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Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:04 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
oops double post

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:10 pm
by Jezebel Jinx

Taken by Jennifer24

Roswell/Punisher X-Over
Couple: Liz/Frank Castle (Punisher)
Rating: Teen-Mature

Liz's family is brutally murdered right in front of her and she wants revenge.

She cuts herself off from her Roswell friends and gets together with Frank Castle who was a friend of the family's. Liz asks him to train her and help her (she knows about what he did after his own family was killed).

He agrees and spends months training her to fight and eventually get together.


The Roswell gang corners her at the Crashdown and tells her she needs to confront her grief and let it all out. Frank comes out from the back and tells Liz it's time for training.

Liz drops out of school.

Liz kills the men that killed her family in front of the Pod Squad.

Rest up to the author.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:11 pm
by Jezebel Jinx

Roswell/Dark Hunter Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon X-Over

Couple: Liz/Acheron (Ash)

Rating: Adult

Summary: Liz is caught in the middle of Daimon’s wanting her as a food source. Acheron saves her, now he has to stay close to her and protect her, but ends up falling for her big time.

Must Have

-Liz only speaking to one or two of the ‘I Know An Alien Club’ can be because of EOTW or some other reason that whoever takes this challenge made up.

-Acheron almost killing Max for spying on Liz from the balcony.

-Liz knows what Acheron is (somehow someone told her. Up to the author how it happens or who tells her)

-Max or Tess cornering Liz sometime during the day (at school, the Crash, or on the street) about why the new man that’s around her is only around at night. (By this time Liz already knows what Ash is.)

-Everything else is up to the author.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:11 pm
by Jezebel Jinx

Roswell/Charmed X-Over

This challenge came about while watching the Firestarter episode. Where Tyler is hunted by bounter hunters and is going to be trained to become the body guard of the Source.

Couple: Liz/Cole

Liz is a firestarter and has been trained to be the bodyguard of the Source, Cole.


Liz can befriend the Charmed Ones.

Phoebe is the one killed instead of Prue.

If Phoebe is still living have her be jealous of Liz.

Everything else is up to the author. I just wanted a fic where Liz was a firestarter and fell in love with Cole.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 3:51 am
by Zanity
#23 M/L XO Isaac Asimov's "The End of Eternity"

At the End of "The End of The World" when Max catches Liz in bed with Kyle, He senses Future Max's Presence in the Bathroom and thinks Liz is being coerced by some evil Alien.

He tells Kyle to leave that he knows this was a setup that he'll respect Liz's wishes but he thinks he deserves truth.

Kyle agrees and leaves.

Once Kyle's gone Max charges into Liz's bathroom to take out whatever alien is threatening Liz.

When Max and Future Max meet there's a bright flash of light, Future Max disappears, and Max and Liz find themselves in Eternity.

There they are taught all about the workings of Eternity and are assigned the task of finding the MNC to save the world.

Their first few tries are total disasters because they follow Future Max's plan of trying to make Max and Tess closer.

Finally they realize that key is to get Max to accept and embrace his Alien Side

To do that they arrange for Liz to learn the truth and accept him back in the third grade before he started hating his alien side for separating him from the girl he loves.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:22 pm
by Ellie
24- Can we get a Supernatural crossover going?

I'd love to see someone put Dean and Liz together in a way that doesn't bash Max. I'm serious, it can be done. :P

Maybe they meet in Florida, you come up with the alien or supernatural baddie that draws them together. Maybe it kills her aunt and she goes along with the Winchester boys feeling it would be safer for her loved ones if she were believed dead or it looks like she was responsible and she needs to clear her name.

That's totally optional, feel free to make up your own scenario and timeline it was just an example. (Besides that would make Liz jail bait for Dean and we don't want that. Ewww.) So feel free to change her age or whatever. This is Crossover I'm not gonna demand you stick with Roscanon.

I just don't even want a hint of Max bashing or Rebel shipping in this fic. Dean's hot enough to attract Liz on his own merits without the writer making Max look bad, right? And I never thought Max deserved to be stuck with the gerbil.

Aside from no Max-bashing there are no requirements, just a few suggestions. :D

a-Liz probably shouldn't become a badass overnight. She's a strong person and all, but her chief strengths are her heart and her intelligence. She's not the Slayer or anything though, so no abilities/training she shouldn't have except maybe emerging alien powers. If you include those try to stick with things from the show that were established abilities of the podsters or Liz season 2/3.

b-Try and take the Dean/Liz thing semi-slowly. Up til now she's always gone for the loyal, caring guys and Dean doesn't always come across that way. I'd like to see the attraction grow and watch how Liz could use her knowledge of the Alien Abyss every once in a while rather than be a tag along love interest.

c-Please no other pairings with Sam, he's grieving and I can't see him with any of the other Roswellians. In fact the more we stay out of Roswell the better I'd like it.

Edited to add that I thought of another thing. :oops: I'd like to see the fic rated mature or adult. I don't see the point in the crossover if we aren't gonna get some Liz/Dean lovin' and a few good scares. :D

That's it, please let me know if you take this challenge. I'm free to bounce ideas off of and I'd like to be made aware that it's being done because I want to read it. Duh! :wink: :lol:



Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:31 pm
by RavenSprite
Hmmm... Ellie, I am totally interested in the Dean/Liz story. *sigh* I just don't know if I could do it. Very, very interesting, indeed. If you wouldn't mind me doing it, and helping me with it, I am really open to taking it!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:58 pm
by Ellie
I'm not opposed to you or anyone else taking this challenge. But I can't really help with it aside from letting you bounce ideas off of me. The one idea I had was just an example, I didn't want to include a lot of requirements I think that takes the fun out of it and stifles people's creativity.

I want to see what the challengee comes up with not try to write the fic for anyone. If I have to put that much effort into it I'll write it myself, many years down the road when I'm done with Ashes and the other things I've got swimming around my brain. :lol: :wink:


Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:18 pm
by LittleBit
Ellie wrote:I'm not opposed to you or anyone else taking this challenge. But I can't really help with it aside from letting you bounce ideas off of me. The one idea I had was just an example, I didn't want to include a lot of requirements I think that takes the fun out of it and stifles people's creativity.

I want to see what the challengee comes up with not try to write the fic for anyone. If I have to put that much effort into it I'll write it myself, many years down the road when I'm done with Ashes and the other things I've got swimming around my brain. :lol: :wink:

I actually came up with a drifter story that doesn't completely bash Max. Well some stuff happens to him but he's not evil on purpose anyway. But I have so many stories going that it was put on hold. Maybe someday when fairies come to my house and do everything so I can do nothing but write, it'll get written.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:32 am
by Ellie
LittleBit wrote:I actually came up with a drifter story that doesn't completely bash Max. Well some stuff happens to him but he's not evil on purpose anyway. But I have so many stories going that it was put on hold. Maybe someday when fairies come to my house and do everything so I can do nothing but write, it'll get written.
That sounds great Littlebit, I'd love to read it so let me know when you post. :D

I just went back and read my reply to Ravensprite and hope that doesn't come off as bitchy as it does to me after the fact. :oops: I'd love to see more Drifter fics out there, but unfortunately I can't be a strong part of making that happen other than to challenge for a fic I'd like to read.

I am just so overwhelmed by writing my own fic that taking on any more stuff just boggles my brain. I hope it didn't come off as rude or discourage anyone from writing this fic. Have a great day everybody. :)
