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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 40 7/30

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:13 pm
by keepsmiling7
The translation is now complete.
And the parents had to find out what would make the connection complete between Max and Liz......
Okay then.

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 41 7/31

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:08 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Thanks!

Eve Oh yes it is a very special drug!

Carolyn I am so sure the parents really wanted to hear that news! :lol:

Part 41

Once the bedroom door was closed Max and Liz made short work of their clothes.

"God Max that feel good!" Said Liz as Max kissed her down her neck.

He reach behind her and unhooked her bra. He cupped her breast in one hand as he pushed her panties aside and inserted a finger into her. Liz let out a moan at what he was doing to her. Max removed his hand and picked her up and carried her to the bed. He laid her in the center and climbed on top of her making sure that he was careful not to put too much weight on her.

"Max, god I need you." Moaned Liz
"What do you need baby?" Asked Max
"I need you inside me."
"You sure? You know what will happen if we do this."
"I know. But Max if we don't we will go crazy."
"OK. Love you Liz."
"Love you Max."

Liz's panties and Max's boxers joined the rest of there clothes on the floor. Max gently pushed Liz's legs apart and lifted them over his hips. Then placed his hard manhood at the entrance of her hot wet center. Liz reached up and wrap her arms around his neck as he very slowly pushed his way in. He stopped when he reached her virginity concerning what he had always known in his heart and what she had told him a only a little over a week ago. He looked into the eyes of the woman he loved more than anything in the world. When she nodded that she was ready he pulled out part way before thrusting back in and through her maidenhood claiming her as his. That was all it took for their connection to open wide and a white glow fall over the two lovers. Max waited for her to adjust to the feel of him inside of her before he started to move again.

"I'm good Max."
"OK baby."

Max started to pump slowly in and out of her. Liz moan with pleasure as Max kept thrusting into her slowly picking up the pace and going harder.

"God yes Max! You feel so good!"
"Liz! God you are so fucking tight and wet."

As they continued to make love the glow around them became brighter lighting the whole room. When they finally climaxed with Max's seed pouring deep into Liz the light dimmed until only five small dots in the shape of a V were left on each of their foreheads. Max rolled off Liz pulled the covers over them as they fell to sleep in each others arms still tangled together.


Down in the Crashdown the meeting was breaking up when Serena lost her balance and would have fallen if Brian hadn't caught her.

"Serena are you OK?" Asked Jeff
"Fine. In case you are wondering it worked. Liz is now truly the Queen of Antar in every way." Said Serena
"Uh how do you know?" Asked Alex
"Alex, I have a connection to the granalith. The granalith has accepted Liz as Queen her seal is now active. Kivar and Nicholas are as good as dead."

A silence fell over the group knowing that nightmare may soon be over.


Dara smiled as she looked out the window of her room. The light in the in the distance faded. The King and Queen were now joined and nothing would be able to come between them. Kivar and Nicholas came in and glared at her.

"What was that light?!" Demanded Kivar
"The King and Queen are now bonded for life." Said Dara
"What the hell does that mean?" Asked Nicholas
"It means that your days are numbered."

Nicholas tried to send a blast at Dara, but she blocked it with no trouble.


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 41 7/31

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:34 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow Max and Liz... I think it was kind of sweet that Max didn't want to hurt Liz. So everyone knows Max and Liz are bonded and the seal is active. I like Dara told Kivar and Nicholas it is the end. And I think it was cool Dara protected herself. I wonder what will happen when Max and Liz wake up. What will happen when Max and Liz wake up? Will Max and Liz make love again? Will Liz find out she is pregnant? What will Max and Liz do if Liz is pregnant? Will Jeff tell Max and Liz about drugging them? What will Max and Liz do when they find out about Jeff drugging them? Will Liz's powers become stronger? What powers do Liz have? Will Max, Liz and friends be ready to fight? Will Kivar and Nicholas attack Max, Liz, friends and parents? Will Max, Liz, friends and parents live through the war? Will Max, Liz, friends and parents be able to live in peace? Will Max, Liz and friends graduate High school? Will Max and Liz get married? Will Max and Liz have more kids? Will Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle, Ava, Serena and Brain all get married and have kids? Will Max, Liz and friends save Dara? How will Max, Liz and friends find dara? Will Dara try and help Max, Liz and friends? What will happen when Dara and Cal see each other? Will it be a happy reunion? Will Dara go with Cal back home or stay in Roswell? Will Max, Liz, friends and parents have a happy ending and live in peace?

L-J-L 76

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 41 7/31

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:02 am
by Natalie36
bye bye kivar

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 41 7/31

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:02 am
by begonia9508
Wow! Quite embarassing for them, knowing that they all know what they did...
But if Khivar and his bastard are at the end of their pathetic and useless lives... it is all good for the rest of the world!

EVE :lol: :wink:

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 41 7/31

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:36 pm
by keepsmiling7
They should all be safer now that Max and Liz are completely bonded.
Should they care who knows??

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 42 8/1

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:43 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max and Liz wake up here so we will find out what happens.

Natalie36 Yes bye bye Kivar!

Eve Everyone knows what Max and Liz did. But they have no idea they put on a light show or that the granalith told Serena the seal was now active. They also don't know that Kivar and Nicholas saw the light show.

Carolyn They will be safer. Soon we will see a little taste of the power that Liz now has.

Part 42

Liz woke to find her head on a muscular chest. She opened her eyes to see Max laying partly under her. She moved the covers and saw that they were both naked. Then it came back to her as she remembered what happened.

"Max! Max! Wake up!" Said Liz
"Five more minutes." Mumbled Max
"Max Evans wake up now!" Said Liz

Max opened his eyes and looked up at her. His eyes when wide in shock.

"Liz uh last night is a little fuzzy. Did we?"
"Have sex? Yeah. I mean it is a little fuzzy to me too. But I do remember a bit of it."
"I didn't force you did I?"

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Liz, Max it's Serena. I got a feeling you got some questions about last night. If you both will cover up I will come in and explain."

Max looked at Liz and nodded. He found his boxers and jeans and started to pull them on. Liz just grabbed a pair of shorts and an old T-shirt that she sometimes slept in. Once both were dressed Liz and Max sat on the bed.

"You can come in now Rena." Said Liz

Serena came in and sat on Liz's desk chair.

"So what happened?" Asked Max
"Well, dad decided that rather then tell you to go ahead and have sex to drug you so you would." Said Serena
"What?!" Asked Liz
"On Antar there is this drug called Jartar it is used normally when a couple, such as a new King and his wife haven't consamated the marriage. There needs to be an heir. So they will be given the drug to help them along. Dad felt the need to give the two it so that Liz's seal would become active." Said Serena
"Is that why our memory is kind of fuzzy?" Asked Liz
"Side effect of the drug. You will remember everything in a couple days."
"Uh what would of happened if we hadn't uh......" Said Max turning red
"Been driving crazy. Sex is the only thing that can help with the drug." Said Serena
"Rena, we could be in a little bit of trouble. My mom told me that condoms work less of the time then with humans for us. But I don't think we used one at all." Said Liz

Max looked at her eyes wide.

"It will be at lest a week before we know if you are pregnant." Said Serena
"God how could dad do this to us?!" Asked Liz
"It will be OK honey." Said Max giving her a kiss on top of her head.
"Your mom was pissed last night she made dad sleep on the sofa." Said Serena
"Yeah well he can add me to the list of people mad at him. Max, I love you but the fact is I would rather remember my first time with you."
"Me too Liz."
"Uh maybe we should have breakfast so that Max can go home and change into clean clothes?" Said Serena
"Good idea. Rena, is my mom OK?" Asked Liz
"Yeah. She and the Evans understand that because of the drug you could control yourselves."

Liz and Max got up and followed Serena out to the kitchen where Nancy was making breakfast. Ava sat at the table drinking a glass of orange juice with Tabasco.

"Serena will you keep an eye on the bacon? I want to talk to Liz for a minute." Said Nancy
"Sure Nancy." Said Serena

Liz followed her mom to the living room and sat on the sofa with her.

"Morning honey. You feel OK?" Asked Nancy
"If you are sore that is perfectly normal OK?"
"Yeah mom. Mom I would rather not talk about this right now."
"OK. I just wanted to make sure you are ok."
"I know mom. Love you."
"Love you too sweetie."

They headed back to the kitchen where Nancy finished making breakfast for them.


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 42 8/1

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:04 am
by begonia9508
Oh yeah! I understand Liz really well! Because all their friends know and it must be really embarrasting, especially with her mom... EVE :lol: :roll: :mrgreen:

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 42 8/1

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:15 am
by keepsmiling7
What a wake-up surprise for Max and Liz. Besides that Serena and the Parkers were all part of the deal.

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 42 8/1

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 1:40 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow what a way for Max and Liz to wake up. Poor Max and Liz can't remember what happened the night before. I'm glad Serena was there to explain what happened. I hope Max and Liz will remember what happened between them. I think Nancy, Liz, Serena, max and the Evans will be mad at Jeff for a while. So Jeff better like sleeping on the couch for a while. I'm glad Nancy was trying to calm Liz down. Hopefully the Evans will be understanding of Max and Liz too.

L-J-L 76