Kyle gritted his teeth, “I don’t trust them.”

Tess sighed, “Nathan is Max’s son and I know Max and Liz have raised him well. We have nothing to worry about. Now, leave them be.”

Kyle continued to frown as he watched the three of them out of the corner of his eye.


“Caiden, I don’t think we should do that. We could get caught and our parents will kill us,” whispered Arissa.

“Rissa is right, we could get caught.” agreed Nathan.

Caiden rolled his eyes, “Hey! Whose side are you on? You’ve never chickened out before.”

“I’m not chickening out. I just think we need a better plan. The one you came up with will guarantee we’ll get caught,” replied Nathan.

Caiden looked at him for a moment as he thought about it. After a while he reluctantly nodded, “You’re right. It sucks. Okay then, what’s the plan?”

Nathan shrugged, “I dunno. We just need to think about it again and see if we can come up with something better.”

Arissa sighed, “I still can’t believe you want to do this!”

Caiden gave her a grin, “Well, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but you can’t tell on us.”

As Arissa stuck her tongue out at him Nathan snapped, “Leave her alone, Caid! She’s not gonna tell on us, she’s never done it before.”

“Yeah Caid, I won’t tell.”

Caiden rolled his eyes, “Whatever, so what’s the plan Nath?”

Nathan frowned, “Give me a minute, I’m thinking.”

The other two laughed as Nathan continued to tap his finger against his chin, deep in thought.


Vanessa sat on the bench next to Aidan, their entwined fingers resting on the bench between them. Glancing at him, she realized he’d been rather quiet for a while. Once the celebration had been in full swing, she and Aidan had managed to sneak into the rose garden without anyone noticing their absence.

After sitting on the bench and sharing a few kisses, they had simply relaxed in each other’s presence. She turned slightly to look at him and realized something was troubling him.


He glanced up at her when she spoke his name.

“What’s wrong?”

Aidan didn’t say anything for a moment. Instead he just sat there drinking in the sight of her as if trying to memorize her face. Reaching up, he traced the lines of her face with his fingers.

Vanessa frowned, “Aidan, what is it? You’re scaring me!”

He gave a soft sigh as he turned away from her, unable to look at her expression as he said, “I have to go away.”

Vanessa stared at his profile as the words sank in. “Away?”

He nodded, “I’m going overseas to study for a few years.”

Vanessa could feel her throat tightening. “What? Why?”

“My father wants me to. It’s what he did, before he became the Archigos. So now he wants me to do it. It’s to help prepare me he said.”

Vanessa closed her eyes and swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “When?”

“I leave next week.”

She nodded as the tears began to trail down her cheeks.

Aidan turned to look at her, lifting a hand to wipe the tears away. “Nessa, please. Don’t cry.”

She opened her eyes and looked into his. “Will you write to me?” she whispered brokenly.

He gave her a teary smile, “Every chance I get.”

A small sob escaped her lips and Aidan leaned in to kiss her again as his tears mingled with hers.
