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Post by StormWolfstone »


I listen as the wolf, Moira, informs the boy, "Kyle, my life and many others depend on your silence. Please, tell no one anything you've seen or heard tonight. I'll explain everything when the time is right, but I must go now. Asher will keep a watch, keep you safe. There are things your father can not save you or anyone else from. I'll tell you everything later, I swear it."

After she's gone off and shifted I turn to look at the boy and note that he turns toward me and looks toward my stomach. I can't help but smirk at this and simply look at him. If the wolf hadn't taken such a liking to him, well... I might have enjoyed toying with him just a bit.

"So can I look at you now or what? What the heck would happen? Who's out there? She said you would explain." The boy asks and I take a moment before I respond.

"Oui, you may look at me. I have promised not to do anything to you, thus I will not. My word as a gentleman means a great deal to me. If you had looked before I had sworn, there could have been a chance that I would have bespelled you with my gaze." I tell the boy, thinking that he already smelled nervous, his pulse was beating in a very tempting tempo, but I had already fed so it would be pointless.

"You might as well sit down. You are close to being correct about what that young lady is. She is what some call a werewolf, but not the manner of those that you hear about in scary stories. No, she is a pack wolf, a lycanthrope that follows a structure. Hers is not the only kind of wereanimal that there are... leopards, bears, tigers, rats, there are many kinds. Few have a structure as honorable as the wolf. Then you have the zombies that are out there, truly the living dead. Currently being held off by those very wolves and some of my own throng of followers. Someone raised these zombies with a purpose. I'm not sure what that purpose is, but there is a reason." I explained, having decided to mention my own kind last. Or for that matter, maybe not at all.

"Until the spell that brought them back runs it's course or is turned back on itself, they will keep coming and kill any in their way. Only one sure way to kill them first, fire." I add, before deciding to explain another thing. "That is why there is a group known as the Regional Preternatural Investigation Team or RPIT that is usually called in for this sort of thing. They'll take them out rather easily once they get here, if they are in time."
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


Bespelled you with my gaze. Gawd, it's like something out of a storybook or something. This can't be real. It just can't be.

But I saw it. I saw that wolf turn into a boy. I saw him die.

The man, Asher, goes on to explain that Moria is a werewolf, afterall, but she's in a pack and that makes her 'honorable.' I nod, pretending I understand it all. Were tigers, and rats? Zombies? And I'm not supposed to tell anyone? How can I not tell?

Then again, who would believe me?

According to Asher, the Zombie are magic. I guess werewolves might be, too, although in 'Teen Wolf' it was a inherited trait. Although I suppose I can't expect movies to give real facts about magical creatures that are supposed to be fiction. They're not supposed to be real and dying in the woods near my home!

"Only one sure way to kill them first, fire." he says. I guess it's a good thing we have so many campfires going -- although I guess I can't explain that to anyone. If anyone actually sees these things, then there's going to be a panic. Heck, I'm panicing already. Maybe I'm dreaming...

"That is why there is a group known as the Regional Preternatural Investigation Team or RPIT that is usually called in for this sort of thing. They'll take them out rather easily once they get here, if they are in time."

Oh, so that's what Moria was talking about. Wow. "So," I say slowly. "Werewolves are real and they're the good-guys. The Zombies are also real and they're the bad-guys. And your 'throng?' Who are they? What are you?"
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Post by isabelle »


I get the symbol covered just in time. Suddenly Sheriff Valenti is here, looking around suspiciously as he asks what's going on. Isabel tries to baffle him with a confusing lie, but Mista straightens up, speaking to the Sheriff as if she were somehow in charge. She warns him about Zombies.

I don't know what she's on about but if it makes him stop thinking about me and about aliens, I'm all for it. I keep my expression blank, not wanting to spoil anything she's trying to say.

Then, without warning, she strikes the Sheriff and he falls to the ground. Before I can wonder if he's all right, she picks him up and throws him over her shoulder like he was no more than a rolled-up sleeping bag.

"Now, go back to the camp. I'll be coming as well." she says before exchanging cryptic words with RiverDog. Then in the next instant, she's sprinting off towards camp with the Sheriff still over her shoulder.

Isabel starts after her and Michael comes along, too. He's not really part of the camping trip, but I'll worry about explaining him later. After all, the Sheriff already saw him, anyway.

"There's just always been something I didn't trust about that girl and now.. look what happened," Isabel complains.

"We'll have a lot to ask her about later," I agree. She was a wolf. She could be one of the shape-shifters. And the way she talked to Riverdog, I'd almost think she was Nacedo, although he didn't call her that. "The sheriff will have even more. I don't know how we're going to explain all this."
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: I know this doesn't take it any further really, sorry, just don't know what to put...


It seems that Max and Isabel finish not a moment too soon, as less than a minute after they’re done, Sheriff Valenti’s voice comes drifting into the clearing. "Well, if it isn't Miss Evans, Mr Evans, Mr Guerin, Miss Parker.... and I don't recall your name young lady. What is going on here?"

This cannot be good…
I’m searching for some kind of plausible excuse for why we’re out here…and preferably something that will not give my father any further fuel for his outrageous accusations...and coming up completely blank...

Coming up with a plan is one thing, but a spur of the moment explanation is another… In the end, it’s Isabel that comes to the rescue, or so I hope, with some story about wanting the bathroom and having to find another… Of course there’s one main problem with that explanation, the fact that Michael and I are here…but maybe he’ll just decide to forget about Michael, and me, well I could be explained away fairly easily depending on how far we want to go with excuses…

Valenti looks less than convinced, but in the end, before we have a chance to try and clarify and convince, Mista steps forward, telling him something about trouble back in camp with zombies…?? Of course a year ago I would have doubted the existence of aliens, so maybe zombies aren’t that big a stretch.

If I thought that her words were incredible, her next action is absolutely amazing though…. As I see the Sheriff collapse, Mista then scoops him up, swinging him over her shoulder. She hardly looks muscly, and yet she makes him look like he’s as light as a feather…

She reiterates her earlier instruction to go back to camp, and I look up at Max, waiting to see what he will do as Mista, with a few final words of warning and a promise of safe journey for Riverdog, runs off.

Isabel takes a moment to mention not having trusted Mista, and then heads off in a similar direction, aiming back to the camp it seems. Max and I follow, along with Michael I note. He might be somewhat difficult to explain later, but first things first, and if there’s danger, two of my friends, to say nothing of my father and Alex’s, are also back there.

Max agrees that there’s a lot to ask, and I can see the questions in his eyes. Mista shapeshifted…she was a wolf, and then a girl… Is she Nacedo…did she kill all those people…? All these questions and more will be asked eventually I’m sure, but for now all that matters is the present, and making sure those we care about are alright.

Upon reaching the outskirts of the camping site, I notice a group of people gathered at the far end of the camp, including my father, and I let out a sigh of relief as I recognise his figure, receiving confirmation that he was okay… “It’ll be alright…we’ll work it out I’m sure…” I tell Max softly, adding silently the words ‘We have to…”, and not really sure what else I can say and feeling completely useless at the moment…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I laughed at the boys' innocence, not understanding how a wolf would wish to protect one such as this. Still, if I was the same way I'd been once, I would have simply enjoyed toying with him. So," Kyle begins, as though wanting to make certain he's keeping things straight. "Werewolves are real and they're the good-guys. The Zombies are also real and they're the bad-guys. And your 'throng?' Who are they? What are you?"

I shake my head even as I place an arm on his shoulder, "Let's just say that my throng and I have been around for centuries walking amongst the living, yet not truly alive. Most of us live by set rules and will continue to do so. Others are not so inclined."

I remove my arm and look down at the lad, smiling enough to reveal only the ends of my fangs, "Don't worry, Kyle. I gave my word, and my word is my bond." I feel a sensation nearby and my eyes seek out the source, locating the necromancer? Something about how she moves tells me she is more then that. "I'll tell you boy, I am a master vampire." I say looking back at Kyle and stepping back from him. "And you are about to be safe so long as you remain within the camp limits."
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


A vampire. This guy is an honest-to-gosh vampire. He steps away as he tells me, which is a good thing. I wanted to step back myself but my legs don't seem to be working right.

"... you are about to be safe so long as you remain within the camp limits."

I stare at Asher, my eyes wide with uncertainty. 'about to be,' he says. Something is changing to keep the zombies out? What? More vampires? Wolves? I can't believe this. The world has turned inside out. Maybe it's Santa-Claus and the Easter-bunny here to sprinkle fairydust over everyone. That would make about as much sense as what I've heard so far.

"But, my dad," I manage to say. "He's out there. And I think Liz and Isabel are, too." I scan the darkness, willing myself to see some sign of my father or the girls and then I see someone.

It's not dad. It's a girl, but I can't tell who, walking around the edge of the camp towards us. She has her hands held out from her body and she seems very intent on something. "Somebody's out there."



We get to the edge of camp and I hear Liz's assurances. I hope she's right but it won't happen by hoping. We have to know what's going on so we can make it work out.

I see Liz relax, marginally and following her gaze I see Mr. Parker talking to my Dad. They seem agitated and I'm guessing they noticed we were missing, but at least they hadn't come after us yet. The sheriff was enough.

As we move in, suddenly I realize that someone's lying by the remains of one cook-fire that was allowed to go out. A second glance tells me it's the Sheriff. Mista brought him here. I guess that's good, but what do we do about what he saw? Did he see anything we need to explain? Besides Mista knocking him out like she was popping a volleyball over a net. He probably won't realize it was Mista, but that might actually make it worse.

"Isabel. It's the sheriff," I whisper, nodding towards his unconcious form. "Do you think we can make him think he imagined it all with a dreamwalk?"

I know Isabel is scared to death of the Sheriff. She's had nightmares about him since we were kids. I'm sure she's not going to like going into his dreams, but it's the first thing I thought of. Maybe there will be another way...
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"But, my dad," The boy begins, "He's out there. And I think Liz and Isabel are, too." I watch him look around and note that he too has seen the necromancer. "Somebody's out there."

"Yes, someone is out there, Kyle. Someone who I'm certain has seen to the protection of your father and everyone else. When she finishes making the circle, I assure you she will be coming this way." I tell him, and turn to watch her. It takes her very little time and I can smell her blood which does little for my thirst since it has been sometime since I'd had a Lukoi feed me.

The sound of wolf's howling in pain was slowly starting to dim. And as I let my senses take things in, I smell more humans. And their flamethrowers. Ah, it begins.

As the girl finishes her rounds, I nod, feeling the thrum of energy flowing through the circle now and watch as she walks toward us just as I predicted. She barely reaches us when her voice is filled with barely contained rage, "What do you do here?"

"Ah, why such anger toward me when I am not your enemy, girl?" I ask with a smile.

"Your kind has always sought to control, so that makes you my enemy." She replied and then turned seeming to realize that Kyle was standing there. "Your dad is safe. He's resting at the moment because there was a bit of trouble, but I brought him back safe. For the moment, as much as I hate it, I have to ask that you stay here with this man."

She then turns and runs off and I can't help but laugh, "Don't you just love a woman with spirit?" I look back over at the boy. "Perhaps you should sit down."


We make it back to camp and the smell of rotten flesh and blood makes me want to gag, but the further inside we get, the better things seem. I'm glancing around, wanting to locate Alex and make certain he's safe. After are talk earlier, I have to know.

"Isabel. It's the sheriff," I hear Max whisper and turn to see him nod towards the unconscious form. I feel myself tense, thinking of how much trouble we could now be in.

"Do you think we can make him think he imagined it all with a dreamwalk?" Max asks me and as much as the idea causes me to cringe, I know he's counting on me to try something.

"I.. I can try, Max." Without another word, I drop to the ground and place my hand on the Sheriff, knowing that the contact will make it easier to create the bond needed. Closing my eyes, I wish that Alex was beside me, but for the moment I don't have time to waste.

I feel the chasm open, find myself in the dream plane. Automatically, I find the scary resonation of the orb that represents the Sheriff and hold my hand out for it. As it moves closer, I hold both hands up and watch as it expands until I can step through. Once I do, I almost instantly want to leave, but I can't. Max is counting on me.

As the environment around me shifts and changes, I see Valenti glaring at who I assume is his father. "You knew. You really knew. So, how do I find them dad?"

His father just sits there in silence and I see the sorrow on Valenti's face. I can't help but feel pity. Then the images around me shift again and now we're in the woods and he's coming up on us as he had earlier. Though, he isn't really seeing us. His mind has the images of us warped.

Concentrating, I let the things he sees change, the people in the woods that he looks at are couples enjoying some private time, making out away from the woods. A small thought and there's a sound back in camp and he begins running toward the camp. Something calls his attention away from looking in front of him and by the time he faces front in his run, it's too late to keep from running into the tree branch that hangs low.

I hope that's enough, because as the image shows him fall because of hitting his head, I find myself unable to stay. Slowly, I step out of the orb and watch as it once again shrinks to normal size. I hope he'll buy what I did. Otherwise we're going to have more problems.

I still don't like what I'd seen. Leaving the Dream plane I slowly open my eyes and looked up at Max, "I tried. I don't know how well it'll work." I told him as I removed my hand from Valenti's shoulder and slowly stood, feeling a bit dizzy. I had less problem when dreamwalking people I have visited often and people I know really well, then I do strangers or those I'd never Walked before.

"We should get away from him before someone sees us and questions us." I glance around yet again for Alex. Where is he? Is he alright?
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


I'm so proud of Isabel as I watch her kneel down to visit with the Sheriff's memories. I wouldn't have blamed her if she refused, but she didn't. She just went ahead and did it.

I stand nearby, looking around, hoping nobody will see us here with him. Last thing we need is to be caught hovering over the Sheriff's unconcioius body.

In a few moments, she stands. "I tried. I don't know how well it'll work." she says.

"Thanks, Izzy." I say, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"We should get away from him before someone sees us and questions us."

"I was just thinking the same thing," I tell them, taking Liz by the hand. "Our dad and Mr. Parker are over there. Let's go make ourselves visible."


I don't know why I'm taking instructions from a vampire, why I'm accepting his assurances about my dad. Maybe just because he seems to know what's going on.

Then Mista comes over and starts arguing with him and I have no idea what to say. She seems to know exactly what he is and he seems to know something about her. After some cutting remarks and glares, at Asher, she finally seems to notice that I'm here.

"Your dad is safe. He's resting at the moment because there was a bit of trouble, but I brought him back safe. For the moment, as much as I hate it, I have to ask that you stay here with this man."

"I don't need a babysitter!" I call after her as she leaves.

The vampire seems simply amused. "Don't you just love a woman with spirit? ... Perhaps you should sit down."

"Why is everyone acting like I'm an infant or something? If the camp is safe now, why am I supposed to be staying with YOU? I'm going to find my dad!" I annouce, turning away from him and heading towards the middle of the camp.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"Why is everyone acting like I'm an infant or something? If the camp is safe now, why am I supposed to be staying with YOU? I'm going to find my dad!" Kyle says and started toward the center of the camp. Shaking my head I can't help but admire the boys will. Of course, it did nothing to satisfy the fact that smelling the wolf's blood was causing me to feel hunger and desire.

With a sigh, I followed slowly behind. "Kyle, you can go wherever you wish, but I have said I'll protect you, thus I'll follow you in order to do so."

So said, I follow him, letting my hearing pick up whatever it had to and enjoying the scents around me even if I couldn't give in. At least, not for the moment. Once the zombie threat was over, I'd be released from my word which would mean I could do whatever I wanted to do. The thought pleased me, I just wish Talia had joined me on this trip.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


I can't believe it. He's following me. Moria asks a vampire to look after me and now I've got my own personal un-dead body-guard. Has the whole world gone crazy or is it just me? To miss-quote Miss Dorothy Gale, 'Vampires, zombies, werewolves, oh my!'

"Wait a second," I say stopping in my tracks before we get to the rest of the group. "What about aliens? Are they real, too?"

I'd thought that perhaps these other creatures were mistaken for aliens, but may, it was all just that much more weird. Why not? We'll add dragons and lepraucans and any think I've ever seen in any Disney movie, too, while we're at it.
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