Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 70&Epilogue 3/7/17 Complete

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 46 2/12/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Liz is off to her parents for Christmas. It is safe to say that Max will see his family for Christmas.

Carolyn Kate has a hard choice to make. But she has Sarah there for her. Max and Liz can't wait to move into their house.

Part 47

Liz pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head as she walked through the door of the Crashdown. It had been a year since she had been here. Nothing had changed in that time. She smiled when she saw Michael come through the swinging door. He had recently been made assistant manger. He pulled her into a big bear hug.

"Hey Michael. You act like you didn't see me a couple months ago." Said Liz
"Well because of my big mouth you cut our visit short."
"True. But I know you did it because you care."
"Yeah I did. So things going good with you and Max?"
"Yes. Haven't you seen the latest tabloids?"
"Well the latest headline on those trash magazines is that Lizzie and Max eloped to Vegas and then a honeymoon on a private island in the Caribbean." Said Jeff walking in.
"Hi dad. I missed that one." Said Liz hugging him
"Hi honey. Missed you." Said Jeff
"Missed you to dad. Dad, I want you and mom to come out last week of February to see me and meet Max. Uh you can also see my new house." Said Liz
"You bought a house!"
"Yeah it's on the beach and really nice. Max and I are moving in next month."
"He really makes you happy honey?"
"Yeah daddy he does. I love him."
"Well then I can't wait to meet him."
"Oh and dad most of what those magazines have been printing about me and Max is garbage."
"I know. But you do need to reassure your mother."
"I will."


Max walked into his parents house with a bag over his shoulder. He dropped it on the floor and smiled when his mom came out.

"Hey mom. Mind if I stay here a few days?"
"What is wrong with your own place?"
"It's lonely without Liz."
"She has been gone what two hours?"
"Five. She went back to visit her parents for Christmas. She will be home on the 26th."
"You know you are always welcome."
"Thanks mom. I am just going to get the rest of my things."
"Relax it's just a suit for church on Christmas and my Christmas presents for everyone."
"Oh and mom did you have to tell Liz about Mr. Floppy Ears?"
"But you were so cute walking around with that bunny."
"Please tell me that you didn't tell her any other embarrassing stories about me."

Diane just smiled and walked away.

"Mom! Mom what else did you tell her!"

Max started after his mother hoping she didn't bring up when he danced naked with Isabel's Rainbow Brite doll when he was five.


Kyle kissed Serena as they walked up to his dad and stepmom's house in Roswell. He knew that she was nervous.

"Dad and Amy will love you." Said Kyle
"It is just hard for me to trust."
"Rena, I know but my dad won't hurt you. He really hates men that hurt kids and women. He is the sheriff."
"Yeah so? My father is a cop too. Yet he beat the crap out of me."

Kyle pulled her close and led her into the house.


Sarah watched Kate holding a picture of her and her father. She knew that the bphone call this morning upset Kate. She walked over and placed her hand on her lover's shoulder.

"You should go see him." Said Sarah
"I am not leaving you here alone."
"Kate, before we got together I spent all holidays alone."
"And I will not do that again. Come with me."
"I don't know. Kate in case you forgot we are both from different east Texas towns that have strong conservative Christian values. Being openly gay there is not looked upon very nicely."
"I haven't forgotten. I had that stuff shoved in my face every day of my life. My father is a minister don't forget. To him being gay is a mortal sin. That is why I haven't told him. Had I come out as a teenager he would have sent me off to one of those camps that claim to straighten misguided teens out. That claim they can get the gay out of the kid."
"They don't work."
"You been to one?"
"Yep. But when I came home and hadn't changed my father threw me out."
"Sorry sweetie."
"We will go see your father. But you have to tell him the truth about us."

Kate and Sarah kissed and then Kate went to book their flight.

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 47 2/13/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So glad Liz went to see her parents and told them about the house and finally meeting Max. Loved how Max and Diane are. Poor Max his mother Diane must have told Liz a lot of stories about Max while he was talking to his dad. So Serena is finally going to meet Jim and Amy. Now that should be nice. Wow Kate and Sarah are finally go to Kate's home town to see her family. Now that should be interesting.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 47 2/13/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Poor Max.......I feel sure that his mother will make sure Liz knows all about his childhood embarrassments.
I can say as a mother that is our job to do!
Wonder how this Christmas will turn out for Kate and Sarah?
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 47 2/13/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Liz is visiting her parents for Christmas. Diane feels it is her job to tell his girlfriend all about Max as a little boy. Yes Serena is going to finally meet Jim and Amy.

Carolyn Diane has made sure that Liz knows more then Max would like about the things he did as a little boy!

Part 48

Liz woke Christmas morning in her childhood bedroom. She was really missing Max. They had grown so close since the first time they made love. She looked at her clock and saw that it was a little after seven in the morning. Way to early to call him. She got out of bed grabbed her robe and headed for the kitchen for some coffee.

"Morning honey. Merry Christmas." Said her mom
"Merry Christmas mom."

Nancy handed her daughter a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. Liz added the mocha creamer her mom used sat down with her mom.

"Where is dad?"
"Not up yet. You know he doesn't sleep in very often."
"Honey, are you happy?"
"Happier then I have ever been mom."
"Liz, your father and I know what Sean tried to do you."
"Don't be upset with her. She knew that you weren't dealing with it well."
"I didn't. After I got to LA one of the first things I did was find a therapist. I am much better. Max knows all about it."
"That is good. So tell me about him. I mean what the papers don't know."
"What do you want to know?"
"How did you meet?"
"Well he lived across the hall from me. He came home while I was trying to open my door with a couple bags of groceries. I nearly dropped one and he took it offering to help me. He recognized me right away. But didn't act like a fan. We just clicked becoming friends right away. But something was happening. It didn't take long before my feelings started to change. I felt something I never felt before. Mom, I really love him. I feel safer with him then I have ever been in my life."
"I wish he could have come so I could meet him."
"Mom, he is spending Christmas with his family. You will meet him at the end of February when you and dad come and see my new house."
"I still can't believe my nearly 21 year old daughter already owns a house."
"I know. So does Max have something special planned for your birthday on the 29th?"
"I don't know. He likes surprises."
"Yeah for our first date he took me to Mario's you know that Italian restaurant I have been trying forever to get into."
"He did?"
"Yeah his parents know the owner. So he is able to get a table whenever he wants. But I am now on the list. So I can get a table when I want to now."
"That is great. Is he OK with being in the public eye all the time?"
"Yeah. He has been really great about it."
"I have to admit that you are happier than I have seen you in a long time."
"I really am."

Nancy hugged her daughter. She had to wonder if just maybe Max might be the one for her daughter.


Serena curled up next to Kyle after dinner. This was the first time in a very long time that she had enjoyed Christmas. It had not been a happy time the last few years she lived with her parents. Kyle wrapped his arm around her and kissed her on top of her head. She smiled as she watched Maria tackle Michael who had gotten her a beautiful pair of sapphire earrings. Both Jim and Amy had made her feel like a member of the family. But the best part was just spending the day with Kyle.

"Yeah Kyle?"
"Let's go outside for a minute."

Serena walked outside with Kyle and looked up at the star filled night sky.

"Rena, there is something I have been wanting to ask you for a while."
"What is it Kyle?"

Kyle reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring box. He dropped to one knee in front of Serena. Her eyes started to tear up when she realized what he was doing.

"Serena, I love you more than life itself. The only thing that would make me happier is if you agreed to be my wife. So will you marry me?"

Serena smiled and threw herself at him.

"Yes! Yes! I will marry you!"

Kyle untangled himself from her grip long enough to slip the ring onto her left hand. Serena kissed Kyle passionately. She couldn't have been happier.

"Let's go tell your family." Said Serena
"Our family Rena. They are our family now." Said Kyle
"Right our family."

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 48 2/14/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So glad that Liz and her mom can talk about anything. So Maria told Nancy about Sean. It seems Nancy understands why Liz left and everything. Also glad that Nancy realizes Liz and Max are great together. Wow that was so romantic how Kyle asked Serena to marry him. So glad Jim and Amy are making Serena feel part of the family. Love how Serena told Kyle lets go tell our family about getting married.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 48 2/14/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Liz's mom seems very pleased that their daughter is so happy now.
Can't wait for the Parkers to meet Max.
And Kyle.......what a wonderful surprise.
Great news for them!
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 48 2/14/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Liz and her mom have a very good relationship. It was a pretty romantic way that Kyle asked Serena to marry him.

Carolyn Nancy knew that Liz wasn't happy for a while. But now that Liz is with Max she can see a change in her daughter.

Part 49

Kate took a deep breath took Sarah's hand in hers and pressed the doorbell of her parents house. A moment later her younger brother Zachary opened the door.

"Hi Zack." Said Kate
"Katherine, you shouldn't have brought her here." Said Zack
"Zach, what is your problem?" Asked Kate
"Dad, isn't going to be happy about that you brought your lesbo lover with you."
"Look, Zack is it? Kate wouldn't have come without me. I don't give a shit about what you think of me. I admit it I am a lesbian. I am not ashamed of it. I love your sister and she loves me. So get that stick out of your ass!" Said Sarah staring into his eyes.
"Zack, mom told me dad is dying." Said Kate
"Yeah so? You haven't given a shit about any of us in a long time." Said Zack
"Zachary let your sister and her friend in!" Came a male voice from the living room.

Zack stepped aside and let the girls in. Kate walked in to see her father laying on the couch. She walked over to him after getting a encouraging hand squeeze from Sarah.

"Katherine, come here."

Kate knelt next to her father. He reached up and pushed her hair back from her face.

"You are so beautiful."
"Dad, mom didn't tell me much. Just that you are dying." Said Kate
"Cancer. It is to wide spread for them to do anything."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"I know."
"Zachary go tell your mother that your sister and her friend are here."

Zack left after shooting a dirty look at both Kate and Sarah.

"Now why don't you introduce me to the woman that it seems won your heart?"

Kate looked at her father unable to speak.

"I maybe a fool but I am not blind. I know that you are a homosexual. I also know that is why you haven't come back until now. Katherine Amanda Patterson, you being a lesbian doesn't change that you are my daughter and I love you. I know I have said some hateful things in the past about homosexuals, and I am sorry."
"Dad, how did you find out?"
"Well the fact that you had several copies of the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated under your bed was my first clue. Now may I meet your friend?"

Sarah walked over and knelt next to her lover.

"Dad, this is Sarah Simon. Sarah my dad Reverend Matthew Patterson." Said Kate
"Nice to meet you Reverend Patterson." Said Sarah
"Sarah, that is a lovely name. Now tell me do you love my daughter?"
"Yes sir with my whole heart."
"Good to hear. Where are your from?"
"Grew up in Newton Texas."
"Just east of here in Jasper on US 190 right?"
"Yes sir. About 20 minutes or so."
"You going to see your family while you here?"
"No sir. My father doesn't accept me. He threw me out at eighteen and told me not to come back until I get in a long term straight relationship. He even sent me to one of those camps when I was sixteen that say they can make a kid straight."
"I always thought that you would send me to one of those if I told you dad." Said Kate
"Honey, I wouldn't have done that. They don't work. I know that you were born this way. You didn't choose to be this way. But I still love you." Said Reverend Patterson
"Love you too daddy."

Kate leaned over and hugged her father.

"Dad! Don't tell me that you approve of them dykes!" Came Zack's voice
"But dad! You always have said that people like them are sinners!" Said Zack
"I know what I said. But I also know that God made your sister the way she is. He made this sweet young woman the way she is. You will treat them with respect do you understand? I maybe sick, but I still am well enough to take you over my knee and give you a woopin for your disrespect."
"Yes sir. I am going to Peter's."

Zack left and Kate let out a sigh. She didn't understand how her younger brother could hate her. She felt Sarah wrap her in a hug.

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 49 2/15/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Loved how Kate's father stood up for Kate and Sarah. Someone needs to get the stick out of Zack's ass. Love how Kate's father is wanting to get to know Kate and Sarah.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 49 2/15/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

What a wonderful response from Kate's father.
Her brother still has a long way to go however.
So glad Kate went to spend this holiday with her father.
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 49 2/15/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Kate was surprised by her father's reaction. Don't count on Zack getting that stick out of his ass.

Carolyn Kate never believed that her father would change. As for her brother he may never change.

Part 50

Liz walked through the airport. She had a nice visit with her parents. But was glad to be home. She had seen Kyle and Serena this morning. She was happy for them. Getting married that was something. She had to wonder how long it would be before the tabloids got wind of it. Not that if asked she would say anything. She got her bag and met her driver who took her back to her apartment. She walked in and didn't see Max anywhere. But she did see a trail of rose petals leading to her bedroom. She followed them and found him laying on the bed in nothing but a pair of red boxers with little white hearts on them.

"Hey. Missed you." Said Liz
"Missed you to sweetie."

Liz went over to the bed and kissed him. Max just pulled her onto the bed with him. It wasn't long before Liz's clothes ended up on the floor. Then they were making love. Liz moaned as Max pounded into her. Max screamed out her name as he had his release. Liz kissed him as she came down from her own ogasm.

"Love you Max Evans."
"Love you Liz Parker."


Kate laid next to Sarah in the bed she had slept in growing up. Sarah had her head on her chest.

"You OK?"
"Yeah honey I am. My dad just surprised me."
"Maybe the fact he is dying made him realize that he didn't want to have things end with you on bad terms."
"Yeah. But he accepts our relationship. He told my mom to give us my old room."
"Well he wants you close. Maybe he decided that if he didn't let us share a room then we might go to a hotel or something."
"Does your brother's opion bother you?"
"A little. Zack and I were close until a few years ago. I mean yeah there is a six year age difference between us. He turned fifteen a couple months ago."
"You may have to face facts that things won't be the same between the two of you."
"Yeah, I am beginning to think that."

Sarah kissed Kate and ran her hand through her hair. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Girls breakfast is almost ready."
"OK mom. We will be down in a few minutes." Said Kate


Serena sat with Kyle in a booth at in the Crashdown. They were leaving tomorrow so that they could get their house ready for Liz's surprise birthday party. Serena really liked Kyle's family. They welcomed her like she had always been part of the family. She had even opened up to both Jim and Amy about what had happened with her own parents. Needless to say Jim was not happy to hear that her father use to beat her. Amy just held her and told her that they were her family now.


Liz rolled over and placed her head on Max's chest. She looked up into his eyes.

"So you going to tell me what you are planning for my birthday?"
"Not a chance sweetie."
"Come on Max!"
"Nope. But I have a feeling that you will like it."
"But you know I hate surprises!"
"Too bad. It will remain a surprise."

Liz just pouted and Max laughed. The big part of the surprise was that not only were Maria and Michael coming in for her party but so were her parents.

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