Destiny Awaits (AU, CC, Mature/Adult) Thread #1

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Post by POM »


As soon as he opens his doors, I walk right past him and into the room...Zan asks me, "Rath? Are you ok?". I didn't know where to begin--so I start off calmly. "Have you noticed anything different about Vilandra Lately? she seems more in tune with herself--I can sense that she's pushing me away. I know we don't have the best marriage, but I've been trying despartly to make it work." I look at Zan, who is just staring at me. Then I continue, "Zander--we've been friends since we were little--we practically grew up together...Tell, me--why do you think she is doing this to me?" I ask him and for him to answer--blink or something...Anything!!


"Vilandra your bueaty gets more and more intense by every minute that passes. once more Lonnie--will you run away with me, we will be happy--I promise you that much, You're not happy in your marriage--I can make you happy. Whatever your wish is...I will grant it!" I told her as I got closer to her. and waited for her reply.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


“um...Temptress Ava… I was kinda hoping you would give me some time to let me get settled in? I've only just arrived, but if that is your wish--what do you wish?” Elizabeth states.

I frown, it really is so terrible when even the servants don’t respect you. I caught them both bitching about me but is there a single word of apology? They really should be on their hands and knees begging for forgiveness, I could dismiss them in a blink of a eye. Papa wouldn’t mind at all. Oh bother, what is the point anyway?

Elizabeth has just lost her parents and even I’m not that cruel that I would dismiss her after such a terrible thing has happened to her. I’m not heartless after all.

I wave my hand dismissively, “Go, settle in then. I’ll expected to see you before dinner. I shall need help to get ready and I have some errands I wish you to complete as well. Is that clear?”
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Post by madroswellfan »

I'm shocked. I don't know what to tell him. Rath and Vilandra make a good couple in principle......but I don't know if she loved him. And there were rumours...
Anyways, I had to say something.
"I...Rath maybe that's the problem. Maybe you know her to well? I mean...are you...attracted to her?" I say awkwardly as I straighten my tie and suit.

Post by POM »

~Ruby~ wrote:Just a quick question, since this story is set on Antar does that mean that the Upper Class aliens (Ava, Zan, Rath etc) have any powers?
sorry, I total forgot about this... Yes.. they do have powers--[ same as the ones on the show] & The Servants [ Liz, Kyle, & Maria] also have powers that are unique to them...You can make up the power for your character--cuz I don't really know what to put! :? :!: :D

* Lizs powers same as show, but can also-- read people's minds.

*Keith[Kyle] -- don't know right now! Up for suggestions :D [ anyone?]
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Post by Dominicana »

ooc: sorry guys it took so long, i couldnt put a post on the vacationing thread, well because I didn't know i was going on a vacation, sorry


As soon as I saw Ava walk in my heart jumped a second, and then started back normal again. I really don't care what she says. I was surprised that she actually let Liz settle in. I push Liz into her room as soon as the tempress left.. We burst out laughing..

"She likess you." I joke. Truth is I really could give two fucks on what people think, if the tempress don't like me, fuck her, maybe she could get me kicked out here and I wouldn't have to marry Alex, and pine after Rath.
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Post by POM »

"Thank you my Lady--I will see right before you wish." I repeat back to her. And as soon as she leaves, Maria and I burst out laughing. "She likess you." , Mary jokes. "Yeah...right...I think she has it in for me, because of the way I looked at the king--and the way he looked back!" I sigh. "Will he be at dinner tonight?" I ask her. For some strange reason I couldn't wait to see him, and get lost in his eyes once more.


"Maybe your right...I'll just talk to her tonight after dinner to see what up with her." I told Zan. But then I really look at him, "Why are you so dressed up tonight? Who are you trying to impress--is it Ava or Liz?" I ask. There was new blood inside the house, Zan never let any woman left wanting. "It's Elizabeth isn't it?" And when he didn't answer right away...I knew that I just answered my own question. I looked down at my hands for a moment..then spoke, "Do you at least like her? Do you like her for her..and not out to get some? Like how you did with Ava..." I waited for his reply.


I just looked at her and waited for her reply that would change everything--"Run away with me Vilandra!" I asked her once more.
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Post by madroswellfan »

Look, I admit Im a bit of an arrogant King, but that just takes the biscuit!
"Hey! I liked Ava at first! And to be honest I don't know how I feel about Liz, she's nothing like anyone if ever met before. She's making me feel things that Ive never felt before. And although that scares me, I need to find out why that is, and if it's just one sided. Besides I doubt she'll even to turn up to dinner" I said sadly. "But a guy can try!"
"So are we going? Im sure things with Vilandra will be fine. Wish me luck with Liz. So... do I look ok?"

Post by POM »

madroswellfan wrote:~~~~~ZAN~~~~~
Look, I admit Im a bit of an arrogant King, but that just takes the biscuit!
"Hey! I liked Ava at first! And to be honest I don't know how I feel about Liz, she's nothing like anyone if ever met before. She's making me feel things that Ive never felt before. And although that scares me, I need to find out why that is, and if it's just one sided. Besides I doubt she'll even to turn up to dinner" I said sadly. "But a guy can try!"
"So are we going? Im sure things with Vilandra will be fine. Wish me luck with Liz. So... do I look ok?"

I stand up and smile to all Zans sudden outbursts--and just look away and back again in between his words. "I know what it is--Zan. Your in Love with this Elizabeth girl." I smiled at him. He denied it--but the more he denied it, the more I kept reasuring that, that was the situation. And the more he could believe it. "Don't worry Zan, It happens eventually--all of a sudden something hits you like a ton of bricks, and makes you think about all sorts of stuff that never paid attention to anymore." I smile at him. Don't worry so much Zander, she will be at dinner tonight--if Mary is there--she will be also. I promise you." I straighten his tie, and pat his cheek before heading out the door. "This has been a good talk Zan--we should do this again sometime!" I tell him as I leave his office.
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Post by madroswellfan »

Me? In love with Elizabeth? PAH! Im the King of Antar! We kings don't fall in love with servant girls! "It's just a infatuation" I told my reflection in the mirror. But at the back of my mind, a voice told me "Yeh right!".
I sighed, gave myself one more look in the mirror and left my chambers. I started walking slowly through my castle to the dining room, where hopefully the beautiful Miss Elizabeth would be there.
I replayed Rath's words in my mind. One moment he was telling me that he was wondering about Vilandra, and the next he was telling me the ways of love. Was it possible that my second in command, who was married to my sister loved another?
I hoped my servant Keith had arranged something for after dinner like I asked him to. Maybe I could get talking to her, find out what the person is like beneath that beautiful exterior.
I had walked right past the dining hall. "Shoot!" I muttered.
I walked quickly back again, glad that no one had seen myself walking past the room. I quickly turned the doorhandle and went inside.

Post by POM »


After I got settled in and Mary had went on about her business, I was making my way towards Lady Avas head quarters...when a young gentleman asked for a moment of my time. I bow in his presence, I didn't know what to do exactly. "Good Evening" I said to him.


"My Lady Elizabeth..I have an invitation for you from the King." I told her calmy, trying not to rush out the words too quickly.

I smiled at to what he said, "What is the Kings orders?" I ask him politly.

"He will like to accompany you to dinner tonight and spend some quality time with you, Miss--if that is okay with you." She looked bueatiful, but not as bueatiful as Miss Ava--in my heart there was only one woman--and it was her.

I smile at him, "Tell your Highness, that I would be delighted to attend--but I will be a little late. I have to see that Miss Ava is Happy before my joinning everyone else. With a nod and a smile he was off--hopefully to tell Zan of my sayings. I knock on the door, "Lady Ava...May I come in?" I ask aloud.

With Liz agreeing to his invitation--I quickly run to his office...then see it empty--I then run to the dinning hall, and see Zan briefly talking to the kitchen staff. "Your highness--" I adress as he looks at me, and I got closer. "Lady Elizabeth agrees to your invitation, but she says she will be a little late for the proceedings for she has to make Lady Ava happy, before joining us all to dinner." He smiles at what I tell him--and wait for him to reply to my tellings