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Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:22 pm
by anonymousarfan
this was moved due to its availability once again

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:46 pm
by anonymousarfan
this post has been moved to the au challenges #93 since it available again

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:08 pm
by Jezebel Jinx

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:59 pm
by behrlyliz
#183 (old thread) - AU, M/L, ALIENS OR W/O ALIENS (your choice) - Taken by Michelle17

I've just seen the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith and thought it would be fun to read a story about Max and Liz based on the movie.

Max and Liz are happily married or dating(your choice) for the past three years. Max is an engineer with a prominent company and Liz is the VP of a fortune 500 company. That's their cover stories. They're really hit men/women (don't really know the PC term) working for different agencies. Neither is aware of the fact that the other is a hit man/woman for their rival agency until they become each other's mark(target).

If you want to write the story with aliens, you could have Liz working with the Special Unit of the FBI and Max working for an alien based agency intent on eliminating Antarian threats on Earth which includes Skins and agents of the Special Unit.

-Michael, Isabel and Tess must work for Max's agency.
-Alex, Maria and Kyle work for Liz's agency.
-When they become each other's marks, neither has the intention of killing the other because they love each other until Max accidently shoots at Liz with his gun (w/o aliens) or accidently sends a blast her way(with aliens) which causes Liz to think he's trying to kill her. Max tries to explain that it was in accident but Liz doesn't believe him and so the war between the two begins.
-Max and Liz must live with each other and have hidden, secret compartments with in their home hiding their weapons. They will use these weapons when trying to kill each other.

With Aliens:
In the mean time, Kivar has come to Earth and is a threat to both sides. Kivar kidnaps someone from Max's agency as well as Liz's agency (your choice as to who) and the two must work together to rescue their friends.

W/O Aliens:
Someone wants to destroy both agencies and begins to target agents from both agencies. He manages to kidnap an agent from Max's camp as well as Liz's and both must work together to find out who's behind the plot to take out agents and rescue their friends.

Dreamer story so M/L happy ending is a must.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:47 pm
by behrlyliz
#43 M/L, AU/NA - Taken by *zans-gurl*


Max and Liz are high school sweet hearts. They planned on attending the same college together and eventually get married, until one tragic event shatters that dream. The life-altering event took place during their senior prom when two hotheaded guys get into a dispute over a girl. The dispute gets serious when one of the guys pulls out a gun and takes aim at the other guy. Panic erupts and all of the students start taking cover or running out of the ballroom. Max gets caught in the crossfire, while trying to protect Liz and ends up in a coma for eight years.

After the shooting, Liz finds out that she’s 8 weeks pregnant so she puts her life on hold for two years, postponing college and remaining in Roswell to have her children (she’s pregnant with twins) and in hopes of Max coming out of the coma. She continues working at the Crashdown to the dismay of her parents who were willing to raise the twins, while Liz attended Northwestern. Her parents and Maria (Liz’s best friend) try to convince her to move on with her life but she refuses, believing that Max will someday gain consciousness. It’s not until she talks with Phillip and Diane Evans that she decides to take their advice and move on with her life. She moves to Albuquerque with the twins and starts attending college to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. It was a difficult decision for her to make but believing what the doctors said about Max’s condition being irreversible and the talk she had with the Evans, she chose to move on for the sake of her children.

Believing that Max’s condition is irreversible, even though he isn’t brain dead, the doctor suggests that the family takes Max off of life support. Diane refuses to take him off of life support in hopes that he will eventually wake one day. She’s very religious and believes that God is in control of everything and even knows more than the Physicians.

Two years ago (6 years after Max’s tragedy), Liz started dating Kyle Valenti, a police officer for the Albuquerque Police Department. Kyle is a decent guy and loves Liz and the twins very much. He wants them to be a real family so he proposes marriage. Liz truly loves Kyle but there was and will always be a part of her heart that belongs to Max. Even though she decided to move on with her life, she always believed that he would wake from his coma and the two of them would be together. She realizes that Kyle deserves her whole heart, so she decides to take a trip to Roswell to say good-bye to Max, before accepting Kyle’s marriage proposal. While she’s in the room with Max, she breaks down and begs him to wake up but nothing happens. She takes it as a sign that it’s really over for them and drives back to Albuquerque and accepts Kyle’s proposal.

Four months later, the wedding goes off without a hitch (it took place in Albuquerque since Liz didn’t feel right having it in Roswell). Everyone showed up for her wedding. Maria was her maid of honor, while Isabel Evans Whitman (Max’s twin sister) was her matron of honor. Even though Michael was Max’s best friend, he agreed to be Kyle’s best man for the wedding. At first, he didn’t like Kyle but that quickly changed as the two bonded over their love of sports and he realized that Kyle was an okay guy and head over hills in love with Liz, whom Michael had taken up being ‘big brother’ to and honorary Godfather and uncle to the twins.

The Evans attended the wedding and it was bittersweet for Diane to witness Liz marry Kyle. She knew it was the right thing for Liz to do but she always wished that it would be Max and Liz getting married one day. Diane and Phillip agreed to watch the twins, while Liz and Kyle are away on their honeymoon for two weeks. After seeing Liz and Kyle off for their honeymoon, Diane decides to visit Max at the hospital once they returned to Roswell, while Phillip watches the twins at home. Even though Max was in a coma, the twins had a deep love for their father because Liz always took the twins to visit him whenever they were in town and told them all about him. She kept him constant in their lives, even though he couldn’t be with them.

While Diane visits Max, he awakens, very disoriented and asking for Liz. Diane informs everyone that Max is awake and they all gather at the hospital to see him. It’s reasoned that Liz would probably want to be the one to introduce the children to their father, so it’s agreed that no one tells him about the twins or Liz’s marriage until she returns from her honeymoon. It’s also agreed that no one will tell Liz about Max awakening until she returns from her honeymoon.

Maria, Isabel and Michael disagree with the parent’s not wanting to inform Liz until she returns from her honeymoon, so Maria takes it upon herself to call Liz with the truth. Only she doesn’t speak with Liz because Liz was in the shower, so she ends up telling Kyle that Max is awake. Out of fear of losing his family, Kyle doesn’t give Liz the message, which ultimately does a lot of damage to their marriage because Liz has no tolerance for lies and deceit. Liz is a very straightforward kind of person and never lied to Kyle about her feelings for Max, so she expected total honesty out of Kyle. After a day passes with no word from Liz, Maria calls her again to no avail. Kyle has taken the phone off the hook, so they wouldn’t be disturbed from the others calling back about Max. Kyle starts acting sort of jumpy, which is extremely odd for him. He’s a police officer and trained to handle any situation. Liz gets suspicious that something’s up or worse, that something has happened to someone she loves, so when Kyle goes to the bar to get their drinks, she calls Maria. Maria asks her what has taken her so long to call her back and why isn’t she on her way back to Roswell? Liz doesn’t know what she’s talking about and tells her so. Maria tells her that Max is awake. Liz faints, later to wake up realizing that she must choose between the love of her life/father of her children and her husband.

**The story must include a lot of lengthy flashbacks of Max and Liz together, since Max will be in a coma for a great deal of the story **.

-Max gets in a coma at the age of 18 and awakens eight years later at the age of 26. Once he awakens, first word out of his mouth is Liz
- Liz moved to Albuquerque with the twins when she was 20 years old to attend, UNM. Now eight years later, she is in her 2nd year of Medical School at UNM’s School of Medicine.
- Maria – Liz’s best friend – lives in Albuquerque with Michael. Teaches music at a local high school.
- Michael – Max’s best friend and Maria’s boyfriend. Shares an apartment with Maria and is a security guard at a museum.
- Isabel – Liz’s best friend. Lives in Seattle with her husband, Alex and son, Jacob Dillon Whitman (4 yrs old).
- Alex – Isabel’s husband. Works for a company that makes video games.
- Max – gets into a coma at the age of 18 and wakes up at 26 to find out he’s been in a coma for the last 8 years and a father of two. It’s your choice on how you want to portray Max once he awakens. He can either be grateful to be conscious or resentful that he’s had 8 years of his life taken from him, only to find that Liz is married and playing ‘family’ with her new husband and his children (but he can only be resentful for so long. Michael should be the one to talk some sense into him about his attitude. I want a happy ending).
- Tess – Max’s nurse in the hospital.
- Sophie Anne Parker 7 – Max and Liz’s daughter
- Bailey Maxwell Parker 7 - Max and Liz’s son
- Jacob Dillon Whitman 4 - Alex and Isabel’s son

If you're interested please send me a pm.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:15 pm
by Zanity
#6 You Broke It, You Fix It (M/L) -- Taken by Christmasnazi

Link: You Broke It, You Fix It

Challenge – Write the story that follows this prologue.


Max is at the observatory looking at the stars when Tess walks up, “I thought I'd find you here.”

Max states, “My whole life I've wanted to be this person, this normal person. Human. My whole life I've been thinking that this alien side of me was this bad thing. This thing that made me a freak. This monster. I realize that I haven't just been hiding from the government and the law all this time. I've been hiding from myself. I don't know what's going on anymore. I thought I knew but I don't. I've lost everyone.”

Tess responds, “I'll be here for eternity.”

Max looks at her and laughs, “So? Liz, Isabel, and Michael are my world. Antar isn’t my home; neither is earth. Liz, Isabel, and Michael are my family, my home. And I’ve lost them. Michael will barely speak to me. I had to blackmail Isabel to stay in Roswell and Liz just renounced our friendship so she can go hunt whatever alien she believes killed Alex. My world is gone and you couldn’t begin to replace it.”

Tess sees red; she closes her eyes and concentrates on making him sleep with her. Max fights her and she increases her assault on his mind. Max keeps fighting her ever strengthening assault until his brain hemorrhages and he collapses to the ground.

Tess panics. The deal Nasedo made with Khivar was that she would be spared if and only if she bore Max’s heir and delivered both Max and the heir to Khivar. If she was going to live, Max had to survive long enough to impregnate her. She bent down and forced a connection to Max. She used what little healing abilities she possessed to try and heal Max.

She poured more and more energy into it until she was completely drained. Max still wasn’t healed, but she had done enough that his own healing abilities would eventually finish the job.

As she fell back to rest her mind began to process the flashes she’d received while she was healing Max.

She felt his love and joy coming back from finding the orb with Liz.

Tell me, Max...what's my destiny?

I only know the part I'm hoping for.

She felt his repulsion at the mindwarps she had tried to seduce him with.

She felt his revulsion the first time she’d forced him to kiss her.

She experienced the torment he went through in the white room.

She felt the aguish he felt when he saw the virtual reality image of Liz dead.

She felt the peace he found in her arms after his escape.

Max, the day that you saved my life, your life just ended.

No, that was the day my life began. Liz, when I was in that room, and they did what they did to me. You're what kept me alive. The thought of you. The way your eyes look into mine. Your smile. The touch of your skin. Your lips. Knowing you has made me human. Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny is the same: it's you. I want to be with you, Liz. I love you.

She felt his agony as Liz walked away from him in the cave.

She felt his heart shatter when he saw Liz in bed with Kyle.

She felt him forgive that and decide that prom was going to be a new beginning for the two of them.

She felt his pain when she gave him the “just friends” speech.

She felt the revulsion he’d felt after she’d planted the false memory of Zan and Ava’s first kiss and mind warped him into reliving it.

She felt his guilt when he took Liz’s accusations of Alex’s murder personally.

She felt his pain when Liz chose to pursue Alex’s murder over their friendship.

She felt his refusal to betray his heart that still belonged to Liz as she tried to seduce him moments ago.

As she finished processing the flashes she knew she would never be able to complete her mission. That even now with Max’s life in shambles and his relationship with Liz as broken as it’s ever going to get; he would still choose death over giving himself to another.

Khivar would kill her for her failure. Her best chance for survival now was to help Max win. She once again went over to Max, this time she removed all her influence on his mind. When he awoke he would remember everything.

He would remember both what he wanted to do and what his real memories were; as well as what she made him do and the fake memories she’d planted. And he would know which was which. He would be aware of everything she’d done to him.

Max awoke hours later to find Tess sitting in front of him. His mind reeled with the knowledge of all that she’d done to him. He shouted, “What do you want from me? You’ve already taken away everything that matters!!!”

Tess cried, “I was just doing what I was told. I’m sorry. I had to connect to you to heal you. I didn’t know how much I was hurting you. What can I do to make it up to you?”

Max glared at her, not sure whether to believe her or not. Finally he said, “I’m not sure if you can make it up to me. I can’t think clearly right now. But I know if there is a way what your down payment will be.”

Tess looked up at him questioningly, “What?”

Max answered, “My life is in ruins. You broke it, you fix it. Get Michael and Isabel to be family that I can count on again, and get Liz back in my arms, then I’ll be in a position to determine if you’ll ever be able to make it up to me.”

Tess nodded and began to leave when Max called out to her, “And Tess no mindwarping, unless they come back to me of their own free will, it will be worthless to me.”

Tess nodded again, as she turned to leave Max slumped to the floor and curled up in the fetal position and started to cry. Tess glanced back at him as she left.

She knew that her only chance for survival was Max. He was the only one in the universe who could defeat Khivar. She also knew that Max was in no position to do that now. She knew that there was only one person in the universe that could give him back the strength he’d need.

That made one of Max’s demands more important than the rest. Tess knew she’d have to do that one first. She had to find Liz and convince her to take Max back.

-- If you want to change the prologue a little feel free just PM the new version.

Note: This is the origional Prologue. It was indeed edited and improved by Christmasnazi before she posted it in the story.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:35 pm
by tequathisy
#1 on CC thread.

taken by christmasnazi

Based on/ Inspired by the episode 'Wdamyk?' and by rumours that used to circulate that Michael was a different kind of alien than Max and Isabel.

Why didn't Max's son and heir inherit the seal in wdamyk? Why did it pass to Michael? Why is Michael different?

What if Michael was actually Max's son?

It's not as strange as it sounds, after all Max is the closest thing Michael has to a father figure in his life. Who does he go to for advice? Who does he go to when he gets in trouble and needs bailing out? Who scolds him when he misbehaves? Who does he most look up to and hope to emulate? Whose authority does he most resent and rebel against? Who is he most loyal to?

So, what if Max and Liz had a son together? Shortly after his birth, Earth is invaded by Kivar leaving billions d ead including Max and Liz ? Michael and the baby are the only ones who survive the Roswell attack but both are critically injured. Michael uses the granolith to travel back to a time when Max was alive in the hope that he can heal them both and thwart the invasion before it begins. But Michael miscalculates and ends up going back to before the podsters have emerged from their pods. The only chance he has to save the baby is to place him in one of the pods. Michael removes his younger self from his pod and replaces him with the baby. The real Rath ceases to exist and the son emerges from the pod as one of the four square.

Things happen as in the show but at some stage Liz, Max and Michael realise that something strange is going on and discover the amazing truth.

It can be after wdamyk, it can be before. Perhaps, the original Rath left a message or clues to warn Max and the others of impending doom. So the podsquad have to save Earth while dealing with a major emotional upset.

How does the knowledge that they have a son together affect Max and Liz? How does the knowledge that he had parents who loved him affect Michael? What will happen their relationship now that they know?

The plot isn't really as important as the characters. This isn't about making Michael king instead of Max. It's about the characters and how they deal with this.

It's a twist on the Michael is Liz's brother/protector story. In this version it's Liz and Max who have to protect Michael and feel a strange bond to him. I guess I'm looking for something different and original.

Needless to say, it should be CC. (It certainly can't be polar.)

Edited to add - I've just had the best idea about this fic. So if anybody's interested pm me for details.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:33 pm
by tequathisy
#2 on Au challenge thread

taken by me. But I'm still writing my other fic so it'll be a while.

A Roswell version of Lost

This isn't a Lost fic - it's a Roswell fic based on Lost.

A plane crashes on a deserted Island, a thousand miles off course. Max, Isabel, Michael, Liz, Alex, Maria, Kyle, Valenti and any others you choose are all on board. They miracelously survive the crash and now these strangers must band together to survive, but a mysterious danger lurks on the seemingly idyllic island.

Max - doctor and reluctant leader (Jack)
Liz - calm, level headed but mysterious (Kate)
Isabel - spoiled rich princess type (Shannon)
Alex - goofy and lovable musician with a d rug problem (Charlie)
Maria - pregnant hippy chick (Claire)
Michael - outsider and trouble maker / haunted ex-soldier (Sawyer/Sayid)
Kyle - all round good guy, helpful and funny (Hurley)
Jim - older, hunter, unknown factor (Locke)

Serena - already on island, knows more than others (Danielle Rousseau)

Max/Isabel/Michael are aliens. They don't know each other but slowly come to realise they are related. Is it a coincidence or have they been brought to the island for a purpose? And is there a connection between them and their fellow survivors?

Must be all CC - no Liz/Max/Michael triangle. Although if Michael pretends to like Liz to p iss Max off that's fine.
Alex and Isabel/ Michael and Maria together instead of Alex and Maria.
Max uses his powers to save Liz after she suffers f atal injuries in the crash.

There are more details. If you're interested in this pm and we'll talk.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:35 am
by Ellie
The "Lost" fic sounds awesome, can't wait to read it. :D


Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:32 am
by Zanity
#4 M/L On CC Challenge Thread -- Taken by maxandlizforever

--Everything happens just like in the show until they're in the alley in Pilot
--Instead of Liz convincing them to stay she convinces Max to let her go with them
--This leaves Maria behind as the only one in Roswell who really knows what happened
--Max realizing that Liz gave up everything to come with him doesn't try to hide his feelings
--At first Isabel & Michael are real upset that Max allowed Liz to come
--After a few weeks Liz starts developing powers and Michael and Isabel know it would've been a mistake to leave her behind
--I'd like to see both what Life on the Run is like for the four that left as well as the fallout occurring in Roswell (ie upset parents, who Maria decides to tell what etc.)