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Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:20 pm
by StormWolfstone

"All the arrested kids are going to be released if their parents don't get them. It's just teaching that they can really be thrown into prison for doing something illegal. But if you really want to, I can keep you in your cell and get your case to court" My dad said and I simply relaxed my arms and waited for him to say what he wanted. The fact that he wasn't yelling at me was kind of strange as far as I was concerned.

"I want you to know that if you keep acting like this I can send you away from Roswell.." My dad added as he looked at me. "I have a place booked for you at a boarding shcool. I have had it for a long time. All I need to do is call them.."

"You know something dad, send me to boarding school. I don't care. The only reason I haven't run by now is Marie. Send me away from Roswell. I'd be much happier away from you and this town. Then you can have your one perfect child to be proud of and never worry about me." I responded coldly. I was very proud of myself for the calm tone I managed to keep rather then raising my voice in frustration.

Maybe the idea of not being around Lily would eat me alive but I certainly wasn't going to let dad think that threatening me with anything was going to work. He was always a cop first and a dad second when it concerned me. Marie on the other hand, well she'd had more chances to be close to both of our parents. Mom tried and sometimes I felt like I could talk to her, but even at times I felt that she and dad were far too much alike.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:32 pm
by Anna-Liisa

After hearing James tell me he'd be much happier away from me, I looked away. I was like that once. I once wanted to get away from dad. That was before I almost died and got healed. James reminded me so little, but then again so much. I sighed and looked him again.

"I have a very good reason why I haven't sent you away" I told him. "I've though about it many times, but I've always come to the same conclusion: I can't sent you away because there's a possibilty for something"

I sighed. He was old enough to know. Eileen didn't know, and I didn't want her finding out about the alien power because James uses them accidently - if he has them. There's a possibility. And I needed to be sure that Eileen wouldn't find out.

"I'm going to show you the reason right now" I said standing up. I looked around in the office and took the broken coffee cup pieces from the ground. I had forgotten about them. I placed them on the table and put my hand above them. I hated using the powers that threw away my normality.

"You better watch carefully" I told James and focused. It always took awhile, but in few minutes, the cup was normal again.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:42 pm
by StormWolfstone

"I have a very good reason why I haven't sent you away" Dad started and I rolled my eyes. "I've though about it many times, but I've always come to the same conclusion: I can't sent you away because there's a possibilty for something."

"I'm going to show you the reason right now." I watched my father a bit curiously but did my best to hide it. Instead, I feigned disinterest.
"You better watch carefully."

I few minutes passed and the cup was normal. I shrugged casually. "Oh, so that's why you haven't sent me away? You don't want people to learn about you and your son being freaks of nature?" I laughed slightly, more sarcasm then anything. Well, I still wasn't completely sure what had happened, but I knew now that some of the strange things I'd experienced weren't as unusual as I had thought before. Not that I was going to admit to my father that I didn't really have a grasp or control.

"And here, I thought you were going to make some false comment about not sending me away because of love. Pity. Well, at least I didn't really expect to hear it." I added and looked away. I was beginning to grow restless and agitated. I wanted to make certain that Lily was alright and I wanted to simply get away from my father. My hands clenched and unclenched at my sides and I stood to move and look out the window.

"Are you holding me? Or am I free to go?" I asked, my voice hardened as I restrained myself from giving into the urge of hitting the damned wall which would probably break my hand.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:03 pm
by Anna-Liisa

I sighed. He was being so calm. But I knew he was just as confused as I was when I find out. There was no way he could just think it was a joke or a trick.

"I'm not a freak" I said to him. "I only have these powers, otherwise I'm completely human. But that doesn't mean that you don't have any powers. You probably have" I continued.

Then he asked if he was free to go. I shook my head. He really didn't want to be around me. I wanted to talk to him. For real this time. He was the only one who knew about me having powers - well except Lily might know when I locked his handcuffs better. Even Max didn't know, I hadn't had a chance to tell him - but if Liz was the same as me, then he might already guess. Or then Lily'd tell him. Nah, not going to happen.

"You're free to go, but I'm not letting you out of this office until we talk about things" I said to James.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:30 pm
by StormWolfstone

I turned to look toward my father as he responded, "I'm not a freak. I only have these powers, otherwise I'm completely human. But that doesn't mean that you don't have any powers. You probably have."

Of course, that sounds really strange to me when he mentions being completely human other then the powers. Okay, so where do these freakish powers come from? Well, I'm not asking him just yet. I want to know that I will be free and not have to worry about going back to a cell first.

"You're free to go, but I'm not letting you out of this office until we talk about things," My father said and I sighed as I walked over and sat down across from him, glaring as I waited to hear whatever he had to say.

"Dad, why do you even want to bother talking to me about these things? I mean, you've got Mom and Marie.. I'm sure that mom would agree that it wouldn't be safe for your freak son to go somewhere where he just might lose control of these so-called powers." I knew that I probably sounded a bit bitter even if my tone was calm.

I also knew that I was being far more sarcastic and cold then I'd ever been toward my father. Normally, I was cruel because I'd tired of trying to make him proud of me by doing things he wanted me to do. "Not to mention, why would you worry about it now?"

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 1:01 pm
by Anna-Liisa

I sighed. James was just so...annoying. He had to be the opposite of me all the time. He never wanted to try and be...not rebel. I looked at him and shook my head.

"First of all your mother doesn't know about this. Marie doesn't know either, but I was thinking about talking to her too. And I want to talk about this now because I...I got these powers when I was at your age"

A lie. I got them when I was 25 or so. But James was going to be over 20 soon anyway. And move out of the house. I didn't want him to get caught by some FBI fellows because he'd accidently use powers.

"Why can't you just act normal around me?" I asked. The question just came and I didn't see a reason for stopping it.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:07 am
by StormWolfstone

"Normal?" I laugh sarcastically, "Dad, why should I? You haven't cared about what I did before, haven't cared about anything since I began showing that I wasn't going to be a jock like you were. As to those powers... dad, I could care less if I have some or not, or if I get them. I have been doing things on my own for some time. I don't need you." Okay, so maybe I was saying things I shouldn't. Maybe I was going too far, but since when did he show anything other then frustration towards me, even when I was trying to get approval from him.

I know that I am not the best person, I know I am not making things easy now. But, I'm not going too, not after having tried so long to get my parents to actually realize I wasn't going to be a puppet son.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:50 pm
by Loxyanissa14
OOC- Hey every one, I just wanted to get things going again.


I listen to Sabrina, she was right but now wasn't the time to talk about our alieness we needed to get home. I start the car and head towards our house. By the time we get there it was 1:00 in the morning. I climbed out of the car grabing Sabrina's guitar case from the back. I walk in the front door heading to Sabrina's room to put down her guitar.

Once I'm in my room I think about when Sabrina and I were younger. It seemed even though I was older than Amy, Lily and Sabrina I was always looking to Lily as if she was leader. When I was in trouble she always found a way to bail me out. Sure I gave her hell but when she needed me I was always there and vis versa. It still hadn't changed but now the troubles were larger.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 10:01 pm
by Athenea
ooc: I'm thinkin' Lilly and Amy share Liz's old room.


The next morning I wake up with the sun shining in my eyes. It feels like someone is shining a sun lamp inches from my face. I get up slowly and hold my aching head. God, I did not drink that much last night. What's with the killer hangover. Last night... I barely remember it. I remember getting a drink and dancing with James. James. Oh My God I had sex with James! He must think I am such a slut. What the hell was I thinking?

Then something else happened. Oh yeah I got arrested. But then Dad came and got me and I must have passed out on the way home. I look over at the bed next to mine. Amy must have gotten up before me because her bed is already made up. No surprise there. She usually gets up and helps Mom with the restaurant on Sunday mornings. Thank God I don't have to work today.

I walk into our bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I look like hell. Must have been a really rough night. I hop into the shower and wash my hair and then I put alot of body wash on a shower puff and run it over my body. I can't help but remember how James's hands had felt on me. Last night he had made it amazing.

I quickly turn the water to cold for a few minutes to reverse any thoughts of sex and get out of the shower freezing. I put on a pair of red panties with matching bra and slide into a pair of low cut jeans. I look through the closet for a shirt and decide on a blue tank top of Amy's that shows just enough cleavage to be sexy but not too much that I can't wear it in front of my Dad. I remember reading in Mom's journal that aliens can change the molecular structures of things and that gives me an idea. I wave my hand over the shirt and change the color to the same red as my bra and panties. I look at it amazed. My powers and progressing rather quickly and its a little scary. I guess I've always had them just never knew how to use them until now.

Oh I bet Dad is pissed at me still for getting locked up. At least Amy didn't get caught. I seem to remember that me and my Dad had an important conversation last night but I can't remember what it was about. I remember Dad carrying me to bed but right before that nothing. That's weird.

I bet I am going to be grounded for the rest of my miserable life. I open the door to my room and see my dad is in the living room reading the paper. "Good morning Daddy." I say coming up and giving him a good morning kiss on the cheek. "Mom and Amy downstairs working?" I don't know why I ask where Amy is. I know she is downstairs I can sence her. I guess its just habit that I ask. We've always tried to be non chalant about our twin connection since when we were little it seemed to freak people out. I guess we are even more of freaks now.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:45 am
by Anna-Liisa

I woke up in the next morning and looked at the clock. Ugh, too early for sunday morning. I looked over at Eileen and kissed her cheek.

"Good morning" I said to her. I felt a little quilty for leaving her alone so much. I had to be working last night too - I didn't want to remember the night at all - and now that it was sunday I was going give her my time.

"You stay in the bed. I'll come back soon" I said to her and got up.

Making breakfast for her was a way to say I'm sorry.



I read the paper and drank my coffee. It was early for a morning, but I still wanted to be the first one up. True, I wasn't good at cooking, but coffee was something I could do. I just needed to wait for breakfast while reading the newspaper. Hm...nothing interesting on sundays.

I heard footsteps and look at the kitchen door.

"Good morning Laura" I said to my daughter.

She wasn't usually up this early. Hmm.