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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 187 Pg19 8/4/15

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:38 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 188

Liz, Ava and Serena looked worried about Cal. They never saw Cal like this before. Liz reached out to touch Cal on the head when Cal grabbed Liz by the arm. Liz turned and saw Cal looking at Liz.

“Are you serious?” Cal asked.

“About what?” Liz asked.

“About being an uncle again. Were you serious?” Cal asked.

“It could happen. I don't know if it would or wouldn't,” Liz said.

“Don't scare me like that again,” Cal said.

“OK. I promise,” Liz said.

“Here lets help you up,” Larek and Greg said as they helped Cal stand.

Larek and Greg walked Cal to the bar stool and sat him down. After they set Cal down everyone turned and looked at each other then Cal.

“Cal are you OK?” Liz asked.

“I'm fine. I was just shocked,” Cal said.

“So what are we up to now?” Liz asked.

“You guys realize Larek and I are going to be wed really soon right? Serena asked.

Yes we know you are going to be getting married. We already have the wedding set. All you both have to do is say when,” Ava and Liz said.

“Thanks,” Serena said.

“Yeah yeah,” Liz, Ava said.

“What is with the yeah yeah?” Greg asked.

“We are going crazy with the wedding,” Ava said.

“OK. You know Liz told us about Michael calling Isabel being the Christmas Nazi?” Ava asked.

“Yeah. What about it?” Greg and Cal asked.

“Well Serena is the wedding Nazi. She wants everything set perfect, perfect music, perfect flowers, everything has to be set and ready just right or she will go ballistic,” Ava said.

“Oh boy,” Greg and Cal said.

“Yeah, just wait she will have things for you to do too,” Ava said.

Right at that moment Serena walked up to Cal, Liz, Greg and Ava.

“Cal here is a list for you and Greg to do before the wedding. Please get start on the list? Thank you!” Serena said before walking away.

Liz and Ava watched as Cal and Greg looked down at the list with their mouths hanging open. A few seconds later Cal and Greg looked up and looked at Ava and Liz.

“What is wrong?” Liz asked.

“Serena just gave us a list of 50 things to do from now I guess till the wedding,” Greg said.

“Told you,” Liz and Ava said.

“Liz was your wedding like this?” Greg asked.

“No Max and I eloped on Graduation night. And the wedding on Antar everything was done without us knowing,” Liz said.

“I think if I get married the girl and I are going to elope,” Greg said.

“Good luck with that Greg,” Liz said.

“What is that suppose to mean?” Greg asked.

“Oh nothing,” Liz said with a smile on her face.

Greg turned and saw Cal and Ava looking at him.

“OK. Do you know what she was talking about and smiling about?” Greg asked.

“Greg Liz sometimes can see things that are to come. That is why Liz said good luck with that and smiled,” Cal said.

“Oh,” Greg said.

“Greg, are you OK?” Ava asked.

“I'm still trying to get use to all of this,” Greg said.

“Don't worry you will get use to it soon. I'm still trying to get use to Liz, Serena, Ava, and Michael being my family,” Cal said.

“How is that going for you?” Greg asked.

Cal turned and looked at Greg and rolled his eyes.

“That good huh?” Greg asked.

“No it is not good. The girls are starting to drive me crazy. I don't know how Max and the guys handle the girls,” Cal said.

“You may have to ask them,” Greg said.

“Yeah I may have to do that,” Cal said.

That is when the TV went black. Max, parents and friends looked at each other then turned and looked at the TV.

Max, parents and friends saw a bedroom. They watched as whoever was holding the camera walked up to the bed and looked down at the person. When the camera looked down Max, parents and friends saw Liz was sleeping.

“Liz wakey wakey. It is a brand new day and we have a lot to do today,” ladies voices said.

Max, parents and friends watched as Liz moved but didn't get up. Then they watched as the person started to shake Liz awake.

“Come on Liz you need to get up,” ladies voices said again.

Max and everyone watched as Liz turned and flipped off the camera. Then Liz turned and pulled the covers over her head and tried to get back to sleep.

“How rude. Lizzie, come on wake up. Or I'll jump on the bed,” ladies Voices said.

“Leave me alone. I'm tired,” Liz said.

“That is so it,” ladies voices said.

Serena and Ava stood up and started to jump on the bed. As they were jumping Liz tried to push them off the bed. But it was no luck they just kept jumping. A few seconds later Liz sat up in bed and looked at Ava and Serena. Ava and Serena stopped jumping on the bed and sat in front of Liz looking at her.

“What do you girls want? It's 6 in the morning,” Liz asked.

“Lizzie my wedding is days away and I need you and Ava to help me make sure everything is ready and set,” Serena said.

“OK. I have a question. Why did you wake me up so early?” Liz asked.

Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 188 Pg19 8/6/15

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 12:10 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 189

“The reason why I woke you up so early is because we have a lot to do. So come on wake up and get dressed,” Serena asked.

“Who else is up this early in the morning?” Liz asked.

“Oh that is easy. You, me, Ava, Larek and Greg,” Serena said.

“What about Cal?” Liz asked.

“He went home. I have been calling him since before I woke you up. So come on we need to go get Cal and then plan what is left for the wedding,” Serena said before walking out of the bed room.

Liz turned and looked at Ava. Ava just smiled at Liz.

“Why is she doing this?” Liz asked.

“Because she wants her wedding to be perfect. And we are all trying,” Ava said.

“Oh god. I am so glad Max and I eloped. I don't think I could handle all of this,” Liz said.

“No. I don't think you would be able to either. You better get dressed before she comes back,” Ava said

“Yeah I better,” Liz said.

Liz got out of bed and walked to her closet. She opened the closet and started to look for something to wear. A few minutes later Liz found a black knee length skirt and a black and white layered t-shirt to wear. After Liz got her clothes she walked to her dresser and grabbed her undergarments and walked out of the room to the bathroom. Liz walked into the bathroom and shut the door. A few minutes Liz walked out wearing a black knee length skirt with a black and white layered t-shirt. She walked into her room and went and sat down on bed. Liz reached under the bed and grabbed her black sandals and put them on. After she got her shoes on Liz walked up to the mirror and waved her hand over her face and had her make up on. Then Liz put on her jewelry. When Liz was ready she walked out of her room and walked out of the apartment. Liz walked down the hallway and down the steps to the bar. When Liz walked down the stairs she saw Cal, Ava, Greg and Larek sitting at the bar. Liz walked up to the bar and sat next to cal. She turned and looked at Cal.

“Cal was she like this in our past lives too?” Liz asked.

“Do you really want to know?” Cal asked.

“Please tell me the truth?” Liz asked.

Cal turned and looked at Liz. When Cal looked at Liz he saw she was tried and frustrated.

“OK. Just between us yes Serena was like this in our past lives. It seems to be getting worse now," Cal said.

“Thank you for telling me,” Liz said.

A few minutes later Serena walked up to Liz, Cal, Ava, Greg and Larek. They turned and saw Serena standing in front of them.

“OK. So is everyone ready for the wedding plans?” Serena asked.

“Serena if you ever wake me up like you did this morning. I will make you pay got me?” Liz asked.

“Yes. I understand,” Serena said.

“Good. Yes we are all ready to help. But if you do anything that we think is dumb we're going to tell you and we will stop. Do you get that?” Liz asked.

“Yes,” Serena said.

“Good,” Liz said.

“OK Liz and Ava here is your list,” Serena said as she handed Liz and Ava a piece of paper.

Liz and Ava looked down and saw what was on the list. As they looked at the list their mouths dropped open. Ava and Liz looked at each other then looked at Serena.

“Serena question when are you and Larek getting married again?” Liz asked.

“Well I was hoping for Christmas Eve wedding,” Serena said.

That is 2 months away. All we have are our dresses. The guys have their tuxes. How are we supposed to get everything for the wedding?” Liz asked.

“Well that is why I'm trying now while thing are calm. Before the craziness with Senior Rath, Nasedo, Kivar and men come and screw everything up,” Serena said.

“Do you really think we can with everything going on?” Larek asked.

“Yes. I really think so. So what does everyone say?” Serena asked.

“Fine we will do it,” Everyone said.

“Good. Then let’s get started. Here Cal, Larek and Greg here is your list,” Serena said as she handed them the list.

As Cal, Greg and Larek looked at the list their mouths dropped opened. Then they looked at Serena in shock. Liz and Ava noticed the look on the guy’s faces and realized that the guys just got a shock. Liz and Ava turned and looked at each other then turned and notice the guys still have shocked looks on their faces.

“Greg, are you, Cal and Larek OK?” Liz asked.

“Oh um we are fine,” Greg said.

“Greg you, Cal and Larek need to breathe please?” Ava asked.

“Yeah your right breath,” Cal said.

“Are you both sure you’re OK?” Liz asked.

“Yeah we are fine,” Larek said.

“Greg when is the club suppose to be open?” Ava asked.

“Tomorrow night. Why?” Greg asked.

“That is when Liz should make her it her show night. What do you think?” Ava asked.

“Maybe. But it is rally up to Liz if she wants to sing or nor,” Greg said.

“Oh you’re no fun,” Ava said.

Liz and everyone turned and looked at Serena. Serena looked at everyone and smiled.

“OK. Everyone let’s get things started,” Serena said.

“Is she serious?” Greg asked as he looked at Liz and Ava.

“Oh yeah, She is very serious about her wedding,” Liz and Ava said.

“Oh god what did we all agree too?” Greg asked.

“We all agreed to help Serena have her dream wedding in 2 months,” Cal said.

“Who is supposed to pay for everything she wants?” Greg asked.

Everyone turned and looked at Cal. Cal had a whatever look on his face.

“Wait so Cal is supposed to pay for everything?” Greg asked.

Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 189 Pg20 8/9/15

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:27 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 190

“Yes I am supposed to pay for her wedding,” Cal said.

“I hope this wedding comes quick. Because if it doesn't I'm going to tie Serena up somewhere,” Greg said.

“You wouldn't do that. Would you?” Ava and Liz asked.

“If she pushes me you will find out,” Greg said.

Right at that moment Serena walked up to everyone. Liz and the others looked up and saw Serena standing in front of them looking a little upset.

“Are all of you going to get up or are all of you going to just sit there?” Serena asked.

“We are going,” Ava said as she grabbed Liz and ran.

Serena then turned and looked at the guys.

“We're going,” Greg, Cal and Larek said as the stood up and walked away.

Serena turned and watched as everyone left the club. Serena smiled then she walked out the door. After everyone was gone Milly and the Queen appeared and waved their hands over the club and had everything decorated. Milly and queen had Pink, red and white roses garlands all wrapped around the polls. Then they put the garland around the stage as boarder. After that Milly and Queen put garland put the rose garlands on the hand rail of the steps and railing on top if the steps. After they were finished with that Milly and the queen put white table cloths on all the tables with a middle size vase with a white candle on them. After the tables were set Milly and Queen put a table cloth over the bar with 4 white long candles in the middle. Then they put a red, white, pink garland around the bar, door and the top of the stage curtain. After everything was set up Queen and Milly both looked at each other and smiled. Then they disappeared.

A few hours later Liz, Ava and others walked in and saw that everything was set up for the wedding. Serena's mouth dropped as she looked surprised to see everything set up. Serena turned and looked at Liz and the others.

“Did you guys do all of this?” Serena asked.

“No. We didn't. We all got here at the same time. Who do you think did this?” Greg asked.

“I don't know. But whoever did this. Did a great job,” Ava, Liz said.

“Cal do you know who did this?” Serena asked.

“No I don't. But I agree with the girls,” Cal said.

“Should we leave it like this or should we put it up till the wedding?” Larek asked.

“No I don't want to leave it out so it could get messed up. Let’s put it in the office till it is time for the wedding,” Serena said.

“Wait you didn't ask me first,” Greg said.

Serena turned and looked at Greg.

“Greg can we please put all of this in your office till the wedding?” Serena asked.

“Yes you may. How are we going to get all of this into my office though?” Greg asked.

“Like this,” Serena said as she waved and snapped her finger.

Liz, Ava and everyone watched as everything disappeared. They all turned and looked at Serena.

“Where did all of it go?” Greg asked.

“Go check your office,” Serena said.

Liz, Larek, Ava and Serena had smiles on their faces as Greg walked down the hallway and walked into his office. When Greg walked into his office he saw everything was folded and put up. Greg walked out of the office and walked up to Serena and the others.

“Well?” Cal asked.

“Everything is folded and put up all nice and neat,” Greg said.

“Good,” Cal said.

“What do we do now?” Larek asked.

“Well I know I want you to practice your powers and fight skills just in case,” Cal said.

“I say OK,” Ava, Liz and Serena said at the same time.

“What about you Greg and Larek?” Cal asked.

“What about Ricky?” Greg asked.

“Where is Ricky by the way?” Liz asked.

“I sent him to school. He should be coming home in about 2 hours from now,” Greg said.

“So do you want to practice till then?” Cal asked.

“Sure. Why not?” Greg said.

“What are we going to do after Ricky gets home?” Ava asked.

“Well Ricky is going to be doing his home work then he can practice his powers with Greg, Liz, and Ava. Is that OK with everyone?” Cal asked.

“Yes that will be fine,” Everyone agreed.

“Good. Then go change and get ready to practice your powers and fighting skills,” Cal said.

“Yes Uncle Cal,” Everyone said at once.

Cal rolled his eyes as he watched Liz and the others go up stairs. After they went up stairs Cal went to sit at the bar. A few minutes later Liz walked down stairs wearing black short shorts with a black tank top on. Liz walked up to Cal and sat next to him. Cal turned and looked at Liz.

“What is going on?” Cal asked.

“Do you think Max, Michael and the others will find us?” Liz asked.

“Do you want the truth?” Cal asked.

“Yes,” Liz asked.

“You know they will find us,” Cal said.

“But how will they find us before Senior Rath, Nasedo, Kivar and men do?” Liz asked.

“That is the easy part. You see Max, Isabel, Michael have bonded with you. Somehow you all trust each other with your lives and that is how you bonded. And you have to realize Max is your husband you bonded with him when you slept together. And with Michael you bonded with him by trust, a brother and sister kind of bond,” Cal said.

“I... I did?” Liz asked.

“Yes you did. And just between us I think it is a good thing,” Cal said.

“Really?” Liz asked.

“Yes really,” Cal said.

That is where the DVD ended. As it ended Max and everyone looked at each other.

“Wow,” Maria and Tess said.

“Do you think it is true?” Isabel asked.

Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 190 Pg20 8/12/15

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:34 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 191

“It has to be if we can talk to her in our heads,” Maria said.

“You know I think it is weird that Cal is an uncle to Liz, Michael, Serena, Ava and Tess,” Alex said.

When Maria turned to look at Max she saw him looking at the TV.

“Max I thought you said Cal was an asshole,” Maria said.

“He was with me. But I guess with family he is different,” Max said.

Everyone watched as Max stood up and walked up to the box. He reached in and grabbed another DVD. Max walked up to the DVD Player and took out the DVD and put another DVD in. After the DVD was in Max pushed the play button before sitting down. The TV screen was black then you saw bar counter with stools in front of it. Then they saw Liz and Ava sitting on the stools. They smiled at each other then turned and looked at the video camera.

“We wanted you both to be part of something,” Liz said.

“But we didn't know how to do it. So since we could not come up with away. We thought we could surprise you with a sort of gift,” Ava said.

Liz turned and looked at Ava with a shocked look on her face.

“Did you just say that to our family?” Liz asked.

“Yeah so?” Ava asked.

“Oh brother,” Liz said rolling her eyes.

“What?” Ava asked.

“Nothing. Let’s just do this before Serena and Larek find out,” Liz said.

“True. Here is something we wanted you to be a part of even though you were not here with us,” Ava said.

“We hope everyone will like the surprise,” Liz said.

The TV screen went black. As the TV screen went black Max and others looked at each other then looked back at the TV. When they looked at the TV they saw the club was ready for a wedding. Max and everyone saw there was red, white and pink rose garland around the bar, poles, bar counter, stage curtain rod. The tables all had white table cloths and white candles in glass jars. Then they saw Larek, Cal and Greg dressed in black suits with white roses on them. Next to Larek was a preacher who was smiling, talking and looking around.

A few minutes later:
Everyone sat down and waited for the music to start. A few minutes later Max and everyone watched as Liz walked up the aisle dressed in a white spaghetti strap knee length dress with small red, pink roses all over it. Liz walked up on the stage and stood off to the side. A few seconds later they saw Ava stuck her head out and nod to Liz. Then they heard music started to play. As the music began to play Liz started to sing as Cal and Serena walked up the aisle.

"A Thousand Years by Christina Perri”

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

At the end of the song Cal and Serena stood in front of the preacher. While Larek walked up and stood next to Cal.

“Who gives this woman to this Man?” Preacher asked.

“Her sister and I do,” Cal said.

Cal and Larek turned to look at each other and they shook hands. After they shook hands Cal took a step back and walked back to his chair. Larek and Serena took 2 steps towards the preacher while Liz and Ava stood 3 steps behind them.

“We are gathered here to witness the Marriage of Larek Langley and Serena Parker. Does anyone know why these 2 should not be married speak now or forever hold your piece.

No one said a word. So the preacher talked.

“Do you Larek take Serena to be your wife through sickness and health, richer and poorer till death do you part. Do you promise to always love her, be faithful and to cherish her? Do you promise to be there for each other no matter what happens? Do you promise to always find each other in each life you live and to always love each other always and forever?” Preacher asked.

“I do,” Larek said as he put a gold wedding band with diamonds on Serena's finger.

“Do you Serena take Larek to be your husband through sickness and health, richer and poorer till death do you part? Do you promise to always love him, be faithful and to cherish him? Do you promise to be there for each other no matter what happens? Do you promise to always find each other in each life you live and to always love each other always and forever?” Preacher asked.

“I do,” Serena said as she put a gold wedding band on Larek finger.

“You may now kiss the bride,” Preacher said.

Larek and Serena both leaned and kissed. While they were kissing everyone was clapping and cheering for the couple.

“Now may I pronounce to all of you Mr. and Mrs. Larek Langley,” Preacher said.

Larek and Serena smiled then they walked up the aisle. After they walked up the aisle then Liz, Cal and Ricky walked up the ail laughing. Then finally Greg and Ava walked up the aisle.

The TV screen turned black for a few seconds then they saw the people in the club partying and laughing. They saw Liz and Ava sitting at the bar counter ordering drinks.

“So are you ready to sing?” Ava asked.

“Not really. But I promised Serena I would. I wish Maria and Alex were here. They know how to handle of this. I feel like I'm going to be sick,” Liz said.

“Liz it is just your nerves. You need to calm down. Here drink this maybe it will help you,” Ava said handing here a wine glass of something.

Liz took the drink and finished it in a few seconds. After Liz drank whatever Ava gave her. Liz realized what she just drank. When Liz turned to look at Ava she saw Ava looking at her.

“What's wrong?” Ava asked.

“Ava what did you just give me to drink?” Liz asked.

Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 190 Pg20 8/12/15

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:34 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 191

“It has to be if we can talk to her in our heads,” Maria said.

“You know I think it is weird that Cal is an uncle to Liz, Michael, Serena, Ava and Tess,” Alex said.

When Maria turned to look at Max she saw him looking at the TV.

“Max I thought you said Cal was an asshole,” Maria said.

“He was with me. But I guess with family he is different,” Max said.

Everyone watched as Max stood up and walked up to the box. He reached in and grabbed another DVD. Max walked up to the DVD Player and took out the DVD and put another DVD in. After the DVD was in Max pushed the play button before sitting down. The TV screen was black then you saw bar counter with stools in front of it. Then they saw Liz and Ava sitting on the stools. They smiled at each other then turned and looked at the video camera.

“We wanted you both to be part of something,” Liz said.

“But we didn't know how to do it. So since we could not come up with away. We thought we could surprise you with a sort of gift,” Ava said.

Liz turned and looked at Ava with a shocked look on her face.

“Did you just say that to our family?” Liz asked.

“Yeah so?” Ava asked.

“Oh brother,” Liz said rolling her eyes.

“What?” Ava asked.

“Nothing. Let’s just do this before Serena and Larek find out,” Liz said.

“True. Here is something we wanted you to be a part of even though you were not here with us,” Ava said.

“We hope everyone will like the surprise,” Liz said.

The TV screen went black. As the TV screen went black Max and others looked at each other then looked back at the TV. When they looked at the TV they saw the club was ready for a wedding. Max and everyone saw there was red, white and pink rose garland around the bar, poles, bar counter, stage curtain rod. The tables all had white table cloths and white candles in glass jars. Then they saw Larek, Cal and Greg dressed in black suits with white roses on them. Next to Larek was a preacher who was smiling, talking and looking around.

A few minutes later:
Everyone sat down and waited for the music to start. A few minutes later Max and everyone watched as Liz walked up the aisle dressed in a white spaghetti strap knee length dress with small red, pink roses all over it. Liz walked up on the stage and stood off to the side. A few seconds later they saw Ava stuck her head out and nod to Liz. Then they heard music started to play. As the music began to play Liz started to sing as Cal and Serena walked up the aisle.

"A Thousand Years by Christina Perri”

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

At the end of the song Cal and Serena stood in front of the preacher. While Larek walked up and stood next to Cal.

“Who gives this woman to this Man?” Preacher asked.

“Her sister and I do,” Cal said.

Cal and Larek turned to look at each other and they shook hands. After they shook hands Cal took a step back and walked back to his chair. Larek and Serena took 2 steps towards the preacher while Liz and Ava stood 3 steps behind them.

“We are gathered here to witness the Marriage of Larek Langley and Serena Parker. Does anyone know why these 2 should not be married speak now or forever hold your piece.

No one said a word. So the preacher talked.

“Do you Larek take Serena to be your wife through sickness and health, richer and poorer till death do you part. Do you promise to always love her, be faithful and to cherish her? Do you promise to be there for each other no matter what happens? Do you promise to always find each other in each life you live and to always love each other always and forever?” Preacher asked.

“I do,” Larek said as he put a gold wedding band with diamonds on Serena's finger.

“Do you Serena take Larek to be your husband through sickness and health, richer and poorer till death do you part? Do you promise to always love him, be faithful and to cherish him? Do you promise to be there for each other no matter what happens? Do you promise to always find each other in each life you live and to always love each other always and forever?” Preacher asked.

“I do,” Serena said as she put a gold wedding band on Larek finger.

“You may now kiss the bride,” Preacher said.

Larek and Serena both leaned and kissed. While they were kissing everyone was clapping and cheering for the couple.

“Now may I pronounce to all of you Mr. and Mrs. Larek Langley,” Preacher said.

Larek and Serena smiled then they walked up the aisle. After they walked up the aisle then Liz, Cal and Ricky walked up the ail laughing. Then finally Greg and Ava walked up the aisle.

The TV screen turned black for a few seconds then they saw the people in the club partying and laughing. They saw Liz and Ava sitting at the bar counter ordering drinks.

“So are you ready to sing?” Ava asked.

“Not really. But I promised Serena I would. I wish Maria and Alex were here. They know how to handle of this. I feel like I'm going to be sick,” Liz said.

“Liz it is just your nerves. You need to calm down. Here drink this maybe it will help you,” Ava said handing here a wine glass of something.

Liz took the drink and finished it in a few seconds. After Liz drank whatever Ava gave her. Liz realized what she just drank. When Liz turned to look at Ava she saw Ava looking at her.

“What's wrong?” Ava asked.

“Ava what did you just give me to drink?” Liz asked.

Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 191 Pg20 8/14/15

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:53 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 192

“Why?” Ava asked.

“Ava just please tell me what I just drank?” Liz asked.

“I gave you a wine glass of Tequila. Why what is wrong?” Ava asked.

“Oh god,” Liz said.

“Liz what is it? What is wrong?” Ava asked.

“Ava I have not had a drink since I felt Max die when I was in an all girl's school,” Liz said.

“What? When was that?” Ava asked.

“It was our junior year in high school. Things were not going good between Max and me at the time. I left to go to an all girl school. Maria comes and stays with me for awhile I get plastered off the hidden bar. And that is when I felt Max die. I didn't know how or what happened. But anyway no one was at the school when I went for a walk. I slip on ice and next thing I know I see Max standing in front of me. I kept say he is not real. Then I felt him and he was real. I kiss him and we both fell back. Then I see him run off.
The next thing I know is I'm in my room and Maria is helping me,” Liz said.

“What happened next?” Ava asked.

“We make a promise. Then after that I went to take a shower. A few seconds later I walk in and saw Max there and Maria passed out on the bed. I start to run. I'm running down the hall and up the stairs. I'm standing in the attic. Me and Max have a talk. Max tells me to kill him. I couldn't do it. The next thing I know we both go out the window and we're falling to the ground. I don't how or what Max's shield is under me while he falls to the ground. Then I fall. I crawl over to Max and turn him to look at me. When I turned him I leaned in and kissed him. After I kissed him I pulled back and saw an old man then I saw Max he was alive and well. I helped him sit up and that is was when Maria came up to us and I told them lets go home. And we did,” Liz said.

“Wow all that happened?” Ava asked.

“Yes it really did. I promised myself I will never get that drunk again,” Liz said.

“Liz it was just a glass. How bad can it get?” Ava asked.

“I don't know. And that is what is making me worry,” Liz said.

“Liz I promise if anything happens I will have you leave,” Ava said.

“Whatever,” Liz said.

Serena, Larek and Cal walked up to Liz and Ava. Liz and Ava turned and saw Serena, Larek and Cal standing in front of them.

“Cal question do you know what happens when we get drunk? Or say Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess get drunk?” Liz asked.

“Well if you, Larek, Serena and Ava get drunk you lose you will. And if Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess get drunk they get fevers, sweating, seeing things not there. Why are you asking?” Cal asked.

“Cal what do you mean we lose our will?” Liz asked.

“You do crazy, stupid, dangerous things. You do things that you normally would not do,” Cal said.

“Oh,” Liz said.

“Why are you asking?” Cal said.

“Because I was just wondering is all,” Liz said.

Then TV screen went black. Max, Parents and friends all looked at each other. They didn't know what to say or what to do. They were surprised and shocked at what they saw happened. When they looked at the TV screen they see a bedroom. Then they see someone sit down. When the person sat down they saw Liz looking at them.

“Well that was a moment I wanted all of you to see. And I thought Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess should know what happens when you drink. I'm sorry. God this hard. I miss all of you. Everything is so crazy here. We have been practicing every day now. I'm getting really good at calling on my powers, shooting a gun, karate, boxing, stick fighting, sward fighting. Which is kind of a surprise to me? Oh I also wanted to let you know you won't be seeing Serena and Larek a lot in the DVD's. The reason why is because they went to Cal's house for a honeymoon. But anyway. I wanted to let you know as you are watching the DVD'S there are hints where we are. Don't worry I left you some things in the last DVD'S to help you. Love you all and miss all of you!” Liz said as she waved and smiled.

The TV screen went black. Then a few seconds later Liz and Ava were sitting on the bar counter when little Ricky ran up to them. Liz bent down and picked Ricky up and sat him down between her and Ava.

“Aunty Liz, guess what?” Ricky asked.

“Um you’re a movie star,” Liz said.

“No,” Ricky said.

“You’re married with kids,” Liz said.

“No,” Ricky said.

“I don't know what?” Liz asked.

“The teacher said that I did really good on my test and I might be able to skip a grade,” Ricky said.

“Wow that is so great. What does your dad say?” Liz asked.

“I don't. Look there he is,” Ricky said.

Ava, Ricky and Liz turned and saw Greg walking up to them out of breath.

“What happened to you?” Liz asked.

“I forgot how fast little man he could run,” Greg said.

“Are you OK?” Ava asked.

"I'm fine. I'm just trying to calm down a little,” Greg said.

Liz looked down at Ricky and saw him looking at her.

“Ricky sweetie you need to stop doing that. You need to stay with your father, Ava, Cal, Serena, Larek and I. We don't want anything to happen to you. You need to always stay with us promise?” Liz asked.

“I promise aunty,” Ricky said.

“Good. Now you better sit down at a table and do your homework OK,” Liz said.

“Yes aunty,” Ricky said.

Greg picked up Ricky and set him down on the floor. They watched as Ricky sat at the table across from them and started to do his home work. Greg turned and looked at Liz and Ava. He saw they were looking at him.

“How did you do that?” Greg asked.

“Do what?” Liz asked.

“How do you, Ava and Serena know how to get Ricky to do his homework?” Greg asked.

“All we did was tell him if he did his homework he could play. Why?” Liz asked.

“I'm just surprised is all,” Greg said.

“So is it true he might be skipping a grade?” Ava and Liz asked.

“Yeah it is true,” Greg said.

“Are you going to let him do that? Or are you going to keep him in the grade he is in?” Liz asked.

Liz, Greg and Ava turned and looked at Ricky who was doing his homework. Greg turned and looked at Liz and Ava.

Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 192 Pg20 8/18/15

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:05 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 193

“I think I will keep him in the class he is in since all his friends are there,” Greg said.

“Think that is a good idea,” Liz and Ava said.

“Thanks. So what is up with today?” Greg asked.

“That is easy it's time all of us to train with Ricky,” Ava said.

“Is that what Cal is wanting?” Greg asked.

“Yes he wants Ricky to be ready just in case,” Ava said.

“Fine with me. But I'm staying and helping,” Greg said.

“We knew you were going to say that,” Ava and Liz said.

Right at that moment a man walked into the club. Liz and Ava turned and looked him. When they turned they watched as the man walked up to them. Greg watched as the Liz and Ava stiffened. As he watched the girls Greg walked up to Ricky and pulled him into his arms. While Ricky was in Greg's arms they started to walk backwards to the stage.

Meanwhile at the Bar:

Liz, Ava and the man looked at each other.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Liz asked.

“I just wanted to see my nieces,” Man said.

“Well we don't want to see you,” Liz said.

“Is that how you talk to your uncle?” Man asked.

“You? Our uncle, that is a fucking joke. Your nothing but asshole for what you did,” Liz said.

“Oh really. How about what I did to help Max get out?” Man asked.

“Still an asshole. You are going to be an asshole forever for what you did to me and Max. And nothing is going to change that,” Liz said.

“You better listen to me bitch,” man said.

“No Nasedo you listen to me. You are nothing but a loser. You are dead to me and my family. I hope Max and Michael kill you,” Liz said.

“They have to find you to stop me from killing you bitch,” Nasedo said.

“Do you really want to test me old man,” Liz said.

“You better stop while you ahead or I will be teaching you a lesson you will never forget little girl,” Nasedo said.

“Oh really?” Liz asked.

“What are you doing here?” Ava asked.

“I'm here to give you a message from your father/uncle,” Nasedo said.

“Oh yeah what would that? That you’re both going to stop and leave us all alone finally?” Liz asked.

“No his message is this you bitch. No matter however you are protecting your family we will find them and hunt them down. And when we do find them we will be hanging Max, Michael, Isabel, Tess and anyone else that is helping them. History will repeat. Except this time you will be marrying Kivar and Kivar will take over Antar and rule it,” Nasedo said.

“Well uncle there is just one major problem with your, Senior Rath and Kivar’s plan,” Liz said.

“Oh yeah and what would that be?” Nasedo asked.

“Well you see you will never find Max and the others. I made very very sure of that. And as for hanging my family and me marrying Kivar that will be when hell freezes over. And if my family hangs I rather be dead then be with assholes like you bastard,” Liz said.

“Why you little bitch you think we would let you die. No we have plans for you,” Nasedo said.

“Well sorry your plans are going to be changing. Because I rather be with me family then you guys. So I guess you will have to deal with that old man,” Liz said.

“Why you little,” Nasedo said as he back handed Liz.

Liz flew back and hit her side against the side of the bar counter. Liz touched the side of the mouth then turned and looked at Nasedo. Liz pushed herself away and walked up to Nasedo. They both stood face to face.

“Do you really want to test me? Because right now you are going to be so very sorry,” Liz said.

“You can't do anything. You don't remember you past and you can't do anything to hurt me,” Nasedo said.

“Really? Liz asked.

“Yeah. So bring whatever you got little girl?” Nasedo said.

Liz turned and looked at Ava.

“Ava you heard him?” Liz asked.

“Yes. Go ahead it would be nice to see a scum like him pay a little,” Ava said.

Liz turned and looked at Nasedo. She raised her hand and blasted Nasedo across the room. A few seconds later Nasedo gets up and charges at Liz. When Nasedo and Liz are face to face Liz grabbed Nasedo's hand and shocked him. As Liz was shocking him she reached behind her and pulled a gun from behind her. She then swung the gun to the front of her and pointed it to Nasedo's head. Liz then let go of Nasedo's arm and watched as he opened his eyes and saw a gun in his face.

“Do you really want to test me?” Liz asked.

Nasedo stood up and looked at Liz.

“You don't know how to shoot a gun so you can't hurt me,” Nasedo said.

“Really?” Liz asked.

“Yes,” Nasedo said.

Liz lowered the gun and shot Nasedo in both feet 2 times. Liz watches as Nasedo falls to the ground in pain.

“I guess you’re wrong old man. You better go. We don't ever want to see you around here again ever,” Liz said.

“But if we do see you again let’s just say you’re going to be in world of pain from all of us. Got it,” Ava asked.

“Yes!” Nasedo screamed before disappearing.

Liz and Ava both turned and looked at each other.

“That was so awesome,” Ava said.

That is when the TV screen went black. Max, parents and friends didn't know what to say or do as they had seen what happened. They looked up and saw it was Liz's bed room again. But this time Liz, Ava and Serena were all sitting on Liz's bed. It looked like they didn't know there was a video camera in the room.

“OK. Liz How far have you gone with Kyle? Then how far had you gone with Max before he asked you to marry him?” Ava asked.

“With Kyle we French kissed and his hand were over my clothes as he touched me. And with Max we had been close a couple of times. But nothing more,” Liz said.

“Wait. How close did you and Max get? Come on you have to give us some details here please?” Serena and Ava asked.

Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 193 Pg16 8/23/15

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:47 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 194

“Come on Liz, tell us,” Ava said.

“When we looked for the orb we got close. We were out in the desert and we had our coats off. And the second time we were at Michael's apartment and as far as we got there was Max having his shirt off and Maria walking in on us,” Liz said.

“No way!” Serena and Ava said.

“Yes,” Liz said.

“Come on lets go see what the guys are up to,” Ava said.

Liz, Ava and Serena walked out of the bedroom. They walked down the hallway and down the stairs. When they were walking down the stairs they saw 2 men walking into the club. Liz, Ava and Serena stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked at the men. When Liz and Ava got a good look at the men they saw it was Nasedo and Senior Rath walking up to them.

“What the hell do you want?” Liz asked.

“Is that way to talk to your dad?” Senior Rath asked.

“You're not my father. So I don't have to listen to you ever,” Liz said.

“Really?” Senior Rath asked.

“Yeah,” Liz said.

That is when Senior Rath back handed Liz twice. Ava and Serena caught Liz when she started to fall. Liz stood up and walked up to Senior Rath and spit into his face. After Liz did that she took a step back and stood between Ava and Serena.

“I should have known you would be the one to defy me,” Senior Rath said.

“I aim to please,” Liz said.

“Here is something for you to remember,” Senior Rath said.

“Oh yeah and what would that be,” Liz said.

“This,” Senior Rath said as he picked Liz up and threw her across the room.

Liz hit the wall then fell to the floor. Liz stood up and with the wave of her hand she threw Senior Rath and Nasedo across the room. Ava and Serena watched as Senior Rath and Nasedo hit the wall then fell to the ground. When Senior Rath and Nasedo hit the ground Ava and Serena ran to Liz. Liz pulled up a shield when Ava and Serena got behind her. She turned and saw Senior Rath and Nasedo standing in front of her.

“Ah I see you have your husband's and Brother's powers. It will not help you. As soon as I get through your shield I'm going to get you for what you did,” Senior Rath.

“Oh like you did when Rath went away to serve the king?” Liz asked.

“I see your remember everything,” Senior Rath said.

“Oh I remember everything you did you asshole,” Liz said.

“Good then you know what is about to happen,” Senior Rath said.

“Bring it on,” Liz said.

Senior Rath flew Liz across the room a couple times. And every time Liz stood up and threw Senior Rath and Nasedo across the room. After doing that a couple of times Senior Rath and Nasedo looked at Liz, Ava and Serena.

“Your husband, brother and cousins will die as planned. And nothing you do will stop it. And no one will stop me from you marrying Kivar as planned,” Senior Rath said.

“I say someone will stop what you have planned?” Serena and Ava said.

“I doubt it. See you very soon,” Senior Rath said before throwing the girls across the room and disappearing.

Liz, Ava and Serena stood up and looked around. They didn't see Senior Rath and Nasedo anywhere.

“Liz do you think he's serious?” Ava asked.

“Yes I think they were,” Liz said.

Right at that moment Cal, Larek, Greg and Ricky walked in to the club and saw the mess.

“What the hell happened here?” Greg asked.

“Senior Rath, Nasedo came and started trouble as always,” Liz said.

“Are you girls OK?” Cal asked.

“Were fine just a little sore and bruised,” Liz said.

“What are we going to do now?” Serena asked.

“It's time for the hints to be known,” Liz said.

“You do realize Max, Parents and friends are going to be majorly pissed off,” Ava said.

“We have to,” Serena said.

“I just hoped they won't be pissed,” Liz said.

They all looked at each other with scared looks on their faces.

That is where the TV screen went black. Everyone looked at each other. Max stood up and took the DVD out and put another DVD in. As the DVD played Max sat down on the couch next to Michael. They saw a bed room then they saw Liz sitting on the bed.

“OK everyone here is your assignment if you choose to take it. Which I know you will. But anyway your assignment is to write down our hints and try to use your hints as a guide to find us. First I will tell you it is always warm here. It hardly rains here. You have to drive a couple of hours to go skiing. And wine is grown here. And we are on the west coast. I hope that is helpful to all of you. Oh one more thing we love you,” Liz said.

That is when the TV screen went black. Max, parents and friends all looked at each other.

“Is that all the hints she is going to give us?” Michael asked.

“No. You know Liz she will try and somehow give us hints in the DVDS, We are just going to have to see if we can realize what are the hints and what isn't the hints,” Alex said.

“How do you know Liz will give hints?” Michael asked.

“Because Liz always tries to give hints in her own way,” Maria said.

“I hope you and Alex are right,” Max said.

“Trust me we will know the hints we just need to look for them is all,” Kyle said.

“Everyone look,” Nancy said.

Everyone turned and saw Liz and Cal sitting in chairs looking at the beach while Ava, Serena, Greg, Ricky and Larek played in the water. They watched as Liz turned and looked at Cal.

“Cal did you do something to Max to make him forget where you are?” Liz asked.

“No. I just told him to forget. And the last time I saw him was when all of you were in high school,” Cal said.

“Do you think Max will remember where you are?” Liz asked.

“Yes. He will remember. And when he does the shit is going to hit the fan,” Cal said.

“What does that mean?” Liz asked.

“Trust me you don't want to know,” Cal said.

“Please Uncle Cal tell me?” Liz asked as she gave Cal the puppy look.

“OK. Stop the with the puppy look. See when Max was here we said some mean things. And I think he is going to be upset with me,” Cal said.

“Cal you never know. Max may not be mad at you,” Liz said.

“I hope you are right. Why do you have the Video Camera out here?” Cal said.

“Giving Max and the others hints where we are,” Liz said.

“Good luck with that. Now come with me,” Cal said.

“I so don't think so,” Liz said.

“Oh yeah,” Cal said as he picked Liz up and carrying her to the water.

When Cal got knee length in the water he threw Liz into the water. As Liz was thrown in the water she held her nose. A few seconds later Liz stood up and knocked Cal in the water. Cal stood up a few minutes later. Liz and Cal both laughed. A few seconds later Ricky ran up to Liz and Cal.

“Aunty Lizzie guess what?” Ricky asked.

“I don't know what?” Liz asked.

“We are all going to Disney …. This afternoon. So come on we need to get home and change,” Ricky said pulling Liz's hand.

Liz turned and looked at Cal, Greg, Serena and Larek. They all looked at Liz.

“Whose idea was this?” Liz asked.

Liz watched as Cal, Greg, Serena and Larek smiled.

“Oh god,” Liz said as Ricky took Liz to her car.

The TV screen went black. Then they saw their hint Disney theme park. Max and the others watched as Ricky pulled Liz to a roller coaster ride. They waited a few minutes before they went on the ride. As Liz and Ricky were on the roller coaster everyone could see Liz had a scared/ screaming look on her face. After they got off the ride Ricky grabbed Liz's hand and took her to the tea cup ride. While Liz and Ricky were getting on the ride Liz looked at Ricky and smiled as they sat down.

“Ready Aunty?” Ricky asked with a smile on his face.

Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 194 Pg16 8/27/15

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:46 am
by keepsmiling7
nice part,

Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 194 Pg16 8/27/15

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:01 pm
by L-J-L 76
I'm glad that you like the chapter.

L-J-L 76