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Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:54 am
by kay_b


roswell3053 and Emma - Your wish is my command. :D

EVE - LOL, I was picturing the same thing in my mind. But it wouldn't work since Thala said that she and Liz were one. Max's coldness towards Liz is exactly what I was going for. Glad I was able to depict it, thank you for seeing that.

Bonnie - You have no idea how pleasantly surprised I was to see your feedback. You always get what I'm trying to relay even before I write it, lol. You can't read my mind, can you? I can answer some of your questions here, and some will be answered in the chapters to come.
extingman wrote:It also was surprising to see that the King never let Zan see other girls. Was he afraid Zan would choose wrong and bond to someone he didn't approve of?
Yes, Zanthor, didn't want Zan to see other women in case he would want to marry someone else other than Thala. But that didn't mean that Zan's wants would be granted. Zanthor just didn't want to have to deal with the prince's tantrums in case that happened.
extingman wrote:Did Cal know the truth about Zan and Thala?
Cal seriously had no idea how close Zan and Thala really were. More will be explained as to why in the chapter after the one below.

As for Max, thank you for understanding him dead on.

To everyone, both feedbackers and lurkers, I'm so grateful that you're all liking this. It is getting easier to write it and that's all because of you. Thank you again. Enjoy the new part.



“Zan?” Liz was looking at him wide eyed.

The vision of Zan shook his head. “No, I am not the Zan who healed you, though a part of me lived within him.”

Thala walked to stand beside her husband. And as soon as she got near, Zan took her hand in his as he looked at his bride lovingly.

“Now do you believe me?” Thala asked Liz with a smile.

Liz nodded, “But Cal said the connection between you wasn’t completed, though the Granolith has started it before you were killed.”

“That fact is true. The connection was not completed…in the physical world.”

“What does that mean?” Liz was almost afraid to ask.

“I think we should bring Max in here as well. So we won’t have to repeat what we are about to tell you.” Zan suggested.

Thala nodded and closed her eyes, calling upon Max’s consciousness to bring him into the realm of the Granolith.

Back in the cave, only a minute had passed after Liz was rendered unconscious by the Granolith. As the others continued to find a way to wake Liz, another white beam shot through Max, lifting him off the ground as his world slowly turned black. The last thing he heard was Isabel screaming his name.

The second Max saw his surroundings, panic set in. He thought he was back in the white room, but he knew that they were supposed to be in the Granolith chamber.

“Max.” He saw Liz walking towards him with two other beings that seemed to be gliding off the floor headed straight for him.

“Liz? Who—” Max stopped short when he saw two Lizes and the other bearing a spitting image of him.

“They’re Thala and Zan.” Liz introduced the couple.

“But, they’re dead.”

Zan and Thala only looked at each other.

“The Granolith collects the essences of all the kings and guardians who have passed on to the next life. However, this time, it chose to collect the essences of the other members of the Four Square.” Thala explained.

“When you say essence, you mean spirit.” Max stated rather than asked.


“And the Four Square, so Vilandra’s and Rath’s spirits are here too?”

Another nod from the past Guardian.

“Why did you bring us here?” Max asked.

“To train you, to return you to your full capacity and to give you access to the power of the Granolith.” Thala spoke.

“I thought only the Guardians have access to the Granolith’s power.” Max said.

“This is a special circumstance.”

“How is this special?”

“Everything about us is the will of the Granolith. It is true that no guardian had ever been married to the king, except us. The Granolith knew what our bond would be like and it wanted that for us.”

“No.” Max shook his head vehemently. “I will not be controlled again. I will not follow anyone’s orders because of who or what I am. I make my own destiny.”

“Max, the Granolith knows the sacrifices you have gone through.”

“Oh really, is that supposed to make me feel better?”

Thala only looked at Zan, mentally communicating with him. Zan imperceptibly nodded and addressed Max.

“You must know that we did not wish for those things to happen. But they did and there is nothing else that we can do but to move forward.”

“And just how are we supposed to do that?”

Thala and Liz remained on the side, watching and listening as the two kings talked.

“You train, beat Khivar and you get to live your normal life.” Zan said.

“It’s that simple, huh?” Max had one brow raised.

“Yes, it can be that simple if you let it.”

“And what about my son? He won’t have to carry your throne?”

Thala looked at Zan, which Max and Liz noticed. Thala had a pained look on her face, her heart aching at that knowledge that in their time, Liz did not bear Max’s child.

“What?” Max asked.

“It’s nothing.” Zan dismissed it.

“No, I want to know everything there is to know. Or I won’t join in your cause.”

“You’re threatening us?” Zan scoffed. “We’re already gone, Max. You’re the one who still lives, you’re the one who would have to keep running if you intend to just let Khivar be. He will hunt you down. He won’t rest until he is certain that there is no one who can reclaim the crown from him. Can you even imagine what kind of life your son will have if you allow Khivar to continue ruling over Antar?”

“I’m sorry, Max. I wasn’t hiding anything from you. It just aches to know that the other Avanya tricked you into having your first born with her. It was supposed to be Liz, not her.” Thala;s voice broke.

“So you know about Tess?”

Thala nodded.

“Why didn’t you do anything? The Granolith is supposed to be this all knowing and all powerful thing, and it can’t even stop one puny hybrid?!”

“Do not put the blame on them, Max. Yes, Tess planted thoughts in your mind to get close to you in the beginning. But after that you still went with it, you still went with her.” Zan scolded.

Liz just kept looking on. She was surprised when Thala said that she was supposed to have Max’s son. And truthfully, she didn’t know how to feel about that. How should it feel to know that you were meant to have this other life, a life that you hardly knew anything about?

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I just…” Max exhaled loudly. “I’m tired of all this. I just want to have a normal life for my son. None of this running and looking over our shoulder all the time. None of this alien crap.”

“This alien crap is what brought you here. This alien crap is what made you exist.” Zan spoke.

Thala moved closer to Max and made him face her. She reached up and held the sides of his face in each hand. “You have to accept who you are, Max. Before anything else, you have to accept your heritage in your heart. It will only be then that you can move forward. All this talk of having a normal life; you have to understand that neither you, nor your son, can ever be normal. No one in the group you call family is anymore. And yet you are able to act as one, to have faith in each other despite your not being ‘normal’. Accept who you are and live your life the way you want it. I promise you that I will do everything I can to give you that.”

“I just want my son to grow up safe.”

“He will.” Thala assured him.

“Can we proceed now?” Zan asked impatiently.

Thala nodded and moved away from Max. Then the hologram started up again.

Thala was training in the Granolith temple; she was in the chamber with her grandmother, the current Guardian. She was harnessing the power released bit by bit from the icon but she was quickly becoming exhausted; every attempt to control the power was draining her energy. But that only meant she was doing it wrong. She was supposed to get stronger, not weaker. Each day passed and she just couldn’t do it.

“I can’t.” Thala said, shaking her head and tears pouring out of her eyes.

“Yes, you can, dear child. You just need to have faith in yourself.” K’ladia encouraged.

“I’m a young Antarian, I am not like you. I can never be.”

“You have to believe. Believe in yourself and believe in the Granolith. It chose you, Thala. It wouldn’t have if it knew that you cannot carry its tasks.”

Thala only breathed hard as she tried to rein in her sobbing. She stood up and raised her arms once more, palms open to receive the currents of the Granolith into her being.

Once again, Thala could only hold on for a few minutes before falling on her knees. She still had her arms stretched upward, still trying to absorb the power.

But this time, Zan came in bursting into the chamber. And when he saw Thala on her knees weakening fast; he had to step in. Zan ran up to where Thala was and knelt in front of her, holding on to both wrists, urging her to stop. K’ladia moved to interrupt but Zan’s force field stopped her in her tracks. He didn’t even look at the older woman. He simply raised his arm behind him and aimed at her, effectively building a wall of energy to block K’ladia from moving closer.

“Thala, open your eyes. It’s Zan, I’m here. Open your eyes and let go.” Zan coaxed, he was cradling her face in his hands, urging her to look at him.

Thala who had her eyes squinted shut from the pain, slowly opened her eyes and looked straight at Zan. Her opal eyes had electricity-like currents running through them.

And as they locked eyes on each other, Zan’s eyes became all black and streaks like lightning started flashing within them. He still held on to Thala’s head, and both were now receiving the powers of the Granolith. Zan was acting like a conduit, softening the blow as the Granolith’s powers were going into Thala.

K’ladia had never seen anything like it. She was shocked that the would-be-king used his powers on her, a guardian. But what stunned her more was that he was now helping Thala take in the powers being transferred to her by the Granolith. Was this the Granolith’s plans, for Zan and Thala to work together in harnessing its power? No king or prince or any of the royal family has entered the Temple of the Granolith while it was training a guardian. Total focus was required from a novice while she learned from the Granolith. But Zan just came running in like he knew that Thala needed his help. She would need to discuss this more with Zanthor.

As soon as the Granolith was done, Thala slumped to the floor. Zan went to help her up, releasing K’ladia from his hold on her. Zan lifted Thala in his arms and walked out of the temple without uttering a word to K’ladia.

Zanthor bristly walked into his son’s bedroom, not even bothering to knock. He just came from his talk with K’ladia and he immediately rushed into the prince’s part of the palace, his cape flowing behind him as his movements were fueled by his anger.

Zan quickly stood up from his bed where Thala was sleeping peacefully. He remained silent and walked out to his receiving area, knowing that his father was following closely behind him.

As soon as they were out of Thala’s earshot, Zan turned to face his king.

“What were you thinking? You know you cannot just go rushing into the temple like that!” Zanthor reprimanded.

“Thala was getting weak. I had to do something.” Zan replied.

“Don’t get self-righteous with me, Zan. You know very well that what you did was wrong.”

“I couldn’t just stand by and not do anything!” Zan yelled.

“Don’t raise your voice at me.” Zanthor demanded.

“I apologize…for yelling. But I will not apologize for helping Thala. She needed me, what was I supposed to do?”

It was then that what Zan said registered with Zanthor. “How did you know what she was going through in the temple?”

“I…I don’t know, I just knew I had to get in there and help her.” Zan was confused as well but something was pushing at him to enter the temple at that time.

“You and Thala have gotten close, have you not?” Zanthor prodded.

“Only because you asked me to get to know ‘my betrothed’ better.” Zan said softly as he bowed his head to look at his feet. He knew there was more to it than that. Did he love her? It has been generations since love was felt by Antarians. So what did he feel for the young apprentice sleeping in his bed?

“What are your feelings toward Thala, Zan?” the king of Antar asked his son.

Zan looked at his father and met his gaze straight on. “I’m not certain yet. I care for her; that much I know. I want to keep her safe at all times. When I felt what was happening to her, I rushed in without thinking. My only concern was for her. I apologize that I used my abilities on K’ladia but I had to ease Thala’s pain. You weren’t there. You didn’t see what I did, Father. You didn’t feel what I felt.”

Zanthor was stunned at the emotions he saw in his son’s eyes. But still he had to wonder how Zan had felt Thala’s ordeal, unless…

“Zan, have you and Thala…bonded?” Zanthor asked with unease.

Zan’s eyes grew wide at that. “No! Father, I would never do that to Thala! How could you even accuse me of bonding with her outside the ceremony of the Granolith?”

“Forgive me my son, but I had to know. Things are not adding up.” Zanthor began pacing. “You do not possess the abilities of an empath and yet you claim that you were able to feel Thala’s pain. How is this possible? Only bonded couples can feel what the other is going through and even those are not in this intensity.” Zanthor stopped and faced Zan, wanting to see his reaction.

Zan looked at his father and Zanthor could tell that even his son did not understand what was happening. “I can only guess that the Granolith called out to me to help her, but why? I have not yet even had the chance to learn the ways of the Granolith.”

“I will consult with K’ladia on this. But I suggest you apologize to her immediately for what you did to her in the temple.”

Zan nodded and went to seek the guardian, but not before checking on Thala once more.

“You loved her.” Max whispered.

“I still do.” Zan smiled at Thala.

Max was silent but spoke after a beat. “At least you got a say in it.”

“What do you mean?” Thala asked.

Max looked at Liz then turned back to Thala. “Ever since Tess came into Roswell, her and our protector pushed about how she was my bride and how we were supposed to be together. You already know she mindwarped me a number of times to get close to me. And you’re right, I allowed it to happen, but it was only because I did not know how to defend myself against it. Then I find out it was all a lie, she made a deal with our enemy to deliver me, Michael and Isabel to Khivar to be executed back on Antar.”

Liz was appalled, she couldn’t even fathom the kind of life Max had led while he was with his ex. Thala was outraged to learn of this ploy while Zan was seething inside with fury.

Max glanced once more at Liz and was surprised to find concern for him in her eyes. “When I helped Liz with the power ball she created, I connected with her. That is usual whenever I heal someone and it breaks when I’m done. But the connection we shared, it’s still there. It’s just a whisper for now though but it’s not going away. Cal said it might be the doing of the Granolith because of who we were in the past. But I don’t want to be dictated again. I want to be able to have a choice.”

Liz was stunned. So that was what was going on between them.

“So what do you want us to do, Max?” Zan asked.

Max looked at Liz, Thala, then finally back at Zan.

“Sever the connection between me and Liz.”


Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:04 am
by kay_b
A/N: Thanks so much for waiting. I won't write a long note today so we could get on with the story. I just hope you'll like this new part.


Chapter 21

“Sever the connection between me and Liz.”

“What? Sever… sever the connection? What connection?” Liz asked dumbfounded.

“Don’t you feel it?” Max questioned.

Liz only stared at him.

“You do feel it, don’t you?” Max narrowed his eyes at the petite brunette.

“I thought it was just the after effects; like when Zan healed me in New York.”

“Zan? You mean the duplicate Zan healed you?”

Liz nodded, “Yes, when I went looking for Cal. I found them but it was really cold that night and I was freezing, literally. I remember talking to Cal, and then I blacked out.”

Max was listening intently.

“I remember seeing him when I first came to their house. He was the one who opened the door for me. And then again when he was healing me, at least that’s what Ava said he was doing at that time. I saw him coming in and out while I was in New York. But after I left, I never saw him again.” Liz finished somberly.

“When I came back to White Plains, there were times that I would just instantly think of him. I just thought that when he healed me, he did something to me, knowing that they were aliens.”

“And you were ok with that?” asked Max.

“How could I not be? He saved my life.” Liz answered vehemently.

Max shook his head and turned to Zan and Thala. “I still want this gone. I don’t want to be following some path because I was dictated to do so.

“And what would you like to do, Liz?” Zan asked.

“I agree with Max. I don’t want to follow some preordained plan because of who I was in a past life. I want to be connected to someone because I chose that person.”

“If that is your wish, it can be done. But let me explain something to you first.” Thala spoke. “This connection you speak of is most likely caused by that part of you that is us. Our essences are still calling out to each other, wanting to complete the bond initiated by the Granolith. Therefore, there is no real possible way of severing it. I could however put blocks on that part of your minds. That is the only solution I can think of at this moment. I can put the blocks once we are done with your training.”

“And if we choose to have it reversed?” Max inquired. He always must know the alternatives.

“You will only need to call on the Granolith once you have your full knowledge back.” Thala answered.

“Ok, let’s proceed with this training then.”

“We need a few more people in here before we begin.” Zan declared.

And just like that, Isabel and Michael appeared before them, with Isabel still holding on to little Zan.

“Max!” Michael and Isabel exclaimed, running toward their brother.

“Maxwell, where are we?” Michael asked as Max checked on his son.

Max tried taking the boy from his sister but like a ghostly apparition, his hands just went through the child.

“It is only your minds that were called into the Granolith, not your physical bodies.” Thala responded to Max’s unspoken question.

She called forth Vilandra and Rath. Two beings materialized in front of them. Vilandra was as regal as she always had been, wearing a silver robe that glimmered as she moved. It flowed straight to the floor, the cloth was like gossamer and the crest of the House of Zanthor was emblazoned on her chest.

“Max.” Isabel said softly as she stared at a reflection of herself.

“Hello everyone.” Vilandra spoke with ethereal grace. Rath stood beside her, nobly wearing his full battalion uniform as the general of Antar’s army.

“I guess you’re Vilandra and Rath.” Max assumed.

“You are right, dear brother.” Vilandra bowed her head to honor the new king, followed by Rath.

“You…you’re…” Michael was trying to form a coherent thought but failed, clearly overwhelmed by everything he was seeing.

“Yes, Michael, we are you.” Rath replied. “I am your Antarian past, General Rathnor of the House of Tiram. That was our father’s name. That’s Vilandra,” Vilandra from Antar bowed her head once more and gave Michael a small smile. “Zan, our king,” Zan gave him a brief nod, “and our queen, Thala.” Thala looked at him and also smiled.

“Uh, it’s a pleasure to meet all of you.” Michael said back.

“Is this your son, Max?” Thala asked as she moved to where Isabel, Max and little Zan were. She reverently touched the toddler’s face.

Little Zan giggled at Thala who had a tearful smile on her face. She moved back to Zan’s side and took a deep breath, burying her own personal feelings for the moment. There were other things more important to attend to.

Vilandra faced Isabel and spoke to her. “I know your thoughts since a part of me is with you. I am not making an excuse for what happened, but put the blame on the monster who tricked us and killed us. Things happened that we cannot take back. Move forward, Isabel. Help your brother and Liz end Khivar’s reign of terror once and for all. You can’t constantly doubt yourself, Isabel. That’s what he’ll prey on. You are a good person and I know you won’t let anything happen to your husband and your family.”

Isabel nodded as tears silently streamed down her face. She hugged little Zan even tighter knowing in her heart that she would die first before she would let any harm befall her nephew.

“So that’s ok, us being with other people?” Michael hesitantly voiced out.

“Of course, Michael.” This time it was Rath who responded. “We were betrothed out of duty, Vilandra was like a sister to me so it wasn’t too much of a dread.”

“Why, thank you, Rath.” Vilandra said sarcastically though they all knew she was being humorous.

“What I meant was, do what makes you happy. It’ll make a better person for it. It’ll keep you balanced. That was something we failed when we were in Antar. Don’t make the same mistakes we did.” Rath warned.

Both Michael and Isabel nodded. And they were admittedly grateful that they weren’t ‘destined’ to be together.

After that, Thala restarted the hologram, showing everyone the growing relationship between her and Zan as they continued training with the Granolith. There were secret looks and hidden smiles thrown at each other when they were supposed to be concentrating on something else.

Then Thala moved to stand behind Liz, Zan behind Max, Vilandra and Rath followed suit with Isabel and Michael.

They were in a square position. The hologram kept going as it began to show them the training the original Four Square had undergone.

The Antarian four raised their hands, palms turned to the person on either side of them. Their energy blasts merged with one another, forming a perimeter.

The hologram shot harmless beams of light, each one to the foreheads of Max, Liz, Isabel and Michael. The Antarians walked straight forward, the essences of their past now uniting with their present lives.

Inside the Granolith, four individuals were in a trance, learning what their past lives had when they were in a planet a million light years away. Now it was their turn to fight for their lives and the lives of their people.

“What the hell is happening? Now all five of them are in there! I’m surprised that Isabel is still able to hold on to Zan without dropping him! Alex, do something for goodness sake.” Maria was ranting. It was her only way of releasing the stress running through her veins. She was screaming her head off when the Granolith shot a light at Michael too. But the worst part was she still couldn’t move so that meant she couldn’t even get her purse to obtain her vial of cedar oil.

“Don’t you think I would’ve done something already if I could, Maria?” Alex yelled.

Maria and Kyle were stunned at Alex’s outburst. He was usually the calm and collected one, the voice of reason when things were getting out of control. But if he was at the point where he was shouting at his friends; that meant things were really bad.

“I’m sorry Alex, I just…I just don’t know what to think anymore. They’re somewhere being reminded of their past. What if…what if—” Maria was cut off by her best friend before she could even finish her sentence.

“Don’t go there. Maria. We don’t know what’s happening right now. It’s not worth the trouble with you worrying about something that may not even happen.”

“I know, I know. I’m just really scared.” Maria started to cry.

“Me too.” Alex whispered as he felt helpless to do something for his wife and his friend.

“They’re fine. They are just receiving the training of the Granolith.” Ava spoke.

“How do you know this?” Kyle asked.

“I don’t know, I just do.” Ava replied.

All heads turned to Cal.

“She was the queen’s handmaiden, a trusted friend. I assume Thala would have told her some of the things that have happened before.” He told the changed humans. Then addressed Ava, “And now that we’re all here, maybe it’s beginning to jog your memory too.”

The beams of light dimmed until it gradually disappeared.

Michael opened his eyes and was surprised by the alertness coming from within. He felt more in control of his powers. The strength he was feeling told him that he could blast a whole mountain if he wanted to.

“Now let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” Isabel good-naturedly remarked.

“You can hear my thoughts now?” Michael asked.

“I guess.” Isabel shrugged. “I think the Granolith amplified our powers.”

“No, we’ve always had them. We just needed to be taught how to use our abilities to their full potential.” Liz answered. “Do you still feel the connection, Max?” She had to ask, knowing that Thala promised to put a block on it before they merged with them.

Max stayed silent for a while, feeling torn between himself as Max and the part of him that was Zan. Though he could no longer feel the bond between him and Liz, something inside him was screaming at him to have the block removed. But he decided to squelch that down and nodded at Liz’s question.

“Ok, now let’s get out of here.” Liz suggested.

“I’m with you on that one.” Michael seconded.

They joined hands once more, and a glow began to shine brightly from where their hands were clasped until it engulfed all five of them. And with a flash of light, they were gone.


Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:02 am
by kay_b
A/N: Huge thanks to the following for leaving feedback:

- Just a quick answer to your question, Liz, Max, Isabel, Michael and baby Zan's consciousness were all inside the Granolith itself. So when they disappeared, their minds went back into their bodies, so to speak. and back in the cave with their friends.

Thanks to everyone reading, both feedbackers and lurkers. Sorry for the delayed part. I hope you'll still enjoy this though.


Chapter 22

Back in the cave, beams of light shone on the foreheads of the four hybrids and everyone could move once again.

The four awoke to a commotion with questions being thrown at them.

Maria immediately rushed towards Michael and hugged him tight, clinging to his neck in fear that he might lose consciousness once more.

Isabel found herself in the same predicament as Alex embraced her for all he was worth. But the two had to part as baby Zan decided to protest.

“Squished!” he squealed as his uncle and aunt hugged.

Alex chuckled and lifted the toddler up. “I’m glad to see you too.”

Max walked over to where his brother-in-law was and took his son in his arms, checking him for any injuries just to be sure.

“Daddy” Zan clapped in delight at being held by his father again.

Max grinned in reply and hugged his son once more. It was probably in that moment that he was able to let down his guard and feel genuinely happy for the first time since he left Roswell.

In another corner of the Granolith chamber, a group of friends were reunited as well.

“Liz.” Serena was glad to be able to move freely. “What happened?”

“We were brought into the Granolith.” Liz responded.

“You were in that thing? It didn’t harm you in any way did it?” Serena asked.

“No, we’re ok. Learned a lot of things so my mind’s kind of muddled right now, but other than that, I’m fine.” Liz grinned.

“Are your memories back, Liz?” Cal inquired.

Liz nodded and smiled.

“So does that mean you and Max are…” Serena assumed.

Liz looked back at Max and saw how he was smiling while holding his son. She too had to smile at the picture they painted.

“No, we’re not together.” She said, looking back at Serena. “There was a connection growing, something that would’ve probably ended up forcing us to be together if it wasn’t stopped.” Liz explained.

“What do you mean it would have forced you together?” Serena asked.

“Exactly that. It was drawing us toward each other. But good thing Thala was able to put a block on it before they disappeared.”

“Before who disappeared?” Ava spoke.

“The original Royal Four.”

“What?” Cal was surprised. He had no idea how the Granolith would work in teaching the recreated quartet but he didn’t think that the essences of the Four would have appeared. He had heard of the story as to how the Granolith took their essences when they were killed but he dismissed them as rumors since the Granolith only carried the spirits of the past kings and guardians, not that of a full royal court.

“I think we should join the others so we don’t have to repeat everything.” Liz suggested.

“So they were there with you?” Kyle asked after gathered in the Pod Chamber where Max, Liz, Isabel and Michael stood in the middle of the group and told them what happened while they were inside the Granolith.

“Something like that.” Michael answered.

“What did they look like?” Alex couldn’t help but voice out.

“They looked like us actually.” Max replied.

“No.” Liz interjected, shaking her head.

All eyes turned to her, waiting for an explanation.

“When Thala first appeared to me, she showed me her true self. But I got scared so she changed into a human form.”

“What did she look like?” Maria asked.

“She was tall, slender. Her movements were fluid.” Liz would sometimes narrow her eyes as she recalled the first meeting she had with her past self. “Her skin looked rubbery but I didn’t feel it since we couldn’t touch them. They were like apparitions, we all were. But her eyes, they reminded me of opals, that creamy color with glittery strands of blues and reds and greens. There’s no other way to describe it other than looking alien.” Liz said.

Maria and the rest of the gang were mesmerized as they tried to create a mental picture of the Antarians.

“Ok, so your past selves were there with you and they showed you your old lives.” Alex stated.

All four nodded.

He then turned slowly to face his wife, a nervous look on his face. “You remember Rath? Being married to him?”

Isabel gave Alex a small smile and held his hand tightly in hers. “Yes, but we never loved each other the way I love you. You’re my husband now, in this life. It helps to know what happened back in Antar, but what matters more is my life now, with you.”

Alex hugged Isabel firmly to him. He knew what Isabel felt, they were connected after all. But it doesn’t hurt to hear the words come out of her mouth.

That was Maria’s cue. “What about you?” she turned to Michael. “Now that you remember your life in Antar, are you thinking about going back?

This was the one thing that Maria was worried of, it doesn’t even compare to the threat of facing the skins, the Special Unit, not even Khivar himself. Among him and the Evans siblings, Michael was the most adamant about going back to their home planet. And that was before he had Rath’s memories, what more now that he does?

“Maria, my home is right here, with you. I know I haven’t been able to express that clearly before and I’m sorry for that. But if I ever do go back, I wouldn’t leave you behind, that’s a promise.”

Maria nodded and hugged him, being so grateful for what he just said.

“Now what?” Kyle asked.

“Now we go back to White Plains and we train some more. If we want to end this war, we will need all the firepower we can muster.” Max answered.

“Aside from the four of us, we will need all the other Antarian soldiers to train with us as well.” Liz instructed Cal. The protector bowed silently. But he wore a smirk; his king and queen were back.

They all left the Pod Chamber as one group. The early light of day shone and as they reached the bottom of the rock formation, Max slowed down and looked in the direction of the town he grew up in.

Liz looked back, so did Isabel.

“Max?” Isabel called out to her brother.

“Michael, how far can you scan the grounds?” Max asked of his best friend.

“You wanna make sure the FBI are gone?” Michael asked back.

Max nodded.

“Give me a few minutes to get up on higher ground.” Michael then took off back up to the rock formation to be able to see all the way to Roswell.

“Max, what are you doing?” Isabel questioned his brother’s actions.

Max was busy putting Zan in his car seat while they waited for Michael to return. When he was done, he straightened up and gave his sister a reply, something he knew she would want to hear. “I want Michael to be sure that no one will follow Mom and Dad and the other parents out here.”

At that, Isabel’s eyes grew wide. Then she launched herself at Max, hugging him fiercely. When she relinquished her hold on him, she was grinning from ear to ear and a few tears were running down her cheeks. She swiftly wiped them away as she profusely thanked him.

“Thank you, Max. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

“Don’t thank me yet. I want to make sure that there are no threats first. I can’t risk their safety like that. I won’t be able to forgive myself if anything ever happened to them because of who we are.”

“I understand. And I’m sorry for going off on you earlier about it. I wasn’t really thinking, I was just missing them so much.”

“I miss them too, Iz; just as badly as you do.”

Isabel smiled and then took off to tell Maria. Soon enough, the two women were hugging and laughing and crying.

Max watched his sister and his friend rejoice at the prospect of seeing their parents again. He too started to hope that Michael won’t be able to spot anything.

Then he felt as if he was being watched. He looked over to the next vehicle and he found Liz watching them.

He almost wanted to laugh when she jerked after being caught. They both just gave each other a quick smile before she got back in the SUV.

Michael came running back down and reported that the agents really were gone from Roswell.

“We won’t be going in town. I don’t want anyone to see us and report back to the FBI in case they return. I want the parents to come to us instead.” Max informed them. “Isabel, think you can use your amplified powers now?”

Isabel quickly knew what Max wanted. “I’ll give it a try.”

She concentrated hard, trying to get in her parents’ minds even if they’re awake. She was surprised at how easy it was after regaining her memories from her life on Antar and learning her former self’s capabilities.

After about a couple of minutes, Isabel’s eyelids opened. “I’m in.”

“Good, tell them to meet us at the quarry.”

Isabel’s eyes closed once more to relay the message to her parents.

“Iz, send the same message to Jim, Amy and Mr. Whitman.”

Isabel only gave him a brief nod to signify that she heard Max’s orders.

Maria bit her lip. She was about to burst at the seams from the excitement that she would get to see her mom again. Too bad the same can’t be said for Michael.

When Isabel opened her eyes again, she saw her friends’ expectant faces.

Then a brilliant smile broke on her face. “They’re on their way.”

To be continued...

My Favorite Regret ~ Chapter 23

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:23 pm
by kay_b
A/N: Hi everyone. Sorry for the long wait. I've got no other excuse, have just been really busy and about to get busier in the next few months. But I will still write, well, as much as my muse will let me.

Anyway, I will try to finish this in maybe 7 or 12 chapters, depending on how the story goes. I've got another one I'm aching to post but I promised I wouldn't until this one is done.

Michelle, don't worry. I know what you meant, and honestly, I love that kind of feedback. It makes me rethink and review my fics and make sure that the story that I wanted to relay to the readers is exactly what I'm putting out there. So please, keep on posting. :D

And finally, I MADE IT! It's still December, New Year's Eve actually, so I still count that as one of the 12 Days, lol. Ok, enough blabbing and on with the story.

HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody!!!


Chapter 23

Half an hour passed and the group found themselves sitting in their vehicles, sitting by the rocks, out on the desert waiting.

“Are you sure they’re coming, Isabel?” Max asked for the umpteenth time.

Isabel was seriously annoyed at her brother by now and stood up to answer him.

“Yes, they are, Max. You’ve asked me that every five mi—” She cut herself short when she spotted a cloud of dust heading for them.

“Oh my God.” she whispered as the anticipation of finally seeing her parents again started to overwhelm her.

“What?” Max stood up too, still holding his son close. Then he saw the same thing his sister did.

A silver car and a grey SUV were driving straight for them. Max immediately knew it was the parents they left behind.


Liz quickly stood up and looked at Max.

“Can you put up a cloak to hide us from any prying eyes?”

Liz nodded and closed her eyes to concentrate.

Soon, everyone was mesmerized as a ball of green energy enveloped them. To those inside the dome, they could see Liz’s crackling energy shielding them from the outside world, but to those on the other side of the dome, the group of young men and women shimmered before disappearing completely.

“Maria, think you can check if it’s them?”

“No problem.” Maria answered as she sent out her empathic senses to feel out the thoughts of the two vehicles’ occupants and see if it was indeed the residents of Roswell.

After a brief period, Maria was charged up with excitement and couldn’t hide a huge grin from her face.

“It’s them, Max.”

Max gave her a small smile.

“Iz, tell them to just drive through.”

“Got it.”

“Liz, could you create an opening for them to drive in?”


Liz then refocused her efforts to generate a hole for the two vehicles to go into their dome.

The cars went in and they weren’t even in a full stop before doors opened and two of the passengers jumped out.

“Mom!” Isabel yelled as she rushed towards the only mother she’s ever known.

“Isabel” Diane called out as she ran meeting her daughter halfway.

The two hugged as tears of joy streamed down their cheeks.

The same occurred with Maria and Amy as they two embraced after being apart for so long.

“So you know, right? The sheriff told you?” Maria questioned after they stopped hugging.

“Yes, and I can’t believe that you didn’t think you could come to me about this.” Amy scolded.

Maria only gave her a look with one perfectly shaped brow raised.

“Ok, maybe I would’ve overreacted. But it’s you and me, Maria. I would think you and I would share these things.”

“You and me? So you and the sheriff aren’t involved?”

“Oh no, you are not going to turn this around on me, Maria DeLuca. We are going to have a long talk!” With that, Amy dragged her daughter away from the group, holding on to her arm as a reluctant Maria could only look back at her boyfriend for help.

Michael on the other hand, despite regaining his memories as the strong general of an alien army, a warrior that his people and those of the other planets feared, also remembered how frightening Amy DeLuca could be. Though he would rather stay where he was, safe and far, far away from where the DeLucas were, he knew he wouldn’t be spared from it due to Maria’s abilities.

Alex was also hugging his parents who were holding on to him just as tightly, especially after finding out that they almost lost their son. He pulled Isabel towards them and introduced her as his wife.

Philip was shocked to find out about that. He still had hoped that one day the kids would return and could live their lives normally. And maybe get the chance to walk his only daughter down the aisle.

“Don’t worry, Daddy. You didn’t think I wouldn’t have let you throw me a lavish wedding did you?” Isabel joked as she hugged her father. Philip could only laugh, happy that he finally had his family again.

Kyle and the sheriff were also giving each other hugs and pats on the back as they reunited.

It was way too soon for Michael when he saw Maria and Amy walking back towards him. But then he was surprised when Amy hugged him instead.

“Thank you for protecting her, Michael.”

“Uh…” Michael scratched a brow. “That’s all?”

Amy grinned. “No, we’ll save that for later.”

“Right.” Michael muttered.

With all the commotion going on, Liz stood back and watched the families come together. She was saddened, wishing that her own parents were there as well.

Both Max and Maria turned their heads to look at Liz, feeling the sadness coming from her.

When she saw the two face her, Liz gave a start and turned away from them.

Before Max could do anything else, he saw his mother, the one who raised him and his sister, standing right in front of him. He was afraid of blinking, in case it all turned out to be a dream and she might disappear.

Isabel knowingly took little Zan in her arms and watched, along with her father who also had his arms wrapped around his daughter and grandchild, as Diane embraced her only son.

As soon as his mom’s arms were around him, the dam that Max had built crumbled.

Max wept and clung to his mother like a little boy.

Diane did the same, holding on to Max as she felt him tighten his arms around her.

Isabel, Philip and the other onlookers could feel the emotions coming off of the tearful reunion.

The king’s façade has finally fallen.


After hugs and introductions were given out, the groups were now merged as one. The story of the original Royal Four were told once more and the parents caught up on the lives their children now led.

“So you’re telling us that Tess was never really a part of the Royal Four?” the sheriff asked.

Isabel shook her head no and no one said anything else. Max looked away, Kyle had his head bowed down and Michael was holding on to a seething Maria.

“And you have this army of thousands to help you?” asked Philip.

“That’s right.” Cal spoke.

There was a moment where all the parents looked at each other. And then Diane spoke up.

“Where were you when my son needed you? You say he’s your king, why didn’t you protect him when he was taken by the FBI?!”

Cal, for all he was worth, did look sorry for what happened to Max. “I wasn’t with them at the time. I was with the other set. A different protector was assigned to them, one who had a higher rank. Had I known he would turn out to be a traitor…” He shook his head to clear his thoughts.

“That’s long over now.” Max said, still holding on to his mother. “Everything that has happened is in the past. No point in rehashing it. We need to move forward and end this once and for all.”

“I agree. We’ve got to stop running.” Michael added.

“So what are you going to do, son?” Philip asked.

“We train and we fight Khivar. But I am not returning to the throne.” Max answered.

“What?!” Outbursts came from both Cal and Sam.

“I don’t want the crown. I’m going to do my job, save the planet and the people from Khivar’s tyranny. After that, I live a normal life here, on Earth.”

Cal looked at Michael and Isabel. “We’re with Max on this one.” they both responded.

Then all eyes turned to Liz.

“I…I don’t know. I’ve lived here all my life, but the only family I have left is up there on Antar.”

Serena wrapped an arm around her friend to show her support. Liz looked at her and smiled, knowing that Serena understood her predicament.

“I’ll have to think about it.” Liz stated.

“But more importantly, we need to beat Khivar first. And to do that, we have to train.” Max began. “We’ll have to go back to White Plains to do that.” He looked sadly at his mom and thought that they would have to leave again soon.

“The FBI has left, Max. You can stay now.” Philip insisted.

“We can’t risk it, Dad. They might come back.” Max looked at the sheriff for support.

“He’s right, Philip.” Jim agreed.

“But how long do you have to stay away?” Amy asked the younger ones.

“Mom,” Maria started, “we want to stay but we just can’t right now. We’ll find a way to keep in touch this time, we promise.”

Michael could only watch his fiancée as she hugged her mother. He then looked at Max, silently communicating with him.

Max sadly shook his head. It was still unsafe for now, even though he too longed to be with his parents. “We want this to end the soonest possible, but I can’t say when exactly.”

“We understand, Max.” Diane said, tears springing to her eyes.

“Um, maybe you can come back with us.” Liz suggested.

“What?” Everyone looked at her.

“Well, you can’t come all at once and that’s only because we don’t want to get the attention of the Feds. But, where else can they be better protected than in a town with thousands of your soldiers?” Liz addressed Max.

“Liz is right, Max. We’ll just have to schedule it so nothing will look suspicious, but they can move to White Plains. They’re your family; just say the word and we can have a couple of soldiers assigned to protect them.” Cal added.

Max looked at both Liz and Cal, then he looked at his parents, the other parents and at his friends.

Isabel was nodding her head and Maria looked hopeful.

“Liz has a point. White Plains is more than capable of protecting you from anything.” Max agreed.

Isabel was beaming with joy.

“But, we have to plan this very carefully. We don’t want the FBI to start looking for you too.” Max said. “Cal, can you work on this one?”

“Right away, Max.” Cal answered with a quick nod.

“Alright, so whoever wants to move out of Roswell just let Cal know and we’ll find a way to get you there without drawing attention to yourselves.”

“We’re in, Max. We’re on our retirement years now anyway, better to spend those with our family.” Philip spoke.

Max gave his folks a calm smile but he was nowhere near calm. He was ecstatic. His parents knew what he was and didn’t reject him. They still love him and care for him as if he was their own flesh and blood. And now, despite the possibility of risking their lives by putting themselves right smack in the middle of the alien abyss, as he heard Maria call it more than a thousand times, they were willing to sacrifice it all for him.

*How could they not? They love you.*

Max was startled when he heard that voice in his head. He didn’t know where it came from. It certainly wasn’t from Maria, but he looked at her to be sure.

Maria was busy talking animatedly with Amy. She was probably excited at the prospect of living with her mom at White Plains as well.

Max looked around, looking for anyone who might have had communicated with him telepathically.

And then he saw her.


She was looking straight at him.

Slowly, he found his feet walking straight towards her.

“You heard my thoughts?”

“Yeah, I don’t know how it happened but I guess one of our new powers is being able to talk through our minds.” Liz answered.

Max nodded, “That’s actually what Maria can do. Probably because she can talk up a storm.” He muttered.

Liz chuckled, “Well if she has that ability, better not let her hear you say that.”

Max laughed.

“It’s good to hear you laugh, Max.” Liz gave him a small smile. “In all this time, I think this was the first that I’ve heard you really laugh.”

“Well, there hasn’t been a chance for it, till now.” He said, looking back at his parents.

“I meant what I said, Max.” Liz called his attention back to her. “They do love you; even a blind man can see that.”

“I know this must be hard for you, seeing us, with our folks.” Max said sincerely.

Liz sighed and nodded.

“I wish they were here too, Liz. I’ve had a taste of what it’s like living on your own, earlier than necessary.”

“That’s why you have to hold on to them, Max. Do everything in your power to ensure that. You’re a king; you have thousands of men at your beck and call. Use that. We all know that you more than anyone deserve it. It’s time they serve you. The time has come for them to serve their king.”


Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] A/N on pg 4 - (2/16)

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 3:38 am
by kay_b
Chapter 24

Sitting quietly at her desk, Liz tried to work…tried being the operative word.

It has been months since they came back to White Plains. During that time, Cal has been working with Alex to arrange the parents’ schedule on moving from Roswell.

And ever since they got back, the new Royal Four easily slipped into their roles.

Michael immediately met with the elite soldiers in White Plains to discuss tactics and military strategies.

Isabel went to the families to see what can be done to make their community better. Not that it wasn’t a good one to live in but she wanted to do more for them.

Max met with the town’s leaders to find out what their plans have been regarding Khivar.

And Liz, she simply went back to work with the new knowledge that the kids she has been teaching were just like her.

Add to that, all four of them have begun their training to harness their powers to their fullest potential.
“Hey, ready to grab some lunch?” Serena asked as she poked her head in the doorway of her friend’s office, only to find Liz falling asleep with her head cradled in her hands.

Liz was startled and immediately sat up. “What? Huh?”

“How long did you stay up last night?” Serena asked.

“Not long.” Liz didn’t even look up as she rushed to finish all the paperwork strewn all over her desk.

“You have to take a break, Liz. You’re driving yourself to the ground.”

Liz looked up then, dark circles surrounded her eyes.

“I can’t. Everyone’s working their butts off to get this over with.”

“You won’t be much help if you’re about to drop on the ground before the enemy even reaches you.”

“You’re not helping, you know.” Liz commented and went back to work.

Serena moved closer and snatched the pen away from Liz’s hand.

“Go home. Sleep.”

“No. I need to get this graded. Now give me back my pen.” Liz demanded.

“Liz, you’re killing yourself.”

“Look, I can’t take a break when everyone else is in the same position as I am. We’re all tired, Serena, but we have to train. Some of the soldiers are even training 24/7. What do you want me to do?” Liz was getting exasperated.

“Talk to Max. Tell him to put a hold on all the training, just for a little while.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not? You’re the queen. You have as much authority as he does.”

“No, he has more than I do. But…”

“But what?”

“I just can’t talk to him, ok? Just leave it at that.” Liz then reached out, took her pen back and buried herself in her work once more.

Serena sat on the chair in front of Liz’s desk and wondered aloud what exactly was going on.

“Nothing.” Liz answered.


“It’s still there, alright!” Liz exclaimed.

“Huh? What’s still there, hun?”

“The connection between me and Max.”
Max and Michael were taking a break from training, sipping some water from ice cold bottles with Cal and Sam setting up targets on rocks in the wooded area close to town.

“How’s Maria holding up?” Max asked as he looked at his friend.

“She’s doing ok. She can’t wait till your parents get here so we could start planning for Amy to move.”

“I bet you’re excited about that.” Max joked.

“That’s not funny, Max.” Michael responded.

Max laughed even more upon seeing Michael’s predicament.

“Wait till it happens to you.” Michael warned.

“Till what happens?”

“When you fall for someone so hard that you’d do anything to make them happy.” Michael said.

“So you’re openly declaring that you have fallen for Maria?” Max’s brows were raised.

“Yes, but you didn’t hear it from me.”

Max just continued to laugh.

“It’s good to see that you don’t carry that huge weight on your shoulders anymore.” Michael commented.

“I know. For the first time in my life, I feel free. Well, aside from the fact that we have to get rid of this imminent threat but other than that, my parents know what I am and I’m not ‘destined’ to be with someone I hardly know.”

Michael just nodded his assent. “For the record, I just want to apologize about what happened back then. I know we kinda pushed you towards Tess and—”

“Stop. That’s in the past. I don’t want to go over it anymore.” Max said.

“Ok. So, are you going to start dating again? You know, now that you don’t have this whole destiny thing hanging over your head.”

Max shrugged. “I dunno.”

“What’s there to know? You’re single, there are a lot of other single women out there.”

“Yeah but I don’t really want to bring another outsider into our group.”

“You have a point.”

“I just want to concentrate on our mission first. Then I can start planning a normal life for me and Zan.”
“I thought that was blocked already. You said Thala remedied it.”

“I know.” Liz said as she buried her head in her hands.

“So what do we do now?”

Liz looked up. “I have no idea.”

Serena started to pace. “Well, first thing’s first, you have to talk to Max.”

“What? No, uh-uh, no way.” Liz was vehemently shaking her head.

“Why not?”

“Because the guy has had it rough being involved with someone he thought he was meant to be with. I don’t want to burden him with this.” Liz exclaimed as she began picking up her things and putting them in her bag.

“Well what will you do?”

“I’ll think of something.”


“I don’t know yet ok. It’s nothing serious at this point anyway. It’s just a trickle of the connection before. I didn’t exactly know what Max was talking about then but I think what he was feeling before is what I’m feeling now, only more.”

“What are you feeling exactly?” Serena asked, confused.

“Just a buzz. I can feel a whisper of his emotions. I can tell you his general location. Only broad things like that.” Liz tried to explain.

“Ok”, Serena nodded, “so there’s a connection.”

“Isn’t that what I just said?” Liz questioned.

“If this doesn’t go away, you know you’ll have to let Max know, right?”

“Yes.” Liz exhaled heavily as she stood up from her chair and proceeded to walk out of her office.

Serena was quick to follow. “Don’t let this go on for long.”

“I know.”

“Maybe we should talk to Cal or Ava, maybe they can help.”

Liz swiftly turned around. “No. You won’t tell them anything.”


“No buts. I’ll be the one to let them know, IN my own time.”

Serena sighed and reluctantly nodded. “Just promise me one thing. The minute this worsens, you go to Max.”


“Promise me.”

“Geez”, Liz rolled her eyes, “I promise.” Then she turned again and started walking out of the center with Serena right behind her.

What neither of them noticed were the light bulbs brightening a bit before returning back to their normal glow.
Max stopped aiming at another boulder and looked at Michael.

“What?” Michael asked as he looked back at his lifelong friend.

“Did you feel that?” Max questioned.

“Feel what?”

“I felt a surge of some sort.”

“A surge?”

“Yeah, like a spike in electricity or something.” Max described.

“Maybe it’s just your powers going a little haywire from too much use.” Michael tried to pacify his friend.

“Maybe…” Max said distractedly before shaking himself off and going back to his training.

Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] PART 24 on pg 5 - (2/21)

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:22 pm
by kay_b
Chapter 25

Today was a new day; one both Max and Isabel considered special. Today was the day that the Evanses were finally moving into White Plains.

For a couple of months, Alex and Cal were busy making the arrangements, ensuring that no one will be able to know that Philip and Diane were following their children.

As far as the rest of the world knew, Philip was retiring from his law practice and was moving away from Roswell with his wife Diane, to help them forget the ‘bad’ memories of losing their kids when they just suddenly ran away.

With the help of the some of the intelligence division of the army at White Plains, there was no trace of the Roswell runaways anywhere near their town. Having replaced their names in the town’s records was a simple feat.

Isabel, on the other hand, was fixing up the new home her parents were going to live in. Maria, Kyle and Valerie helped her arrange the furniture and were all in the new house touching up some last minute details.

“Is it obvious how excited I am?” Isabel said as she kept pacing, trying her best to keep it together.

“It’s alright, Iz. I totally understand how you feel.” Maria said.

Isabel looked at her and quickly became somber. She went to her friend and gave her a hug. “We’ll get your mom here soon, Maria. I promise.”

Maria returned the gesture. “I know, I just miss her much more. Isn’t it weird, knowing that she’ll be here in just a few months makes the missing them even harder.”

“Yeah, I felt the same way. And look at me now, I’m a mess.”

“Even I’m scared to think of how I will be when it’s my mom’s turn to move here.”

Maria and Isabel just laughed.

“Ok, I think we’re all set.” Valerie said as she entered the living room where she found the two friends laughing.

At that exact moment, Max and Michael came through the front door, Max carrying a pouting Zan.

“Are they here yet?”

“Nope, Isabel would be in a frenzy if they were.” Kyle answered as he walked into the room.

“Shut up, Kyle. Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” Isabel responded.

“Not right now, no.” Kyle sneered.

“Where are you going?” Maria asked.

Kyle took a glance at Valerie and said, “I’ll tell you later”.

“He’s got a date with my daughter.” Valerie answered for him.

Kyle turned his head to look at Valerie so fast; he could’ve given himself whiplash. “How…how did—”

“I know?” Valerie finished his sentence for him. “I’m a mom, we always know.”

Kyle could only scratch his head in embarrassment. “Uh yeah, we’re going out tonight. And I promise to treat her well.” He was quick to add.

“What’s wrong with Zan?” Isabel questioned her brother as she saw the look on her nephew.

“He was having a tantrum,” Max replied. “He didn’t want to get dressed.”

“Hi sweetie,” Isabel reached for the toddler. “Grandpa and grandma are coming today. They’ll be so surprised to see how big you’ve grown.”

Zan immediately went to his aunt and buried his face in her neck, knowing that she was always on his side.

“I sorry, Aunt Izzy.” The little tyke spoke as he wrapped his arms around his aunt.

“It’s ok, baby.”

“You’re saying sorry to your aunt? She’s not the one you were bawling at an hour ago.” Max said.

“Max!” Isabel reprimanded her brother.

“What? I’m just saying he should learn to apologize to the right person.”

“He’s just a baby, he doesn’t know that yet.”

“Oh yes he does. He’s just buttering you up cause he knows you spoil him.”

“I do not!” Isabel gasped.

“Goodness, don’t you two ever stop arguing?”

All eyes looked towards where the voice came from and was surprised to see Diane and Philip at the door, followed by Alex and Cal right behind them each carrying a luggage.



Max and Isabel rushed to their parents and gave them huge hugs.

Everyone looked on at the happy reunion with smiles on their faces and some had hopes that someday, they too will have that same elated feeling of seeing their parents again.

After hugs and hellos were shared, the group was helping the newcomers settle into their new home.

“You’ve done a good job here, Iz.” Philip commented.

“Thanks, Dad. I’m glad you like the place.”

“And this is a nice and quiet town. No one would suspect anything out of the ordinary.”

“We know. I guess we got lucky picking this place to settle down in, not knowing that this was actually the best place because here, we don’t have to hide anymore.”

“I’m happy you found this place too.” Philip agreed and hugged his daughter once more. This time, they didn’t have to run anymore.

“Oh, Maria, here, your mom asked me to give this to you.” Diane said as she handed the younger woman a medium sized box.

“Thanks, Diane.” Maria said as she took the box in her hands.

“Amy said that there’s also a letter in there for you and to tell you that she misses you so much.”

Maria could only nod as she got teary eyed.

Diane gripped Maria’s hand in hers, knowing how much the separation has been hard for the duo. She understood what it felt like to be away from her kids, and she hoped that while the other parents were still back in Roswell, she could be a mother figure to her children’s friends as well.

“How is Zan adapting to school, Max?” She asked as she looked at her son and grandson.

“Um, he’s doing ok.” Max answered.

“He hasn’t shown any…”

“No, not yet so far.”

“Is his teacher an Antarian too?”

“Yeah, she just found out recently though. You met her when we were at Roswell.”

“Oh, was she the brunette?”

“Uh, no.” Max looked away uncomfortably. However, that didn’t escape Diane’s notice.

“Oh. So it was that other girl, what was her name again?”

“Serena” Kyle easily provided with a grin.

“Ah yes.”

Then a silence fell around them.

“So! What would you like to eat for lunch?” Maria asked.

“Anything you have is fine, Maria.”

“Oh, I’m not the one cooking, Michael is. Let me just go and find him so he can start making us some food.” And with that, Maria left the room.

“Uh, I’m gonna go and…call a friend.” Kyle said and slapped Max on the back as he began walking out of the room. “It’s nice to have you here, Mrs. Evans.”

“Thanks, Kyle. And it’s just Diane.”

“Gotcha.” Kyle said as he disappeared down the hall.

And the only ones left in the room were Diane, Max and Zan. The little toddler was playing on his grandmother’s bed as she continued unpacking.

“How are you, Max?” Diane said as she looked at her son.

“I’m good, Mom. I’m really glad that you and Dad are here.”

“I’m glad too. And now, you have help looking after my cute little grandson here.”

Then Diane turned to Zan. “Isn’t that right, sweetie. You are going to have some fun time with Grandma.”

Zan smiled and clapped, knowing that fun time meant playing with tons of toys, like what they do at his school.

“You don’t have to do that, Mom. We didn’t ask you to move here so you can babysit Zan.” Max spoke.

“I know, but I want to help. You have this whole mission saving the world and if there was some other way I can help with that too, I would. But the only thing I know how to do is to be your mom and a grandmom.”

“And I’m your grown up son. It’s my turn to take care of you.”

Diane gave Max a small smile. While she was saddened by the burden her children were carrying, she was proud of the people they’ve become.

“And I’m your mother, Max. It will always be my duty to take care of you. You know how it is, you’re a parent now. No matter how old your children get, they will always be your babies.”

“Then let me put it this way, I’m the king. My duty is to protect my people, to protect the people I care about. You and Dad are on that list.” Max said with a smile.

Diane sighed. “I don’t think neither one of us will win”; she laughed, “Let’s just agree that we both want to protect the people we love. And I don’t think you wanted us here to babysit Zan. This is something I want to do. I’ve missed him, look at how big he is now. I want to spend as much time with him as I can.” Diane said as she took the toddler in her arms.

“Yeah, time flies.” Max agreed.

“That it does when you have a child of your own. I remember bringing you and Izzy home from the orphanage not so long ago. And look at you now.” Diane moved closer to her son and hugged him.

“Just tell me this, Max, are you happy?”

Max looked at his mother solemnly, his lips drawn together in a thin line.

“When we’re done fighting, I will be.”

“Well haven’t you been dating again?” Diane tried to make the conversation light.

“Mom!” Max groaned.

“What? It’s a perfectly sensible question.” Diane replied.

“No, Mom, I haven’t.” Max thought he should just answer as quickly as he could so they could move on to a different topic. Unfortunately, his mother wasn’t thinking in the same frequency that he was.

“Why ever not? I would think there are some pretty girls in this town, and they’re the same as you are.”

What Diane didn’t know was, she hit a very sore spot for Max.

“I’m content living a life with just Zan, Mom. Can we just change the topic, please?”

“Something’s been bothering you even before you left Roswell. Talk to me, Max. I want to be able to help you.”

He understood why she wanted to help him, what parent wouldn’t. He knew that if it was Zan who was suffering the turmoil he did, he would want to do something to ease his pain.

After hearing his mother’s words, Max thought that maybe, now that his mother knows what he is; maybe he can finally open up to her.

So he took a deep breath, and did just that.

Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] PART 25 on pg 7 - (2/28)

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:49 am
by kay_b
A/N: So sorry for the long wait. I was in Disneyland all of last week and I didn't have an internet connection the entire time I was at Anaheim.

Ok, don't want to bother you with too much talk. On to the new part....


Chapter 26

A week after the Evanses arrived, the Four Square was still training together, even harder than before. But today, the shelter they made for the Granolith was ready.

Liz was shaking her head fervidly. “I don’t think I can do this.”

“Yes you can, Liz.” Cal urged.

“No, I can’t.” Liz was beginning to feel agitated. She was starting to panic.

“You can do this, Liz. You’re just letting your nerves get the best of you.” Cal insisted.

Liz still shook her head no.

“Cal, she’s not ready for this.” Isabel interjected.

“Yes, she is! She’s been training for months! She’s stronger than she thinks!” Cal replied.

“Stop yelling at them!” Michael butted in.

“If Liz can’t bring the Granolith here, then all you’ve done, all the hard work you’ve put in would be useless. You will be useless without it!”

“Enough!” Max roared.

Everyone turned to look at their king.

“She can’t do it like this, Cal. If she tries and fails, then there will be bigger problems for us to deal with.” Max said. “Let’s all take a break.”
Michael and Isabel went out of the metal warehouse to blow off some steam, both angry at Cal for pushing Liz. They actually felt guilty as they saw what they did to Max before in Cal.

“Can you believe that guy?” Isabel began. “I mean, Liz is new at this. We’ve dealt with our powers all our lives. He can’t just expect her to be at the same level as we are.”

Michael nodded his agreement.

“And to top it off, it reminded me of what I did to Max before.” Isabel finished sadly.

“How so?” Michael asked.

“Well, you know, when we used to pressure him in finding answers, in being the responsible one.” Isabel explained.

“Yeah, ok. I know what you mean. I already talked to him about that some time ago. Maybe you should too.” suggested Michael.
Liz was standing in a corner, far from where Max and Cal were talking. She felt like she was failing them all. Everyone was expecting her to just disappear, magically appear inside the Granolith and along with the connection of the other three, she was to transport herself and the Granolith back to White Plains.

Sure, that was easy enough…for an alien. She was a hybrid, half of what it would take to do that enormous feat. And as she tried to wrap her thoughts around what was being asked of her, she began to cry.

Max walked up to her. “Are you ok?”

Liz wiped at her cheeks and nodded.

“Then why are you crying?”

“I just hate this. I hate not being able to do anything.”

“It’ll take some time before you can harness your full capacity. Aside from the training we’ve all done, Michael, Isabel and I have known about our powers all our lives.”

“But we’ve all regained our memories, along with how to use all our powers. I know I should be able to do this, but I just can’t.” Liz said once more.

“If your head is telling you that you can do this, then what’s stopping you?” Max asked cautiously.

“I…” Liz couldn’t say anything without revealing everything.

“Are you scared I’ll feel the connection between us?” Max threw at her.

Liz quickly looked up at him. “What?!”
“What did he say?”

“He basically told me to shut it and it’s all in the past.” Michael told Isabel.

“That’s all he said? He didn’t get mad or anything?”

“Nope. I think he’s finally going back to the Max we knew before all this happened. He seems more carefree, haven’t you noticed it?”

Isabel had to laugh at that. “You, Michael Guerin, are telling me that you’ve NOTICED my brother being CAREFREE. I didn’t think you even knew how to use that word, let alone be observant.”

“Hey, there’s more to me than what you think.” Michael replied.

“I think Maria’s rubbing off on you with her empathic powers.” Isabel said.

“Actually, I think you’re right.”
“How…how did you know? I thought this was supposed to be blocked.” Liz sputtered.

“It was”, Max answered, “But sometimes, I could feel something, some emotion or thoughts that aren’t my own. It took me some time to figure out it was coming from you.”

Liz blushed hard. “I’m so sorry, Max. I didn’t mean to, I mean, I didn’t want to bother you with this. I know you don’t want to have to deal with something like this all over again.”

“Yeah, I understand what you’re saying. But I know this is new to you too. So for someone who has gone through this once before, all I can say is, as long as we’re honest with each other, everything will be ok.” Max replied.

Liz nodded.

“So you want to tell me what’s been going on?” Max prodded.

“I don’t know when it started exactly. But I, uh…well…” Liz looked away and bit her bottom lip.

“You felt some kind of pull?”

“Yeah.” Liz looked at him, finally feeling at ease that someone understood.

“I felt it too once, when Michael and I were practicing. I didn’t think anything of it at first but then I would feel surges of power that I know did not come from me, Michael or Isabel. So that only left you.”

“I don’t want to trouble you with this. Hopefully when we get the Granolith here, I can find a way to stop it.” Liz said.

“I hope so too.” Max admitted.
Cal watched his charges. He did feel sorry for what he did to Liz but he was doing it for their own good. If he didn’t push, she wouldn’t even try.

He was glad that his king and queen were interacting. Unlike what has been going on before, when Max almost avoided Liz like she had the plague. Then as they continued to train together, Max began acting civilly towards her while Liz was warming up to the knowledge that she was an alien and was becoming friends with Isabel and Maria.

Now that they seemed to be getting close, they possess a stronger chance of beating Khivar. He wondered though if they will ever get back to what Zan and Thala had before.
Outside, Michael and Isabel felt drops of rain falling on them so they quickly rushed back into the warehouse.

Once they were inside, they saw Max and Liz having what looked like a quiet conversation between friends. The two looked at each other then back at the scene.

Isabel had a smile on her face and Michael was stoic as ever.

Max and Liz soon saw that the others were looking at them. They felt embarrassed at being caught but then wondered what they should feel guilty of.

“Hey, are you guys going to just stand there or are we going to give this another shot?” Max called out to take the attention away from him and Liz.

Then he turned to her and asked, “Are you ready to try this again?”

“Yeah”, Liz nodded, “I think so.”

The Four Square once again took their positions and allowed Cal to give them instructions to guide them through the process of accessing the Granolith through Liz.

They all concentrated and soon electric currents began coursing through their hands and out towards each other’s palms.

“Good, you’re doing great. Keep it up, b ring all your powers to the surface and focus on Liz and the Granolith.” Cal coached.

Liz could feel the others’ powers pouring into her, but ironically, she was also starting to feel exhausted. However, she didn’t want to give up. She was determined now more than ever, especially since she was finally able to talk to Max about her dilemma.

She was beginning to feel light headed and soon, her whole body felt like it was floating on air. She opened her eyes, thinking that she couldn’t hold on much longer. But to her astonishment, she saw that she was back in Roswell, in the chamber hidden by the cliffs that housed the Granolith.

She was floating and looked like a hologram. She could still hear the others’ voices in her head though and thought to send a message to them.

‘What am I supposed to do now?’

‘Cal said to let your mind merge with the Granolith. Kind of like what we did before when we went inside it.’
Max replied mentally.

Liz nodded but then scolded herself since no one can see her. So she began by talking to the icon.

“Ok, I don’t know exactly how I’m supposed to do it but I’m to transfer you to White Plains.” she started. “Granolith, can you hear me?”


Liz was startled back a bit but quickly redoubled her efforts.

“Ok, so how will we do this?”

“Your presence here is only brought about by your thoughts. Since you are not here physically, you are not bound by such and allow you to enter into the core of the Granolith.”

“So I’m just supposed to walk right into you?”

“If you wish.”

“Ok, here goes….” Liz moved forward and inched into the black cone. First she inserted her hand and moved slowly inside.

“Hello again, Liz.” Thala greeted.

“Uh, Thala?”

“Yes, I’m here to help. You know you don’t have to literally walk into the Granolith. All you have to do is think about being in the Granolith and your powers will take you there.”

“Oh, I’m still a bit new at this.”

“I understand which is why I was called forth by the Granolith to help you transfer it to where you and the others live.”

Liz watched as Thala extended her hands towards her. She freely took them in her own hands and then balls of light formed from where their palms met until it had enveloped them.

“Just let you mind free, Liz. Don’t think of anything else but your task. You’ll see that that makes it easier for you to concentrate.”

Liz nodded and closed her eyes, focusing on going back to her home.

Soon enough, she could hear Max, Isabel and Michael’s voices once more.

“You did it, Liz!” Isabel cheered as she rushed to hug the petite brunette.

“Huh?” Liz opened her eyes and was surprised to see that she was back in the warehouse with the huge black cone right in front of her.

“I told you you could do it.” Cal commented.

Liz smiled. She looked at Cal, Isabel, Michael, then lastly, Max.

Max smiled back, “We knew you had it in you. You just have to believe in yourself, Liz, just like we believe in you.”

That didn’t escape Cal’s ears. Inwardly, he was jumping up and down for joy. Things were going right as planned.


Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] Chapter 26 on pg 9 - (3/23)

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 1:08 am
by kay_b
A/N: And I'm back. Sorry this has taken so long. As usual the muse wasn't cooperating. But she did give me a part that I'm sure you'll enjoy (I hope).


Chapter 27

Max decided to pick up Zan today. He took half the day off, wanting to spend the rest of the day with his son.

He parked his SUV and got out, seeing other mothers there with him to pick up their own children. They smiled at him when he walked in. To any other onlooker, it would seem like a regular thing, parents who have come to know each other, greeting acquaintances as they waited for their kids to come out of school. But to those who knew about the residents living in White Plains, what they were doing wasn’t an ordinary thing. It was a people saluting their king.

Max peeked in Zan’s classroom and saw his son happily listening to Serena, his teacher. His whole attention was undividedly focused on her.

The class wasn’t due out for another fifteen minutes, and Max didn’t want to wait by the door doing nothing. Instead, he decided to give Liz a quick visit.

He walked to her office and found her sitting behind her desk with her head down, her hand was busy scribbling as she did some paperwork.

“Hey” he called out to her as he watched her from the doorway.

Liz stopped immediately and lifted her head. She was shocked to see Max standing right in front of her.

“Hi, what are you doing here?” she asked.

Max looked a bit taken aback after hearing the question out of her mouth.

‘What was he doing there?’ he thought. But more importantly, WHAT was he doing? He and Liz always had this awkward tension between them because of who they were in the past and what they meant to each other. And presently, it seems like their old personas were trying to revive a supposedly blocked connection.

And due to that, Liz felt like she had to distance herself from him to avoid whatever feelings were coursing through her.

But now Max felt that he had to bridge that gap. He knew it was better that way; that they would be able to train more, fight more, if there wasn’t such a strain between them. And he’s been hoping that this need to improve the situation between him and Liz is exactly for that cause and that it isn’t springing from Zan’s desire to be with his Thala.

“I’m here to pick up Zan.” He answered.

“Oh, oh, yes, of course.” She said, shaking her head for forgetting that his son was in their center. “I’m sorry, I just meant, here, as in my office.” Then she got worried, “Is there something wrong?”

“No, nothing’s wrong.” He tried to assuage her fear upon seeing the look of panic on her face. “I got here early and just thought I’d say hi while waiting for Zan.”

Liz smiled at that. In the past months that they had been training together, she always pegged Max to be this strict and stern person who wanted nothing to do with her, based on what he’s been through and their history. She couldn’t blame him though, she didn’t know how she would react if it was her in his shoes.

“I thought you would be teaching.” Max initiated a conversation.

“Oh, no, I’m just an assistant. I’m mostly doing this” referring to the files on her desk as she looked down at the pile of work to be done. “If one of the teachers can’t make it to class, that’s when I step in.”

“You really must like it.” Max said as he sat on one of the chairs in front of Liz’s desk.

“What’s not to like? You get to work with little kids, hear their laughter and see their cute little faces day in and day out.”

Max nodded, he loved seeing his own kid, witnessing the new things he has learned every single day. He could understand why Liz cherished her job.

Then silence ensued as they just looked at each other, not knowing what else to talk about.

Liz decided to speak up without looking at him, “Max, I want to be able to fix this, whatever this is, between us.”

Max replied, “Ok.”

“I know it’s weird, I mean, it’s not from us…at least I don’t think it is. I do want to be friends though. We’re supposed to fight together and if there’s this huge gap between us, I doubt if we’ll be able to help our side as much as we could if we feel comfortable with one another.” Liz continued to explain.

“I totally agree.” Max gave her a small smile, which Liz easily returned.

Silence crept once more but this time, it was Max who broke it.

“So maybe we should start at that.”

“At what?” Liz inquired.

“At being friends. We should get to know each other, on a friend basis of course. We don’t have to be what I think Zan and Thala want us to be. Being friends is ok…isn’t it?” In Max’s mind, what he just said made sense, but he wasn’t sure if what he said did.

“I know what you mean.” Liz smiled then extended an open palm. “Hi, I’m Elizabeth Parker but you can call me Liz.”

Max grinned openly and took her hand in his to shake it. “Nice to meet you. I’m Max, Maxwell Evans.”

Just as their palms touched, a warm glow of white light spread where their hands joined but both were oblivious to it.

Serena walked in the office, knowing that Max was in there after seeing him out of her classroom just a few minutes ago. She was carrying Zan with her and was astonished at the light that she saw between the king and the queen’s clasped hands.

“What was that?” she asked.

As soon as the two heard Serena’s voice, they let go of the other’s hand and looked at her.

“Daddy!” Zan held his arms out so his father could take him.

“What was what?” Liz questioned back after smiling at the sight of father and son greeting each other.

“That glow.”

“What glow?” Max inquired, still holding on to Zan in his arms.

“When you two were holding hands, there was a glow. You didn’t see it?”

Both Max and Liz shook their heads in the negative.

“I guess that’s another thing we should ask Cal.” Serena stated.

“Well, we better go. I need to get this young man some lunch.” Max said as he tickled his little toddler.

Liz grinned. “Ok. See you tomorrow, Zan.”

Zan looked at Liz, “See you ‘morrow.”

“Bye Serena, bye Liz.” Max said as he walked out of the office with his son.

“Bye.” The two friends called out.

“What was that about?” Serena was back to asking the minute Max was out of earshot.

“We already told you that we don’t know.”

“Not that, I meant the part where you were holding each other’s hands.”

“For your information, we were shaking hands. We decided to start again, become friends.”

“Friends” Serena stated emotionlessly.

“Yes, friends. Is there something wrong with that?”

“No, I’m saying are you ok with having just a friend status? Maybe eventually you’ll want more.” She had a glint of amusement in her eyes.

Liz stood up and got her purse, ready to go out for lunch like Max and Zan.

She shook her head, “No, there’s no eventually. We’re just going to be friends, nothing more, nothing less.”

“O-kay” Serena said as she began to pick up her lesson plan and start on her own set of paperwork.

“Aren’t you going out for lunch?” Liz asked as she took her light coat off the rack.

“Nah, I’m think I’m just gonna get a sandwich from the cafeteria.”

Liz shrugged. “Want me to get you something?”

“Nope, I’m fine. Enjoy your lunch. I know you’ve been cooped up here all morning.”

Liz began to leave and waved goodbye.


Liz peered back in the doorway.

“Could you get me a cookie?” Serena asked.

Liz just shook her head and smiled before leaving once more.

As she walked out to the parking lot, Liz saw Max’s SUV still parked. She saw Max struggling with Zan as he was trying to get him strapped into his car seat.

“NO! Don’t wanna!” Zan was evidently throwing a tantrum.

“Zan, please. Come on. We’ll get you some fries.” Max pleaded.

“Don’t like fries.”

“You don’t like fries?”

“No!” Zan said vehemently.

“But you used to like that. It’ll be yummy.” Max coaxed.

Zan looked at his father and seemed to ponder his words. But then he saw Liz and called out to her. “Liz!”

Max quickly turned his head to look at whom his son was calling and sure enough, there was Liz. He smiled as she sported a surprised look on her face. She probably didn’t expect to be yelled at that way by Zan.

Liz was indeed stunned. She was only looking at the father and son duo amusedly when she heard little Zan scream her name all of a sudden. And now that they were both looking at her, she had no choice but to approach them.

“Hello again, Zan.” Liz greeted the child warmly.

“Want fries?” Zan asked.

“What?” Liz lightheartedly looked at Max.

“I think that’s my son’s way of inviting you to have lunch with us.” Max said beamingly.

“Well, uh…” Liz didn’t know what to say. Sure, they were starting anew but she didn’t want to intrude on Max’s day with his son.

“Come on, Liz.” Zan encouraged.

“What do you say?” Max gazed at his son.

“Pease?” Zan stared at Liz with his puppy dog eyes.

“How can you say no to that?” Max chuckled.

Liz grinned at the toddler. “Ok, ok. I know when I’m beat.” Then she looked at Max, “Are you sure you’re ok with me joining you?”

“Sure, are you?”

“Well, as long as you’re fine with that, then how could I decline having lunch with two of the best looking guys in town?” Liz smirked.

But then her eyes grew wide and she quickly blushed when she realized what she just blurted out. “I mean, yes, I’d love to.”

Max was then relieved when Zan finally agreed to be strapped in. As both adults hopped in his vehicle, Max smiled at Liz before driving out of the parking lot so all three of them could have lunch together.


Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] A/N pg 12 - (5/20)

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:22 pm
by kay_b
Ok, sheesh, calm down. :lol:

Alright then, here's the new part. Hope you'll all like it.

Thank you for all your feedback and reminders and bumps. *hugs*


Chapter 28

“Do you mind if we go to have lunch outside town? Or do you need to get back to work immediately?” Max asked as he continued to drive with Liz and Zan in the SUV.

“Not really, I can have a long lunch but...” Liz took a glance at the child in the back seat before returning her attention to Max. “Is it ok for us to go outside of White Plains?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”

“Well, it could be dangerous.” Frankly, Liz didn’t like that they had to stay cooped up in town, not that she didn’t love the place. But it bothered her that having to just go out of the city would require her to travel with ‘bodyguards’ as Cal instructed.

She felt it to be restricting, like she was slowly being choked. On the other hand, she knew that she wasn’t trained to her full capacity yet, she wasn’t as strong as she could be in case she needed to defend herself against a hundred of their foes. And for that, she obeyed Cal’s orders, albeit reluctantly.

Beside her, Liz heard Max sigh. She knew in that instant where his mind had gone, exactly where hers was just a moment ago.

‘You’re right,” Max’s voice pierced through her thoughts. “So is the café alright with you?”

Liz nodded with a small smile, “Yeah, it’s fine.”



Both Max and Liz chuckled softly.

“It’s weird isn’t it?” Max said sheepishly.

“What is?” asked Liz.

“All this, especially this…uh…thing between us.”

Liz looked down at her hands on her lap. “I know.”

“I completely understand. I’ve been in the same situation, sort of.” Max responded.

“How did you deal with it?” Liz was a bit surprised that Max was talking about this part of his life. She knew he hated it, because she did too. But how do you handle something like this, having the knowledge that your life isn’t completely yours, that it was borrowed from another…person, and who they were in the past somehow has a control over this one as well.

“I fought against it tooth and nail, but I lost.” Max said. “It wasn’t easy. I had no idea who I was, and why I had these abilities that no other kid did aside from my sister and my best friend. But they didn’t know anything either. No one was there to tell us anything.”

They arrived at the diner and both got out of the car. Liz was hoping that Max would continue talking but she knew he was hesitant talking about his past and everything that happened in Roswell.

Max surprised himself too, that he was talking about what he went through with Tess. He wouldn’t have done it voluntarily, like some topic for a casual conversation. But somehow he found himself divulging about it to Liz.

He picked up Zan out of his car seat and they all went into the establishment.

When the three entered, all eyes turned and were in a bit of a shock to see their king and queen together along with the young prince. To an outsider, it would just look like any other starting family having lunch together. But to the residents of White Plains, this was something monumental.

Although only a select few trained with the Royal Four, most of them knew the tension between the two most important people in their town, and on their planet.

Liz stopped short, almost causing Max to bump into her.

Max wondered why she stopped in her tracks all of a sudden.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

Liz swiftly turned around to face him. When she walked into the diner first, after Max opened the door for her, she saw the stunned faces of the eating patrons. She didn’t want to cause any more discomfort to Max with the looks they were bound to receive. As it were, everyone knew everybody’s business when living in a small town. But for this very occasion, she wished that wasn’t so true.

Liz couldn’t say it but Max nevertheless saw the reason for her concern.

All eyes were glued to them, and the door hasn’t even closed behind him yet.

“Oh” was all Max could say as he saw all the faces staring in their direction.

“Yeah” Liz replied meekly.

“I don’t think there’s any other alternative. We’ll just waste your time if we go some place else.” Max reminded her.

Liz pondered on that. “If you’re sure that this is ok, then I’m fine eating here.”

“Ok”, Max agreed.

They began to walk toward a booth but just as Max was about to sit while he was still holding on to his son, Liz just stood there unmoving.

“Wait” Liz interjected.

Max looked back at her.

“We could just…well, that is, if you don't mind, we could just order take out and eat it back at my office. That is, if it’s ok with you.” Liz whispered so as not to let the other people in the diner hear.

“That’s a great idea. Come on.” Max got Zan and they went to the cash register where they placed their orders. They got a sandwich and a cup of iced tea for Liz, a hamburger, two orders of fries, a cherry Coke for Max, and an apple juice for little Zan.

Max insisted that he pay since he was the one who invited Liz for lunch. But then Liz explained how she was going out to buy her lunch anyway. However, before Liz could even get her wallet out of her purse, Max already handed the payment for all of their food.

Liz sighed but thanked him profusely.

They went back to the school, and Liz suggested that they eat at one of the picnic benches outside the cafeteria. Max liked that idea since it was far from prying eyes.

While Max was getting Zan settled, Liz was taking out their lunches from the bags and putting them on the table. Soon, they were all taking a bite out of their food.

“So what about you, how do you feel about all this?” Max asked Liz.


Max nodded.

“I’m a little weirded out by it.” Liz admitted.

“Just a little?” Max questioned with raised brows.

Liz gave him a small smile, “Ok, a lot. It’s just strange to find all this out and you’re expected to do things while still trying to cope with everything.”

Max nodded in understanding.

“And the worst part,” Liz put down her sandwich and grabbed her cup to take a sip of her iced tea. Her grip was tightening on it as tears started to well in her eyes “Is knowing that I’m the reason why my parents died.”

Max felt sorry for her as her sadness began to trickle into their connection. He covered one of her hands with his and looked at her intensely, allowing his sympathy to flow through her.

Liz was surprised when he touched her, more so when she felt their connection coming to life.

“You can’t blame yourself for that, Liz. It wasn’t your fault.”

“I know, it was the evil alien villain’s fault, right?” Liz said sarcastically.

Max shook his head. “You can’t think that way. I did for a long time, always blamed myself for allowing Tess to fool me. Even Zan in the Granolith told me it was my fault. I think the blaming ourselves part is the alien side talking. Zan was too arrogant to even make the mistakes he didn’t commit, all about him.” Max chuckled.

“But then I figured, I know I was fighting Tess, but she kept pushing. She mindwarped me for Pete’s sake. And I don’t think she would’ve stopped until she got what she wanted. She almost killed Alex doing that just so she could get a stupid book translated!”

“Oh my God!” Liz was shocked at that information.

“Yeah, so now I see what kind of person she was. She would manipulate everyone to her whims and use whatever she could even if it meant harm towards someone. She wouldn’t have backed off unless she got her way, no matter what I could’ve done.” Max replied.

“Where did you get this epiphany from?” Liz asked.

“All that meditation in our training helped. It kinda put things in perspective and allowed me to get past all that. I have to stop looking back to the bad parts. It’s become a cycle, thinking back on what happened, trying to come up with different ways to make it right, but that won’t change anything. There’s no way I can go back in time and correct it. So why waste our energy on something we can’t alter? It’s not going to make us feel better because the end results are always the same. We just end up making ourselves miserable over and over.” Max said passionately.

Liz mulled this in her head. He was right; she knew he was. The logical part of her was telling her, yelling even, that Max was right. But he got to that realization on his own. She would need some time to be able to do the same: to accept and let go.

Liz smiled at him, not just a small one, but a huge and glowing, full-blown grin.

“Thanks for that, Max. I guess I just need the time to get over it and cope.”

Max nodded, “It’s not going to happen overnight. Just take it one day at a time and eventually, things will be looking up again soon.”

Liz smiled and checked her watch. “I have to get back to work. But thank you, for lunch and the talk. It really made me see things differently.”

“I’m glad I was able to help. And if you need anything, you know where to reach me.” Max offered.

Liz nodded and started to help Max clean up their table.

She walked the father and son duo back to the parking lot and they bid their goodbyes.

“So I’ll see you at practice?” Max asked.

“Yup, I’ll be there.” Liz answered. She looked at Zan and saw that the little boy was about to fall asleep.

“Bye Zan.”

“Bye, Liz.” Zan called from his place in his father’s arms.

“See ya.” Max said and he placed Zan back in his car seat and got in the driver’s seat.

Liz waved as they pulled out and she turned to walk back into the center.

Re: My Favorite Regret ~ [ML, Adult] PART 28 pg 13 - (5/20)

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:20 pm
by kay_b
I don't want to say much lest I jinx it and my muse decides to go MIA on me again. At least now, she's giving me juice for both my posted fics, and another one THAT JUST WON'T LEAVE MY HEAD.

Kylie: Yes, I know you want more, don't you always? LOL

Michelle: You already know my sentiments. Thank you again. *BIG HUGS*


Thank you for all your kind words. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the part below. :D


Chapter 29

Max continued to drive back to their house with a sense of accomplishment. He was happy to be able to help Liz with her dilemma.

He remembered how hard it was for him, Isabel and Michael when they had to fend for themselves and seek answers that they weren’t even sure were correct.

He didn’t want anyone else to go through what they did. And if he could do something to help someone else, he would be there a hundred percent.

Max parked in his parents’ driveway and he got out to get Zan off his car seat. He took his son’s bag and they went into his parents’ home.

Again, a smile was plastered on his face, due to the mere knowledge that his parents were there with him and Isabel and Zan. They were just a stone’s throw away, they knew what they were and still they uprooted their lives to be with the children they’ve loved as their own flesh and blood.

“Max” Diane greeted at the door. She was running down the stairs the minute she saw Max’s SUV turn into their driveway.

“Hi Mom.” Max returned the greeting with a kiss on his mother’s cheek.

“Hi baby.” Diane cooed as she took the toddler in her hands.

“Gamma”, Zan smiled as he was taken by his grandmother.

Max was glad that Zan was having the opportunity to grow up with his family. And the grin he sported did not go unnoticed.

“You seem really happy today, Max?” Diane commented with Zan situated at her hip.

“That’s because I am.” Max replied.

“And do we know the reason for this smile on your face?”

“I’m just grateful that I can finally have a somewhat normal life, despite the circumstances.” said Max.

Diane could only nod and she placed an arm around her son’s waist.

“Things will get better soon. Once this is all done, you can have that normalcy you’ve always wanted for yourself and Zan.”

Max gave his mother a small smile at that.
A month had passed and whenever Max had some time to pick up his son from daycare, he made it a point to drop by Liz’s office.

He would invite her to lunch, or sometimes it was Liz who’d do the asking. They’d greet each other wherever they meet. Max has asked Liz and her friends to join the Roswell group whenever they had their get-togethers. And they had even gone as far as Liz meeting the older Evans’.

Soon enough, a friendship was forming between the two.

Along with that, they have become comfortable with each other in talking about that little connection they shared. And Max was able to freely express the trials he had gone through with someone outside of the group, an outsider who could just listen and not judge or feel guilty for what has happened in the past. As for Liz, she was beginning to feel free of the anxiety of becoming a part of the alien abyss that was now her life.

The ease and camaraderie they had with each other was helping them achieve a lot more at a faster pace. And it clearly showed as they developed their powers, which pleased Cal to no end.

Liz was harnessing more of her powers and that of the Granolith’s. She would spend time meditating, going in the alien icon as she learned more and more about it.

Max on the other hand, was able to develop his powers more, doubling his capabilities and strength whenever he used it.

Cal was beginning to believe that they were closer to channeling the full power of the Four Square.

One afternoon, another training session ensued.

The people present were Cal, Liz, Max, Isabel, Michael, Maria, Alex, Kyle, Ava, Serena, Sam, Valerie, and a few more of the elite Antarian soldiers to help assess each of the younger ones’ strengths and weaknesses.

As expected, the Roswell group knew what their strengths and weaknesses were. They only had to show their capabilities once before they were told to resume training to get to their full capacity.

But for Liz, it was a much harder task. She was to spend time learning control so she could easily be able to employ the power of the Granolith at will as Thala had done in the past.

Beads of sweat were forming on her forehead as she tried to lift one fallen log from the pile right across her. Her task was to be able to move that one above her head and move it to an empty lot behind her using her powers on just that one log. Unfortunately, it was the largest one out of all that were in the pile, its height and weight probably measured fifty times her own. It was by far the heaviest, but it was also the one in the bottom.

Her hands were fisted to her sides, concentration clearly reflected on her face. She was tiring and she didn’t know how much longer she could do this.

The pile started to jiggle as other logs began rolling off from the movement. The one she was aiming at lifted an inch, then another and another until soon it was clearly off the ground and still rising higher.

Everyone paused to look at what their new friend was doing, and they had awe and pride swimming in their eyes.

Liz was still bringing the log higher and higher and she was now poised to move it. When she was lifting the thing, her body was facing it, and she continued to follow it as she was moving the log from one place to the next.

But sooner than she had hoped, she was beginning to tire from the strain. She shuffled her feet, she was weakening fast. Her knees were starting to buckle.

The log was moving closer to her. ‘Just a little bit more…’ Liz thought.

She was starting to shake and while everyone was still staring at the large piece of wood hovering in mid air, Max was looking straight at Liz, watching her intently.

He knew she was starting to feel exhausted. He knew the amount of energy it would take to move that thing. And with Liz just starting to use her powers, he could distinguish the toll it would have on her. Although her powers were quickly increasing in strength, it would still take time to learn how to really control them. Granted, he and Michael and Isabel had no one to help them, it was still too much too soon for Liz.

He was mumbling a prayer for her to hold on, to be able to do what she needed to do.

Liz was beginning to tremble as she continued to strain herself. This was a rather large task for someone who was still discovering their powers. But she was determined more than ever to do what was asked of her.

It was just above her now, just a few more inches and she was done. But something else was about to take place.

Liz was losing focus; and she was wobbling on her feet. The log was moving at a much slower pace and was not as steady as before.

Max’s feet began to move, just one step at a time. He could envision what was about to happen. His pace was getting quicker and quicker but he couldn’t move fast enough.

Liz was almost out of energy. She saw Max out of the corner of her eye and knew that he was headed towards her.

And then, she let go.

“LIZ!” Max yelled and ran as fast as his human feet could carry him.

Isabel looked at Max when he screamed. She turned back to Liz; then joined Max in the race to get to her. However, none of them were fast enough.

The log fell on top of the alien queen, crushing her with its weight.

“NO!” Max was still running.

Michael was stunned but his alien instincts kicked in. He pushed everyone aside and took aim.

Maria saw her boyfriend getting ready to fire. “Michael, don’t!”

But Michael was ready; the training has taught him how to control his powers well. He sent forth a blast, whizzing past Max as he kept running, heading straight for the log that had Liz pinned beneath.

Max halted just short of where Liz was as shards of woods splintered in every direction. He skidded to a stop on his knees beside her. He lifted her head and saw that she was struggling to stay awake.

“Come on, Liz, stay with me. Open your eyes and look at me.”

Liz fought to stay away but it was too difficult.

The rest of the group finally got to her. Some already had tears in their eyes and some sent prayers to whatever god aliens worshipped to save their friend.

“Come on, look at me.” Max coaxed, desperation seeping through his veins.

Liz’s eyelids were fluttering as they began to close.

“LIZ!” Max yelled, cradling her head carefully in his hands.

She put in all the effort that she could muster and with all her strength, opened her eyes one last time.

The connection flared to life, one alien life force joining with the other.

Whatever block Thala had put, was now gone.

Max held on, so did Liz. He was pouring some of his energy into her to prevent her from closing her eyes and losing consciousness.

He began to use his power on her, healing her broken bones one by one.

Liz kept staring at him, her eyes locking on to his. And though she was at the brink of death, she couldn’t help but think how beautiful a man Max was.

The connection burned brightly, but something else was making its way through.

And then, they both recognized who or rather what it was…

The Granolith.