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Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 6:44 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I'm still staring at the ceiling as if it's the most interesting thing in the world, when, an hour or so later, I notice Maria sliding into the bed next to me. I didn't notice her come in, I must be less responsive then I thought, or she's secretly a cat or something. "I'm on break. I wanted to see if you need something ,and maybe close my eyes for a minute," She says in way of an excuse, smiling that sexy grin a few inches from my face. God, is she trying to kill me? Because it just might work.

"I'm so tired." She covers her head in her hands and shuts her eyes for a moment, probably just for dramatic effect, before turning to face me again. "How are you feeling?" She asks, staring directly at me. It's unnerving, and I feel a change in my facial expression as I will myself not to move my head forward those last few inches to kiss her; something I've been longing to do since she jumped into the bed.

She breaks my thought process with a concernec, "Are you in pain?" and reaches over, placing a hand on my face. As she touches my cheek, I feel a slight spark, and wish that I was more bold like my brother, because, for once it might've come in handy. He would have already kissed her right now. But no, I'm the good twin. Damn.

"No, I'm feeling slightly better; this was a good idea, the whole resting thing," I say quietly, my voice at a near whisper. She's so close, it's totally distracting me from the fact that she is still worried about me. I wonder how it would feel to kiss her, if her lips are soft-...think about something else Guerin...anything. Even mud. Yeah, mud's good. Okay. Back to the topic at hand.

"You know, I'm gonna be fine, you don't have to spend your break worried about me or anything," I add, feeling a little like I'm wasting her time. "Not that I'm not grateful or anything..." I shut my eyes briefly for a moment, in order to stop staring a hole in her face, which is what it feels like I'm doing. "Because I am..."

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 7:43 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"No, I'm feeling slightly better; this was a good idea, the whole resting thing," He replies quietly his voice still barely above a whisper. His head must still be bothering him. He gazes at me intently for a moment and if I didn't know any better I'd think he wanted to kiss me. I'm sure that's just my concitedness talking. I just assume anyone who is staring at my mouth wants a piece of the action. Maybe I have something on my face. Oh that would be so embarassing.

I let my mind wander as I back track on all the things I've had to eat since I last checked in a mirror. Hmmm. I'm launched out of my thought process when he states,"You know, I'm gonna be fine, you don't have to spend your break worried about me or anything", Well damn. I was entirely wrong. The poor guy doesn't even want me in here. "Not that I'm not grateful or anything..." He shuts his eyes momentarily and I sense a great struggle within him. When his eyes flutter open once more he announces, "Because I am..."

Hmmm. There's a sweet sadness in his gaze that makes me wish I could take whatever hurt he's got building in there away. Without thinking about it I lean forward and press my lips to his for the most gentlest of kisses. Amazing. Words don't describe the sensation that floods my body. It was just a nice gesture of comfort that turned into so much more. Once I draw back I give him an easy smile. "You'd better be grateful. You're the only guy that has actually got to sleep in my bed."

I tease with a light hearted expression. "Well, I'd better run." I raise up to exit the bed when something stops me. "Michael, you are nothing like your brother." I don't know why I felt the need to say it I just did. "I'm glad." I reveal with a honest smile. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 7:56 pm
by Fehr'sBear

She stares back at me for a moment, absorbing my comments, and I think she's going to yell at me or something, so I'm surprised when she places a light kiss on my lips and then pulls away almost instantly, smiling. "You'd better be grateful. You're the only guy that has actually got to sleep in my bed." She jokes, and I just grin, too dazed to say anything. Maria Deluca just kissed me. Me. Sure, it was more of an 'I hope you feel better pal' kiss, but it was a kiss. And it was definitely better than what I was imagining. She must wear a heck of a lot of strawberry lipgloss.

"Well, I'd better run." She sits up quickly, but then stops herself in her actions to turn around and face me once more.

"Michael, you are nothing like your brother. I'm glad." I return her smile, still a little shell shocked. That's probably the nicest thing someone's ever said to me. Because now I know that it isn't only me who thinks it. I am different from my brother, in so many ways.

"Me too," I say quietly, as she sits there staring at me. "Maria...why...why are you being so nice? I mean, we've never really been friends..." I ask, just wondering. Because, to be honest, before the party she's never really talked or hung out with me. I can still smell her lipgloss, and though I've never really liked strawberries, suddenly it's the best smell in the room.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:14 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"Me too," He replies quietly ,but his smile tells me I couldn't have given him a bigger compliment. I just stand admiring his gorgeous features and how sensual and yet precious he appears as he lies on my bed. To be honest no guy has ever even ben in my bed before. I consider that too personal for those on nights stands I have. After all a person's room is very private and reflects a lot on the individual. I've never wanted to be that close to the men I've dated.

So why all of a sudden did I desperately want Michael to know who I am? The wonders never cease.I am more than a little surprised when he interupts my questioning myself with a couple fo his own"Maria...why...why are you being so nice? I mean, we've never really been friends..." He's right. I could just spout out my usual line because he's a hottie or I'm attempting to seduce him like I would reply to any other guy ,but weirdly enough I stop myself.

I want to be honest with him. Mulling over a responce I sit back down on the bed and take a deep breath as I ponder over my answer, "I guess because you surprised me." Well, thats the truth. "I thought you were just like all the other guys... trying to get in my pants." Insert appropriate giggle here. "But that last night I saw something in you that I'd never noticed before." I can't really describe what it was ,but it was enough to convince me that there are nice guys out there.

"You amazed me." I finish hoping I didn't come across as corny. Maria Deluca doesn't do over emotional. "That and when we danced I thought I was going to come undone right there in front of everybody." I tease with a hint of sincerety. "You have many talents, Michael. You just need to figure out how to tap into them." I reveal with a mischevious grin. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:27 pm
by Fehr'sBear

She sits bakc down on the bed, and I can't help but think she's going to say something humorous along the lines of, 'well, you're hot.' Because that's her usual attitude.

"I guess because you surprised me. I thought you were just like all the other guys... trying to get in my pants. But that last night I saw something in you that I'd never noticed before." She says, and I just look up at her, willing her to go on. I guess I'm not like other guys. Sure, I mean, I've thought of getting with Maria, to put it bluntly, but I would never act on it. I'm not that kind of guy at all, unlike Rath, who goes after everything that breathes and has a chest.

"You amazed me. That and when we danced I thought I was going to come undone right there in front of everybody. You have many talents, Michael. You just need to figure out how to tap into them." I admit that from anyone else, this would have sounded like some sappy inspirational speech, but the difference is that Maria sounds like she means it. I've never seen this side of her before. I also wonder what 'talents' she's talking about, because I'm pretty much bad at everything I do, including talking to girls. Maria's just an easy to talk to exception.

"You know, Maria, I never knew you were so multifaceted," I start, smiling. "I mean, I guess that's all sort of true. I'm not like most of the guys at our school. But you're not like most of the girls either," I say, before suddenly wishing I hadn't. Now I sound like a cornball.

"I mean, with the singing last night...I didn't know you could even sing. That's really interesting."

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:08 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"You know, Maria, I never knew you were so multifaceted," he begins with a smile that lights up his eyes. Wow, he's so open. In his eyes you can see the kind and gentle soul within. There is no secrets or laughing in those bright orbs that would make me believe that he was playing me for a fool. No, he's quite different. I can see why he'd think I was rather one dimensional. That's the role I play at school. I'm the Queen Bee.

The one many guys want to be with purely for the status (and for other things I'm sure) I have the 'you can look but don't you touch' attitude that
makes guys fall head over heels and girls love to hate me. It's not the part I would have chosen ,but I was born to lead so... what can you do? It's not like I'm being myself. Quite the opposite actually. I act as I am expected to. I have a job to do and I pull it of well. Besides, what would I do if I wasn't head cheerleader and Prom Queen. Who would I be? Just me. Closet song writer, and rebel without a clue.

"I mean, I guess that's all sort of true. I'm not like most of the guys at our school. But you're not like most of the girls either," He answers and I smile at his uplifting praise. He seems to want to take it back. Like I might think he's being sappy ,but quite the opposite actually. I am to say the least intrigued with all things that are Michael. I'd like to get to know him better. See what makes him tick."I mean, with the singing last night...I didn't know you could even sing. That's really interesting."

My face instantly turns 15 shades of pink. I didn't even know that I.. Maria Deluca could get embarassed. It's like bellow me I'm sure. Still here I am with my cheeks on fire and I have to come up with something dismissive to reply so we don't have to discuss my music. "That was nothing." I assure him as I stand and turn toward my dresser to hide my face. "Anyone can do karaoke." I announce will playing absent mindedly with one of my trophys for best something or another. "It's really not a big deal." I try not to appear anxious after all I am supposed to be the very defintion of confidence. Nothing gets to me. Well, except for Michael apparently. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:14 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I catch a blush, and again I'm surprised because I figured nothing could make Maria Deluca blush. Well, apparently I was wrong. "That was nothing. Anyone can do karaoke. It's really not a big deal." She says, turning to face her dresser. Going completely on instinct, I get up slowly and walk over to stand behind her, startling her slightly.

"Yeah right. It was amazing. If I did karaoke I'd probably break glass, so it wasn't nothing." I tell her with a smile, rubbing my head briefly. To my surprise, the headache is subsiding. That's a good sign.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:36 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

When I turn around he's standing directly behind me and the closeness of our bodies startles me a bit. It's a nice surprise ,but I find it hard to concentrate on his words and not his amazing mouth as he states, "Yeah right. It was amazing. If I did karaoke I'd probably break glass, so it wasn't nothing." He replies with a whole hearted smile that makes me a little giddy. Oh my goodness. Not again. I will not fall for a boy that can break my heart. Especially one that looks so much like... Ugh I can't even say his name.

Michael rubs is head for a second and I'm about to ask him if he's feeling better ,but his expression leaves little to the imagination. Pity I'd like to put him back to bed a nurse him back to health. I smile devilshly at there mere thought of it. Shame on me. The poor boy is recovering from a nasty hang over and I'm having lust filled fantasys about wearing a nurse's uniform and checking his blood pressure. Which I can imagine would be pretty high once I got done with him. *Happy thought*

"Well, thank you for that, but it can never be anything more than a hobby." I explain to him carefully as I scan is long luscious eye lashes. He really is quite beautiful. I don't know how I never noticed it before. I guess because he's not very obvious about his good lookingness. He plays it off while most of the guys I date are cocky son of a bitches. Maybe I need to stay away from that type for a while. He gives me an odd expression so I continue,

"What I mean is... People at school expect me to be a certain way and a singer isn't a a part of it. If they heard my songs they would all praise me ,and encourage me to my face... Then behind my back they'd make fun of my work and that's not somthing I want to have to deal with." I admit for the first time to anyone. "My music is personal to me. If they hated my work it would be like they hated, and everybody loves me." I state the lackluster missing from my gaze.

"For some reason or another in everything in my life I feel the need to be validated. Except for in music. It's just mine." I conclude notcing that I had been staring at the ground during that entire speecj. Looking up to meet his eyes I see something I hadn't quite expected. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:50 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Maria's silent for a moment, and I get the feeling that she's staring straight into me, but I stand my ground, confident that I'm right about her singing, and she's just self concious.

"Well, thank you for that, but it can never be anything more than a hobby. What I mean is... People at school expect me to be a certain way and a singer isn't a a part of it. If they heard my songs they would all praise me ,and encourage me to my face... Then behind my back they'd make fun of my work and that's not somthing I want to have to deal with." She tries to explain herself, and I find myself half listening, and half staring at her mouth moving, the brief kiss from before replaying itself in my head.

"For some reason or another in everything in my life I feel the need to be validated. Except for in music. It's just mine."

Smiling at how honest she's being to me, I break through her monologue. "I guess that makes sense. I mean, the kids at school can be pretty vicious. But I don't think you'd get talked about...people would probably think you were even cooler than they do now." I say quietly, stepping forward again without even thinking about it.

"But, you shouldn't think you're bad at it." I add, just to fill the dead air that seems to be closing in around me.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:07 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

His heated stare sends shivers all over my body. I swallow harshly trying to will my body to move. We ere way to close. If I don't put some distance between us there's not telling what I'll do. "I guess that makes sense. I mean, the kids at school can be pretty vicious. But I don't think you'd get talked about...people would probably think you were even cooler than they do now." He states very sure of his answer and then takes another step towards me so that are bodies are almost touching. Not quite but just enough to make me wonder what it would be like if they were.

Licking my lips without even thinking about it I try to ponder my escape route. His sexy form is standing between me and the door and the only way I can make it is if I brush up against him. Which if that happens I can almost guarantee I'll never make it. A girl's self control can only handle so much and his gorgeous self is pushing it to the limit. "But, you shouldn't think you're bad at it." He replies as if to fill the smouldering stares we are exchanging at the moment.

Unable to think clearly I go straight into sex kitten role without meaning to. It's as if it comes as second nature. I couldn't turn it off if I wanted to. "I'm not too worried about it. There's several things that I am really good at." I retort moxily as I separate the distance between us with one step. He's about a head taller than me so I find myself loking up into those big brown eyes. I can't describe the feeling that washes over me. It's not like anything I've ever experienced.

"Care for a demonstration?" An impish grin makes its way across my face as I lean up on my tip toes to bestow upon him a sweet kiss, but at the last minute I back out with a hault. Panic creeps across my tired features as I prepare to bolt. "Uh... Maybe another time." With that swish past him toward the door. What am I doing? Getting emotionally involved with a guy that's crazy! Do you not remember what happened last night with his brother?

He'll do the same thing to you. If you don't do it first that is. I desperately try to convince myself that I'm doing the right thing. You love 'em and then leave em Deluca that's your MO. The thing is I could never do that to Michael. The last thing I want to do is hurt him in any way. I've got to protect him from that hurt. Even if that's keeping myself away from him. I don't even make it to the door before something stops me. :wink: