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Part 181

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:47 am
by Double Trouble
Natalie36: Thanks! The little man’s in a difficult place but there’s still time for a miracle.

kismet: His situation is sad, but not hopeless, not yet.

He sure deserves compensation after all he went through.

Max needed to hear that from his own dad.

begonia9508: Thanks!

It really explained a lot to Max when he heard the story his dad shared.

Keep hoping, there’s still time.

CandyliciousLovah: The talk between the Evans men was important and something that needed to be said and heard. It was a big step for both of them.

Roswelllostcause: Thanks! Keep those fingers crossed, there’s still time!

keepsmiling7: That news hasn’t come through, but keep hoping!

The conversation between Max and Philip really opened his eyes and it gave him a new perspective to consider his dad’s actions.

That’s all they can do. ;)

Eva: Cody’s our challenge right now, but there’s still hope for him.

No, any money he might receive can’t replace what he’s lost, but helping him to get back on his feet and give him a fresh start, it could do that very well.

sarammlover: Max has come so far. There was a time he wouldn’t have bothered standing still long enough to hear what his dad had to say. But it explained some things and gave them a new level of understanding between them. Alex may just come out of this with something he never expected. Cody’s hanging tough!

Midnightdreamer: Thanks! Cody’s situation is a tough one and it’s hard for everyone who loves him, but there’s still time for a miracle. The conversation between Philip and Max was something that needed to happen and it bridged yet another gap in their relationship. He does need the encouragement and approval from his dad, it’s something a man needs from his dad.

Parolees often face a great difficulty when entering society again and of course, it leads to a high rate of recidivism. Philip tried so hard to help his older brother, but the one thing that might have made a difference for him was denied him because his father had shut him out.

Alex has a unique perspective and it’s helping him to open up and allow others to help him. He’s smart enough to know what he went through won’t be overcome in a few days and that he’d probably benefit from therapy.

Allowing his son to go to prison just wasn’t an option for Philip, but he wanted Max to learn from his mistakes. He didn’t believe in just buying his son’s freedom, he wanted him to come out stronger and he has.

Lol, we’ll get a glimpse of life with Alex and Isabel. There are more group scenes to come and we will be seeing more of Tony and Ava.

Alien_Friend: Thank you for the great compliment!

It's "funny" what fear can do to you and your life, right?

Cody is one poor kid and sadly there are a lot of kids in this world, who suffer this hard reality. Let's pray for all of them as we do for Cody!

Part 181

Love Is In The Air

Michael slouched down in his seat and dropped his head back as he pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. He shifted to drop his sunglasses back into place and closed his eyes against the reflection of the setting sun as it bounced off of the steel and glass structure across the street. Maria had texted to let him know she was scheduled to be finished on the set around 8pm and he was a few minutes early.

It had been a long day; the kind where the station was buzzing with activity from the second they walked through the door and it was still going strong when the shifts changed. Most of the day hadn’t been bad, just busy and hectic. With two hours left on his shift he’d been filling out his daily reports for the calls they’d been on and just as he’d finished the last one and gotten up to go hand it in they’d been sent out again.

They’d arrived on the scene and there had been cops everywhere. There had been a crowd and quite a few of the people had been shouting obscenities and other angry things at anyone who crossed the line they had formed. They’d been waved in past the yellow tape cordoning off the alley, flanked by two cops, and escorted to the crime scene.

There were several bodies on the filthy ground, tattoos and colors marking them as rival gang members. It wasn’t as shocking as it had been at one time. The real tragedy was the reason they had been called in. There was nothing they could do for the dead and at first glance they’d been confused as to why their assistance was needed. A young woman had been caught in the crossfire and she’d run, trying to save herself.

Officer Eckhart had walked them over to her position and they’d immediately gone to work, trying their damnedest to save her. She had obviously been trying to get out of the alley, running to the opposite end where it opened out onto another street but the bullet she’d caught in the back had stopped her and thrown her up against a dumpster.

She’d regained consciousness, screaming and crying, and as they’d been trying to calm her down and keep her still she’d made a grasping motion at the dumpster. He’d looked up and noticed the trail of blood running down the side, having assumed it was from her impact with the side of the container but his own blood had run cold when she screamed out a name.

It hadn’t been herself she was trying to save, he realized. He’d gotten to his feet and shoved the lid up, mindless of the racket it made as it impacted with the brick wall behind it. He’d stared at the little boy lying amidst the bags of garbage, his body limp. He’d reached for him without hesitation and carefully turned him over as he supported his neck. He’d swallowed hard at the sight of blood covering the upper part of his shirt.

The bullet that had cut through the mother had hit her child as it left her body. She had hidden his body in the dumpster in the hope that he would be spared if they came after her to make sure she didn’t walk away. Thankfully it hadn’t hit any vital organs on either of them and they’d managed to get them to the hospital alive.

He’d called to check on them at the end of his shift and the head nurse had assured him that their vital signs were strong and recovery looked good for both mother and son. Physically they would recover, but he wondered about emotionally. They’d suffered a massive trauma and they’d survived. If they could get past that they’d be able to face anything life threw at them.

He shook those thoughts off and focused on the present. He reached up to rub his face and turned the volume up on the stereo in an effort to stay awake. If he sat there for too long he knew he’d go to sleep and they had plans. It was after 8pm already and the sun would be setting within the next half hour or so. Hopefully Maria’s day had been a good one and they’d been able to wrap up the video as they’d expected.

He scrubbed a hand through his hair and turned his head when movement caught his eye and he got out, hurrying around the truck to meet Maria. She was walking with a guy and she was talking animatedly, hands in constant motion, and her body practically vibrating with energy. He didn’t know who the guy was but the moment she saw him and ran towards him to throw herself in his arms and kiss him he realized it didn’t matter.

“Hey,” she whispered when she finally leaned back.

“Hey yourself,” he grinned. “Good day?”

“Close to perfect,” Maria nodded, excited to finally be able to share the events of this incredible day with her boyfriend. Just then she realized Aiden was still there so she let go of him and turned around to face the other man. “Sorry. Aiden, this is Michael, Michael, this is Aiden. He was very helpful with all kinds of stuff today.”

“Nice to meet you,” the guy said politely with a nod. “She said you work for the NYFD?”

“That’s right,” Michael agreed. He didn’t want to be jealous and he tried his best to not sound like it. Everyone loved Maria – she was an easy going woman and hard to not get along with.

“Cool. Bet it’s been hell these last weeks.”

“Chaos,” he agreed.

“Sound like my job,” Aiden grinned. “Only I have to deal with crazy bitches who’ve sniffed too much hairspray.” He turned to Maria with a wink. “You’re excluded. It was nice to work with someone normal and with no airs for once.” He took a step back, ready to make his escape. “I’ll see you at the promotion party?”

“Sure,” she beamed and waved before turning back to Michael.

“Promotion party?” He lifted one eyebrow and opened the door for her so she could climb into the truck. Once she was in he hurried around to take his place behind the steering wheel again.

“Are you jealous?” She looked at him half amused, half intrigued.

“Nope,” he denied quickly.

He was so lying, she thought but didn’t point it out. “There’ll be a promotion party at Times Square in a few weeks and I get to walk onstage with Usher and the rest of the crew when the vid premiers for the first time.”

The excitement in her voice was back and he felt bad for feeling jealous. There was really no reason to think she’d be happy for any other reason than a well paid job and the possibility of meeting Usher.

“And I got backstage passes for all of you. That’s gonna be fun.” She rested her cheek against the seat and studied him, only now noticing the signs of exhaustion. “You okay?”

“Yeah, sure,” he assured her, changing lanes and stopping at a red light before looking at her. “Why?”

Maria shrugged. “You look tired.”

“Just a long day at work without much time to breathe. But it’s all good. It was a good day in the end. Many lives saved.”

“We could go home. Order some pizza and take a bath?”

He smirked. “Don’t tempt me.”

“I’m serious. If you don’t feel like going out, then-“

“Nah, let’s celebrate your day. I’ve got something I wanna show you.”

“Really?” She smiled. “What is it?”

He shook his head. “Nope, I’m not gonna tell you.”

“Well, I’m gonna know soon enough so you might as well give it up.”

He smirked and shot a look at her as he took a turn. “I have every intention of givin’ it up, but I have somethin’ else in mind before that.”

She smacked his arm even as heat shot through her at his expression. “Alright, I can be patient.”

Michael just snorted at that. “Yeah, okay.” He followed the route he’d already plotted out in his head, fingers tapping on the doorframe in time with the music pouring out of the speakers at a moderate level. “So what was it like on the set?”

“Electric,” she said without hesitation. “There’s so much energy. The director was kind of an ass, but Aiden said the finished product would be worth the insults.”

“The director was a dick?”

She shrugged. “Nothing serious, he just yelled at everyone all day long.” She looked around, trying to figure out where they were going and coming up empty when he pulled off of the street and into a valet station. Her eyebrows lifted in surprise when she saw the sign behind the booth one of the valets was exiting. “Michael, I’m not dressed for this place!” She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a white button-up tank top but these places tended to be pretty swanky.

He glanced at her as he opened the door and handed the keys off to the valet. “Maria, you’re perfect.”

The way he looked at her, his words, the sincerity of his tone, how was a girl supposed to fight all of that? “Perfect for you maybe, but these places have dress codes.”

He just chuckled and walked around the truck, making room for the valet to slide into his seat.

“I love your billboard,” the guy said with a wide grin.

Maria smiled at him. “Thanks.” She automatically accepted Michael’s hand when he opened her door to help her out. She felt completely underdressed as they stepped out of the elevator on the 65th floor. The restaurant was rumored to have the best view of Manhattan in the city and as she peered around the uniformed staff manning the reservation station she could just catch a glimpse of the city as it came to life now that the sun had almost set.

“I’m sorry, sir, we have a dress code,” one of the men said as he approached them.

“We have reservations at nine,” Michael said with a nod.

“I understand that, sir, but – “

“Philippe, the man has a reservation and I’d suggest we honor it,” a man with a distinct, cultured Mediterranean voice said as he came around a corner to join them. He accepted the hand the younger man held out, shaking it enthusiastically. “You’ll find the best table in the house reserved for them.”

“How are you, Mr. D’Alessandro?” Michael asked.

“Alive and well, thanks to you.” He snapped his fingers and reached for two menus when Philippe held them out to him. “Come with me. I have a table for you on the terrace. It’s a beautiful night, there’s a gentle breeze, and the view is breathtaking.” He paused and turned back to them. “Unless you’d prefer an indoor table?”

He glanced at Maria and nodded when she shook her head slightly. “No, no, what you have set up sounds perfect to us.”

“Sir, I can seat them.”

“Philippe, I’ll handle this myself.” He smiled proudly. “Follow me, Mr. Guerin, and I’ll seat you and your young lady.”

Michael winked at her when she just looked confused. He held his arm out to her and she nestled against him, following the man, who she suspected to be the owner, outside.

“Oh my God,” Maria’s tone was hushed when she noticed he was leading them out onto a smaller more private terrace that was secluded from the rest of the restaurant. Only a few tables were set up and each of them came with a breathtaking and heart stopping view of the city. The descending sun was reflected in the skyscrapers around them, leaving streets and windows bathed in a deep orange hue. Soon darkness would fall and she anticipated the totally new view then. “That is beautiful.”

Mr. D’Alessandro smiled and held the chair out for her. “What can I get you to drink?”

“I’ll have a beer,” Michael said, lifting one eyebrow when his girlfriend looked at him with a sort of accusatory expression. “What?”

“Beer?” This was not a restaurant for beer. It screamed of wine and expensive champagne.

The other man chuckled. “Beer is fine. What about you, Miss?”

“I-“ She hesitated. Damn, after a day like today a beer sounded just wonderful, but it really seemed weird.

“She’ll take one too,” Michael said and accepted the menu.

“Hey,” Maria kicked him lightly under the table when they were alone, “I can order for myself.”

“I know. But you didn’t want to be rude by ordering a beer and I know you want one.” He grinned.

She couldn’t stop the giggle. “But it’s so not right. We totally stick out!”

“I don’t care,” he shrugged one shoulder, “and neither should you, RP.”

They focused on the menu for a moment, studying it while their stomachs rumbled with anticipation. “Damn, I’m really hungry, but the prices…”

Michael sighed. “Deluca,” he grabbed her hand and pulled her across the table for a short kiss, “no looking at the prices tonight, alright? Pick what you want, have an appetizer and dessert too if ya want.”

“You’re so generous.” She rolled her eyes, but then a thought suddenly occurred to her. “Wait, this guy owes you, right? It has to be something like that because you never would’ve been able to make a reservation for THIS kinda table so quickly.”

“Doubts already?”

She chuckled and shook her head as she focused on the menu again. “No, I just know you don’t get last minute reservations at a place like this.”

“Okay, so maybe he said if I ever needed a reservation to give him a call,” he said with a shrug. “I figured today was a day that deserved a celebration with a little bit of fanfare and the reviews for this place are phenomenal. They have a pretty impressive menu too.”

Maria hummed agreeably as she perused the menu, unable to keep her eyes from straying to the column on the right where the prices were listed.

“And you’re price checking again,” Michael said in a sing-song voice.

“I can’t help it!” She looked up when a waitress came by to drop their drinks off, reaching for it as soon as the woman left them alone when they asked for a few more minutes to decide. She took a drink of her beer, trying to decide if the inflated price made it taste better.

“Yes, it does.” He took a drink of his own beer and nodded. “I can tell what you’re thinkin’ and you can stop it right now. Otherwise we’re gonna drink our expensive beer and tell Mr. D’Alessandro we’re passin’ on what could prove to be the best Italian food in the city.”

“There’s no need to be hasty,” Maria insisted when the scent of something delicious and warm wafted past them on the evening air. “You can’t just dangle food that smells like that in front of a starving woman and then take it away.”

“Good, ‘cause I’m starving too. I swear every time we even started to think we had time to sit down and eat another call came in.” He glanced over the menu, trying to decide between two of the entrees.

“I know what you mean. They put out a spread but I think they must’ve been afraid we were gonna put on weight between takes,” she laughed and then shrugged one shoulder. “I wouldn’t have been able to eat anything heavy anyway, not with all that choreography.”

“So, did you get to meet Usher today?”

“Meet?” She chuckled. “I was practically looking at his semi-dressed body all day long.”

Michael’s gaze shot up. “Did you say semi-dressed?”

The hint of jealousy was back and she smirked behind the menu before looking up. “Well, I guess there’s no point in hiding it since the video’s gonna come out sooner or later. Yeah, the song is about differences – how they can be a problem, how they can influence a relationship and how they can affect your life.”

“Okaaaay,” he stretched the word out.

“The video’s about a couple. He’s black… obviously,” she grinned, “and his girlfriend,” she pointed at herself, “is white. It causes all kinds of trouble with friends and family and it almost destroys them, but in the end they overcome it all and they decide they’d rather be together than give up.”

Only when his hand started to hurt did Michael realize that he was gripping the edge of the table a little too tightly. “You were playin’ his girl,” he stated just to make sure he had it right.


“And what kinda things….” Ungh, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

“I had to kiss him,” she confirmed, biting her bottom lip. Somehow it had seemed to be not that big of a deal this afternoon because it was just a job. But now that she had a look at his face…

It’s her job. It’s her job. He repeated it in his head over and over again, hoping it would calm the storm of jealousy raging in his body.

Okay, now she felt really bad. Maria got out of her seat and went over to sit in his lap, facing him directly. “Hey, it’s just a job, Michael. You risk your life on a daily basis and I have to play a role now and then. I didn’t feel anything an’ ya know, it probably won’t be the last time I have to get close to another guy for a shoot, but I promise you that you have nothing to worry about.” Her small hands wandered over the back of his neck gently while she tipped her head to one side to study him. “Can you understand that?”

He tried to force himself to relax and then nodded. “I get that it’s your job.”

“You trust me, don’t you?”


“But…?” she asked, sensing there was more he had to say.

“That day at the tat studio, that was just a job too.”

Her fingers clenched in his tee shirt. “Michael, that day in the studio, that was me an’ you. If you had been any other guy that wouldn’t have happened.” She bit her bottom lip. “I know we shouldn’t have let things go so far and I wish we’d stopped to think about what we were doin’.”

“You said you didn’t regret it.”

“I regret that you felt manipulated.” She sighed. “We did manipulate the situation, hoping you might finally look at me and see a woman instead of just your best friend, but never in my wildest imagination did that scenario happen. I swear to you, I never expected that to happen.”

“Maria, there’s no denying I felt manipulated but I’ve had time to give the situation some thought and there was fault on both sides.” He reached up to scratch his eyebrow. “I know we kinda talked about this a little bit before, but manipulating the situation aside, I’m old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. There are so many reasons why that shouldn’t have happened that day but it’s not like we can go back and change it.”

“No,” she murmured as she studied his expression, “we can’t.”

“And there wasn’t any malicious intent behind it. I can’t really blame everyone for havin’ your back and doin’ whatever they could to push us together.”

“I am sorry, Michael.”

He nodded. “Right or wrong, that day led us here.” He inhaled slowly. “But next time let’s just keep it between us and not drag our friends or my sisters into it.”

“Deal.” She reached up to place her palm against his cheek. “Now, what about what we were talkin’ about earlier? Because I need to know if this’s gonna cause a problem for us.”

He was quiet for a few minutes as he thought about her question. “I’m never gonna like you kissin’ other guys or bein’ all over ‘em, even though it’s just business, but I do understand from time to time that’ll be required for the jobs they send you out on. Understanding it’s one thing, but I can’t make any promises about how I’ll feel seein’ it because it’ll be uncomfortable as hell.”

“Yeah, you don’t wanna see the person you’re with or wanna be with kissing someone else I guess.” She smiled a little sadly and it was obvious to him that her thoughts had shifted to Courtney.

Hell, how had she felt watching him and his ex together while she was aware of her feelings for him? And that wasn’t just a job he had been paid for. It had been real – or so he had thought for a while. “Yeah, guess you can understand pretty well,” he gave her a little nudge with his leg and pulled her closer. “But that’s in the past.”

Maria nodded. “If I have a say in the bookings I get, I promise you I won’t jump on the ones that require that kinda activity.”

He snorted. “I doubt you’ll have much of a choice, but I can’t say I wouldn’t be glad.” He didn’t want to influence her career in a bad way either. “Let’s just always talk about it openly. We’ll figure it out.”

“Sounds good,” she leaned in and kissed him. “And just for the record. No other man would be able to cause this kinda feeling in me with a simple kiss.”

He brought his hand to the back of her neck when she tried to lean back again. His lips roamed over hers gently, softly biting the sensitive flesh and then soothing it with the tip of his tongue. No other woman had ever made him feel like this either. With Maria it was more than just sexual attraction. They had everything and she made him feel like the luckiest man in the world. Like he was complete with her. “So Usher can’t kiss?” he teased when he finally ended the kiss. From the corner of his eye he saw the waitress passing by, but she made a u-turn when she saw them in the completely private moment.

“I doubt he put much effort into it,” she grinned, “but I wouldn’t have paid attention anyway.”

“Good answer,” he nodded.

“So,” Maria leaned back and grabbed the menu, “I think we should make a decision.”

“Yep,” he used one hand to hide the pricelist from her and nodded at the list of delicious sounding entrees, “now pick your treat, Deluca.”

“The house salad of course…”

“Of course,” he started to mutter but before he could get any further her forefinger against his lips silenced him.

“Hmm… manicotti… lasagna… spaghetti and meatballs… chicken parmesan… so many things to choose from.”

Michael gently nipped the tip of her finger. “Spaghetti Bolognaise looks good too.”

Her eyes wandered over the menu and her mouth watered. “It all looks so good, even their steak menu’s making me hungry.”

“Well, I’m ordering the spaghetti bolognaise so have at it.” He chuckled when he could see her still debating. “We can always share if you go for the carnivore’s feast.”

“Alright, I think that sounds good.”

“And for an appetizer? Whatcha wanna bet I can guess what you want?” He just smirked when she ignored him. “Toasted ravioli to go with that salad, extra marinara for dipping.”

She made a face at him. “You think you know everything, don’t you?”

He chuckled. “I know my girl.”

She turned her head to look at him and that brief flare of annoyance she’d felt a moment ago dissipated in a flash. “I think we’re ready to order.”

“Then go back to your seat before we need to cut dinner short and get to dessert already.” He nodded his chin at her unoccupied seat with a smirk.

She laughed and kissed him once more before going back to her own seat. “You’re not getting outta dinner that easily, buddy.”

“Even though it’s hella expensive?” he teased.

“After all the convincing you’ve been doing the last ten minutes?” She shook her head. “No way.”

“Good,” he waved at the waitress when she shot a testing look at them again.

“That poor woman’s gonna deserve a really good tip after the workout we’ve given her just to get our order,” Maria commented when the waitress had taken their order and disappeared back inside again.

Based on the pricelist a big fat tip should already be included, he thought, amused, but didn’t say anything because he was glad Maria had finally accepted an expensive dinner from him. “It’s her job an’ I’ll bet more than a few of the snobs around here give her a lot bigger headaches.”

“That’s probably true.” She’d done her share of waitressing in high school so she was well aware of the headaches and hassles customers could give wait staff.

Michael leaned back in his seat. He knew he should pay attention to the incredible view of Manhattan at night, but all he could focus on was Maria. She had a certain glow today, something she used to have whenever she was happy and it rarely appeared lately.

Part 182

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:16 am
by Double Trouble
Natalie36: It was time for things to go a little smoother for a change.

begonia9508: Thanks!

Lol, that’s a good point.

L-J-L 76: They did and now that things are easing up we’ll catch up with the others too.

Eva: Lol, right?!

That would be a tough job all around, but it was a good day all around.

Roswelllostcause: Just what they needed!

CandyliciousLovah: He sure is! Lol, the owner wouldn’t have let that happen.

kismet: Yep, they needed to get that out in the open. It’ll make it much easier to move forward.

We will be catching up with the others soon!

keepsmiling7: Lol, he is and luckily for him, Maria’s pretty fond of the brew herself.

sarammlover: It looks like that was a near miss. That would be a rough day. Lol, think they’re ready for a proposal? Hallmark movies can definitely put you in that mindset, can’t they? Thanks! Yeah, and still more to come!

Part 182

Clear View

“What?” she asked when he was still staring at her several minutes later.

“Nothin’,” he replied quietly, “just like looking at you when you’re happy.”

That made her blush and she shrugged a little self-consciously. “Being with you makes me happy.” She looked into his eyes. “You make me happy.”

He smiled weakly and leaned forward, reaching over the small table. “C’mere.” His hand wrapped around her neck and pulled her closer until his lips met hers for a short but hot, wet kiss.

“You make it very difficult to sit through a meal,” she whispered. Honestly, getting the order to go sounded so good, but it wasn’t exactly a takeout kind of restaurant. And he’d picked out someplace very nice that he knew she’d like so she wasn’t about to even suggest such a thing, tempting as it was. She settled back into her seat, her thumb rubbing her bottom lip as she watched him. It seemed like he’d been at the center of her world her whole life, but now that they were together that had taken on a whole new meaning.

“Likewise,” he winked and reached for her hand on the table. “We should take a week off and spend it in bed.”

“An entire week?” She nibbled on her thumbnail and shot him a look from under her eyelashes.

“Make it two,” he growled.

“Two?” Her eyebrows lifted. “And just stay in bed?”

“Make it the beach house. Two weeks at the beach house. Just you an’ me.”

She sighed. That sounded like heaven. “Let me know when you can arrange that with our schedules,” she said with a wink. “Because I’m so there.”

“I do have two weeks off in the middle of September,” he said amused.

“Well, yeah, but you usually spend a week with your family and then the other you and Kyle go do some totally insane death-defying thing.” Although if there was any possible way she could wrangle two weeks off she’d jump on it.

“I doubt Kyle’s gonna be in any shape for that so soon and if so then he’d be jumpin’ right back into work after the long break.” He shook his head. “And the other... well, babe, you ARE a big part of my family. I don’t mind letting the rest of ‘em hang out with us at the beach one of the two weeks.”

“Alright, I’ll make a deal with you. If, and I do mean IF, I can swing a week off, we can spend it wherever you want, but that other week still needs to belong to your family. That connection’s too important, and yes, I know they’d understand, but if you start skipping out on time here and there before long there’s a gap there and I don’t want that.”

He chuckled. “Always reminding me to do the right thing, huh, RP?” He loved her for it though.

“Well, it’s a tough job but someone has to do it.” She shot a teasing smile at him. “I’ve been doing it all these years, why stop now?”

“I don’t want you to stop doin’ it.” He sat up when the waitress brought the appetizers and when she left again his eyes roamed between their plates constantly.

Maria chuckled and nudged her plate towards him. “Toasted ravioli?”

“Half an’ half?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Isn’t that the way we’ve always done it?” And they had, ever since they were kids and they’d become friends.

“Yep, and I still remember your shock the first time I suggested it.”

“It was a bit of a surprise, I’ll admit.”

“I always had a weak spot for you.”

“And I’ve always had one for you.”

“Didn’t look like it at first,” he snorted.

“Yeah, well, you know what they say. The path to true love is rarely a smooth one and the beginnings are often rocky.”

“Man, our path’s been fuckin’ long, hasn’t it?”

Long, but so worth it.


Kyle clenched his hands on his thighs to keep from fidgeting. Every sound around him seemed to be amplified, especially that of the clock on the wall ticking. Each second that passed sounded more ominous than the last and it was grating on his nerves. He’d never given much thought to the stacks of various magazines that were placed around doctor’s offices. They’d never received more than a cursory glance as he was usually more focused on his phone rather than what was going on around him in the office.

He’d never seen the inside of Dr. Taylor’s office but he was sure it was much like any other ophthalmologist’s office. He could hear the shuffle of slick magazine pages, the occasional electronic sound that indicated the use of a phone, the quiet hum of conversation as the employees behind the counter answered questions, phones, and doctor’s requests. It was like white noise and he hated it.

“It shouldn’t be much longer.”

He turned his head slightly when his dad spoke up from beside him. His dad had been on top of all of his appointments and he appreciated it, especially the fact that he’d kept Mom away from coming to take him herself. He couldn’t have handled her fussing over him. It was taking all of his energy to focus on this without having to worry about handling someone else’s nervous energy.

“I wish they’d hurry up.”

“Well,” Jim said as he looked around, “they’ve got a full house today.”

“They could’ve…” he shook his head. “Yeah, I know.” It did no good to get pissed off over the time it was taking. As much as he wanted this over with he was terrified when the bandages came off he wasn’t going to see anything but an endless black sea.

“Kyle Valenti?”

He made a face when his name was called. “How do you screw up the pronunciation of our name?” he grumbled as he got to his feet. He could feel Dad close by and he appreciated the older man’s understanding when he didn’t reach out to help him up.

“Straight ahead, Son, about a dozen steps, then to the right.”

He counted off the steps, taking his time and feeling like every eye in the room was boring into him. He reached out as he took the twelfth step and his hand easily came into contact with the doorframe. He turned right and he felt someone move close by.

“Mr. Valenti, how are you today?”

“It’s just Kyle, and I guess that depends on what happens in this office.”

She smiled in understanding and looked at the older man accompanying the patient. “If you’ll just wait in the second room on the left, the doctor will be right with you.”

“Thank you.” Once again Jim counted off the steps for his son and followed him into the room. He took a seat once Kyle was settled and he glanced around at the intimidating equipment, hoping and praying when Dr. Taylor removed the bandages his son would once again have his sight.

Less than five minutes passed before the door opened and the doctor stepped inside, pulling the chart from the slot by the door. He closed the door and adjusted his glasses as he offered his hand to his patient’s father.

“Mr. Valenti, how are you?”

“I’m good, just a bit anxious.”

“I can imagine,” he said with a warm chuckle. “Kyle, how’s it been going?” He reached for a rolling stool and pulled it over so he was facing the younger man.

“Can we just skip the small talk and get to why I’m here,” he answered, impatient and irritated. Why all the unnecessary questions? He hadn’t been good and he was bored to death with all the sitting around and waiting.

“Impatient then,” he answered his own question and reached for a pair of scissors. “Alright, I need you to remain still so I can cut the bandages off. Just keep your eyes closed until I tell you otherwise, okay?”

“Okay,” Kyle sighed. He knew he was being a dick, but he couldn’t help it and it was one of two reasons why he hadn’t told Tess about this appointment. She knew it was scheduled this week, but not exactly when. He didn’t want her to see him acting like a jerk, but more important... he didn’t want her to see his devastation if it all went to hell.

“I know you’re sick to death of all the darkness, but we don’t want to rush this.” He cut the bandages and carefully peeled them away. “Mr. Valenti, would you hit that switch by the door and cut the overhead lights off please?” He waited until that was done before he peeled back the medical tape holding the gauze pads in place over Kyle’s eyes. He tossed them in a nearby wastebasket before leaning in the take a closer look at his eyelids and the skin around his eyes, probing for any signs of tenderness or irritation. He straightened up after a moment and sat back. “Alright, Kyle, I want you to open your eyes slowly. The lighting in the room’s very dim but after being in the dark for a while you may experience some sensitivity. Be prepared for things to be very blurry at first.”

He could live with blurry because at least that was something, he thought and now that it was time to open his damn eyes he hesitated, taking a deep breath first.

Okay, stop the bullshit fear! He forced his thoughts to go blank and slowly opened his eyes. There was just a mass of grey at first and he blinked a few times against the light hitting his eyes for the first time in a long time.

The blurred images started to clear after what seemed like seconds and an eternity all in one. He noticed movement of shadows and realized that it was the doctor who had taken the seat in front of him.

Dr. Taylor recognized the signs of sight and he held his right hand up, his forefinger extended as he moved it left to right. “Can you follow my finger with your eyes? Don’t move your head.”

He had to blink a few more times before the hand the doctor held up came into a better but still not sharp focus. He did his best to do what the other man had asked, hoping it was all a good sign.

“That’s good, Kyle, that’s real good,” he murmured. “It’s gonna take a few minutes for that blurriness to clear up. In the meantime, why don’t we go ahead with the examination?” He moved back and reached for the machine, pulling it so that it was between them. “Lean forward and rest your chin in the slot there... good... now keep your eyes open and let’s take a look and see what’s going on in there.”

“Alright,” he muttered, doing as requested and forcing himself to be still. All he could do was hope the doctor would tell him everything was going to be fine.

Dr. Taylor moved through the examination smoothly. “You’ve got excellent reaction in both eyes, Kyle. And remarkably minimal corneal scarring considering the initial damage sustained. Sit back.” He moved the equipment back out of the way. “How’s the blurriness?”

“Still there, but better.”

He nodded. “Don’t get frustrated. Just give it a little time to clear up. Are you experiencing any sensitivity to the lighting?”

“A little at first when I opened them. Like when you wake up in the mornin’ and the sun’s too bright.”

“That’s good. Okay, I’m gonna increase the lighting slowly,” he said as he moved across the room to the dimmer switch, “and you let me know if it becomes uncomfortable. Don’t try to tough it out. If it does become too much I want you to tell me. You’re gonna need to wear sunglasses when you go outside for a while because the sunlight will take some time to get used to again. You don’t wanna stress your eyes because even though you’ll have the bandages off they’re still healing and readjusting.”

Kyle listened and nodded as the room got brighter. “Wait a moment,” he told the doctor truthfully when the brightness caused him to blink. After a few more minutes he gave him a signal to continue.

He turned his head to where his father was sitting and although he couldn’t get a clear picture of his face at first, he could recognize him. “And who are you?” He tried to make a joke.

“Apparently your eyesight isn’t the only thing that needs time to recover,” Jim said with a snort in an effort to hide the emotion that suddenly seemed so overwhelming. He’d harbored his own fears that his son would never see again and the relief he felt was immense.

Dr. Taylor smiled to himself. It was the first sign of humor he’d heard from his patient and it was a very good sign. He had never really doubted he’d regain his eyesight though.

“It’s still blurry,” Kyle said, “but it’s better.” He pointed at the poster on the wall with letters printed in different sizes. “I can read the first couple of rows.”

“Are they clear or still fuzzy around the edges?”

“Pretty clear now.”

“I’m gonna step out for a bit, give you a little time to let your eyes continue to adjust.” He cut the lighting back halfway and then picked up his patient’s chart. “I’ll be back shortly.”

“Okay.” Kyle turned to his dad when the other man was gone and there was a long moment of silence between them before he spoke. “Guess I lucked out.”

“I’d say you did.” He grinned and shook his head. “You sure the hell did.”

He nodded and glanced down at himself, taking a look at his still busted arm for the first time. Now if only this would heal up just as good, he thought. He could feel his body’s strength returning as the days went by, but it was still so painfully slow.

“You have to give it time, son. Your recovery’s been a miracle and like Taylor said, if you rush it you could do more harm than good. That applies to your physical recovery as well as your visual.”

“Yeah, I know.” Kyle got up slowly to walk around with his eyes finally wide open again. “It’s hard to be patient. I was never a fan of sitting around, doin’ nothing, Dad. I wanna go back to work, I wanna go out with my friends, I wanna...” He stopped himself before he could say out loud what he had just thought.

Jim cocked his head to one side. “You wanna...?”

Kyle smirked with his back to his father. He wasn’t going to share that thought. “A lot more things.” And some of them might be blonde and have a big busy mouth compared to her otherwise short size.

“Um-hmm.” He had a feeling he knew exactly what his boy wasn’t saying. “Couple more weeks and you’ll be out of the cast and starting physical therapy.”

“Yeah.” He couldn’t wait for it. He wanted to feel strong again. He wanted to be able to work out after waking up, and hell yes, he wanted to be able to carry that annoying little Guerin girl around while they made out. Just the thought caused a certain physical reaction and he had to force them away to not make a fool of himself.

“I know it probably feels like it’s taking forever, but you’ve already come so far since that day.” He nodded when Kyle just shrugged. “Have you kept in contact with your chief?”

“Yeah. If I wasn’t he’d show up at my door regularly.”

He chuckled. “That’s true, I suppose.” Chief McCoy was a man committed to his job and the people who served under him. “So... how’re things going with Tess?” Kyle hadn’t had a lot to say about the girl, which actually said a lot.

Ungh, his father paid a lot more attention than he should. “She’s been a great support.”

“Yes, she seemed very... supportive.” His tone was teasing. “She was quite a burr under your mother’s saddle and I can’t say I didn’t appreciate the amusement.”

“Tess knew that I needed something other than what Mom wanted for me.”

And Kyle had allowed her to provide that. He wondered if his son was aware of just how important that little fact was. “Your mom loves you and she wants what’s best for you, but she’s just too close and trying too hard. She made a mistake and she’s accepted that our marriage is over, but she’s scared she’s losing you too.”

“I’m gonna talk to her... soon.” He didn’t know how soon, but he knew he had to.

“I know she’s been a pain in the ass recently and a lot of that’s rolled over onto you even though it was directed at me. In spite of what happened she’s a good woman and she’s always been a good mom.” He nodded when Kyle rolled his shoulders. “What’re your plans after you get outta here?”

“I think I wanna make a short stop at the station.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” And it would probably be very therapeutic for him too.

“Yeah, it’s past time and I finally feel strong enough to do it.”

“Good.” He looked up when there was a quiet knock on the door just before it opened.

“Kyle, how’s your vision?” Dr. Taylor asked.

He turned to look at the man and he grinned. “Good enough to see that you obviously rushed your lunch.” There were some spots on his white coat.

He glanced down at himself and laughed quietly. “I’d like to have one more look at your eyes and I’m gonna send you home with a prescription for some eye drops to use to prevent irritation from exposure. I want you to use them for the next ten days and then come back to see me. Now, like I said earlier, sunglasses at all times when you’re outside.” He took a seat and patted the chair facing him. “One last check and then you’re free to go.”

“Okay.” Now that things looked brighter – literally – he felt his patience reasserting itself.

Dr. Taylor conducted the examination, taking his time to ensure he didn’t overlook anything. When he sat back this time he motioned to the chart over his shoulder. “What’s the smallest row you can see clearly now?”

Kyle shifted his gaze and concentrated on it. “I can see it pretty clear to the middle. I can make out the other lines but they’re still blurry around the edges.”

He nodded. “Give it another day or two and the blurriness will completely disappear. It’s likely you won’t even notice it at first. You’re well on your way to complete vision recovery, Kyle.”

“That’s finally some good news.” He stretched his hand out towards the older man. “Thanks, Doc. I know I’m not the patient of the year.”

“I definitely wouldn’t nominate you for that award, but I can certainly understand your frustration with the situation.” He shook his patient’s hand and stood up. “I’ll get your prescription written up and they’ll have it for you when you check out. Sunglasses and eye drops, stay on top of those two things, got it? And I’ll see you back here in ten days.”

“Got it,” Kyle agreed, reaching for the front of his shirt where the Ray Ban’s were dangling.

Jim stood when the doctor had left them alone again. “Why don’t you lead the way and I’ll follow without giving you a step count,” he said with a smile.

“Yeah, that actually sounds good, Dad.” He grinned and did what his father had suggested. It was actually weird to walk around completely free without having to worry about bumping into anything.

After a few minutes at checkout they headed for the exit, pausing while Kyle put his sunglasses on, and they stepped out into the sunlight. Jim watched his son as he stood frozen to the spot for a moment, looking at everything as if he was seeing the world for the first time.

No one had a clue how much you missed seeing the world when it suddenly went dark. Kyle inhaled deeply and wasn’t offended by the smell of the city. No, it felt like freedom. He couldn’t wait to see the apartment he had lived in for the first time for real. He had come up with an idea of how it looked in his mind and he was curious to see it for real and find out if he had been completely wrong or right.

Yeah, and he also couldn’t wait to see Tess. What would it be like? Would there still be that connection that had developed over the last few weeks? Or would it be different again? Would seeing her make a difference?

“Won’t be long and you’ll be behind the wheel again,” Jim said when Kyle started to walk. He had memorized the path when they’d gone inside earlier and he went to the truck without a single wrong turn.

“That’s good, because it sucks to rely on others all the time.” Now that he could see and he was getting better, he could soon move back to his own apartment and while he had enjoyed the girl’s constant presence, he’d be glad when that time came because it meant a large step back into normalcy.

“Yeah, I understand that. But you’ve got a gift a lot of people don’t have. You have a group of friends who are there for you and who would do anything for you.” He chuckled as he recalled the way they’d driven Sarah crazy at the hospital; there all the time, checking on Kyle, wanting to see him. “You’ve got a great group of friends, Kyle.”

“I know.” He really did. They were unique and it felt like he’d known them all his life when in reality it was only a few years.

“They’re the kinda people that get you through whatever life throws at you.” He popped the locks on the doors and climbed in behind the wheel. “Fire station?” he asked when his son was settled in the passenger’s seat.


He glanced at Kyle when he dropped his head back to rest against the seat but instead of taking a short nap his eyes were constantly scanning the area. He maneuvered through the early afternoon traffic, the trip so much shorter than it would be in just a couple of hours when the cars hit the road en masse. “Looks like a quiet day,” he mused when they pulled up in front of the station nearly 45 minutes later and he could see the trucks in the open bays.

“I guess that could change at any minute, huh?” Dad asked. “Want me to wait in the car?”

He pushed the door open, his eyes glued to the gleaming engines visible through the open doors. The chrome grills shined brightly, nearly blinding in their intensity. “Would you mind? I’d just like to walk in their on my own, y’know?”

“No problem,” Jim nodded. “Go ahead.” He pointed at a small diner nearby. “I’ll just grab something to eat. Find me there when you’re ready to leave.”

“Thanks.” He shut the door and inhaled the hot air before taking the short walk up to the station. He loved it here. This was the career he was born for. Sure, like most little boys he’d gone through the firefighter phase, and in time it had passed and he’d moved on to the next phase. It was 9/11 that had brought that back into focus and made him realize it hadn’t been just a passing thing. He made a difference here. No, he couldn’t save everyone he went after, and the losses stuck with him, but he knew each of them counted, lost or saved.

He stepped into the bay and reached out to press his palm against the side of the first engine he passed, feeling the warmth of the day seeping into his skin and he smiled. He could see turnout gear hanging nearby, drying out after a call, and he could hear familiar voices talking and laughing. He followed the noise deeper into the station, going through the interior doors that had been propped open to catch what little breeze there was.

He knew most everyone would be hanging around the common room, open to the kitchen where several of the guys would be putting lunch together. He could smell the food cooking and judging by the spices on the air he knew Manetti was heading the afternoon meal. He glanced around when the room went silent and it felt so damn good to recognize the people staring at him.

“Holy shit, look whose ratty ass is standing in the door,” the man behind the counter said in a semi-shocked state. The chief had kept them updated with Valenti’s condition, but the latest news hadn’t sounded like he’d be able to visit so soon.

He grinned and took a couple more steps. “Smells almost edible, Manetti. You might just make some lucky girl a decent wife one of these days.”

“What the fuck, Valenti?” Michael suddenly appeared in front of him. His hair was still dripping wet from the recent shower, but as soon as he had heard one of the men say his friend’s name, he had been out of the locker room.

“I’m flattered that you moved so fast for me.” He shook his head as he looked at his best friend. “And relieved you took the time to put your pants on.”

“Shut up,” he cut him off, staring at his sunglasses. “So I guess the eyes are fine?”

“The eyes are fine,” he verified.

Michael released a breath and then grinned. “Thank God.”

“You can say that again.” He grinned and shook his head before Michael could repeat himself.

“Guerin, leave the man alone, will ya?” One of the firefighters sitting in a chair at the large table shouted and waved Kyle over.

“Donovan, how’re these guys treatin’ you?” he asked as he took a seat at the table. Jamie Donovan had come on earlier that year, replacing him as the rookie in their ranks.

“Good now that I’m not the rookie anymore,” he pointed at their newest member, Owen Franklyn, sitting at the end of the table and he laughed when the guy immediately shot the middle finger at him.

“Another newbie? That’s awesome!” He reached over to shake hands with the new guy. “You’ll get your turn to razz a rookie,” he said with a grin.

Part 183

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 3:15 am
by Double Trouble
Alien_Friend: Lol, yep, Michael’s getting a taste of something he’s really not used to. It looks like they’re setting up to have a great line of communication in their relationship. Now that they’ve cleared the air about what happened between them that day in the studio, it’ll really help things.

Kyle’s had a tough road recently, but he’s finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks! *hugs* Vision is a precious gift that’s too often taken for granted. Keep your fingers crossed for Cody. He needs his miracle too.

The doctor did great with Kyle. It would’ve been easy to respond to his surly mood in a like manner, but he remained professional and more importantly, reacted with empathy.

TIC TAC has been a long ride, but it’s been so incredibly fun to write.

Natalie36: That little guy’s still on our list and it’s not too late.

CandyliciousLovah: Thanks! Well, we will see the two of them in this next chapter.

Earth2Mama: What’s better than binge reading?!

There are a lot of things going on, but it does look like things are finally settling down.

Roswelllostcause: Thanks! He’s definitely headed that way.

begonia9508: That would be a terrifying prospect. Lol, Tess hopes so too!

keepsmiling7: That would be heaven for the two of them.

Things are getting better.

L-J-L 76: Thanks! We’ll catch up with some Max and Liz soon.

sarammlover: Lol, well… They are a great couple, lol, especially since they’re kind of a non-couple at this point. We will be visiting with them today.

kismet: Oh, no, Kyle was having none of that, lol. Yeah, they’re definitely beyond the friends stage.

We’ll have more of the guys today.

killjoy: Well, he might have, but not knowing whether he was coming out of the office with good news or not had him on edge and he wasn’t ready for her to see him that weak if it was bad news.

Part 183


Tony stumbled in after getting out of the shower and it only took about two seconds to find the person who had the focus of everyone in the room. “He’s here?” He stopped next to Michael, stunned. “An’ he can see, obviously.”

“I can hear too,” Kyle said and waved Carter over.

“Thought once you got your sight back your outta-this-world hearing would disappear again.” Tony grinned and bumped his fist. “Good to see you.”

“Yeah, I’m probably stuck with it so no talkin’ about me behind my back.”

“Does that mean you’re comin’ home?” Michael flipped a chair around and straddled it, resting his chin on his forearms.

“Why? Getting used to messin’ around with your girlfriend undisturbed?” Kyle shot back with a grin.

“That does have its benefits of course, but it’ll be nice for things to get back to normal.”

“Wait a minute,” Dana wiggled into the middle of the men, looking at Kyle in shock, “did you say ‘girlfriend’? Because ya know, this’s Michael. Your best friend Michael. The one who chases anything and everything with boobs and two legs.”

“Dana, Dana, Dana...” Michael looked at her and shook his head. “I know it’s difficult, but you’re gonna have to accept that I’m off the market. You missed your shot. You’re gonna have to find a way to move on.”

“Shut up,” she rolled her eyes and looked at Kyle. “Tell me it’s the blonde. What’s her name? Maria, right?”

“Couldn’t be anyone else,” he answered with a nod.

“Hallelujah,” she shouted and then went off again, but squeezed Kyle’s arm lightly. “Good to see you back.”

“Thanks, Dana.” He shot a look at Michael. “I can’t believe she hasn’t asked for a new partner and shuffled you off on someone else.”

“Ah,” he snorted, “she loves me, she just can’t admit it.”

“Yeah, she loves you alright,” Tony said as he dropped a handful of change in the drink machine and selected a Dr. Pepper. “It would explain why she puts up with you.”

“So it’s true, Guerin? You’re tied down?” Andy from the second EMT team in the station shook his head.

“Call it what ya want,” he said with a shrug. Tied down implied he was being held against his will and when it came to being with Maria nothing could be farther from the truth.

“Whipped,” the other man muttered. “What’s with you, Valenti? Bet ya collected some numbers in the hospital.”

“Whatever I collected I’m not sharin’.” He reached for one of the bottles of water someone had placed at the center of the table and uncapped it.

Michael studied his friend and was glad to see a man that looked a lot more like his best friend. “Most of the nurses were glad when his grumpy ass was released.”

Tony laughed. “That’s probably true. Valenti wasn’t exactly a model patient.”

Kyle smirked. They were right and there would still be days when he would feel frustrated by his limitations but today be wanted to enjoy the small victory of having his eyesight back.

“I thought somebody said Valenti was stayin’ with a bunch of girls,” Donovan said as he grabbed a stack of plates and set them on the table.

“I am. Four of ‘em under one roof.”

“Four?” Andy just stared at him. “How’d you land a gig like that?”

“That’s pretty easy when ya have a friend with a lot of sisters,” he teased with a look at Michael.

“Dude, you trust this hound with your sisters?” Andy asked with a snort.

“No, not at all,” he answered lightly and he knew Kyle would know he was referring to Tess.

“Hey, I’m a trustworthy guy.” Kyle frowned at them when a couple of them started howling and then they all laughed.

“I was going to ask what could be more interesting than lunch,” Chief McCoy’s deep voice interrupted the banter among the group of men hovering in a semicircle around the table. He smirked when he detected one of his firefights at the center of attention. “Good to see to you here, Kyle. And obviously you can see me too.”

“Chief,” Kyle greeted as he stood and extended his hand. “Yeah, and believe it or not you’re a sight for sore eyes.”

McCoy chuckled. “How’re you holding up?”

“Much better now that the bandages are off and it’s official that my eyesight’s back. Now I’ve just gotta get outta this thing,” he nodded at his arm, “and knock that PT out so I can get back to work.”

“Take it easy, Valenti. Your job will be here waiting for as long as it takes. You have my word.”

“I appreciate that, Chief.”

“You make sure he takes it slow,” the Chief pointed at Michael.

“Why don’t you just ask me to go out and move a mountain while you’re at it, Chief,” he muttered with a roll of his eyes. He nodded when the man directed a look at him. “We’re doin’ our best.”

His last word was swallowed when the well known alarm went off and a moment later a female voice called out engine and truck numbers as well as information for the call.

“That’s my cue,” Tony stood, when his engine was called.

“Good luck,” Kyle hollered after him, his eyes locked on the engines visible through the doors as the firefighters began to pour out of the room, grabbing their turnout gear and climbing onto the trucks. His hands clenched unconsciously, the desire to be out there with them so strong it was almost more than he could handle.

“It’s hard, but you’re gonna be back,” Michael told him. Luckily his truck hadn’t been called in because he was starving and lunch smelled way too good.

“Yeah. Hey, Manetti, get a move on over there,” he called in an effort to keep his thoughts away from negative territory. He knew he’d made great progress and he didn’t want the good news he’d received today to be forgotten.

“On its way,” the other man muttered. “Man, it’s always like that. Whenever the food’s ready everyone gets sent out.”

He snorted. “You know that’ll never change.”


Elaine Travers carefully made her way through the endless sea of corridors in the hospital, struggling to hold herself together even as her world was falling apart. How could one single moment change the entire course of a life? Why? Why her child? Hadn’t her family been through enough? After multiple wrong turns she finally stumbled out into the courtyard the chaplain had told her about.

The courtyard was situated at the center of the hospital, open to the sky above. She cursed the sunlight that streamed down, incapable of understanding how the sun could continue to shine on the darkest day of her life. She dropped down to sit on one of the benches, leaning over to rest her face in her hands as she recalled the doctor’s words and her body shook with emotion.

“Will he wake up?”

“Mrs. Travers, your son’s brain has ceased to function.”

“But, he’ll wake up,” she insisted, begged. “It’s alright if – “

“Mrs. Travers,” Dr. Bronson said with patience and sympathy, “your son will never wake up again. I know how hard this is, but you’re faced with some very big decisions. You can continue to keep him on life support, but you must understand that without the ventilator your son would be incapable of breathing on his own.” He rested a hand on her arm. “If you choose – “

“Choose to take him off of life support? So what?” she screamed in agony. “So you can cut him up and hand out his little organs so other people can live? You want me to choose to let my own child die because they deserve to live and he doesn’t?”

“It’s not about who deserves to live or die, Mrs. Travers. We’ve done all that we can do and his little body’s beyond our help. Yes, if you choose to allow his organs to be donated others will be saved.”

Others will be saved… others will be saved… others will be saved…

She fought down the urge to scream. How could they say God was merciful? She didn’t understand it. Her child would be lost so others could be saved. How could she reconcile herself with that?

“Are you alright?”

She inhaled deeply as she lifted her head to look at the young woman who had spoken. “I’m sorry, what?”

“You look like you could use a drink,” Maria said with an encouraging smile although she didn’t feel like smiling at all. Cody hadn’t been up for a full day and the worry in his doctor’s eyes this morning spoke volumes. With one hand she offered the devastated looking woman a bottle of water and sat down at the other end of the bench, inhaling the air, but it didn’t help to clear her mind.

“Something stronger would be nice,” she muttered and took a drink, feeling the cool liquid as it traveled through her body. Something her little boy would never feel again, she thought and squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. “Thank you.” She looked at the younger woman, seeing familiar signs of stress and worry in her profile as she stared at a bird perched on a bench across the courtyard. “You have someone close inside?”

“Yeah,” Maria nodded, “my brother.” She had no clue who the woman was, but over the years she had found herself outside in this small quiet place and she had talked to relatives or friends about Cody or whoever they were here for.

“Will he be going home soon?”

“No,” she said quietly and looked at the woman briefly before focusing her gaze on a bunch of different flowers in a bucket. “Cody’s been here for too long already. He’s four and he’s spent half of his life in the hospital.”

“I’m so sorry.” It hadn’t even been four days for Chris. She didn’t even know what to say or how to say it. Nothing softened the blow of questions or made them feel less intrusive. “That must be difficult.”

“Yeah.” Maria wiped away a tear quickly, forcing her breathing to be steady in an attempt to settle her nerves. “He needs a new heart. We knew it’d come to this point since he was born but now…” she swallowed, trying to find the right words, but there weren’t any that sounded right. “Now it’s a matter of days, weeks if we’re lucky.”

“Oh my God,” she whispered, feeling panic beginning to settle in again. She forced it down as well as she could, trying to control the need to fall apart. Chris had always been such an easygoing child, always so positive. He had been the most precious thing in her world. Her own heart thudded slowly and painfully in her chest when she realized in her thoughts she had been referring to him in the past tense. His heroes were those who fought for the underdog, who always did the right thing no matter the personal cost, and he always insisted he wanted to be like that when he grew up. But he wouldn’t get that opportunity now, would he?

But he could still be somebody’s hero, she realized as tears sprang to her eyes. Maybe not this girl’s brother. She could only imagine how many people were waiting for a new heart and she was sure there were a lot of things that went into determining who received the organs. “I’m so sorry.”

Maria nodded. “Thanks. I’m not losing hope. I’ll just... pray that a miracle will happen, because I don’t know how to go on without him.” She glanced up when she caught movement and realized Michael was standing in the doorway, watching her. He was still dressed in his uniform and his shift wasn’t over so he must have stopped by to drop a call off at the hospital.

She reached over and covered the younger woman’s hand, squeezing it tightly. “No, whatever you do, don’t lose hope.” For the past four days she’d held onto hope but the doctor had taken it from her earlier. The chaplain had stayed with her while she begged and pleaded for a miracle and even later when she’d cursed him and beat his chest with her fists for telling her that God had a plan. Her faith had been shaken to its very core by this incident and she still wasn’t at a place where she could accept that her child was being taken so someone else’s could live. Why was one child worthy when another wasn’t? She just couldn’t wrap her mind around that. She followed the woman’s gaze and she felt the easing of the tension in the arm beneath her hand as the couple’s eyes connected. “I hope things turn out well for you and your family.”

“Thanks,” Maria smiled and pointed at Michael. “Excuse me, won’t you? He’s just stopping by.”

She nodded and rested back against the bench while watching the couple from the corner of her eye. She hated the weakness that allowed her to feel jealous when the woman was pulled into the man’s embrace that so obviously provided comfort and strength for both of them.

Michael glanced at the woman Maria had been sitting with as he hugged her tightly. “You doin’ okay?”

“Yeah, just same old,” she sighed into his chest and inhaled his scent. God, she loved the way he smelled. “What’re you doin’ here?”

“Just dropped off a woman who went into labor while headin’ up some protest.” He shook his head. “Nearly deafened me when she screamed into the bullhorn while we were tryin’ to get her on the gurney. We had hell getting it away from her.”

She laughed quietly. “Sounds like an interesting day.”

“Yeah, it’s been somethin’. Good thing is I’ve only got a couple more hours to go.”

“Will I see you tonight?”

“Yeah, I’m just gonna run by the apartment, give Kyle a hand with haulin’ his shit back to our place.” He shook his head. “He’s collected quite a bit of stuff since he’s been livin’ with you girls.”

Maria leaned back. “Kyle’s going back to Manhattan?”

“Yeah, it’s time. He’s had a few days to fully readjust to seein’ again so he figures it’s time.”

“Oh.” Maria narrowed her eyes. “Did he tell Tess? Because I talked to her this morning on the phone and she didn’t say anything about it.”

“He’s gonna tell her.”

“Uh-huh,” she could imagine how that talk would upset her friend.

“Look, they’ve gotten close over the last few weeks, and maybe that’s not such a bad thing, but a little space will be a good thing too. Kinda give them time to figure out if whatever’s developing is due to proximity or somethin’ else, y’know?”

“You suddenly know all about relationships, huh?” she teased.

“I’m just lookin’ out for my sister. They already jumped the gun once and I’d rather she not get trampled on again.” He shrugged. “Not pointing any fingers, just sayin’.”

“So I guess that means times with a lonely Manhattan apartment are over, huh?”

“Guess times where we have the place to ourselves will be fewer,” he agreed.

She stood on her tiptoes and nipped his ear. “Guess we have to find ways to be quieter.”

“We?” he echoed and pinched her side teasingly.

“Yes, WE.”

He laughed and dropped a kiss on her lips. “I’m not the one who likes to scream for heavenly intervention.”

“Challenging me?”

His eyebrows lifted at her playful tone. “And what if I am?”

“Then I’d say you’re on, Guerin.”

“Then all I’ve got to say is: good luck, ‘cause you’re gonna need it.”

“Whatever,” she dismissed him. One day, when he wasn’t thinking about it anymore she’d get him to do just that and then she’d remind him of this little conversation.

He chuckled and glanced at his watch. “I hate to cut this short but if Dana has to come lookin’ for me there’s gonna be hell to pay. Dinner at your place? Say around seven?”

“Sounds good,” she agreed and tugged at his shirt’s collar for another kiss.

He leaned in and kissed her slowly, wishing he had more time. But he wasn’t kidding about Dana. Make her come looking for him and he’d be writing up the reports and doing supply restocks alone for the next week. It was hard to walk away though. He finally forced himself to pull away, giving her a grin as he took a step back.

“Good luck with the rest of your shift,” she waved, hating that he had to go because he made everything so much better.

“Tell Cody hi for me. Oh,” he patted his pockets and pulled out a toy dolphin, “saw this and picked it up when we stopped for a break earlier. Give it to him for me, okay?”

“If he wakes up,” she nodded, “I will.”

“Hey,” he nudged her chin up, “he’s gonna wake up.” Cody was getting weaker by the day and he was awake less and less each time.

“Yeah, I know,” she pushed him a little. “Go now, CB.”

He nodded. “Seven o’clock, Sexy.”

“Can’t wait.” She forced herself to turn around, ready to get back outside, but she realized the woman she had been talking to wasn’t there anymore.

She walked back over to the bench she had been sitting on earlier, wondering why the woman had sought out the courtyard. It had been plain to see she was upset but she hadn’t offered any information. Her gaze dropped to the toy in her hand and she ran her fingertip over one of the dolphin’s fins. Religious she wasn’t, but it didn’t stop her from praying for a miracle. Cody deserved to live his life to the fullest. He deserved to run and play with other kids. She turned the dolphin around to look at it fully. He deserved to have a chance to one day swim with the creatures that gave him so much joy. She didn’t think about how that miracle would be achieved because she couldn’t handle guilt on top of everything else. She just knew that without Cody life would be a much darker place and she just couldn’t see how they would survive that.


Kyle leaned on the kitchen counter, his eyes constantly moving between the three cartons he had packed and the clock on the opposite wall. Damn it! He should’ve told her sooner!

Driven by his nerves, he started to pace around the counter again although he could feel the exercise of pacing in his wounded body clearly. Why wasn’t Tess home already? Normally her shift would’ve ended about two hours ago. The plan had been to tell her about his plans to move back home right when she got her – BEFORE Michael arrived to pick up his stuff.

But she wasn’t here and her cell was going straight to voicemail.

I should’ve told her sooner, he thought again. Maybe this morning at breakfast or last night. But no, he had wanted to wait until the last minute because he knew things would be awkward afterwards. It wasn’t like she had thought he would stay forever, but she sure as hell didn’t expect him to leave so quickly either. Again, he was messing up with her and after all she had done!

But he NEEDED his life back. Was he thankful for her taking him in? Hell yes, there were no words to express how glad he had been to stay here instead of being stuck with his parents all day. But now he wanted to return to normalcy again. His body was getting stronger. Not strong enough to work, but it was enough to allow him to take care of himself again.

His gaze turned back to the clock. Where the hell was Tess? She hadn’t been late since he had been living here. Not once!

He grabbed his cell again, ready to dial her number when the door swung open. Kyle turned quickly, expecting to see a wave of curly blonde hair bursting through the door with her usual energy, but his face fell when he saw Michael with a coffee to go in his hand and a baseball cap pulled down over his face to block the sun outside. “Shit!”

“Glad you’re happy to see me. Wanna go home, darling?”

“Fuck off,” he muttered.

“What crawled up your ass an’ died, Valenti?”

“Have you talked to Tess?”

He frowned. “About what?”

“About where the hell she is.” He motioned to the clock in the kitchen. “She’s two hours late already.”

“Maybe she needed to work late. Where’s the big deal?”

“I haven’t told her I’m movin’ back home yet,” he snapped, the words running together.

Michael walked further in and leaned his back against the kitchen counter, adjusting his baseball cap. “Why not?”

“I just figured it’d be easier if I told her right before it happened. But of all days she picks today to be late!”

“Wanna cancel this?” He pointed at the cartons on the counter.

He shook his head. “No, it’s time to get it over with. I’m ready to get back home and sleep in my own bed.”

“Okay.” He emptied the coffee and tossed the cup before grabbing the first box. He didn’t like the fact that he hadn’t told his sister, but Tess didn’t think he would be staying there forever, right? And he’d made it all the way to Brooklyn although Maria wasn’t here yet and since he was here they should get over with it.

“Yeah.” He pushed and nudged one of the boxes around until he could get his good arm around it. “I’ll bring - “

“Hey, Michael, what’re you...”

Kyle winced when he heard the question. Tess had finally arrived. She couldn’t have been on time and she couldn’t have been late enough to miss walking in on this. No, she had to time it just right to make this look worse than it was. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat before dropping his arm from the box and slowly turning around. “Tess, you’re home.”

“As you can see,” she said slowly. Yeah, he could SEE it and it was funny how quickly he had gotten used to that again. It was not so funny how fast he had gone back to being his old self... closed up and all.

“I was gonna tell you,” he started.

Michael looked between them and then pointed at the door. “I’ll wait in the car.”

Tess looked at her brother until he disappeared and then turned to Kyle again. “When? Were you gonna leave a note on the counter?”

“You’re never late and if you’d answered your damn phone when I called you, like, fifteen times in the past – “

“The thing’s old. Wasn’t it like yesterday that I told you the battery acts up all the time?” Yeah, she had told him but he had been too busy with his own cell to really pay attention to what she’d been saying. “It’s been dead since lunchtime.” Her tone was angry, although all she could feel was the hurt that she tried to downplay. With a little too much force she placed the grocery bags on the counter next to the packed boxes.

After everything – the long talks they’d had, the intimacy they’d shared, the way he’d acted like she meant something to him – he was just going to leave without bothering to talk to her first. Obviously the accident and his state of helplessness had fogged his brain for a while and now that he was on his way back to regaining his strength, his old self came out of hiding to replace the man who had shown some kind of feelings for her.

“An’ that’s my fault? I wanted to tell you when ya get home and under normal circumstances you would’ve been home quite a while ago.” He watched her helplessly with his one hand shoved into his pants pockets as she started to pull out the groceries to place them in the refrigerator. It didn’t slip his notice that at least half of the stuff was his favorite kinds of foods and she had obviously been planning to cook something good for dinner. Ungh, that really didn’t help his guilty conscience.

“Why not tell me this morning then?” she muttered. They’d had breakfast together before she had left to go to work and he hadn’t said one little word about moving out so soon.

Yeah, now answer that without pissing her off any further, he thought in frustration, desperately trying to think of the right words and coming up blank.

Part 184

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 6:00 am
by Double Trouble
Natalie36: It’s definitely a rollercoaster.

begonia9508: That would be such a difficult and hard decision to make. She has a lot on her and that decision makes it even harder to deal with the situation.

Perhaps not one of Kyle’s best moves, but he hasn’t left yet.

CandyliciousLovah: Minor’s a good description for this bump, lol.

Roswelllostcause: It could be… you just never know.

Alien_Friend: Lol, he’s in big trouble alright. Hold on though… he just might surprise you today.

What a horrific decision to have to make. It may be the miracle everyone’s been hoping and praying for, but the flipside of that same coin is that it’ll be someone else’s nightmare.

Earth2Mama: Yep, she has to be able to live with her decision so it may take her some time to get there.

He may just surprise you.

sarammlover: LOL, that’s a good name for him right now. Yes, she’s dealing with both of those emotions right now, but he knows what he has to say.

keepsmiling7: Thanks for reading!

Eva: Lol, don’t give up on him yet. He’s trying in his own way.

That was a heartbreaking moment and what’s worse is that people have to face decisions like that every day. It’s got to be one of the most devastating things to outlive your own child. But hopefully Elaine will find peace and a way to deal with what’s happened and a way to go on.

Part 184

Surprise, Surprise

Tess narrowed her eyes at him when he didn’t reply immediately. She’d expected something like: ‘It was a last minute decision.’, but his face spoke volumes. He’d known before and he had kept it from her on purpose.

“I wanted-“ he started.

If he said he didn’t want to hurt her feelings she was gonna throw something at him, no matter how bad it might hurt him. “You know what?” she interrupted before he could utter those pitiful words. “It doesn’t matter.” She waved him off with what she hoped looked like a cool gesture. “It’s not like I expected you to stay much longer anyway. An’ you don’t owe me an explanation for going back to a little more normalcy. I’m sure you’re fed up with sleeping on our couch.”

Okay, this was exactly what he’d been trying to avoid when he’d dragged his feet with this. “Look, Tess, you’re getting all bent outta shape over nothing.” He winced when she squared her shoulders and he could tell she was doing everything she could think of to keep her temper in check. She probably thought if she played it cool he wouldn’t be able to tell she was hurt.

Tess finally managed to control the impulse to throw something at him and she turned around slowly, hands on her hips as she drew herself up to her full height – which was still not enough to tower over him and that only added to her anger. But her voice was calm when she spoke. “You think this is bent out of shape?”

He pulled his hand from his pocket to run it through his hair as he eyed her warily. “I’m just sayin’ this isn’t a big deal.”

“Oh, but you couldn’t open your mouth this morning and tell me you were planning to make a break for it.”

He rolled his eyes at her dramatics and he wasn’t fast enough to avoid the banana she snatched out of the bowl on the counter threw at him. “Damn it, Tess!” He carefully bent over to pick it up and before he could straighten up again she was pelting him with apples and oranges. It was irritation rather than pain that had him coming around the counter to grab her throwing arm and put an end to the attack. She threw like a girl so any chance she had of really hurting him would come from a lucky shot. And in spite of her temper he didn’t think she actually wanted to do bodily harm.

“Get your hands off of me, Kyle Valenti!” she snarled. “You’ve already managed to pack your shit so take it and get out!” If he was in such a hurry to take off she had no intention of standing in his way.

His grip on her arm tightened as he pulled her closer, trying to stay focused on the situation rather than her heaving chest or the fact that the way her face was flushed and her eyes flashed just combined to make her sexier than hell. “Would you listen to me for one damn minute?”

“NOW you wanna talk?” She jerked her arm back, irritated when he didn’t release her. “It’s kinda pointless now. We don’t need words to explain what’s so obvious,” she bit out with a glare at the boxes.

“Alright, we don’t need words,” he growled agreeably. “Fuck words!” His lips were on hers before she even had time to react. He kissed her hard and without one bit of doubt that she’d return it.

Tess’ eyes widened for a fraction of a second, but the anger she had felt a moment ago was replaced with passion so quickly she couldn’t make sense to what was going on at first. She didn’t think; she just reacted. Standing on her tiptoes, she leaned into him with her arm still in his grip while her free hand steadied herself on the counter.

Kyle took a step forward, crowding her while his tongue nudged her lips apart to deepen the kiss. The last few days had been torture. His worry about looking at Tess differently after getting the bandages off had vanished the moment he’d seen her later that day. She wasn’t just the person who had dealt with his moods that whole time after the accident and she wasn’t just the girl who had managed to distract him or the woman he had slept with once. No, she was suddenly so much more and being able to see her again was only proof that his developing feelings for her went way past gratitude or whatever. His fantasies had gone wild overnight when he had been lying on the couch sleeplessly while she was only a few rooms away. It was one of the reasons why he had to go. They needed to take this slow and if he stayed here nothing would be slow – despite his injuries.

When Tess felt the need for air, she tore her mouth away from his reluctantly, breathing heavily while their faces stayed so close that their noses touched each other’s cheek. “That… was not what I meant,” she whispered without an ounce of accusation in her tone.

He smiled against her lips while releasing his grip on her arm. His hand wandered lower until he reached hers and he locked their fingers together. “I know women hate to hear it, but you’re wrong.”

“About what?” she asked, needing to hear it.

“I’m not leaving because I wanna get rid of you.”

“Then why?” After that kiss the pieces suddenly fell into place but she still needed the words for it to be real.

“We moved too fast once before an’ all it did was land us in hot water.” His thumb moved over her wrist as he talked, the motion unconsciously soothing. “For the past few weeks we’ve gotten closer. It’s already more than I’ve ever had with any other girl. In the time you’ve known me you know I’ve never really gotten involved in relationships. It’s just somethin’ I’ve avoided and that’s never been a problem for me.”

“Yeah, I’m aware of that.” C’mon, say it already!

He smirked at her response. “I could stay here, Tess, I could camp out on that couch, but I think it’s pretty obvious I wouldn’t be there for long. That’s why I’ve gotta go home. I don’t want us to just jump into this. I think we should take our time and let this thing between us develop.” He shook his head. “That’s not a line of bull, I’m being completely serious.”

“And you couldn’t just say that?” She rolled her eyes and shoved his shoulder. “That I both understand and agree with.”

“Shocking,” he teased before sobering again. “Tess, I know the last few days I’ve been kinda distant. I got the bandages off and I could see again and I wanted that more than anything, but I suddenly realized maybe that would make what we’ve had somehow different.”


He nodded, trying to find the words to explain what he meant without sounding like an asshole. “Being unable to use all your senses at once is kinda tricky, ya know? You ever listened to a movie with your eyes closed or heard a song on the radio an’ thought, wow, what a sexy voice? Your fantasy automatically comes up with a face and a body to go with the voice and you know it’s gonna be a person to your liking. And then you open your eyes an’ see that person for real and the magic is gone immediately?”

She stared at him for a moment, and then gave the slightest nod of affirmation.

“Or you have the best looking pizza in front of you an’ your mouth’s watering, but you’ve got a stopped up nose and it tastes like cardboard when ya eat it?”

Again he waited for her acknowledgment.

“I know, it’s not completely the same, but when I wasn’t able to see, things felt a lot different. Food tasted different. I had no expectations because I wasn’t able to look at it. Talking to people was different because I couldn’t see their reaction to what I was sayin’.” Kyle gazed down into her eyes. “Being with you felt a whole lot different than before. Before the accident I mostly saw my friend’s little sister – beach house experience excluded.” He squeezed her hand with a wink. “I always thought you were hot but I never let my mind wander to anything other than friendship because I just wasn’t ready for something like that.”

Tess didn’t really know if she wanted to hear the rest. Was he going to tell her he still wasn’t sure about them? Hell, she really didn’t know what to expect from him anymore.

“Then suddenly I was temporarily blind and hurt and weak all at the same time. You managed to keep me occupied without getting on my nerves.”

She lifted an eyebrow.

“Okay, without getting on my nerves to a painful level where I wanted to run away. But the fact is: I started to see you differently. Suddenly you weren’t Guerin’s little sister. You were someone I liked to hang out with, someone I wanted to keep me company when I was bored out of my mind.” He dipped his head until his nose was grazing her neck. “I enjoyed it when you touched me.”

She shivered as his hot breath ghosted over her skin. “But…?”

Kyle sighed and leaned back to look at her, knowing he had to be honest. “But… I was worried that maybe after getting my eyesight back my view of the world would change once again.”

“And did it?” she asked cautiously.

“Some things, yeah. Others, not so much.” His good hand lifted and he cradled her cheek. “That’s kinda what made me realize we need to put a little space between us.” He made a face when that just didn’t come out sounding right. “What I mean is I don’t think we should rush this and stayin’ under the same roof,” he shook his head and laughed quietly, “you know that’s not gonna happen no matter how good our intentions are.”

“So you wanna see each other, you just wanna stay at your place while I stay at mine?”

“Isn’t that what I just said?”

“So this isn’t one of those ‘I need my space’ speeches? It’s not like you got your eyesight back, regained your independence and realized you don’t need – “

He moved his hand, covering her mouth and stilling her words. “I’m not lookin’ for a way to get outta this thing with you. Now, if we’ve got that settled, what do you say to dinner on Sunday night?”

A smile broke loose, lightening and affecting her whole face. It was a question she had wanted to hear for years and while she had always hoped that one day he would see her differently, it sounded surreal now.

Kyle chuckled when she didn’t answer his question. “That face a yes?”

“Let me think about it,” she babbled, her head still spinning.

“Okay, while you’re thinking…” He left the rest of the sentence open and leaned in instead, sucking at her bottom lip before giving her a proper, short kiss followed by countless soft nips and teasing brushes.

Michael coughed slightly when he came back inside. He had stopped in the doorway, watching them because he didn’t want to interrupt whatever kind of moment they were having, but they were taking their sweet time and she was still his sister. He had seen enough!

“What’s up?” Kyle asked, taking a step back without taking his eyes off of her.

“I’m parked in the red zone, so if we could get a move on…” He made a rolling motion with his hand.

The other man grinned and reached for the box on the counter again. “We’re good?” he asked Tess quietly and she nodded. “Good. I’ll see you later then.” It was tempting to steal another kiss, but he didn’t want to tempt his luck with Michael waiting in the door and having an eye on them.

“Okay.” She wasn’t thinking straight, but she knew what she would do the moment she was alone. She HAD to call Maria and tell her EVERY detail. Oh, and then Liz would come home and she would tell her EVERY detail as well.

“An’ Tess?” Kyle stopped in the open front door and turned to look at her. “You didn’t give me an answer.”

She grinned. “You’ll figure it out.”


“Good evening, Miss Guerin,” James greeted and tipped his hat when the young woman stepped through the door he held open. He nodded at the young man with her. “Evening, Mr. Whitman.” She’d introduced them and let him know he would be staying with her a couple of days earlier. It had taken less than a minute for him to know this one was a major improvement over Mr. Mathews.

“How are you today, James?” Alex asked as he carefully maneuvered his way through the door.

“Quite well, thank you.” He glanced at Miss Guerin. “Your brother arrived earlier with another young man, a Mr. Evans. He said to tell you,” his brow furrowed for a moment as he searched for her brother’s exact words. “Ah, yes, he said to tell you that Party Central has relocated.”

Oh, no, he didn’t! But aloud all she said was, “And did he provide you with a guest list?”

“Yes, ma’am, and all of your guests have arrived.”

“All of my guests,” she repeated slowly. “Isn’t that nice?” She was going to kill Michael. She knew he was the one behind this. All she could see was spilled beer, broken possessions, and potato chips crushed into her carpet.

James watched her for a moment, noting the tiny frown lines. “You didn’t know about it, did you?” He shook his head. “I wouldn’t have let him in if I’d known.”

“No, but my brother’s just full of surprises, James.” She waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it, I’m sure everything’s fine.” And if it wasn’t Michael would be in serious trouble.

“You didn’t mention anything about parties when I agreed to move in,” Alex said as he leaned back against the elevator wall and watched the doors close.

“Yes, well, I may enjoy going to parties but I don’t particularly care to host them. This reeks of Michael and his scheming little brain.” She grumbled under her breath and stabbed the button for her floor again. She glanced at Alex, taking in his tired features when he turned his head to look at her. “It’s been a long day. I’ll get rid of them.”

“It’s okay, Isabel.”

She moved to lean back against the wall next to him. It had been an exhausting day for him especially. They’d all pitched in to get him moved but it hadn’t ended up involving a lot of the furniture. His parents had helpfully had the majority of the heavy pieces removed without even telling him. He hadn’t seemed to be bothered by the loss with the exception of one piece: the desk he’d used to block the window that opened out onto the fire escape. It had belonged to Sandy and she’d brought it with her when she moved across the country to start her new life. He’d confided in her that when they’d been younger he and his sister had spent hours at the desk, playing cards, imagining what their lives would be like, sipping coffee and talking long into the night.

The doors slid open on her floor and they got out, walking down to the door that was ajar. She reached out to push it but it was jerked open before she could touch it.

“If we’d known it was gonna take you so long to get up here we would’ve had a wheelchair waitin’ for you,” Michael said as he waved them in.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Isabel hissed as she looked around. There were people everywhere. Okay, it wasn’t out of control or anything; it was just their closest friends, good music on the stereo, snacks, and a fireman and tattoo artist manning the bar.

Her brother stared at her for several seconds before snapping his fingers and Tony suddenly appeared with a mixed drink in his hand that he offered to her. “We figured Alex should get a proper welcome.” He grabbed a beer and held it out to the guy, waiting to see if he’d take it.

Alex accepted the bottle and took a drink. “Thanks. You guys made this transition a lot smoother than I expected and I really appreciate the help.”

“No problem.”

“It’s still a little hot out and I’m kinda sticky so if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go…” he nodded towards the bedroom that was now his.

“Yeah, go ahead, man.”

Isabel waited until he was out of earshot before she spoke. “Were you able to track it down?”

He grinned and took a drink of his beer. “You told me to, didn’t you?”

Alex greeted the others with a nod and then slipped through the apartment quickly to reach his room. He hadn’t expected a party – and especially not one that he was the reason for.

Exhaustion crept through his body, but he could feel new energy just from the thought of having a bunch of people who cared enough about him to throw a party. He had almost forgotten how good it felt to have friends. His years in New York had mostly been lonely, so maybe this could be a fresh start... something new.

He opened the door to his room and moved towards the small walk-in closet quickly to change into something less sweaty and more suited for a party. It wasn’t until he came out of it again that he noticed the dark piece of furniture at the other end of the room.

He slowly crossed the room and his fingertips brushed over the polished surface, pausing for a moment over the old water rings left from the countless cups of coffee. No amount of polishing would remove them and he wasn’t interested in having it resurfaced. Those rings were a part of his past, remnants of fond memories with his sister before everything had gone to hell. He wondered how she’d managed to locate it. His parents hadn’t told him who they’d released the furniture to and they hadn’t bothered to respond to the messages he’d left for them.

Isabel gave Alex a little time before she went after him, leaning in the half-open doorway and knocking on its frame to get his attention.

He looked up and smiled slightly. “You found it.”

She mirrored his expression. “Actually the credit goes to Michael.”

His eyebrows lifted. “You sent him out on a search of the used furniture shops?” He snorted softly. “That had to keep him busy.”

“He has his ways, ya know?” She shrugged and walked further into the room.

“Apparently.” He moved back to sit on the edge of the bed.

“We can relate to this,” she explained. “Matt used to have this ridiculously ugly shelf on his wall. We all hated it, but when he died... well, suddenly that ugly thing was THE piece furniture carrying so many of our memories.”

He nodded. “It’s funny really how an inanimate object can come to hold so many memories.” He stared at the desk for a few moments. “But it’s good that they do.”

“Yeah, true. The ugly shelf has a special place over Dad’s fireplace now.” Isabel chuckled.

“I remember seeing it that day we went to your parents’ place for the barbecue. It certainly stands out.”

“Yeah, it does.” She stopped right in front of him and studied his face. “You really okay with this?” She thumbed the apartment behind her.

“What, the party?” He shook his head and waved a hand dismissively. “Yeah, it’s fine. It’s actually kinda nice. I’d forgotten what it’s like to have this.”

“What? To have a party? Or to be in it instead of being bothered by it?” she teased.

He chuckled. “Well, to be at a party without any homework, how about that?”

She grinned. “I’ll leave you alone so you can change.”

He nodded. “I’ll be there in a few.” If he wasn’t still sporting some pretty ugly bruising and it didn’t take him several minutes just to change his shirt he wouldn’t wait for her to leave. As it was though he still felt a little overexposed when the damage his captor had inflicted was visible. He was healing and eventually the bruises would fade and be little more than a bad memory.

Isabel went back to the others in the living room, taking in the people sprawled on her furniture and trying not to grimace. Maria, Liz and Tess were standing at the kitchen counter chatting while the guys, aka Max and his Army buddies, were hanging by the couch.

“Breathe, Guerin,” Kyle muttered when he passed her, “we’ll send our cleaning lady first thing in the morning, now just chill, will ya?”

She rolled her eyes at him. “I do have my own cleaning lady, thank you very much.”

“No, you don’t,” Michael snorted as he walked past her. “You’d never turn someone loose in here, not even to clean.”

“Go find someone else to bother,” she said and motioned for him to go away.

He hooked one arm around her and dragged her along towards the kitchen. “Relax, sis.”

“I’m relaxed.” She winced when the sound of something that sounded like a glass being knocked over reached her ears. She mentally counted to ten and forced the sound from her mind. Don’t think about it, let it go.

Tess glanced up when Kyle, Michael and Isabel joined them at the counter. Other than a brief hello when she arrived, they hadn’t talked since their encounter the day before and she couldn’t help but wonder how to act around him. The party had happened spontaneously so she hadn’t had time to think about it.

“How’s Alex settling in?” Maria asked as she hopped up to sit on the counter.

“He’s doin’ fine,” Isabel replied. “It’s been a stressful week.”

“Yeah, it’s been a hell of a week,” Kyle agreed as he leaned back against the counter next to Tess.

“It’s been a good week for you, though, hasn’t it?” Maria bumped him slightly.

“Yeah, it’s been a very good week.” He braced his hand on the counter behind him, edging it over so that it was pressed against Tess’ side.

“I mean you can see an’ all,” she beamed, pointing a not so subtle look at Tess. He wouldn’t think her best friend would keep the news from her, right?

He glanced between the girls and realized after another look around that they all knew. He groaned quietly. He was glad the issues between them had been settled but he’d forgotten that meant nothing was off limits and they were sharing everything again. He really hoped that didn’t include comparing notes.

“What’s that face about?” Isabel narrowed her eyes at him. Something was definitely going on.

“He just realized he’s the hot new topic of conversation over at the girls’ apartment,” Michael said with a snort.

“An’ why’s that?” She looked confused.

“Livin’ this high up must come with oxygen deprivation,” Max said as he leaned over the counter behind her to motion between Kyle and Tess. “Let’s try simple math... one plus one equals...?”

Tess rolled her eyes. “Just shut up, Evans.” So much for keeping this low key. Ungh.

He grinned at her and shook his head as he snagged the beer Liz pulled out of the fridge and held out to him. He leaned over to steal a kiss. “Thanks.”

Isabel was still trying to catch up, but when she saw the looks exchanged between Kyle and Tess, it suddenly clicked. “Ohhhh!”

“Um-hmm, oxygen deprivation.” He just laughed when his girlfriend turned around and gave him a look.

Michael squeezed her shoulder. “Took ya long enough. That what took you so long back there? Whitman givin’ you a shortage of oxygen as well?”

Kyle snickered. “That what it is, Guerin? Whitman short-circuiting your brain?”

“Wanna explain that?” Alex showed up next to him with lifted eyebrows.

“Your girl’s a little slow on the uptake today an’ we were just wondering if that was your fault,” he said with an unapologetic shrug.

“Well, unfortunately, it’s not,” he replied with a wink at the woman in question.

“Let’s get back to you two,” Isabel said, needing to redirect the conversation and get the spotlight off of her. “You’re together now?”

Tess shot a quick look at Kyle, not knowing the answer to that. They were starting something, but they weren’t really together, were they? Shit, now everyone was looking at them.

“Hey, Tony?” Maria turned and leaned over the counter.

“What’s up?”

She held her glass up. “You think I could get another one of these?” Tess had confided in her about her budding relationship with Kyle and they were just getting started. She knew that Kyle was a lot like Michael that way; other than one disastrous relationship in high school he’d never really bothered being exclusive so this was fairly new territory for him too. They needed time to really figure out what they were doing and where they were headed before they were put at the center of attention.

“Sure.” He took her glass and then shoved Kyle’s shoulder slightly. “Gimme a hand, Valenti. I can’t remember what ya put in the ladies’ drinks and obviously you did it right.”

Kyle glanced at Tess as he straightened up. Was she waiting for him to speak up and say they were together? He’d kinda thought it was a given. They hadn’t talked it out that far, but he didn’t have any intentions of seeing anyone else. “Want anything?” he asked.

“Uh, yeah, maybe just one of whatever Maria had.”

He nodded and shot a look at Isabel when he passed. “And the answer to your question, Guerin, is yes.”

It wasn’t spoken loud but Tess heard it anyway and her eyes widened slightly. He considered her his girlfriend? For real? A shiver went through her whole body.

Michael still wasn’t completely happy with the situation but he bit his tongue and controlled the urge to speak when Maria pinched his side. He supposed he’d rather things be serious between his sister and Kyle than some random hookup, but it was just weird.

“They have to figure it out on their own from here,” she told him. “Just like we did in the end.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“And I think you can trust him with her.” She looked over his shoulder towards the other man. “He knows he has to take it seriously.”

“He’d better. I know she’s an adult, but she’s kinda the one I have to really look out for, ya know?” he said quietly. Ava was pretty settled and Isabel was getting there, but it was just different with Tess.

“You’re right,” she winked at him, “she IS an adult.”

He snorted and shook his head before taking a drink of his beer. “She’s still my kid sister.”

“Then I guess for my friend’s sake, I have to distract you.”

Part 185

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 5:57 am
by Double Trouble
Natalie36: It’s taken a long time but it’s getting there.

Roswelllostcause: Thanks! There’s more on the way!

Earth2Mama: Lol, that is annoying! Michael would have his moments but he definitely has potential for being a major pain, whether he’s older or younger!

He sure did, and it looks like that’s just what was needed.

keepsmiling7: ALWAYS the case, lol.

Eva: He did good! Kyle led that scene and it was just what they needed.

They’re finally finding their way back to familiar ground as tensions ease.

CandyliciousLovah: The truth is definitely out now!

sarammlover: It took them long enough to have that conversation, didn’t it? They took their own sweet time, but they’re getting there. Alex has come a long way and he’s gotten to a point where he’s accepting being a part of this raucous group. Thanks!

inesdiangello: Welcome! No, lol, we’re not quite finished with this one. We look forward to seeing you drop in! We update every Sunday so it’ll be easy enough to find us, lol.

begonia9508: Thanks! Oh, no, computer crashes suck! We’re glad you were able to get it repaired!

Lol, sounds like brothers have something in common regardless of age and location! It really is hard to appreciate those moments when you’re younger! But it does give you something to look back on fondly years down the road.

It is so sad that somebody's nightmare can be somebody else's miracle.

Very well said!

Kyle finally found his way. We’re sure he’s making more right than wrong decisions these days… :)

Part 185

Party, Party

“Yeah, there’s a sacrifice,” Liz muttered with a grin.

Michael grinned at the brunette while wrapping his arms loosely around his girlfriend’s waist. “How long before you get news about your custody battle for Aaron?”

“We thought we had to wait until Max had finished his sessions but we received a summons to appear in court next Wednesday.” She shrugged, trying to hide the nerves that jumped to the surface at just the mention of that summons. “I’m not really sure what’s going on with that.”

“Maybe it’s a good thing.”

“I sure hope so. I mean, everything’s falling into place, and Trent’s arrest is just the cherry on top.”

“You got Aaron’s room ready?”

She shook her head. “No, but I think Max is right and it’s time to get it ready. At first I just felt like if I did that it’d just put a jinx on the whole thing, but now it feels like it’s a positive thing.”

“It is,” Maria agreed, leaning her head against Michael’s chest. “You should get started with it because he’s coming home soon.”

“I thought maybe I’d start by painting the room and then maybe if you guys have time you could help me pick out some furniture for him.”

“Racecar bed,” Michael mumbled around a mouthful of chips.

“Yeah, there’s this store in Brooklyn,” Maria said, remembering driving past it the other day. “I think they have some cool kid’s stuff.”

“Racecar bed,” he repeated. “You can get ‘em with the frame in all kinds of car shapes.”

Maria rolled her eyes. “He used to have one when he was a kid and I think he’d still have one if they made them in his size.”

“Hey, that’s not a bad idea. I’ll bet I could have one custom made.”

“I’m not sleeping in a racecar bed.”

He made a face at her. “Sex in the fast lane,” he teased and leaned in for a kiss. He had no intention of ever sleeping in a bed like that again, but it was so fun to wind her up.

She grinned against his lips. “There’s no need to rush sex.”

“And there’s no need for you to make out in my kitchen,” Isabel said and rolled her eyes.

“Kissing isn’t making out,” Maria complained, but turned around to rest her back against Michael. “You should try it,” she winked.

She wrinkled her nose. “Alex is a gentleman.” And she wasn’t interested in having an audience. There would be time for that later.

“Has he kissed you yet?”

“Maybe,” she said with a coy smile.

“Come on,” Tess said, “you gotta share.”

“What? I don’t recall you sharing.”

Tess rolled her eyes. “You don’t ask a girl to share when the guy’s standing right next to her, stupid!”

“Oh, I didn’t realize the two of you had been joined at the hip since he kissed you. I mean, he moved out yesterday, right? So I’m guessing the monumental kiss didn’t just happen before you got here tonight.”

Michael groaned and gave Maria a gentle push so he could slip away from all the girl talk.

“No, it didn’t happen today,” Tess said, “an’ it’s still kind of all a little uncertain how to define, I guess... we just kissed yesterday an’ we’re planning to go out tomorrow night.”

“Uh-huh, well, he didn’t sound all that uncertain to me.”

“Yeah,” she grinned.

“Well, it’s about time. The two of you were almost as annoying as Michael and Maria.” She shot a glance at the brunette. “Come to think of it, you and Max were pretty nerve wracking for a while too.”

“Says the girl who dated a stalker,” Tess muttered.

“Hey, I can’t help it if he turned out to be a stalker. He didn’t exactly come with a flashing sign over his head.”

“You mean besides that asshole sign,” Maria teased. “Thank God he’s gone for good. I like Alex.”

“Yeah,” she turned her head to find him, locating him with ease, “I do too.”

“Sooo, what are you guys,” Maria tried again to get something out of the tall blonde. “Friends or.... more?”

“Definitely heading for more,” she confided after a moment.

“Thank God.”

“Please, say that a little louder.” She was about to say more when Kyle leaned on the bar behind her. “What?”

“Nothin’.” He propped his good arm on the counter and rested his chin in his hand. “Blake was just askin’ how hard it is to get corn chips out of carpet.”

She groaned. “Are you serious?”

“It wasn’t that many.” It wasn’t any actually, he just enjoyed messing with her. “And Sam wanted to know where you got those stupid girly pillows on the couch. He said his grandma’s birthday’s comin’ up and she’d love them.”

“Are you tryin’ to get rid of me?” She shook her head and went to join the guys, seeing if there was really a problem with her carpet.

He grinned and shuffled back into the kitchen, settling back against the counter next to Tess. “Y’know, I think she’d have a panic attack if anyone crushed chips into her carpet.” It was unusual for him to feel the need to be in the company of any girl, but he found himself seeking her out and he couldn’t really explain it.

Maria found Liz’ eyes and they both nodded. “Show me where the bathroom is?” the brunette asked.

“Sure,” she answered quickly and dragged her away.

“Took ‘em long enough to get the hint,” he said as he glanced at Tess.

She smiled a little nervously – it was a good nervous though. “You havin’ fun?”

“Yeah, could be more fun if we were out somewhere, just the two of us.”

Okay, that definitely caused a visible shiver, she thought, looking at tiny hairs standing up on her arms. “Like tomorrow night?”

“Yeah, like that,” he murmured as he shifted to face her.

“Isabelhasabalcony,” she suggested, the words rolling off her tongue a little too fast.

He smiled slowly when her words came out in one long eager rush. “Does she?” He made a show of looking around before his gaze once more found hers. “Seems a shame for that little bit of space to go to waste.”

She chuckled to downplay her nerves. “It’s not that little.” Her eyes went past him, locking on the door at the end of the hallway. “It’s attached to her bedroom though.”

He smirked. “Well, since she and Whitman are both otherwise engaged, and no one would dare sneak into her bedroom for a quickie, I say we risk it and take in the view from the balcony.”

“Okay,” she agreed without hesitation and placed her hand in his when he held it out.

Kyle ignored the look his best friend shot at him, nodding at Maria when she shoved her elbow in Michael’s side and whispered something to keep him from coming after them. He didn’t want to do anything to screw up his friendship with Michael, it was one of the most important relationships in his life, but he had a feeling this thing between him and Tess actually had a shot of working and he wasn’t gonna just walk away from it to make the guy comfortable. Dating a friend’s sister came with all kinds of difficulties but he’d never been the type to run from trouble.

His eyebrows lifted as they passed through Isabel’s bedroom and he shook his head. There was enough ruffles and lace to choke an elephant, he thought. That crap would have to go. “You don’t do stuff like this do you?” he asked, pulling her attention away from the door she was unlocking to push open.

“No, that’s a total Isabel thing, I promise. I like my things straight.”

“Good.” Lace was alright in moderation and preferably when it was on some scrap of sexy lingerie he intended to remove anyway. He stepped out on the roomy balcony, wincing when he bumped his arm on the door. “Good grief, this makes our balcony look like a postage stamp.” He shook his head. The girl had a table with two chairs at one end and a couple of cushioned chaise loungers with a small table between them at the other. He wondered absentmindedly if she worked on her tan out here. He’d have to be blind to have missed the fact that suntan lines seemed to be missing with some of the bikinis she’d worn on outings to the beach. “Lot of privacy out here,” he said as he sat on the edge of one of the loungers.

“Yeah, that’s probably what makes this place so expensive.” Tess rolled her eyes. “Our yard in Brooklyn’s better, but it’s alright for an apartment in Manhattan.”

“I’d take a yard over a balcony any day. I love the city, but there’s somethin’ nice about havin’ that space all to yourself.” He shifted around to get comfortable, raising the back of the lounger so he could sit upright as he dropped his feet to the ground on either side of him. He gave her hand a tug, urging her to come closer.

Tess took a step until her shins hit the chair. She glanced down at him, taking in his features in the lights of the city... his beautiful eyes, the outline of his jaw and those sexy lips.

He stared at her, mesmerized. How had he looked at her all these years and never really SEEN her? Sure, there’d been a mental block there because of his friendship with her brother, but it had to be more than that. It had sucked when he couldn’t see and a big part of him had wanted her to be the first thing in sight when they took the bandages off, but he’d known he couldn’t handle it if they’d come off and he’d seen nothing but an endless sea of darkness.

“C’mere,” he whispered gruffly.

“Okay,” she said hesitantly and settled on the chair right between his legs. As soon as she got close to him, she felt the heat radiating from his body and although it was still hot outside, she felt the need to lean in to seek it out.

He moved his casted arm, making room for her to get comfortable before he settled it back in place. “I would’ve asked you out tonight but I knew we were gonna be busy getting Whitman moved.” His body was still recovering and it didn’t take much to tire him out and the last thing he wanted to do the first time he took her out was to fall asleep on her. “Although I didn’t anticipate bein’ sent out on a treasure hunt.” He had a feeling Michael had dragged him along to give him something to do since his limitations prevented him from being much help during the move.

“Obviously Alex cares a lot about it,” she squeezed his thigh. “It was a good thing to get it back.”

“Yeah.” He chuckled. “Isabel sure seemed to think so. I hope Whitman’s parents never step foot in the city again because she’s liable to take their heads off.”

“Can you believe how cruel they are?” She shook her head.

He’d seen all manner of cruelty in his line of work, but it still shocked him just how horrible people could be, especially to their own children. “No.”

“Some people really suck.”

“Yeah, and there’s no excuse for it. It’s not bad enough they didn’t give a shit about their daughter and had written her off, but Alex, the guy’s alive. He’s here and he just went through this really traumatic event and all they could do was clear out his apartment and close out his lease.” He shook his head. “Some people just shouldn’t be allowed to have kids.”

“Yeah.” She rested her head back against his chest. “This world’s really full of shit.”

“It has its good side too though. I mean, we’re here, right?” he chuckled quietly and wrapped his good arm around her.

“We are,” she agreed, tipping her head back to look at him.

His casted arm came up and his fingertips brushed her cheek. “You know I’m gonna go back to firefightin’ if I can.”

“I know you will,” Tess nodded. “It’s what you do.”

He gnawed on his bottom lip as he thought about his visit with Dan’s wife early that morning. He hadn’t been cleared to drive yet so he’d had to ask someone to drive him over there. It amazed him just how strong she was and he admired her for that. He’d met with the widows of other firefighters before and some of them had been bitter, hating the job that had taken their husbands from them. Rachel wasn’t like that and he’d felt a lot better after talking with her for a while. “We’re young and I know life doesn’t come with any kind of guarantees other than it’s gonna kick your ass from time to time, but after this whole situation with the explosion, my injuries, the funeral... do you think you can deal with that? I know it’s a stupid time to ask, but I need to know.”

“I can deal with it,” she answered without hesitation. “And I’m not just sayin’ that so we can be together.” She turned slightly to get a better look at him. “None of us liked it when Michael decided to make this his career, ya know? Dad was scared of losing another kid, Isabel hated him for a while and me an’ Ava? Well, we were still young and they tried to keep the disagreements from us but we felt something was up. I asked Michael one day because they were all getting on my nerves and he explained that he had to do it. That it was his way of living with Matt’s death and that he’d rather live with the risk of the job than do something half-hearted.”

He listened to her as she talked, soaking up everything she was saying. She wasn’t giving him a line of bull and he appreciated that. “It’s not an easy job, especially for the families, but I know it’s the right career choice for me.” He had a feeling one of these days Michael might leave the FDNY to pursue a career in pediatrics, but that was a conversation for another day. His arm tightened around her as he studied her features and he let his thoughts filter out as he lowered his head to brush his lips against hers softly.

“I like a man in uniform,” she said against his lips to lighten the mood.

That made him laugh. “I’ve got several of ‘em, take your pick.”

“Guess I’ll have to visit you at the station.”

He shook his head. “No way. I’d never get anything done with you there. Well,” his heated gaze moved over her, “nothin’ work related.”

“I know Maria’s visited Michael before. I should be allowed too.”

He shook his head. “You’re gonna be hard to say no to.”

“I’m a Guerin,” she said matter-of-factly.

“That’s an undisputed fact.” He kissed her again, taking his time and exploring as his hand moved over her back and side.

Tess groaned slightly and was embarrassed by it since the simple touch aroused her so much. They had slept together, but this already seemed to be so much more.

He wondered if she had any idea what she did to him with her unrestrained responses. He played with the hem of her shirt with his thumb, slipping beneath the material to spread his hand against her skin.

“You have no clue how long I’ve wanted this,” she breathed against his lips.

Longer than him, that was for sure, he thought. Or at least longer than he’d allowed himself to realize. “Don’t have to wait any longer,” he rasped.

It was hard to believe, but it was reality. Her hand slipped from his chest up to the back of his neck, where it rested against his short hair. First thing after getting rid of the eye bandages had been a visit to the barber where he had gotten rid of the longer mess.

He cursed the heavy cast that kept him from doing all that he wanted. The last thing he wanted to do was misjudge a move and land a shot against her ribs with the damn thing. He forced the negative thoughts from his mind, not wanting them to intrude. The cast would come off in time. He angled his head slightly to deepen the kiss, growling quietly when she drew her nails lightly against his scalp down to the back of his neck.

Okay, this was more intense than anything she had ever felt before. And damn, he could kiss so good! Better than any other guy, which was probably a given considering her feelings for him. His tongue just knew what to do and where to go to drive her crazy.

He smirked when she shifted against him and his arm tightened around her to pull her closer. Damn, the girl knew how to drive him mad and they hadn’t even done anything major.

“Are you planning to get your piercing back?” she asked between kisses when her close gaze moved over his lips and detected the small red dot underneath.

“Probably. Should I?”

“Well,” she leaned back a little, “it was kinda hot. But maybe you can wait a while longer.”

“Yeah, it wouldn’t be right away.”

“It would suck if we had to stop kissing so soon.”

“You have a damn good point,” he murmured.

“I might be blonde, but I’m also smart,” she joked.

“I don’t doubt that.” He chuckled and shook his head.

“Thank God, they’re not in my bed,” they heard Isabel’s relieved voice from inside when the light in the bedroom was switched on. A moment later the door to the balcony was opened and she appeared in the doorway, looking at them. “Thought the point of the party was to welcome Alex an’ not to sneak away for a make out?”

“We didn’t sneak away,” Kyle said.

“No?” She lifted an eyebrow.

“Iz,” Tess rolled her eyes.


“Seriously?” Big sisters could be as annoying as big brothers. Obviously.

“I think the two of you should vacate my balcony and go be social.”

Kyle could feel Tess’ frustration, but he gave her a gentle nudge. “C’mon.”

“Fine,” she grumbled, “but I’m not happy about it.”

They followed her back inside and Tess rolled her eyes when she glanced down the dark hallway leading to the second bedroom and found Maria and Michael there, leaning against a wall and definitely not to talk.

“Hey, did you wanna go ruin their plans too?” Kyle asked as he shot a grin at Isabel over his shoulder.

“Why not?” She smirked and hit the switch so the other couple was exposed to the light.

“Hey! Iz, damn it!” Michael bit out when he saw his sister with her hand over the light switch.

“My apartment isn’t a cathouse. You wanted this party, so get out there and have at it, people.”

“We were havin’ at it,” he grumbled, “until you interrupted.”

Maria grinned up at him. Luckily Isabel had chosen a time to interrupt them when his hands had been in rather harmless territory. A few moments ago... well, that could’ve been embarrassing.

Isabel arched one eyebrow and then decided she didn’t want to know. “Just go back to the party, please.”

“We’ll be there in a minute,” her brother dismissed her.

She raised her hand and tapped the face of her watch. “One minute, Michael.”

“Whatever,” he muttered, using the switch at their end of the hallway to turn the lights off again.

She sighed loudly and hit the switch again. “Keep your hands in respectable places, please.”

He leaned his forehead against Maria’s, ignoring his sister completely. “Stay with me tonight?”

“Yes,” she answered without hesitation.

“We’ll pick up where we left off later,” he promised, leaning down to kiss her light and sweet rather than intense like before.

“This is one of the reasons I don’t have parties,” Isabel muttered as she turned to go back to her unexpected guests.

“Ah, come on,” Kyle hooked his good arm around her to redirect her focus when she saw Max and Liz in the kitchen – and they weren’t just talking either. “Everyone’s having a good time and no one’s destroying anything.”

“No, but they’re providing plenty of material for my nightmares.”

“Well, maybe if you were workin’ on your own little fantasy that’d overwrite any damage we’ve inflicted on your subconscious,” he said with a grin and turned her to face Alex where he was sitting across the room engaged in a conversation with the trio of Army guys.

She just looked at him.

“Come on,” he nudged her, “nothin’ wrong with showin’ Whitman you like him.”

“I have no problem showing him I like him.” She huffed impatiently. “I just don’t necessarily need an audience.”

Isabel had never been good at showing affection of any kind in public, but things with Alex were different and the guy deserved some sort of official statement. “No one said anything about making out.”

“When Alex and I are ready for things to go public they will, alright?”

“Alright,” he lifted one hand in defeat.

“Now, go have a beer and... no, you can’t have alcohol yet, can you? Well, go get something to drink and be social for a while.”

He’d had a beer, but he knew he couldn’t overdo it so he would have to settle for something else. “Yeah, an’ you... well, do whatever ya need to do.” Like disturbing other couples, he thought.

She rolled her eyes at him. “Just keep it zipped, Valenti,” she said and walked away before he could respond.

“Next time we have a party it’s gonna be in Brooklyn,” Tess rolled her eyes.

“Not if Aaron’s around,” Max reminded her when he showed up next to her.

“Really, Evans?” she shook her head at him. “I think we could control ourselves around a kid, whether it’s a party or anything else.”

“Ah, the last name Guerin and control... the two just don’t go together,” he teased.

“You’re in an awful good mood.”

Max shrugged. “It’s been a good day.” A good week to be honest.

“It’s been a sensational week,” Liz enthused from beside him.

“Yeah, it has been,” Tess agreed with a sideways glance at her boyfriend.


The brunette chuckled and nodded. “I think we’re finally on a winning streak.”

“About time.” Max brought her closer and dropped a kiss on her hair.

“Yeah, and I’m so glad.” She leaned back into him and sighed happily.

“Hey, guys,” Maria showed up next to them, her hair still a little messy but she didn’t care. Michael was very passionate, even in hallways. “What’s up with our killjoy?” She nodded towards Isabel.

“She’s the only one not getting any,” Michael said as he leaned around her to open the refrigerator and pull a beer out.

“If that’s the case it’s her own fault.”

“Give them time,” Liz said as she glanced over her shoulder at the couple in question. “They’ve both had a pretty rough time here lately.”

“We all have,” Maria said, “but I guess Alex’ experience is pretty traumatic. I wouldn’t be able to sleep.”

“Yeah, well, the guy probably isn’t sleepin’ much,” Max shrugged. “It’ll probably be a while before he can sleep through the night.” He knew how much the brain could screw with the ability to sleep after a traumatic event. Sometimes it took a while before you could find a balance physically, mentally and emotionally.

Part 186

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 2:29 am
by Double Trouble
begonia9508: Thanks!

Lol, yeah, when those parties are at your house and you’re tripping over couples making out it’s a little bit different.

Cody hasn’t been forgotten. ;)

Natalie36: Thanks! Yep, things are starting to settle down for everyone. Cody’s situation is still dire, but there’s also still hope.

Roswelllostcause: Thanks! We should know soon!

Earth2Mama: They’re sure getting there. The little guys are still waiting but they haven’t been forgotten.

L-J-L 76: Thanks for reading!

keepsmiling7: It sounds like Liz is finally ready to start working on it. Lol, we have a feeling that little boy’s room will be very special.

Yep, the grandparents will miss him but at least if Liz and Max get custody of Aaron he’ll be staying close.

Midnightdreamer: Michael and Maria have made a lot of progress. It’s taken them some time but they’re finally finding their way to solid ground.

We’ll find out more about Aaron’s situation and if he’ll get to come home soon.

Chris could be a hero to many people, but it would sure be hard to make the call to let him go.

Lol, Kyle probably should’ve spoken up sooner but this’s all new to him and it looks like he got his point across.

Alex is settling into his new life, accepting that this group isn’t going anywhere and they’re gonna be a big part of his life going forward.

Lol, Isabel definitely didn’t want them making out all over her apartment. It’s a good question about why Max and Liz received a summons to appear earlier than expected. We’ll have to wait for that answer though. Aaron will benefit greatly from having all these guys around.

Dr. Rodgers is playing an important role in their fight for custody. And Ms. Dawes is a big improvement over Mrs. Tremont.

No, the trial is just background.

Liz didn’t waste any time dumping the job at the club and putting her notice in for the job at the diner.

Communication’s important in any relationship and it looks like our couples are all well on their way to having that under control.

CandyliciousLovah: Lol, only when it’s in her four walls.

killjoy: Lol, yeah, exactly!

Looks like Kyle and Tess are well on their way and we’ll see more of them.

sarammlover: And there’s more to come. After all the drama it’s good to see the gang landing in a happier place.

kismet: Thanks!

They’re all getting there after a pretty rough journey.

No, they’re not very talkative, are they? But the two of them could be very good for each other.

That was an important conversation and one they needed to have – for both of them.

They’re hoping so too!

Part 186

Turned Your Head

Alex glanced at the annoying red lights for what felt like the thousandth time tonight. The party had cleared out a few hours ago and he had fallen asleep just minutes after his head had hit the pillow. His sleep had been anything but restful though. He was tired as hell but his latest nightmare had his nerve endings tingling and his eyes wide open.

It wasn’t a real nightmare – more like a flashback of things that had happened only a few days ago. He had been thrown back into that cold dark room, struggling to breathe and unable to move thanks to the weakness in his battered body. He had seen the dark silhouette of a man bending over him and threatening him. The worst was the fear of death and the helplessness he had been forced to experience though. After waking up, it still lingered over him, fading painfully slowly while he forced himself to take calming breaths.

With a sigh, he pushed the thin blanket away and got up, shivering when his bare feet touched the cold floor. It wasn’t the slightest bit cold in the room, but the frostiness of the room in his nightmare still had a grip on him. Grabbing his grey sweatpants, he dragged them on and ignored the cane. The ankle fracture wasn’t that bad and while his doctor had warned him not to overdo it, he’d also told him he could walk on it without the aid.

How long would it take before he got a normal, full night of sleep again? he wondered as he headed for the kitchen, trying to be quiet. His feet made a quiet slapping sound against the tiles in the hallway. He looked down, using the reflecting moonlight on the white tiled floor to guide him.

Isabel’s apartment was large compared to his – actually his would probably fit into the huge living room, but she didn’t brag. Had he written her off as a pampered, spoiled rich bitch before getting to know her? Well, that was definitely a yes, but his original opinion of her was banished to the past. She was rich alright, but she didn’t take her family’s money for granted and while she had a nice place to live in, she didn’t possess a lot of luxury articles and she didn’t spend her money on nonsense things. She cared about her family and friends, she worked a hard job for low pay and despite her attempts to hide it she had sorrows and fears just like everyone else.

“Can’t sleep?”

Her quiet voice disrupted his thoughts and his head jerked up to see her very female, lightly covered body leaning against the kitchen counter barely two feet from him. She held a bottle of water in her hands and her long blonde hair was flowing over one shoulder down to brush against the top of her breast.

Alex’ breath hitched when he took in the shiny flowing satin material of her sleepwear. It ended halfway on her thighs and didn’t leave much to the imagination as to what was hidden beneath. Holy shit! The persistent cold and fear from his nightmare was suddenly replaced by a wave of heat. And it caused his heart to stumble in his chest.

“Looks like I’m not the only one,” he muttered, the raspy sound of his voice foreign to his ears. Suddenly, he was very thankful he’d remembered to pull his sweatpants on because if he hadn’t she’d already have an idea what that little outfit was doing to him.

“It doesn’t come easy these days,” she agreed, noticing his reaction. Other than a lingering kiss on their date earlier this week, they had kept a respectful distance although it wasn’t a question if there was more between them or not. There was a silent agreement to process the past before starting something new, but right now – in this moment, she wasn’t sure how much longer she was willing to put the physical attraction between them aside.

“You shouldn’t look at me like that,” he murmured quietly.

She carefully placed the bottle of water on the counter, watching him in the dim light cast by the city that never seemed to sleep. “No?” she asked as she took a step in his direction.

He shifted so that most of his weight was on his uninjured leg, his gaze moving over her as she closed the distance between them. His mouth went dry when her movements put the windows behind her and he silently thanked whoever had designed the satiny material she wore because the lights outside cut right through it.

The other night on their date he’d wanted that kiss to last forever, for it to lead right to bed. He was a gentleman, but hell, he was also a hot-blooded man, he wasn’t a saint. He had needs too, and it had been quite some time since they’d been met. In spite of his body’s demands he hadn’t attempted to rush things. This was too important to rush.

Isabel moved even closer to him, her fingertips sliding over the skin at his side before trailing along the low-slung waistband of his sweatpants. “There’s something to be said for taking things slow,” she whispered and rested against him as she brushed her lips against his lightly.

“Um-hmm,” his arms came around her, pulling her even closer. And they’d taken things slow, painfully slow. He nibbled on her lips, nipping and teasing, and slowly driving her crazy. His hands ghosted over her sides, enjoying the slinky feel of the satin material as it bunched up under his fingers before they unclenched and it slithered back into place again.

“Wouldn’t it be kind of a waste of time if we let a sleepless night slip away without doin’ anything…”

“Useful?” he suggested, amused.

She smiled against his lips and hooked her index finger in the waistband of his sweatpants, giving it a little tug. “Meaningful.”

His hands wandered further, sliding over the hem of her sleepwear until his rougher palms came into contact with the hot silky skin of her thighs. “Life’s too short for wasting time,” Alex agreed. The tips of his fingers dug into her flesh, drawing the sexiest sound he had ever heard from her mouth.

Isabel followed willingly when he guided her against the counter. Lifting one leg higher and right into his grasp, she felt him pulling her closer until the evidence of his arousal was pressed right against her center. “Then let’s make the best of our insomnia.” Her suggestion was a fast burst of breathlessly spoken words while her hands took fistfuls of his hair.

He didn’t need to hear it twice. If she was willing to give herself to him, he wouldn’t hesitate to take everything she offered. His hands went underneath the satin material when they moved up again, sliding over her ass and the lacy panties. Just imagining the look of them on her made him groan and with one quick move he turned her in his arms and shoved the sleepwear up. “So damn beautiful,” was all he could rasp when he saw the white lace hugging her well formed cheeks and he got impossibly harder.

“You like?” She turned her head and glanced at him over her shoulder, her expression a mixture of arousal and boldness.

He answered by pressing himself against her and they both moaned. “Did you plan this?” he asked, bending forward and biting her shoulder where the satin material had slipped to her upper arm.

“Always be prepared,” Isabel told him.

“True,” he snorted. His hands went further north, moving over the soft skin of her sides until his fingertips brushed the edges of her breasts. “Unfair,” he complained when the pattern of her little satin outfit didn’t allow him to feel more of her because the material went too tight around her upper body. He let his hands fall back to her waist to turn her around once more, his lips crashing down on hers for a kiss filled with hunger this time.

She moaned and shifted against him. “You’ve always struck me as a pretty resourceful guy,” she mumbled. And her instincts were right, she thought when his hands started to roam again and he found the ribbon hidden strategically within the folds. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of him as his fingers traced over the thin strip of material before wrapping his hand around it and giving it a forceful tug.

His eyes darkened as the satin gown covering her parted enough to give him a glimpse of what lay beneath. He brought his right hand up to run the side of his finger along the edge, further parting it. His breath felt heavy in his chest and while just a short while ago that feeling would’ve put him back in that dark place at his captor’s hands, there was nothing even remotely close to that feeling in him at the moment.

His hands trembled slightly as he lifted them to brush the gown from her shoulders. She was the embodiment of perfection and he wanted to make her his in every possible way. His eyes followed his hands as he mapped her body, every smooth inch making him ache with need and want.

Isabel grabbed onto his waistband again, pulling him closer until their bodies were pressed together. She smiled at the groan the move elicited, uncertain if it came from him, her or both of them. It didn’t matter and she didn’t care. It felt like they had been waiting to get to this point for so long and as much as she enjoyed foreplay she’d be perfectly happy if they didn’t spend too long on it tonight.

And just to let him know where her thoughts were her hand slipped past the elastic at his waist, reaching for her goal with unerring accuracy.

“Isabel,” Alex groaned, “you’re playing with fire.” In spite of his warning, he pressed into her touch, enjoying the feeling of her wrapped around him.

“I know exactly what I’m doin’,” she assured him and moved her hand in gentle strokes at first and then with more pressure.

“Yeah, you do,” he admitted breathlessly, leaning his forehead against hers while one of his hands shot out to steady him on the edge of the counter. Nothing had ever felt this good before. And this was just the beginning! “We should take this someplace more comfortable.”

Isabel chuckled thickly, leaning back to look between him and the kitchen interior. Right now the location of what was going to happen was beyond her care. Right here was fine for her, but she wasn’t the one with an injured leg. “Kitchen counter not good enough?”

Just the thought alone made him jerk in her grasp. “Don’t tease a man in my position.” He shook his head with a slight smirk and then removed her hand from him reluctantly to pull her along with him. To her surprise he wasn’t leading her to one of the bedrooms though. No, he took the shortest route right toward her biggest couch and sat down on it, his face level with her belly now. “Worried about your neat pillows?” he asked in amusement when he saw her surprised expression and he reached out to pet the one that was lying right next to him.

His hot breath ghosted over her skin while he spoke and she forgot all about her furniture. Need spread thought her lower body, making it hard to stay still.

Alex watched her restless moves. The way she pressed her thighs together and how her hands at her sides clenched and unclenched. Before he could start to work on satisfying her needs though, she moved quickly and straddled him, pressing herself into his lap and against him.

He moaned and his hands went straight to her lace covered ass to give it a hard squeeze. “Guess we don’t care about pillows.”

She reached for the pillow and tossed it over her shoulder carelessly. They had to go if they were distracting him. “What pillows?” she rasped, attacking his lips as she ground against him.

Concentrating on conversation, no matter how small, took too much effort. And if she kept doing what she was doing it was gonna be over before he even got out of his sweats. And that wasn’t a bad way to go, but the other option was so much more satisfying. He tightened his grip on her, stilling her movements and trying to bring himself under control, but she was having none of that.

She sank her teeth into his bottom lip and slipped her hand past his waistband again. “I think it’s time for them to go.”

He couldn’t agree more. He lifted his hips, giving her room to shove his sweatpants out of the way and he winced when he put too much pressure on his injured ankle.

“Oh my God, did I hurt you?” she asked when she saw the look on his face.

“No, that was all me.” He shook his head and pulled her closer. “It’s nothin’.” It wasn’t. Not at the moment. If his limp was more pronounced in the morning and he had to rely on the damn cane to get around, well, it would be worth it. The pain settled down to a more manageable dull throb just as she rubbed against him and the rasp of the lace combined with her heat completely sent any thoughts of his ankle out of his head.

“Okay, good.” She laughed quietly when he lost interest in trying to keep her still. His fingers slipped beneath the lace to touch her and she threw her head back as sensations started to riot inside of her. Somewhere in the back of her mind she realized he was speaking but it was hard to focus on his words. “What?”

“Bad time to ask, but just how prepared are you?”

“You have your hand in my panties and you’re asking that question?” she asked incredulously.

The hand at her neck tangled in her hair and heat flooded through him as he stared into her eyes. “I was talkin’ about protection.”

Isabel’s mouth formed a silent OH! Of course he was talking about that! Arousal was clouding her mind. “Right!”

Alex couldn’t help but smirk when she blushed. “So, I hate to say it, but I don’t carry condoms around with me.” He gave her a half-hearted shrug. “I was never a fan of one night stands and I kind of didn’t want to get my hopes up that we-“

She used her thumb and index finger to seal his mouth, leaning in so her lips brushed his neck while her lower body rubbed against him. “Gimme a second an’ we’ll be good.”

THANK GOD! He so didn’t want to stop right now.

Isabel bit the sensitive skin of his neck and then slipped out of his lap. She made it to the bathroom quickly, trying to look less desperate than she felt. Please God, let me be right! There were condoms under the sink, right? She had put a package there once, but it was so long ago that she wasn’t sure if they were still there.

Crouching down and opening the cabinet door, she panicked when the black box wasn’t sitting at the expected place. Impatiently, she shoved some other things aside and chuckled at her own relief when it suddenly came into sight at the very back of the cabinet.

Instead of fumbling one condom out, she grabbed the whole package and made her way back, smirking when Alex eyed her over the back of the couch. “Found them.”


She shrugged as she settled right back into his lap, setting the condoms on the couch next to them.

He lifted an eyebrow. “High expectations?”

“No pressure,” she winked.

He shook the box open and pulled up the pinched edges of the first packet, lifting it up and watching as the others all unfolded to follow it. There had to be at least a dozen. “That’s good, because I couldn’t quite live up to this.”

“No worries there,” she took them away from him and leaned in for a kiss. The heat was back immediately when his hands settled on her ass.

His hands kneaded her flesh as he deepened the kiss. Nope, he sure wasn’t worried about it. Really, at the moment, he couldn’t think of a single damn thing to be worried about. Condom kidding aside, he wasn’t even worried about her expectations. He was completely at ease with her and he knew whatever happened tonight and in the future, he was ready for it.

Isabel’s hand slipped down his upper body until she felt him hard and standing at attention. “I think that’s enough foreplay, what ya think?” she asked impatiently.

“Yeah, I’m good with that,” he whispered raggedly.

“Okay.” She put her weight on her knees to lift herself up from him enough to shove his sweat pants further down his thighs before she grabbed the condoms again to tear one out. “You want me to do it?”

“Maybe I should do it.” He shook his head and took it from her. It had been a while and he wasn’t interested in blowing it before they even got to the main event. He was conscious of her eyes on him as he rolled the condom on and he snorted when his hands shook slightly. As soon as that was taken care of his hands went back to her ass, his thumbs dragging along the edge of her panties.

“We have two options,” she said a little breathlessly. “Either I get up to get rid of ‘em or you have to push them aside.” A warning finger poked into his chest when his grip on the lace tightened. “No destroying them.”

“You’re gonna be bossy in bed too?” he chuckled, careful not to tear the delicate material as he pushed it aside. He had no intention of letting her get out of his reach again.

“I’m just saving my underwear.” She pushed down and groaned when the knuckles of his fingers brushed against her with the move.

“You could just save time and money,” he mumbled against her lips, “and just give them up altogether.”

“Shut up an’ take me, Alex.”

Yep, she was gonna be bossy in bed too, he thought. The pain in his ankle never even registered as he guided her movements and he thrust up to meet her. She was hot and wet and tight and he was sure nothing had ever felt so good. Until she started moving against him.

It had been too long, she thought when she felt him filling her. Richard had never really been a great lover. He had been too worried about his own needs and too sure that all he had to do was move in and out. She could tell things were going to be a lot of different with Alex and she couldn’t wait to experience it all with him. For the very first time in her life, she felt like a man would be able to really give her what she wanted and needed.


Max cursed when there were no empty parking spaces in front of the Brooklyn apartment, which meant he had to carry all the stuff in the back a few hundred yards. Temperatures weren’t as high as they had been but it still sucked.

Other than that his mood was pretty good on this lazy sunny Sunday afternoon. Things had fallen into place and he had been happy when Liz had suggested working on Aaron’s room. Finally she had her hope back.

Moving around the jeep, he was so occupied with working out a way to carry everything at once so he wouldn’t have to make two trips that he almost bumped into someone.

“For a big guy like you, your radar’s pretty short.” Ava shook her head.

Max looked at her, stunned, and then glanced around to see if she was there with someone else. “What’re you doin’ here?”

“I was just parking the car,” she jingled Tony’s Escalade keys in front of his face.

“He lets a short person like you drive his truck?” he asked, amused.

“Hey,” she smacked his chest, “he does. But I just parked it this time while he carried some stuff inside. We were redoing Chase’s room last week an’ I had some wallpaper left. Liz told me you guys are planning to renovate Aaron’s room, so we thought you might have some use for it.”

“Cool.” Max nodded appreciatively and opened the back to unload.

“Jeez,” Ava shook her head and went to grab a few brushes as well as the smaller bucket of blue paint. “Were you planning to carry this all by yourself?”

“I’m a big guy,” he repeated her earlier words and took the rest.

They made their way over to the apartment and the front door was opened before they reached it. Liz stood in the doorway grinning, but what caught his attention was the very short cut-offs she wore. His mouth went dry and his voice sounded more like a croak when he greeted her.


She grinned at his reactions and gave him a quick kiss as she reached for some of the things he was loaded down with. “Hey.”

“You do know you’re gonna make it very hard to pay attention to paintin’ the walls, right?” he growled as his gaze swept over her heatedly.

The look he was giving her set her blood on fire. “Um-hmm,” she whispered as she leaned into him, her body brushing against his, “that’s not all I intend to get hard.”

“You’re sure as hell not gonna have to do much to get that reaction.” He chuckled gruffly and shifted the gallon of paint so he could free up his right hand. He wrapped his arm around her as he leaned in for a proper kiss and his hand dropped to her ass, giving it a firm squeeze that had her moaning and trying to get even closer.

“Yeah, these two are gonna get that room done today,” Tony said with a roll of his eyes as he walked into the room.

“Oh, hush,” Ava shushed him as she handed over the brushes and small can of paint when he held his hands out. “I seem to recall Chase’s room taking a lot longer than it should’ve taken last weekend because someone couldn’t keep his attention focused.”

“My attention was focused right where it needed to be.” He laughed heartily as he took the things from her. “You were not dressed for painting anything that day.”

“We were wallpapering,” she said airily.

“Yeah, well, you weren’t dressed for that either.”

She followed him to the stairs, leaning into his back as she whispered, “As I recall I wasn’t dressed for anything for very long.”

“Woman,” he groaned as he led the way downstairs, “don’t start somethin’ we’re in no position to finish here an’ now.”

Her laughter echoed off the walls and went unnoticed by the couple still standing in the living room, locked in a lover’s embrace.

“They’re not stayin’ long, right?” Max mumbled between kisses.

“Don’t think so,” she answered.

“I say soon as they’re gone we do somethin’ about this situation you started with those shorts and then we get to work on paintin’ the walls.”

“Don’t they say: Business before pleasure?”

He snorted. “They say that alright, but who gives a fuck?” His eyes traveled down her body hungrily. “Obviously whoever came up with that was a killjoy. Or he didn’t know how to set his priorities right.”

“I like that answer,” she bit her lip. Now if only Tony and Ava would go. Would it be impolite to rush them out? They had been kind enough to offer the crazy expensive wallpaper for Aaron’s room so they deserved some appreciation. Maybe a coffee even. “Do you guys want a coffee?” she asked when they appeared on command.

“Do we?” Tony looked at his girl in question. The way Evans was eying Liz, the guy was ready to kick them out. It would be fun to mess with him a while longer.

“Sure, Chase is stayin’ with Dad the whole day.”

“And night,” he muttered in her ear. They had plans for dinner and later and he was looking forward to spending a full night with her and only her.

“Coffee it is then,” the brunette agreed and wiggled out of Max’ grasp to start it.

He let her go reluctantly, reminding himself to not be rude to their friends. As far as he knew Michael and Maria were planning to stay in Manhattan tonight and Tess was having her first official date with Prince Grump so the apartment would be all theirs for the evening.

“Is Tess coming home after her shift?” Ava wanted to know.

“I don’t think so.” Liz opened the cabinet to get a few mugs as well as the coffee. “She said she was gonna go over to visit Cody after work and then meet with Isabel to get ready for her date.”

The blonde grinned. “I can’t believe she’s officially dating Kyle.”

“I don’t think it’s completely sunk in for her either,” she said with a laugh. “You should’ve seen her when Kyle stopped in front of Isabel and stated clearly that yes, they’re together.”

Max snorted. “The girl looked like she could’ve shot straight into orbit.”

Liz shot a look at him. “She’s been waitin’ a long time for this to happen.”

“I figured it was kind of a given considering he’s let her hang around during his recovery,” Tony said with a shrug.

“Right?” Max shook his head. “It’s just kinda one of those things that’s known.”

“Ungh, seriously?” Ava rolled her eyes at them. “You don’t just assume you’re together because a guy let’s you give him a hand.” She held her hand up before either of them could make an expressly male comment. “Do not go where I know both of your juvenile minds just went.” She waited several moments before she continued, not fooled by their innocent expressions.

Tony looked at Max. “Got any idea what she’s talkin’ about?”

“Not a clue.” He motioned at her head. “I think maybe she’s had one dye job too many.”

“I could say the same about the ink under your skin, Evans.”

“Aren’t they just cute when they act innocent?” Liz leaned against the counter, grinning at her boyfriend. A few moments ago his thoughts had been anything but innocent and she was very sure that Ava’s comment had sent him right back there.

“Too bad they can’t fool us.”

Tony snorted. “Ya know, based on the fact that you two are talkin’ about more than me an’ Max… shouldn’t you worry about the way you’re thinking?” He high-fived the other man when he grunted in agreement.

“What?” Max asked when Liz eyed him. “He’s got a point. You’re the ones thinking about hand-jobs.”

“Aha!” Ava pointed at him. “Now you admit it!”

He rolled his eyes. “Are we done with this senseless conversation?” It wasn’t meant seriously, really. Most recent conversations had been too heavy and it felt good to just mess around.

“You started it.”

He started to open his mouth to protest but Tony shifted just enough to get his attention as he shook his head once, sharply. “We might as well give them the win here. They’ve got our number.”

“You don’t have to give us anything, Carter,” Ava said as she poked him in the back. “We’re right and you can’t dispute that.”

He grinned and shrugged as he turned to look at her. “Tell ya what. I’ll give you that much as long as you admit your mind slipped down that same gutter.”

She pinched her lips between her teeth as her gaze roamed over him and when he shifted after a few moments she smiled and nodded. “I’ll give you no such thing.”

“If she makes a single firefighter or equipment reference that dips into sexual innuendo they’re out the door,” Max growled.

Liz snorted and went to get the coffee. Filling the mugs with the hot liquid, she glanced at the plan she had drawn for her brother’s room. “Does Chase have one of those car-shaped beds? Michael keeps rambling about them.”

“Are you kidding?” Ava rolled her eyes as she turned to look at Liz. “My son threw a fit when Uncle Mike planted that idea in his head and he didn’t get it immediately.”

“Yeah, sounds like something Michael would do.” Max snorted.

The blonde grinned. “I’m so planning to get back at him. When he has his own kid, I’m gonna make sure he suffers the same parental hell.”

“Hey, give him some credit. The beds are cool,” Tony shrugged. “An’ hey, didn’t you just say the other night that Chase stopped coming into your room in the middle of the night after he got it?” He wiggled his eyebrows. “You should give him LOTS of credit for that.”

Max looked at Liz. “We should get one!”

Part 187

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 3:48 am
by Double Trouble
Alien_Friend: After all the danger and tension it’s nice to have them taking it easy for a bit. We think Alex is going to do nicely with Isabel’s help.

Tess is on cloud nine right now.

We’re definitely seeing a lighter side to Max these days. There’s a little bit more fun with the boys today.

It’s taken a long time for Alex and Isabel to reach this place and it’s gonna be good for both of them.

Thanks! Cody hasn’t been forgotten. ;)

Roswelllostcause: Thanks! Yes, they do. Lol, we’ll find that out today!

CandyliciousLovah: Lol, that may just yet happen.

Earth2Mama: Yes, that’s always the way it goes!

Lol, Alex and Isabel have finally taken that step.

We’ve got a feeling you’re right about Tony and Ava.

The little guys haven’t been forgotten.

begonia9508: Lol, that’s definitely one way to look at it.


Natalie36: Thanks! There’s more on the way!

kismet: Yep, they’re all on a good path now.

Max has grown a lot throughout this story and for him to reach this place. The painting… well… we’ll see.

Little guys just love those car beds, don’t they?

Midnightdreamer: Thanks! It’ll definitely keep Alex’s mind off of the nightmares for a while. Lol, Max is easing up as things settle down and he’s all for investing in one of those car beds. It looks like the four of them are going to become very good friends. Aaron will do well if they get custody of him again. There are a lot of things in his favor. Lol, yeah, Garfield won’t mind having the house back to himself again.

Leo will be making another appearance.

L-J-L 76: Thanks! The four of them are on their way to becoming good friends.

sarammlover: Lol, it was quite a wait, wasn’t it? Thanks! They’ve been a lot of fun to write, individually, as couples and as a group.

Eva: It’ll definitely keep the nightmares at bay for a while and this change in their relationship will allow Alex to be open to sharing those fears. There’s more on the way but it’s of the Candy variety…

Part 187

It’s Getting Hot in Here…

“Oh, you know, there’s this great little furniture shop over in Long Beach that specializes in furniture for kids’ rooms,” Ava said. “They’ve got the frames in all kinds of shapes, but by the time I got around to one of those stupid things the only one that would satisfy him was one shaped like a car thanks to my brother.”

“Still say you owe the guy,” Tony muttered and took a drink of his coffee.

“That’s neither here nor there.”

He chuckled and shrugged one shoulder. “It is pretty cool and it’s comfortable.”

“He’d know. He fell asleep reading Chase a bedtime story the other night. I went to his room figuring Tony had decided to draw it out to get outta drying the dishes and there he was sound asleep, his big feet hanging off the end of the bed while Chase was reading the story to him.” She couldn’t stop the goofy smile at the memory. Her son had been curled up next to Tony, turning the pages as he recited the story she’d read to him a hundred times. He couldn’t actually read yet, but he knew the story by heart. “Ooh,” she held a finger up as she put her mug down and checked her pockets for her phone. She pulled it out and opened up a file before handing it over to Liz. “How cute are they?”

Tony rolled his eyes and made a grab for the cell, getting it easily on the first try. “I’m not cute. Firefighters are not cute!”

“Hey,” Ava stood on her tiptoes to get it back, but considering his size, she didn’t even come close. “Give it back.”

“Nope. Unless you want me to delete the pic.”

“Don’t you dare!” She looked at the picture several times a day and always got a funny feeling in her stomach combined with a feeling of warmth around her heart. “Come on!”

He grinned and leaned down to give her a peck on the lips. “Maybe you’ll get it back later.”

“I’ve seen it anyway,” Liz told him with a smirk. “The bed’s definitely not your size, but Chase didn’t seem to mind sharing.”

“Really?” He shot a look at Ava. “You sent that pic around?”

Max snorted when she just shrugged and gave her boyfriend an innocent look. “Why shouldn’t she share?” he asked. “I mean, you were cute.” He ducked out of the way when Tony took a mock swing at him for dragging that last word out.

“Yeah, you have room to talk.” The blonde standing next to Liz rolled her eyes at him. “I’ve seen some of the pics Liz has of you and Aaron.”

“Pics of Maxie-Max being all cute?” Tony roared with laughter at the offended look on the other guy’s face.

The girls ignored them in favor of turning around and discussing the plans for Aaron’s room. “I really love all the natural light his room has. And he’s gonna be so excited when you finish it and he gets to see it.”

“Yeah,” Liz smiled. “His own room. He’s never had that before and I hated it. This’ll be great, like it should be for a kid.” If his parents weren’t dead, she added in her head but she didn’t want to bring anyone down. This was a good day and nothing should darken their new hopes.

“True,” Ava agreed. “Although I don’t think Aaron minded sharing one with you. There was a time when I couldn’t get Chase to sleep or play in his room. He was practically in my lap 24/7.” Rolling her eyes at the memory, she smiled. “I love my son, but I also love a few moments of privacy now and then.”

“Speaking of,” Tony said, emptying his coffee, “let’s get outta here and leave the two of them alone with their work.” He winked at the other couple. “Sorry, but we only have this one day all to ourselves before my shifts fuck the schedule up again.”

“No excuses,” Liz said. “You’ve done enough already. The room isn’t big enough for four adults painting and wallpapering anyway.”

Yeah, and especially not the floor, he thought with amusement when Evans’ expression revealed his eagerness to get rid of them.

“I didn’t think they were ever gonna leave,” Max growled as he took her cup from her and set it down on the counter. His hands dropped to her hips as he crowded her, his lips already busy attacking her neck. They hadn’t really stayed that long but his thoughts had been running wild since getting that first look at his girl when he’d arrived.

She giggled when his goatee tickled her skin.

“Place is all ours, right?”

God, she hoped so! Because the way he was touching her they weren’t gonna make it very far. She mumbled an affirmative response, lifting her arms when she felt him pushing her tank top up and the moment she was free of the material she went straight for his belt. There was a time and a place for slow leisurely lovemaking, but sometimes fast and hard was what was needed, and this was one of those times.

He took her mouth in a rough kiss as he stripped her shorts from her, groaning and hardening even more when he realized she wasn’t wearing anything under them.

Liz leaned back and looked up at him through heavy eyelids. “I was only expecting you today,” she rasped, the sound gliding into a long moan when his hand slipped between her legs to touch her.

His eyes were nearly black with desire as he turned her in his arms and brushed her hair aside to sink his teeth into the sensitive spot on her neck before sucking on it, the motion keeping time with his fingers. “I want you now.”

She reached behind her to scrape her fingernails over his denim-covered erection and she tipped her head back against his shoulder as she ground her hips against him. “Take me now.”

His dick jerked and he quickly freed himself and took care of protection. He brought her close to the edge before lining himself up and pushing his hips forward without wasting any time. He grunted at the feeling of her holding him so snugly and he reached over to grab one of the ridiculously expensive thick dishtowels the girls had bought, folding it over a couple of times and laying it over the edge of the counter to protect her skin.

Liz reached back and curled her fingers around his neck as she turned her head, pulling him down for a kiss as he started to move. She encouraged him to keep up a fast pace, needing this as much as he did. Reaching between them she cupped him, giving him a squeeze and gently rasping her nails over his balls. He tore his mouth free after a minute, his hands gripping her hips and pushing her upper body forward over the counter all at one time.

The sounds she made spurred him on and his thrusts became harder and faster. When her knuckles started to turn white from the tight grip they had on the countertop and he heard the change in her breathing, that slight tell-tale sound that indicated she was reaching for release, his right hand slipped between her legs. He knew he’d be useless for several minutes at least once he came and he didn’t want to leave her wanting.

Liz pushed her hips back into him, following his movements and searching for more. When his fingertips dipped between her folds to play over her clit she felt like she’d just received an electrical shock. It only took a few seconds and the tight coil in her stomach was suddenly undone and lights exploded behind her tightly closed eyelids.

Max slumped against her back, his hot breath gusting against her damp shoulder. “I’m gonna need a shower before we get started on that room,” he said after a few minutes.

“We’ll get to that.” She smirked as she collected her clothes and turned around to grab his hand. “First, we’re gonna go downstairs and crawl in my bed and I’m gonna show you how much I appreciate all of your help,” she kissed his jaw, “your support,” his pecs, “and your love.”

He grabbed onto the waistband of his jeans to keep them from falling off as he willingly followed her to the staircase. They were gonna end up staying up half the night working on Aaron’s room. And he didn’t care.


Maria closed the door to Michael’s apartment behind her and leaned back against it, savoring the sense of peace that washed over her. The sun had set for the day and the rooms were cast in shadow as the light from the city below reflected off of the windows. It had been another long day and most of it had been spent outdoors on the set for a magazine spread. The worst of the heat wave seemed to have broken and she welcomed the slightly cooler breeze that accompanied the lower temperatures.

She flipped the switch for the lamps rather than the overhead lights, preferring the softer lighting they provided. A small furry head poked up over the back of the couch as Loco emerged from his resting place. She shook her head as she walked over and looked down at him. He had been sleeping with his lithe body squished between the cushions again and he squeaked in protest as he wiggled his way free of them.

“No one’s forcing you to get up, lazybones,” she said and gave him an affectionate pat as she passed him on her way into the kitchen. She had barely taken two steps into the room when he skittered past her, his claws making a scratching sound on the tile as he lost his footing and tried to find purchase on the polished floor. She laughed when he came to rest against the wall, his expression one of embarrassment. The guys would deny it, but she could easily read emotions in most of the ferret’s expressions, and this one clearly said he was embarrassed.

“Here, maybe a treat will help.” She dug through the cabinet where his food was stored and pulled out a small jar of baby food. “Mmm, turkey.” She unscrewed the cap and set the jar on the counter, wrinkling her nose at the smell. “That’s disgusting and I don’t know how you can eat it.” She cleaned his bowl before putting some of the food in it and setting it back on the floor, hurrying to replace his water while he was otherwise occupied.

She made a face at the small jar as she put the top back on and screwed it on tightly to seal it. How did anyone in good conscience feed something that smelled that bad to their kids? She shuddered and put the jar in the refrigerator as she shot a glance at Loco. “Apparently you’re not that discriminating when it comes to food.” She shrugged when he ignored her and started pulling out what she needed to make sandwiches.

Michael would be home soon and he’d had an even longer day than she had. His had started with an emergency call before his regular shift and when she’d talked to him earlier he’d told her he probably wouldn’t be home until around nine. He would be hungry, but he’d also be tired and she knew he wouldn’t want to eat anything heavy that late because chances were good it wouldn’t be long before he crashed.

She had put everything away and was just cutting the sandwiches in half when she heard the key in the door. She rinsed the knife off and set it on the counter next to the sink before grabbing a handful of napkins and going to the refrigerator to pull out a couple of beers. She heard his keys land on the table by the door quickly followed by his bag of gear landing on the floor about the same time the door shut.

“I kinda like this domestic look,” he joked as he tried to work the kinks out of his neck while crossing the room.

“Uh-huh, I’ll be happy to see you in the same position when I get home later than you do.” Placing the plates on the counter she walked around it and stood on her tiptoes for a welcome kiss.

He returned the kiss and sighed happily as his arms came around her. “And you know I’d be happy to do that.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Just don’t expect me to be wearin’ an apron.”

“What about wearing nothing?”

“We’d never make it thought a meal.” He laughed. “Well, you might. I’ve never known any other woman who could eat while havin’ sex.”

She grinned at the memory. “Well, it’s definitely something I’ve never done before the other night.”

“I’m so happy I inspire you to be creative,” he growled as he kissed a path along her jaw.

“You always did bring out new sides of me.” She leaned her head to one side when his lips grazed over her neck.

“Um-hmm,” he hummed as he took advantage of her invitation. It had been a long day and he was tired, but just being in her presence the exhaustion hovering over him fled. “How was your day?”

“Busy, but it was fun. I had a nice shoot with a female photographer. I normally hate females since they’re kinda harsh and impatient on the job, but she was great.”

“The new company agrees with you.” He was so glad she was finally working for an outfit that was getting her the jobs she needed. But most of all he was just glad to see her so happy.

“Yeah, it was a lucky shot.”

He snorted, making her giggle when the move tickled her sensitive skin. “Lucky nothin’. That was all you, Sexy.”

“I think that was a lot of US. So many people ask me about the tat advertisement.”

He laughed quietly. “Nana’s pretty open-minded, but even she raised an eyebrow when she saw that ad. I also got smacked with a dishtowel for that compromising position being publicized. I tried tellin’ her it was completely innocent but she gave me that look that says she knows I’m full of shit and went back to muttering to herself while she made dinner.”

“Well, she’s older. But she’s a nice lady and she’ll look past it.” Her hand moved down his chest towards the belt holding his low-slung jeans in place. “By the way, I like those shots. Really reminds me how lucky I am to have you.”

“Oh, she’ll look past it once she’s had her say.” He chuckled and his lips brushed over her pulse point before sinking his teeth into her soft skin. “I love those shots.” He soothed the mark with his tongue and shifted when he felt her fingers tugging on his belt. “Not only are you completely hot in them,” he said with a grin as he leaned back to look into her eyes, “but I know exactly what put that look on your face.”

Maria shivered at the memory – the day everything had changed, the day he had finally looked at her differently.

“And that photographer you’re so fond of nearly did me in with that last pose.”

“Really wasn’t easy to let you go afterwards.”

“Wasn’t easy to walk away either.”

“We’re past that,” she shook her head and to underline her statement, she pressed against him with her palm flat against the zipper of his pants.

He didn’t bother responding, pulling her close and sandwiching her hand between them. One arm wrapped around her while his free hand tangled in her hair, holding her still while he kissed her breathless.

She groaned and curled her fingers when she felt him hardening. How had she been able to look at him and not see more all those years? Right now she couldn’t think of a way to keep her hands off of him.

He growled as his hands moved to trace over her back and sides, wasting no time as they dropped to hook around the backs of her thighs and lift her up. He tipped his head back slightly as she balanced her arms on his shoulders and leaned into him while locking her legs around his waist.

“Think you can wait for dinner a few minutes longer?” She looked over her shoulder at the counter where their sandwiches still sat untouched.

“The day dinner can’t wait I want you to make an appointment for me to have my head examined,” he said with a gruff laugh.

“I’ll put it on my list of things to remember,” she agreed and pulled at his tee shirt until it was free and she was able to lift it up to his chest.

“I’m becoming very fond of this counter,” he rumbled as he shoved the barstools aside and set her down.

“It has a nice height.” She grinned and pulled the shirt all the way over his head.

“Just about perfect,” he agreed and made quick work of her shirt as well.

“Have you been able to get tested yet?” She bit her lip while she waited for an answer. There wasn’t a problem with condoms, but she was looking forward to feeling him skin to skin soon. Something she had never done with anyone else.

“Yeah,” he rasped as he traced the skin of her breasts above her bra with his tongue. “You?”

“Yeah.” Her answer was a little breathless.

He paused long enough to meet her gaze. “I got the all clear from my doc, what about you?”

She wasn’t able to answer so she just nodded.

“So...” his voice trembled slightly, “that mean we don’t have to worry ‘bout the condom?”

“No,” she rasped, “unless you want to. I mean, we don’t have to...”

He shook his head and swallowed past a suddenly dry throat when he hardened even more. “You think I’d turn down the chance to really feel you?”

“Maybe we should slow down,” she suggested and leaned in to kiss his lips briefly. “If we do that it shouldn’t be on the kitchen counter for a quickie. Not for the first time.”

“I can do slow.” He glanced at the sandwiches. “Dinner will hold for a while longer.” He ran his hands over her thighs, long slow strokes that dipped inside before backing off again. “And the cleaning lady did wash the bedding today.” His eyes roamed over her, darkening when he took in her flushed skin.

She groaned. “When you look at me like that I wanna forget all about slow again.”

“Condom now? We can go slow and condom free later tonight,” he offered. He’d be more than happy to forego the condom, but she wanted that first time without the stupid thing to be slow and if that meant waiting for it, he’d wait for it.

“Okay,” she agreed. He’d do anything for her and she was so thankful for that.

“That’s my girl,” he chuckled. He fished in his back pocket for his wallet, pulling it out and dropping it on the counter. He fumbled it open and quickly located the foil packet he was looking for. He just grinned when she went to work on his belt, her moves quick and efficient as she unbuckled it and then started on his jeans. When she set her mind to something she went right to it.

Maria glanced up when she felt his eyes on her and smiled when he looked at her, amused. “I love you, you know that?”

He nodded mutely. No matter how many times she said that, her declaration somehow caused his heart to stutter in his chest. “I’ve loved you all my life.” His hand came up to rest against her jaw and his thumb traced over her lips as he stared into her eyes. “I really had no clue just how different lovin’ you an’ bein’ IN love with you was. That second one, it completely dwarfs the first one, and I can’t imagine that with anyone else.”

She moved closer to the edge of the counter and ran a hand over the muscles of his stomach and the edge of his boxer briefs while he kissed her so gently that it left a longing feeling in her chest that only he was able to answer.

There was no one else in the world that could possibly make him feel this way. She brought out feelings in him that were so contradictory, yet made complete sense. There was a burning desire to make her his, a constant heat that simmered in his veins but it was tempered and balanced by the emotional depth of their connection. He wrapped his left arm around her waist, holding her against him while he lifted her up to get rid of her shorts and panties in one sweeping motion.

Shit, the fact that he could lift her so easily made her even hotter and as soon as he set her back down, her teeth sank into the skin of his shoulder. His looks were definitely a plus, but his soul was so much more beautiful and not many people got to see it the way she did.

Her small hand slipped past the waistband of his boxers and they both groaned when it wrapped around him fully.

“It’s a good thing we decided to wait ‘cause you make it hard to go slow, woman,” he muttered.

“No need to go slow now,” she assured him and grabbed the condom to tear the package open.

That was a relief, he thought as he shoved his boxers and jeans down and kicked them off.

Maria rolled the condom on him, giggling when she thought about how epic this moment should be since it would be the last time she’d do it. Well, at least as long as she didn’t forget her pill, but anyway...

“What’re you so amused about?” His voice brought her attention back to him.

“Nothin’,” she grinned and brought his hands to her hips.

He shook his head but didn’t pursue it. She’d tell him in time, she always did. Instead, his hands flexed on her hips before pulling her closer to the edge of the counter where his eager erection nudged her entrance. She was ready and her movements told him what he needed to know. No need to go slow. Her words echoed in his head and he fused their mouths together as he entered her with one hard thrust.

She tore her lips away from his when he started to move inside of her and it caused her nerve endings to vibrate. Gasping for air, she groaned his name.

He’d never heard anything that sounded sweeter than his name on her lips when he was inside her. The sounds she made when they made love got him so hot. His lips roved over her neck when she threw her head back and he found her pulse point again, sucking on the sensitive spot as he changed the angle of his thrusts.

“Fuck,” she hissed and used one hand against his chest to steady herself just the way she needed.

Her body was practically humming with arousal and he could feel her reaching for that peak. He fumbled for the front clasp of her bra, shoving the material out of his way and palming her breast. He rolled the nipple between his fingers, pinching it and feeling her hips jerk against him in response. His hips picked up speed as his own need for release demanded to be met.

There was no way any other man could get her to this point so quickly. She felt the muscles of her lower belly clenching and she leaned back on the counter, arching her back to press against him.

His eyes traveled over her body and heat flooded his veins when his gaze reached the place where they were joined. There was something so elemental, so primal about being with her like this. The palm of his hand rested between her breasts, slowly sliding down along her flesh and ending at the bundle of nerves begging for attention. He pressed his thumb against her and rubbed the sensitive flesh as he pulled out slowly and gave several short thrusts in rapid succession as he teased her clit and brought her closer to the edge.

“Michael,” she gasped when he just did what was necessary to make her come. Her vision went blurry and her body felt too heavy to hold up so she rested it flat on the surface of the counter while waves of pleasure went through her.

He could feel her orgasm as it pulsed through her body and his hands settled at her hips as he sought his own release. It didn’t take long. Watching her, feeling her, it was more than enough for him to follow her over the edge. He braced his weight over her as he came and he dropped his forehead to rest between her breasts, his heavy gasping breaths hot against her skin.

Maria ran a hand through his hair in a gentle manner and waited for him to catch his breath again. The downside of having sex outside the bedroom was that you had to get up too soon again when all you wanted to do was snuggle.

He turned his head to nuzzle her breast. “That was...” He fell silent and lifted his head when he heard something. “You hear that?”

“No, what?”

He looked around the apartment, thinking at first maybe it was Loco, but when he caught sight of the ferret curled up between the cushions sleeping he ruled that option out. His eyes roamed the room and settled on the door when something thumped against it. “Shit, that’s gotta be Valenti.”

“Ungh, we’d better hurry to your room then.” She sat up quickly.

He leaned over and immediately stood back up when he hit the corner of the counter with his forehead. “Sonofabitch,” he snarled, rubbing the area before bending over and snatching their clothes up. “That’s gonna leave a mark.” He looked around to make sure he wasn’t missing anything as he heard the key being inserted into the lock. Quiet murmuring accompanied the sound and he grimaced when he recognized the female voice. If it was any other girl Valenti was bringing home he’d still make his escape and if she caught a glimpse of his bare ass, well, that’d just be her luck. But the last damn thing he wanted was for his little sister to catch him and Maria running around the apartment naked. “Hurry up,” he hissed as he followed her down the hallway.

Maria couldn’t help but giggle and it turned into a full laugh when the door of his room flew closed behind him.

“It’s not funny,” he growled as he reached up to rub the right side of his forehead. He dropped the clothes on the floor, paying no attention to them as he stepped on them on his way to check and see how badly he’d hurt himself.

“Let me look,” she followed him and made him face her. She reached up to bring his head further down but other than a small red spot, she couldn’t see anything. “You’ll live, CB.” She kissed the hurt area softly.

“Yeah, but it’s gonna bruise, I can feel it.”

She turned and grabbed the tee shirt he had thrown on the floor carelessly. Slipping into it, it went almost down to her knees. “I’m getting the sandwiches and an icepack.”

“Tell Valenti to keep it in the living room.” He leaned in close to the mirror, inspecting the red spot closer. Damn, too high to wear a ball cap for cover when it bruised. He probed the area cautiously. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.

Re: TIC TAC - (CC,AU,Adult) - Part 187 - 5/31/15

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 6:11 am
by Natalie36
car beds were great. glad to see all are happy

Re: TIC TAC - (CC,AU,Adult) - Part 187 - 5/31/15

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 8:27 am
by Roswelllostcause
Great part! Max and Liz don't seem to be getting much work done! :lol: Boy Kyle really has bad timing.

Re: TIC TAC - (CC,AU,Adult) - Part 187 - 5/31/15

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 8:50 am
by CandyliciousLovah
Poor Michael. I think you'll be okay ;) And glad to see more of the car bed mention and happy/smexy times <3