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Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:04 pm
by isabelle

Liz smiles at me and I try to stay calm but I still feel scared. Scared of her and Max. “Zan… I’m going to the movies with Max… that’s it. Nothing more. It’s not even a real date. He asked me because he felt sorry for me, Zan. I know that’s why he did it. And… after what he did to you… I’m not even sure I want to be around him, but my word is important to me.”

I nod although I know it's not true. It's not because he feels sorry for her. He's loved her as long as I have and I know it but I can't tell LIz that. If she knows that it's serious -- but then, he's going to tell her when they're out, anyway, won't he?

She squeezes my hand as she goes on and I watch her eyes carefully. She says that breaking her date would be breaking her word and dishonoring herself. I don't see it that way. It's just a date, not a vow. Still, I know that Liz is a person of character. It's something I love about her and I don't want to change her -- or to make her make do things that she thinks will change her. The kiss she gives me next makes me feel a lot better.

“I want to be with you too, Zan. If I was some other girl, I wouldn’t have told you that there had even been plans with Max… if I didn’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t have been honest, I wouldn’t have had you in my apartment after the dancing… and I wouldn’t have gone out with you.

Please don’t ask me to become someone I’m not. Don’t make me choose between you and my honor.”

"I won't," I promise, although I'm still scared inside. What is he going to say to her when they're out together? Maybe he'll be tongue-tied and say nothing? Be a clumsy nervous fool? No. Maybe he would have before but now that he knows that Liz and I have gone out, I'm sure he'll be filled with energy. Will he be telling her terrible things about me? Will she believe him? I've not bad-mouthed Max at all -- I've just neglected to tell her how much he loves her, too. I never thought he'd ever act on his obsession and now I find out that he actually asked her first, even if Liz went out with me before that.

"Just remember that I love you," I say, holding Liz's hands in mine and meeting her eyes. I need her to believe that. I need her to hold that in her mind and her heart when she's with him. Then, another thought rescues me. Keeping her promises is important to her and well, she did already make another one to me.

"And we'll have dinner on Tuesday," I remind her. She won't break that date, right? For the same reasons that she insists on going out with Max. But I'll be seeing her often before that. I'll be in the Crash everyday so I can see her smile.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:42 pm
by StormWolfstone

"I won't," Zan promises and I can still see that he’s worried. I wish there was something I could do to help ease his mind, but I know that there’s nothing I can say at the moment that would completely ease his mind unless it was to say something about canceling my plans with Max. I can’t do that and part of me still wants to see what kind of difference there could be.

"Just remember that I love you," I find my eyes widening in surprise at hearing those words from Zan. My heart rate speeds but I’m not certain I’m quite ready to think on that level with my own emotions. His hands hold mine and he’s looking in my eyes, my mind races as I try to think about how to react. I don’t want to say anything without meaning it. And love? I know I care very deeply for Zan, but I don’t know if it’s love.

"And we'll have dinner on Tuesday," Zan says and I nod, my smile widening.

“Yes, we will. I’ve already been thinking about what I’ll make for dinner that night.” I reply, hoping that I don’t hurt Zan by not making any sort of admissions of love. I just don’t want to let things get that far unless I’m certain. “I really need to get back to work, though I really don’t want to.” I tell him, lifting his hands and pressing my lips against his knuckles and keeping my gaze on him. Then, I lower my lips to his gently, making certain that I’m careful because I know he has injuries.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:28 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I can feel Maria's reactions get more and more frantic as her grip on me tightens, and it's hard for me to even keep a grip on reality. If you'd told me a few days ago that this would be happening right now, I probably would have laughed in your face for hours. But the look of pleasure on her face is definitely real, and so is the call of “Michael!” that she lets out seconds later, throwing her head back as her nails practically dig holes in my arms.

Pressing my lips to hers, I silence her with a passionate kiss, never wanting it to end, and only break off when air is absolutely necessary. I never would have thought I'd hear my name on her lips like that. This goes to show how absolutely unreal this situation seems. I hit that spot, the one that caused her to say my name, once again, and again just the look on her face makes my pants impossibly even more tight, as I try to regulate my breathing.

ooc: sorry if this sucks, for the longest time i lost my muse. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:21 am
by isabelle

Liz seems to tense at my words. Only then do I realize what I said. The 'L' word. Love. ... Well, it's true. I do love her. I've loved her for years. I wrote songs about her. I'm not going to take it back. If she hadn't figured out yet how much I feel then maybe she will now. Maybe it will keep her from falling into Max's arms... Or maybe I've driven her into them by saying things too soon. Damn. Maybe I should have just asked her to remember that he's the kind of jerk that would hit his brother -- but it was over her and that could make her think too much about why he felt so strongly about it. I grit my teeth, not sure what to say.

Thankfully, she doesn't respond to that. I didn't expect her to return the words but at least she didn't turn red or hit me or immediately tell me that it's wrong or anything. Maybe that's a start.

“Yes, we will. I’ve already been thinking about what I’ll make for dinner that night.” she says, refering to dinner on Tuesday. She'd already said that. Maybe she's as nervous as I am. “I really need to get back to work, though I really don’t want to.” she adds. She's said that before, too, and I feel my smile coming back.

"I suppose I have no choice but to let you go," I say, getting to my feet while really wishing she could stay here with me. I know she needs this job and I can't jeopardize it. I put my hands on either side of her perfect face and draw her close.

"I'll be thinking of you," I promise. Then I lean forward and give her a soft, romantic kiss.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:06 pm
by StormWolfstone

Zan smiles and I feel some ease seeping through me. I'd hoped my lack of reply to his words of love wouldn't cause him to think less of me. "I suppose I have no choice but to let you go," he says and stands while I follow suit. I can't keep from looking at him as he places his hands on my cheeks and draws me closer. I don't mind the fact that he wants me close and I simply gaze into his eyes. I trust him. Strangely enough, I trust him in a way I've never trusted another guy. Before last night, I couldn't have said that though.

"I'll be thinking of you," I can hear the depth of the promise in his voice and I can see in his eyes that he's being sincere. When his lips touch mine, I find myself closing my eyes and lifting my arms up to wrap lightly around his neck while I respond. His kiss is so soft and gentle, so full of emotion that I can feel myself melt, wishing that it wouldn't have to end.

I didn't know whether I wanted to smack Kyle at that moment or to give him a hug in thanks for letting Zan know I had a break left. After letting the kiss last as long as I dared, before I let myself become lost to other things that began to run through my mind, I drew back only slightly as I breathed, "I'll be thinking of you too, Zan." I kissed his cheeks gently before saying gently, "I wish I could take away the pain that your eye must be causing."

Before I lose my resolve, I forced myself to step back away from his reach even though I felt regret which I'm sure showed in my eyes. I didn't want to go back to work at the moment. I wanted to experience the feeling of being alive that Zan had given to me starting last night. "I know I'll see you before Tuesday's dinner. I don't expect you to stay away." I attempt a bold wink but I'm not sure how well it came off as I move over to pick up my order book.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:32 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:14 pm
by isabelle

That kiss was enough to make me forget everything. Liz mentions the pain of my eye but frankly, I wasn't even feeling it just then. All I was feeling was how wonderful it was to have her with me -- and some trace jealousy about her being with Max on a date later. I hope the kiss was as good for her as it was for me. Maybe then she'll remember it and she'll stay clear of Max's greedy hands.

"You already have," I manage to say although my voice is barely more than a reverant whisper.

"I know I'll see you before Tuesday's dinner. I don't expect you to stay away."
Liz says with a smile, and an awkward looking wink.

I smile at her, enjoying the intent of her wink, rather than laughing at it's execution. "You can count on it," I say, warmly.

She picks up her order book and it's all I can do to keep from stopping her with a second kiss. Although, since Kyle sent her back here, it would be rather hypocritical if he got upset with her for being a few seconds late.

I step closer to Liz and touch her upper arm, just where the edge of her uniform sleeve is. Then I run my fingers down her arm, gently catching her fingers for a lingering moment. Then I raise her hand up, kissing it gently. Then, with my own attempt at a wink, I push through the swinging door and head back to my seat with a smile about a mile wide on my face.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:53 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: I apologize for the delay in response. It's been an interesting new year to say the least. I hope this post works. If not just let me know and I'll edit.


So leave it to me to go and mess everything up. Here I am in throes of heated passion with most definitely the hottest guy in school when it hits me like a tidal wave. This overwhelming feeling of fear and self doubt takes over my senses. Where is this coming from? I have never had a problem with confidence. In fact on normal occasions I have quite an abundance of self assurance. Perhaps too much to be perfectly honest.

Still why the sudden change in perspective? Maybe because it matters now. Okay… It’s not a big stretch to say that my peers consider me to be… um how shall I word this delicately? Friendly. That’s not to say that I am a whore or anything I have just never felt the need to hide my electric sexuality. Actually I am quite proud of it.

Although it is in times like this that I wish I would have waited. For the right guy, time, and place. So I’ve got the perfect man and the timing couldn’t be better it’s just the place I am having issues with. Oh well. I believe it was The Eagles who said ‘Two out of Three Ain’t Bad’.

I try to force myself back to the lusty event at hand but find myself be pulled back into deep thought mode. Am I being fair to him? In the beginning I didn’t think my little tryst with his brother mattered in the grand scheme of things but can I honestly I commit this act with him not knowing the truth. ‘It will hurt him.’ My self conscious argues with me. ‘He doesn’t need to know what’s gone down in the past. It will only upset him.’ Something doesn’t feel right. That’s when I realize the problem.

I want to have a serious relationship. Wow, I didn’t even choke on the R word. I want it to be with him ,but I can’t go into one with secrets between us. What if I lose him? I swallow harshly and conjure up all the courage I can muster. Here goes everything “Michael we need to talk.” I begin while slightly pushing him away.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:41 pm
by StormWolfstone

"You can count on it," Zan says and I smile as he steps closer to me and slowly his fingers trail down my arm, catching my hand which he raises to his lips. The gentle kiss on my knuckles makes me feel as though my legs are going weak.

He winks at me before moving through the doors to head back into the front. The only thing I can do is watch him as I draw in a deep breath and smile to myself. Drawing in another breath, I force my feet to move and walk out into the front, passing Kyle as I say, "I'm back." Then, without waisting a moment, I go to my section and begin taking orders, my gaze going to Zan often.

I already wish it was Tuesday. I can hardly believe how much I wanted to spend my time with him and how much I already felt close to him. Yet, I also know that I have the plans with Max and I'm not going to back out. As much as I'm interested in Zan, I've spent years feeling torn because my interest was in both of them. I spent the entire time thinking that there was no way either of them would want anything to do with me.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:23 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I'm getting more heated and, trying to focus on what's going on around me, when Maria suddenly backs off, and gives me that serious face I've only seen on her once or twice before. “Michael we need to talk.” Well that's a buzz kill.

From her face, she obviously regrets it. Great, now I'm going to look like a complete idiot for even thinking it was going anywhere. Sitting back in the seat, I move my hands up to her waist and push her back enough to try to make myself comfortable without seeming to obnoxious. The look on her face has brought my back to this world practically immediately. Suffice to say I'm no longer 'in the mood.'

"About what?" I question, popping a window open a crack to let some fresh air in. It's surprising how little oxygen you need when you aren't thinking about it.