Unorthodox Love (UC, K/Ma, Adult) [COMPLETE]

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 23

"What the hell is going on?" Amy yelled at her daughter in step-son.

"MOM!" Maria screamed, hidding behind Kle who was still facing her to cover himself.

Jim was steaming, but he had no words at that exact moment. he was still in shock. Amy looked on with disgust and said, "Dressed. NOW! Then you two are comming downstairs and we are going to have a long talk!" she yelled before slamming the door.

Maria's eyes filled with tears and she looked at Kyle. "Oh God, Kyle! What are we going to do?"

He was wondering the same thing, but he held her close and whispered that everything would be okay.

After Maria collected herself, they got dressed. She kissed him hard on the lips and they made thier way tothe kitchen, hand-in-hand.

When Amy saw them together, she rushed at Kyle. "Get your hand off of my daughter!" She screamed, pushing him away from Maria.

"Mom! Stop it!" Maria cried, rushing to Kyle and clinging to him.

"How could you?!?" Amy screamed. "He is your brother!"

"He's not my brother. He was my friend before you and Jim got maried!" Maria shot back.

Finally, Jim spoke up, "That's enough! Kyle, come with me to the living room. Maria, you stay here with you mother."

When Jim and Kyle were gone, Amy turned to Maria. "How long? How long have you been together, Maria?"

"A couple months," Maria answerd, not backing down.

"Well, from what i saw tonight, that was obviously not your first time. So, how many others where are there?" Amy asked.

Maria's face showed shock at hearing that question, "First of all, that is non of your business. Secondly, Kyle and I have been sleeping together for a week! We love each other!"

"No you don't!" Amy said firmly.

"You don't know what i feel, Mom! I love him, and we are going to be together!" Maria said now hysterical.

In the Living Room...

"Please tell me you are on drugs or somthing. That Amy and i jsut cuaght you two together becuase of some crazy high you both were on." Jim said to his son.

"No, Dad. No drugs. What you, very rudely, walked into where two people in love, showing that love to one another." Kyle answered calmly.

"You can't be with Maria, Kyle. You just can't. It's not right." Jim replied.

"What's not right about it? I love her, Dad. Arn't you hearing me? We are ment for each other. You and Amy are an odd couple. No one would put you two together, and yet you are married!" Kyle shot back.

"Not the same thing!" Jim yelled at the analogy.

"Whatever! Look, we are going to be together. You can't stop us." Kyle said firmly.

Before Jim could answere, they heard a smack and Maria whimpering. Kyle shot out of his seat and into the kitched where he found Maria clutching her face. Kyle immediatly saw red.

HE rushed over to Maria and wrapped his arms around her. "It's ok, baby. I'm here. I won't let her hurt you again." he whispered as he kissed her forehead.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry," Amy said with tears in her eyes. She felt really bad for slapping Maria. She reached out to touch her daughter, but Kyle pushed her hands away.

"You stay the fuck away from her!" Kyle screamed. He knew that they had to get out of that house before he did something he regreted.

"We are leaving," he said to his parents. "We'll be back tomorrow. Hopefully, you will have your heads out of your asses by that point. But know this, I love Maria. I'm not leaving her. So, if you want to keep us apart, you are going to ahve to kill me!"

With that, he took Maria's hand and led her out of the house. They got into his Mustang and headed down the road.

Maria pulled out her cell phone and dialed MAx. "Hey, Max. Yeah, ummm, Kyle and i need to talkto you guys. Can we come over? The window. Ok. Thanks. Bye."

She turned off her phone and looked at Kyle. He still looked so angry. "Kyle?" she said softly.

"Yeah, baby?" she asked as his features softened.

"I love you," She said and grabbed his hand.

"I love you, too," Kyle said kissing her knuckles, as they headed down Main St. to the Evans'.

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Chapter 24

Kyle helped Maria climg up the side of the Evans' home. Then the knocked lightly on Max's window. HE wuickly comet o the window and helped them in. "What's wrong?" Max asked. He could tell somthing big had happened. Then he saw the red mark on Maria's face.

Maria sat on the bed and Kyle joined her. "Ummm, my mom and Jim found out about us." she said looking at Kyle.

"How?" Max asked.

"They found us...ummm...Making love." Maria said, finally looking at Max. There were tears in her eyes.

"Is that what the red mark is? Did one of them hit you?" Max asked trying to keep rage out of his voice.

"Yeah, Umm, My mom slapped me." Maria said simply. Then Kyle stook up and started pacing the room.

"Max, it was all o could do not to take Amy out. But we had to get out of there. We didn't know where else to go." Kyle said as he wrapped his arms around Maria. She laid her head on his abdomen.

"Is Isabel here?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, she and Alex are downstairs." Max said.

Maria knew it was time to tell Alex. And she really wanted to talk to Isabel. "I better go down and talk to them. Alex doesnt know about us yet. I bet he is not going to be happy." Maria said with a frown.

Kyle and Max nodded, "We will come with you." Kyle said, taking her hand and leading her downstairs.

"Hey, Maria." Isabel said to her as she entered the living room. Alex immediatly noticed Kyle and Maria holding hands. He was confused, but decided to see what was going on before saying anything.

"Hey, ummm we need to talk to you. Actually, both of you," Maria said looking at Alex.

"What's up?" Alex asked. Maria sat down on the couch and Kyle say next to her. Max took the lazy-boy.

"Ummm, well Alex, I've been keeping a secret from you. We have. Kyle and i are in love. We've been together for a little over a month." Maria got out in one breath, then she looked at Alex for his reaction.

Alex looked back at her with bewildered eyes. "Ummm, can i have a minute with Maria?" Alex asked. Max and Isabel nodded and reluctantly, Kyle followed them into the kitchen. He didnt want to leave Maria alone with someone who could possibly hurt her more, but he knew that she owed this to Alex.

"What is going on, Maria?" Alex asked calmly.

"I love him, Alex. I wanted to fight it too, but i can't help it." Maria pleaded with him to understand.

"Why didnt you tell me? So, everyone knows but me. That's just great. I thought you were my best friend. You know, Liz went crazy and skipped town. You are all i have." Alex said, his voice raising with each sentence.

"I know, i'm sorry Alex. I wanted to tell you. But dont you see. I couldnt let people find out. They wouldnt understand." Maria said with tears stinging her eyes.

"But you told Max and Isabel. And i'll bet you told Michael. And i'm sure you told Liz. So, once again. i'm the last to find out." Alex said.

"No, i havn't told Liz. I jsut told Michael today." Maria said, "Look, Alex. i'm really sorry that i kept this from you. I really really am. You are my girlfriend for life. And i really need you right now." Maria said, unable to keep her tears in any longer.

Alex relented seeing the fear and pain in Maria's eyes, "Whats wrong?" he asked.

"Mom and Jim found us...together. They freeked out. My mom slapped me. It was ugly." Maria said pointing to her face.

"Oh, Maria." Alex said wraping her in a hug. Maria broke down and started sobbing.

Kyle, Isabel, and Max had been listening to the conversation and came in when Maria started crying. "Oh, Maria. I'm so sorry." Isabel said joining them on the couch.

"But now i dont know what to do." Maria said collecting herself.

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked fearing that she was thinking of leaving him.

"I mean, i'm not giving you up. And i know our parents arnt going to let us be together. So, waht are we going to do?" I can't live in the same house as you and pretend i dont' love you. I'm a good actor, but not that good." Maria explained.

Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. Then began thinking. Max, Isabel, and Alex wraked thier brians too. "How old are you?" Max finally asked them.

"17," Maria answered. My birthday is next month.

"18," Kyle said. Not understanding the question.

"Well," Max began, "This is jsut a thought. But, if your parents dont let up, when Maria turns 18, you could get an apartment. Its probably way out there. BUt it is an option. And you would have 2 incomes. Michael is doing fine and he only has one."

Maria and Kyle thought on that for a while. It made sense. It would be hard, and jim and Amy would have a shit fit, but it was doable. They loved each other. They needed to be together. This was probably thier best bet.

"That's a briliant idea, Maxwell." Kyle said, then looked at MAria, "That is if you want to live with me."

"Kyle, i already live with you. And i want to be with you. I love you, Kyle," she said and kissed him deeply and passionatly.

Isabel grinned and cleared her throat to notify them that there were still people in the room. Maria pulled away from Kyle and blushed.

"Ok, well, you guys can stay here, why dont you stay in the guest room." Max said pointing to the downstairs bedroom.

Maria smiled and kissed everyone good night and headed to the bed room. Alex stopped Kyle from following her. "Look, man. You probably know this, but Maria has had a few tough times. Just look after her. And if you hurt her, Max and i will kill you. Thats no joke. She is very importatnt to me." Alex said.

"I know, she is important to me to. Thanks for understanding." Kyle said and then disappeared into the bedroom.

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Chapter 25

The next day, Kyle and Maria decided it was time to go back home and give thier parents an ultimatum. They were going to tell them that they either need to get over the fact that Maria and Kyle were together, or they were going to move out.

They both stepped in the house slowly. Jim and Amy immediatly rushed to them. "Where the hell were you?" Amy asked ushering them into the living room.

"We went to Max's house." Kyle answered matter of factly. He was still very pissed at Amy. "Not that you would care, that much. You are certainly ok with hitting Maria." he muttered.

"Kyle, show your step mother some respect." Jim snapped.

Before Kyle should say anything more, Maria spoke up, "Look, we are willing to sit down and talk about this. BUt we are doing it together."

"Fine. What do you want to talk about? The fact that you have been having sex with you step-brother? Or the fact that you have been lying to your parents for over a month?" Amy bit out.

"We want to talk to you about the fact that no matter what you say, we are going to be together. You can't stop us. We are in love, and weather you like it or believe it, we are going to be together." Kyle said calmly and cooly.

"I beg to differ, son. You are my child, and you will do what I tell you." Jim said sternly.

"Fine. If that is how you feel, but i want you to know that if you dont support us, If you try to stop us, we will move out. I understand that this is your house and you make the rules. But in a month, i'll be 18, and Kyle and i will leave." Maria said honestly.

Amy looked at JIm. What were they going to do? "You would just leave me?" Amy asked more to herself than Maria.

"Mom. That is not waht i want. But you are giving us no choice. I love Kyle. I need to be with Kyle. And if you are not going to allow that, then i have to. We have to." Maria said. She was trying and just barely succeeding at keeping her tears back.

"Fine. You want to leave. Then get out. i dont want you here. You are not my daughter. I'd rather have you out of my house than living under my roof in sin with your own step-brother." Amy yelled at Maria.

"Don't yell at her. Havn't you done enought?!" Kyle yelled. "All she wants is for you to love and support her."

Amy made her way toward Kyle as Jim and Maria looked on, "Dont' you tell me how to speak to my own daughter. You are no one. Just a good lay for her. She will get tired of you and leave just like she is doing to me!" Amy bit out with all the anger and hatred she possesed.

"That's enough!" Jim yelled, finally taking his son's side. "I know you are upset, honey. I am too, but dont' talk to my son like that."

Maria walked up to her mother, looked her straight in the eye and said, "I hate you. I'll get my stuff together and i'll be out of here as soon as possible." Then she grabbed Kyle's hand. "And dont come near me or Kyle, ever. That is unless you can grow up and get over yourself." Maria said and then she and Kyle went upstairs to pack.

Amy looked at Jim and collapsed on the couch. "She is leaving. I can't belive she is leaving me." Amy said.

Jim, though still upset with her, held her in his arms. He knew she was upset. He knew that she had a problem dealing with her emotions. So, he let her cry as he, too, worried about his son. But Kyle was right. He was 18, Jim couldn't make him stay. He also knew, that even though Maria was 17 for another month, she would be with him immediatly after she turned 18. So what was the point in making her stay. They were stubborn kids. They would have to find out the hard way that this was just puppy love.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 26

"Are you sure that's everything?" Kyle asked as he carried the last of thier boxes into his and Maria's new apartment. They had stayed at Max and Isabel's house for a week until they found an apartment. Neither of them had spoken to thier parents, since they left.

"Yeah, that's all." Maria said following him into the apartment, "Can you believe that this is OUR place?" Maria asked grinning from ear to ear.

"I know, bizarre, huh?" Kyle said wrapping his arms around her and pulling her down on the couch.

"You're not going to get sick of my are you?" maria asked, "You arn't going to get tired of my girly things being everywhere and stuff, right?" She giggled at him.

"No, baby. I can't wait to see your girly things lying around. Cause that means you arn't wearing them." Kyle growled.

"We have to unpack," Maria said giggling against Kyle's mouth.

"Later. Now, we should christen the apartment." Kyle breathed.

"Well, if you are going to twist my arm," Maria said before kissing him passionatly.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Whoever it is, they are dead," Kyle growled before reluctantly going to the door. Maria just laughed at him.

It was Max, Isabel, and Alex. "HEY!" Isabel said.

"Hey," Kyle muttered back.

"Whats wrong with you?" Max asked seeing that he wasn't so happy to see them.

"Well, Maxwell, i was a little busy." Kyle said. Alex and MAx got it and immediatly felt bad. Isabel just pushed her way into the apartment.

"Hey Izzy," Maria said. getting off the couch. Kyle just wanted them to leave.

"Do you need any help?" Isabel asked. "I brought the guys. I figured, if we all came over and helped you unpack, that you would be done in no time."

"That would be awesome!" Maria said hugging Alex, Max, and Isabel. Kyle groaned. Maria grinned and said, "Excuse us for one second." she said pulling Kyle into the bedroom.

She pushed him against the wall and pressed her body against his and licked his earlobe. "Baby, the sooner we get unpacked, the sooner we can get back to tradition," she whispered seductivly into his ear.

"Oh, baby, you talk like that, and Max, Isabel, and Alex are going to get a really good show." Kyle growled.

Maria giggled and pulled him back into the living room.

It only took a couple hours to get all unpacked and settled. Alien powers are nice that way, and soon Kyle and Maria were saying goodbye to thier friends.

As Alex was leaving he said, "So, Maria. Are you going to ever talk to Liz about this?" Alex was concerned about thier friendship. He knew that Maria and Liz were going through some things, but he wanted them to be friends again. And liz would be hurt if she was let out of the loop.

"Yeha, She is comming over tomorrow. She doesn't know anything yet." Maria said. Alex nodded and left.

"Ok, where were we?" Kyle asked rushing to Maria.

"Right about here," Maria said pushing Kyle on the couch, and straddling his thighs.


"You sure you wanna stay for this?" Maria asked Kyle as she brushed her teeth.

Kyle wrapped his arms around Maria from behind. "Yes, I'm here for you. It will be ok." he said.

Then she heard aknock on the door. She spit out the tothpaste in her mouth and answered the door. "Hey Liz!" she said.

"Hey, ria. Who's apartment is this?" She asked seeink Kyle in the kitchen.

"Ummm come in. Liz. This is my apartment. Or rather OUR apartment." Maria explained pointing to Kyle.

"huh?" Liz asked confused.

"Well, Liz, the reason i invited you over was to tall you somthing. Kyle and I are together. OUr parents were less than thrilled, so we moved out and in here." Maria said waiting for a reaction.

"What the hell are you thinking, Maria. You can't be with Kyle? What about Michael? You are supposed to be with Michael." Liz said.

"Liz, Michael and i arn't together. We havn't been since MAy. I dont love Michael. I love Kyle." Maria explained as Kyle say next to her and took her hand in his.

"No! You can't do this to me. You can't just ruin my life becuase you can't get your hormones under control!" Liz screamed. Maria was confused.

"Liz, dont yell at her. What we do has ntohing to do with you. Maria wanted to tell you becuase she was sick of hiding it from you. Its not like you consulted with her before you left her here last summer with a broken heart." Kyle shot back.

"I wasn't talking to you, Kyle. I already know that you will do anything for a good lay. I thought Maria was different." Then she turned her attention to Maria, "How am i supposed to get Max back if you arn't with Michael anymore. That was my only card."

"What? You were going to use my fucked up relationship with Michael to get Max back? Who are you? Look, Liz. Max doesnt want you back. You left him and he got over you. You need to deal with that." Maria said trying not to yell at her once best friend.

"How would you knwo? Are you fucking him too? Is that it? Is that how you got so close. You are just a slut, Maria. I thought you were better than this, but i guess not!" Liz shot back.

Kyle got up and grabbed her by the arm walking her to the door, "Look, Liz. Think what you want about me, but you dont talk to Maria like that. She has been nothing but a good friend to you through all your bullshit. She wanted to tell you about us. Fankly, i could give two shits less what the hell you think, but if all you are going to do is hurt her, stay away from Maria. I love her, and i promise you i will do anything to keep her safe from assholes like you." he said before shuting the door in her face.

In the living room he found Maria crying on the couch, "Oh baby, i'm so sorry." he said pulling her into his arms.

"She was so mean. Liz was never like that. You remember how she was. When did she turn into a bitch?" Maria asked.

"I dont know, baby. But it will be ok. You have Isabel, Alex, and Max, and over course you have me forever. I love you." Kyle said kissing her cheek.

"I love you too," maria said snuggling into Kyle. They spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching TV.

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Chapter 27

A month passed, and Liz and Michael still weren't talking to them. Which was better than snide remarks, so they decided to count thier blessings. After Kyle told Alex, Max, and Isabel about what Liz said, they kept thier distance. Alex still talked to her occasionally, but that was the last straw with Max. He couldnt belive he had ever once loved a girl like that.

It was almost time for Christmas and Maria and Kyle were decorating the tree. "Out very first Christmas together, can you believe it?" Maria asked. She knew she sounded like a girly girl, which she hated, but she was so excited that she and Kyle were spending thier first Christmas together.

Kyle threw a handful of tinsel at her, "Yeah, i love Christmas," he said. And he really did. But this was going to be the best Christmas ever. He hated to admit it, but being with Maria had made him quite a romantic.

"Me Too," Maria said in a cheerful tone. "So, Max, Isabel, and Alex are comming over for dinner on Christmas Eve before Midnight Mass." she informed him.

"Ok, and then we get alone time, right?" Kyle asked. Maria giggled at him. He is always ready to have sex. Not that he didn't make her just as horny, but it was crazy how he was ALWAYS in the mood.

"Yes, dear. Then we will be alone. God, Kyle. Christmas Eve is 3 days away and you are already planning the sex for that night." MAria said. Then they finished decorating the tree.

Then Kyle went out with Max to help him pick out a tree that fit into Isabel's list of perfect trees. MAria sat down and turned the TV on. Kyle and sex. He was like the energizer bunny. Maria grinned to herself. Since the first time they had sex, they had had sex every day, except one. Maria wasn't complaining.

A whiole month of sex. Wait. A month of sex. Without stopping. That means. Oh Shit.


Maria beat vigorously on the Evan's door. Mrs. Evan's answered the door. "Oh Hi Maria. Merry Christmas." she said, voice full of cheer.

"Hi, Mrs. Evans." Maria smiled politly, but her mind was elswhere. "Is Isabel home?"

"Yeah, come in. She is up in her room." Mrs. Evans said pointing upstaris.

Maria maide her way upstairs and to Isabel's room. She knocked lightly on the door and walked in. "Hey, Iz." she said.

"Oh, hey. What are you doing here? I thought you were taking a night for yourself. I've just been so busy. I've got the Christmas Pagent and the Dog Show, and Lunch at the Nursing home tomorrow." Isabel said rambling on about her obligations.

"Ummm, Iz. I need to talk to you." Maria said in a nervous tone. Cutting Isabel off.

"Oh. OK, what's up?" Isabel asked sitting on the bed.

"Ummm, i think... i think i'm pregnate." Maria blurted out then sat down with her head in her hands.

Isabel was shocked. She rubbed her friends back and thought. "Well, did you take a test?"

"No, but i'm Late. Way late. I just totally forgot about my period." Maria said looking at her.

"It's ok Maria. We can figure this out." Isabel said grabbing her coat.


The timer buzzed. It was time. Maria flipped over the plastic stick. Two blue lines. She was going to be a parent, weather she was ready or not. "Its..It's positive." she told Isabel. "Oh God. What am i going to do?" she cried.

Isabel held her friend as she cried and told her everything would be ok.

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Chapter 28

"Isabel, I don't know what i'm going to do." Maria said wiping her eyes.

"Maria, it's going to be okay. We need to tell Kyle, though." Isabel said running her fingers through Maria's hair.

"No!" Maria shouted, "I mean, No. I need to wrap my mind around this first. Isabel, promise me you won't tell anyone about this." Maria pleaded.

"I promise Maria," Isabel returned, huggin her friend tighter.


"Hey, baby. Where did you go?" Kyle asked Maria as she entered the bedroom.

"Oh, I helped Isabel with a few Christmas things." Maria said never betraying her nervous heart racing. She didn't know how she was going to break the news to Kyle.


On Christmas Eve morning, before Kyle and Maria had to start dinner, Maria decided to get some information from Kyle. Kind of see where he stood on the issue of Family, without telling him she was pregnate.

Maria was laying in his arms on the couch and asked, "So, where do you see us 5 years from now?" she tried to ask lightly.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean, do you see us together? So you see a family, maybe?" Maria asked tentativly. She didn't want to freek him out.

"Well, yeah. I see us together," Kyle answered incredulously. "Do you NOT see us together?"

Maria shook her head, "No, I see us together. I'm praying that we will be together. I guess i just wanted to know where we stand." Maria said. Kyle seemed to relax, but she continued, "And the family?"

Kyle thought, "Well, I think that's a little too early to tell. A family is a long way off. We dont have to worry about that right now." he said kissing her nose.

MAria felt tears comming to her eyes. She got off Kyle's lap and made her way into the bedroom without a word. She closed the door and let the tears fall. Kyle didn't want kids now. Who was she kidding? Did she think he really would?

Kyle began to get worried. What was wrong with Maria? He got up and went to the bedroom. There he found her sobbing into thier pillows. 'Oh Baby. What's wrong?" he asked.

Maria looked up suddenly, "Oh, nothing. I'm fine." she said. Obviously, Kyle wasn't convinced.

"Maria, i know somthing is wrong. YOu can tell me anything, you know that." he said sitting next to her. She moved away from him.

She took a deep breath, "Kyle. I'm pregnate. I'm so sorry." she said beginning to sob again.

Kyle was dumbfounded. Pregnate. Oh God! That's what that family question was about. And he fucked it up. She must be so scared.

He wrapped his arms tightly around her and lifted her chin to look at him, "Don't be sorry. There is nothing to be sorry about. Everything is going to be ok. I want to make babies with you. I hadn't planned on starting a family right now. But that is ok. This is a blessing. We will work it out." And he ment every word. She was the only woman he ever wanted to mother his children.

"Really?" Maria said looking into his eyes.

"Yes, Maria. I see myself with you forever. Yes, we are going to have a hard time, but it will be worth it as long as we are together," Kyle found himself saying. Maria was the only person who could make him turn sappy.

Maria flung her arms around him and kissed him deeply.

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Chapter 29

It was 7:00 and Max, Isabel, and Alex had alrady arrived at Maria and Kyle's apartment. They were just waiting for Sean, Maria's cousin, to join them. He had recently gotten out of Jail and was sort of the buffer between Maria and Kyle and thier parents.

"It smells awesome," Alex commented.

"Well, all the appriciation goes to Maria," Kyle was quick to say, "I just chopped things."

Maria giggled, and kissed him on the cheek, "Well, you were the best damn copper in all the land." she said winking at him.

"Don't partonize me." Kyle laughed.

Then the doorbell rang, "That must be Sean." Maria said going to the door. Sure enough, there was Sean with a pie in hand.

"What is this? Did you bake?" Maria faked a look of horror.

"Very funny, smart ass. No, this is from Aunt Amy. She wanted me to bring it. So i brought it." Sean said. He secretly was hopping that this was a step forward for mother and daughter. He hated seeing his aunt and neice so miserable. Especially his aunt. Maria seemed to be assimulating.

"Oh well, thanks. Come on in." Maria said staring at the pie. She would bet that her mom wouldnt be so quick to bake for her if she knew that she was now pregnate.


After dinner, Maria gathered everyone in the living room. She and Kyle had decided to tell the group together about the baby. Of course, isabel already knew. But Sean, Max, and Alex didn't.

"So, Kyle and i have some news." Maria said to her friends. Isabel took Alex's hand, knowing what Maria was going to tell them. Alex still thought of Maria as a sister, so she didn't know how he would react her becomming pregnant.

"We are pregnant." Maria said a looked up for a response. Max smiled at her. And Alex looked shocked. It was Seans reaction that she didn't like.

"Your WHAT?" Sean asked. "M, how could you."

Sean had always been very supportive up until this moment. Really, it wasn't like he had any room to be passing judgement.

"Sean, I didn't mean...It's not...I just wanted you to know." Maria said running into the bedroom and slamming the door.

Kyle went after her, but Max stopped him. "Let, me." he said. Kyle nodded and Max followed Maria into the bed room.

"Go away," Maria said softly as Max enterd.

"Nice, try. But it isn't going to happen." he said sitting next to her. "You know Sean is just suprised. He wants you and your mom to kiss and make up, and this just throws a monkey wrench into the whole game plan." Max explained.

"I know, Max. But i needed him to support me. And he isn't. When my whole familyturned agaisnt me, i thought he would stick by me." Maria said. Then they heard a knock on the door. "come in." Maria said.

It was Sean. Max left them alone. "M, I'm sorry. It was stupid for me to blame you ro be mad. I mean, it's not like i'm known for the best judgement. I just...I want you and Amy to be close again, like you were, and i dont think that will happen now." Sean clarified.

"I know, Sean. I know. And that thought scares me. But i do live Kyle. And we are going to be parents. It wasn't what i planned, but it is how it worked out." Maria said.

"Yeah, i know. You forgive me?" Sean asked hugging her.

"Yeah, i forgive you. As long as you promise to stick by me." Maria said.

"Always." Sean said.

Maria and Sean exited the room and Maria went to Kyle. She nodded that everything was ok and looked at Alex. He was the only one that hadn't said anything about the baby. "So, what do you think?" she asked.

"Well, i was just thinking that the name Alexander Valenti has a nice ring to it... or for a girl Alexandria Valenti." He said with a goofy grin.

Maria ran into his arms. "Thank you, Alex." she said. And they headed out for midnight mass.

Now, she just needed to find a way to tell Liz, Michael, and her parents. None of them would be too happy hearing about the baby from strangers or in the rumor mill. yeah, the easy part was over.

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Chapter 30

Kyle and Maria had put it off until after the holidays, but now was the time to tell their parents. Maria looked at Kyle as they stood on the porch of thier old house. "You know we could not tell them. maybe they won't notice." Maria said hopfully.

"Nice try babe." Kyle said. "No, we have to do this. It will be ok. They will eventually get over it." Kyle said. He wasnt so sure, but what was he going to say, 'our parents are going to hate us for ever'?

Maria rang the doorbell and Amy answered the door, "Oh baby, you're here?" she said.

Maria smiled uneasily and entered the house, never letting go of Kyle's hand. She needed him.

"So, whats up?" Amy said joining Jim on the couch. Kyle had called and said they needed to talk. That was never good, but Amy had an idea of what was comming.

"Well, there is no reason to put this off," Kyle said getting to the point. "Maria and i are pregnant. We are thrilled. But we just thought you should know." he said waiting for the eruption.

But there was none. Maria dn Kyle looked at thier parents. Jim looked Relaxed and Amy was trying to cover up a smile. "Wait, were you guys body snatched? Why aren't you yelling?" Maria asked uneasily.

Amy looked and Jim and began speaking, "Well, honey. We had a pretty good idea that this was what your news was. I mean we know for a fact you are sexually active. And you call and say that you need to meet us after not speaking to us for months. IT was just logical." she explained.

"So why aren't you killing us?" Maria asked, still unsure of what was going on.

Jim took Amy's hand, "Because over the last 2 months we have talked alot about the two of you being together. We realize that you two are in love. We can't stop you from being together, and it was stupid of us to try. When we thought you were pregnate, we talked about it. And while we still think you are young, we know that you will make wonderful parents as long as you stay in love." He explained.

Maria and Kyle were speachless. They were not getting yelled at. Their parents were supporting them.

Amy then said, "I love you. Both of you. And i want you to be happy. I think i was just holding on to you. Wanting you to stay my little baby, that i wouldn't see that you had fallen in lvoe." she said.

Maria flung her arms around her mother, "Oh mom. Thank you. I love you too." Kyle then joined the hug, then Jim. They were a family again, and non of them could have been happier.

"Why dont you guys stay for dinner?" Amy said with tears in her eyes.

"Well, we would love to, but we have to talk to Michael and Liz about this today too. Trying to get it over with," Kyle explained.

"Well, when we are done, why dont we come over?" Maria suggested.

"That sounds great." Jim said showing them to the door. "I love you both," he said.

"We love you too," Maria answered.

Then they were off to Liz's. Liz's then Michael's. They just hoped that Michael and Liz would be as understanding as their parents, but the odds were not in their favor. The bright side was, once they had told Michael and Liz, they would be able to go one with thier lives.

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Chapter 31

"Ok," Maria said knocking on Liz's door, "Let's do it."

"It's going to be fine, Maria," Kyle said. He didn't want Maria to be hurt again.

Before she could respond, Liz opened the door. "Can i help you?" she asked cooly. Liz hadn't spoken to wither one of them since they told her they were together. Liz had also made sure that Maria and she never worked the same shift.

"Yeah, we came by to tell you we are pregnant," Maria said comfindently. She wasn't going to let Liz get to her. "We jsut wanted you to hear it from us."

"Well, like mother, like daughter," Liz said curtly.

Kyle was about to tell Liz were she could go, but Maria laid her hand on his shoulder, "Let's just go," she said and he relented as they walked away.


"Ok. Last stop. Then we are done worrying about everyone else," Kyle said gripping Maria's hand.

"It's going to be ok," Maria said with a reassuring smile.

"Hey, isn't that my line?" Kyle said good-naturedly.

Maria rolled her eyes and knocked on the door. It didn't take long for Michael to answere the door. He saw Maria and Kyle and shifted uneasily. "Need somthing?" he asked, but his tone suprised Maria and KYle. It wasn't harsh. It was that of a broken man.

"Ummm can we come in?" Maria asked and Michael stepped aside. He led them into the living room and sat on the coffee table.

"Well, Michael. The reason we are here is becuase we wanted you to know that we are having a baby. We just didn't want you hearing about it from anyone else." Maria said waiting for the explosion.

But it never came. Maria searched Michael's face for some reaction. All she saw was deep, deep, sadness. No anger or resentment.

"Look, we didn't plan it," Kyle said, uncomfortable in the silence.

Michael looked at Maria, "Maria, I...I'm so sorry." he got out before looking back down at the ground.

"Wh-What?" Maria said.

Michael looked up at her again, "I...I'm sorry for everything," he said trying to ignore Kyle's presence, "For hitting you. Attacking you. For breaking up with you. For never treating you the way you deserved."

Maria's eyes filled with tears and she took Michael's hands in hers, "Michael, i forgive you. You were my best friend once. I still love you in that way." she said.

"But i have to go." Michael said comming back to reality.

"What? Where are you going?" Maria asked.

"I can't stay here in Roswell and see you two together. Especially now that you are starting a family. I have come to terms with the fact that you are in love, and i respect the hell out of Kyle for treating you the way you deserve to be treated. But it hurts. I can't stay." Michael admitted.

Kyle respected Michael for his honesty. "Don't leave, man." Kyle said.

"Michael, please. We can get over this." Maria said.

"No, i need to take some time." Michael said, "But i'll never forget you?" he said showing them to the door.

Maria began crying. "Promise me you will come back," she said.

"I...I promise." Michael said.


Back at the apartment, Kyle and Maria flopped down on the couch. "How you feeling?" Kyle asked.

"Terrible. I mean i was mad at Michael, but i forgive him. I dont want him to leave before we can even rebuild our friendship." Maria said.

"I know, but look at it from his point of view. What if you still loved him and he fell in love with someone else and goet her pregnant. I know you, and Hurrican DeLuca would be out in full force, then you would want to skip town. Its natural. You jsut have to give him some time." Kyle said to Maria.

"I know. I know. It's just hard." Maria said settling into Kyle's arms.

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A/N: Not long after Nesado left, Tess moved to New York. They all sepearted on good terms, she just couldn't deal with life in Roswell.

Chapter 13

Maria and Kyle walked into the Crashdown and sat down in the booth with Isabel, Alex, and Max. "So i guess you talked to Michael." Maria said looking at thier solemn faces. "I'm really sorry," she offered. She felt like him leaving was her fault. And really it was.

"It's not your fault. Michael needed this. It's jsut sad to loose him. But It's not like he is THAT far away." Isabel said placing her arm around Maria.

"You guys know where her is?" Kyle asked. Michael hadn't told them where he was going. He jsut said he was leaving.

"Yeah, He went to New York to stay with Tess." Max answered.

"Oh. That's good. I mean they will have each other." Maria said. She knew that thier alien identety was important to both of them.

Changing the subject, knowing that Maria was quite upset by Michael leaving, Max asked, "So how did Liz take the news?"

Kyle saw red at the mention of Liz, "LIke the bitch that she is," he said cooly.

Alex, Isabel and Max laughed, "Oh God, what did she say."

"I think her exact words were 'Like mother, like daughter'," Maria said. She was trying to be light, but everyone knew that it hurt her that her once best friend had completely shunned her.

Max was upset that Maria was upset. How could he have ever thought he was in love with someone like that.

After everyone left the Crash, Max stuck around and knocked on the Parker's apartment door. Liz answered and smiled widely at him. "Hey Max!" she greeted cheerfully.

"Hi," Max said cooly.

"Come on in." Liz said allowing him to come inside. "So, this is a suprise." she said. She was hoping that he had decided to come to his senses and beg her back.

"It's not what you think. I just thought we should get some things straight." Max said.

"Like what?"

"I dont' know why you find it your job to be a bitch to Maria, but i think you should stop. If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all." Max said.

"What? What does this have to do with us?" Liz said. She didn't want to talk about Maria.

"Becuase, Maria is my best friend. And she used to be your best friend, and she really wanted you to support her. I know she wont admit it, but i can tell. And you insulted her. With a very low blow i might add. I mean when did you turn into the selfish girl that you are now?" Max asked.

"Look. Don't blame me for the mess Maria has made with her life." Lix said defensivly.

"Don't you see. You are the only one who thinks it is a mess. She is happy. Kyle is happy. Her parents support her. Even Michael has fogiven her. Though he really didn't need to." Max explained.

"I think you should leave. And remember, you take her side and we are over." Liz said ashe she ushered him to the door.

"Newsflash," Max said getting out the door, "We are over. We have been for a long time. And we arn't getting back together, ever. You aren't the same person you used ot be. I dont even like the person you are now. Let alone love you. So just get over it." Max said and walked away.


"Oh BABY. FUCK!" Maria yelled in release as Kyle came inside her. He rolled over and pulled her to his side, both breathing heavily.

"I love you," he said kissing her forhead.

"I love you too." Maria said, "Can you believe we are going to be parents?" Maria asked. She still couldn't get over the fact that she was going to be a mother. She hoped she was a good one, but she had her doubts.

"You are going to be a great mother," Kyle said as if he could read her mind. "Stop worrying. We are going to be great parents."

"Your right." Maria said snuggling into him as she drifted off to sleep.

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