Page 19 of 23

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:51 pm
by isabelle

I looked from Hart to Rome and back, trying to figure out what to do. I still hardly know these people. Healing more of them doesn't seem like a really great idea. If they weren't going to suffer any consequences from the disease for years, he could certainly wait another few days or longer before trying anything. On the other hand, he'd already exposed himself. Doing a few more wouldn't change how much danger they were already in. It was hard to know these people, even the young girl, were ill with a disease that would kill them, and they knew he could help, but he wasn't doing it... Did that make him look like a bad person? Even if Robbie actually asked him not to?

"Can we possibly take some time to defrag. This entire situation is causing my memory banks to reach their limits and I'm getting tired. Not to mention, when's the last time we gained sustenance?" Jakki said, interupting Max's internal debate.

He took a moment to try to decipher her words. They were tired and hungry and needed a place to rest. "Well, we could take you to the Crashdown. It's a restaurant. You can get something to eat there. And there are loads of hotels in the area although I don't know about money ... we can spring for the food, but I don't know about rooms." This was a tourist town and hotel rooms were a bit pricey. He might be able to pay for one night, but they might need more...

Turning towards their leader, Max said, "Computers we can find for you. There are plenty of public computers at the library, but you may have to wait until tomorrow, since I think they might be closed..." He thought for a moment about offering his computer at home, but he wasn't sure how he'd explain his new friends to his father, or what Isabel would think about him letting them that close so soon. Tess could hide them from his father with a mindwarp, but that wouldn't help with his sister...

"We could get into the computer lab here at the school," Max said.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 7:19 pm
by maougha
(hi hope this post is ok. i



I glance around now feeling completely out of the loop. Alex just went into the bus a few minutes ago fallowed by Tess and Michael and none of them had come back out yet. Now Liz was ease dropping on them with Maria leaving me and Isabel the only ones really doing nothing.

I sigh then move to join Liz and Maria, might as will try to find out what is going on. “Hey what are they saying? Is every thing all right in there?”

I hear voices coming from inside the bus and while I can’t make out every thing they are saying I’m sure I heard preventing something from happening in the future. “Who are these guys?” I ask looking to Maria and Liz for an answer.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:49 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Well, we could take you to the Crashdown. It's a restaurant. You can get something to eat there. And there are loads of hotels in the area although I don't know about money ... we can spring for the food, but I don't know about rooms." Max replies in answer to the comment that Jakki had made about taking time to defrag and get something to eat.

"Computers we can find for you. There are plenty of public computers at the library, but you may have to wait until tomorrow, since I think they might be closed..." I shrugged, nodding.

"We could get into the computer lab here at the school," Max said.

"Do you have some place that the scraps are taken to? A disposal unit or matrix center?" I glanced over at Robbie who had a better past time vocabulary then I did.

"Junk yard?" Robbie supplied for me and I nodded, smiling.

"Right, Junk yard… if you do, I can seek out parts from there, bring them back to the bus and work on it right here. We can stay in the bus until I've managed to get to a working computer system which I can then change credits over to allow us access to the currency of your time."

"Or, I can get a job here." Hart commented quietly as he looked at his sister with a smile. "What sort of positions would we be able to get at our ages in a hospital?" He looked up at the people that were new to him, but he already considered friends.

"Candy striper, or a janitor." Tess replied.

"What does a candy striper do?" Robbie questioned, sounding confused.

Tess laughed, "They take books and such around to patients, help with giving supplies, non medical supplies to residents and sometimes even helping with entertainment."

Hart shrugged, "Could be worse." He glanced around, "Before we decide on the rest of our path, I'd really like to walk around outside a bit. I haven't been on my feet in weeks."

"We have a little time, but we really need to allow our new friends to have the chance to get their own defrag time. We've taken up a great deal and don't want them exhausted, nor do they need to feel that they have to be sitters."

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:58 am
by isabelle

Things seem to be under control again with everyone making plans for computers and jobs. Hart wants to take a walk outside. I jump to my feet. "That sounds like a great idea," I tell him, catching his arm. "Let's go explore a little."

I turn to Max and his friends. "Don't worry. We'll stay out of trouble," I promise. Only afterwards wondering if there are ways to get into trouble here that I don't know about. I'll just hope not for now.

Max moves back and we step down from the bus. Outside, there are more of his friends, people we haven't met. "Um. Hi," I tell them. "We're just going on a walk."


I step back a bit and let Hart and his sister leave the bus. Turning to Zeus, I tell him, "There's a junkyard on West Ellison street, but I don't think you'll find much computer stuff there. Mostly automotive parts and appliances. -- although I guess they all seem to have some sort of computer controls these days, but it's not like a CPU."

I shake my head. "Are you sure you want to build your own?"

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:05 pm
by maougha

Liz and Maria remain silent forcing me to try and figure it out my self. After a few minutes I think I got the just of it either they are aliens, aliens from the future or, humans from the future. I’m not quite sure. I hear some one coming so I step back a few people step out.

"Um. Hi," one guy says "We're just going on a walk."

“Hi!” I say quickly plastering a smile on my face. After all they haven’t tried to kill us yet so might as well be nice to them right. “Need a guide or have you ever been in Roswell before?”

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:09 pm
by StormWolfstone

"That sounds like a great idea," Rome responds and catches my arm. I can't stop myself from smiling at my little sister. "Let's go explore a little."

I watch her look at Max and the others, "Don't worry. We'll stay out of trouble." I don't add anything, though I do nod as I walk with her out of the bus and I note that there are three women and one guy standing there and wonder why they hadn't been inside with the others.

"Um. Hi," Rome comments, "We're just going on a walk."

“Hi!” The guy smiles at us and greets, “Need a guide or have you ever been in Roswell before?”

"Hi," I respond for a moment before looking at my sister, "Um, my sister and I have never been here before." I answer before looking at the ladies and taking in their appearances. They were all lovely, each in their own different way. I couldn't help but think they were attractive though I knew that we couldn't let ourselves think much beyond stuff because I'm not sure when we'll end up back in our own time.

"My name's Hart and my sister is Rome." I introduce and hold out my hand with a smile.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 1:06 pm
by isabelle

"Hi everybody. What are your names?" I say, feeling a bit shy. Now that Hart is okay, I'm not really sure what to do. It feels good to just be with him again.

Still, looking at the four of them, I do remember a question Hart had for me earlier. I lean close to my brother and whisper into his ear. "That guy's pretty cute," I manage to tell him, hoping that I'm not going to start to blush.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:13 pm
by Bordersinsanity
bump -- this thread has been pruned you may want to resubscribe to it to get your update notices.


Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:46 pm
by StormWolfstone
bumping this

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:19 pm
by StormWolfstone
Is anyone else interested in continuing this RP??? If not, I'll have it closed down and deleted... I'd love to see it flourish, though.