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Post by StormWolfstone »


"Wait a second," I hear Kyle say before we reach others, "What about aliens? Are they real, too?" I stop in my tracks at that question and I shake my head. How would I know something like that?

"Honestly, Kyle. I do not know. The preternatural world is vast and we are learning on a constant basis that things of myth are truly existing at different times. Even with living as long as I have, it was only a year ago I saw my first dragon. Only a hundred years ago I met my first faerie face to face." I replied as I shrugged my shoulders, "Anything could be possible."

In fact, I can't help but think it would be rather interesting to learn that it certainly was the case.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


Max thanks me and I give him a weak smile before he points out, "I was just thinking the same thing," He takes Liz's hand, "Our dad and Mr. Parker are over there. Let's go make ourselves visible." I nod, though I can't stop myself from looking around for Alex. I want to make sure he's alright with everything that had been going on when we left and the wolf's howling.

Where was he? I walked along with my brother, continuously looking around. Wow, who is that?! I see this guy standing by Kyle, talking to him and can't help but think that he looks amazing. "Do we know that guy with Kyle?" I can't keep from asking as I feel drawn to keep looking his way. I don't know how, but somehow it's as if I'm being enchanted.

My attention is drawn away when suddenly I see flames through the other end of the camp. "Clear the way!" I hear a voice call just as a 'body' comes through the tree and suddenly turns to dust before entering the camp.

"Good, it worked." I hear a female voice comment rather loudly before turning to find Mista standing not far behind. "Isabel, I'd suggest not falling into the vampire talking to Kyle. You'd just get hurt." She smirks and I can't help but glare at her as she runs off.

"Vampire? Yeah right, and I'm Dorothy and off to see the wizard." I mutter as I turn back to look at the guy.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


"Do we know that guy with Kyle?" Isabel asks. I turn to see who she's talking about and I'm surprised to see it's an adult. Somehow I thought it would be one of the other campers. But in any case, it definately is not someone I've seen before.

Before I can answer her, we hear a shout from the general direction of where the Sheriff is still on the ground. "Clear the way!" Turning, I see someone being thrown at us, but the body turns to ash as it crosses the threashold of the camp.

"Good, it worked." Mista says. Apparently she's the one who threw the person, whoever it was. Then she says something cautioning us about the man with Kyle being a vampire.

"Vampire? Yeah right, and I'm Dorothy and off to see the wizard." Isabel scoffs and I can't say I blame her. This is all becoming very strange. And, concidering the fact that we're aliens, that's saying a lot. "Curiouser and curiouser," I say.

"I'm guessing that person she threw at us was a zombie although I don't know why it disintegrated like that," I say, shaking my head. Could it really be that zombies are real? Would that make her a were-wolf rather than an alien?


Hmmph. Not exactly the answer I was expecting. He doesn't know either. It would be nice he could say for sure one way or the other but then, that's not really my biggest problem just now. Still, he did add dragons and fairies to the list of mystical creatures that are actually real ... assuming of course that he was telling the truth. It could be that he was playing a joke. Heck, maybe the whole damn thing was some elaborate joke.

"I gotta find my dad," I say and turn away, resuming my path through the camp. I know my 'baby-sitter' will be following me but I really can't be bothered to care about it. A few yards later, I notice Isabel and Max and Liz. My dad had left looking for them. I wonder if he found them. I wish he would have arrested Max and got him outta here...

"Hey! Evans!" I shout, and not in a friendly way. I can't help but notice that Max is holding onto Liz's hand. I still can't believe she dumped me for him! "Where the hell have you three been? My dad was looking for you. Didya see him?"
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: this post might be a little confusing. The middle section, denoted by *** at either end, is a jp written by Storm and I in third person as a backflash type scene. The rest is just normal first person. Hope it works for everyone, Liz should be up tomorrow I'm hoping


I stand in the bushes a little way from Maria as Kyle continues to talk to the man Moira left Kyle with. When I first came over here, I was just trying to keep out of the way, and find out what was going on...but I certainly got more than I was bargaining for... The things I hear would seem crazy, except for the conversation I had with Mista a little less than a month back.

I had been sat at the counter in the Crashdown, waiting for my order to be filled. Mista had been working, with Maria, but Liz had the evening off and was getting ready to go out with Max. I had been watching Mista, and had seen her getting more and more agitated. She spoke to Liz briefly, and then to Mr. Parker, before rushing out of the diner.

After waiting a moment, I had decided to go after her, exiting the diner, and following at a safe distance. When she entered the park, I began to wonder if the explanation could be something as simple as her meeting her boyfriend... I hadn't seen her with anyone at school but that wasn't to say that she wasn't involved. The site, which met me, was no such thing however, I wasn't really sure how to describe it...something from myth, not reality surely... Of course not so long ago I would have said that about aliens too...and now look at me... Reserving judgment for the moment, I had continued watching in silence.


Mista removed her jacket carefully and placed it under her wolf's head, "Jonah, listen to my voice." She spoke, her voice was lower then normal and using her clawed hand she carefully rubbed his hair back. The boy she helped was only fifteen, he'd been wrongfully attacked by one of her own wolves and she had killed that wolf as was the way in the pack. Humans were not on their menu.

The boy sniffed the air and stuttered out, "Hu..Hu..Human."

Not catching on right away she told him, "I know, the park always smells of humans. It's why I have you meet me here so I can help to get you used to it." She watched as Jonah shuddered and then shook his head, sniffing the air again. It was then that she caught the scent as well. And this scent was not only human, but also one she was familiar with. With a deep sigh she called out, "Alex, I know you are there. Please, please come over here so I can explain and please promise that no one and I mean no one will find out about this." She detected the hint of pleading in her own voice, of fear and hated herself for it.

Alex hesitated a moment before doing as she said. It wasn't that he was scared of her, but he was struggling to comprehend what he was seeing. "Mista...that's still you...?" He checked, stepping out from behind the tree, which had been hiding him. He recognized the same fear in her voice as Isabel had just after he found out the truth about her and the others.

Mista nodded as she pulled back her beast and turned to look at him, her hands shifting back to normal. "Yes, Alex. It's still me." She looked at him, saddened that her secret was out. She felt the wolf at her side jerk and pressed a hand against his chest as she looked down at him. "Jonah, this is a friend of mine." Well, even though she wasn't certain about that, if she said friend it would calm Jonah and keep him from being frightened.

With one last breath, she pushed a large amount of her power into Jonah and he quickly reverted to normal, shuddering from the sudden change and covered in what Mista only called green goop. She still didn't know the technical term. Speaking again to Alex, she said. "Give me a moment to have a couple others come and get him, then we'll..... we'll talk."

She was afraid, afraid that he would run from there and tell everything, afraid that if he did, she would have no choice but to take a human life, something she had never wanted to do. Most of all, she was afraid of being seen for the monster she was. Without waiting for a reply she sent out a tendril of her power and two adults came through the trees quickly.

Standing, she waited as they greeted her, sniffing behind her ear and giving her a bow. "Take Jonah to the den and see to it he is watched. The first shift has been halted. If there are any troubles reach out to me."

One of the men nodded, "As you command, My Ulfric. What of the human?" He motioned toward Alex and she shook her head and simply pointed for them to go. Once gone, she moved to lean against a nearby tree. Trying to decide just what to say. "Before I begin, do you have any questions I should answer first?"

Alex watched everything in fascination. Since learning about aliens being real, nothing should really have surprised him, and yet somehow it did. He had never imagined that something like this could be real. At the same time though, he felt no fear of Mista. She was still his friend, finding out her secret...not that he fully understood it anyway...didn't change that... "I don't pretend to understand what just happened, or what is happening... but I can promise you that your secret, whatever it is, is safe as long as you don't intend to harm anyone..." He looked at her. "Mista, you don't have to talk to me, but if you do want to explain I will willingly listen..."

Mista nodded in silence, knowing that here he was trying to give her a way to keep it to herself. She smiled slightly as she responded, "Alex, by midnight my entire pack will know that you were here. The first thing they are going to do is question me about you, then they will want to watch you." She shook her head and took a tentative step toward him, not certain how he would respond. "I was always different as a child, well at least since I was twelve. You see, a rogue werewolf attacked me. I survived, but barely." She turned just slightly and lifted the back of her shirt a bit to reveal the long claw mark that ran along her side and toward her spine.

"Surviving that day was both a blessing and a curse. Once a month, I have no choice but to go all furry." She smiled slightly, using that term made it easier on her. "At first, the shift was complete, I had no control, but within a year I was accustomed. I joined a pack that taught me that control. Now, I am the first female to lead this pack. I have far too much strength to control, speed, keener sight and all sorts of other things."

She sighed, "But, I don't have a normal life. I have to deal with bounty hunters that want to mount my fur on their walls, creatures that simply don't want me here. The worst part, is that I can't tell. You are the first human to ever learn my secret." She paused a moment before saying, "My pack is taught not to harm anyone. To do so, means they forfeit their lives."

Alex nodded. "I always knew there was something about you..." He gave a wry smile. "Didn't quite imagine this, but I knew you were a special woman..." Unsure exactly what else to say, he paused a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. "Mista, you can trust me, I promise..." 'I even understand what you mean about normal's not like my life has been exactly normal since finding out about Isabel and the others...' He thought. Alex couldn't help thinking of the similarities between what she was saying and the alien's story. They too were hunted, albeit by the FBI... He could understand her fear and hesitation and wanted nothing more than to reassure her. "Mista, this doesn't change things for me...Unless you've totally lied to me in the past, I know that you're a good person, and my friend...that's still true as far as I'm concerned, and I hope it is for you too..."

Mista wasn't certain whether she should hug him or simply faint. Alex wasn't looking at her like a monster. He didn't run off and he was still calling her a friend. She smiled, this time one of the purest smiles she had and walked over to give him a hug, "Thank you, Alex. You have no idea, how much this means to me." 'And maybe one day, I will have the courage to tell you the rest,' She added silently to herself. As she pulled back she kissed his cheek and grinned. "How would you like to see what the life of a lycanthrope is like? I can guarantee you safety among my pack if you'd like to hang out with us until the full moon. Once that comes, you'll want to be elsewhere."

Alex hesitated a moment. He was supposed to be meeting Isabel and the others in a short while and if he didn't turn up they might get worried that something had happened. He wanted to show Mista that he meant what he had said, but at the same time he didn't want to put the others through unnecessary concern. After a moment he shook his head slowly. "I'm sorry Mista, I did mean what I said, and if the offer is valid for another time I'd love to take you up on it, but I'm supposed to be meeting some other friends shortly and they could worry if I don't show..." He told her softly, hoping that she wouldn't take this the wrong way.

Mista nodded, giving him a smile. "I understand. The offer is open for a monthly renewal." She joked as she stepped back. “Unless, you want to watch me shift then, you might as well get going. I need to meet my pack and the easiest way is by going in full wolf mode. Though, don't worry. I can completely control myself. I'm only half a monster, no matter what form I'm in." She softened her words with a smile, though deep down she still hadn't completely accepted her beast, though she was closer to it then most.

Alex frowned, disturbed by the way she spoke about herself. "I don't think that you're a monster at all..." He told her softly, reaching out to touch her hand before stepping back. "Alright then, I guess I'll be going...see you later Mista..." He smiled and started to walk away, heading back the way he had come.

Mista watched him go and shook her head, he knew her secret now and she wondered what he would do if he knew the rest. With a sigh she turned and began letting the shift begin, calling after him. "See you later, Alex." Within minutes she was in full wolf form and released a mournful howl, letting herself go as she began running through the trees toward where her pack called their den. An old house that was set out of sight on one of the roads that led out of town.


I have kept Mista's secret since then just as I have done Max, Isabelle and Michael's. I'd like to think of myself as her friend. We've spoken a few times, and she seemed friendly enough earlier this evening. I've tried to tell Isabel to give her a chance of course, knowing that they're more alike than she could ever know...and I've tried to do the same with Isabel about Mista. I think they would probably get on well if they got to really know each other, but neither really wants to do that, so I guess that isn't going to happen.

In everything that Mista told me though, there was no indication of things like Vampires, and neither did I have any idea that Moira, or Mista's 'dad' could have been involved. Of course I didn't have anything to say that they weren't either...and maybe I should have learned a long time ago that appearances could be deceptive...but suffice to say, I had no idea...

Poor Kyle though... This is enough for me to take in, never mind for him. He looks a little overwhelmed I have to say, although I can't really blame him.

I wonder about revealing myself, but I don't know if Mista told this Asher about me, and I can't say I'd like to gamble on it, so instead stay quiet, remaining in the background until Kyle heads back to his dad and I move away, making as little noise as possible as I head back to the others.

It doesn't escape my notice that Max is holding Liz's hand as I see them approaching their parents from a distance with Isabel. There's certainly enough noise and activity for me to slip back in without being noticed though, and I head over to join the others after doing so. "Hey guys...everyone okay...?" I ask as I walk up to them and stop at the side of Isabel.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


Kyle comes at Isabel and me, shouting about his dad. The strange man follows from behind.

"I haven't seen him," I lie. Moria said she was going to make him forget that he saw us, so he should be collaborating that whenever we find him. I know she said she brought him to camp, so he should be here somewhere. "He's probably around here somewhere. Maybe over there," I suggest.

I'm a bit nervous about this guy tailing Kyle. Is he really a vampire? In any case, we can't say much with him nearby. I hold Liz's hand a bit tighter, hoping she'll stay near me and that I'll be able to keep her safe. Suddenly, I'm not so sure that her new powers are the strangest thing going on here tonight.

"Hey guys...everyone okay...?" Alex asks, falling in next to Isabel.

"Yeah, we're just fine," I say, unable to explain more with Kyle and his strange shadow nearby. "what's going on here? And who are you?" The first question I direct to both Kyle and alex. The second, to the stranger.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"Hey guys...everyone okay...?" A new boy comes over joining the little group.

"Yeah, we're just fine," The dark haired guy started then looked at myself and Kyle. "What's going on here? And who are you?" I simply smile as I move in a bit closer and let my eyes drift to the ladies for a moment.

"I'm Asher. Currently, I have been assigned protector of young Kyle here." I smiled, easily hiding my fangs as anyone that was an older vampire would be able to do. Although, I couldn't help but wonder at just how much fun it might be to let them see the fangs and get the rush from the fear that often came when people did.

As I was speaking, I smelled the blood of a lycan and turned to see Moira's wolf form wobbling into the camp weakly. With the speed only a vampire is known for, I'm at her side, lifting her and back in almost the same spot almost before the humans had a chance to blink three times. Setting her down gently, I look at Kyle. "If you spot her Ulfric, she must come tend to her wolf."

"I'm here." I turned to see a very injured young girl. "I'm Mista, their ulfric. Thank you, Master Vampire. Please continue to keep watch while I raise the munin." Even as she spoke, I knew that to do as she was talking of doing would take more energy then she could afford to expend, but I also knew that as Ulfric she would do what she had to do.

"I'll guard you, but I tell you, the RPIT team has arrived. I can smell them."

"As can I." Mista simply replied as she kneeled down beside Moira and I felt the strange power begin to flow, like a wind through the essence that made us preternaturals sensitive. I watched her press her hands into Moira's wounds her eyes closing as she did so. I could see her reknitting Moira's tendons and flesh, though I knew it wasn't actually her doing it.

What surprised me next however was that she leaned down and kissed Moira who had begun to revert to human, as though they were lovers. Of course, I'd heard that in the essence of passion or sexual intimacy the munin healed much faster. When she had finished, the healing was complete, I tossed my jacket over the now naked and healed Moira.

Mista looked up at me through a haze, "Please take her to my tent before others see what has happened. Then return here. I need... to replenish." She said this before she glanced at the others and stood on wobbly feet.

"Go Ma Petite, I know healing yourself will take time. I'll remain until dawn has come to close, otherwise to remain longer I'll need to replenish as well." I leaned down and lifted Moira in my arms, looking around, "Which tent?"

Mista pointed and began walking away from camp, the blood from her own wounds too much for her to walk normally. I felt at that moment that I had found my human servant. Her bravery and strength, her devotion, were stronger then any others I'd ever found among the Lukoi.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


When Alex joins us asking, "Hey guys...everyone okay...?" I feel relieved to see that he's alright with the commotion that was happening. I take his hand in mine with a slight smile.

"What's going on here? And who are you?" Max questions and the strange man that Mista had called a vampire smiles at me and Liz.

"I'm Asher. Currently, I have been assigned protector of young Kyle here." He smiles and I'm unable to keep from thinking that he was very attractive. I see him turn and next thing I know he's standing there lowering a wounded wolf to the ground. He looks at Kyle, "If you spot her Ulfric, she must come tend to her wolf."

"I'm here." I look up to see Mista and she's injured herself. Blood seems to be seeping from different area's but she doesn't seem to be bothered by her wounds. I glance at Max, I can't help but think something is off. "I'm Mista, their ulfric. Thank you, Master Vampire. Please continue to keep watch while I raise the munin."

"I'll guard you, but I tell you, the RPIT team has arrived. I can smell them." Asher, the vamp, replies.

"As can I."

Munin? What the hell is the munin? I watch as she places her hands on the wolf and soon the wolf is becoming a girl.... Moira? Alright, what in the world was going on? Next, Mista leaned over and began kissing Moira and I felt shocked. I'd never pictured her for being the bisexual or lesbian type, even if I didn't like her.

I didn't have time to think as Moira soon lay there healed and completely nude, but the vampire man tossed a coat over her to cover her before Mista looked at him.

"Please take her to my tent before others see what has happened. Then return here. I need... to replenish." She said as she glanced toward me, Max, Liz, Michael and Alex before standing on very wobbly feet.

"Go Ma Petite, I know healing yourself will take time. I'll remain until dawn has come to close, otherwise to remain longer I'll need to replenish as well." Asher says and lifts Moira as though she were a feather, looking around, "Which tent?"

Mista pointed and began walking away from camp and I watched as Asher made his way to her tent before turning just in time to see Mista collapse just outside of the camp. "Great, how are we going to get answers from her now?" I ask as I point out the fact that she had collapsed and began moving toward her to check and see if she lived. I may not like her, but I certainly didn't want to see her die.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hope these are okay, tell me if you want me to change them though


I'm not sure if I missed something, but there seems to be some tension in the group, that much is for certain. Of course that's not all that unusual at the moment I guess, Kyle's not exactly a fan of Max every since Liz dumped him in favour of Max... I don't know, maybe it's just that with all the strange things going on, I'm making something out of nothing...

As Max asks me about what's going on here, I shrug, not really knowing what to say. This is the first time I've been asked outright, and therefore in essence needed to lie for Mista. Her secret isn't common knowlege though for the group, and I can't just take it upon myself to tell them.

"Lizzy, where have you been?"

Mr Parker's voice sounds as he heads over towards us. "What happened, you weren't in your tent...?" I look over at the others, figureing that the idea of pretending they were all here all the time isn't exactly going to work. Liz might be about to kill me for this, especially since she and Max aren't meant to be together at the moment - although the way they're holding hands I do wonder - but it's the next best thing I can think of... "Nice time you two picked to go smooching, you've missed all the excitement..." I comment, hoping that they will pick up on what I'm doing and play along. Isabel we can pretend was around all the time, and a teenage couple slipping off for some time alone shouldn't raise two many eyebrows...


I feel Max tighten his hold on my hand, and I make no attempt to move from his side. I really do have no wish to, whether with powers or without... I've tried to deny it, I've tried to accept nothing can happen, but that doesn't change my feelings... I look over at Max and then turn to smile at Alex as he appears next to Isabel. I'm not too sure where he appeared from, but it's all good...

Unfortunately, we were going with pretending we were there all the time, and my dad kinda scuppers that one, announcing to anyone in the local vicinity that I wasn't in my tent...

I bit my lip, looking up at Max nervously but before I have a chance to respond, I hear Alex making what can only be classed as a suggestive comment. I look over at him questioningly, but as I do so, I realise what he's doing. I'm not really sure where Max and I stand strictly speaking at the moment, but I guess letting dad think we're a couple is better than the alternative...

Playing along, I turn my body in towards Max slightly, looking down and hoping that my dad will think I'm blushing. "Alex!" I put on a tone which hopefully sounds both surprised and embaressed before looking up at dad and then back at Max still holing the latter's hand all the while. "Sorry...we didn't mean to worry you..." I apologise in what I hope sounds like a genuine tone.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by StormWolfstone »


After placing Moira down and covering her up, I make my way back out of the tent and notice that a man, one of the teens father's more like, was standing talking to the group that I was guarding. Walking slowly and purposely back over to the group, I take out my official RPIT badge and flash it, "Sir, I suggest you move back over with the others. There is a team that will need to speak with all the adults momentarily in order to ascertain the events." I say, my french accent ever apparent.

When the man meets my eyes, I smile and draw him slightly in, rolling his mind in order to make him obey my will. As the man walks away, I look at the blonde who'd been showing that she was attracted to me a few moments before and smile but she drops her eyes, "Do not worry, Ma Cherie, I have promised not to use my powers on the young. However, I know that at the moment, the adult supervision is not something you all need. That much I can sense, but why is the question? Still, that we'll answer another time."

I silently called to my pack of vampires and gave them the message to return home while reaching out to Talia and waited for her to join me.

"Is that a real badge?" The girl asks me and I laugh.

"Oui. Though, I am out of my jurisdiction." I reach out with my senses and hear a muttering not far from us.

"Would that be your father, Kyle?" I questioned as I pointed to the man that was obviously the Sheriff here.

The man was glancing around, seeming a bit dizzy but other then a black eye, nothing else appeared to be wrong. Noticing them, though I couldn't be certain which... the man began walking in an uneven gate, "Evans... where were you? Has anyone seen Mista? Her friend was concerned for her?"

I could smell his confusion and the uncertainty spilling off of him and smiled. The munin that Mista had called up had fed me slightly, well... at least one of my needs but looking at the man, I could see his pulse beating and had to force my gaze away.

I would have spoke, but the beautiful Talia appeared and walked through the camp over to my side.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


This camping trip has become truly unbelievable. I'd always thought that Isabel, Michael and I were the most unbelievable things in town, but it appears I was wrong. Mista heals a wolf, who becomes Moria again. Zombies are being disolved into dust. And Kyle is being guarded by a vampire? Is every crazy thing in the world coming true?

Isabel goes off to see to Mista, who's just collapsed outside the camp as Mr. Parker comes over, worried about Liz. Remarkably, Alex stays with us, coming up with an excuse for the two of us and hopefully distracting him from what Isabel is doing.

I have to hide a smile at the excuse. Liz and I are officially broken up, although I believe that's about to change. Still, I'm guessing Mr. Parker didn't know anything about that. "Sorry to worry you," I tell him. I squeeze Liz's hand, trying not to look at Kyle. I don't want to see the look on his face if he thinks I've been with Liz that way.

"What's going on here?" I ask. The feigned ignorance is only partially false. There's more going on here than I know, although I'm completely certain that Mr. Parker isn't going to be the one with the answers.

Thankfully, Asher returns, flashing his badge and getting Mr. Parker to leave us. That doesn't last long 'though as Sheriff Valenti appears, seeming to have recovered from whatever Mista did to him.
"Evans... where were you? Has anyone seen Mista? Her friend was concerned for her?"

"I was with Liz," I say, glancing downward in an attempt to look slightly embarrassed. "We did see Mista. She seemed to be fine," I say. I hope it's true. If we can get rid of Kyle and the others, I could try to heal her but she's so close to camp, anyone could see. If only there was a way to get her into a tent without anyone noticing...


"Dad!" I say as Asher becomes distracted by a new girl. Max goes on with his stupid excuses and I suppress the urge to throttle him. Was he really with Liz? I know dad was following him, why wouldn't he know that? He does look a little shaky. "Are you okay?"
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