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Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:29 pm
by StormWolfstone

What? I hear the sounds of the police arrive and am just backing up so that I wasn't seen when I felt my brother pulling me off the stage and taking my guitar in his hand. Damn! Just when I was getting used to feeling somewhat open with the music guiding me. Damn Valenti. Why does he always have to be the one to break up the good moments? Especially now when I had actually been enjoying myself on stage and feeling like I was someone else, someone capable of being seen as more then just some girl.

I shake my head as I listen in the car to the small exchange between Laura and Erik. I can't help but wonder if maybe my brother is crushing on the girl. Still, if he is it's none of my business. Then as we're riding along my brother says, "Let's get some food I'm starved." I simply nod and when he pulls up to the gas station I sit in silence.

I wish I would get the nerve to go up and talk to Tyler when I see him. I'm trying to picture the scene when Erik comes back to the car and hands me a coke and a bag of chips. My favrote ones in fact. Funyuns.

"I told Laura that I am an alien," I can feel myself go pale. How could he do that? How could he tell someone when we... we just found out and it could be dangerous? "I know Bri it was stupid. We started talking about the stars and then it just came out, I'm really sorry. I know this wasn't just my secret and that I should have talked to you first but it was Laura."

He seems to look away from me and I can't help but remain silent for a few moments, reaching into the glove box and pulling out some hot sauce before opening my chips and making a show of eating some of them slowly. After a few moments I simply nod, "You obviously need someone to talk to, Erik. And since it's not me and dad said that Tess is one of the ones that was a hybrid, maybe we don't have to worry completely." I remembered dad mentioning Uncle Michael and Aunt Tess along with Unlce Max and mom as being the same and I suddenly wondered if Tyler was too.

Would common ground be something that could help us? "Erik. I think tomorrow we need to get everyone together and have a little talk. The Adams, Evans', Guerin's and us." I still considered Michael and Tess as my Aunt and Uncle even though they weren't blood. The families had simply seemed to be close. Even the Sheriff usually, but I didn't really like him because of the uniform.


Lily and I are barely dressed when I hear my dad's voice booming through the place. "Everyone inside, stay where you are! You're all under arrest."

"Damn!" I exclaim and then Lily mentions looking for Amy and getting out of there. I am all for it. However, before we can get to far we run right into my dad.

I can't let her just go down for this all on her own. So, I simply glare at my father all the while I am thinking that when I make it home I am definitely out of there this time. Nothing my sister can do will keep me from running.

"Damn it. You have to ruin everything, Dad!" I screamed at him, trying to get his attention away from Lily long enough for her to get away.

"Where do you think you're going Ms.Evans?" My dad asked and reached out for Lily's arm.

I glared at him. I hate my dad even more then I ever thought I had in the past.

"Don't just stand there, there's people who need to be arrested" My dad seemed to add and motioned toward me.

I look at Lily who's being handcuffed at the same time as I am. Damn! I could have left easily if not for having had this chance to see things change for us. I couldn't leave her now. I looked at her and knew that no matter what happened I would take the image of her during our love making anywhere I went.

Maybe I would ask her to run with me.

Nearly an hour later I was laying on the uncomfortable jail cell's bed when I heard the cell's beside me opening and saw Lily being led in. Making certain I didn't look too interested I waited until we were alone. "Are you alright, Lily?" I asked her, sitting up and wishing that we were in the same cell so I could simply hold her.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:49 pm
by Athenea

As soon as Kyle left I ran to the side where the bars seperated me and James. "Are you alright, Lily?" he asks and I reach through the bars and touch his face. "I'm ok. Don't think its going to go to well in a little while though..he called my dad who according to my sister is very pissed. I don't know how I'll get out of this one. I mean piercings are one thing but jail is another." I say smiling

I sit down on the floor so i can get as close as I can to him and take his hand through the bars. It's like the closer I am to him the more comforted I am. The only person that's prescence had ever comforted me was my sister's. It was different having that connection with someone else. As we sat, me awaiting my dad and my imending doom i asked him. "So are you alright. I mean the Sheriff's your Dad. I would think he would just let you go."

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:56 pm
by StormWolfstone

"So are you alright. I mean the Sheriff's your Dad. I would think he would just let you go." Lily's hand held in mine, I smile and lift it to my lips, placing a kiss across her nuckles.

"Dad will use this as another way to make my life hell. He couldn't care less that I am growing up or that I'm even alive." I responded trying to hide the bitter tone. My dad and I had never been close, I wasn't even all that close to my mom. Marie was the only one in my family I had any use for.

"So, does that mean Amy got out alright?" I ask her as I reach my other hand through the bars and place it on her cheek gently. I can't believe that I am seperated by so small of a space. I wish I could make them disappear and vanish myself with Lily in my arms.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:59 pm
by Athenea

"So, does that mean Amy got out alright?" I nod my head and reply before thinking. "Yeah I took her home before she could get caught. This bastard was trying to rape her. But I took care of him." I had forgotton the he had seen me get arrested.

But before James could comment I heard the outside door open and I stood up quickly. I heard some voices and recognized one as my Father. Sheriff Valenti came in first then my very angry dad with Amy behind him in her pj's. The look on my father's face was too much. I thought him getting mad at me for getting my tongue pierced was bad but this was really really bad.

I looked around for my mom hoping she had come too calm him down but no such luck. I had always been closer with my dad than my mother but it would have helped if she had come. I had never seen my Dad this mad before his eyes even seemed darker than usual. It was a little scary, but I don't show that I'm scared. I'm much too hard headed for that. So I said the only thing I could think of at the moment. "Daddy?" I say as innocently as I can muster.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:30 pm
by Crystalbehr

"What the Hell!!!!!!" All of a sudden I'm pulled out of my shock because my dad is shaking me like I'm crazy.

wait who am I kidding. I am crazy.

"Tyler. What is the matter." I hear my mom ask

"Mom. Dad. I'm crazy."

That’s all I can think to say I mean. my mind is telling me that The popcorn heated up just by my hand being on it. But reality is telling me that this is just not possible.

"Well Tyler. We know that. I mean..."

"Dad this is no joking matter." I yell. I mean he didn't just go crazy. I did.

"Well what happened. How did you waste the popcorn." Dad says while getting the broom....And giving it to mom.

"Well....well....I...came home...hun....hungry. So I looked in the fridge and......and....that's when it happened."

"What." He asks folding his arms across his chest.

"I grabbed. The popcorn. Dad. and it wasn't cooked. So...."

"You cooked it and threw it all over the floor. Cause that is crazy Tyler." Dad interrupts.

"LISTEN. NO. I.....I.....didn't.....didn' microwave. Mom dad. I cooked it with my hand. It was in my hand and it was unopened and uncooked and now....." I point to it on the floor. and then look at my hand. "And now it's cooked. I'm going quite crazy. I mean that's not possible. It's scientifically impossible to cook Popcorn with my hand. I'm crazy. You guys are gonna have to lock me up in the loony bin. I'm gonna have to take crazy pills everyday. God can you imagine what this is gonna do to my social life,. I mean my sex life. What if I'm not really on the basketball, football and lacrosse teams. What if my craziness is kicking in. What will I do. I mean are you two even standing here. Am I even standing here? Who am I?

I look at my alleged parents as if they might have the answers. I mean it's not wholly there fault that I'm crazy. I mean they told me that for one while Aunt Laurie thought she was crazy. Maybe I got it from her?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 2:59 pm
by Anna-Liisa

I looked over at Lily's cell when we came there and opened it. When she was out I closed the door again. Then I looked at James and decided that I really needed to talk to him and opened his cell aswell. I took his arm and pulled him from there and closed the cell again.

"We're going to talk.." I told James.

I took my son to my office, telling others not to bother us for a while. I closed the door and locked it so that James wouldn't get away even if he'd try. I motioned him to sit down and sat down behind my desk.

"You better sit because this is going to take a long time.."

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:04 pm
by CandyDreamQueen


Lilly says this in a voice that says she is completely innocent of any wrongdoing. But as much as I wish that she was still as innocent as the way she just tried to come off, I know that she’s not.

I shake my head at her. “No, don’t daddy me.” I say in a stern voice. “Just go and get in the car.”

Once Lilly and Amy are in the car I start it up and drive home. The drive home is in complete silence. Mostly because I think that if I said anything right now I would explode. I’m so angry about the fact that Lilly and Amy (although she doesn’t think I know) snuck out of the house to go to a party. But their teenager’s and I expect them to do things like that. Even the fact that Lilly got arrested angers me, but it was just for trust passing, and I can get over that.

But the fact that she was using her powers openly in front of so many people…that she put her life and her sister’s life in so much danger. That angers the hell out of me.

When we get home as soon as we walk in the house I send Amy to bed.

“But dad I-”

“No buts about it. Just go to bed.”

Amy looks from me to her sister, and then turns and heads for their room.

“Lilly do you think that this is all a joke? That it’s all a game? Because it’s not. It’s not a game at all. Lilly our family isn’t like other families. Not at all. You and your sister, and me and even your mother, we’re special. And not in a good way. The things that we can do, that you and your sister can do are not magic or parlor tricks. You are an alien. Our whole family is. Or friends are. And if anyone was to ever find this out the world wouldn’t embrace you with wide open arms.”

I love you and your sister, and your mother more than anything in the world. More than my own life. Lilly the things that they would do to you if they ever found out what you are…that’s my worst nightmare. And it’s why your mother and I didn’t tell you for so long. Because I hoped, no I prayed that you and your sister would be normal. That you could live a normal life without having to deal with this secrete. But you’re not, and there is nothing that I can do to change that. But I can protect you. I can protect you with everything that I am, and I want you to know that I do this now because I want to protect you.”

I hold out my hand to her. “Come here Lilly.” I say evenly.

She looks at me questionably.

“There is something really important that I want to show you.” I say.

Slowly she begins to walk to me.

I’m I know that it’s maybe not the best idea to show this to her, buy I’m doing this because if she sees it, then maybe she’ll understand what it is I’m trying to say to her.

As she draws near me I drop her hand and bring my hands up to her face. Then slowly let my eyes close as I connect with her. Then I reach inside my self, deep inside to a place that I have buried deep inside me. I exhale once, and then open the connection to my memories. And I show her. I show her the place that I’ve tried to forget for all of my life. I show her the white room. I show her everything they did to me, and I let her feel all the fear I felt in that place, but not the pain. No I hide the pain form her, but I let her see and feel everything else. Everything I think she needs to see to understand why I am so afraid for her and her sister. Then slowly, I brake the connection with her.

I draw back from her and drop my hands to my side.

“Daddy.” I turn when I hear the sound of Amy’s voice, and see the tears in her eyes, that somehow, perhaps through the connection that she has her sister, that she’s seen everything that I showed her sister. Amy runs to me and wraps her arms around my waist and cries into my chest. I smooth her hair back and hug her to me, then I look up at her sister waiting for her reaction.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:44 pm
by Athenea

Dad showed me what had happened to him and at first I didn't know what to think. I watch as Amy cried on his shoulder. She picked up on the images he sent me through our own connection. Isn't that what I should be doing... crying.... but I feel strangely numb. In fact I don't feel like myself at all I feel like something inside me has woken up, something not human.

Who did they think they were that they could take my father and do those things to him. Who gave them the right. Dad is still looking at me awaiting my responce I suppose. Does he expect me to cry and beg for forgiveness. I can't remember the last time I cried. I always, even growing up I had to be the strong one. I don't know why I felt that way but I did. Like Amy's safety depended on me, and I had almost blew that tonight. She had almost gotten raped while I was off losing my virginity. I should have never left her alone. I would have to find that boy later and make him pay for that.

When I finally spoke it was in a voice I myself didn't even recognize. My voice sounded darker, scarier. " If humans can't except us, then they must be exterminated. The Royal Four is no more but the Next Generation will continue where they have failed. You are no longer King." I said pointing towards my Dad and I saw darkness before I passed out and hit the ground.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:26 pm
by StormWolfstone

I saw my father come in and let Lily out of her cell even as I sat there and tried to ignore the fact that now I was going to have to deal with this on my own. Then my father was coming and opening my cell. "We're going to talk.."

"You better sit because this is going to take a long time.." I shrugged my shoulders as I sat down and simply leaned back, now that I was in this situation I knew he'd have more to yell about, not just me being arrested but my tat's and more then likely something about Lily.

"So talk dad." I said simply, letting it be known with my expression that I rather doubted that there was anything he could say that would really be of interest to me or change things. When he'd seemed triumphant cuffing Lily, I'd finally come to the last straw. I would never understand my father or accept how he was toward me. "Looks like I have all night, dad. After all, I've been arrested for simply dancing." I sneered at him, not caring that he was the Sheriff. Dad always wanted me to be more like him or at least as much like my sister as possible.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:03 pm
by Anna-Liisa

I sighed at James. He had to be so 'I don't care what you say' type like Lily Evans was. Maybe that's why they had something going on with each other. I messed my hair - a bad habit - and looked at James, trying to keep myself as calm as possible.

"All the arrested kids are going to be released if their parents don't get them. It's just teaching that they can really be thrown into prison for doing something illegal. But if you really want to, I can keep you in your cell and get your case to court" I said to him. I'd probably do that, but Eileen wouldn't like it at all.

My mind wandered in lots of things. If Lily really had used her powers, then had James seen her use them? I never knew what was going on witg him. I didn't even know if he'd have some of my own powers. I guess he would've told me if he'd had. Ask me what was going on.

"I want you to know that if you keep acting like this I can send you away from Roswell.." I said to James and looked at him. "I have a place booked for you at a boarding shcool. I have had it for a long time. All I need to do is call them.."