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Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:45 pm
by CalLen

A man sits at a stool near the counter raising his hand for a drink. I quickly fill a glass with a shot and slide it gracefully down the table and into the man awaiting hand. "Thanks Michael." He replies with a nod. "No problem Sam." He was a regular here. By here I mean at the Ridgeview Tavern. I haven't worked here long, but it is somewhere I have come to know and love. The pays not that great and the hours sure aren't fun, but the people are great. Of course I don't want to do this forever. I plan on getting a job so that I can move out of Max and Liz's house.

They are newly weds and I think I am a little too old to be crashing in Max's floor. Plus, somehow I got stuck sharing a room with 'budha boy'. Maria for some reason decided that she wanted to share a room with Isabel which isn't that bad because this is the first time I have spent 24/7 with her. Maria can be a little tiring. Kyle hasn't been any better though. It's been only a few months and I have never wanted to kill someone as bad as I want to kill him. There's not too much excitement here so it should be pretty easy to blend in.

I grab a glass pouring myself a shot. I take it fast feeling the liquor burn as it slides down. "Ahhhh..." I take my rag washing off the bar before turning the sign on the front of the building from OPEN to CLOSED. Sam throws a twenty dollar bill down on the table, "Have a good night, son." "Yea you too Sam see you later." Taking the glass from the counter I put it with the other dirty ones before telling the workers good-night and walking out the door, heading for home.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:23 pm
by POM

Mostly every morning I wake up, it's not as early as Liz has to get up, but it's early enough. I make ten dollars an hour by cleaning. I'm a janitor at Hope Memorial, the local hospital. It may seem like a really crumy job, but it grows on you I guess. There's always something to do, which takes my mind off of a lot of things, but it still dosen't cut the stress that follows me from day to day.

First off there is my wife, the lovely and beautiful Liz Parker-Evans. She means more to me than she probably knows, but these past few months--have been hard. I know that she knows this for a fact as well. I want to spend just one day if possible with her--and let her know that, well just let her know that I'm here for her. But for right now, it's a little far fetched--we're both working eighty hour shifts just to keep a loat with the bills and the morgtage for the house. Exhuasted is another way to put it, but in the end it will be worth it--I guess. I just wish had more saved up, I just need patience.

Then there's the constant threat of the FBI. Are they watching us? Who's out there? Did they give up and start looking for some other target? I don't know. I'm the leader and having to look out for everyone puts a strain on everything. I feel the most vulnerable for my wife and sister because they are my family--but then there are our friends Michael, Maria and Kyle. We have to stick together through this tough time, to blend in as much as possible is the key right now.

I want to look out for everyone, and keep them safe but I can't be with everyone--Right now, I can only look out for myself--that's probably why I chose such a secluded job. Even if it is cleaning toliets, it's all worth it to have a future with Liz, where we are not being hunted by the FBI.

I'm working the grave yard shift, and have for the past few weeks, By the time I get home it's 3AM and that's only two hours before Liz gets up and ready for work. This is driving us futher and futher apart, I wonder if there is another schedule I can pick up so I'm home at night with her. I'll ask my boss before I get off tonight.

"Janitor to floor 8--Janitor to floor eight." Well that ten minute break went by fast--I sighed to myself stomping on the cigarette with my shoe. A nasty habit I took on since we moved out here.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 5:51 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
(OCC: I was reading Michael's post, so asumming that the bars close really late at night. So anyone thinks my post too fast or doesn't want it that fast I'll be happy enough to edit it BIC:)


I got to work and start my work. I sent the tables; making sure had piper and salt with silver ware of course. I am the one that usual opens up. I pick my schedule to work 3 shifts, morning, events, and night. I don’t complain but it sure is hard. I don’t have time to eat between my shifts. All it is work, work, and work. No breaks, I don’t complain but I would like have at least 5 minute break. I been losing a lot of weigh, my clothes don’t even fit me anymore. But hey if helps bring food on the table then I’m fine with it. I m

I go to the door and flip the sign to open. I walk back to behind the counter as the rest of worker come in and start working. The customers fill up all the tables quick by noon. In my section I got a lot of tips from old men telling me I should leave my husband for them. I would smile and tell them I would miss my husband too much. I haven’t seen him at all lately nor shall I say since we moved here.

During the nights I would be sleeping alone dreaming about person that comes in a ship. I don’t know it means, but it scaring the hell out of me. I know it something real. Does this mean that our enemies, Max’s enemies are at our door? Is this what future Max was trying to tell me? I don’t know but I don’t think I can tell Max.

I look at the clock, its 2 am in the morning. So putting everything back in place I head home. When I got home I was so exhausted I just drop to the couch, I’m so hungry but I don’t bother getting up. My feet are killing me. Good thing tomorrow top giving me a day off. God knows I need it. But even on my day off I don’t see Max, he works two jobs one at the grave yard, which scary the hell out of me and the other at hospital as janitor.

I may not see Max lately but I can smell smoke on his clothes which means he pick up smoking. I don’t like the smell it really disgusting. So whenever he a sleep in the morning I go through his clothes taking the cigarettes and hiding it from him. I know what cigarettes can do to someone and I love him too much for Max to see him like that. I can’t believe he pick it up, he works at a hospital for God sake. I guess whenever I see him I will have to talk to him, but that big if.

I do miss him so much but really nothing I can do. This is our lives and we have to learn to accept it. I just hope I’m not losing him.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:12 pm
by dreamer393

I roll over onto my back and let out a small tortured groan. Since we left Roswell sleep has never come easy. I am constantly worried that they will find us. They have come close many times but we always managed to escape and move on to the next safe town.

Liz seems withdrawn. She is pulling away from me. We are nowhere near as close as we were before graduation. Everything just changed so fast and I can't help but wonder...was it the right choice to leave Roswell. Unlike the others I could have had a normal life. One full of many loving children, a wonderful husband, and maybe even my dream of being a singer. But it wouldn't have meant anything...not without him.

Without Michael. I don't know how it feels to be without him. Actually I do, I felt empty and I never want that feeling back. The numerous times we broke up that feeling always came back. This last time being the worse. He was sweet enough to buy me flowers and I gave them back to him, breaking his heart. That is something I will forever regret but I am sorry. Doesn't he know that.

Is that why he refuses to ask me to be his wife. Does he not love me anymore. Did I hurt him deep enough to wear he no longers wants to be mine. All these thoughts and unawsered questions. Things I would have once shared with Alex, but now I can't. One of life's cruel losses.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:00 pm
by POM

Everyday when I go to work, and everyday I come home...this constant routinue is tiring and stressful--I suspect that Liz is taking my cigarettes, otherwise the only other explaintion is that the smoking monster took them. And I don't think he's real.

I'm not even home half the time and she already suspects--I guess she's trying to tell me something...that's why I stopped buying them, instead I buy gum and other candys to keep me occupide. I'd rather go the dentist than the doctors.

But I'm happy because tomorrow is my day off--from both of my jobs, my only one this week, and I couldn't be any more happy.

I just have to make it to tomorrow, Liz is probably going to have to work--but I'm going to do my best to suprise her and let her know just how much she means to me.

Now, only six more hours to go unitl I get off, it's like a constant countdown, all I want is to see my wife, love her, kiss her, and hold her. Is that a crime? No...I guess not, I just miss her so much.

Breaks over...back to work I go--God I hope this day goes by fast.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:55 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

I sat on this couch as I put my head back against the wall, resting my eyes. I don’t remember driving home or sitting on this couch. God I must be really tired. So picking up my head and getting off the couch, weakly ,I go to my bed room. I walk to my bed room and tstart to ake off my clothes off. I rest ed them on the chair that goes with the desk. I slip on my night wear. I take out my hair tie from my hair, letting my hair fall lose over my shoulders.

I slowly climb into bed and rest my tired body against the mattress. I cover myself with the blanket. I keep thinking about this question that doesn't go away in my head. Is this what my parents had to do before they had Rosa and me? They must have it harder then Max and I. I remember them telling me that they hope I never had to go through what they did. I guess I prove them wrong.

I do miss them so much that I wish I could call them but it’s too risky and too dangerous. I sigh, there really nothing I can really do. I chose this life; I chose the life with Max. I don’t think I could live without him and I don’t think I want to image that. So yes, there is one thing that I am thankful that is in my life but I hardly see, and that is Max.

So hearing the last sound of the night of the front door being open, I drifted off to sleep.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:42 pm
by POM
[OCC: Hi, I'm back...I can't post till tonight--But I'll be back!]

<3 POM

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 9:11 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC Hey Everybody!!! This is my first Maria post for this RPG so I appologixe if somethings not right.


Sighing into my pillow, I desperately try to turn my racing mind off ,but to no avail. Stupid thoughts. Growling defeatedly I rise up and adjust my Scooby Doo P. J's before making my way to the kitchen. 'Maybe some herbal tea will help.' I reason to myself. Although I think both you and I know a specially blended drink won't solve these problems. Hmmm. Blended drink. That's it! That's what I need.

My bare feet pad their way over to the cabinet where I pull out the overly used blender. Let's just say I've had several sleepless nights this week ,and leave it at that. Doing a little dance over to the refridgerator I pull out the Margarita Mix. Now I know what your thinking, but I do not have a drinking problem. I'm just like my mother I guess. Sometimes I need a lil' somethin' somethin' to help me sleep. Oh that's just peachy. I'm becoming my mother.

I soo don't want to think about that right now. Taking the ice out of the trays I dump into the blender and it makes a happy plop. I love that sound. Pouring the salty sweet goodness into the blender I make sure the lid is firmly on before I hit the switch. Last time I forgot that last part and I was cleaning up fruity drink forever. Our kitchen had smelled like the casino I work at now. With both Michael and my work schedule the only time we have for each other is early morning. Course I get off a lot earler than he does. As the headlining singer I only do a couple of sets and most nights I'm home by midnight at the latest. He doesn't make it in until much later.

Some nights I just lie in bed until I hear the door to the bedroom him and Kyle share open up. I can tell it's him by the sound of his footsteps. Michael has a very distinctive stagger. One of the many things I both love and hate about him. It's only when I know he's home and safe that I can finally drift off. I honestly don't know why I wouldn't share a room with him. I guess I wanted to punish him for not wanting to marry me. I guess I can't really blame him with how 'up in the air' things are between us.

Things would probably be fine if we'd just talk about the past, but Michael seems apprehensive and although usually I'm the first to push I've been sort of hanging back lately. Kind of casually testing the ground before I step onto it. I wonder what Michael thinks about all this. He's became even more nonverbal then usual. This sounds really silly, but I miss our fights. We used to have these knock down drag out brawls between us and then we'd participate in the most amazing sex that has ever been had.

Now we are really careful around one another. Afraid we'll push the other one's buttons and send them running in the opposite direction. We've lost the security in our relationship. I know that a lot of it's my fault, but I just can't figure out how to get it back. I want it back. I want him back. Pouring the frozen concoction into a plastic cup I make my way over to the couch to wait for Michael to get home. Maybe tonight he'll feel like talking. Laughing at my own absurdness I lean back and close my eyes. :wink:

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:03 am
by POM

I'm trying not make too much noise as I enter the house, I got off easy tonight. The new shift manager at my work told me to go home to my wife, seeing that we were newlyweds and all.

And he's going to give me two vacation days with pay since I've been working non stop--It's cool, but even I know that it can't last. Might as well enjoy it when I can.

I take off clothes, and my shoes and climb into bed right next to my lovely wife. With nothing but my boxers on, I make sure not to--well, at least try not get aroused just by being so close to her.

I snuggled against her backside and wrap her in my arms and whisper in her ear. "I love you." Before driffting off to sleep myself.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:56 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

I lay there on the bed feeling someone’s arms around me as I heard a whisper against my back. “I love you”. I smile deep my sleep, knowing Max is home and safe I can finally sleep peaceful. It has hard on Max, I, and the others. But there really nothing either one of us can do. We chose this life. We chose to live it this way. There’s no turning back now. If there was then if would be a life in lab being tests.

I go deeper in my dreams I begin to see a women. The same women I been dreaming of for the past 2 months.


A woman on her planet telling everyone to listen to her, But no one would. Everyone sent her away. A woman arrives on earth with her personal servant. The servant was so skill that she could kill anyone in a split second. The woman looks so sad and so angry.

End of dream:

I woke up in the middle of the night pacing. Why do I keep having these dreams? Is my mind trying to tell me something that I don't know about? Whatever it isI haven’t had a good night sleep in months and I guess I won’t have one now because I heard the blender. I guess Maria is up. I look to my left and I notice Max is a sleep. I look down at myself and see his arm is around me. So trying not to wak him,I slowly move his arm, and place on his side. I look at him and kiss his cheek before getting up. I really do miss Max, but the only time were together is at night, asleep. If that count being together I don't know what is.

I got out of bed and put my robe on myself as I walk to the kitchen. “Maria it’s 4 in the morning. What the hell trying to do? Wake the neighborhood?” I ask as I sat down on the table. I'm no morning person when I am forcus to wake up. But I shouldn't complain, I haven't slept in a long time now. I look at her, “What wrong?” I ask. “Is it Michael? You must be very stressed out if drinking this early in the morning.” I said. If I haven’t notice before but have now I notice she drinking like her mother.

Maria's mother always a little nut around the edge, but that's what makes her so special. She can always be in a good mood when she really not. I guess Maria takes a lot from her, but don't tell her that. Maria doesn't want to be like her mother.