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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 40 9/21

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:00 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I love the way Max and Liz are together. I love how Max was being gentle, sweet and loving with Liz. Now that was embarrassing for Liz to know Serena heard everything that happened between her and Max. Wondering if Serena is going to tease Max and Liz. What will happen next for Max and Liz?

L-J-L 76

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 40 9/21

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:20 am
by begonia9508
At least, Liz was able to relax and see the difference between what Max did to her and her others bad experiences... Thanks! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 41 9/22

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:13 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max was very sweet and loving with Liz. We don't know how much Serena actually heard.

Eve Liz was able to see the difference between what happened with Max and what happened in the past. The big difference was with Max it was something she wanted, unlike with her stepfather.

Part 41

Liz kissed Max good bye and turned to Serena.

"So you are sleeping with Max now?"
"Rena, I love him."
"I know honey. I am happy for you."
"Liz, you were careful right?"
"So how was it?"
"It was great. Max is so sweet and was so gentle with me."
"You are OK?"
"No flashbacks or anything. Well at first I got a little scared but Max reminded me that it was him and how much he loves me and I was OK."
"That's great. Just be careful. I don't think mom would be happy if she finds out you are having sex."
"Well it is my choice. So how are things going with you and Kyle?"
"If you are asking if I have had sex with him the answer is no. I am still a virgin."
"Rena, that's fine. Kyle is a good guy. If he really loves you then he will wait until you are ready."
"I know. But the fact is I am scared. They say it can hurt the first time."
"Rena, I really am not the best to talk to you about that. I was raped, so for me it was very painful. Both physically and emotionally. But when you do take that step be sure you are ready. Also don't count on Kyle to have protection. Even if you are on birth control use a condom to make sure you lower the risk even more of getting pregnant."
"I will."

Liz hugged Serena. She really wanted her friend to be happy.


Kim laid next to Brian after they had made love. Tonight hadn't been the first time they had been together, but it was the first time that she had agreed to spend the night at his house.

"Kim, you OK?"
"Yeah Brian."
"You seem some place else."
"Tell me what is going on with you."
"Where are things going with us?"
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is. Are we just boyfriend and girlfriend or more?"
"Kimberly Carolyn Peters, I have been in love with you for more than ten years! Even though we weren't together my heart broke when you left. If you let me I would love to be a father to Beth."
"Brian, I need to know that you really aren't going anywhere before I let you that close to her."
"I understand that. What I am trying to say is I want you and Beth to move into this house with me."
"Brian, I don't know."
"I guess I am not doing a very good job of this."
"What are you trying to say?"

Brian reached into a drawer next to the bed and pulled out a small box. Kim's eyes went wide when she realized what he was going to do.

"Kim, the only thing that can make me happier then I am right now is if you would agree to be my wife. So I guess what I am trying to ask is will you marry me?"
"Yes. You free tomorrow afternoon?"
"Yeah. Then I think it is time for you to meet my daughter."
"You really going to marry me?"
"Yes. I know that Jess will be happy for me. I'm not sure about Larry."
"What about your parents?"
"My mom and I talk. But my dad and I are not on speaking terms. He hates that I didn't put Beth up for adoption. To him she is nothing but a bastard he won't even claim her as his granddaughter."
"I'm sorry."
"Brian, it's OK. I have never gotten along well with him. Neither did my brother Larry. That is why he went to school in Michigan and only comes back at Christmas."
"That's too bad."
"Don't worry about."

Brian gave Kim a kiss placed the ring on her finger and they fell to sleep in each others arms.


Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 40 9/21

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:52 am
by max and liz believer
All caught up here too :D

So, Liz finally let Max in. Both emotionally and physically. That was a really big step for her and Max did a good job at guiding her through that. She easily could've just freaked out and had a panic attack or something. Even if she rationally knew that she was with Max. I'm glad they waited for a year. Liz needed that time to really sink into being just Max's girlfriend and getting comfortable in the feeling that someone could love her without her having to give him sex in return.

And Brian and Kim got together - and are now getting married. Things are sorting themselves out. Which is really good.

P.S. You gave me quite a fright when Max was shot, trying to protect Liz. Good that it wasn't life-threatening... *grumbles* Stupid Tess.

- Jo

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 40 9/21

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:06 am
by begonia9508
I understand that a woman does not agree automatically, when a man asks for her to move on with him, especially after making love; Who knows who talks, the sex or the man...

EVE :wink:

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 40 9/21

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:07 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. Glad Liz and Serena can have the sex talk without being embarrassed. Lets hope Sarah and Alex don't find out about Liz and Max having sex. Poor Brain he can't ask Kim to marry him but he did ask in a sweet. kind way. Cool Brain is going to be meeting the daughter. I think the daughter is going to like Brain. Can't wait to find out how it will go when Brain meets Beth. And what will happen when Liz, Serena, Max and Kyle find out about Brain and Kim getting married.

L-J-L 76

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 40 9/21

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:03 pm
by Natalie36
oh my that is wonderful for kim and liz

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 40 9/21

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:41 am
by keepsmiling7
Max was so gentle with Liz.......and when he noticed her scars he could imagine how hard this was for her.
His continued reassurance was helpful.
Loved that he insisted that her virginity was stolen.....and it was.
Serena saved the day with her knock.
Brian and Kim are moving forward, and it is time for him to meet Kim's daughter.

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 42 9/26

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:00 am
by Roswelllostcause
Jo Yes Liz has finally let Max in both emotionally and physically. Max did do a good job with Liz. He truly loves her and wanted to make their first time together special for her. He would have waited even longer if that is what she had wanted. Yes Brian and Kim are together and are getting married. You know Tess had to cause trouble again! Don't worry she is going bye bye now!

Eve Being with Brian is a new thing for Kim. She hasn't had a lot of experience with love of any kind before.

L-J-L 76 Brian meets Beth in this part.

Natalie36 Yes it is!

Carolyn Max was treating Liz the way she should have been treated. Max was telling Liz the truth. Her virginity was stolen. It was a gift that she had the right to give the man she loved.

Part 42

Liz walked into the Crashdown and smiled when she saw Kim and Beth sitting in one of the booths. She walked over to them.

"Hi Kim, hey Beth." Said Liz
"Hi Liz." Said Kim
"Aunt Liz! I missed you!" Said Beth

Beth jumped up and hugged Liz.

"We saw each other like a week ago." Said Liz
"Still missed you. You still seeing Max?" Asked Beth
"Yes. Max and I are still together."
"Good! Mom is finally going to let me meet Brian."

Liz looked at Kim. Then down at Kim's left hand that was nervously tapping on the table. She saw the ring on her hand.

"Kim is that an engagement ring?" Asked Liz
"Yeah. Brian asked me last night." Said Kim
"That's great." Said Liz

Liz gave Kim a hug.

"Liz, we haven't talked about the wedding yet. But, I want you, Serena and Maria to be brides maids. I am going to ask Jess to be my maid of honor." Said Kim
"Just tell me when and where. I know the other girls will feel the same way." Said Liz
"Thanks. So how are things with you and Max?"

Kim looked at Liz and could see how happy she really was. Just then Brian walked in carrying a stuffed dog with a bow on it. He spotted them and walked right over.

"Hi Kim. Liz." Said Brian
"Hi Brian. Kim, we'll talk later." Said Liz getting up and heading over to the counter.
"Hi Brian. Beth, sweetie this is my friend Brian." Said Kim
"Hi Brian. You make my mommy happy." Said Beth
"It's nice to meet you Beth. This is for you." Said Brian handing her the dog.
"Thank you. Mommy said maybe I can get a dog some day. Do you like dogs?"
"Yes Beth, I like dogs. I had one when I was around your age."
"I like him mommy." Said Beth
"That is good. Brian, is going to become part of our family. He asked me to marry him." Said Kim
"Brian is going to be my daddy?" Asked Beth
"Yeah, I want to be your daddy sweetie." Said Brian
"Good. I like you. Mommy have you told him my full name?" Asked Beth
"No." Said Kim
"Brian, my full name is Elizabeth Serena Peters. Mommy named me two girls she use to babysit. But they are all grown up now." Said Beth
"Yeah they are all grown up. I know them. They are both sweet young ladies." Said Brian
"Yes they are. I am just happy that Liz has found love. She didn't deserve what happened to her."
"I wish she would have said something."
"Brian, I should have gone to the police. But I didn't. I will always blame myself a little for what happened to Liz."
"Don't. You were a scared kid. That bastard used people you cared about the most to control you. Your sister and brother."
"So don't blame yourself."
"Thanks Brian. I love you."
"Love you Kim."
"Mommy when will you and Brian get married?" Asked Beth
"It will be a few months." Said Kim
"OK. So is Brian going to move into our apartment?"
"No sweetie. We will move into his house." Said Kim
"He has a house?"
"Yes kiddo I do. Maybe your mom and you can come over and you can see it." Said Brian
"Can we mommy?"
"Sure." Said Kim
"Can we go now?"

Kim looked at Brian and raised an eyebrow.

"Sure thing kiddo." Said Brian

Kim paid the bill said goodbye to Liz and headed out with her the beginnings of her own family.


Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 42 9/26

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:42 am
by keepsmiling7
Brian does make Beth's mommy happy. Who could ask for more?