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Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:29 pm
by StormWolfstone
Title: Matches Made In Heaven

Disclaimer: I don't own the Roswell aspect of this, just using creativity :D

Rating: Adult

Couples: UC/CC

Summary: Listed below....

Nadia Youngblood - She had always been good at playing matchmaker for others, but she had never had the luck on her own. Still, despite her own failed relationships, she continued to make love matches for others and when she felt she had done what she could in one city, she would pick her shop up and move to another. Her travels have now taken her to Roswell, New Mexico. The database she had compiled over the years was constantly updated in case she found the perfect match of a client in a different town. She moves to Roswell and opens her shop, but at first finds herself disappointed because no new clients seem to have an interest.

Maria DeLuca - Having been in the spotlight for two years, Maria has grown tired of the celebrity match they try to set up. She went back to Roswell for a vacation and saw Matches Made In Heaven, a reputable organization. She decided on her own to sign up. Of course, she wouldn't sign up on her own and she dragged her best-friends in with her.

Alex Whitman - A successful computer programmer, he rarely attempted to get into the dating scene, especially after the loss of his fiance' when he was 18. He'd loved Connie very much and her loss stayed with him. When Maria returned after a two year success on the stage, he was hard put to agree to this matchmaking company, but he finally gave in. He soon learns that moving on isn't quite that bad.

Liz Parker - She's nearly finished getting her degree in molecular biology and has been so buried in her studies that dating is the last thing on her mind. When her best-friend returns, she finishes her exams and then returns to Roswell herself. When Maria mentions MMIH, she admits she's already in the database because she'd met with the owner while at Columbia University. Still, she goes in and lets Nadia know that she's in Roswell for a while.

Kyle Valenti - After high school, he went on to be a major NFL player. He dated often, but he never managed to find real love, so when he met Nadia he signed up for her program and checked in with her monthly. He had heard from other players that she had made their lives worth living when they found their perfect mate. He kept hoping that she would find the best match for him. So, when he recieves a call, he's glad that the season is over and he can take a trip.

Max Evans - He'd become a successful advertisement executive and was often considered an eligible bachelor of great standing but none of the women he met did anything for him, so he had signed up with MMIH when the owner was located near his New York office. At the same time, he was surprised to see his sister and best-friend do the same. He didn't get to know the owner much but months later, he can't get her off his mind. Her image haunts him.

Isabel Evans - She has become a model, just as she had always dreamed of, but she was also a top fashion designer and had amassed millions. Her life was nearly complete, but seeing so many of her fellow designers and models matching up she decided to sign up for the most reputable matchmaking she had heard of.

Michael Guerin - A sought after artist, Michael has traveled the country to exhibit his artwork, but he always returns to New York where he grew up with the Evans. One day, he saw Isabel walk into a matchmaking place and followed her and before he knew what he was doing, he'd signed up.

Michael, Isabel, Max - They are still hybrids, but they never lived in Roswell and they were never revealed to humans. They lived out their lives in New York. They are unaware that they have a fourth somewhere out there. Yet, all three felt drawn to Nadia when they first met her.

Liz, Alex, Maria - They were friends almost since birth. Growing up together and always keeping in contact.

Kyle was born in Texas and football was his life. He was raised by his mother while his father resided in Roswell. However, he wasn't aware that his father was even alive. So, when he gets the call from Nadia and ends up in Roswell he has a surprise.

After going over her database, Nadia contacts the group in New York... except for Max because she still doesn't feel that she's found his match. Yet, when Isabel and Michael get the call, Max decides to tag along because he wants to see Nadia again.




Nadia - Storm
Liz - dreamer393
Isabel - Storm
Maria - madroswellfan
Michael - (OPEN)
Alex - KarenEvans
Kyle - littleroswell
Max - madroswellfan

If anyone is interested, please PM me with an audition. Anyone can audition even if someone else has asked for a character. If you have a second choice, feel free to mention that as well.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:56 pm
by littleroswell
I have a couple of RPG ideas but I'm not sure if anyone would be interested. I'll list them below in general and see what you guys think.

Idea #1 - The Alien Circus
Summary: Liz, Kyle, Maria, and Alex all know each other and have just graduated from high school and get tickets to the world famous alien themed circus that's coming to Roswell for the first time in years. What no human knows is that the circus is made up of real aliens, that the tricks and stunts are not just that but real powers of aliens who have fled their dying planet a couple of generations ago. The aliens figure that hiding in plain sight is the best disguise and way to use their powers. Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess are all a part of this circus family. When Isabel falls and gets a non-life threatening injury in the trapeze act, Liz ends up being talked into taking her place as she used to study gymnastics and was great at it. When the Roswell teens fall in love with the circus performers, their love is tested when they find out they really are aliens. When they are asked to go on the road with the circus because they can't bear to be without their human counterparts, will they choose to leave everyone and everything they've ever known for a life on the road? Obviously it's all CC.

Idea #2 - Weddings by Liz
Summary: Liz Parker is a wedding planner and her assistant is her best friend Maria. They are hired to do Isabel Evans' wedding to Alex Whitman and since Isabel is the hottest new fashion designer, Liz is eager for this to boost her career as well. Mayhem ensues when Liz is attracted to Isabel's brother who is already seeing the maid of honor (Tess). Max thinks a wedding planner is a waste of time and money. He's surprised by the beautiful Liz and is attracted to her. He figures she's completely unavailable, however, when she announces that she's engaged to Kyle Valenti. What Max doesn't know is that Liz only said she was engaged to Kyle because her ex-fiance, Sean (Maria's cousin) showed up begging her to take him back after leaving her at the altar a year before. She didn't know Max was standing there when she said Kyle was her fiance. This would be all CC as well.

Idea #3 - Love Heals
Summary: Set during WWII in Europe. Liz is a nurse in a vet hospital, Maria is a candy striper and entertains the troops who are recovering or just stationed in the area. Tess is also a nurse there. Max, Michael, Alex, and Kyle are all vets who are wounded in one way or another. Liz had promised Sean that she would marry him when the war was over. Her conscience starts to bother her when she ends up falling for Max. Isabel shows up at the hospital looking for her brother as another volunteer nurse. She finds him there after a little while and is happy to know he is alive. Liz receives and writes back and forth to Sean, but the letters grow further apart time-wise. When she gets the news that he is MIA (missing in action) her guilt overwhelms her and she doesn't know what to do. Ends all CC.

So what do you guys think? Should I start any of these? Would anyone else be interested in them? They would all be TEEN.


Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:37 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
#2 and #3 are my favorites.


Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:27 am
by madroswellfan
They're all very good, but I particularly like 1 and 2

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 10:51 am
by DaisyMae24
I like 1 and 2 the best...they sound great little Roswell.

Ive worked on my own roleplay idea and here it is.

Against All Odds

It's a Roswell/Smallville XO
takes place right before Reckoning in Smallville but with a twist/Roswell after Season 3 finale

The Twist

-the Roswell gang leaves after graduation and ends up in Smallville meeting Clark and the gang
-Clark and Lana never got back together in Season 5, instead Clark and Chloe got together
-Max and Liz are still married
-Alex never died and Tess is not evil in this
-Maria and Michael never broke up and are still going strong

Summary: Max and the gang end up in Smallville after leaving Roswell and become friends with the Kent family. Liz starts seeing premonitions of things happening to her friends and Clark's and tries to warn them ahead of time. When she foresees Jonathan Kent's death and begs Max to heal him Max has to decide if he wants to reveal his alien orgins to their new friends. The FBI is also hot on the Roswell teens trail but they find Clark and Lex Luthor may be able to help them out of that mess.

Everyone let me know what they think and if I should go with this idea or help me with a better one. Thanks

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:51 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
Created by: Tabasco sauce
Title: Different Cirumstances
Rate: Mature
Couples: CC
Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell, but I wish I did :D . The RPG was written by my friend. She is so kind to let me use her RPG because I love this RPG so much I thought I should try out again with you guys. This wills be hosted by me and dreamer393.

When the story starts, our favorite Roswellians are starting their sophomore year of high school. (So they'd either be 15 or 16, whichever you prefer). The aliens are still aliens, and the humans are still humans. The twist is, the characters have different personalities than their counterparts on the show.
The circumstances in which podsters’ true identities will be revealed, and the eight teens become friends will be completely different, and I hope, just as exciting.

Here are the character summaries I have come up with. Feel free to change them, accordingly

Max Evans:
When he was eight years old, Max and his twin sister Isabel were found naked on the side of the road. A year later, when he was nine, he, his sister, and their new friend Michael started developing powers, which no one else seemed to possess. Realizing they were aliens from the 1947 crash, the three children decided to keep their identities hidden from everyone around them, including their adoptive parents.
When he walked off of the school bus that first day in third grade, Max fell instantly in love with Liz Parker. Her genuine personality and radiant smile captivated him. They were causal friends through elementary school, but when junior high came around, things changed. Liz became part of the popular crowd, while he became more of a punk. A friendship between them was impossible. Yet through his endless string of casual girlfriends, Max still found himself attracted to Liz. So when Liz is hospitalized after a car accident, his heart forces him to heal her wounds and reveal his secret.

Liz Parker: When junior high rolled around, Liz and her best friend Tess Harding were determined to become a part of the popular crowd, and to their happiness, they were accepted with open arms. Between organizing school events, keeping up her grades, and cheering on the squad, she all but forgot the boy she sometimes spoke to in elementary school.
Liz thinks she has it all. Good grades, proud parents, and a great boyfriend. She had landed the elusive Kyle Valenti, a gorgeous heart-throb with the athletic abilities of a king. But when she gets hospitalized after a car accident, that boy who she had all but forgotten comes back into her life, mysteriously healing her critical wounds with the touch of a hand. Stranger, he left an array of glowing handprints on her body. As she goes back into her every day routine, she begins to question her happiness....and whether Max Evans was really all she thought he was.

Michael Guerin
Like his best friend Max, Michael is a punk who dates around. Getting close is not an option, so it is better to stay unattached. But when the spunky new girl Maria Deluca arrives at West Roswell High, Michael can't help but be intrigued. The girl who became part of Liz Parker's group of teenage socialites can prick his temper like no other. Between their heated arguments and her sultry good looks, Michael can't help falling for her.
But Michael's perfect world is slowly beginning to collapse. His foster father Hank is being abusive, his secret identity is slowly beginning to be revealed, and his hair is beginning to lose its Spike!

Maria Deluca
Arriving at a new school in the middle of high school is supposed to be traumatizing....right? Well, Amy Deluca sure didn't think so. After 16 years of running a struggling aroma therapy shop in New York City, she decides to move herself and her daughter to her childhood hometown, where she could open a store dedicated to alien memorabilia. The whole prospect of the change makes Maria angry and embarrassed all at the same time. How could her mother take her away from her friends, and then open a shop selling 'George Bush is An Alien' shirts?
But on her first day of school, Maria befriends the 'right' people, causing her insecurities to vanish. Liz and Tess are West Roswell's finest, and are more than happy to let a sophisticated New Yorker join their elite circle of friends.
Life is going great, until Maria comes across Michael Guerin, the chauvinistic punk in her English class. They argue about everything and anything, in class and out. But as their arguments grow more heated, Maria realizes that somewhere along the line, her hate turned into love. But just as their relationship begins to take off, Michael begins to distance himself, leaving her hurt and confused.

Kyle Valenti
Most teenage guys would dream to be a star athlete. You're guaranteed to have the hottest girlfriends, the most popularity, and the easiest ticket into college. But Kyle Valenti isn't most teenage guys.
Being the sheriff's son, a lot more is expected of him than anyone else. He needs to be on his best behavior 24/7, regardless. He's always expected to make winning plays in all his games. Fumbling and messing up are not options.
Asking out Liz was a natural decision. She is the reigning queen of the sophomore class. It made sense to him at the time. But as he spends more time with his new girlfriend, he realizes he chose the wrong girl. Maybe it was her piercing blue eyes, her graceful stance, or her soft blonde curls. But something about Tess Harding, Liz's best friend, has his mind racing. The only problem was how to ask out one girl, only days after breaking up with her best friend.

Tess Harding
What kind of friend are you if you're head-over-heals in love with your best friend's boyfriend? Tess Harding asks herself that very question each day, and is never closer to finding an answer.
Moreover, what kind of friend are you if you kept your true identity hidden from your best friend for 16 years? Still, she doesn't know the answer.
After Liz gets into a car accident, Max Evans, the punky playboy of the sophomore class heals her friend using nothing but his hands. He leaves behind a trail of silver handprints, showing that like herself, Max is an alien. Hoping to ease her friend's fears, Tess decides to tell Liz the truth...about her identity....and about Kyle Valenti. It looks like she'll have the answers to those questions.

Alex Whitman
Alex Whitman prides himself in being different. His band, ‘The Whits’ plays a mix of grunge and punk music at several over 21 clubs in and around the Roswell area. His impeccable charm and fast sense of humor certainly make him popular with the ladies. It’s no wonder his two closest confidants are Max Evans and Michael Guerin. But after walking in on a number of heated conversations between his two friends, Alex begins to think that they are keeping something from him. Whether it’s their sexuality or their use of illegal substances, Alex is beginning to feel neglected. What use is it to be different if you have no one to be different with?
As Alex’s world goes into a downward spiral, he grows hungry for answers. In an attempt to discover his friends’ hidden secret(s), Alex begins to spend more time with his studious lab partner, Isabel Evans, more importantly, Max’s twin sister. But as he spends more time with Isabel, he realizes that there is more to the book smart blonde than meets the eye. Under the badly fitting clothes and large framed glasses lies a buxomly goddess with a heart of gold. But when Alex begins to have a series of strange dreams involving Isabel, he begins to wonder whether she is in on her friends’ secret.

Isabel Evans
Max and Michael opted to be social, yet remain unattached. Isabel on the other hand, thought it best to be an outsider…another face in the crowd. To Isabel, life was lonely. But she realized long ago that making friends under false pretenses would be no better. It would be too difficult for her to lie. Max and Michael were all she needed….at least that’s what she thought.
Alex Whitman, her hilariously funny lab partner, had been friends with her ‘brothers’ for as long as she could remember. He was the exception to their rule, but they still never told him the truth. As she sees their friendship fall apart, Alex begins to speak to her on a regular basis….And she knows it’s to get to Max and Michael. But as she spends more time with Alex, a romance begins to bloom. They go on dates, she attends his band’s performances, and most important- she begins to shed her baggy clothes and awful glasses for more sexy attire…Attire that she feels more herself in. Isabel knows she owes her change to Alex. Hoping to give Alex a series of clues, Isabel begins to dream walk him nightly. She trusts him with Max and Michael’s identities…And her own.

Well, there you go. I got the idea after reading the script to the ‘Unaired Pilot’. The personalities of each character were pretty different than those of the characters on the final version of the show. Alex was Native American…Liz had lost a sister…Max was a BIKER! I just wanted to see what would happen if Michael weren’t so uptight…If Isabel weren’t so Icy. Please Join!

Max Evans:
Liz Parker: Dreamer Dreaming
Michael Guerin: madroswellfan
Maria Deluca: dreamer393
Kyle Valenti:
Tess Harding:
Alex Whitman:
Isabel Evans:

If anyone is interested please let me know.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:53 pm
by madroswellfan
Can I be Michael?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:54 pm
by DaisyMae24
Can I be Isabel?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:00 pm
by dreamer393
DaisyMae24 wrote:Can I be Isabel?
Daisymae24- You are a very talented roleplayer but I must say no. You tend to dissapear quite often leaving your characters with noone to play them. Thanks for asking though. :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:01 pm
by dreamer393
madroswellfan wrote:Can I be Michael?
Mel- look up... ur name is already on the