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Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:25 am
by Evelynn

Haven't put one of these out in a while, so here's an update on all of my stories, yo:

The Denial Game
There's only going to be 5 parts left until it ends and I've got bits and pieces of each of those parts written so I'm hoping I can get it all out and done pretty soon. I need to move on, I really, really do. This story has just been going forever and I've been dragging and dragging it. But it will end when it ends, so here's to hoping things work out like I plan.

Loving Her
I should be able to crank this one out quickly once I'm done with The Denial Game. Or maybe I might even be able to finish it before I finish The Denial Game. This story was my NaNoWriMo 2005 story so that's my warning, it's not a very interesting or thought out story or anything like that. It's kind of plain and predictable. But I wrote it so I figured I'd post it for the hell of it. It's only going to be able 11-12 chapters long.

Fairy Dreams
This story is in D&B and I think that's where it will stay. At least for a while anyway. I plan on writing it and finishing it since I started it but not until I get some other stories out first. This one is going to be 10 chapters. So not too long.

My Funny Valentine
I'm really excited about this fic and can't wait to get to it. But I'm not touching it again until I finish Loving Her and The Denial Game. I like this fic because it plays in my head like a song that I can only hope that I get down right. I don't have much of it planned out though so I have no idea how long it's going to be. Probably only about 8 chapters or so though because I think, after stories like Empty and The Denial Game and Accept the Challenge that are so long and took forever to write, I want to stick to shorter stuff and wrap things up smoother.

Harvest Moon
Still just sitting there in sneak peeks at Roswellian Chronicles. I plan on unleashing it when I get through with all the other above stories first. This one is going to be able 25 chapters.

The Boy-King
The Max POV to the Denial Game. I know I promised this to everyone and it's still sitting in sneak peeks. And I do plan on writing it. I just think it's going to be months after I finish The Denial Game before I give this a go just because I know it's going to be a monster to try and attack. But I will write it though.

Other Stories
I've got so many stories in my files that I've started or thought about and scribbled something down that I intend on finishing. Well, I hope to finish. I'm going to finish the above stories at least. I might burn out before I get to anything else, so I'm not promising anything, but I've got lots of ideas.

I'm trying to update a lot more often now because I really do think I'm losing more and more readers by the second so while I still have some people reading my stories, I've got to try to milk it while I got it and squeeze out what stories I can. So I've been posting without even having the betas go over it first. But I'm going to try to stop counting and keeping track of the feedback and putting so much weight into it. The sudden drop is kind of discouraging, but I should be writing for my own pleasure and joy of writing, right? And that's what I need to get back to. I really do appreciate the feedbacks I do get though, so I hope the number doesn't drop even further.

So... here's to hoping to add more stories to my "COMPLETED" folder. 2007 might actually be a good year for me for finishing stories, I've fniished two this year so far and it looks good for me to be able to finish three more before the years end.

Thank you for reading my ranting. Much obliged.


Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:43 pm
by Evelynn
[update 9/9/07]:
-added new banner to Loving Her. THANKS DUCCIA!!

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:29 am
by OrangeSky
Evee, seriously now...

Sorry...couldn't help myself.

Or I could, I just didn't wanna.


Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:27 pm
by Evelynn
[update 9/10/07]:
-added chapter 45 to The Denial Game.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:28 pm
by Evelynn
Would ya look at that ... more nomination funness! Thanks!

Round Three:
Story with the Best Twist: Obsessed
Most Talked About Fic: Empty
Most Suspenseful Fanfic: The Denial Game
Most Imaginative Fanfic: The Denial Game
Fic That Left You Bouncing in Your Seat for an Update: The Denial Game
Favorite Short Story: Obsessed

That's more than I ever hoped for. That's more than I've ever been nominated on this board, I think.

:shock: :D :oops: :wink:

AND RosDude has promised to write more Malign, which I have been wanting more of... so all in all, it's been a pretty good day.
RosDude wrote:I'm going to work on Malign right now.
As it is quoted, so shall it be written in stone ... HA HA HA HAH (that's an evil laugh, by the way).


Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:20 am
by RosDude
Hey, that was taken out of context! Ok maybe not but…(shrugs)

Congratulations on all of your nominations, Evee. You Rocks Socks and you Rock them well, so they are very much deserved. And hey, you’re using my nomination banner, which makes me smile when I see people using it. So thanks for the smile.

Rock on Dollface :wink:


Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:42 am
by Evelynn
[update 9/19/07]:
-added chapter 46 to The Denial Game.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:25 pm
by Evelynn
So ... I won stuff. Two for four this round and one runner up. Not bad, not bad at all. This may sound like nonchalance but my smile is very wide at the moment.

favorite alternate portrayal of a cannon character: max in obsessed
(runner up) story with favorite twist: obsessed
favorite last chapter/epilogue: obsessed

All for that little creep in that little story called Obsessed. Thanks. I've added it to my first page of this works by author stuff already. Check it out. I'm three for four on award fics for stories I have complete and stories I have almost complete, i.e. The Denial Game. ::wide smile::

Oh and Max and Liz Believer got runner up for best fanart cover for Empty. Major congratz to her.

I've got more noms in round three too. Yay-ness!

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:03 pm
by Evelynn
Evelynn wrote:More award nomination funness ... from Roswellian Chroniclesthis time ...

Character Portrayals, Authors and Other:
Best Portrayal of Max Evans: The Denial Game
Best Portrayal of Alex Whitman: The Denial Game
Best Dream World Author Without Aliens

Fan Fic:
Best Dream World with Aliens FanFic: The Denial Game
Best Dream World without Aliens FanFic: Empty
Best Off The Menu FanFic: Obsessed
Best Hold On To Your Seats FanFic: Obsessed
Evelynn cleaned up at RC... well, not really, but almost!! It's freaking awesome!! I won:

(runner up) Best Portrayal of Max Evans: The Denial Game
Best Portrayal of Alex Whitman: The Denial Game
Best Dream World Author Without Aliens
Best Dream World with Aliens FanFic: The Denial Game
Best Off The Menu FanFic: Obsessed
Best Hold On To Your Seats FanFic: Obsessed
Best Once Upon A Time FanFic: Accept the Challenge

Put that in your oatmeal and eat it! Sweet!!

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 11:43 pm
by Evelynn
Evelynn wrote:Would ya look at that ... more nomination funness! Thanks!

Round Three:
Story with the Best Twist: Obsessed
Most Talked About Fic: Empty
Most Suspenseful Fanfic: The Denial Game
Most Imaginative Fanfic: The Denial Game
Fic That Left You Bouncing in Your Seat for an Update: The Denial Game
Favorite Short Story: Obsessed

So here's what I got in Round Three of awards:
Story with the Best Twist: Obsessed
Most Talked About Fic: Empty
(runner up) Most Suspenseful Fanfic: The Denial Game
Most Imaginative Fanfic: The Denial Game
(runner up) Fic That Left You Bouncing in Your Sear for an Update: The Denial Game
Favorite Short Story: Obsessed

Added them all to the first page. Winner and runner up on everything. Freaking awesome! Thank you!!