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Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:09 am
Anyone see CSI: Miami the other night? The one with the Latin gangs? Adam Rodriguez looked really good in this episode, lol. He was flirting with the evidence girl, and I was like, wow, he's cute, lol.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:11 pm
by Kzinti_Killer
I came across this article on Netscape. It implies some pretty uncomplimentary things about the effect that the CSI franchise is having on the world at large. ... tm&sc=1401


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 2:42 am
by Maxsgurl
Wow that article is interesting. But then again it seems like common knowledge to me that a cigerette could contain DNA...I mean come on...your spitting on it!

But yeah...I watch the show and my dad made a comment about the fact that this is probably in every jail cell with a TV. The criminals are probably taking notes for when they commit another crime.

Thanks for sharing Rick!


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:10 am
by begonia9508
You are right about the prisoners!.... I thought that too!..... but even not wanting, you leave materials everywhere: think about your hair: you can't control their fall!....

And about CSI: I love all the three of them: they have their own personality and caracter!!!

EVE :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:37 am
Okay, here's how I feel about that. I don't think the TV show is to blame for the trend in less clues at crime scenes. I mean, if the criminals are watching the shows, then they think that they'll always get caught as well.

There are things that just can't be controlled, that are left behind at crime scenes, as seen in the television show. I mean, good grief, one episode they found the killer because they got some of his dandruff off the sweater the dead guy was wearing.

People learn from their mistakes, right? (I can't believe I'm defending these criminals, lol). It was only bound to happen that people who DO commit crimes get smarter, by learning from mistakes they see other criminals make, or things that they see that gets other people caught. Maybe seeing it on television is speeding up the process, but i don't think that the TV shows are to blame.

I think that someone wants to blame someone else for all the smart criminals we have out there, and the TV show is easy. It can't fight back! LOL.

CSI shows , IMO, are not to blame for the trends of leaving behind less evidence, or trying to cover your butt after you committ a crime. Remember what Jeff Daniels said about the bad guy in Speed? "Crazy, not Stupid."

Maybe that's the criminals now adays.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:54 pm
by Ellie
Loved tonight's epi. That Lady Heather is a woman I could totally see Grissom with. Wow, she something else. :o


Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:35 am
Loved it too. Great eppy. Remember when he told her at the end "Heather, I said 'Stop' " ???

That's what she told him the men that come to her...brothel have to say. I was like....ooooohhhh!!

Good eppy. And uh, have I totally missed an episdoe somewhere? Where was Sara? or Greg for that matter? Did I even see them in that episode last night?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:31 am
by Angel
Holy crap! Why was that so gruesome? Guh! There was a high degree of the ICK factor last night. But I really liked that Lady Heather was back. I guess we'll never know if her daughter gave birth...maybe that'll come up in a future episode.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:02 pm
by Ellie
Good point, I'd also like to know if Heather has a grandchild out there. I'd forgotten about that until you mentioned it. Good eye for detail. :D


Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:28 am
by Bubblegal
Have you guys heard? Grissom and Sara gets together in the series finale, kinda disappointed, i knew the two of them were going to get together but i was SO hoping that Grissom would get together with Catherine or even Lady Heather, they tend to be more mature than she is.

I epic i saw was when Greg revealed to Grissom that his family had some physic abilities as they were inverstigating the murder of a fortune teller, i was quite disappointed when Grissom kinda brushed him off like that, is it just me or does he seem more grumpy than usual in this series?

Oh, by the way, does anyone know when CSI Miami the new series is suppose to come in the UK? i've been waiting an age for it! Considering there was suppose to be a crossover with Las Vegas and Miami for another killing.