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Post by StormWolfstone »


"How did you know to come to us?" Max asks Quixote, and the strange little girl seems to be silent for a moment.

"Things were never as they seemed, even the future had it's start, what was once, can be again." Is all Quixote says, her words giving me a headache.

"Tess?" Max asks me quietly, and I turn to look at him. "You were in the bus. This man ... is it true?"

I nod, what else can I do. I hadn't gone back there completely, but the curtain had been opened and there was a look of death about him. "Why don't you come with me and see for yourself, Max? Then you can decide from there." I suggest.

As I do so, I suddenly hear Robbie's voice call out, "Rome! Hart is asking for you."

Just then Jakki, the dark skinned girl came to the door and glanced out at Zeus, "His stats are dropping. Whatever's going on, unless we get the new power cell to strengthen the lines we're going to lose him before we can find this cure."

Zeus nodded, he turned to look toward Rome and gave her an encouraging nod, "Go see your brother, Rome. I'll be in within a couple of seconds." Then looking at Jakki, he said, "Jakki... get my kit and the old cell. I'll have to try and get it set in place and recharged in order to get these lines stengthened."

I felt tears fill my eyes as I listened to the sorrow that they all have in their voices. Glancing over at Max, I motioned towards the bus. "I'm going to check on him too." Then as an after thought I add, "Maybe Liz should go over the tests with Robbie, she's the biology wiz."

Since she seemed to have been trying to be nice to me, I decided to try and be nice to her as well. Even though I didn't like her being so close to Max at the moment and I was definitely getting to the point where I wanted her out of the picture.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC -- Borrowing Robbie a little.


Tess confirms the story about the dying doctor and I know what I'm going to have to do. I've known it was going to happen ever since they mentioned needing medical technology. Especially since the child said there was a deadline.

Then the other girl comes out and says that the patient is failing and they're losing energy for his life support. This is it. Time's up. Zeus is desperately trying to come up with a new energy source but I know it's not going to be enough or in time.

I take a step towards the bus while Tess suddenly suggests that Liz look over the medical records. I'm shocked that she would be thinking like that. That she completely didn't say anything about me helping. I guess she's looking to keep our secret, but there's no time to evaluate records Liz knows nothing about. No time to jerry-rig new energy. I know in my gut that there's only one thing that will work.

The girl, Rome, dashes into the bus behind Jakki. I go in right after her. In spite of my hurrying, 'tho, she gets there first and is already sitting down beside her brother as I push through the curtains.

"I'm here. I'm here," she says with tears in her eyes as she takes his hand. There's another boy there where he'd apparently been watching over the sick one. He gets to his feet as if to intercept me. I'm guessing he wants Rome to be able to say good-bye to her brother in private.

"No," I say gently before he can try to stop me. "Let me help."

The boy hesitates but then steps back. Clearly he's completely out of options and is willing to allow anything. "Are you a doctor?" he asks.

"No," I shake my head. "But I can help."

He looks puzzled but doesn't stop me as I move to the opposite side of the bed from where Rome is sitting. I take a seat there and then take a deep breath. Hart is young, so young. They said he was eighteen but I kept thinking 'doctor' and thought he'd be older. Especially with a 'progressive aging disease,' but I guess the aging is on the inside.

Rome is still crying, although she tries to smile for her brother as she speaks to him. I ignore her, reaching forward to put one hand on Hart's chest and the other on his head. "Look at me," I ask although I hate to draw his attention away from his sister. He does, glancing in my direction as I meet his eyes. With another breath, I start to move into the healing connection.

I feel it as we become one and I can feel his body from the inside. He's in pain, straining to breathe. I start the healing, my mind somehow identifying all that is 'wrong' and I move the molecules, healing the damage, destroying the virus. I see flashes of his life with Rome and with the boy who'd just been here with him. I ignore that, pushing more energy into the healing connection. My breathing becomes short and strained, but it's like it isn't mine. Hart's is growing more regular, stronger, and I'm feeling that relief. It's working.

Then it's done and the connection ends. I take a few heavy gasps, trying to catch my breath. "He's okay," I say before looking up.

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Post by StormWolfstone »


I can feel the life slipping from me as I look at my best-friend, "Rob.. get Rome...." I just know that as much as we'd had hope that Quixote would guide us where we needed to go in time, I was dying and I had to see Rome one more time. See her and tell her that I'd always watch over her wherever my spirit went. That I'd tell Uncle Jake about how strong she'd been and how brilliant she'd become.

It seemed strange, Jake had died not even three months before I found out that the P.A.S. was spreading through me too quickly and I wasn't going to even make it as long as he had. I watched the entrance for Rome, hoping she'd make it in time even as my breathing grew labored and without looking at the monitors, I knew my stats were all failing.

When Rome came in, I gave her a weak smile, all that I could muster. "Rome..." I prepared to begin as she sat down beside me.

"I'm here. I'm here," she says and I can see the tears in her eyes and barely feel her hand taking mine.

"Love... you.." I say, feeling that I'm running out of time and can't say anything else. Vaguely I hear someone else speaking to Robbie.

"No," there's a slight pause, "Let me help."

I hear Robbie ask, "Are you a doctor?"

"No," Comes the response with an added, "But I can help."

A hand settles on my chest a few minutes later and I'm trying to focus on my sister wanting to tell her so much. "Look at me." I hear as a hand is pressed to my head as well. With nearly the last of my energy I do look, my curiousity getting the better of me.

It suddenly feels strange, like something is happening inside me but I can't explain what. Even as my body shudders in pain, I can't help but wonder what is happening. Several moments pass and I begin feeling my breathing become regular, the pain eases and I don't feel quite as weak. I'm confused about what could be happening to cause this drastic change.

The guy that had wanted me to look at him seems to be gasping for breath and straining and I wonder why. Does he have P.A.S. too? He doesn't seem that far from my age so he might... but suffering as young as I am..? Well that's rare.

"He's okay," I hear him say, and though I'm uncertain about believing this, I glance toward Robbie who seems intent on checking the monitors and everything.

"Robbie..." I say and watch as Robbie moves aside so I can see the monitors myself. "Test my blood too?" Robbie nods and instantly begins getting out the needle and test tube in order to prep me. Drawing my blood, he sets it where it needs to be and I speak to the computer operated monitor, "Vid, reveal results."

Nothing happens but Zeus enters and says simply, "Vid didn't transfer with us when we changed times. We have to do everything by hand until I've recrafted Vid for us."

"I need to scan..." Robbie begins.

"Manually enter the sample and then the basics you are looking for." Zeus replies.

Jakki glances around her expression one of complete confusion, "Can someone tell me what the hell is happening here? One minute Hart looks like death and now..... it's an amazing change...."

Quixote flashed inside and placed a hand on Max's arm, "Truly noble are you. Someday answers you'll recieve from others with my help." And before another word could be spoken, she vanished with a light "Old McDonald had a farm..." trailing off as she left.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


There's no words for how happy I feel. I was trying so hard not to cry, to be brave for Hart. And then Max came in and Hart looked at him and then -- then I don't know. Everything seems to be fine how. Hart is acting the doctor, demanding tests and Robbie is doing his best to keep up with him with no Vid.

I hardly care about tests. I can see with my own eyes that he's strong again. I don't know how long it will last, but I'll take it gladly. "Hart!" I squeal. (I never squeal, but I can't seem to help it.) Right now, I'm not a scientist. I'm a sister and I've never been so happy. I don't care how it happened, I'm just glad it did. I lunge forward, headless of the tubing that is no longer needed, and I squeeze my brother in a huge huge. "It's so amazing! I'm so happy!"

Without releasing Hart, I turn my face and look up at Max. "Thank you, Max!" I tell him. Max seems ashen, scared, as he backs away from all of us. He looks at me sharply as I say his name, but he doesn't answer me.


It only takes a moment to recover from what I did and in that moment, Quixote appears, congratulates me, and disappears in front of my eyes. It makes me suddenly wonder just what she is. She's just a child, but the others all trust her. I wonder if she's like us. Is that how she knew how to find us? What we are?

I'm feeling so exposed right now. So afraid.

There's no reason for it. I know these people were desperate for a cure. Quixote said I could trust them, and I believe her. They have secrets of their own, I'm quite certain. But I'm still scared. Still waiting for them to realize what happened.

So far, they all seem too excited about Hart, trying to confirm his condition. Now that I have a chance to look, I notice the machines around him look like nothing I've ever seen before. The doctor, Robbie, seemed to expect it to work by voice command.

Nobody's looking at me right now and I try to back out of the way, hoping they'll overlook me for just a little longer...

I run out of time. Rome looks up at me and thanks me. I pinch my lips together and don't answer. I don't even nod. I turn my face towards the front of the bus, looking for my own friends. I need Liz right now. I need her so badly. Or Michael. Isabel. Somebody...

Last edited by isabelle on Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KatnotKath »


As Max goes into the van to see if he can help, I want more than anything to go with him… I want to show him I’m there, and be at his side, but I know that I can’t… Tess suggested that I have a look at the medical reports I know, but the truth is that we all know that wouldn’t do any good. I like science sure, but science and medicine is something completely different…

So instead, I stay outside, keeping up the front which Max and I are trying to hold up. I wouldn’t be going in there without good reason since it means I would be close to him…

I look over at Tess, trying to guess what she’s thinking, and chew my lip nervously, taking a deep breath as I feel a sense of tiredness, and then need, coming through this strange connection between Max and I. I need him as much as he needs me, and it’s the hardest thing I can imagine to just stand here and pretend I don’t care.

Biting my lip now in concentration, I try to send back what I hope will be a reassuring ‘message’ as I try to show him how much I love him.

Still I can’t go inside though, as much as I want to, and I force myself to stay where I am.

Alex looks over, and I feel as though he’s looking at me curiously. I’m terrified that he might have realized that something is wrong – other than the situation with these new people of course – but he doesn’t say anything and I let out a sigh of relief after a moment.


Now Maria’s looking at me, and I swallow, sure that she’s not going to be fooled whatever I say… I just can’t lie to her, she’s my best friend and she can read me like a book it seems…

Considering briefly, I settle on a version of the truth which might suffice. “I was just wondering what was going on in there…” I indicate the bus awkwardly.

Alex looks at me again and nods. “How about I go see…?” He suggests after a moment, obviously guessing that I probably won’t want to do it myself.

I nod, although in truth I would like nothing better, and give him what I hope will pass for a grateful smile. “Sure…”

He nods, telling everyone that he’ll be back shortly, and then entering the bus as Max did a little while ago.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hope this works everyone


Liz is there, looking like she’s standing on pins… I’m sure that I saw Max looking over at her earlier but she looked away almost as though she had been stung. I shake my head inwardly. I hate seeing her like that…

Liz and Max have been through so much, but I always believed they would get back together…

Now…? Well I don’t know what to think… Something more happened between them, that much I know, but neither of them have talked about it, at least not to me…

There’s this tension between them though…and especially tonight, although somhow...it's different…

Forcing my mind back to the present, I once again find myself looking over at Liz. Maria’s asking her is she’s okay, and she looks so torn… Finally, she voices the wondering that we’re probably all feeling, wondering what is happening inside the bus. She looks awkward, and she’s fixed in place.

I offer her a small smile, nodding. “How about I go see…?” I suggest softly. I can see that Maria’s nervous…Isabel too perhaps, and although I’m not a big man on campus or anything like that, this is something I can do…

Liz nods offers me a small smile. I’m relieved to see it, although something still doesn’t seem right, and I nod back. “Okay…well I’ll be back in a few minutes…”

Before entering the bus, without thinking about it, I find myself in front of Isabel. “We’ll work it out…” I tell her, not really even sure what I mean by that…it just seems like the right thing to say…

Then, I step away, walking to the door and mounting the step. One, two…three… I’m in… I look around. It looks much like any other bus I’ve been on from style of seating, but that’s pretty much where the likeness ends… The front two seats as full of what looks like electrical equipment, and it’s like nothing I’ve seen in my life… I look around, realising the group’s heard me enter and offer an awkward smile. “Hey…I’m Alex…I j-just thought I’d come see how things were going…” I explain feeling like a complete idiot. Could I sound any more lame…?
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I still taunt as a guitar string, waiting for this to play out. For them to all turn on me, demanding answers. As much as I wanted to help, I'm not looking forward to that. Once got me locked up in the White Room. Of course, it also got me closer to Liz, and that I can't regret. Healing Kyle didn't have any long-term effects so far, because the only people there were my friends, including the Sheriff himself and then, Kyle. But this... I don't know where this is going to go. So many witnesses and all of them strangers. What's going to happen?

I'm yearning for Liz and suddenly, I feel it. A sense of love and assurance. I might be imagining it but it's happened so often in the last few hours, that I'm sure it's real. It's Liz. She's telling me that she's there for me, even if I can't see her.

Still, Hart's friends seem to be ignoring me so far. I'm so tempted to just leave, but I can't do that. I need answers as much as they do. Who are these people? How did Quixote know about us? Is she from our world, too? Zeus mentioned coming to 'this time.' With all the bizzarre things in this bus, I think I could even believe that they are from the future.

Suddenly the door to the bus opens. I look up, hoping for Liz although I know that's not likely. I think it'll probably be Michael. My 'second.' But no, it's Alex. He introduces himself, awkwardly, but I've never been so glad to see his face.

"Hey, Alex," I say, smiling. I feel myself relaxing a bit at the sight of him. I stay where I am 'though, not moving towards him, although I want to. "Where's everyone-else?"
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Post by StormWolfstone »


After issuing orders to the others, I'm about to turn and make my way back to the bus when I hear the girl Tess, "I'm going to check on him too." Then she seems to add, "Maybe Liz should go over the tests with Robbie, she's the biology wiz."

I'm not taking time to say anything as I turn back toward the bus and make my way to the section that had been gutted enough for a small workspace for me. Seated in my space I'm not really completely paying attention to what's going on as I try to work on the cell. However, as I hear someone say, "He's okay," I look up and head back with them.

It was miraculous, Hart was looking vibrant and full of life. "Robbie..." Hart says and I turn to see Robbie move and reveal the monitors.

"Test my blood too?" Robbie nods and instantly begins getting out the needle and test tube in order to prep Hart. Drawing his blood, he sets it in the testing strip. "Vid, reveal results."

I walk forward and closer to the group, "Vid didn't transfer with us when we changed times. We have to do everything by hand until I've recrafted Vid for us."

"I need to scan..." Robbie begins.

"Manually enter the sample and then the basics you are looking for." I reply simply.

I turn and watch as Jakki glances around her expression one of complete confusion, "Can someone tell me what the hell is happening here? One minute Hart looks like death and now..... it's an amazing change...."

Quixote flashes inside and places a hand on Max's arm, "Truly noble are you. Someday answers you'll recieve from others with my help." And before another word could be spoken, she vanished with a light "Old McDonald had a farm..." trailing off as she left.

"Hart!" Rome squeals and I look at her with surprise, yet it really shouldn't surprise me any. She would be happy, but the squeal wasn't something I'd ever have expected. She hugs Hart and says, "It's so amazing! I'm so happy!"

Without releasing Hart, she turns to look at Max, "Thank you, Max!"

I turn to look at the boy and notice that he looks pale and seems frightened for some reason. He looks at Rome sharply when she speaks but doesn't say a word.

Before I can say anything, another of his friends comes in and I look at him, taking his expression as he looks around in. Then listening, I hear him lightly introduce himself, “Hey…I’m Alex…I j-just thought I’d come see how things were going…”

"Hey, Alex," Max says, smiling slightly as he seems to relax slightly, "Where's everyone else?"

"I'm right here," One of the other guy's says as he walks in, obviously seeming a bit upset about something, but I'm not quite certain what. Then, Tess walks in behind him.

Tess continues to move forward until she's not far from Max's side and she looks my way, "Is everything alright, Zeus? You look a bit confused." She gives me a slight smile and then reaches her hand out to Max's shoulder as though offering some sort of comfort to him.

"I am a bit confused, but seeing as Jakki pretty much asked the same thing I would have, I'll simply wait and see what goes on." Looking at Max though I say, "Whatever you did for Hart, thank you." My expression was I hoped, as warm and true as I felt as I said those words. Looking at Hart I tell him, "Just because your well, don't go overdoing things right away. Just defrag."


Ok, so at first I was going to leave things be. I wasn't going to do anything to get in the way especially since when Max puts his mind to something, there's no changing it. So, I stayed back, Tess had been about to follow but I stopped her and spoke with her quietly. "Are you certain this isn't some trap?" I asked her, my voice harsh but quiet enough that none of the others could hear me.

"Michael, I haven't seen any signs of them trying to trap us. They are just as confused as we are. They are lost, not in their time and they need us. I don't know much more then that. I know that normally I am the last person to think we should give a damned about the humans, but Rome.. something about how she feels.. I don't know.." She seemed to really be at a loss as to how to explain what she was thinking.

"Alright, then let's get in there and see what is going on. I'm not about to let this mess be handled without him having more of us. Besides, our secret will be at risk here. You'd better not be wrong." I glance up as Alex is beginning to make his way into the bus and taking Tess' arm, have her walk in with me.

"I'm right here," I say as I hear Max's question towards Alex about where the rest of us were.

Tess walks past me and moves until she's basically next to Max, but there's something different in her mannerisms that doesn't make me think she's trying this as a ploy to get closer to Max. "Is everything alright, Zeus? You look a bit confused." She gives the boy a slight smile and then reaches her hand out to Max's shoulder as though offering comfort to him.

"I am a bit confused, but seeing as Jakki pretty much asked the same thing I would have, I'll simply wait and see what goes on." Looking at Max the guy says, "Whatever you did for Hart, thank you."

Zeus seemed to be sincere and that surprised me. He also didn't seem to be shocked or anything with what Max had been able to do. Had this strange Quixote girl prepared him for this? Had they already known what we could do?

Zeus turns to Hart and directs, "Just because your well, don't go overdoing things right away. Just defrag."


"Okay, I realize that you have no reason to trust us. No reason to even care what happens to us, but it's obvious that you do care very much for people. Thank you, Max. I don't know how you did it and I admit to having a great deal of curiousity. So, one question I really would like to know to kind of start, though if you choose not to answer, I'll completely understand...... What are you? I mean are you guy's some how like Quixote?"

"Take it easy, Jakki." Hart says even as he's holding his sister, happily hugging her, his hand was running over her hair and he seemed to whisper something in her ear before chuckling.


My sister's squeal of delight is simply heart warming and I can't help but return her embrace, glad to know that I have the strength to do so. Being so close to death's door, it really had scared me. I had wanted to watch her grow up and that had been the hardest part about dying. Knowing I was leaving her behind and not going to be able to watch when she got a boyfriend and got married and had kids of her own. Or when she became the greatest geneticist of our time, even though she'd have ended up doing so more through The Storm then Nexes because they thought she'd been Gr'd.

Just because I was in a teasing mood, I whispered into my sister's ear, pretending I hadn't heard Zeus's words toward me. "So, are any of these guy's interesting to you?" I chuckled as I continued to simply stroke a hand through her hair. I enjoyed this simply touch, knowing that I had my sister. I had more time with her. Now, though I wondered whether the PAS was completely gone and what would that mean for my sister and my friends.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


Michael comes in behind Alex and I feel a lot better. Michael's a suspicious hot-heat but I know he'll be looking out for me -- even if he might be pissed off at me for doing it. I can't help but glance behind him, hoping that Liz might be there, but it's Tess. It's good to see her, too, but I guess the rest of them are staying outside for now.

Tess talks to Zeus, letting the inevitable begin. Zeus mentions that Jakki already asked the question. I guess she did. I thought it was just a retorical statement of amazement, but maybe it was actually directed at me.

"Whatever you did for Hart, thank you," Zeus says, and I nod in response. He then turns to Hart and tells him, "Just because your well, don't go overdoing things right away. Just defrag."

Defrag? I understood the context but I've never heard that phrase used that way. I glance at Alex but it didn't look like he recognised that usage, either.

Then Jakki asks again, more directly. "Okay, I realize that you have no reason to trust us. No reason to even care what happens to us, but it's obvious that you do care very much for people. Thank you, Max. I don't know how you did it and I admit to having a great deal of curiosity. So, one question I really would like to know to kind of start, though if you choose not to answer, I'll completely understand...... What are you? I mean are you guy's some how like Quixote?"

"I ... I don't know," I tell Jakki. "When I saw her do those things, I was wondering the same thing, if we might be alike in some way. Who is she? How can she do these things?" I ask. If these people already know about alien hybrids and are friends with one, maybe this won't be as difficult afterall. "I know I can't just disappear like that. Is it some kind of muh -- illusion." I say, stopping myself before I call it a 'mind-warp.'
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Post by StormWolfstone »

OOC: M for idea's of what to do, you could have Izzy come in on this conversation (Quixote will be making another appearance soon lol)



"Okay, I realize that you have no reason to trust us. No reason to even care what happens to us, but it's obvious that you do care very much for people. Thank you, Max. I don't know how you did it and I admit to having a great deal of curiousity. So, one question I really would like to know to kind of start, though if you choose not to answer, I'll completely understand...... What are you? I mean are you guy's some how like Quixote?" I listened as Jakki asked Max.

I admit, I am curious about this as well, but I also have to admit that the way that Jakki asked was much better then I would have expected. I wondered whether she was alright or if something was bothering her because normally she wouldn't have sounded so understanding, but then again, she'd been changing slowly ever since we'd found Dax acting like he had his mind erased.

"I ... I don't know," Max responds. "When I saw her do those things, I was wondering the same thing, if we might be alike in some way. Who is she? How can she do these things?" He asks, and then a moment later comments, "I know I can't just disappear like that. Is it some kind of muh -- illusion."

I shake my head, "We haven't been able to figure Quixote out since we first ran into her. She's real enough and everything she does is real. She's gotten us out of some very tough situations. Saved our hides and helped Hart in the very beginning otherwise he would have already been dead by now. All we know is that somehow she had a mimic of sorts in a caccoon like thing that we were led to believe was Hart until it hatched a few weeks ago... or would it be a few centuries from now?" At that thought, I turned to look at Jakki.

"If readings are correct, we've gone back to long before Common Era." Jakki replied. She'd looked over some readings they'd taken when they had first arrived. "Somehow we're in the twentieth century AD. If my readings are correct. Either way, give or take ten years we are in AD."
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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