Wrong Turns (Seq.) (UC, Z/Ma, Ma/Ky, ADULT) [COMPLETE]

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 21

Maria woke up the next morning and reached out for Kyle, but he wasn’t there. That was weird. She was always the first one to get up. She shrugged it off and walked out into the living room. There she saw Kyle in the kitchen. “Morning,” he said with a smile when he saw her.

“Morning,” Maria said, “What are you doing up? It’s 10:00am. You’ve got another 2 hours to sleep. It’s Saturday.” Maria said with a laugh.

Kyle rolled his eyes. Just making some breakfast for you and Jr. he said holding up the skillet of eggs and a fresh bottle. Maria smiled at him. Really, what had she done to deserve Kyle Valenti? Or Zan Guerin for that matter? She was one lucky woman.

“Well, thank you very much,” Maria said. “Where is Tess, by the way?” she asked looking around for her ever present nanny.

“In her room with Zandar. He was being very fussy. I’m surprised you slept through it,” Kyle said as he scarped the eggs on three plates. “Took her about 20 minutes to get him to stop crying.”

Maria nodded and then went back to Tess’s room. She saw the blond sitting on the bed, bouncing her sun on her lap. “Morning Tess,” she greeted.

“Good Morning. I take it things went well last night.” Tess said with a knowing smile.

“Yeah. But it isn’t like that. I decided not to have sex with Kyle for a while. It’s just too confusing,” Maria said sitting down on the bed next to Tess.

Tess nodded. “It makes sense.” She said, “People move at different speeds. Just don’t be afraid of an intimate relationship. I promise that Zan would want you to be sexually satisfied.”

Maria smiled. “Yeah I know,” she said. “I think breakfast is ready, come eat,” Maria said picking up her son and walked back out to the kitchen.


Later that day, Maria and Kyle took the baby out for a walk. It was starting to get warm, and they wanted to get out of the house. Besides, Tess deserved some time off. They walked hand in hand to the park benches, while Kyle pushed Zandar’s stroller.

When they say down, Kyle wrapped his arm around Maria’s shoulders. He felt great pride in finally being able to show his affection for her in public. She sat close to him, like a love her and he smiled at that. “So, Kyle, do you think that Zan is watching us?” Maria asked out of the blue.

Kyle thought for a second and then looked down at Maria, “Yes. I think he is always watching us. Wherever he is, he is watching over all of us. I know that the one place to would want to be is with you and his son.” Kyle answered thoughtfully.

“And what do you think he would say about us being together?” Maria questioned further. The question had been eating at her, and while she had thought Zan would want her to move on, she wanted to know where Kyle stood.

Kyle took a deep breath and contemplated his answer. He basically knew what Zan would say. He had already said it. Zan would be happy for them, but Kyle didn’t know how to tell Maria this. He didn’t want to tell her that Zan basically told him to make her fall for him. “I think that Zan would be happy if you are happy.” Kyle started. Maria looked at him as he continued. “I loved Zan very much. And if I thought what we were doing was hurting him, wherever he is, I wouldn’t do it,” Kyle promised.

Maria smiled at Kyle. “Ok.” She said, “I know that I shouldn’t worry. That Zan will understand. It’s just, I needed to know how you felt, and if I was crazy to believe that all of this is ok, you know?” Maria said cocking her head to look at Kyle.

He squeezed her tighter in his arms. He hated that she was second guessing herself, and he knew that deep down she always would be. Kyle would never be number one in her life, and her relationship with him would always be hanging on by a string. It sucked, but he was a glutton for punishment and was willing to take whatever Maria would give him.

They sat on the park bench together in comfortable silence for a little while longer, until Kyle spoke. “You think the students are going to know that things between us have changed?” he asked. They seemed to be pretty interested in both him and Maria.

Maria chuckled slightly, and Kyle smiled back. “Well, you never know. I’m sure they will figure it out eventually. They thought we were dating when I was married to Zan,” she said with a laugh.

“Kids…” Kyle said shaking his head. “You ready to head back?” he asked, looking down at Zandar. “It’s getting a little chilly.” Maria nodded and smiled and they got up. They walked back to the apartment.

When they got home, Maria placed Zandar in his crib and then plopped down on the couch, picking up the remote and flipping on the TV. Kyle sat down next to her and she snuggled into him. “Maria,” Kyle started. Maria could tell he had something on his mind.

“Yeah, Kyle,” she said looking up at him.

“Do you think…I mean, I don’t want to presume. But do you think that I should sublet my apartment?” Kyle asked. He had wanted to ask that since last night. He was already living with Maria and now that they were together, he didn’t see why he should leave his apartment to sit there.

Maria looked down and thought. What could it hurt? He already practically lived there, and if he sub-let it, he could always get his old apartment back. But then she got worried that things were moving too fast. She didn’t know if she was ready for that. That was a big step. “Ummm,” she started, still not looking at him.

“Maria, it’s ok. I don’t have to. I’ll still stay with you if you want, and keep my apartment,” Kyle said feeling like an ass for asking. He could tell that Maria was uncomfortable at the thought of Kyle completely moving in freaked her out.

“OK,” Maria said and left it at that. She didn’t want to talk about it. She was just starting to feel happy again, and she didn’t want to cloud her thinking with this. They watched TV together in relative silence, laughing together at funny parts. Soon they fell asleep together on the couch.


A month later, things with Kyle and Maria hadn’t really progressed. They kissed and held each other. They spent all their time together, but never really talked about anything real. Tess watch the whole thing from her 3rd party point of view. Maria was distant, and Kyle was afraid to push. They were never going to make the relationship work unless they worked through their issues and moved forward.

Kyle didn’t know how it was possible, but being with Maria was actually not helping him out any. Maria didn’t open up to him like she used to. She seemed closed off. Not completely, but she didn’t talk to him like she used to. It seemed that moving forward with this relationship had changed their relationship so much that Maria didn’t feel comfortable sharing as much with him. He almost wanted to go back to before the time they had sex. Then again, he wouldn’t give up the feeling of making love to, kissing, and holding Maria for anything in the world.

Maria was confused as ever. She knew she was pushing Kyle away, but she was just confused. Everything had changed, and she didn’t know how to deal with it. She loved Kyle, that was still true. But she loved Zan, and she missed him. The feelings she had for Kyle were different than the ones she had for Kyle. The two of them were so different. She liked being with Kyle, and she even wanted to sleep with him again, but she couldn’t keep the thoughts of Zan and how he would feel out of her head.

To top everything off, Maria had skipped a period. She figured it was just stress, but she wasn’t sure. After Kyle dropped her off at the apartment, she knocked on Tess’s door. “Tess,” she called.

Tess opened the door and smiled at her, “Hey, Maria.” She said.

“Can we talk?” Maria asked.

Tess smiled and led her into her room and they sat down on the bed together. “What’s up?” Tess asked. It seemed that she never had to work hard to get information from Maria or Kyle. They always came to her.

“I’m late.” Maria said waiting for Tess to get what she was saying.

“Did you take a test?” Tess asked.

“No, not yet. I picked one up at my lunch break, but I don’t want to take it alone.” Maria said as tears came to her eye. “What am I going to do if I’m pregnant? I mean, I can’t be. That would mean that I would have to officially let go of Zan and…and I can’t have a child with Kyle.” Maria said hopelessly.

Tess sighed at her friend. She wished Maria would give herself a break. “Look, let’s not get worked up before we know anything. You can take the test, I’ll be here with you. Then you can decide what to do.” Tess said, ever the rational bystander.

Maria wiped her eyes and nodded. She went into Tess’s bathroom and took the test. When she came out, Tess set a timer and Maria laid down on her bed in silence. What was she going to do? God, she was so torn. A part of her would be thrilled to have Kyle’s child. But part of her was terrified to take that leap. She was so stupid. Why couldn’t she just contr her hormones?

5 minutes later the timer went off and Maria handed the test to Tess. “I can’t do it. You tell me what it says.” She said closing her eyes in concentration.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 22

Tess looked at the test in front of her. “Maria, you’re pregnant,” she said in a calm voice. She knew that Maria was going to lose it, and she needed to stay calm and be a good friend to her.

Maria’s stomach seemed to drop. She stared off in space as she thought about what all of this meant. She was pregnant with Kyle’s child. Her mind and heart were in conflict. On the one hand, she didn’t think she could handle this. Not only was she about to have another child, when she was just getting used to the idea of being a mother in the first place, but she also knew how all of this would look. Her husband had died only about 4 months ago, and now she was pregnant with someone else’s child.

She couldn’t deny that the thought of having a baby with Kyle also excited her. Somewhere in her, she wanted to have this baby. She wanted to start a family with Kyle and live happily ever after. God, she didn’t know what to do. She was obviously going to keep the child. She knew that from the beginning, even though she had thought about having an abortion. She couldn’t do that. Not to Kyle or herself. “Maria, did you hear me?” Tess asked, snapping out of her inner thoughts.

“Yeah I heard you,” Maria said softly.

“Look, we can figure this out. We can talk about it, and whatever you decided to do, I’m here for you,” Tess promised. She hoped that Maria would keep the baby. That she would talk to Kyle, and she and Kyle would work though everything. She knew they loved each other, but Maria was struggling to come to terms with that.

“I’m going to keep the baby. I probably should get an abortion. It’s probably really selfish of me to have this baby, but in the end I want it,” Maria said looked at Tess. “I’m just so confused. I’m happy, though I can’t explain it, but this changes everything.” Maria explained.

“You are right. It does change everything,” Tess said rubbing Maria’s back gently. “but that does not make it a bad thing. It is ok to be excited. You know how great motherhood is. You have shared a child with the love or your life and you are about to get a second chance to do that all over again. I would be excited too.” Tess said with a smiled. “What you need to remember is that no matter how much time has passed, you love Kyle. I know you do, and you know you do. He’s probably unaware, but we know it. Let yourself give in to him. It’s the only way you are going to be able to come to terms with this pregnancy.”

Maria smiled at Tess. She never ceased to amaze her with her wisdom. “I know, Tess. I know you are right. My heart knows it as well, but my mind beats against the concept.” Maria said.

“Sometimes you have to tell you’re head to shut the hell up,” Tess said with a giggle. “You are such a wonderful mother, and Kyle is such a wonderful man. You guys will be fine as long as you trust each other,” Tess promised.

“Oh, God.” Maria said, “Telling Kyle this is not going to be fun. I’ve been pushing him away lately, I bet he is ready to run,” Maria said.

Tess shook her head, “No, he loves you. I think it makes him sad when you push him away, but in the end Kyle will always be there for you, and he will always love you. He isn’t going anywhere.” Tess assured her. And Maria basically knew it was true, she just didn’t understand it. Kyle could have such an easy life if he would just leave her alone. She was making him miserable. She was the one keeping him stagnate and breaking his heart every time she pushed him away.

“So, you think I should do this tonight? Or should I wait?” Maria asked.

“The sooner the better. It’s going to come out anyway, might as well do it tonight. But more importantly, you need to talk about your issues. You need to open up to him. You need to tell him how your relationship makes you feel. He deserves that. He is your best friend, nothing has changed that,” Tess said.

Maria lunged into her arms, “Thank you for being the best girlfriend I’ve had since Isabel.” She said letting the small woman go. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” She said honestly. And she did. If Tess didn’t help her out, she would be lost. Whoever Serina was, Maria hoped she knew how lucky she was.


At 8:00, Maria started pacing the living room, waiting for Kyle to get home. Tess had Zandar in her room, where he would stay all night to allow Maria and Kyle to talk. She couldn’t stop herself and she couldn’t sit still.

Finally, at 8:05, Kyle walked into the door. Maria breathed in deeply and looked at Kyle, who looked back at her. She looked scared and he couldn’t help but worry that all his dreams were coming to an end. That this would be the night that she told him she couldn’t be with him. That no matter what she felt for him, she just couldn’t get over Zan. “What’s wrong?” he asked seeing her nervous state.

“Kyle, we need to talk,” Maria said taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom. Kyle was sure this was it. He sat down on the rocking chair and prepared himself for the worst.

“What’s up?” he asked as casually as his nervous voice would allow.

“Well, something happened today, that I need to tell you about. I don’t really know how to tell you this, and I don’t know how you are going to react. I hope you are excited, because I’m kind of excited. I know it’s going to be hard, and we have a lot of things to work on, but I think tonight we can…” Maria said as she paced around the bedroom looking at her feet.

Kyle had no clue what she was talking about. She wasn’t making any sense. She did that sometimes when she was nervous scared or excited. He got up and stopped her pacing as he placed his big hands on her shoulders. “Maria, what are you talking about? You can tell me anything,” he said forcing her to look in his eyes. He wanted her to trust him again.

Maria closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking back into Kyle’s eyes. “I’m pregnant,” she said waiting for his reaction.

Kyle stood there, with his mouth open for just a second before his mouth turned up into a small smile. He couldn’t help himself. The joy and excitement flowing though his veins was almost bursting out of him. He was going to be a father, but more than that, he was going to have a baby with Maria. He looked at her, and didn’t see anger like he figured she would react. “Wow,” he said.

“Yeah, I know.” Maria said, “The thing is that we need to talk. Because I know I’ve been pushing you away, and that is mostly because I’m scared to get to close to you. I’m scared to lose Zan completely, but I think more than that, I’m afraid if I give my heart to you completely, you are going to leave me like everyone else does.” Maria admitted. It was the first time she had admitted that fear to anyone. Even Zan. But it was true, and she wanted Kyle to know why she felt the way she felt.

“Maria, I’m never leaving you. I know you think I will, but I won’t.” Kyle said.

Maria shook her head as tears came to her eyes, “Please don’t promise things that you can’t control. You never know what will happen. But what I’ve realized is that I should stop my ability to feel love again because I’m scared. And I do love you. That is what scares me the most. I love you as much as I loved Zan. It’s different with you. There are things that I will always share with only Zan, just as there will be things that we do together for the first time.” Maria said sitting on the bed.

Kyle sat down next to her. “So, you are saying that you are excited about this baby?” he asked, hopping she was.

“Of Course I am.” Maria said leaning into him and kissing him lightly on the lips. “I’m so happy to be having your baby, but I’m just telling you right now that I’m going to be going through a lot of things. I promise to share my feelings with you, though,” Maria said. “I don’t want to push you away anymore,” she said kissing him again.

Kyle smiled at her. That was all he could ask for, and all he really wanted. He kissed her deeply and weaved his hands into her hair. “MMMM,” Maria moaned as she sucked Kyle’s lip into her mouth. She pushed Kyle’s shirt off of him. “So how do you feel?” Maria asked breathlessly between light kisses on his neck.

“I’m so ecstatic to be a father, and I love you. I know that I would never want anyone else to have my children. I just hope that you can open up to me and trust me.” Kyle said as he reveled in the kisses she was placing on his naked skin.

Maria stopped and looked at him. “I will. I want to open up to you, just give me time,” Maria asked. Kyle nodded and kissed her softly, but Maria had other plans. She pushed Kyle back on the bed and deepened the kiss. She felt Kyle’s hands reach up the hem of her shirt. He was hesitant, because he didn’t know how far was too far.

Maria pulled her own shirt off and continued kissing Kyle. He didn’t know what was going on, but he wasn’t going to complain. Maria kissed down his neck slowly, and as Kyle came back to earth he flipped them over so he was on top of her. He kissed her passionately as he moved his hands up and down her creamy sides. “Kyle I want you,” Maria breathed against his hot skin.

Kyle stopped his ministrations and looked at her. “Are you sure, baby? We don’t have to do anything.”

Maria smiled at him, “I want you. I’ve wanted you since the last time we made love.” She admitted. “We need to move forward, and I’m starting here.” Kyle didn’t say anything. He just kissed her again as he continued to touch her skin, which was growing hotter by the second.

Maria easily unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants and underwear down with her feet and toes. She wanted him so badly. She wanted to feel him inside her again. Kyle in turn unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down her legs slowly. Her panties followed her pants and as Kyle moved back up her body, he smelled her arousal. He wanted to taste her, but more than that he wanted to make love to her. They had plenty of time to explore each other’s bodies later. Right now, they both needed this.

Maria spread her legs wide to accommodate Kyle and as he kissed her forehead she pushed the tip of his hard cock into her. “Kyle,” she breathed as she felt him within her. She bucked her hips into him, wanting him to fill her faster. Kyle was taking his time though. He wanted to enjoy this.

Maria bit her lip an threw her head back when Kyle pulled almost completely out of her and slammed back into her, this time with much more force. “Yes,” she moaned. “Harder,” she begged. Kyle wanted nothing more than to make her happy, so he fucked her harder. Her tight walls were egging him on as he moved in and out of her.

“God, Maria you are so beautiful,” he breathed into her ear. “I love you so much,” he confessed.

Maria arched her back. “I love you too, Kyle,” she said as he hit her g-spot. “oh, God,” she moaned loudly, forgetting about Tess and Zandar in the other room.

Kyle grabbed on to Maria’s thigh and pulled it up higher in his hip as he thrusted into her faster and faster. “Oh, fuck yes!!!” Maria moaned. She dug her nails deep in Kyle’s back, drawing blood.

“Oh Fuck, MMMM,” Kyle grunted as he felt his orgasm fast approaching. He wanted Maria to come with him, so he reached between them and flicked her clit with his thumb.

“Oh Fuck, don’t stop,” Maria commanded as she arched her back further and began to come, “OHHHH FUCK!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMM YEAH!” she moaned loudly as she constricted around Kyle’s cock.

Kyle followed right behind coming deep inside Maria. “Oh GOD!!! MARIA!!!!!!!” he practically screamed. He barely held himself up on is elbows, as he was spent, but he just didn’t want to pull out.

As Maria came down from her orgasmic high, as kissed Kyle’s forehead, nose, and cheeks. She looked at his back and hissed, “Oh, baby, I’m sorry,” she said pointing at his back, scared with her nail prints.

Kyle laughed, “Don’t worry about it.” He said, “it felt good.”

Maria smiled and allowed Kyle to roll over next to her. He took her in his arms and held her tight. “I really want to do that again,” Maria said with a laugh.

Kyle groaned, “I think you might kill me,” he said as she kissed his with enough fire to make his cock grow heard again.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 23

A week later, Maria and Kyle were sitting in her OB/GYN’s office. Maria made the appointment and Kyle insisted on going, which made her happy. She was glad he was so excited, and he wanted to be apart of every step of her pregnancy. It would make the whole thing easier.

She sat uncomfortably in her hospital robe as they waited for the doctor. After a few moments Dr. Vic walked into the room with a smile on her face. “Hello, Maria. Didn’t think we would see you back here so soon,” she said opening Maria’s chart. She turned somber for a moment a looked back at Maria. “We were really sorry to hear about your husband,” she said honestly. It was very heard to head that a young couple so in love were torn apart by death.

Maria smiled at the doctor. “Thank you Dr. Vic,” she said. She appreciated her doctor’s kind words, and she appreciated that she hadn’t said anything about being here so soon with another man.

“So, you seemed to pick up on this pregnancy early. You’re only a month plus along.” Dr. Vic said, “Which puts your due date on January 12.” The doctor said. “Looks like you are going to have two little Capricorns running around.” She said with a chuckle.

Maria smiled at her, and looked at Kyle, who seemed to stare off in amazement. She giggled slightly. “Kyle, you ok?” she asked.

He shook his head and came back to the room. “Yeah,” he said sheepishly, “It’s just so amazing.” He said in awe.

“First time father?” Dr. Vic asked. Kyle nodded his head enthusiastically. “Well, I’m sure you will be fine. Maria has a highly evolved sense of picking the right men.” She said with a wink. Maria was happy and surprised that Dr. Vic was being so cool about the very unorthodox situation.

“Well, let’s check you out,” Dr. Vic said pulling out the stirrups. Maria laid back and Kyle held her hand standing next to her. The doctor check her out and then smiled taking off her gloves, “You look good.” She said. “You can get dressed and go out to make some more appointments. I would like to see you every month to make sure you are progressing well. Sometimes having children this close together can cause some problems. Nothing serious, it will just make the labor harder,” she was quick to saw when she saw fear pass before both young parent’s eyes.

Maria and Kyle thanked the doctor as she left.


When they got home, they saw Tess sitting on the couch playing with Zandar. “Hey, how did the appointment go?” she asked as she dangled some teething rings in front of the baby.

“Good,” Maria said, “Everything’s good,” she said. Kyle just nodded as he pulled Maria back into the bedroom. She laughed at him as he shut the door behind them. “What’s up?” she asked at his quickness to pull her into the bedroom.

“I just want you so bad,” he groaned as he kissed her neck.

“Well, that was quick,” she said with a laugh, “not that I mind,” she added. She kissed him eagerly on the lips as he lifted her into his arms and she wrapped her legs around him.

“It’s just knowing that we are going to have a baby, and seeing you with that glow because you are going to be the mother of my child, I just want you so bad,” he breathed.

Maria laughed. Zan was the same way. “Mmmm,” she moaned as Kyle sucked hard on her neck, branding her as his.

Kyle suddenly stopped kissing her. “Wait, can we hurt the baby if we…” he started to asked but Maria shook her head.

“No, we can have sex,” she assured him. “Until the 3rd trimester,” she said kissing him again. Kyle sighed with relief. He felt like an idiot for needed to ask, but how the hell did he know. He gently walked them over to the bed where he collapsed on it when his legs hit the edge of the mattress. Maria toppled over on top of him, still straddling his waist as she showered him with more of her sweet kisses.

Kyle pushed her shirt off of her, and her braless breasts came into his view. He took a pert nipple into his mouth and Maria arched her back into him, wrapping her hands in his hair to hold him in place, “Kyle…” she breathed as he scrapped his teeth against her puckered skin.

She let him go long enough to pull his shirt and pants off. She pushed him back on the bed and kissed him softly on the lips and then moved her way down his body. She didn’t know why, but he was setting her skin on fire. She wanted him so badly. Maybe it was her hormones, or maybe it was knowing that they were about to be parents together, either way she was so turned on, she thought she might lose her mind.

She licked his nipples one at a time eliciting a hiss from him. She grinned against his skin and moved down further, all on the way to her final destination. When she got there, she slowly pulled Kyle’s boxers off of him, allowing his cock to spring free in front of her.

Kyle looked down, though heavy lidded eyes at Maria. He waited in great anticipation for her to do what he thought she had planned, and when her tongue darted out to lick the tip of his cock, his eyes slipped shut as he through his head back, focusing on the feeling of her plump lips wrapping around his thick cock.

Maria gently pushed Kyle’s hardness into her mouth, taking more of him into her with each thrust. Kyle’s eyes opened and he looked down at her, making eye contact, which only served to make him harder. She kept her eyes on his as she licked him up and down, paying special attention to the head of his cock. “Maria,” Kyle breathed, never taking his eyes off of hers. It was the most erotic feeling he had ever felt.

Kyle gently wound his fingers in Maria’s hair resting his hand on the back of her head as she pumped him harder with her mouth. “Oh God, baby,” he groaned as he felt his balls tighten. Maria used one of her hands to message his balls, urging him to let loose, and before long he did. He came deep into her throat with a strangled cry. Maria continued licking him lightly as he came down from his orgasmic high then moved onto the bed next to him.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. “I wanted to do that for a while,” Maria said with a shy smile.

“That was amazing,” Kyle said breathlessly. He wanted to give her the same pleasure that she had given him, and he had to admit, that he had fantasized about tasting her essence. He kissed her passionately and tasted his salty taste on her lips, groaning into her mouth.

He followed Maria’s actions as he slowly kissed down her body, and Maria, in anticipation of what was coming closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip in concentration. Kyle thought she was so sexy when she did that. She did it a lot when they made love, and every time it turned him on.

When Kyle got to her skirt is pushed it down her legs, and then he removed her pink lace panties. Finally she was free of barriers and Kyle settled between her legs, spreading them wide. His tongue darted out to taste her slightly. “Kyle,” Maria breathed, pushing herself closer to his face in need.

Kyle obeyed and licked her clit with more force. He felt her body stiffen and continued his ministrations, this time licking her all over, except her bundle of nerves. “Please,” she moaned in frustration.

Kyle smiled at her, “Please what, baby?” he asked knowing perfectly well what she meant.

“Make me come,” she groaned, wanting him to go back to what he was doing. Kyle decided to give in because to tell the truth, he wanted to taste her salty sweet taste again. As he entered two fingers into her, he licked her clit lightly. Maria began bucking into his hand and he had to hold her down to continue what he was doing.

“Oh God, Kyle,” she moaned feeling her walls flutter. “I’m gonna come,” she moaned as she spread her legs wider and let the waves of ecstacy overcome her. She milked his fingers as she come hard around them. “MMMMMMM,” she moaned into the pillow not wanting to make too much noise.

When Kyle joined her on the bed, he could tell she was tired. Her eyes were barely able to stay open. “Sleep, baby,” he whispered in her ear as she nodded and passed into the land of dreams. He got up and out of bed, putting his clothes back on. He made his way back into the living room where he saw Tess looking at him with a huge grin on her face.

She was so happy for them. Since Maria found out she was pregnant, things had been much better around the apartment. Maria was opening up to Kyle, and he was patient with her. Obviously they had started having sex again, because they weren’t known for being loud. It didn’t bother Tess, thought. Just made her horny and miss Serina, but she was so happy for them.

Kyle sat down next to Tess on the couch and put out his arms for her to hand him the baby. She did so and watched as he cradled the baby in his arms. “So, how did the appointment go?” she asked, seeing as she didn’t get a proper answer earlier.

“It was good,” Kyle said looked thoughtfully at Zandar. “I just can’t believe it.” He said.

“Can’t believe what?” Tess asked turning to him and listening to him intently.

“I’m going to be a father. I’ve finally gotten the girl of my dreams and we are going to start a family. Granted, not when I had planned, but I’m happy.” He said.

“You deserve it, Kyle. You and Maria deserve all the happiness in the world.” Tess assured him.

Kyle looked at her again, “Do you think I’m ready for this?” he asked. It was one of his fears. He didn’t want to be a poor father.

“Kyle, you already are a good father.” Tess said, “You treat Zandar like he is your own, and you are so good with him. You have great instincts when it comes to children. Besides, all you need to do is love your child, and trust me, you don’t lack for love.” She said with a smile.

Kyle had one more pressing issue on his mind. The only think keeping him from being completely joyful. “Do you think that Maria will always prefer Zandar to our child because he is Zan’s?” he asked the woman he had learned to admire for her wisdom.

Tess shook her head emphatically. “No. Maria will love both children equally.” Tess assured him. “She loved Zan, but she also loves you and she loves her children with all of her heart.” Tess said hoping he believed her. “You have nothing to worry about.”

Kyle smiled at her and then looked back down at Zan who was now sound asleep. “Hey,” she said with fake anger, “I’ve been trying to get him to sleep all day,” she said with a pout, then she burst into laughter.


Some days later, Maria and Kyle were sitting on the couch with the baby. “When are we going to tell everyone back home about the pregnancy?” Maria asked, figuring they better do it soon.

Kyle thought. “Well, school is out in about 3 weeks. We can plan a trip to Roswell, and have Isabel and Michael come meet us. That way we can tell both of our families at the same time.” Kyle said.

Maria nodded. That was a good plan. She didn’t know how everyone was going to react to this whole thing. Would they be mad, happy, confused…she didn’t know. Kyle could tell there was something on her mind, “What is it babe?” he asked wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

“I’m just wondering what everyone is going to say,” she said quietly.

“Well, as for Michael, Isabel, and Dad, they already know that I was in love with you. They love both of us, and I think they will be happy for us. Our families love us, they will support us. Don’t worry about it.” Kyle said squeezing her tight.

“You’re right.” She said with a nod. They would understand. She relaxed and went back to living in the moment with Kyle and her son.

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Chapter 24

“So what are you going to do this summer?” Kevin, a boy in Maria’s last period class asked her.

Maria smiled, and toyed with the idea of telling her class that she was going to have another baby. In the end, she decided they would find out anyway, so there was no use putting it off. “Well, Mr. Valenti and I will be having a baby in January, so I’ll be taking it easy,” Maria said.

All the kids in her class looked around at each other in awe. “Well, congratulations,” Christina finally said.

“Well, thank you,” Maria said putting her books away. She took a deep breath and the bell rang. “Have a great summer everyone, and I’ll see you all in August!”

The class loudly exited the room, excited to begin their summers having fun and most of all not having to go to school. Not long after they left, Kyle walked into the room and kissed Maria lightly on the cheek. “Almost ready?” he asked. He had packed his stuff up the day before.

“Yeah, just let me get my Soprano books,” Maria said getting them off the bookshelf and placing them neatly in her back. Kyle, then, picked her school bag up for her and put his arm out for her to take as they walked out to his car.


Maria was freaking out as she ran around the apartment the next morning trying to pack. “I should have done this last night,” she sighed to herself. Tess, who was standing in the doorway giggled.

“Maria, you are fine. All you need is about 2 more shirts and your underwear and you are all packed.” She said walking into the room, and pushed Maria down on the bed. “Calm down, what are you freaking out about?” Tess asked her friend.

“I’m just nervous.” Maria said. “I haven’t seen my mom in 5 years. 5 YEARS! And Roswell is a place with a lot of baggage for me,” Maria said.

“I know, but it’s going to be ok. I’ll be there. Kyle will be there. And your friends are going to be there.” Tess said. “Now, let’s finish getting you packed and then pick up Kyle at the bank,” Tess said squeezing her around the shoulders. Maria nodded and quickly calmed herself. Soon, both she and Zandar were packed and they were all on their way out.

“Thank you for coming with us, Tess,” Maria said in the car as they pulled up to the bank to wait for Kyle.

“Thank you for inviting me,” she returned with a cheery smile. The two women saw Kyle make his way out of the bank and as he climbed into the front seat next to Maria he kissed her quickly.

“We ready?” she asked him.

“Yep. Off to the airport.”


“We have begun our descent into Roswell Regional Airport. Please buckle your seat belts and we should be on the ground in about 20 minutes.” The pilot said over the intercom and Maria grabbed Kyle’s hand and held on tight.

“Everything is going to be fine, baby. Just relax,” he whispered gently into her ear as he held the sleeping Zandar. Tess was on his other side asleep.

Maria nodded but didn’t loosen her grip on his hand. He squeezed it tight and tried to calm her down by rubbing light circles on the top of her hand.

20 minutes later, they had landed and Kyle handed off Zandar to Maria as he grabbed their bags from the overhead compartment. “Is your dad picking us up?” Maria asked.

“Yeah, down at baggage claim.” Kyle said as they walked off the plane.

“I’m so excited to see where you guys grew up,” Tess said grinning from ear to ear.

“It’s not that exciting,” Maria snorted. “Your probably going to be pretty bored.”

Tess waved her off. She knew she was not going to lack for entertainment. Tess knew how to make her own fun, and besides it would be nice to see where two of the people she liked the most in the world grew up. Not to mention she was curious as to why it has such an effect on Maria.

They spotted Jim Valenti waving at them when they picked up their bags and Maria ran to him, hugging him tightly while making sure not to crush her child in her arms. “You look lovely as usual, Maria,” he said kissing her on the cheek.

As Kyle and Tess approached, Maria pulled away from the man she thought of as a father. “So, you know Tess,” she said.

“Yes, it’s nice to see you again, Tess,” Jim said with a warm smiled. “Ok, let’s get out of here.” Jim said picking up a couple bags and leading them out the door to his Jeep.

As Jim drove to his house, where the three of them would stay, Maria asked, “So, when do Michael, Isabel, and Alex get in?”

“They should be here around 5:00,” Jim said taking his eyes off the road of a second. Maria nodded and looked back out the window. She and Kyle had decided they were going to tell Jim, Isabel, Michael, and Alex about the baby first, for some moral support. Then they would tell Maria’s mother, and father who was coming in from DC for one night.

When they pulled into Kyle’s old driveway, the four of them jumped out of the car, and while Kyle and Jim carried in the bags, Maria and Tess brought Zandar inside and began making him a bottle. He was awake and fussy, at this point from sleeping on the plane.

“I’m so tired,” Maria said and as Kyle heard her, he walked up behind her and said. “Go to sleep. You have plenty of time to take a nap before everyone gets here,” he said making sure not to stand too close to her, to give anything away about their relationship. Maria nodded and smiled. “Jim, I’m going to take a nap. Which room do you want me to take?”

“You can take Kyle’s old room. We will put Tess in the guest room, and Kyle can take the couch.” Everyone nodded, knowing that Kyle’s sleeping arrangement would change after Jim found out that Maria was pregnant.

Maria retired as she handed the baby to Tess who finished feeding him.


Maria was awakened by a soft masculine hand on her back. “Maria?” Kyle whispered into her ear.

She sighed groggily and rolled over looking up at him. “What?” she asked with a small smile.

“It’s time to wake up baby,” he said kissing her nose. “They others should be here in about 30 minutes.” Maria nodded slowly and sat up rubbing her face with her hands and smoothing out her hair.

“Ok,” she said. Then she leaned in a kissed Kyle on the lips. “Let’s go,” she said a breath away from him. He helped her out of bed and they walked down the stairs together.


When Isabel, Michael, and Alex got to the Valenti’s house, Maria was ecstatic to see them. She hadn’t seen her friends in too long. “So what is the big news you have to tell us?” Isabel asked, wanting to know immediately.

Maria laughed at her. “Patience. We will tell you all soon. Chill out.” She said.

Kyle could see that his friends and father were dying to know what they had to tell them. He felt the need to cut them a break. “Common Maria, let’s just cut them a break.” He said with a crooked smirk. She rolled her eyes, and taking Zandar from his play-pin, motioned for everyone to sit down.

Jim, Isabel, Alex, Michael, and Tess sat down in various spots around the room as Kyle and Maria stood in front of them. “Ok, well we came out here to see all of you again and to share some news with you.” She said looking up at Kyle.

Kyle took over for her. “First of all, we want you to know that Maria and I are living together, for all intensive purposes. We are together,” he said looking up at his friends. “We are in love, and we wanted to tell our friends and family.” He squeezed Maria’s hand, and watched as his friends faces lit up. He knew they would be supportive.

“That’s great,” Isabel said, happy for her friends. She was surprised that things had actually progressed as fast as they had, but she could see that both of them were happy, and Maria was actually glowing.

Michael and Alex shared the same sentiments. They were surprised, but ecstatic for Kyle and Maria. Jim, happy as well, was a little caught off guard, and he couldn’t help but fear for the obstacles in front of Maria and Kyle in being together.

“But that isn’t the big news,” Kyle said with a huge smile. He looked down at Maria and she looked back up at Kyle. “We are pregnant,” Kyle breathed, still feeling so much pride in the thought.

“What?” Alex said, thinking he heard them wrong.

“We are having a baby together,” Maria said nervously. “We know it is going to be hard, but we are trying to work through all the issues that this brings up, but we couldn’t be more happy,” she said almost holding her breath in waiting for everyone’s reactions.

Michael stood up and hugged her. “Congratulations.” He said, “We will be here with you.” He said kissing her cheek.

“I get to be an aunt again!” Isabel said almost jumping up and down. Maria let herself breathe again, knowing that her friends were judging them. Alex expressed his congrats, and then Jim. Jim was not as thrilled as everyone else. He was so happy that Kyle and Maria were happy, and he was going to be a grandfather, but he didn’t know if Maria and especially Kyle knew how hard this was actually going to be.

“I’m so glad you guys are supporting us because I’ve got to tell me mom and dad tomorrow, and I’m very nervous,” Maria said with a nervous laugh.

“We are always here for you,” Jim said sincerely.


That night, before everyone went to bed, Jim called his son into the kitchen. “What’s up, dad?” Kyle asked, antsy to get upstairs for some alone time with Maria.

“I just want to talk to you about this thing with Maria,” Jim said. Kyle sat down to listen to his father, “I am very happy for you, son. I’m happy for both of you. And I’m thrilled to be a grandfather.” He said with a smile, but he face soon turned somber. “But I just want you to realize that this is going to be very hard.”

“I know it is.” Kyle said, “We’ve already come up against some bumps in the road. But in the end, I’d rather be with her and face any obstacle than to live without her. I love her, and I know she loves me. Dealing with Zan is still something we face everyday, but we are trying. That is all I can ask for.” Kyle explained to his father.

Jim nodded, realizing that his son did understand the trouble ahead of them. “Alright, well I guess you don’t need to sleep on the couch anymore.” Jim said with a grin.

“Night, dad,” Kyle said as he almost ran upstairs to Maria. She was in the middle of pulling on her night shirt as he entered the room.

“What do you need that for?” Kyle asked wrapping his arms around her and pulling the shirt back off of her.

“You don’t really mean to say that you want to have sex in your father’s house with him down the hall?” she said turning around in his arms with a smirk.

“Mmmm, can’t say it isn’t one of my fantasies,” Kyle said nipping gently at Maria’s neck. “You know, pretend we are still in high school, and you’ve climbed in my window,” Kyle said between kisses as he began to move Maria’s mostly naked form to his bed. “And we have to be quite because my dad could catch us at any minute.” They fell on the bed together and Maria rolled them over so she was on top of him.

“You really know how to turn a girl on, don’t you?” she said gyrating into Kyle’s jean clad cock. She nearly ripped his shirt off of him and began unbuckling his belt.

“I do what I can’t,” Kyle grinned as he licked Maria’s nipples. She was distracted by him minstrations for just a moment before she returned to her task. She pulled Kyle’s jeans and boxer off of him, and slowly, seductively, moved up his body, rolling her panty clad pussy against his cock. He moaned at the feeling.

“You gotta be quiet,” Maria whispered seductively into Kyle’s ear making his cock grow harder. “Not a sound,” she said kissing his neck. Kyle wound his hands around her body and pushed her yellow panties down her legs and she kicked them off behind her.

“Is the door locked?” she asked him, moving her hands up and down his smooth chest.

“No,” he smirked.

“Mmmm, that’s hot,” she said attacking his mouth, slipping her tongue into his mouth, feeling it message hers. She couldn’t wait any longer. The thought of them sneeking around was so much of a turn on, she was literally dripping her sweet juices all over him.

She grabbed his wet cock, and placed it at her entrance as she sank down forcefully on his cock. She bit back a moan as he filled her. She got control of herself and started moving on Kyle.

Kyle found it very hard, but very hot to stay quiet as Maria’s walls fluttered around his aching cock. She pushed her hands into his chest as she rode him with all she had. She leaned into Kyle and kissed him, moaning as her movement made his cock rub right against her g-spot. “Fuck!” she breathed, against him.

Kyle knew Maria wasn’t going to be able to hold back, so as he felt her rapidly reading her orgasm, he placed his hand over her mouth. Maria immediately felt more turned on by this. She was riding Kyle as he roughly placed his big manly hand over her mouth, she bit it slightly as she bucked wildly on him.

Kyle felt her pussy contract around him as she came hard, biting his hand and crying out against his hand. He joined her coming deep inside her, as his breath hitched and he bit down on her shoulder to cover the groan he knew was going to escape his lips.

Maria laid across him, sated, and taking a moment to catch her breath. She looked at Kyle’s hand still close to her face and saw a trickle of blood in his palm. “Oh, baby, I’m sorry,” she said as she saw what she had done to him.

“Doesn’t hurt,” Kyle said pulling her closer to him. Maria felt better, then looked at her shoulder. There was a deep bite mark on it and she grinned.

“Looks like you got me too,” she said pointing at his branding.

Kyle didn’t smile, he was angry with himself for hurting her. “I’m sorry.” He said, “I’m such an idiot.” He said looking down.

Maria lifted his chin to look at her. “It doesn’t hurt either. I liked it. It was hot. Who would have thought that Maria DeLuca would be into pleasure and pain?” she asked with a grin. Kyle, seeing that she was telling him the truth, smiled at her and kissed her passionately.

“We need to get to sleep,” he said, “We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

“Night night,” Maria said turning around and pulling Kyle’s naked body up against her back. He gently covered their bodies with his comforter and they slipped into a peaceful sleep.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 25

Maria was pacing around Kyle’s room in her underwear the next day muttering things that he could not understand. “Maria,” he said, turning her around to face him, “You’ve got to calm down.” He said looking her in the eye.

“I know.” She said with a sigh. “I just havn’t seen my mom in years. I’ve only called her an handful of times. She didn’t even come to Zan’s funeral.” She said.

“I know, but no matter what happens to night. You have me, and our friends, Tess, my dad, we all love you and are supporting you.” Kyle said kissing her cheek. She smield at him and stood back up.

“Ok,” she said. “Let me get dressed, then we can go to dinner.”

It didn’t take Maria long to get ready. They were just going to the Roswell Country Club, and it was pretty causal. She wore a black skirt, that was already starting to feel tight on her, and a pink botton down shirt. Kyle had on grey slacks and a yellow shirt with a grey tie.

The drive to the club was quiet, but Kyle held Maria’s hand and tried to offer her some comfort and confidence by osmosis. He turned into a parking space and helped Maria out of the car, and as she unbuckled Zandar from his car seat, he locked it up. “Alright,” Maria said to herself as she walked into the club with Kyle and her son.

Her parents were waiting patiently at a table near the bar, and Maria smiled as she walked toward them. Her mother looked older, but it was obvious she had had some work done to hide that fact. Her father looked as popmus as she remembered, not that she had seen him much in her 24 years.

When they got to the table, Maria’s parents stood up and greeted both of them with a smile. “Maria you look tierd.” Her mother said. “Is this my grandbaby?” she asked in an excited tone as she plucked the child out of Maria’s arms.

“You know, honey, this isn’t a really good place for children,” her dad said. Kyle did a double take, wondering if he had really heard Eric DeLuca say that.

Maria counted to ten and smiled at her parents again, “Well, I figured you would want to see your grandson, since you couldn’t make it for hie birth.” Or his father’s funeral, she added silently.

“Of course we wanted to see him,” Amy DeLuca said, motioning for Kyle and Maria to sit down. She waved the waiter over. After they had all ordered, Amy turned to her daughter and said, “That’s a lot of food, honey. Make sure you watch your weight.” Maria and Kyle frowned at her but stayed silent.

“So,” Mr. DeLuca said, wanted to get to the point. “What is the news you had to share with us?” he asked as their food came.

Maria and Kyle looked at each other. “Well, as you know my husband died at the beginning of February,” Maria started.

“Alex.” Mr. DeLuca said in confermation.

Maria looked at him incredulously and Kyle grabbed her arm under the table. “Zan, dad. His name was ZAN!” she said not even trying to cover her anger. Her father just nodded. “Well, Kyle and I,” she said looking at Kyle, “we’ve gotten closer since then, and Kyle and I are having a baby together,” Maria said with a smile. She was prud of her news, even if her parents weren’t.

Her mother stopped, mid-bite, and looked at then both. “Your husband died 4 months ago and you are already pregnant with someone else’s child?” she asked in dis belief.

“We know it is unorthodox, Ms. DeLuca, but Maria and I are in love and we are happy to have this baby in or lives.” Kyle said coming to Maria’s defense.

“How do you think this is going to look, Maria?” Mr. DeLuca asked. “I mean I’m a Congressman, for the love of God. It looks like my daughter has children with anyone and everyone. What am I going to say to the press?” he said frustrated with his daughter.

That threw Maria for a loop. She hadn’t expected that to even be an issue. Kyle was inraged. That was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. “You can tell the press and your constituents that your daughter is in love. That she is happy and getting ready to be a mother for the second time,” he said firmly, looking Eric straight in the eye.

“I knew you guys were going to act like this,” Maria said throwing her napkin down on her plate and standing up. She picked Zandar up out of his baby seat.

“Honey, we just have to be careful about how we are represented in the papers. You’re father is facing a tough election in November.” Amy said.

“And that is why you two have been so chummy lately?” Maria asked her mother, who had never had a kind word to say about her father. “Well, I just wanted you to know that I was happy and that I’m having a baby. It figures that you don’t really care,” she said huffing and turning on her heel. She walked quickly out of the club, going straight to the car.

Kyle stood up as well, and before he left said, “Maria just wants your support. What is more important, what everyone else thinks, or what your daughter thinks?” then he turned and followed Maria out to the car. When he saw her crying, his heart broke for her.

“I knew that was going to suck,” she said leaning into him.

“It’s going to be ok, Maria. I love you, and I love our child, and I’ll always be here for you.” He said kissing her lightly.

“I know.” Maria said wiping her eyes. “I don’t know why I even care. They have never been an important part f my life.” She said. “Let’s just go. We can hang out with people who care about us.” She said strapping Zan in and clibing into the front seat.

“Okay,” Kyle said with a smile. He drove home and felt Maria’s calm down by herself. She was getting better, he could tell. She let her mother and father’s words roll right off her back, and he was proud of her. He hated them. How could parents be so uncaring about their daughter? His child hadn’t even been born yet and already he knew he would do anything for him or her. He wondered if it was a boy or a girl, or when they could find out. The thought of having a baby made him excited like nothing in the world ever had.


The next morning, Maria was making eggs and bacon the next morning when Kyle walked into the kitchen. His dad and Tess were in the living room talking about football, and he laughed. He’d had many a conversation with her about football, and she was a lost cause. She was a New England Patriots fan, and there seem to be no bringing her to her senses.

“Morning, baby,” he said to Maria as he kissed her on the cheek.

“Mornign,” she said. “Sleep well?” she asked with a smirk.

“After the workout you have me last night, I could sleep for a year.” He said with a laugh.

“You wanna go with Tess and me to the park this afternoon?” Maria asked, “I wanna take Zandar out for some fresh air.”

“Love to,” Kyle said.

Maria dished out food for the four of them and then began digging into her food. She was starving, and Kyle couldn’t help but notice the massive number of banana peppers she put on her eggs. Cravings, he guessed.

When she was done she said, “I’m going to go up and feed Zandar. Then we can head out to the park.” Tess and Kyle nodded as they watched her climb up the stairs.

“So, how did it go with her parents?” Tess asked.

Kyle rolled his eyes. “Not good. But Maria seems to be over it. Her parents were conserned about how it is going to look for her to be pregnant with my child so soon after her husband’s death.”

Jim and Tess nodded. They couldn’t understand how her parents could be so selfish, but there was nothing they could do about it. “I mean, we know how it looks. We talk about this everyday, but that doesn’t change the fact that we love each other.” Kyle said.

“I know.” Jim said, “But people around here are closed minded. In a big city, it’s probably not going to be as big of a problem, but Roswell, NM is small and gossip happy.” He explained.

Kyle nodded. He knew that. It sucked, but he was so happy he no longer lived here. As much as he missed his dad, he felt cluastrophbic in Roswell even though he had only been back a couple of days.

About 30 minutes later, Maria bounced down the stairs with Zandar fully dressed. “Ok, let’s go while he is full and happy,” she said with a laugh.

Kyle and Tess smiled and got off the couch, “Alright. Are we walking or diving?” Kyle asked.

“Let’s walk. It’s only about 5 blocks away,” They nodded and headed out the door. Jim watched them leave. He bit his lip, thinking deeply. They were so happy, and he didn’t want to take that from them, so he kept his mouth shut.


“I think Zandar is going to be a real outdoor’s man.” Tess said watching the baby crawl across the grass. He loved being outside. He was always in a great mood when they took him outside.

“Yeah, well he doesn’t take after his mother,” Maria said. “I don’t mind the occasional walk, but nature is not my friend,”

“Don’t I know it.” Kyle said with eyes wide. “Remember when we went on that camping trip Sophamore year?” he said laughing at the memory. “I thought I was going to kill you. You actually asked me where you were supposed to plug in your blow dryer!”

Maria laughed. “Well, I’m not that bad anymore. But I still can’t understand why someone would want to sleep on the ground when they could be in a bed.”

Kyle sighed. “You just don’t get it,” he said smirking.

“Guess not.” She answered, “What about you, Tess. Are you a camper?”

“I’m basically in the same boat you are in, Maria. I like being outside in temperate weather for short periods of time, but no I’m not an outdoorsy person. Serina on the other hand loves the outdoors. That’s one of the reasons she is digging wells in Kenya.”

“I think that is so cool,” Maria said picking up Zandar. “How did she…” Maria stopped talking as she focused on two figures across the park.

“Maria?” Kyle asked looking at her. She looked like she was in some sort of daze. Her face changed from shock to fear as she took in a deep sharp breath. “MARIA!” he called. Tess was confused, as she looked at her friend. When Maria didn’t answere, Kyle followed her line of sight.

On the other side of the park he saw the two people she was looking at. Oh God. It was Liz Parker and…and Adrian Anderson. One of the men who had brutally raped her so many years ago. What was he doing here? He was supposed to be in jail.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 26

Maria’s breath quickened as she stared at one of the men who she had hated for so long. Kyle wrapped his arm protectively around her. “Maria,” he said softly into her ear. He was worried. She seemed to be in shock. Tess looked on afraid and confused.

“Kyle, what is going on?” she asked, trying to remain calm as Maria began to hyperventilate. He looked at her and shook his head. Now wasn’t the time to explain everything to her. He looked back up at Liz and Adrian and noticed they were making their way over to them.

“Maria, baby, let’s go,” he said needed her to snap out of it, so he could get her out of there before things got much worse. He shook her lightly and she broke her gaze from Liz and Adrian and looked at Kyle, as tears began to roll down her cheeks. He hadn’t seen her that scared since the night Zan, Michael, and Isabel carried her naked and broke body into his house for his fathers help over 6 years ago.

He helped her up and Tess picked up the baby. Both other them wrapped their arms around Maria’s waist in preparation to help her walk away, but before they got far they heard Liz’s excited voice call out, “Ria! Is that you?”

Maria stopped in her tracks, trying hard to catch her breath. “Shhh, Maria.” Kyle tried to calm her. “You have to calm down. This isn’t good for the baby or you,” he pleaded with her. Maria tried to get her emotions under control as she turned around to look at Liz.

“I can’t believe you are back,” Liz said excitedly. It was like she wasn’t holding the hand of the man who so completely brutalized Maria. Kyle had to used every fiber of his strength not to punch Adrian’s smug face. He just stood their looking Maria up and down like a piece of meet and grinning at her.

“I’ve got to go,” Maria chocked out. “I’ve…I’ve gotta go,” she said weeping as she began running the other direction. Tess, still confused, handed the baby to Kyle and ran after her. Whatever was going on, Maria did not need to be alone.

“What’s her problem?” Liz asked. Was the girl really that dense?

“Are you kidding. You’re standing here with one of the men who RAPED her!” Kyle bit out, causing Zandar to cry. Kyle tried to soothe him as he continued. “She thought he was still in jail and here he is, in front of her. With a girl who was supposed to be her friend. What the fuck do you think is wrong with her?!?”

“I’m right here, asshole.” Adrian said getting a little tired of being talking about like he wasn’t there.

“Oh I know,” Kyle said through gritted teeth.

“Look, I thought Maria was over that. It was high school.” Liz said blowing it off.

“Over it?! She could have DIED!” Kyle said, nearly crying at the thought of it.

Adrian and Liz seemed to ignore him. “So that little one yours?” Adrian asked with gleam in his eyes. “She’s pretty sweet in the sack isn’t she?” This earned him an angered poke in the chest from Liz. “Not as sweet as you,” he quickly amended.

Kyle stood there in shock for just a second before swinging his fist into Adrian’s face. He his him hard, square in the jaw, and he coul have sworn he hear it crack. “Stay the fuck away from all of us,” he warned. “You’re lucky I don’t fucking murder you.”

With that, he turned around and walked into the direction Maria and Tess ran off to. He finally got Zandar to stop crying as he held the baby tightly against his chest. Two blocks down the road he saw Maria and Tess. Maria was convulsing in the young blonds arms, and he jogged to make it to them faster.

“She hasn’t stopped crying,” tess said sympathetically. Kyle had never seen Tess so worried. She was nearly at the point of tears as she held the hysterical Maria. He passed the baby off ot Tess and turned back to Maria.

“Maria, baby,” he said, and when she finally looked up at him he kissed her cheek. “Let’s get back to the house and calm down. You need to get back inside before you make yourself sick,” he said. Maria weakly nodded at him, and let Tess and Kyle lead her down the street. She didn’t even know what to think. She was petrified. She could feel so many emotions run through her that she hadn’t remembed feeling in years.

As they approached tho house, Kyle and Maria entered first, Tess following behind, stil unsure of what was going on. “Dad!” Kyle yelled into the house.

Jim came jogging down the stairs, and when he saw Maria’s shaken state he said, “What the hell happened?”

“Adrian Anderson happened,” Kyle said sitting Maria down on the couch. She still hadn’t said a word. Tess quickly ran to the kitched to get a cool wash cloth for Maria’s face, and when she came back she sat down next to Maria.

“Ok, will someone tell me what the hell just happened!” she demanded. Jim looked at the ground. He hadn’t expected Maria to find out that Adrian and Luke were out of jail. They just got out a little before Zan died, and Jim could not bring himself to tell Maria at the time. As time went on, the thought of telling her broke his heart to much. He thought she would make it her whole life and never know. He was wrong.

As Kyle tried to get Maria to calm down, Jim explained the situation to Tess. “Maria’s senior year, the year she started dating Zan, she was raped by two boys in their grade named Adrian Anderson and Luke Basket.” Tess’s breath caught as she relized who the man that scared Maria so much was.

“Oh my god,” she gasped wrapping her arms around Maria.

Kyle was beginning to panic, when Maria didn’t react. “Maria!” he called, tears in his eyes. “Baby, please talk to me,” he begged. “I need you to talk to me. Zandar needs his mommy.” He said crying now, and just like that Maria came to, looked Kyle in the eyes.

She gently wipped Kyle’s tear soaked cheeks. She looked around, almost surprised to see she was back at the house. As she got control of herself she looked at Jim. “Why is he here? Why isn’t her in jail?’ she asked almost angry. She thought she would never have to del with any of this again.

“Honey, Adrian and Luke were released in February on a stupid technicality.” Jim sighed. He was still pissed about the whole situation. “It seems one of the doctors analyzing the evidence was found to have tampered with it, and on appeal Adrian and Luke were relaeased.” Jim could have killed that doctor.

“But that can’t be. What if they come back. I don’t want to go through that again,” Maria cried. Kyle pulled her into his arms and soothed her, running his fingers through her hair.

“You will never go through that again, baby.” He promised. “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you again,” he said kissing her forehead.

“Maria, you don’t have to worry about Luke and Adrian. First of all, an unlimited restraining order has been issed for both of them to stay away from you. Also, they got a little roughed up in jail. It seems that rapists don’t so well in Roswell County Jail. The last thing they want is to go back,” Jim said caressing Maria’s cheek.

Maria took a deep breath and closed her eyes, gathering her wits. “Ok,” she breathed. She was far from over this, but she felt safer now, and Kyle, Tess, and Jim were there. Not to mention that Isabel, Michael, and Alex would be in town as long as she was. If Adrian or Luke wanted to get to her, they would have to get through all of them. On top of that, Jim informed her that no one from Roswell except her friends and family knew where she lived anyway.


Michael, Isabel, and Alex came over at Jim’s request. All of them knew that Luke and Adrian were out of jail, but they too had kept if from Maria and Kyle not wanting to upset them. Michael remembered when Valenti told him. He flew back to Roswell the same day and beat the shit out of both Adrian and Luke. Men like that (if you could call them men) didn’t deserve to live.

“What are you cooking, Kyle?” Isabel asked. “It smells pretty good.”

“Spagetti. Its about the only thing I can cook,” he said with a laugh.

“You and Maria are going to turn into Italians if you don’t watch out,” alex said. He knew that Maria could only cook Spagetti as well.

Maria giggled at him. “That wouldn’t be so bad,” she said wrapping her arms around Kyle who was stirring his sauce. She dipped her finger in the sauce and tasted it. “Yummy,” she said with a smiled.

Kyle smiled back at her and kissed her lightly on the lips. He was glad to see her getting back to normal. He thought he had lost her there for a minute. He knew the stress she was putting herself under was not good for the baby, let alone herself. Everyone else seemed to share his feelings. They were all glad to see that Maria was adjusting to the situation.

Tess watched Maria closely. She was still in shock, finding out what had happened to her friend. When Maria was taking a shower Kyle told her the whole story, beginning to end, of Maria and Zan’s falling for each other and the rape, and she was outraged that people could do that to another human being. She could also tell that Kyle still blamed himself for the rape. He didn’t do a good job of hiding it.


When Maria and Kyle went up to his room, they began undressing and maria turned to Kyle. “What’s wrong?” she asked. She had felt something off about him all night. Something big. It was like he was carrying around a burden all night.

“What do you mean?” he asked, not really knowing what she was talking about.

“I mean, what is wrong? You are acting funny. Distant, and depressed. Talk to me,” Maria said, hoping he would open up to her as she had been trying to do for him.

Kyle sighed and sat on the bed next to Maria. “I still feel like everything that happened to you was my fault,” he said choking up.

Maria gently passed her fingers over her lover’s face, “Kyle, none of it was your fault.” She promised him. The minute he showed up at the hospital that night, she had absolved him from blame.

“But if I hadn’t invited you over to my house. And if I wasn’t friends with those assholes. And if I hadn’t been such a dick in the first place, they never would have…” he didn’t even finish his thought.

Maria pushed Kyle back on the bed and pulled the covers around their naked bodies. “Kyle, that is stupid,” she said forcefully. “You had no way of knowing tat Adrian and Luke would do what they did. This is not your fault!” She despiratly wanted him to know that. She looked him straight in the eye, “Did you know that Zan blamed himself for the rape,” she said seriously.

Kyle was taken aback. That didn’t even make sense. Zan had saved her. How could he be to blame?

“Zan and I had a fight that day, as you know. I walked to your house and he believed until the day that he died that if he hadn’t argued with me I would have asked him for a ride instead of walking alone.” Maria said, “The thing is I wanted to walk. I would have walked no matter what. But Zan always blamed himself. Please don’t be like that. Thse two assholes have ruined my life enough, I don’t need them interfering with my life with you.” She said calmly.

Kyle smiled at her. “You are so amazing,” he said. “I can’t believe how well you are taking this.”

“Well, I’m still scared shitless, Kyle. But the thing is that today while I was in the shower, I decided that I needed to move on from this. I have a beautiful son that I love completely. I have another baby on the way that I love just as much. I have a wonderful man in my like who I love and he loves me back just as much. I’m ok,” she said with a smile. “Things could be much worse.”

Kyle wrapped her tightly in his arms, feeling her naked body against his. “I love you so much,” he breathed agaist her lips as he kissed her.

“I love you too,” she said snugglint deeper into him. “And I want you to know that I trust you with my life. I have faith in you.” Kyle didn’t know how Maria knew exactly what he needed to hear, but she did, and she had said it. He kissed her again before letting himself fall asleep, never letting go of his protective hold on her.

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Chapter 27

A couple days later, it was time for Maria, Kyle, and Tess to head back to Indianapolis. Isabel and Alex had already left, and Michael was going to stay in Roswell for a couple more days. In actuality he wanted to pay Adrian and Luke another visit, but he just told everyone else that his dad needed a little help researching a big case.

Maria wrapped her arms tightly around Michael. “I’m going to miss you so much!” she said as she teared up.

“Maria, I’ll be back to see you guys for Thanksgiving, and then for the baby to be born,” he said with a smile.

“Ok,” she said removing her death grip. “Call us sometime.”

“I promise,” he said kissing her cheek.

Maria gave him one last hug then moved out of the way for Kyle to day goodbye. “I’ll see you in November, man.” He said.

“Yeah, absolutely,” Michael said giving Kyle a manly hug.

Tess said goodbye as well. She had come to really like Kyle and Maria’s friends. They were all warm and inviting to her, and they really cared about Maria. She got along best with Alex. He seemed to be the one just on the outside of the group, and he could always be called upon for strong reliable, 3rd party perspective, just as she could. “I hope to see you in November, Tess,” Michael said with a smile.

“So do I,” she smiled.

Then Jim and Kyle loaded the car and they headed out to the airport.

When they got there, Kyle checked in the bags while Maria and Tess said goodbye to his father. “Ok, you be safe,” Jim said kissing his suragot daughter’s cheek. “Call me when you guys get home.”

“Ok dad,” Maria said rolling her eyes. Jim just smiled at her and gave her a hug as he turned to Tess.

“You take good care of my kids,” he said with a goofy grin.

“Always,” Tess said. “It was nice seeing you again. I hope you can come out for Thanksgiving.”

“I will most defiantly try,” he said hugging her. Maria and Tess made their way inside as Kyle want back outside to say goodbye to his dad.

“You be good.” Jim said. “Take care of yourself and Maria and Zandar. Not to mention my grandchild.” He smiled brightly.

Kyle smiled back at him. He always got so giggly at the thought of having a baby. “I will. You know that. I’ve got to ask you to do something for me,” he said. Jim nodded and Kyle continued, “If anything happens with Adrian or Luke, anything at all, call me. I need to know everything.” He said seriously.

“You know I will.” Jim said hugging his son. “I’m so proud of you,” he said trying not to get choked up. “I can’t believe you are going to be a father.”

“I know, its surreal, but I realize now, I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.” Kyle admitted.

“Well, I’ll always be here for you and Maria and Zandar, and that little one inside her.” Jim said.

“Thanks dad. I’ll see you hopefully in November, but defiantly in January, right?” He said

“Yeah. I’ll be there for my grandbaby’s birth.” He smiled. “Now get in there before you miss your plane.” Kyle chuckled and walked back inside the airport to Maria and Tess.


Maria was relieved when she walked into her apartment. It was good to be home. She enjoyed seeing her friends, but Roswell was not a place she wanted to stay for long. Zandar was asleep in her arms, and she immediately walked him into her bedroom and laid him down in his crib. She hoped that he would wake up soon so that he slept through the night.

When she walked back into the living room, she saw Kyle pull in the last of the bags and Tess flopped down on the couch. “Baby, why don’t you just save unpacking for tomorrow,” Kyle said wrapping his arms around her. “Let’s just take it easy today.” He smiled.

“Ok,” Maria grinned. The last thing she wanted to do was unpack at this moment. Flying always wiped her out.

She sat next to Tess on the couch and rested her head on her friend’s shoulder. Tess threw her arm around Maria’s shoulder and smiled. It was nice to have friends like Maria. Of course, Kyle was her friend as well, and she had casual friends that she hung out with, but her friendship with Maria was stronger. They were kindred spirits, and she felt closer to Maria than she did anyone else except Sean and Serina.

Kyle say down on the other side of Maria and pulled her feet into his lap. He gently rubbed them as Tess ran her fingers through Maria’s smooth hair. “Well I could get used to this kind of pampering,” she giggled stretching out. Kyle and Tess both looked at each other and laughed. “Maybe I should be pregnant all the time.”

“I’m ok with that,” Kyle said with a lusty grin.

Maria pulled her feet away from Kyle and laughed, “Oh no. This is that last baby for a while.” She said seriously. “Two is plenty for right now,” she emphasized.

Kyle pulled her feet back into him. “Ok,” he conceded. “I promise not to impregnate you again for a while.”

Tess giggled at their play. They were so cute. It was nice to watch them. It made her remember Sean and Serina. She loved them both, and when Serina got back, she was going to be able to have fun, cute little moments like this with her.

“I believe that both pregnancies were unplanned,” she said cocking an eyebrow at him, but she laughed it off. Unintended or not, she loved Zandar and was so happy she had a piece of Zan with her forever, and she was just as ecstatic about the upcoming baby.

“Well, I think I’m going to take a nap,” Tess said lifting Maria’s head off her lap as she stood and placed it gently on a pillow.

“Awww. OK,” Maria said. “Sweet dreams.”

“We’ll wake you for dinner,” Kyle called. Then he turned back to Maria, making gentle circled on her bare calf.

Maria’s face got serious for a moment and he asked, “Something on your mind?” he asked rubbing her feet.

“Kyle, are you still up for moving in here. I mean for real moving in. I know you practically live here anyway…” her voice dropped off.

Kyle was kind of shocked. He hadn’t brought the subject up because of the way Maria flipped out the first time he talked to her about it. He figured, she hadn’t changed her mind about not wanting him to give up his apartment. “Y…Yeah.” He said. “I mean, I didn’t want to push you, but all you have to do is ask, and I’ll get rid of my apartment.” He said seriously as he sat up straighter, leaning in closer to her.

“I just think that it’s time.” Maria said, more sure of herself. “You practically live here. You know I love you, and you love me. We are about to make a family together, the most logical step if for you to move in. Besides, I like the idea of knowing that even if you get mad at me, you can’t run off to your own apartment.” She said with a chuckle.

“Well, you wouldn’t have to worry about that anyway,” he said as he got off the couch. He then leaned into Maria to lay on top of her. Maria spread hear legs and Kyle settled in between them laying his head on Maria’s chest. “I would rather be here with you, fighting, than in my apartment alone,” he said, listening her to heart beat as her even breaths made his head rise and fall.

Maria smiled and ran her fingers through Kyle’s hair. She gently pushed his head up, and he took her hint moving up to capture her lips in his. “Mmmm, you taste good,” Kyle said, dazed from the feeling of Maria’s supple lips against his.

“It’s ‘Crème BruLee’ Lipgloss,” she grinned. Kyle licked it off her lips and smiled back at her. Then suddenly it hit her. Maria nearly pushed Kyle off of her, and she fell on the floor. “Oh God,” she groaned running to the bathroom with her hand over her mouth.

It took Kyle a second to get his barrings, but when he did, he got up off the floor and walked quietly into the bedroom and then the bathroom, where he found Maria vomiting all the contents of her stomach into the toilet. He saw tears in her eyes, and his heart went out to her.

He walked up behind her and helped her hold her hair until she was done being sick. “You ok, baby?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she sniffled, reaching up for a towel. “Just morning sickness, than never seems to come in the morning,” she chuckled.

Kyle didn’t want to sound stupid, but he asked anyway, “Is this normal?”

Maria ran her fingers over the skin of his cheeks, “Yeah. With Zandar I got sick too. It’s natural.” She smiled. Kyle smiled back and helped her clean up. Maria was humbled by his gentleness. Zan had been sweet to her while she was pregnant, but he never really had the ability to be completely…she didn’t know the right word for it. The main thing was that Kyle was more, going through the pregnancy with her, while Zan watched the pregnancy in sympathy.

“Why don’t we get you into a bath and then you can take a nap,” Kyle said.

“Bath sounds good, but I promise I’m fine. I don’t need to take a nap,” she assured him. “Wanna join me?” she asked turning on the water. Kyle smiled and nodded emphatically.


Two months had passed and Maria was now a little over 4 months pregnant. Her belly was starting to grow and Kyle watched it everyday in amazement. There were not words to describe what it was like to be a father, and he wasn’t even a father yet, technically.

He had moved in and things were running smoothly. Maria’s morning sickness still bothered Kyle, mostly because he felt that hew as inflicting it on her. In a round about way he had, but he also knew that Maria couldn’t be more happy, vomiting everyday or not.

“Which classes do you have this year?” Maria asked looking over her schedule. School started back up in 3 weeks. She had added a music class because so many people wanted to take her class, they didn’t have room in the original two. She smiled. She had wanted to add a guitar class and a songwriting class, but that would have to wait until next year. It would just be too much for her, since she was going to have to leave mid year for at least a couple weeks.

“Two gym classes,” Kyle said, “a health class, and all the sex ed classes,” she read aloud. He laughed. “Are you kidding me? How come you get to add a class in your field and all I get is 3 sex ed classes?”

Maria pushed him up against the kitchen counter and seductively ran her hands up and down his body, lifting her knee to separate his legs and she put presser on his now growing cock. “Well, trust me, you know PLENTY about THAT department,” she whipered huskily into his ear.

“Mmmmm, Maria, you are going to kill me,” he breathed.

Maria giggled at him, and moved away. Kyle almost groaned at the lost of her warmth. “Well, I think it’s cute that you are going to teach a bunch of horny teenagers about safe sex. Especially since you are not far from a horny teenager yourself,” she laughed.

Kyle feigned shock, “Excuse me, but wasn’t it you that woke me up at 3 in the morning a couple of nights ago because you couldn’t keep your hands off of me?” he grinned.

Maria jutted her lip out in a pout. “Hey, I can’t help it that my hormones are out of whack!” she said, “besides, it is your fault for looking do fucking sexy when you sleep.” He smiled.

“Yes, it is a heavy burdon to bare,” he said sarcastically which earned him a slap from Maria and he tackled her kissing and tickling her round tummy.


The next afternoon, Maria had her monthly doctor’s appointment. When Dr. Vic walked in she smiled brightly as Maria. “Looks like the baby’s grown a lot this month,” she said noticing Maria’s belly. It wasn’t big, but last month, she was barely now showing, and now if you could defiantly tell she was having a baby.

Maria laughed. “Yeah,” she said, “I don’t know what happened.”

“You still eating well?” Dr. Vic asked.

“Yep. I mean, I get the occasional cravings, and cant help myself, but I’m eating well.” Maria said.

“Ok, well let’s do the ultra-sound,” Dr. Vic said. “We may be able to determine a sex today, but my guess is that we will have to wait until next month,” she said as she smoothed the lubricant over Maria’s belly. Kyle watched the process as if it were the first time he were seeing it, when in actuality he had been to all 5 of Maria’s appointments.

The doctor looked at the screen and furrowed her brow slightly. She didn’t say anything as she watched the baby in it’s womb, which was kind of weird. Dr. Vic was a talker. “Is something wrong?” Maria was nervous and almost afraid to ask.

“No,” Dr. Vic said, finishing the ultra sound “Nothing is wrong. The fetus is moving around more than is usual for 18 weeks.” The doctor explained.

“What does that mean?” Kyle asked, holding Maria’s hand tightly. Maria looked at her doctor concerned.

Dr. Vic smiled warmly at the couple. “All it means, is that I want Maria to take things easy. Everything you are used to doing should be fine.” She turned to Maria. “Going back to school will be fine, but you should try to teach sitting when you can. Sex is still fine, but no positions that are going to cause strain to you’re lower body,” Dr. Vic said looking at both of them. “For instance, you’re best bed it going to be the plan old missionary,” she laughed.

“Anything else?” Maria asked, still nervous.

“Sit rather than Stand. Lay down when you can. Take elevators instead of stairs. And just watch what you are doing. If you feel Jr. moving around to the point of discomfort, you should come in immediately.” Dr. Vic said.

“But I really should worry,” Maria said. Kyle rubbed her shoulder in support.

“No, this is pretty common,” Dr. Vic said. “Do not worry. Trust me, I will tell you if you need to worry.” She said seriously.

“Ok,” Maria said smiling. “Take it you couldn’t find out the sex.” Maria said.

“Nope, but next month we should be able to,” Dr. Vic promised.

Maria smiled and sat up on the table, and as the doctor left she began to get re-dressed. Kyle wrapped his arm around her shoulder leading her out to the car. “Well, that could have gone better,” Maria said getting into the car.

“Yeah, but it will be fine. The doctor isn’t worried, so you shouldn’t worry,” he said kissing her cheek. Maria nodded. He was right. Dr. Vic was like a friend to her. If something were really wrong, she would tell them.

When they got home, Maria went into the kitchen to get a drink, but Kyle stopped her. He kissed her sweetly and pulled her over to the couch. “Nope, I’ll get it. You sit down and relax,” he said as he went to the kitchen and prepared her drink. He handed it to her and kissed her cheek before sitting next to her and pulling her into her arms.

“Mmmm,” she said snuggling into him. “You know what I would love right now?” she said looked up at him with big pleading eyes.

“What?” he asked with a chuckle.

“A huge banana split with jalapeño peppers,” she said with a sweet smile.

Kyle had to control the urge to retch, but he smiled and his precious Maria and got off the couch. “I’ll go get the ice cream,” he said kissing her on the lips. He quickly jogged down to the corner market, and he was back in the apartment quickly. He ran to the kitchen and got the peppers and handed both to Maria. Her eyes lit up and she poured the peppers, juice and all on the banana split.

“Thank you, baby,” she said diving into her disgusting concoction.

They spent the rest of the day lounging on the couch and making calls to get ready for going back to school. “You ready for bed?” Kyle asked Maria around 9:00.

She nodded and pulled herself off the couch.


The next morning, Maria’s eye fluttered open as she woke up breathless. She had just had the most erotic dream about Kyle. She was dripping wet, just from the dream and as she looked over at Kyle, she smiled at him. He was asleep, and lightly snoring which turned her on even more.

She ran her finger down his chest, scrapping her nails over his nipples. “Baby?” she moaned into his ear.

Kyle slowly woke up and smiled, as he looked at Maria and saw pure lust in her eyes. “Mmm hmmm,” he groaned opening his arms for her to get closer to him.

“I need you,” she breathed in need as she licked his neck. Shivers went down his spine, as she continued her assault on his neck. He hand quickly moved down his torso, quickly bringing his semi-erect cock to full life.

“Mmm,” Kyle groaned, rolling them over so that he was on top. Maria spread her legs and pulled him closer to her with her feet.

“Fuck me Kyle,” she moaned almost crazy with her need. She rubbed her wetness against his cock. Kyle kissed her and entered her warm tight pussy with one quick thrust. “Yesssss…” she hissed.

“Maria…” he groaned thrusting into her once more. Maria pulled him further into her, wanting him inside her deeper, and as he thrust into her hard her as threw her head back and sighed.

“Oh God, Kyle. Fuck!” She moaned. She met hi thrust for thrust as he attacked her neck. She tilted her head to give him more access to her sweet flesh. Her nails bit into the sink of his back as she could feel the pressure build up inside her.

“Maria,” Kyle groaned. ‘Come with me” he said barely able to hang on.

“Oh fuck, I’m coming,” she moaned as her pussy contracted around him and milked his thick cock dry.

“MARIA!” He growled spilling his seed deep inside Maria. He rolled over and collapsed next to her. “Woman, you are insatiable.” Kyle said pulling her into him with a laugh.

“Oh you love it,” she said kissing his cheek. “You just make me so fucking horny,” she sighed, falling back asleep in his arms.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 28

Maria and Kyle got up bright and early for their first day of school. Maria was excited to get back to her kids. Kyle was too, but he was not looking forward to the sex ed classes. He really didn’t know what he was going to say about safe sex. He had gotten his best friend pregnant 2 months after her husband died. Hell, he needed a sex ed class!

Maria flitted around the kitchen, preparing a big breakfast, as she was starving. The baby, now at 5 month, was eating like a horse. She was amazing that she hadn’t gained much extra weight, but Maria had always have a high metabolism, so that was probably why she was always able to easily lose he baby weight.

When they were done eating, Tess waved goodbye to them as they headed off to school. “I can’t wait to get classes started again,” Maria said happily. Kyle smiled at her and took h er hand in his. He loved to see her so happy. He had heard horror stories of irritable, moody pregnant woman, and while Maria did suffer from mood-swings, they usually consisted of horniness (which he could totally handle) and extreme emotional ness, which was to be expected with all she had been through. Knock on Wood.


Maria noticed that a lot of her old students had come back to take upper level music classes and she smiled at that. It was always nice to turn people on to music, and to be liked. She had even found out, from the principal, that she had been voted teacher of the year by the students. Kyle came in second, and when she say him at lunch, she made a point to point this fact out.

“Well, that is because you have a better rack than me,” he whispered into her ear.

“Are you insinuating that MY male students find me attractive?” she faked shock.

“Oh you know that you make up all of their wet dreams.” Kyle said wrapping his arms around her before they exited the teachers lounge.

“You are bad, Mr. Valenti,” she said with a smirk. “How are those sex ed classes going? Learning anything new?” she giggled.

He growled in her ear, “I guess you will find out tonight,” he whispered heatedly.

“Promises, promises,” she grinned before walking back to her room. Kyle shook his head and smiled at her. Just like that, he could get her all wound up.

All through the day, Maria gave her students the heads up about missing some class mid year. They all seemed excited about their music teacher and gym teacher having a baby together. They were very supportive, and exchanged excited whispers with each other. Maria laughed at them. Oh to be in high school again.

“So, Ms. Deluca-Guerin, do you want a boy or girl?” one girl in her Theory II class asked.

Maria thought, “I’m not sure. I am ready for anything. I think I want a little girl though. I’ve got a boy, and it would be nice to have a girl too,” she answered honestly. She was always upfront and honest with her students. She guessed that was why they respected her so much.


A week of school had gone by and Maria was loving every minute of it. Her students were all eager and willing to learn, and most of all, she didn’t have to teach choir anymore. The school had found a chorus director to take over for her. She was never a great conductor. She knew music theory inside and out, and loved solo performance, guitar, and composition, but chorus was always an enigma to her.

That Friday, it was time for another doctor’s appointment, so she and Kyle hopped in the car and headed to Dr. Vic’s. When she got there, the doctor commented again about how much bigger she looked, but said she was growing at a normal rate.

“How about we find out the sex of the baby today?” Dr. Vic said with excitement. Maria grabbed Kyle’s hand as Dr. Vic started the ultrasound. She looked intently at the screen. Pausing the picture and printing out a picture of their baby a couple of time. “Ok,” Dr. Vic said. “So, do we want to know or be surprised?”

Maria looked at Kyle. She knew he wanted to know, and truth be told, so did she. “Tell us,” she said with a big grin.

“Ok, well It looks like you guys will be having a daughter,” Dr. Vic said. Maria’s smile grew 10 miles wider, and she looked at Kyle who was grinning like and idiot. A daughter. He was going to have a daughter. He was already thinking about the little boys he was going to have to intimidate away from her. If she looked anything like her mommy, he was going to have his work cut out for him. “Now, this is about 98% accurate.” Dr. Vic mentioned. “You see, to determine the sex we need to see or not see a penis, and as of now there is no penis, meaning it is a girl…or the penis could be hiding, but that is highly unlikely,” she mentioned.

Maria knew this. She had heard the speech before when she found out the sex of Zandar. “Thank you,” she said happily to her doctor. “What about the movement of the baby?” she asked.

“Still moving more than I would like, but you are still doing fine. If you get into the 7th month with this much movement, we will talk about bedrest,” Dr. Vic said.

Maria’s face fell. She didn’t want to be on bedrest. She wanted to be able to work and be with her students, but she knew that the health of her and her baby were the most important thing, so she smiled and nodded. “Ok, thank you.” She said. The doctor left her to change.

In the car on the way home, Kyle was still grinning. Maria smiled at him. He was just about the most adorable thing she had ever seen. “I’m having a daughter,” he said in astonishment as he held her hand.

“I know,” she smiled back at him. “We are going to have a Maria Jr.” she laughed.


One Month Later…

“So, what are you doing for Halloween?” Maria asked Tess, who was sitting with her on the couch.

“I’m going to a costume party at my old sorority,” she answered with a sigh.

“Not thrilled about it?” Maria asked with a chuckle.

“It’s just that I knew all those people when I was with Sean, and I know its going to be a lot of ‘oh I’m so sorry,’ and ‘I heard about what’s his name,’ and ‘o you poor thing,’” Tess mocked. “I just don’t want to sit through that.” She explained.

Maria nodded in understanding. She knew the feeling, boy did she. “I know, it sucks,” Maria said. “Did you know my dad actually called Zan, Alex, when I went to see him,” Maria said chuckling at it now. Her parents were worthless.

Tess cocked her eyebrow at Maria, “Ouch,” she said.

“Yeah, but I mean, people like that mean well, it’s just that if something doesn’t directly effect them it doesn’t matter,” Maria said. Tess nodded. Yep, never were truer words spoken.

“So, how did the doctor go yesterday? I never got a chance to ask,” Tess said.

“Good,” Maria said with a bright smiled, “It looked like I wont have to go on bed rest. The baby has settled down.” But just as she said that, the little one kicked her. She giggled. “She is kicking. You wanna feel?” Maria asked.

Tess nodded enthusiastically. Maria took Tess’ hand in hers and placed it on her stomach right where the baby was kicking. Tess’s breath caught as she felt the baby. It was amazing. She couldn’t wait to have babies with Serina. “Wow,” she said. “I can’t wait to be a mother.”

“It’s amazing,” Maria said with a smile. “It’s weird how you can love someone so much you don’t even know,” she said.

Tess smiled at her friend. She was happy, and that was all anyone could as for. Just then Kyle walked through the door and set his coaching bag down. “Kyle,” Maria called. “Come here, the baby is kicking.”

Kyle nearly sprinted to her, “Where?!” he asked. He had yet to feel the baby kick.

“Here,” Maria said taking his hand in hers. She placed it where the baby was kicking at watched his face turn into happy awe. Tears gathered at the corners of his eyes as he felt his child moved within her.

“Maria, that is…” he couldn’t even put words to it.

“I know,” she said smiling at him. She pulled him into her arms. Tess watched to two with a smile. It was like they had forgotten she was even that, and she like it that way. She loved observing them when they seemed to be oblivious to the world.

“You know we only have about 2 more weeks until we can’t have sex any more,” Maria said lowly in his ear. Kyle grinned and helped her off the couch as he led her t the bedroom.

He gently laid her down on the bed, and joined her, pulling both his and her shirts off. He ran his hand over the hump of her stomach that held their child. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered to her.

“So you are,” she said pulling him in for a kiss. “I love you,” she said.

“I love you too.”


In her seventh month, Maria was going crazy. She was making up her finals for school, not to mention that Isabel, Jim, Alex, and Michael were all coming in next week for Thanksgiving, but she couldn’t get up and move around a whole lot because of the baby.

Kyle was a great sport about everything, doing what she asked him to without question. He even took her snapping at him in stride. She didn’t do it often, and she always apologized. He knew she was stressed, not to mention uncomfortable.

The baby was doing well though. She had settled down, and was progressing nicely. Maria wouldn’t need bedrest, and nothing made her happier.

“Did you get all the stuff for dinner, but the Turkey?” Maria asked from the couch were she was finishing up her last final. It was the hardest one, and she had been working on it for weeks.

“Yep, and I’m getting the Turkey on Monday,” Kyle said sitting next to her.

Maria smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, baby,” she said.

“You are very welcome,” he said kissing her lips.

“Now, if we can just get everyone here, not burn the house down, and get the cake for Zandar’s birthday, we will be set,” she said with a smile. Zandar’s birthday was actually December 21st, but since everyone was going to be there, she decided he could celebrate with them on thanksgiving.

“Everything will be fine,” Kyle said pulling her into him, where she rested her head. “Breath,” he said with a laugh.

She smiled and allowed herself to sink into him. He could always make her relax. Kyle was about one of the most relaxed people she knew. She didn’t know how he did it, but he could always keep his cool. She knew this was going to come in handy as a father.

She took the rest of the day off, deciding to finish the Thanksgiving plans tomorrow.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 29

Thanksgiving Day, Kyle was running around the apartment like a chicken with it’s head cut off. Maria stayed in the kitchen, and so she didn’t have to move around too much, Kyle ran around, getting everything in order. It was still early, but their friends and family had a tendency to be fashionably early.

Tess was out, getting some last minute supplies, so Kyle was on his own. He had just about gotten everything done though. The table was set. Holiday Candles were lit. Zandar was content in his playpen in the living room. Everything was running smoothly when there as a knock on the door. “What do you want to bet that is Michael. The man who refuses to be late,” he said to Maria with a chuckle.

“No deal, if it isn’t Michael Evans then I’m Queen Elizabeth,” she laughed back at him as she was stirring the mixture for her pies.

Kyle ran to the door and opened it. Sure enough, Michael was standing there along with Jim. “And Maria and Kyle win again,” he yelled into the kitchen. Maria’s laughter wafted through the apartment.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Michael asked, walking through the door. Jim gave his son a hug before following.

“Nothin, just betting on who was at the door.” Kyle said with a grin on his face.

“How is Maria doing?” Jim asked.

“Good,” Kyle said, “A Little stressed though,” he said in a hushed tone.

“I’m not stressed dear. And I’m not deaf either,” she called out from the kitchen. Michael, Jim, and Kyle all burst into laughter.

They joined Maria in the kitchen and talked while she finished the last minute things in the meal. Not long after, there was another knock on the door.

Kyle jumped off the stool and got the door revealing Isabel and Alex. “Hey, Kyle” they both greeted hugging him. “Where’s Maria?”

“Kitchen,” Kyle pointed with a laugh.

“Maria you look absolutely radiant!” Isabel said hugging the 7 and a half month pregnant Maria.

“Well, pregnancy will do that,” Maria chuckled.

“I guess I’ll find out soon enough,” Isabel said biting her lip. Everyone stopped what they were doing, but Alex and looked at Isabel. Maria dropped the spoon in her hand.

“Oh My God! Izzy, your pregnant?!?!?” she cried out in excitement. Isabel enthusiastically nodded her head and Maria flung her arms around her.

“I…We didn’t know how we were going to tell everyone. It just kinda slipped out,” Isabel explained. Everyone congratulated the new mother to be, and Michael was near tears.

“You aren’t going to kill me for knocking your sister up, are you?” Alex asked.

Michael pulled the other man into him and help him tight. “Nope, you get to live to see another day.” Everyone laughed at Michael. He was so excited to be an uncle he could almost spit. He was like and uncle to Zandar and would be like one to Kyle and Maria’s daughter, but he was now going to be an uncle for real.


Soon dinner was done, Tess was back, and the group sat around the table, ready to say what they were thankful for. Isabel started, “I’m thankful for my loving husband, and friends, and for the little baby growing inside me,” she said with a smile.

“I’m thankful that we are all here together on Thanksgiving,” Alex said.

“I’m thankful for the love and support of my friends and family,” Michael answered.

“I’m thankful for all of us who are here, and those that can’t be here,” Maria said, trying to keep her emotions in check.

“I’m thankful that I found Kyle and Maria, and that I get to take care of the sweetest little boy in the whole world,” Tess said grinning at Zandar in his baby seat.

Jim went next, “I’m thankful for my first grandbaby, on the way, and for all of my children here with me today, either blood or honorary.”

Kyle went last, saying, “I’m thankful for my daughter, for Maria, the love of my life, and for all of the things I’ve been blessed with.” Maria looked at him and smiled, tears threatening to fall down her cheeks.

“Excuse me,” she said quietly, leaving the table and walking into her bedroom.

“One second,” Kyle said getting up to follow her. Everyone nodded and waited for their return.

Kyle found Maria crying on the bed, and sat down behind her rubbing her back, “Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing.” She said, “I just miss Zan. I wish he could be here, you know to see everyone.” She sniffled, wiping her face. She knew that Zan was with them all the time, she just missed him sometimes, and now that the holidays were coming up, along with Zandar’s birthday and the birth of her daughter, things were just really wearing on her emotions.

“I know, baby. I wish he could be here to,” Kyle said kissing her forehead.

Maria got herself under control and turned to Kyle, kissing him. “I’m sorry,” she said.

“Nothing to be sorry about,” Kyle assured her. “Now, let’s eat!” he grinned.


Everyone went back to their hotel rooms late that night. All the talking and catching up took a long time. Maria wanted to stay up with them, but he body was worn out, and Kyle told her it was okay to go to bed, that he body needed sleep.

She said goodnight early, and she figured everyone must have left around 2 in the morning, because that was when Kyle slipped into bed next to her, wrapping his arms around her tightly.


The next night, they all came back for Zandar’s honorary birthday party. They knew this was the best time to celebrate, because the when the baby was born, things were going to be too hectic.

“Can you believe Zandar is 1?” Maria said, glowing. She loved her son, and today had been a good day.

“It makes me feel too old,” Jim said kissing her cheek.

“Ok, it’s time for cake!” Maria said in reply to her growling stomach. Everyone laughed, and as Kyle cut the cake, Maria silently shared a moment with Zan. She knew that no matter where Zan was, or what he was doing, that he would be watching over this night. It might not be Zandar’s official birthday, but Zan wouldn’t miss it.

She smiled with satisfaction, knowing that she was moving on. Zan wanted her to move on, and she had been lucky enough to fall for Kyle. She turned back to the group, who was all diving into their cake. Moments like this made her so happy to be alive, and be a mother.


The next day everyone had to leave. They needed to get back for work, so after breakfast, they were all saying goodbye. Kyle pulled Michael aside for a second. “What’s up man?” Michael asked.

“Yeha, I just wondered if you knew anything about the Adrian and Luke situation.” Kyle said. He knew his friend too well. He knew that Michael would take care of it.

“Taken care of,” Michael said, “First, they don’t know where Maria is, and second, they want to hang on to their reproductive organs, so they high-tailed it out of Roswell. I think they are in San Francisco somewhere,” Michael said. Kyle smiled and hugged his friend.

“Ok, so everyone is going to be back here in January, right?” Maria said. She didn’t want them to miss the birth of her daughter.

“We will be here,” Isabel said kissing her friends cheek. “You be careful.”

“Hey, you too mommy,” Maria said with a grin.

Everyone said their goodbyes and left. Maria, who was still exhausted, plopped down on the couch, as much as a woman who is nearly 8 months pregnant can plop, and sighed. “Whew…I’m tired,”

Kyle laughed and picked her up in his arms, carrying her to the bed. “I can walk,” she said.

“But I just love carrying you,” he said like the true gentleman he was.


The next 2 weeks seemed to fly by. Maria was busy. She had finished making up her finals, and as the semester was winding down, she had a lot of things to grade.

Kyle’s football practices were getting longer. The team was doing well, and were on their way to state in about a week. He was excited, but it did cause a strain on his time. Maria was very pregnant, just reaching her 8 month mark, and he wished he could be home more. Thank god Tess was there.

That night, exactly 2 weeks after Thanksgiving, Maria and Kyle were sitting on the couch watching TV. All of a sudden, Maria felt an extreme bout of indigestion. “Mmm,” she moaned clutching her stomach.

“Baby, what is wrong?” Kyle asked going into full-on panic.

“Nothing,” Maria assured him, “Must be something I ate. I’ve got some indigestion I s all,” she said standing up to walk to bed. “I think I’m gonna go to bed,” she said still holding her stomach.

Kyle was worried, so he followed her. “I think you should stay in bed tomorrow,” he said.

Normally, Maria would have fought him tooth and nail, but the pain setting in was too much. She nodded and told him to call her in, which Kyle did immediately. Then he climbed into bed and watched her as she slowly, and painfully fell asleep.

The next morning, Kyle told Tess to keep and eye on Maria. She was still feeling sick, and he needed to know that she was ok. He explained what was wrong with her and Tess nodded, “Of Course, kyle. I’ll call you if anything happens.”

Kyle left for work, worrying that he should have stayed home. But he knew that Maria wouldn’t have it, and besides Tess would call him if anything changed.


Maria slept most of the morning, waking up only when the stomach pains woke her. Finally, as the indigestion turned to sharp pains in her lower back and abdomen, she feared something was wrong. “Tess,” she called, swinging her legs out of bed.

Tess ran into the room immediately. “Yeah, what’s up?” she asked, trying not to sound paniced.

“I…I think I need to go to the hospital,” Maria said standing up. And then the floodgates opened. Maria felt her water break and she looked at Tess in a panic. “This cant be happening,” she cried hysterically. “I’m only 8 months pregnant. She can’t come out now. Oh god, what I’m I going to do?” she cried.

Tess rushed to her and held her in her arms. “Maria…honey,” she said running a soothing hand over her friend, “Everything is going to be fine. We are going to go to the hospital, and I’ll call Kyle to meet ups there. You just need to concentrate on your breathing and stay calm.” She advised. Maria nodded her head and tried to concentrate.

Tess quickly left the room to prepare Zandar’s diaper bag and get him ready to go. In record time, she was back in the bedroom and she took Maria’s hand, Zandar in the other arm and led her slowly out to the car. “Come one, get in,” she said opening the door for a petrified Maria.

When Tess was behind the wheel, she headed for the hospital and pulled out her cell to call Kyle. It rang and rang and rang, but he never picked up. She figured he must have it on silent because he was teaching. She flipped though her phonebook and found the number of the school. She quickly dialed.

Kyle was sitting in one of his PE classes, still thinking about Maria. He had basically given all of his students a day off because there was no way he could concentrate on teaching. Lost in thought and worry, he heard the announcement bell sound. “Would Mr. Valenti please come to the front office for an urgent phone call.” It said.

He didn’t even address his students, Kyle just got off the bleachers and ran out of the gym as fast as possible. He needed to get to that phone in the office immediately. He finally got there, out of breath, when the principal handed him the phone. “Hello?” he called into the phone, nearly hysterical.

“Kyle, it’s Tess. Maria’s in labor. You need to get to the hospital now!” she said.

“But it isn’t time. She’s only 8 month pregnant!” he cried into the phone. Tess assured him it was possible to go into labor early and that he needed to hurry up.

The principal as well as the secretaries were eaves-dropping, and the principal turned to him and said, “Go, I’ll get Coach Ryan to cover your classes. Call us with any news,” he said happy for Kyle. He knew how excited he was to be a father.

Kyle thanked him and ran out of the building to his car, pulling out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 30

Kyle sped down the road, trying to make it to the hospital as fast as he could. He pulled hot his cell phone and called his dad. After about 10 rings, he answered, “Hello?”

“DAD!” Kyle cried into the phone in relief. He was sure his father wasn’t going to answere.

“Kyle, what’s wrong? Is maria ok?” Jim said, panicking at his son’s voice.

“She’s in labor. A month early. I’m on my way to the hospital. What do I do?” He cried into the phone. Kyle was lost. He had no clue what to do, or how to deal with this situation.

“Kyle…Kyle, calm down.” Jim said, a little worried himself, but he needed to get his son’s emotions under control if he was going to be any help to Maria.

“Just get to the hospital, find Maria, talk to the doctor and go from there. Babies are delivered early all the time. There is no need to panic.” Jim said calmly.

“Ok, but what if…” Kyle started.

“Don’t even go there, son. You will make yourself and Maria sick going over all the possibilities. Just breath and be calm for Maria’s sake.” Jim said, “She is probably more scared than you are.”

“Ok,” Kyle answered, knowing his father was right as usual.

“Now, I’m going to leave and find a flight out there immediately. You want me to call Isabel and Michael?” Jim said.

“You don’t have to leave,” Kyle protested.

“No way am I missing my granddaughter’s birth. I will be there as soon as I can.” Jim said.

“Ok, yeah if you could call Izzy and Michael, that would help me out a lot,” Kyle said, wanting to strickly focus on Maria and his daughter.

“Alright, son. I’ll call you when I know my arrival time.” Jim said before hanging up.

Kyle finally turned into the hospital parking lot, and sprintd form his car to the ER. He approached a nurse and said, “My…my girlfriend is in labor. Maria DeLuca-Guerin.” He breathed out in between pants.

She looked at him and smiled, father’s to be were always so funny. “You are going to want to go down this hall, hang a left to OB-GYN, and ask the nurse at the desk. Kyle, usually a polite man just ran in that direction, not even thanking the woman. He needed to get to Maria.

He finally approached the desk and asked, “Maria DeLuca-Guerin?” The nurse sitting there looked at her chart for the name.

“Room 134.” He said. Kyle ran down the hall to the room and when he got there, he rushed inside.

“Kyle!” Maria cried out in happiness. He had made it. She was so worried he wasn’t going to be able to get out of school for a while. She was scared to death and she needed him. Tess watched as Kyle walked over to Maria and took her hand in his. “I’m so scared, Kyle,” Maria cried.

“Baby, it’s going to be ok. You just have to relax. I know it’s impossible, but he have to try.” He said. “Have you seen t he doctor?”

“I saw one, but they are calling in Dr Vic. I haven’t seen her yet.” Maria said wiping her tears.

Kyle turned back to Tess, “Thank you,” he said on the verge of tears. If it hadn’t been for her, Maria would probably be going into labor on their living room floor.

“No thanks needed,” Tess said. “You want me to leave you two alone?” she asked.

“No, stay with us,” Maria said. Kyle nodded. Tess was defiantly welcome.

Just then, another contraction hit Maria. “Oh god…” she moaned, squeezing Kyle’s hand tightly.

“I’m here, baby.” He said kissing her forehead. She wasn’t even through her contraction when Dr. Vic walked into the room. She walked over to Maria and felt her stomach as the contraction subsided.

“Well, you are here earlier than we expected,” Dr. Vic said with a smile. She was trying to keep the young couple calm, because she could tell they were both freeking out, and that was not going to help her at all.

“What does that mean? Is the baby going to be ok?” Maria asked, petrified to know the answers.

Dr. Vic sat down next to her. “Maria, everything could be fine. I deliver month early babies more than you would think.” She smiled.

“But what are the risks. I want to know.” Maria said forcefully. Kyle rubbed her hand, he didn’t want her upsetting herself, but at the same time, maybe if they knew the risks, they could prepare.

“Well,” the doctor started, “At your progressing, there is an 85% survival rate.” The doctor wished that was a higher number, “but I can tell you that every single month pre-mature baby I’ve delivered has survived.”

Maria clutched Kyle’s hand tightly, and he just stared off into space as the doctor continued. “The organs that usually cuase the problems in Pre-mies are the lungs. Now, if the lungs are fully developed, which at this point the most likely are, you should have no problems. A couple weeks in intensive care, just for monitoring, and then you will be off on your way,” she said with a smile.

“And if they aren’t?” Maria asked. She was used to having the things she loved taken away from her, and she wanted to know what she was up against.

Dr. Vic bit the inside of her lip. “Well, if the pungs aren’t fully developed, we will take the baby into an incubation pod and simulate the womb for her to develop her lungs. Either way, you shouldn’t worry.” She smiled.

Maria nodded, and while she was in no way relaxing, she felt better. Kyle looked at her, and pasted a smile on his face as well. “We are going to get through this,” he promised.

Tess hoped he was right, because if anything happened to that baby, both Maria and Kyle were going to be lost forever.


“Alright, it’s time to move you to delivery,” Dr. Vic said, 10 hours later to one very tired Maria. She nodded her head and the doctor looked at Kyle. “Will you be staying for the birth.” When he nodded forcefully, she smiled and handed him some scrubs. Put these on and meet us in delivery 1, down the hall.”

Kyle did as he was told, while Tess made her way to the waiting room. There, she saw Jim, just in from Roswell. “Jim,” she cried out, running into his arms. Jim hugged her tightly.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Maria is going into the delivery room. The doctor thinks the baby will be ok, and Kyle is getting ready to join them.” Tess said summing up the events of the last 10 hours.

Jim sighed with some relief. If the doctor thought everything would be ok, who was he to disagree. “Ok,” he said, and soon Kyle made his way through the waiting room one his way to the delivery room. “Kyle!” Jim called out to get his attention.

“Dad!” Kyle said rushing over to him. “I didn’t think you would get here this fast. I had my phone off because of the equipment.” Kyle explained.

“I understand,” Jim said, “You better get back to Maria. She needs you,” he reminded his son with a loving smile. Kyle hugged his father and then kissed him before continuing on his way to delivery.


“Maria, I can see the head. Just a couple more pushes, you can do this!” Dr. Vic called out to her.

Maria looked up at Kyle and pushed again. “You can do this, baby.” He coached her as she nearly squeezed his hand completely off. She pushed again, and against. Two more times she pushed and then the baby was out.

When the baby didn’t cry, Maria looked up at the doctor panicked. Dr. Vic cut the embilical chord and handed the baby to a nurse immediately. “Take her to post-natal ICU. Set up a breathing system, and incubation.” The doctor said in a calm tone. She knew the strom was coming.

“What’s going on?” Maria asked, getting more panicked by the minute.

Kyle could hold it in no longer either. “Where are you taking her? Why wasn’t she crying?” he asked with tears already falling down his face.

“Maria,” the doctor addressed her first. “You have to calm down. We need to clean you up, and give you some stitches, then I promise I can explain. As of right now, the baby is in good hands.”

“Calm down?!? I will not calm down. She didn’t cry. You have to tell me what is going on!” she begged.

The doctor sighed slightly and tried to hurriedly explain. “You’re baby’s lungs are not fully developed.” She said. Maria gripped Kyle’s hand tighter as he breath caught, “Now, this is not totally uncommon, and we are going to keep her stable until they do develop. I can explain more to you, after you have been stitched up and rested. If you don’t sleep, I’ll have to give you something. You body is goignt o give out if you done rest it.” The doctor said seriously.

Maria began sobbing as the nurses began to move her out of the room. “I’m right here, baby.” Kyle said. “I’ll be in the waiting room with dad and Tess.”

“Jim’s here?” she asked beginning to brighten up just slightly.

“Yeah, he’s here.” Kyle said.

“Ok, will you be with me when I wake up?” she asked, almost child like.

“Of course,” Kyle answered almost choking on his words. Maria smiled slightly and watcher her rolled out of the room.

The doctor finally turned to him and said. “Kyle, I will keep you informed on everything that is happening,” she promised. “It is your job to make sure that Maria remains as calm as possible, and when we get the baby set up, the more you visit her the better. They say that a baby needs the love of it’s parents to survive.”

Kyle began openly crying as he nodded. How had this happened? Why? All he wanted in the world was to have Maria and his daughter be safe. Was that really too much to ask? And Maria, had she not been through enough?

He slowly made his way to the waiting room, still crying, and as Tess and Jim saw him, Tess breathed “Oh my God,” placing her hand over her mouth.

Jim just ran to his son and wrapped his arms tightly around him. “What happened?” Jim asked.

Kyle crumbled in his father arms. “The…the baby…her lungs aren’t…fully…developed, so…so they ha…have to keep her in ICU!” he cried out, clutching to his father for dear life.

“Shhh…shhhh,” Jim said running his hands protectively over his son’s head. “It will be ok.” He whispered to his son, praying to God he was right.

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