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Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 40 7/17

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:02 am
by L-J-L 76
Great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next. I'm glad Max is there to help Liz when she needs it. And I agree with Max Liz needs to go see Kara. Wow Liz is going to become a princess. I'm glad that Jenny and Kat are going to have new roles now. And I am very happy Nicholas is going to be put to death.

L-J-L 76

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 40 7/17

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:47 am
by begonia9508
Really nice part! But I am afraid of what the dwarf Nicolas will do to Liz... :?

EVE :twisted:

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 40 7/17

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:53 am
by max and liz believer
Max + Liz = So cute <3

Him looking after her when she's plagued by morning sickness. Him wanting to send her for a check-up at the doctor's just because she has a normal symptom of pregnancy. Him wanting to execute Nicholas because he hurt her (and almost killed her).

- Jo

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 41 7/18

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 5:38 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Liz is officially becoming a princess!

Eve Don't worry about that runt! He is going to get what is coming to him!

max and liz believer Oh yes Max has become very protective of Liz. He doesn't know anything about pregnancy so he is worried that she is sick.

Part 41

Max watched as Liz paced outside the doors to the Royal court.

"Max, I can't do this!"
"Yes you can. Liz, you are going to be fine. Everyone believes in you. Besides after you are crown princess, don't you want to be the one to pin Zane's new medal on him?"

Max gave her a kiss. Just then a pagie opened the door.

"You may come in now." Said the pagie

Liz took a deep breath and took Max's arm as he blead her into the court room.

"Now presenting His Royal Highness the Crowned Prince of the Antarian Empire Maxwell Philip Zander, and his wife Lady Elizabeth Anne." Said the court cryer.

Max and Liz walked together up to the marked spot in front of the throne. Max bowed before his parents while Liz dropped into a curacy. Philip smiled at them and singled for them to rise. Then a pagie came forward with a chair and Max lead Liz to it so she could sit. He then took his place with his family.

"Members of the court and guests today is a special day. Today my son's lovely wife will take her rightful place as the crowned princess, and future queen of the Antarian Empire." Said Philip

Two pagies came forward one holding a cape that was made of silk in a deep royal blue color with gold around the edges. Philip picked it up and put on Liz. The second pagie held a gold jewled tiara on a pillow that Philip picked it up and placed it on Liz's head.

"From this moment on this young lady will be known as Princess Elizabeth Anne, the future Queen of the Antarian Empire." Said Philip
"Long live Princess Elizabeth!" Yelled out Lord Larick
"Long live Princess Elizabeth!" Replied the crowd.
"Now there is another matter to take care of. Lieutenant Zane please step forward." Said Philip.

Zane stepped forward and dropped to one knee. Liz smiled knowing what was going to happen next. A pagie then stepped forward with a pillow that held a medal and new shoulder boards for Zane's uniform.

"On the night of the celebration of the wedding of my son and this lovely lady, an assassin tried to take the life of our new Princess. The lieutenant pushed her out of the way saving her life. Today he is receiving not only a much deserved promotion, but a new medal for injury in the the line of duty. Princess will you do the honors?"
"I would be honored too my King." Said Liz

Liz removed the shoulder boards and replaced them with the new ones with the markings of Captain. Then she picked up the medal and pinned it to his uniform.

"This new medal is based on a medal that was once given to those wounded or killed in the line of duty, on earth. There they called it a purple heart. I named this one in honor of Elizabeth's favorite flower, the white rose. Zane is the first to be given this medal but will not be the last." Said Philip

Zane stood bowed and returned to his seat where his wife gave him a kiss.

"Now on to the last piece of business. First Elizabeth please take your seat with the rest of the family." Said Philip

Liz moved to take the seat next to Max who placed a kiss on her cheek. Philip returned to his throne.

"Bring in the prisoner!" Said Philip

Four guards dragged Nicholas in front of the King and threw him to the floor.

"Nicholas, you have been charged with illegally bringing a human girl to Antar to use for your own pleasure, and not providing her with the proper medical care. You are also charged with abusing this girl. You have been found guilty of those charges, that alone would get you life in prison. But there is a worse charge! You are guilty of trying to murder a member of my family! You tried to kill my lovely daughter in law! For that you are sentenced to death! You will be executed on the night of the next full moon, which is in two days. Take the bastard away!" Said Philip

Nicholas was dragged away yelling curses at the King.

"Court is here by ended!" Said Philip

Max pulled Liz into his arms and gave her a kiss.


Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 41 7/18

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 6:54 am
by Natalie36
all caught up. byebye nicky

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 41 7/18

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:30 am
by keepsmiling7
Long live Princess Elizabeth and goodbye to Nicholas!

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 41 7/18

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:48 am
by max and liz believer
Roswelllostcause wrote:He doesn't know anything about pregnancy so he is worried that she is sick.
Ohh, right! :oops: She hasn't told him yet :roll: :wink:

Beautiful coronation and I'm happy that Nicholas is finally paying for what he's done.

- Jo

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 41 7/18

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:55 am
by begonia9508
Yes! Finally, Nicolas received what he worked for: his own medal into a form of a death sentence...

Thanks EVE :twisted: :mrgreen:

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 41 7/18

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:21 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. LONG LIVE PRINCESS ELIZABETH!!!! I'm glad Zane got a medal for protecting Liz with his life. I'm glad the king is going to kill Nicholas for trying to hurt Liz. I hope Kivar and Nicholas will rot in hell for what they did to human girls and the people.

L-J-L 76

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 42 7/19

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 5:50 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Yes bye bye Nicky!

Carolyn :D

max and liz believer Max does know that Liz is pregnant, just not everything that women go through during pregnancy. Liz is the first pregnant woman he has dealt with closely!

Eve Oh yes Nicholas is going to die for his evil!

L-J-L 76 Oh Nicholas is going to die very soon!

Part 42

Liz walked into the exam room where a nurse was waiting.

"Good morning Princess. Dr. Kara would like you to change into this gown." Said the nurse
"She will be with you shortly. She is finishing with another patient."
"That's fine."

The nurse left and Liz changed and got on the exam table to wait for Kara to come in. Five minutes later there was a knock on the door and Kara came in.

"Good morning Liz. How are you feeling?" Asked Kara
"Well if it wasn't for the morning sickness I would be great."
"Yes, not that I have experience with it. That is my understanding."

Kara had Liz lay down and did a scan. She put the information into the computer and turned to Liz.

"Liz, I when over everything we have on your family's medical history."
"You are concerned about the fact my mom had so many complications."
"A little. Though our medical technology is a bit more advanced then that on earth."
"So you don't think there will be a problem?"
"Not that I can see. But I do want to do an internal scan."
"That involves a probe doesn't it?"
"Yes. I know that it's not pleasant to have it inserted. Liz, if I didn't feel it was needed I wouldn't be asking."
"I know."
"Did you come alone?"
"No. Max had some business to take care of, so Isabel came."
"Damn, she must like you. My cousin wouldn't do that for anyone."
"Yes, my mother was Diane's sister. Michael is my brother. Do you want me to ask her to come in while I do it?"
"You would do that?"
"Yes. Liz, stress is the worse thing for the baby. So if you will feel better I will ask her in."

Kara left the room and returned a few minutes later with Isabel. Isabel gave Liz a smile.

"It will be OK Liz." Said Isabel
"I know. It's just this was one of the things I liked least that I had to go through before coming here."
"I would give you a sedative if I could. But it could harm the baby. I will numb you as much as I can." Said Kara
"OK." Said Liz

Isabel sat next to Liz and took her hand. Kara prepared the probe and after injecting a numbing agent slowly pushed the probe in.

"Liz, you need to try and relax. Try thinking of that good looking husband of yours." Said Kara

Liz took a deep breath and let it out closing her eyes. Kara finished putting the probe in and turned it on.

"Shit." Mumbeld Kara
"What's wrong?" Asked Liz in a panic.
"Liz, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. The baby is healthy. But there is a very small tear in your womb. I can fix it right now." Said Kara
"Do it." Said Liz
"Ok. Just so you know you won't be able to have sex for at least two weeks."
"This won't hurt the baby?" Asked Isabel
"No. In fact if I don't fix it there would be a risk of a miscarriage." Said Kara

It took almost an hour for Kara to repair the tear. Once she was done Kara looked at Liz.

"I want you to rest for a while before going home. I will be back to check on you in an hour." Said Kara
"Kara, Liz will be OK right?" Asked Isabel
"Yes. Let's go to my office to talk."

Isabel followed Kara out of the room and to her office.