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Post by Anna-Liisa »

ooc: Catching up with the posting.


Max apologised me. I wasn't quite sure why he did that. I was going to say something, but he continued talking.

"I never meant to hurt you, Kyle. I didn't know anything like this was even possible... You and Liz were the only times I'd ever done anything that big... I'm sorry."

I felt myself being a little nervous after Max speaking like that, but I didn't respond. I just couldn't say that it's okay, or something. That just...wasn't a good idea. But then, my nerves almost got out of control after Tess decided to speak.

"Max I can't believe you just apologised. Kyle- without him you would be dead, largely because you can't follow simple directions and do what you're told." She tells me.

I almost got up from my seat but I just looked away from her. Why did she have to be so damn stubborn? And even continue talking.

"Actually, Max, if Kyle wants to make little friends maybe it's the perfect way to see if they are trustworthy- if nothing happens to him, great we can trust them. If something does- oh well..." She suggests. This time I was really on the edge for getting up and throwing her of with the sparkling thing.

"Nobody is expendable. We're all going to look after each other" Max says to Tess. I roll my eyes and calm down a little again. Still feeling frustated though. Sighing, I was going to say something, but this time Maria talked.

I listened to her, saying everything about how I don't trust Max even if he's a good person and I trust some doctors that kidnapped us. I sighed and shook my head. This was ridicculous, why did she have to turn against me too? And no, I didn't mean Isabel, Michael or Max didn't have the right to live, I just...just. Was like I was. But then Maria went to on...

"Oh but I guess that doesn't matter to you because you would still have your perfect life with you're baseball, and your basketball, and your football, and your wrestling, and whatever other sport it is you play. Liz would be dead; half the people in this room would not even exist. And you would have your perfect life. Well I'm sorry Kyle, I'm sorry that it inconveniences you that Liz isn't dead and that aliens exist. But you know what. Aliens do exist, Liz is still alive, and there is nothing that you can do to stop that. So get over it."

I tried to keep myself calm - I really tried to - but I couldn't. Then Maria asked where Liz was - well obviously not there - and Max went looking for her. Great. No there's one more away to stop me from exploding. Then I finally got to speak. The sparkling was still there, but right then I didn't care.

"I know Liz would be dead right now if Max hadn't healed her, Maria. I haven't said that the aliens don't have a right to live. No. No no...I've never said that..."

I looked at my hand - damn, now everyone could see the side-affects of my frustation. I looked at Tess.

"Are you happy now? You're causing me feeling pain.." I raised my hand so she could see it. It hurt, it really did. "I wasn't supposed to get nervous...but with you around it seems impossible" I mumbled.
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Post by M »


Frustrated with the world I decide to live inside my head for a while until I'm calm enough to act without emotion. Living inside my head is something Nesado taught me when he realised that I couldn't completely rid myself of emotion. Basically I turn all my energy inward and pretend that nothing else exists except what's in my head. I guess some people would call it meditating, but for me it's more. I live there until I can regain control of my emotions and act with a logical purpose. Unfortunately Kyle seems to be able to undo any semblence of calm I can create with only a few words.
I'm almost back to emotionless when his voice breaks into my revery
Are you happy now? You're causing me feeling pain... I wasn't supposed to get nervous...but with you around it seems impossible He holds his hand up for me to see and it's true, the green sparks are jumping again.
"I have no desire for you to feel anything Kyle. And I have no idea why you get nervous around me, but perhaps you should look to Buddha, as he seems to have all the answers, and then maybe you could leave me out of it"
The problem with changing the world is that it makes any life beyond that impossible...
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Post by isabelle »


I'm not sure how to read Liz anymore. Never sure if what I'm seeing is real or just what I want to see. She seems happy to be alone with me, and the look that I think I see in her eyes mirrors all the things I'm feeling. When I drop my hands from her shoulders, she seems almost reluctant to be moving along.

"How are the Others," she asks as we head down the stairs.

At the next landing, she takes my hand and I close my fingers around hers, easily. It feels automatic, and natural, and right. She's Liz and she's with me. There's far too much going on for me to say I'm 'happy' but I have to say it makes me feel really comfortable to be with her like this. We walk together, hand in hand, for a few yards before I answer. We're passing under the hallway where Liz encountered the nurse.

"Not good," I answer. "Kyle wants to trust these guys like they're his own parents. They're his saviors. He says he isn't part of the group. He isn't like us and he doesn't need us - although how he can say that when he's got the powers, too, I haven't any idea. Meanwhile, Tess is insisting that we refuse to co-operate in any way - but 'we' only means the 'royal four'. She's perfectly happy letting Kyle and the rest of you separate."

I shake my head, still boggling over this intense schism. I'm supposed to be the leader so it's my responsibility to solve this but both Kyle and Tess are so stubborn, I'm not sure how I'm going to get them to common ground. If my healing powers weren't always acting nearly automatically on my own systems, I'm sure I'd be getting a tension headache around now.

"Fortunately, Maria seems to understand my point of view and she's trying to talk to them too. We have to stick together. I don't want anyone left alone for any reason," I tell her, sincerely. It's the only thing I'm absolutely sure of. We have to take care of each other and figure this out together.

We make another turn and there's the stairway, right where I expected it to be. One flight up and we should be right outside the lunchroom again. I only hope Kyle and Tess have managed to control their disagreement while I was out with Liz...
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: tell me if you want me to change the order of this any isabelle


Walking along there hand in hand feels so right… I feel as though I’m coming home, after a long trip away when I thought I might never return…

“Not good…Kyle wants to trust these guys like they’re his own parents…”

I nod slowly. Experience has taught me against that… I guess I’ve grown to be a lot like Max, Michael and Isabel in that way…I don’t trust anyone unless I know them…and at the moment, I don’t know either of them…

As Max goes on to explain to me that Kyle is saying that he isn’t part of the group, I can feel the situation go from bad to worse… The mention of Tess' view hardly surprises though…as much as I told myself I was going to try again, that maybe we could be friends, this is just the sort of attitude she has… After everything that has happened, how she can possibly argue that we – Maria, Alex, Kyle and I – are not part of this… I mean we were taken from our homes just like they were – although of course she didn’t class Roswell as home did she? I shake my head inwardly. Either way, Max is right…a split in the group is exactly the thing that we don’t need…

I wait until he’s finished and then sigh. “Maybe he’s right about Antonio and Serena…” I muse softly. “Neither of them tried to stop me as I went out…” I look at Max, seeing a look in his eyes that suggests that he’s perhaps just slightly worried by my words. Probably he’s thinking he doesn’t need another fan of them… I give a small smile. “I agree with you though, we can’t make any assumptions or judgements until we know more…”

Then my mind drifts to what Max said about Kyle’s powers though… I know how close I got to really getting us into trouble a little earlier and the thought makes me fall into silence, chewing my lip and going over what happened in my head. As I said before, I need to learnt to control it, and I guess Kyle does too…

Of course to control it, I’m guessing you should accept it…something Kyle has yet to do…
I look up at Max. “I could try and talk to him…if you like…?” I suggest hesitantly. “I-if he doesn’t want to accept your help, maybe he’ll at least talk through this with me…it might help a little…”

As Max mentions no one being left alone, I guess it’s time to apologise. “Yeah…I am sorry for walking out like that…I just needed to get out…it was all getting to be too much… I give a small smile as I look up at him. “Thanks for coming after me…and thanks for being there…”
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


Liz and I start up the stairway that will take us back to the hallway outside of the lunch room as I think about what she said. She's right. Antonio and Serena didn't try to stop her or me as we left. On the surface, that seems to be evidence to support their sincerity and I hope it's true, but it could still be something much less transparent than that. They've had a thousand years to prepare for this...

Liz offers to talk to Kyle and I nod, accepting the idea. That might help but I guess we'll wait and see how things go. Hopefully, we'll still be allowed opportunity for private conversation.

“Yeah…I am sorry for walking out like that…I just needed to get out…it was all getting to be too much… Thanks for coming after me…and thanks for being there…” Liz says.

I give her hand a squeeze. "Always," I promise her, and I want it to be always. I want to be with her forever. She seems to be accepting me close to her, not like before. She's not pushing me at Tess. But is this just because she needs me? All of us? Because we're in this strange and dangerous position? Because she has powers? It doesn't necessarily mean anything more. In a week or a month or a year, when we've sorted out this world and we're safe again -- will she pull away? I don't think I could take that...

I don't know what she's feeling but I know what I feel. The same I've felt since I first saw her. "... I love you," I say, the words slipping out before I can stop them.

"Sorry," I add, quickly looking away, although I don't let go of her hand. I don't want to hear her telling me again about how we can't be together...

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Post by KatnotKath »



Max squeezes my hand, and I can’t get over how right it feels to be with him… I want to believe that he truly means that…that there’s still a chance for us despite what I did in trying to push he and Tess together… This isn’t just because I’m scared about the fact that I seem to have emerging powers…it isn’t because I need him in that way…it’s because he’s him, and I’m me…and I love him…

I made a huge mistake, and I just hope it’s not too late to make amends… Max deserves to make his own choice as to who he wants to be with…I want to believe that will be me of course, but either way, it’s his decision to make.

Me pushing him towards Tess didn’t do any good, except that it distanced us from each other… I want him to be happy, and if that’s going to be true, he has to be the one to decide…

He seems a little distant, but I don’t try and push him to talk…we all have a lot to think about…

“…I love you…”

I look over sharply, almost unable to believe what I’m hearing.

Almost immediately, he looks away. “Sorry…”

He doesn’t let go of my hand, but still I don’t know what to think… I know what I heard…unless I was just imagining what I wanted to hear… I decide to take a leap, and hope that I’m not about to completely ruin everything…

We’ve stopped just outside the door to the lunchroom now…and I don’t think I can wait… I swallow and reach for his arm with my free hand. “Max…?”

He turns back to look at me, and I’m not certain what to make of the look in his eyes. I take a deep breath and raise my gaze to meet his eyes. “I love you too Max…I never stopped, and I never will…” I shake my head. “I’m so sorry I tried to push you away…I thought I was doing the right thing…I was wrong…”
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


Liz takes my arm, as well as my hand, softly speaking my name. My heart skips a beat and I think I stop breathing for just a moment...

Reluctantly, I look back at her. It's not that I don't want to see her. I meant what I said. I do love her and I always will. But I just finished telling her how we can't afford a rift in the group and then I went and said something that could do just that. Things were going so nicely, just by not mentioning it. Just being with her was working for me but now she knows that I'm still holding on and I don't know if she wants that or not...

“I love you too Max…I never stopped, and I never will… ” Liz says, actually looking into my eyes.

"You...?" I start, my mouth going dry. "... do?" The look in her eyes tells me that she means it and I can feel the corners of my mouth sliding upwards very slowly as the words work their way through my brain.

I’m so sorry I tried to push you away…I thought I was doing the right thing…I was wrong… she says.

"Oh, Liz!" I whisper, still almost afraid to believe what I'm hearing. We're right outside the lunch room, now. A glance through the window in the door tells me that my friends and sister are still there. Tess is facing away from me but the tension in her posture tells me she and Kyle are still at it. I know I need to get back, but that will have to wait.

I back-up a few feet, pulling Liz with me and stopping so we're both standing only inches apart, each with one shoulder against the wall. Our hands along the wall remain linked as I look down into her upturned face. My free hand moves up and I gently stroke the side of her face. There's so much I want to say -- so much I'm feeling. 'thank you,' doesn't seem to be enough. I already said 'I love you.'

"You are my destiny," I tell her again. Then, without thinking about it, I lean down, closing those last few inches so my lips meet hers in a hungry kiss. The flashes start as she returns the kiss. I feel stronger, as this one worry lifts from my shoulders although all the others remain and I will still have to deal with Tess. But for just a moment, none of that matters...
Last edited by isabelle on Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


"I have no desire for you to feel anything Kyle. And I have no idea why you get nervous around me, but perhaps you should look to Buddha, as he seems to have all the answers, and then maybe you could leave me out of it" Tess said to me.

Damn it. She was just making the situation worse. I was still keeping my hand up and looking at Tess. Maybe she was enjoying this? No, that couldn't be the thing. Or could it? I didn't really know her all that well. Frustated I looked away, feeling like my head would explode any minute. I lowered my hand and hid it under the table. One part of me wanted to keep the whole power thing a secret from Antonio and Serena.

"This is just ridicculous.." I mumbled.

The pain in my head 'caused my sight go blurry. I closed my eyes for a while. I'm calm...I'm calm. I am. I really am.. I though. But the sparkling didn't seem to care. It was there with the headache. I felt like I could pass out in a minute or two. Well that way we could see if they'd want to do experiments while we sleep...agh. Of course the don't want to.

But still the though scared me.
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Post by M »


Kyle mumbled something while looking away and I realised that he is really quite upset. He is shaking and he puts his hand under the table like he's hiding something. Realising that thins might be dangerous for all of us, and having this weird feeling that I can't identify, but like I should fix it. I reach across the table and lay my hand flat in front of him, palm up.

"Kyle? Are you having trouble with the energy again? Maybe I can help?"
The problem with changing the world is that it makes any life beyond that impossible...
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Post by KatnotKath »


Max seems to smile, but at the same time there’s a look of hesitation…maybe of fear that I’m going to change my mind again…?

“Oh Liz…”

Just the sound of his voice can’t fail to make me smile, but I can’t prevent something of a look of puzzlement as he pulls back, bringing me with him. We should be going in…I know that…

Yet my protests are silenced as his hand reaches up to touch my cheek. It’s such a simple thing, yet it’s one of those that feels so right…and for a moment, nothing else matters… Throughout these past few months I have missed him so much…

I visited my aunt and uncle in Florida because I knew if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to stay away… I missed him so much, but yet I couldn’t let myself go to him…

I know that we should be going in, but really all I want to do is stay here with Max…

“You are my destiny…”

They’re words that have been used before, but now, after everything we have been through, I think they mean more than they ever did before… Unlike the last time he tried to tell me that, I don’t pull away, and I don’t tell him we can’t be… I won’t do that again…I can’t… I love him too much…

Then, before I realise what is happening, he’s leaning down, his lips closing the gap to mine. They press against mine gently at first, and I willingly return the kiss, causing it to deepen and grow more intense. I missed him…

Immediately the flashes start as they have done on so many more occasions… Through Max’s eyes, I see myself running down the path away from the cave… I feel his sense of loss, is love, and the fear that I don’t return it… I see the two of us soon after I got back from Florida, I see myself refusing to listen to Max, and I sense his growing feeling of desperation.

I didn’t realise how much I had hurt him…I’d never want to have done this to him… I thought I was doing the right thing…I was so wrong… How could this be the right thing…to tell him what he wanted, and refuse to listen as he tells me it’s not true…?

I see myself a few minutes earlier, I feel his happiness at the little way things have progressed, but then fear that I’m about to back peddle… And then…then the images change… I see myself at school, in the Crashdown…I see the two of us together… I see the two of us happy…

Unwilling to let go just yet, I just want to hang onto the kiss as the flashes continue to come.

Finally, there’s one last one… But this is different from any of the others…this isn’t a memory…it must be a dream… Nothing very special…me and him together as before…but you see there’s one little factor which shows this hasn’t happened yet… Well no, two actually…there’s a ring on my finger, and there’s the swelling in my abdomen…

As we eventually break apart, that one last image makes me smile more than any of the others…

I don’t forget the first images I received though, and I lean into Max’s arms, resting my head against his chest and looking up. I’m so lucky…he’s incredible, and I love him so much… “I love you Max Evans…and wherever you might go, whatever you might do, I want to be right there next to you…” I tell him softly.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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