Because of You (MM / Adult) (Complete)

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Post by To_Kiss_A_Frog »

Thanks everyone for the feedback. This story is drawing to a close though. I have the next chapter written so look for that in a couple days and I'm hoping to having everything tied up by the end of the week. Thanks everyone!! :D

Chapter 20

“What are you doing here, Maria?” he asked without preamble though his voice was weary and quiet rather than upset or bothered by her presence. She didn’t think she would have been able to handle it if he was angry with her. Thinking about it now, maybe she had been rash in her decision but then again, she hadn’t been thinking with her head at the time.

“I guess your girlfriend told you that I stopped by” Maria replied, coolly and stepped around him to the corner where her discarded clothes lay. Suddenly feeling a little self conscious, she grabbed a sweater and pulled it over the simple white tank she wore. “You can tell her that she doesn’t have to worry. I’ll be gone in the morning” she explained before turning indifferent hazel eyes back to Michael.

“My girlfriend?” he asked, seeming genuinely puzzled, giving Maria the impression that he wasn’t dating the woman, merely sleeping with her.

“Girlfriend… girl you’re… with, whatever” she added flippantly before he had a chance to elaborate on what his relationship with the other woman was. “Either way, it doesn’t matter” she shrugged but didn’t completely convince Michael of her indifference.

“That still doesn’t answer my question” Michael stated. “I didn’t ask when you were leaving, I asked what you were doing here” he persisted and crossed his arms across his chest. The look he gave her was stubborn and familiar. He used it as a silent way of saying ‘I don’t believe you.’ She knew it just as well as he did and decided she didn’t have much more to lose. Why not tell him the truth?

“Alright” she conceded. “I came here to see you.” Her tone gave the impression that it was no big deal but her eyes gave her away. They were open, expressing the apprehension he knew she felt. Briefly, he took pleasure in knowing that he could still read her. Despite his outwards appearance, he was glad to see her; he just wasn’t quiet ready to open back up to her until he knew that she was certain about her feelings for him.

“Was there a problem at the gallery or something?” he queried and watched, with a small sense of satisfaction, as a small glint of fire lit in her eyes. He wanted her angry, wanted to see her passion because it would be the only way she would ever admit anything to him. Anger was her outlet and he preferred it much more than the cool looks and frosty comments. He always had.

“No” Maria returned, realizing that he wasn’t going to make things easy for her. Then again, she didn’t deserve easy, certainly not after the hard time she gave him. “I just… just wanted to see you.”

Taking the answer and leaving it for now, Michael’s features softened as he gently took her hand in his. A part of him admitted that he was surprised she let him. “What about your mom. How’s she doing?” he quietly asked and watched her face transform before him. Obviously he missed a lot and really wanted to sit with her and hear all about it.

“She’s better. She’s in AA now and taking things one day at a time” Maria softly smiled.

“So I guess things are better between the two of you” he surmised, logically, and received a small nod from Maria in response. “I’m glad to hear it. You deserved to get your mom back and I guess if she’s working hard at it, she deserves to get you back too.”

“What about you?” she asked, boldly. “Do I deserve to get you back?” she wondered, momentarily catching him off guard. Her inquiry had been the last thing he expected, especially after several minutes of beating around the bush. Unfortunately, she took his silence as rejection and pulled her hand a way. “I’m sorry. You have a girlfriend and I’m not being fair” she apologized and desperately tried to hold back the tears that came with an onslaught of sadness.

“Why would you want me back?” Michael asked, again pushing back her comment about his girlfriend. “You made it pretty clear back in Roswell that you didn’t want me. Why are you here now? What changed?” he queried and watched a myriad of emotions pass across her features. He expected words, some sort of explanation but received none. Instead, Maria walked towards her suitcase and retrieved the leather journal.

“A lot of things changed since you left” she commented, staring down and studying the book that had finally given her some much needed closure. “This is one of them” she added and paused for only a moment before handing it to him.

Curiously, Michael took the book and flipped through a few pages before returning to the first one.

My Dearest Maria,
I know that you’re too young to understand any of this now but I hope that one day, when you’re older, you’ll be curious enough about me to read through this. Seems kind of contradictory, I know. On one hand I almost hope that you grow to hate me, in which case this book will never find its way to your hands. The other half of me is hoping and praying that your anger will never be enough to own the title of hate.

If you’re confused right now, that’s okay. Just keep reading and you’ll eventually understand everything. I won’t promise that I’ll always have something good to say but I promise that everyday, I’ll at least have something to say.

I conclude this first letter to you with my love. Despite everything that my behavior might lead you to believe, I love you and your mother very much. Things will change and they’ll continue to change, but my love will be the one constant. Please don’t ever doubt that.
<center>With love,

“He um… he was sick” Maria murmured so quietly that her voice was almost lost in the storm’s noise that drifted in through the door and windows. “And to make a long story short, he left because he didn’t think he was going to make it and wanted to spare my mom and me the pain of seeing him get sick and eventually…he just… he didn’t make it” she explained, closing her eyes in pain as the words she spent a night reading, echoed in her head.

She didn’t expect it but she welcomed the feel of Michael’s arms around her body as he held her close. He was warm and familiar. Maria knew she should push him away, he was taken now, but when she raised her hands, they grabbed the material of his shirt and pulled him closer instead.

Michael came willingly and tightened his hold when she began to shiver as sobs racked her body. “Shh…” he quietly soothed with a gentle whisper against her ear. “I’m here” he promised and gently sifted his fingers through her soft, sandy tendrils.

Maria wanted to believe him but knew that while he was there now, he wouldn’t always be. He had someone and Billy was right. She was going to end up alone and it would be no one’s fault but her own. It was that realization that caused Maria to finally take a step back and put some much needed distance between her and Michael.

“Can I ask you something, Maria?”

“Sure” she nodded, accommodating his request though the question he asked filled her with confusion and surprise.

“When are you finally going to stop pushing me away?” Michael wondered, pinning her with an intense stare. At the baffled look she shot him, he pushed on, voicing all the questions that had filled him since his phone conversation earlier that evening. “Why did you come here if you just wanted to keep putting up walls between us? Weren’t there enough for you with more than fifty miles between us?” he questioned, wearing a pained expression.

“When am I… how dare you?” Maria erupted. “Do you think I’m just gonna fall into bed with you and forget that you have that blonde… person, waiting for you to come home? Do you really believe that of me?”

“Do you really believe that of me?” he quickly retaliated. “How could you accuse me of wanting to sleep with you if I had a girlfriend, which by the way, I don’t” he spat with more anger than she had ever seen him express. “God, Maria… do you remember my agent, Rath?” he asked and refused to continue until she nodded in acknowledgement. “Well that woman you saw was his wife, Ava. She’s staying at my place because their four year old son got the chicken pox and she’s never had them before” he stated in explanation while Maria’s mind reeled.

“But… she looked like she had just gotten out of bed… she was wearing your shirt” Maria spouted, trying to grasp onto something that would explain her natural assumptions.

“What shirt?” Michael questioned, equally as confused.

“Metallica” she muttered simply as she thought back to her earlier encounter.

“Rath and I have the same taste in music” Michael shrugged. “It was probably his shirt. As for just getting out of bed, she probably had. She’s a lawyer and has been working round the clock on her latest case” he informed though there was one other thing he needed to clear up before he stopped and waited for her to make a decision. “And just in case you were wondering, while she’s staying at my place, I’ve been staying with Rath. I had the pox when I was a kid so it wasn’t a big deal for me.”

Maria listened, hearing his words and his voice long after he had stopped talking. “I’m sorry that I… assumed, what I did” she apologized though it didn’t seem to faze him. She wondered if there would ever be a time when her voice, or specifically, her words, didn’t hurt him. “It’s just that I was so… nervous and… excited about seeing you. I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest” she admitted with a nervous laugh. “But when the door opened and… and that beautiful woman was on the other side of it I just… my head stopped working and my heart took over. All my heart felt was… sadness and hurt.”

He showed no outward appearance of what he was thinking and that unnerved Maria more than she cared to admit. The funny was, as soon as that thought floated through her mind, another quickly replaced it. If he was being difficult now, it wasn’t that she didn’t deserve it. More often than not, she was difficult and rarely, if ever, made things easy on him. Now, it seemed only fair that he was giving her the same treatment.

Deciding it was time to lay everything out on the line, Maria took a deep breath and just start talking. She invited him to sit and told him all about her visit with Angela and her confusion over whether or not to tell Amy the truth. Maria explained her mother’s recovery as well as her own.

He didn’t say much, just sat there listening to her words. His expressions and mannerisms were what did the talking, showing sympathy, amusement and understanding at all the appropriate times. He made her feel comfortable and as a slew of words fell from her mouth, she slowly began to heal.

“Can I ask you something?” Michael wondered once she had uttered her last explanatory sentence.

“Of course” Maria invited with baited breath.

“You asked if you deserved to get me back” he stated, wearing a thoughtful look as he refused to release her eyes from his gaze. “You said that your heart hurt when you saw Ava and thought she was my girlfriend. And um… if I put those things together, it sounds like you want for us to give our… previous relationship, another shot. Is that really what you want?” he asked, finally getting to the question.

“Would you consider it, if it was what I wanted?” Maria countered and saw the frustration etch his features at her question. Conceding, she quickly amended, “Yes, it’s what I want. I guess the big question now is whether or not it’s what you want” she murmured.

“You’re wrong” Michael stated in no uncertain terms. “That isn’t the big question. It’s what would be different this time around” he explained. “Would you still try to push me away when things got difficult? Would you still shut yourself off from me? Would we be able to get past this emotional road block we kept finding ourselves facing? Will it be any different than before?” he asked, intending to make a point and hoping that he didn’t sound like a jerk for doing it.

“I want to promise you that things will be different… better. I want, so much, to be the girlfriend you deserve but the truth is, I don’t know. I can’t predict what will happen or won’t happen. All I can do is try but I want to. I want to try and make things right between us. I want you in my life and I’ll do whatever I can to make that happen.”

It was the truth, minus the sugarcoating. Neither of them needed false hope or empty promises, they had both had enough of that over the years to ever want it again.

“I want another chance with you Michael. Now my question for you, is whether or not you’re going to give it to me” Maria asked, watching his face for some answer in either direction. Her heart raced and her palms shook, waiting for a sign that maybe she had been wrong all the years before. Maybe she did get the prince and the happily ever after ending.

Maybe she did deserve forever.
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Post by To_Kiss_A_Frog »

Hello everyone! Thanks for the great feedback, I know some of you are pretty anxious to find out what's gonna happen so I won't make you wait any longer. Hello to everyone who found this story, thanks for stopping by. Enjoy!

Chapter 21

When he didn’t immediately answer, Maria’s shoulders slumped though not in defeat, simply in indecision. She wouldn’t give up; she just needed to find another way to make him see how much she wanted things to work out between them. Then, if after everything, he still didn’t want her, she would give him that. She would leave him alone and give him the chance to find his happiness elsewhere, even if it meant finding it with someone else.

“Come on” Michael said, pulling Maria out of her musings as he took her hand in his and tugged her up.

“Michael, what are we…”

“Shh…” he quieted with a single finger against her lips. “Just trust me” he stated though Maria’s ears heard the underlying question. He was asking her if she could do this for him.

“Always” Maria replied, wholeheartedly.

“Good” Michael smiled and led Maria out into the raging storm. “A woman finds out her husband is cheating in the rain. A man proposes in the rain. A person finds out a deep dark secret as thunder claps and the lightening bolts brighten the sky” he uttered, some words hers, some words his. “Everything worth happening or knowing, is in the rain… right?”

They stood for a few moments but it was enough to completely soak their clothes and skin. Neither really noticed.

He opened his arms to her, a silent invitation that she quickly and easily took. He held her, hugging her cool body to his, filling her with warmth and heat. Maria wasn’t sure how long they stood there but it felt like no time had elapsed as he leaned back enough to meet her gaze. Gently, he pushed the hair away from her face and settled his hands against her smooth skin.

“I love you, Maria”

She closed her eyes, cherishing and holding tight to the simple, beautiful words. They were a gift, the most precious one he could have given her and she let them wash over her, bathing her in the incredible feeling before finally returning her eyes to his.

There was no hesitance, no uncertainty in her gaze as she said the words for the first time. “And I love you.”

Her declaration was swiftly met with a long, fiery kiss.

Up until now, every time she thought about Michael and how much she missed him, she quickly pushed those feelings away. She didn’t allow herself to truly miss him but now, with his arms embracing and his lips caressing, she sunk into the kiss and finally admitted to herself how much she had missed every single nuance that was Michael Guerin.

The fact that they were outside and possibly being watched by anyone didn’t matter to either of them. All that mattered, all that was important was the person they held in their arms. “Say it again” he demanded against her lips, drawing forth a delightful laugh from Maria who was quick to respond.

“I love you… I love you… I love you” she declared, each one louder than the next. She felt cheesy and like a character in one of the chick flicks she was always watching on Lifetime but she also didn’t care. She was happy and the man standing before her was the reason for that. “God I love you” she murmured and drew him back into the kiss.

Each knew that there were still things to resolve and decisions to make but this was a good enough start.


Dawn was slowly making an appearance as Maria lay awake, thinking about the night she just spent with the man who peacefully slept beside her. The man who loved her, she mentally corrected and that thought alone was enough to bring a brilliant smile to her face.

Turning on her side, Maria propped her elbow on the pillow and rested her head in the palm of her hand. Gently, she pushed the shaggy hair away from his closed lids and froze in place as he quietly stirred. A small grunt fell from his lips, causing Maria to giggle quietly before he settled into a comfortable position.

As she studied his peaceful features, she let her mind wander to the night before and the reason he was so tired now.

With their bodies cold, their clothing soaked and their lips fused, Michael and Maria stumbled back into her room. His hands were impatient as he grasped the hem of her sweater and tugged it off her body. Eagerly, Maria returned the favor as she began to work on his belt and jeans, all the while Michael removed the simple button down shirt he wore.

“Hmmm… Michael” she moaned when he trailed his lips down her neck. Finding her pulse point, he ran his tongue across the smooth skin, teasing her until she moaned again.

They drove each other insane with passion as hands grappled… enticed until both were panting with want.

Clumsily, they fell onto the bed, all the while never loosening their hold or removing their lips. It should have been slow. Isn’t that what was supposed to happen when you finally declare your love to someone. Neither cared about what was supposed to happen as their impatience and passion for one another took over.

“Oh god Michael” she whimpered as his hand found her hot and wet.

She rose up on her hands and knees then emitted a quiet groan as he placed his lips to her spine. He lulled her into a smooth seduction with his hot kisses and sweet caresses. He waited until it became too much and plunged deep inside her welcoming depths.

Slow strokes and lingering touches were not enough. The fire between them was strong and raw as his thrusts picked up speed. Her name was low groan from his mouth while his was a reverent caress. Their breathing was labored as he tugged on her nipples. Hips crashed and met like an orchestrated dance. She pushed against him, wanting… needing him to fill her. He answered her silent plea with long, fast strokes.

Heat flooded her body, making her blood boil. She screamed his name in pure, unadulterated ecstasy as she rose and fell over the peak. Unrelenting… unyielding, he plunged in and out, building her up once before they fell over together. Spasms of bliss raced through their bodies as he spilled his seed into her drenched center.

Tired… satisfied, the two rolled over until he was tightly spooned behind her limber body. Locked in a loving embrace, his lips feasted on the creamy skin of her shoulders before reaching her graceful neck.

Maria felt his erection twitch, poking her back as it stirred back to life. “Hmmm…” she moaned and turned in his arms where his waiting mouth met hers.

Over and again, their bodies joined until night slowly began to fade into day. Exhausted and boneless, they finally fell into sleep.

Maria lost track of the number of orgasms she had or the times they made love. Two hours, at most, had past but Maria found she couldn’t sleep any longer. The tiredness seeped away, leaving happiness in its wake. “You’re like a machine, woman” Michael stated, reminding Maria of the strange ability he had to always know what she was thinking or doing.

“I didn’t hear you complaining last night” Maria teased, unable to wipe thee grin from her face.

“What guy is gonna complain when he has an extremely beautiful and sexy woman in his bed?” Michael asked as he finally opened his eyes. “Especially when the guy is in love with said girl.” It wasn’t possible for Maria to describe the intense feelings she felt when he said those words. “Listen, I know that we still have a lot to work out but for now… can we just put that on hold and forget that there are still obstacles in the way?” he asked, wearing a solemn expression that had Maria nodding in acceptance. “Good” he murmured and pulled her down so that she sprawled across his chest.

Once again, in the comfort of her love’s arms, Maria found sleep.


The next few days felt like a dream to Maria who floated through the days working by phone and fax while she floated through the nights in bed with Michael. As the week drew to a close, she dreaded Sunday, knowing that it was the day she had to leave.

While Jennifer and Isabel were happy enough to run the gallery while she took a much needed vacation, it wasn’t a permanent arrangement. Maria had a lot to get done, especially since they would begin a new feature soon. More calls would have to be made, interviews would have to be conducted and as the gallery manager, it was Maria’s job to do all these things.

“Hey, what’s going on in there?” Michael queried as the two, once again, found themselves in bed.

After that first morning, Michael left just before noon, claiming he had a lunch date with Clara. It took a lot of negotiating on Maria’s part to convince him that she would meet the sweet, old woman later rather than that morning. When he returned, hours later, he carried with him a single duffle bag and proceeded to live out of her hotel room for the remainder of her stay.

While they did go out to galleries… the park… and to eventually finally meet Clara, the couple spent the majority of their free time together in bed. It was a deliriously wonderful feeling to fall asleep and wake up with the person you love, lying beside you.

“I was just thinking about tomorrow” Maria admitted and smiled in spite of everything when she felt Michael place a kiss against her hair.

“You know, it’s not a big deal” Michael commented, successfully drawing a curious expression on Maria’s face. “I mean, I’m an artist. I worked well enough in Roswell during the show so it wouldn’t be a big deal to go back there for a while” he offered and while it was sweet and filled Maria with warmth that he would do that for her, she regrettably had to decline.

“I’d love it if there was someway that could work out but… I can’t let you change your life and what you have going here, just for me.”

“That’s the thing about relationships, Maria” Michael replied and waited until she had turned to face him before continuing. “It isn’t about you or me, it’s about us.”

Maria wasn’t sure what to say about that so she chose to instead, remain quiet.

Sleep didn’t find her easily that night. Thoughts of a life with Michael filled her mind. She wanted to be with him, more than anything else, but she didn’t want him to be the only one making sacrifices. He was willing to leave his home, where he had grown up, if only for a little while, in order to stay together and while wished she could make the same sacrifice, she didn’t know if she could right now.

With Amy still recovering and their relationship still mending, she was loathsome to move away. She felt like she just got her mother back, she didn’t want to lose her again. Still… it was unfair to Michael and even though Maria wanted to say no, wanted to stop him from uprooting his life, she was couldn’t force the words out. She loved him, she wanted to be with him and until they were able to work something else out she wondered if it was really so wrong to bring him back to Roswell with her.


The next morning, with a long kiss, several ‘I love yous’ and a promise to see each other later that day, Maria drove away from the hotel while Michael left in the opposite direction. He had a few things to square away with Rath, some more clothes and supplies to pick up and then he was going to drive to Roswell.

Throughout her entire trip back, Maria contemplated her options. She thought about what Michael was willing to do for her… for them, and she realized that despite making some progress, she was still so unsure and unused to being in a relationship like the one she was developing with Michael.

This wasn’t just about companionship or great sex, it was about love and that meant that she would have to make some adjustments. Not changes, but adjustments. She wanted to show him that she could be just as committed as he was. Words wouldn’t be enough, not yet and not everything she said and did in the past.

Several miles outside of Las Cruces, a plan began to take shape. It would definitely take some time for everything to work itself out but Maria know matter how long it took, she was determined to work though it. After all, she wholeheartedly believed that Michael was worth it.

So with that in mind, she pushed down on the gas and in next to no time, she sped into Roswell.
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Post by To_Kiss_A_Frog »

Sorry for taking so long!!!! Thank you to everyone for all your wonderful feedback. The next part will be the Epilogue which I hope to get out very soon. Thanks again to everyone reading and lurking!! :D

Chapter 22

“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes” Jim greeted with a wide grin and pulled Maria into his fatherly embrace. “Come on in darling. You’re mom had to go back to her shop for a half hour but she should be back in time for dinner” he explained to Maria who followed him into her mother’s kitchen.

After several weeks of long phone conversations, it seemed that the next logical step would be a visit and Maria was glad to see the genuine smile back on his face. “I’m really glad you’re here Jim” Maria admitted and squeezed his hand across the dining table. “You look happy” she commented and nearly laughed out loud when his grin grew wider.

“I am darling” he answered before fixing her with an appraising stare of his own. “Why don’t you tell me about the trip you took” he suggested and went about pouring them both a drink as Maria took a deep breath and began her story.

“Well… I guess you could say that I figured a lot out in the past week” Maria replied as she tried to find the right words to describe everything she was feeling. “The thing is… I’ve been thinking about making some changes in my life and I think you’re probably the best person to talk to about them” she confessed and waited until he was sitting again before attempting to gauge his reaction.

“I’ll do whatever I can” Jim promised and thankfully, didn’t press her to find out anymore about her trip.

“I finally opened my eyes” Maria stated simply with a small smile lighting her features. “When I looked at Michael… I saw everything I was missing and everything I want. He’s it for me but I’m not really sure what to do about it” she admitted, candidly and nervously took a sip from her glass. The bitter taste of chamomile tea mixed with plain, black coffee assaulted her taste buds, causing her to shoot Jim a questioning glance.

“Sorry. Your mother drinks it all the time to avoid drinking alcohol” Jim said in explanation and took the glass from her hand to replace with a bottle of Sprite. “So what exactly are you unsure about?” he asked after a few, contemplatative moments.

“Michael’s coming to Roswell… to stay for a while so we won’t have to spend so much time apart” Maria replied and couldn’t help the small smile that formed on her lips as she thought about the wonderful man in Las Cruces. “The thing is, I’m glad he’s coming but a part of me doesn’t think he should.”

“You lost me there sugar” Jim admitted. “Why don’t you think he should come here?”

“Because his life is there” Maria said helplessly. “I don’t want him to give up his life for mine… for us. Sacrifices and… and compromises should come from both directions and I just feel like he’s doing all the work, or will eventually feel like he is” she explained and didn’t miss the exasperated expression Jim wore at her admission.

“Darling… I never pegged you as someone who’s stupid but sometimes stupid things come out of your mouth” he stated bluntly then chuckled when Maria’s mouth fell open in surprise. “Michael loves you. Anyone can see it in his eyes whenever he looks at you” he felt the need to point out. “Now, I’m sure his decision to move here for a while, is something he thought a lot about and is comfortable with. Now why don’t you tell me what’s really bothering you” he cajoled.

“Well… like I said, I thought a lot about… everything, I suppose. I love Michael, he makes me happier than I’ve ever been before and I guess I just want to find some way to show him that” Maria struggled and wrung her hands together beneath the table top in nervousness. “I thought about moving, about getting a job at some gallery in Las Cruces but I’m not quite ready for it and I guess I’m just afraid that he’s going to feel like I’m taking advantage of him while I’m really just trying to come to terms with everything” she admitted and waited for the older man to offer his opinion on the matter.

“Maybe you could just tell him your intention” Jim suggested, obviously seeing no problem in the arrangement.

“That’s the thing. See… I don’t want him to think I’m unsure about us, I’m just unsure about picking my life up and moving it somewhere else” Maria replied, pausing for a sip of her cool drink to soothe her parched throat. “And in a way, it’s not fair for me to be scared because he isn’t. He has friends and people who he considers family there and yet, he’s still doing this for me… for us” she quickly corrected, remembering his earlier statement.

“Maria, it’s time for you to let go of your fear of fears and understand that life doesn’t come with guarantees” Jim advised wisely. “Love doesn’t mean happily ever after but it also doesn’t mean you won’t get the fairy tale ending all little girls dream of. You need to just stop worrying and find your place. I guarantee that when you get there, Michael will be standing right beside you.”

Maria nodded to show she heard him, all the while mulling over his words. He was right, she needed to stop worrying about what Michael might think and concentrate on what he was doing and what he was saying.

“Sweetie, it’s so good to see you” Amy greeted as she ambled in and swept her daughter up into a warm hug. It was still a bit unfamiliar and took Maria a good two seconds before she returned the embrace. “How was your trip?” she asked and pulled back to gaze appraisingly at her daughter’s face, much as Jim had only minutes before.

“It was good” Maria replied, unsure of what else to say. There was still a lot between them but the time would come for all of that later, now she just wanted to tell her mom that her boyfriend was coming and she wanted her mom to accept it.

She was glad when Amy did.


Michael’s return was celebrated with a big dinner at the Deluca house, followed by a very long night of love making at Maria’s house. She couldn’t help but think about how different things wore from the last time he had been in Roswell and just as quickly, she shut those thoughts away. None of that was important past learning from her mistakes and Maria was certain she wouldn’t repeat them.

Two weeks past in the blink of eye. Michael managed to rent his old apartment and used it as a temporary studio. Some nights he stayed there until the early hours of dawn, working on some phantom project he refused to let Maria see.

At the gallery, her days were spent interviewing new artists for the upcoming show, all the while observing her staff for unmentioned reasons. Every task, every explanation filed away for later viewing.

Sometimes Michael came by at lunch and the two rode his motorcycle around the town just to get away from everything for a while. With the wind blowing around them, their bodies molded together like two pieces of clay in one of his sculptures. Other times, they walked across the street to the Crashdown for a Will Smith while chatting with a pregnant Liz who practically glowed with happiness.

They still argued but the heat behind it was mostly passionate, rather than angry. After everything, there just didn’t seem to be anything worth really fighting over.

One day, over a month after he arrived in Roswell, Maria began to feel ill in the mornings. As quietly as possible, she hurried to the bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach. With the water from the faucet running, she was able to disguise her sickness with the sound of early morning grooming.

The second morning, she began to count the days in her mind, trying to remember her last period, only to discover that it had been at least two weeks before her trip to Las Cruces.

“No, no, no” she muttered to herself and buried her face in her hands. She couldn’t be pregnant… not now that things were starting to work out. The last thing she wanted was for Michael to feel trapped and she feared that this huge development, would do just that. “Oh god” she murmured and quickly rose to wash her tears away when she heard Michael moving around in the bedroom. “Morning” she quietly greeted as he pushed the door open and leaned against the door jam.

Maria felt her gaze soften as she stared at his muscular form, clad only in a pair of plaid boxers while his hair was thoroughly mussed from a long night’s rest. There was sleep in his dazed eyes and he looked almost like a gruff teddy bear as he crossed his arms over his chest and fixed her with a disgruntled expression.

“Why are you up already?” he asked, trying and failing to stifle a yawn.

“Long day” Maria replied simply and grabbed her toothbrush while he continued to study her. “What?” she asked with a mouthful of toothpaste and gave him her own curious stare.

“Nothing, it’s just… your eyes, they look tired” Michael commented though didn’t push the issue when Maria simply shrugged in response. “I’m gonna go back to bed, okay” he added and waited for her nod of acknowledgement before leaving her to finish the rest of her morning tasks.

Later, when she had a few moments of silence in her office, Maria reached for the phone and quickly dialed her doctor’s office. As more time past, she became more and more sure that she was pregnant. Now she just needed a test to confirm it. “Hi, Sally, its Maria Deluca and I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Davis, whenever she’s free.”


The days following her visit seemed to drag by for Maria who spent the time trying to figure out what she would do once the results came in. Telling Michael wasn’t even a question, he had to know, but Maria was still uneasy as she worried over whether or not he would take the news well.

On one hand, they were just living together, there was no talk of marriage, not that they needed to be married to raise a child. It just seemed that their future, while on the right track, still seemed indefinite… undetermined. On the other hand, Michael tended to handle things a lot better than she did. There was the fact that he had never mentioned whether or not he wanted to have children. Then again… they’d never talked about it before.

With those two possibilities and about a dozen more to distract her, Maria didn’t hear her cell phone ring until it buzzed, signally that she had a new voice message. Quickly checking the call log, she realized it had been the doctor’s office.

With baited breath, she called her voice mail and waited for the message that would give her a definite answer about what she should expect in the near future.

“Hello Miss Deluca, this is Dr. Alison Davis calling about your test results. Congratulations, you’re going to have a baby. If you have any further questions, please come by my office, otherwise I suggest you schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN to begin prenatal care. Congratulations, again, Miss Deluca.”

She played the message five times, each time hearing the same words. “Congratulations, you’re going to have a baby.” She was pregnant. Now how in the world was she going to tell Michael?


Each day, for one week, Maria attempted to tell Michael about the baby. Each day she chickened out.

She had a handful of possible scenarios and even contemplated going to Jim or even Liz, for advice. She knew they would have some idea but eventually, Maria dismissed thought as well. She needed to be able to stand on her own two feet. She was about to become a mother and this would just be the first, of many times, where Maria had to come to her own conclusions and then act on those decisions.

“Jennifer, I need to leave early but if you have any questions, call my cell” she directed as she rushed out of the office.

After a quick drive by the apartment Michael was using, Maria ascertained that he was still working and quickly stopped by the market for the ingredients she would need to recreate the first dinner he cooked for her. While she suspected it wouldn’t taste quite the same since she couldn’t make her own sauce, she hoped he would enjoy it anyway.

With a quick glance at her watch, she mentally calculated all the time she had and would need before Michael would most likely call it a day and return to the house.

The next several hours were spent cleaning up, starting dinner then taking a long, hot shower. She drew all the shades, closed all the curtains and lit several, alien head candles, the only kind she had in the house. Once everything was prepared, she piled her blonde waves on top of her head and slipped into a short, black dress, sans shoes. With music playing softly in the background and no other sounds in the house, she heard the exact moment his motorcycle pulled into the drive way.

“Babe, what happened to all the… lights?” Michael trailed off as he looked around at the romantic setting. “I feel underdressed” he commented, referring to the flannel shirt, spattered with clay and paint. “You… look beautiful.” His gaze was lingering and appreciative as he took in her curves and the natural beauty she radiated. “You’re always so beautiful.”

Smiling, Maria reached forward to take his arm and led him to the small dinner table she had set up. “Just sit for a second. I’ll be right back.”

Swiftly, she moved around the kitchen, filling two plates with warm pasta topped with a tart, Italian sauce. Next was a glass of Chianti for Michael and some sparkling cider for herself. Both drinks were clear and she hoped he wouldn’t notice the difference until after she told him about the baby. “So can I ask what the special occasion is?”

“I have good news, but let’s eat first” Maria suggested as she set everything down beside the bowl of garlic bread that already adorned the table. “So… how was your day?” she queried and attempted to make small talk, all the while unable to do more than just pick at her food.

“Good” Michael replied as he played along. He talked about the latest piece he was working on and how he was really satisfied with how it was turning out. “It isn’t for a showing though. I actually thought your mom might like it” he shrugged, unconcerned and swirled more pasta around his fork. He also didn’t notice they way Maria’s eyes shot towards him as she stared, playing his words over in her mind.

“My… my mom?” she asked.

Since his arrival in Roswell, the two had managed to come to an agreement. They both acknowledged that each loved Maria very much and chose to focus on that, rather than everything else, including all the harsh words, that had come before.

“Yeah. I mean, it didn’t start out that way but it’s kind of like a Madonna. It’s woman and child and I thought maybe she might like it” he shrugged again but this time, he didn’t miss Maria’s reaction. “Is that a bad idea?” he asked she shifted and the candlelight illuminated the tears in her eyes. “Maria… what’s wrong?” he questioned and slid off his chair to kneel before her. “Hey, tell me what’s wrong” he murmured with a hint of fear in his eyes.

“Nothing” Maria quickly shook her head. “It’s just that… that I’m… oh my god, how do I say this?” After hours of practicing, every approach seemed to fly out the window as her emotions got the better of her.

“Are you sick?” Michael immediately asked and heaved a small sigh of relief when she shook her head. “Okay… honey, whatever it is, you can tell me” he quickly assured.

“Well… it’s just that… I might want the statue in about seven and a half months” Maria shrugged and bit her lip as the thought of him being angry, upset or even sad, flooded her mind. Whatever reaction she conjured could never have compared to the one she actually got.

“You mean you’re… we’re gonna have a…” Michael trailed off. “Oh baby, I love you so much” he declared and swept Maria up in his arms. He twirled her around and pressed his lips to hers, silencing her cries of relief. “I love you” he murmured and trailed kisses to every inch of her body he could reach from their embrace.

Maria held tightly to his body, welcoming his warmth and relishing in his sincere happiness. Now, she had no idea why she ever thought he would take the news badly.

Afterwards, once the shock wore off, the two sat together on the sofa, dinner abandoned, and talked about everything. Michael wanted to go with her to her first prenatal visit. He didn’t want to miss a single aspect of the pregnancy. Maria, on the other hand, had another confession to make and made him an offer.

“Baby, I appreciate that but… I don’t want you to pick up your life here to move to Las Cruces” Michael stated as had at least a dozen reasons to substantiate his choice. “The life I had there was without you. We’re building a life here and… and I don’t want to raise a baby in the city. I want him or her to be able to play outside and walk alone at night when they’re older. I want him to be able to play touch football with the neighbors in the street or I want her to be able to skip rope and play hopscotch on the sidewalk. I want Roswell.”

“But, Michael…”

“I appreciate that you were willing to do that for me, Maria” he interrupted. “But let’s do something for us. Let’s stay here.”

She nodded with a smile and nearly sighed in pleasure as he pressed his lips to hers in a kiss that sealed the deal. Afterwards, they spent the night making love and when Maria woke up in the morning, it was to breakfast in bed.

All in all, she’d say she was deliriously happy. They both were.
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Post by To_Kiss_A_Frog »

Thank you to everyone who stuck around through this fic!!! Hello to all the lurkers out there. This was my first candyfic and I'm glad it was enjoyed. You've all been wonderful! So....without further ado.



“Did she have it yet?”

“What is it?”

“How are they?”

The second Michael stepped into the waiting room, sporting a proud grin, he was immediately bombarded with questions by their family and friends. “Maria and our daughter, Victoria Lynn, are both absolutely perfect” Michael declared as Amy threw her arms around him in a motherly embrace.

Jim, Kyle, Alex and Rath all clapped him on the back while Isabel, Ava and Tess shed happy tears of joy. “I’m gonna go call Max and Liz” Isabel volunteered since the couple stayed home, taking care of their four month old twins, Ashley and Ryan.

“When can we see them?” Amy questioned while her eyes widened as Michael accepted the cigar handed to him, revealing several purple marks on his wrist. “Oh my god, Michael. What happened to you?” she demanded and reached for his arm to get a closer inspection. The small outburst drew the attention of everyone else, causing Michael to shrug and wear a sheepish expression.

“What can I say? The pain was strong and so is my wife.”

Four months before, Max and Liz planned on getting married but when she went into pre-mature labor, they asked Michael and Maria, who were engaged, to take their place at the wedding. After all the planning and hard work Isabel put into the day, they wanted someone to benefit. While it had been unexpected, Maria and Michael stepped in and vowed in front of all their friends, to love… honor… and cherish each other, all the days of their lives.

Afterwards, everyone raced to the hospital in time to meet the newest Evans arrivals.

Maria and Michael left for their honeymoon later that night while a month later, Max and Liz flew to Vegas where they eloped at some Elvis Chapel near one of the casinos.

“They’re moving Maria and Victoria to room 229” Michael stated. “Just give them five minutes and then you’re all welcome to come meet the youngest Guerin.” He couldn’t have wiped the smile off his face if he tried, not that he would have even attempted it.

Amidst more of their excited chatter, he slipped back into the hallway and slowly walked towards his wife’s room.

It hadn’t been perfect. There was Amy’s alcoholism, Maria’s insecurities, his past and so many other roadblocks along the way, but somehow, they managed to get past all of them. Somehow, they managed to find the happiness both truly deserved. “Look baby, its daddy. Wave to daddy” Maria murmured and gently waved a little pink hand at Michael. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

“She’s perfect” Michael whispered and wasted no time crawling into bed beside Maria. Instinctively, his arm came around her and she snuggled into the warmth of his body. “I love Maria… so much.”

“And I love you.”

One by one, family and friends filed in to see the new family. Amy shed a few tears and leant against Jim for support. While their story had had its own share of ups and downs, it was obvious to everyone just how in love with one another they were… and that was enough.

Isabel and Alex were next, stating that Max and Liz both sent their love and congratulations. Tess and Kyle looked at one another then at Victoria and smiled a secret smile. They had been through it before and still marveled at the wonder of being a parent. Rath and Ava followed, laughing and teasing, trying to make the baby smile.

And then there were three.

“Before I met you, I never would have guessed I’d be a wife and now a mother” Maria commented as her eyes began to droop and her head rested against her husband’s shoulder. “I didn’t think I’d ever get through all the hurt and the sadness I grew up with but you gave me the strength to do it all.”

“You always had the strength, sweetheart, you just didn’t realize it yet’ Michael replied.

“Well I realize it now” Maria smiled and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips before they both leaned in and pressed one to their daughter’s forehead. “Because of you.”

<center>The End</center>
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Post by Kath7 »

Congrats on winning a Round 9 award!