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Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:14 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
Aww, yes it does! Thank you! :D


Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 2:54 pm
by Sternbetrachter
some reviews for Colin's movie Alone With Her:

here are some more reviews for AWH:

Alone with Her Movie Review
10 out of 10 Skulls
by: Goon

Today we live in a society that is very tech savvy. We have the ability to track down our kids using brand new GPS watches, girlfriends can keep their boyfriends on a very short leash by tracking their cell phone records and now anyone can buy a mini camera to capture burglars in the act. All these things are definetly steps that can ultimately save people lots of money and quite possibly even lives. But what happens when the wrong people get their hands on this kind of technology? The worst thing is that ANYONE can walk into a store and buy these products without anykind of background checks or any other kind of evaluation. That is the scary truth that the director of Alone with Her has taken with this project.

The entire film is told threw the camera lense of an obsessed stalker, Doug played by Colin Hanks. He becomes enamored with a girl that he sees in the park and begins videotaping her in the park with a camera that he keeps hidden in a bag. Soon his little obsession consumes his entire life and goes to a local "Spy" store and purchases several mini cameras. One day when she is out he breaks into her home and installs cameras throughout her home.

This is where everything shifts from the stalker's POV shots to his cameras throughout her home. Amy is caught doing menial tasks like talking on the phone, painting, hanging out with friends, and even the most private of things such as showering. By watching her every move Doug gathers enough courage to approach strapped with a body cam to record her every move. Soon he confronts her and eventually weasles his way into her life. Once there Doug becomes even more irritable and more obsessed as he spirals into a rocky relationship with Amy.

The entire film is told through Dougs cameras except for maybe a handful of shots. This makes the film much more personal than any film I have ever seen. The very fact that this could and has happened even makes this film all the more horrifying. You will never feel the same in your home alone after watching this one folks. It is not the kind of film that you will watch again and again but it is definetly a film that you will never forget.

I was really surprised at how well this one was acted. No one in this film over acted or made this seem like I was watching a "movie". It almost felt as though I was in fact watching a real event unfold. As if the police compiled all this footage into something coherrent to show a jury. It was truly that creepy. The character of Doug is the real boogeyman. Not your Jason Voorhees or Freddy Krueger. This guy is real and people like him really exist. Thats what will really hit home with this film.

What can I say about the score? Well there isn't one. This is something that can only be done with some films. Sometimes the images and emotions alone are enough to carry a film and to add a soundtrack to that undermines the directors vision or overpowers the performances by the actors. If you have read any of my reviews or know how strongly I feel about having a good score in your film this is definetly uncharacteristic of me to say. But to add any kind of music to this film would ruin the tension and build up that the film pulls off brilliantly.

Obviously voyeurisim is at the heart of this film. Everyone has a morbid curiousity in watching people in the private lives. I say that with confidence because it is very obvious by just turning on the television and looking at all of the reality television shows. To a certain extent I would say it is OK but their are some people out there who take it a step to far. This is evident by just glancing at the news every couple of days and we see another story of someone installing a camera in a bathroom or someones private space. Hopefully this film will open some peoples eyes to the problem that anyone can purchase this equipment.

I really can not say enough about this movie. It definetly left me shocked and blown back by the conclusion. Literally speechless. I went into this film knowing absolutely nothing of what I was about to watch and left with this dirty feeling that I was watching a crime in process. I highly suggest checking this film out and passing the word along to others.

Alone With Her: Voyeuristic Probe Into Pathology Of Stalking
By Eneida DelValle
Reel Deal Movie Report
WBAI Womens Collective

Alone With Her is by far one of the creepiest films of 2007 thus far. The film is written and directed by Eric Nicholas in a freakish voyeuristic way, where you the audience is the stalker,

Alone With Her tells the story of Doug, played intensely by Colin Hanks, and his obsession with Amy. She's a young Latina painter portrayed by the very talented newcomer, Ana Claudia Talancón.

The entire movie is told through the camera lens of Doug, a seemingly harmless shy young man whose obsession with females and invading their privacy is down right bone chilling, He feverishly unveils his plan to stalk & manipulate Amy into a relationship.

Talancón is radiant as the vibrant and strong yet ordinary woman, who like most of us thinks this invasion of privacy just isn't possible. Especially not in the manor in which it's portrayed. Hanks - yes that's right folks, the son of Tom Hanks - who normally plays wholesome characters, shows he has the chops and talent to make you believe just about anything. He is wicked to the core.

Forget what you know, Alone With Her breaks all the stereotypes. It's a psychological thriller that will have you thinking twice about who could be watching you, and just how vulnerable we really are. If you like thrillers this is a must see.

Eneida DelValle
WBAI Womens Collective

Alone With Her
(IFC Films)
review by Head Cheeze

One in twelve women will be stalked in their lifetime. It’s a frightening statistic that is made all the more horrific when one takes in to account the virtual arsenal of tools stalkers have at their disposal; from cheap, readily available surveillance gear to something as seemingly innocuous as a laptop computer, the new millennium has given birth to a dangerous breed of tech-savvy predators. They can find out everything they need to know about a person just by rifling through their garbage, hack into your Wi-Fi with nothing more than a coffee can and some bits bought at the local Radio Shack, and watch your every move from miles away with the aid of video cameras no bigger than a fly on the wall. Cell phone cloners, listening devices, locksmithing tools, and all manner of spy gear are no further than a mouse click away, and all you need is the cash to buy them (and very little cash at that).

In the disturbing and provocative new thriller, “Alone with Her”, we are thrown headlong into this world, viewing the action through the eyes of Doug (Hanks), and his collection of hidden cameras. The film opens with Doug patrolling the streets, a camcorder stuffed into a gym bag, filming a slew of unsuspecting women until his lens settles upon Amy (Talancón). It is then that Doug gets down to business, timing Amy’s comings and goings, rummaging through her belongings, and installing miniature cameras and microphones all throughout here apartment. He finds out she’s recently had a bad breakup, learns about her favorite bands, and discovers her abilities as an artist. Doug uses the information he gathers to worm his way into Amy’s life at a time in which she really needs a friend, but he wants to be more – so much more.

Writer/Director, Eric Nicholas, has crafted a haunting and disturbing piece of cinema that blends the low-budget, cinema verite’ stylings of The Blair Witch Project with the voyeuristic tendencies of “sex, lies, and videotape”, and adds a truly involving storyline, deeply realized characters, and a pair of great performances from Hanks and Talancón. While I felt truly invested in Amy’s plight, I also felt a great deal of sadness for the emotionally isolated Doug, as the talented Hanks is just such a likeable actor that, even though he’s playing a monster, you almost want things to go right for him somehow. That is, of course, if he were up against a less likeable actress. Mexican starlet, Talancón, is so natural, beautiful, and likeable as Amy that it is impossible not to root for her, especially as she embraces this new found “friend”, turning to him for comfort when it is he who has sent her life into a downward spiral.

In a time where technology seems to be making us more insular and detached from one another, there are those who know how to use it to bring them closer to someone than anyone could imagine. They’re out there, watching, listening, learning, and preparing to make their move. And it’s as heartbreaking as it is terrifying.

Alone with Her (2007)

Directed by: Eric Nicholas
Ana Claudia Talancon/Amy
Colin Hanks/Doug
Rating: 3 out of 4

Cute as a button Amy (Talancon) is having a bad life. She just came out of a long-term relationship; dates some clown who just wants to get in her pants (great man) and spends way too much time alone for her own good. Worse thing is though; that new dweeb friend she just met named Doug (Hanks); is no friend at all. He’s a psychotic stalker who has her pad rigged with micro cameras and who’s playing her for a fool…and she’s starting to fall for him…OUCH! Her bad life is about to get worse. Poor girl…

Anytime. Anywhere. He's watching.

ALONE WITH HER (Hitting the screens in limited release on January 17, 2007) efficiently explored the frightening reality that is “stalking” in today’s day and age of technology. Yup I was firmly educated as to just how much new ammo these pathetic f*cks now have at their display to do what they do best: suck the life out of somebody cause they aint got one of their own to live out. USELESS INFO: I’ve been stalked a few times, nothing like in this film, but I got enough of it to know how unsettling it can be. All that to say, I had my own emotional baggage in tow while watching this movie.

The chilling ALONE WITH HER played it straight and more importantly; played it smart for maximum impact. For the most part, we the audience member were put in the stalker’s shoes and we progressively got to know the target (Amy) at the same time as he did. We see her through his hidden cameras, his peek-boo spying and much like him, we fall in love with her (although that prick wouldn’t know “love” if it came and banged him in the ass). Result of that particular approach was two fold. One, we were made accomplices to this twat’s “hobby”; hence I felt dirty at times while surviving this flick and craved a shower. Two, we know off the bat know that this dude is INSANE and since we’re caring about this multi-faceted and sweet girl, we’re afraid for her… well I was. Talk about a sly way of generating tension! OUCH! The more the clock ticked forward, the more antsy I got in my seat, as I knew that the worse was yet to come. And come it did.

This is the kind of film that I actually don’t like watching, especially when it plays its game right and this one did it oh so well. It fished something utterly terrifying right out of real life, brilliantly communicated it in a "reality type" way onscreen and basically forced me to witness an ugly/sour chunk of our society, one that I didn't particularly want to know about. Big props to the filmmakers and the amazing actors for giving us two "real" characters to follow around. Their dimensions, nuances and natural demeanor made the events so much more powerful and involving. I actually got mucho angry during this sit down (yeah I need a new shrink) much to the dismay of the peeps who watched it with me. Lines like “F*ck that prick!” and “I wish I could reach into the TV and pound his f*cking head into a brick wall” leaped out of my yapper. I was screaming at a screen. If my momma would see me now! Yup, it worked that good on me and that’s pretty much the best compliment I can give the film.

Now I did have an issue with the flick, namely its final plot turn, which sent the storyline to its conclusion. It was way too weak, un-credible and half-cocked to provoke what it entailed hence lessening the impact of the "finish". I didn’t fully buy it. The final twist needed something much stronger with further build-up and exploration to totally sell me on the outcome. As the end credits rolled though, I felt sad and pissed off. Sad and pissed off that people like this exist. Sad and pissed off that good folks have to suffer due to these shit heads. And sad and pissed off cause I can’t be there to grab them by the hair and beat the ever living crap out of them. "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for. I agree with the second part."

Ana Claudia Talancon (Amy) was incredibly natural, bravely vulnerable and highly credible. She has star power written all over and I for one totally fell in love with her. Colin Hanks (Doug) was also mucho efficient as the stalker with no beans left to count. Sure he looked a tad too much like your stereotypical stalker; but he got the job done. After all stereotypes do come from somewhere.

The flick was not about that poison, We get broken glass in a foot and that was pretty much that on that.

T & A:
We get Amy butt naked many o times and yes her body was tight. The ladies get…not much…just that psycho-nerd without his shirt on…PUT IT BACK ON!

Editing was key on this one, props to both the director (Eric Nicholas) and his editor for slyly slipping us in this maniac’s world via the varied mini cam POV shots. The ‘straight” scenes were also resourcefully communicated and blended well with the voyeur bits.

We get a very subtle score that worked for the film hardcore and a brilliant t use of sound to punctuate the events at hand.

ALONE WITH HER was not a pleasurable movie to sit through. Witnessing a good person get manipulated and gradually snared into a trap by some spineless predator rubbed me the wrong way. And that was the point, therefore the flick accomplished what it was going for and then some. The final narrative turn wasn’t potent or developed enough for my liking and I wouldn't call this effort "pleasant"; but on the whole ALONE WITH HER was a visceral, stress inducing and fairly disturbing watch. It got under my skin and hit me where it hurt. I like to call this one "the great film that I never wanna see again". So you in the mood for a bitter slice of life? Dig in!

Colin Hanks is of course Tom Hank’s son.

Ana Claudia Talancon will next be seen in the US One Missed Call remake.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:33 am
by erinkatie
I actually almost rented that movie last night but held back because I was unsure I could deal with Colin as any thing less than "wholesome".

But now I may rethink my decision.


Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:16 pm
by Sternbetrachter
you have to tell me what you think of it if you do rent it

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:14 pm
by out of this world
erinkatie wrote:I actually almost rented that movie last night but held back because I was unsure I could deal with Colin as any thing less than "wholesome".

But now I may rethink my decision.


They have it to rent on video? I cannot find it? :(


Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:00 pm
by Natz
And what else are the critics saying:

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:55 pm
by Sternbetrachter
it's already at rottentomatoes? cool :D thanks for the link

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:24 am
by erinkatie
ACTUALLY... you can rent it ON DEMAND... its in the IFC Theaters section.

I'll let you know how it is when Im finished!


Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:55 am
by Sternbetrachter

By Tatiana Siegel

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Colin Hanks, Billy Burke, Joseph Cross and Mary Beth Hurt will join Diane Lane in the thriller "Untraceable."

Penned by Allison Burnett ("The Feast of Love") from an original screenplay by Robert Fyvolent and Mark R. Brinker, the Lakeshore Entertainment film follows FBI agent Jennifer Marsh (Lane) as she races against time to track down a ruthless online predator.

Hanks will play Lane's FBI partner, while Cross takes on the role of the film's villain. Burke is the love interest of Lane's character, and Hurt plays the mother of Lane's character.

Reuters Pictures

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Gregory Hoblit, whose credits include "Frequency" and "Fallen," will direct the film, which begins shooting next month in Portland, Ore.

Screen Gems will release the film domestically.

Hanks starred in "Orange County" opposite Jack Black and appeared in Peter Jackson's "King Kong." He next will appear in the comedies "Buck Howard" and "Homeland Security."

Burke is a recurring character on Fox's "24." His film credits include "Without Limits" and "Ladder 49."

As a child actor, Cross appeared in M. Night Shyamalan's "Wide Awake" and "Jack Frost," among other films. Last year, he played Augusten Burroughs in "Running With Scissors" and appeared in "Flags of Our Fathers."

Hurt most recently earned an Independent Spirit Award nomination for her role in "The Dead Girl."

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:23 am
by cardinalgirl
What's with him and all the agent-type roles lately? *giggles*