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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 53&54 2/19/17

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:53 pm
by L-J-L 76
Wow is all I can say about these chapters.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 53&54 2/19/17

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:39 am
by Roswelllostcause
Lillmonster Yes poor Katie! Max is dream of a boyfriend.

Natalie36 It is sad that Zack died.

Carolyn It is sad when someone young dies. It is too bad that Kate and Zack never made up. Yes Liz is all grown up weather her parents like it or not.

L-J-L 76 Thanks!

Part 55

Liz laid in bed with Max's arm wrapped around her waist. He was sleeping and talking in his sleep. She knew that he was dreaming about them. About a future for them. A future where they married and had children together. Until she met him she never thought about having kids. She snuggled closer to him and fell to sleep with a smile. She wanted nothing more than to have a family with Max.


Stephanie, stood in the corner watching as the others at the party drank and got high. She didn't even know why she had come. She didn't want to live her life like this. It was then she made a choice. She started to head for the door when someone stepped in front of her. She looked at the young man. He had greasey black hair, bloodshot brown eyes a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey in his hand and a cigarette dangling from his mouth. She remembered him from her party days looking at him now made her gag as the memory came back of her giving him oral sex and having sex with him.

"I'm leaving."
"Oh come on you ain't been around in a while. I got some Viciden thought we could pop a few and then fuck for a while."
"Not going to happen."
"Oh come on how long has it been since you had a nice hard dick pounding into you? You know you enjoyed it."
"Seth, I am not that person any more."
"Oh you think cause you got a part on some lame ass TV show you are better than the rest of us. But let me tell you something slut, you ain't. You will always be a junkie. You won't stay clean and when you fall you will fall hard. Then you will have to beg me to fuck you."

Stephanie pushed past Seth and got in her car. She drove straight to the first NA meeting she found and headed in. She took a seat in the back just as the meeting started. She took a deep breath and stood up.

"Hi I'm Stephanie and I am a drug addict."
"Hi Stephanie."
"It has been nearly six mouths since my last fix."
"I take it something happened?" Asked the leader.
"Tonight I went to a party with people I use to party with. There were drugs drinking and sex going on. All things that I use to do. I was very temped to start using the pills again."
"What stopped you?" Asked a teenage girl
"Saw a guy I use to pop pills with. He looked like a junky. It made me sick to my stomach. So I left and headed here."
"What made you change your mind about being at the party?" Asked a guy
"I am getting my life together. I have a job I love and some real good friends. I decided that I didn't want to throw any of that away."

The meeting when on and at the end Stephanie felt better.


Kate sat at the counter in the kitchen while her mom cleaned.

"How are you doing Kate?"
"As well as I can. Zack and I were not on the best terms when I left."
"I know. I don't understand how he could be so hateful to you."
"Mom, it is nothing I haven't experienced before. Not that I have been very open about my being a lesbian."
"Have you told any of your castmates?"
"Yes. They are very accepting."
"I am glad you are happy. Sarah is a sweet girl."
"Yeah she is. Dad accepting my relationship with her was a big surprise."
"He finally realized that he should practice what he had been preaching. Forgiveness and that god is a loving god. You don't have to agree with everyone but still accept them."
"Mom, you never told me how you found out."
"I have always known. Katie, I am your mother. It is my job to know. Besides I did see you and Lisa kissing when you were fourteen."
"Lisa wasn't ready to come out then. But she did admit that she was gay too."
"You didn't come out either."
"No I didn't but I knew then I wasn't straight."
"How did you meet Sarah?"
"We were both at a club with different people. We hit it off and exchanged phone numbers. She called me a couple days later. We went out and been together ever since."
"That's nice."
"Mom, tomorrow is going to be rough and long. I'm going to go to bed."
"OK honey."

Kate gave her mom a hug and headed for her room.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 55 2/20/17

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:12 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow so Max is thinking of a future with Liz marriage and kids. That is so cute that Max and Liz want the same thing. So very glad that Stephanie went to a meeting instead of staying at the party. Love the talk Katie and her mom had. So glad that Katie's parents don't care in Katie is into girls.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 55 2/20/17

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 5:13 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Max wants a family with Liz. Stephanie realized that the type of parties she use to go to will do nothing but destroy her.

Part 56 New Years Eve

Liz woke to find Max still asleep. She decided to have a little fun with him. She climbed on top of him and started to kiss him down his neck to his bare chest. She heard him groan as his arms wrapped around her.

"Morning sweetie."
"Morning Max."
"So we going out just the two of us tonight?"
"Yeah. My parents and Michael and Maria went home yesterday. Serena and Kyle have plans. Kate and Sarah are in Texas for Kate's brother's funeral. I have no idea what Alex and your sister are doing."
"I would rather not think about that."
"I don't think Isabel likes to think about what we do alone."

Liz slid off Max and curled up next to him. Max kissed her.

"Liz is something bothering you?"
"No why?"
"You have been kind of quiet lately."
"I heard you talking in your sleep the other night."
"My dream about wanting a family with you?"
"Liz, sweetie yes I want to have a family with you. I want to marry you one day. But I know right now isn't the right time. I got to finish school. You are on a show where it would not be a good idea for you to get pregnant right now."
"Yeah. Julia isn't in a relationship right now."
"I'm kinda glad about that."
"Why is that?"
"That means I am the only one that is kissing you."
"It won't last."
"I know. But can't I enjoy it while it lasts?"
"Yeah. But remember, no matter how many guys I kiss at work I will be coming home to you, and you are the only one that gets to sleep with me."

Max just smiled and kissed her.


Serena rolled over and found and found Kyle was not in bed next to her. She was just about to get up to look for him when he came in with a tray.

"Morning baby." Said Kyle
"Morning. You had me a little worried when you weren't in bed with me."
"Sorry. But I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed."
"You know that has to be the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me."
"Yeah well don't let it get around. No one would believe you anyway."
"That is true. But you need to promise me something."
"What is that darling?"
"You won't get jealous when you see the first episode after new years."
"Why am I not liking this?"
"I had to kiss someone."
"Kiss someone?!"
"Relax, it was Alex."
"Yeah, you know the guy that plays Liz's twin brother and is gaga over Max's sister?"
"Yeah I know. But I don't have to like that he put his tongue down your throat."
"If it makes you feel better you kiss a hell of a lot better than he does. Just don't tell him I said that."
"Afraid to hurt his feelings?"
"No. The reason I think you kiss better than him is I am totally in love with you, and I think of him more like a brother."
"That's good cause you did agree to marry me."
"Yes I did."
"Rena do you think you will ever be able to have a relationship with your parents?"
"I don't know. You know what they did to me. My father beat me and my mother stole my money because of her gambling."
"Yeah, I know. But you may one day regret it if you don't try and talk things out with them."
"I know. I am just not ready to forgive them."
"When you are ready to talk to them I will be right by your side."
"Thank you."

Kyle kissed Serena and they enjoyed the breakfast Kyle had made.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 56 2/21/17

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:13 am
by L-J-L 76
Love the way Liz woke Max up. Wow So Max and Liz are wanting to get married and have a family but they want to wait till after the show and when Max graduates. Now that is good planning for their future. Love the way Kyle surprised Serena with breakfast in bed. Now that is romantic. I agree with Serena about forgiving her parents. I don't know if I could forgive them either. So Serena had to kiss Alex for the show. Glad Serena told Kyle about the kiss and that she is totally in love with him.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 56 2/21/17

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:32 pm
by keepsmiling7
I've always wondered how a spouse really feels when they see them on screen making love to someone else. There has to be a certain amount of chemistry to look convincing........but where do they draw the line?

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 56 2/21/17

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 5:24 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Well Max hasn't asked Liz to marry him yet! But they are going to wait to have a family for now. Kyle knows that sometimes Serena will have to kiss someone for work.

Carolyn You do have to wonder about how the wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend of someone feels when they see their love one with some else on screen.

Part 57

Liz walked into the restaurant on Max's arm. She was dressed in a black dress they fell to her knees with spaghetti straps on her shoulders. She wore her locket and earrings she had gotten for her birthday as well a diamond bracelet that her grandmother had given her before she died. Max was dressed in a black tux. As they were led to their table she couldn't help but notice the mix of the young rising stars of Hollywood a long with the ones who had already made it big. After they were seated Liz smiled big at Max.

"Have I told you how hot you look in that tux?"
"Well you don't look to bad yourself."
"Well aren't you sweet."
"Well I try."

The waiter came and they place their order. While they were waiting and enjoying a glass of wine someone came up to the table.

"Miss Parker?"

Liz turned and was surprised to see Tom Hanks standing there.

"Yes Mr. Hanks?"
"Tom please. I am helping to produce a new movie. A family comedy. I think you might be right for it. Will you have your people call my people and I will get you a script. If you are interested we can set up a time for you to come and read for the part." Said Tom handing her a card
"Thank you. But what made you think of me?"
"Well it was my son Colin who mentioned you. I have also see some of your work. You are very good. I see a possible Emmy or even Oscar in your future. Mr. Evans if I were you I wouldn't let her get away." Said Tom

Max was speechless. Not only did one of his mom's favorite actors know who he was but he was saying his girlfriend could become Hollywood Royalty.

"I will have my people get back to you. Thank you." Said Liz
"You're welcome. Happy New Year." Said Tom
"Happy New Year, and tell Colin thank you for thinking of me." Said Liz

Tom smiled and returned to his wife on the other side of the restaurant.

"Liz did that just happen?" Asked Max
"Yeah. This is amazing!"
"Damn! My mom will kill me Tom Hanks is her favorite actor of all time and I didn't get him to sign anything for her."
"Tell you what if I do the movie I will get your parents tickets to the premiere and personally introduced her to him."
"Cool. Liz, you never worked with his son have you?"
"No. But I did meet him at the Teen Choice Awards a couple years ago."
"You didn't win did you?"
"No I lost to that girl who is on that show about teenage aliens hiding in plain sight."
"She is kind of cute. But no where near as beautiful as you."
"Good save. Besides you would know if I won. There are only so many places you can put a surf board."

Max laughed. He knew she had a point. The Teen Choice Awards did have a very unique trophy. They spent the rest of the evening enjoying their dinner, danced a little then went home to make love as the New Year came in. Max laid in bed watching Liz sleep. It was nearly one in the morning. Liz was curled up with her body pressed against his. The only thing covering her was the thin sheet. Though she was still wearing her locket around her neck. He noticed that she rarely took it off. But knew when she went back to work next week she wouldn't be able to wear it on the set.


Alex laid next to Isabel in bed. He had wanted to take her out for a nice dinner and dancing. But she had wanted to stay in and eat pizza while watching Rudolph's Shiny New Year. When she showed it to him she acted like a little kid on Christmas morning. He had to admit the had not watched it since he was like eight. But that was what she wanted and he had learned fast to let her have her way on things like that. Besides after it was over he got the best part of the night with her. They made love. It wasn't the first time they had made love. But bit was still a special night. He was really falling in love with the beautiful blond. He placed a kiss on her sleeping head and went to sleep.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 57 2/22/17

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 5:33 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow Max and Liz are having a great new year together. Liz maybe in a movie with Tom Hanks. Loved the way Alex and Isabel welcomed the new year together too.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 57 2/22/17

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:04 am
by keepsmiling7
Seems like Liz has a great future ahead of her.
And having Max Evans at her side isn't a bad situation.
When will he finish law school?

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 57 2/22/17

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:49 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Max and Liz are having a wonderful new year together.

Carolyn Liz does seem to have a great future a head of her.

Part 58

Liz walked into the studio a week after New Years. She headed right for Kate's dressing room and knocked on the open door. Kate looked at her and smiled.

"Hey." Said Kate
"Hey. Sorry about your brother." Said Liz
"Thanks. It's kind of hard you know? Zack was really hateful the last time I saw him. But I still loved him you know?"
"I can kind of understand. You loved him because he was your brother. But his rejecting you and saying what he did hurt."
"Kate, you might want to look into a grief therapist."
"Sarah told me the same thing on the way home."
"She seems like a real smart woman."
"She is. She finished nursing school."
"That's great."
"Yeah she is real happy. I am proud of her."
"Kate have you thought about getting married?"
"Maybe one day. But it's not like if you and Max get married. Most people don't recognize same sex unions."
"That isn't right."
"Yeah, I know. I don't like it. But it will take time to change things."
"But you shouldn't be treated different just because you love a woman and not a man."
"You are speaking to the choir girl."

Liz smiled and hugged her friend. She hoped that one day things would change for the better for Kate, Sarah and others like them.


Max hugged Isabel as she met him at the small cafe in Santa Monica.

"Thanks for meeting me Izzy."
"So why am I here?"
"I know I haven't known Liz a year yet. But I love her."
"Yes and what does this have to do with me dear brother?"
"I need your help picking out a ring."
"Oh my god!"
"Iz keep it down. I would rather not have the paparazzi find out my plan before I ask her the question."
"Sorry I forgot that they like to follow you around now."
"You sure that you want this? Your life won't be the same."
"Tell me how do you feel about Alex?"
"I think I love him."
"Isabel, I love Liz. I just know she is the one for me."
"OK I will help you. But we need to lose that reporter from Star before we get anywhere near a jewelry store."
"Right. Next weekend I am going to Roswell for the weekend and ask her parents permission to marry her."
"God not only is my brother a hopeless romantic but very old fashion too."

Max just smiled at his sister.


Liz walked in her dressing room to find the script they would filming next week. She sat down on the couch and put on her reading glasses and started to go through it. Julia was going to kiss Bobby, Chris's best friend and band mate. She sighed she just knew this day was coming. She looked up when there was a knock on the door. She looked over to see Jason Collins who plays Bobby.

"Hey Liz."
"Hi Jason."
"I see you are looking over the new script."
"Liz, I want you to know I am nothing like Zan. I don't drink or smoke."
"Jason, are you scared of me or something?"
"Well you are scary when you are pissed. But then so is my boyfriend."
"Oh shit. I didn't mean to say that."
"Relax, you being gay doesn't bother me. Actually it will put my boyfriend at ease. He is not to keen on the idea of me kissing another guy."
"I wouldn't blame him. If I was into girls you are the type I would go for."
"Thanks I think."
"Liz, what I am trying to say is you are this sweet kind person. Just the kind of person I look for."
"Thanks Jason."
"Oh uh about the gay thing? I haven't told no one yet so would you mind keeping it on the down low?"
"Sure, but is it OK to tell Max?"
"Yeah. That way he won't think there is really something between us."
"Max is really nice. I think the only way you would have to fear him is if you hurt me."
"Yeah. You should be happy."
"So should you."

Jason gave Liz a smile and they sat down to start running lines.

Part 58

Liz walked into the studio a week after New Years. She headed right for Kate's dressing room and knocked on the open door. Kate looked at her and smiled.

"Hey." Said Kate
"Hey. Sorry about your brother." Said Liz
"Thanks. It's kind of hard you know? Zack was really hateful the last time I saw him. But I still loved him you know?"
"I can kind of understand. You loved him because he was your brother. But his rejecting you and saying what he did hurt."
"Kate, you might want to look into a grief therapist."
"Sarah told me the same thing on the way home."
"She seems like a real smart woman."
"She is. She finished nursing school."
"That's great."
"Yeah she is real happy. I am proud of her."
"Kate have you thought about getting married?"
"Maybe one day. But it's not like if you and Max get married. Most people don't recognize same sex unions."
"That isn't right."
"Yeah, I know. I don't like it. But it will take time to change things."
"But you shouldn't be treated different just because you love a woman and not a man."
"You are speaking to the choir girl."

Liz smiled and hugged her friend. She hoped that one day things would change for the better for Kate, Sarah and others like them.


Max hugged Isabel as she met him at the small cafe in Santa Monica.

"Thanks for meeting me Izzy."
"So why am I here?"
"I know I haven't known Liz a year yet. But I love her."
"Yes and what does this have to do with me dear brother?"
"I need your help picking out a ring."
"Oh my god!"
"Iz keep it down. I would rather not have the paparazzi find out my plan before I ask her the question."
"Sorry I forgot that they like to follow you around now."
"You sure that you want this? Your life won't be the same."
"Tell me how do you feel about Alex?"
"I think I love him."
"Isabel, I love Liz. I just know she is the one for me."
"OK I will help you. But we need to lose that reporter from Star before we get anywhere near a jewelry store."
"Right. Next weekend I am going to Roswell for the weekend and ask her parents permission to marry her."
"God not only is my brother a hopeless romantic but very old fashion too."

Max just smiled at his sister.


Liz walked in her dressing room to find the script they would filming next week. She sat down on the couch and put on her reading glasses and started to go through it. Julia was going to kiss Bobby, Chris's best friend and band mate. She sighed she just knew this day was coming. She looked up when there was a knock on the door. She looked over to see Jason Collins who plays Bobby.

"Hey Liz."
"Hi Jason."
"I see you are looking over the new script."
"Liz, I want you to know I am nothing like Zan. I don't drink or smoke."
"Jason, are you scared of me or something?"
"Well you are scary when you are pissed. But then so is my boyfriend."
"Oh shit. I didn't mean to say that."
"Relax, you being gay doesn't bother me. Actually it will put my boyfriend at ease. He is not to keen on the idea of me kissing another guy."
"I wouldn't blame him. If I was into girls you are the type I would go for."
"Thanks I think."
"Liz, what I am trying to say is you are this sweet kind person. Just the kind of person I look for."
"Thanks Jason."
"Oh uh about the gay thing? I haven't told no one yet so would you mind keeping it on the down low?"
"Sure, but is it OK to tell Max?"
"Yeah. That way he won't think there is really something between us."
"Max is really nice. I think the only way you would have to fear him is if you hurt me."
"Yeah. You should be happy."
"So should you."

Jason gave Liz a smile and they sat down to start running lines.