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Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:23 pm
by madroswellfan
I sigh as Im ignored by the jerk of a guy who is my roommate. He has his mp3 player on loud and has decided I don't exist. Well as long as he doesn't disturb me and my studying, I don't care. I move over to my laptop and switch it on. As I do so I look at the pictures I placed by it. Ones of my mother and father before Dean and I came along, and the other is a picture of my fifth birthday, which was only a bit before the incident at home.

I check my emails, and as per usual the only stuff in my inbox is junk. As I begin to clear it out my phone starts going off. I look down at it, and its Dean. God....I thought I made myself clear the other day. I don't want to be involved in some stupid demon. If Dean still wants to do that fine, but I don't. I growl as I pick it up.
"Sam, it's Dean. Meet me at the Diner around the corner from Worthington,"

With that he hangs up. He never was much of a talker. I sigh as I grab my jacket. I know I have nothing better to do, since I finished my paper for homework already and I don't have any more classes today but still, I don't want to ruin another day with talk about demons.

I leave my room without saying goodbye to my roommate and start to walk across campus. It would be my luck that some big evil comes to town when Im finally starting to get a life. I turn the corner and spot the diner. I walk over the street and inside. Tacky would be a good word to describe it. I immediately spot Dean and walk over to him. I sit down and look at him.
"Dean." I state as I get a waitresses attention and order a coffee. "So what is it? And why cant you handle it alone? Because I don't want to be involved Dean. I like my life and I don't want to go back to that stuff. I like normal"

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:28 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I'm still eating when Sam walks in and takes a seat across from me in the booth, looking a little annoyed. "Dean. So what is it? And why cant you handle it alone? Because I don't want to be involved Dean. I like my life and I don't want to go back to that stuff. I like normal."

I take another bite of my food, ignoring his ranting. "Nice to see you too bro." When Sam's coffee comes around and the waitress leaves again, giving me another smile, I lean forward.

"There's something big growing here. Dad contacted me the other day," I finish, letting this news sink in. Sam can't ignore the fact that dad had something to do with it.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:33 pm
by madroswellfan
"Nice to see you too bro."
The waitress comes over and gives me my coffee. I watch disgustedly as Dean smiles at her. God the guy is such a flirt.
"There's something big growing here. Dad contacted me the other day,"

I sigh. "Perfect timing daddy" I mutter as I take a sip of my coffee. I know that probably means that this really is something big but... I really don't want to mess up what Ive got here. I mean, I have a date tommorow night for that frat party. And I don't want to mess it up.
"Fine, I get that its big Dean. But I'll say again. What do we actually know? What is it your looking for and why can't you handle it?"

I somehow dont think the date thing would go down well right now, so I decide to keep that to myself.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:38 pm
by madroswellfan
"No, can't say that I do. Haven't had someone in my life personally for a while. Some of my friends are in Boston Bay also. In fact, I'm expecting a possible visit from them sooner or later. Maybe sometime all of us could get together, your friends and mine, see the sights. I hear there's a great resteraunt down near the front."

I smile as I try to imaging Grams meeting a witch. Hmm....Im Grams! I watch as she picks up a picture and points some people out to me.
"These are my friends that are here, Xander and Buffy. The others are back home or have moved on..."

Moved on? She makes it sound like there dead! Im sure they can't be though...I mean...there so young. That wouldnt be right. She sits down on her bed and says
"When the guy's have finished helping, would you like an official tour of the campus and surrounding area? The maps they give us do not have the updates to the campus on them."
I smile. "Yeah I'd like that. Thanks. Its such a big campus! Even the pictures don't show that. The pictures arent anywhere close to how beautiful it is either" I say wistfully.

I check again on the back of my hand that Ive got the right door number before knocking on the dorm room door. Hopefully this should be Willows room. She just moved rooms and I thought Id offer her some help moving. I went to her old room but she wasnt there. But her two computer guys directed me here. So here I am.

Fortunitely me and the guys arent working today. Our day off. So I decided that helping Willow would be a good use of my time...especially since I don't have much else to do right now. Plus I like keeping busy. Especially after Anya...
I shake myself. I really don't want to get myself depressed by thinking about her leaving me right now. Dwelling on it wont help. She picked the demon life over me. I didn't do anything wrong....thats what the others tell me.
I just wish I could believe that.

"Willow? Its me" I call out to her.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:39 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"Fine, I get that its big Dean. But I'll say again. What do we actually know? What is it your looking for and why can't you handle it?" Sam says, looking annoyed. What. It's not like he's got anything else going on except school, right?

"Dad said that things had been happening here that matched the demon that killed mom," I whisper, taking another big bite of my omelette and a sip of my coffee. "He wants us to ask around, to see if anything odd has been happening lately in Boston."

That was true. Dad had asked me to look around, but it was my choice to add Sam into the mix. I don't want to sound cheesy, but I did miss our supernatural road trip days a little bit.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:52 pm
by madroswellfan
"Dad said that things had been happening here that matched the demon that killed mom," He whispers.

"He wants us to ask around, to see if anything odd has been happening lately in Boston."

I sigh. Great. "What so now Dad's giving us homework too? Fantastic!" I say huffing. I take another sip of my coffee. "Look Dean, when you find something more about your demon or whatever then fine, maybe Ill help. Ill think about it. But Im not putting my life on hold, and Im definitely not missing the party tommorrow" I state.

Oops. Didn't mean to say that. I look out of the window for a moment before turning back to him and saying. "So whats new with Dean...oh let me guess...youve killed another hundred demons since I saw you" I say rolling my eyes. "Oh, and youve flirted with two hundred girls"

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:32 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Sam lets out a sigh. "What so now Dad's giving us homework too? Fantastic!" He says in a still annoyed voice. What is going on with him? He's not usually this annoyed. Then he continues, and it all makes sense. "Look Dean, when you find something more about your demon or whatever then fine, maybe Ill help. Ill think about it. But Im not putting my life on hold, and Im definitely not missing the party tommorrow." My eyebrows go up, and I smirk at him. So that's what's up. He's busy partying it up, and he doesn't want me to know.

He looks out the window for a moment, as if mad he let it out, and then he changes the subject with a roll of his eyes. "So whats new with Dean...oh let me guess...youve killed another hundred demons since I saw you, Oh, and youve flirted with two hundred girls"

"I've killed a few demons," I mention, rubbing my back again. "And sure, I've flirted with a few girls," I add with a smirk, but then I wink at him. "Sounds like you've been busy too. Weren't planning on telling me about this party, were you?" A flashbulb goes off in my head. "You weren't going to invite me? I could get some info on what's going on in this town at that party. Drunk people talk more," I continue. And college parties mean girls. I haven't been to a party in ages.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:07 pm
by madroswellfan
"I've killed a few demons," he says as he rubs his back. "And sure, I've flirted with a few girls,"
He smirks and winks. God...arragont older brother....
"Sounds like you've been busy too. Weren't planning on telling me about this party, were you?"
Oh crap.... he suddenlt get this smile on his face. Shit...

"You weren't going to invite me? I could get some info on what's going on in this town at that party. Drunk people talk more,"

I sigh. Great. Perfect. I roll my eyes.
"Fine. But don't expect me to follow your same lines of investigation. Im not messing things up with Charlene. It took me bloody ages to get the nerve to ask her out, and Im not gonna screw it up now."

I look at him and then add "And your not gonna hit on loads of college girls Dean. Especially not her" I add pointedly. "Don't say thats not what you were thinking, its written all over your face"

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:21 pm
by madroswellfan
I sigh as I check my small room is clean. Of course I would get the smallest! Max is sharing with Michael, and with Isabel sharing with Maria... thats leaves me by myself. The loner as per usual.
Thats of the course the arrangement whilst Maria and Michael are still fighting. But as they keep changing there minds, I expect sooner or later Isabel and Michael will swap. And probably back again...
My room is tiny. So small its unbelieveable. But what do you expect from 5 teenagers who are renting a small house, when they dont have anymoney. Its not like Dads gonna pay for it all you know.

I sigh as I walk out of my room into the compact living room. I sit on a sofa and look at the paper in the jobs section. I hear someone come out of there room and I call out "Hey, these jobs are ridiculous. Check this one out. "Pole Dancer needed. Must have own costume!""
I roll my eyes. "Im thinking a convienence store clerk. What about you?" I say to the person without turning round to see who it is.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:42 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Sam sighs yet again, and rolls his eyes. "Fine. But don't expect me to follow your same lines of investigation. Im not messing things up with Charlene. It took me bloody ages to get the nerve to ask her out, and Im not gonna screw it up now."

I grin, because it's about time Sam had a date. He's too nerdy. This Charlene girl is pretty hot, he's got good taste, I've got to admit. I notice him staring at me, and totally misinterpreting my grin. Well, partly anyways. "And your not gonna hit on loads of college girls Dean. Especially not her. Don't say thats not what you were thinking, its written all over your face."

"You caught me," I joke with my hands up. "I was planning on having some fun at this party too, not just working. But don't worry, I'll leave you're little friend Charlene alone." The look on his face makes me want to laugh, but I keep it to myself.

"So where is this party?" I ask, curious as to who Dean's been hanging out with.