Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 55 Complete 8/15

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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 35 7/25

Post by keepsmiling7 »

No wonder Cal disliked Zan.......he did have good reasons.
Kivar might be surprised how connected Liz is to Max.
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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 35 7/25

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. Boy is Jeff pissed. Good thing Cal is coming though. So Liz powers will come when she sleeps with Max. I wonder how long it will be before Max and Liz sleep together? Boy everyone in the Parkers how get really mad quickly. I'm glad that Serena told Jeff about Brain knowing about Serena's powers. I feel sorry for Cal for losing his wife and daughter. I really hate Kivar. I hope he dies really soon. I like Cal's daughter. I hope what she said will come true and Kivar will die. I can't wait to find out how the meeting goes. And how Cal, Jeff Max and others will handle the meeting.

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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 36 7/26

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Eve Hardel, is Nasado's real name. The name of Cal's daughter hasn't been revealed yet. But she is the woman Kivar is holding prisoner.

Carolyn Yes Cal has reason to dislike Max. Kivar is in for a surprise when he meets Liz again.

L-J-L 76 Liz does have some powers, they will just reach their strongest point after Liz and Max make love! Cal may see his daughter again, but she won't be the little girl he remembers. Cal's daughter knows what will happen. She can see into the future and Kivar knows she has not been wrong yet with what she has seen.

Part 36

It was early when Liz and Serena walked down the stairs and into the Crashdown. Outside the door stood Brian.

"What is he doing here?" Mumbled Serena
"He wants to see you." Said Liz
"Yeah well I told him I would call."
"Yeah were you?"
"Not until after we deal with Kivar."
"Serena, this guy really seems to care about you."
"So what? I don't want him to get hurt."
"He isn't going to leave."
"I guess I better deal with him."
"Good luck. I should give you some time alone with him."

Liz headed into the back and Serena when over to the door. She unlocked it and let Brian in.

"What are you doing here Brian?"
"I made the mistake once of letting you walk away. I am not going to do that again."
"Brian, you really should leave Roswell. It's too dangerous."
"I am not leaving. Yeah I get your life is dangerous. But I am not leaving you."
"Brian, there is this really evil guy out to kill my sister and her friends. Hell the only reason he doesn't want me dead is because he needs me alive to be able to use this thing from my dad's home planet."
"Your dad's home planet? Wouldn't be yours too?"
"Did I forget to tell you I am half human? My mom is human. I was born here on earth. This is my home."
"I want to help you."
"Young man that is a very bad idea. This enemy we are fighting would kill you without a second glance. I think you should listen to my daughter." Said Jeff walking in.
"Mr. Parker, we haven't met. My name is Brian Johnson. I understand the danger. I love Serena. I will not run when her life is going to be on the line." Said Brian
"Serena has been prepared for this! You have no powers to help. If you think a gun will help you are mistaken. This alien we are dealing with is powerful. There are only two things that have a chance to bring him down. The power of the granilth, the thing Serena was telling you about, and the royal bond." Said Jeff
"Have you told Liz about that part?" Asked Serena
"No. I really don't want to tell my seventeen year old daughter to go a head and have sex with her alien king boyfriend." Said Jeff
"Uh I am a little lost here." Said Brian
"It's a long story Brian." Said Serena
"Why don't you tell me Rena?"
"Take him upstairs and fill him in. Ava, and Liz can help you." Said Jeff
"Fine. Come on Brian."


Max walked into the kitchen to find his mom making breakfast.

"So what are the plans for today honey?" Asked Diane
"Well in about an hour I am meeting up with the others and we are going to go out to the desert to practice our powers. Liz still has some trouble with control."
"That is understandable, she got a later start on learning them then the rest of you."
"Yeah. Mom are you sure that you are OK with everything?"
"Max, I don't like that you kids are going to go up against this powerful alien. But I know that you would never hurt me or your father. I love you and your sister no matter what. Besides you did save me from that fire last year."

Max hugged Diane and knew that he should have trusted her long ago with this secret.

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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 36 7/26

Post by begonia9508 »

Great part! Yeah, Diane is right and I always wonderered what would have been with the show, if their parents knew the truth... A great new show, maybe?

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 36 7/26

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I agree.......the parents should have know about the kids earlier, they would have been a great help.
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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 36 7/26

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. So Jeff is keeping secrets from Liz. I think Jeff better tell Liz what he is hiding before someone else tells her. So Brain wants to help. I agree with Jeff about Brain what can happen. And I agree with everyone else I think the parents should have known sooner. Who knows how the show would have went. Will Jeff tell Liz what he is hiding? Who will tell Liz what Jeff is hiding? Will Liz believe them? What will Liz do when she finds out what Jeff is hiding? Will Max find out? What will Max and Liz do when they find out? Will Max and Liz sleep together? What will happen when they practice their powers? Will Jeff be with Max and the others? When will Cal show up? What will happen when Cal shows up? Will Max, Liz and other be ready for Kivar? Will Kivar try and take Liz? Will the war start on earth? Will Max, Liz, friends and parents win the war? Will Max, Liz, friends and parents survive the war? Will Max and Liz sleep together? Will Liz get pregnant? Will Max and Liz get married? Will Max, Liz, friends and parents have a long happy life living on earth? So sorry for the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz, friends and parents.

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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 37 7/27

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Eve That is one thing We will never know with the way it was glossed over at the very end.

Carolyn I liked the idea of them letting the parents in, I hated that the Evans found out only when the government was about to break down their door.

L-J-L 76 Jeff is not going to tell Liz. He knows that it would be best to tell his daughter it is OK to have sex with her boyfriend! Cal will be there soon.

Part 37

Serena, Liz and Ava watched as Brian paced in the Parker's living room after hearing everything.

"OK let me get this straight. This Kivar guy killed Ava, Liz's boyfriend Max, Max's sister Isabel and this guy Michael on your home planet more then fifty years ago. There really was a crash that the government covered up. Your dad was in the crash and help hide these pods that held clones of the four killed. There use to be doubles of those four but they are all believed to be dead." Said Brian
"Yes." Said Liz
"Now both you Serena and Liz were born here to human mothers."
"Yes." said Serena
"But for some reason Kivar doesn't want to kill Liz or you Serena because the two of you are the most important to him."
"Well, when Max brought Liz back from the dead he gave her the queen's seal making her queen. It is not active at the moment because Max and Liz ain't completed their connotation." Said Ava
"Oh and how the hell do that?" Asked Brian

Serena looked at Ava then at Liz who was turning bright red.

"They have to make love." Said Serena softly knowing her sister didn't want her personal life talked about.
"Oh my god! That is what Future Max meant when he said things were cemented between us!" Said Liz
"What is Liz talking about?" Asked Brian
"Don't worry about it." Said Serena
"Serena does dad know?" Asked Liz
"That you won't be strongest unless you sleep with our King Max? Yes."
"This is just great."
"Yo it ain't that bad. Come on Liz, you know you want da king to screw ya." Said Ava
"Can we not talk about my personal life?" Asked Liz
"Hey I ain't the one who put the brakes on Maxie boy last night." Said Ava

Liz turned bright red.

"Must run in the family. Rena put the brakes on us last night too." Said Brian

Serena turned and glared at him.

"Lucky for ya I ain't met an alien yet that has death ray eyes." Said Ava

Just then Max and Isabel walked in with Alex and Kyle right behind them.

"Hey what's going on?" Asked Max
"Max, Isabel, Alex and Kyle meet Brian Johnson. My uh boyfriend." Said Serena
"Nice to meet you." Said Brian
"Listen to me good. If you betray any of us you will never have a restful night of sleep again. Do I make myself clear?" Said Isabel

Brian looked at her and just nodded his head. He had a funny feeling that it wasn't all talk.

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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 37 7/27

Post by begonia9508 »

Oh yes! I agree with Brian! :lol:

The Ice queen is really dangerous, especially if she goes in his dreams, at night, and make him see awful things... or do it!! :lol:

Poor Liz! They are all laughing at her! But it is easy, none of them had to go through what she had! :roll:

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 37 7/27

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I think it was good that Brain knows everything. Who knows he might help somehow. So Liz find out that her and Max need to sleep together. I like how Ava was teasing Liz about it. Wow Max, Isabel and Alex came at the right time. I love how Isabel went all Ice queen on Brain and Threaten him. Boy does Brain look very scared of Isabel :lol: !

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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 38 7/28

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Eve Isabel is making sure that Brian knows that she will protect her family from anyone. Yes poor Liz! No knows what is really going through.

L-J-L 76 Serena, loves Brian and would rather he wasn't there. But the truth is he maybe able to help. Liz really is not comfortable with having her personal life talked about by everyone. Isabel wanted Brian to know that no one hurts her family and gets away with it.

Part 38

Cal Langley walked into the alien themed diner and glared at Jeff Parker. Jeff pointed to the backroom and Cal headed there. Jeff then lead the way to his small office. Once there they closed the door.

"What in the hell are you doing telling me to get my ass to this two bit tourist trap of a town!" Yelled Cal
"It about time you did your job! Max Evans is not Zan! He may have come from Zan's DNA but they are not the same person!" Said Jeff
"Zan is the reason my wife is dead and Dara is gone!"
"Cal, you know very well that Dara may still be alive."
"Where the hell is Hardel?"
"Dead. Not that he would be any help. He was a traitor. Oh and Tess, the Ava clone that was with this set was a traitor too."
"Damn! We need the New York Ava then."
"She is already here."
"Good. Now has Max taken his Queen yet?"
"He has chosen his Queen but hasn't completed the life connection to her."
"He needs to before we go after Kivar."
"It might have happened last night if my wife hadn't gone and told Liz that human birth control isn't as effective as it is for normal humans."
"You really don't want to tell the King and and your youngest daughter they need to fuck each other do ya?"
"Calden, I am ready to do what I have to, to make sure they are at the strongest. Even give both of them the Jartar if I need too."
"Give them a little help giving in to their teenage hormones?"
"As much as I hate the idea of Liz having sex at seventeen we need her to be at her strongest."
"So where are the Royals?"
"Training in the desert."
"Who is with them?"
"Oh yes your older daughter and the keeper. Can she use the granalith yet?"
"Yes. A few days ago Rath and Lonnie kidnapped Liz and took her to Kivar. She stopped Max from going after her and getting himself killed. Then used it again to help kill those two rejects."
"So we down to Kivar and Nicholas?"
"That is an upside."
"It is."
"So when will everyone be here?"
"Seven. I am closing early. Now you know there are some humans in this."
"Yes Alex Whitman involved with Isabel and close friends with Liz. Maria DeLuca, on and off girlfriend of Michael, Liz's best girlfriend. Kyle Valenti, son of the town sheriff. Life saved by our boy king. The sheriff himself who helped them deal with our old friends in the special unit. Then we have Brian Johnson, Serena's boyfriend."
"There are also Philip and Diane Evans, Max and Isabel's adoptive parents and Maria's mother Amy DeLuca."
"Your wife. What about Serena's mother?"
"She knows of course about me and Serena. But she isn't in Roswell as far as I know. She wanted very little to do with anything alien. She only let me see Serena because of her powers."
"I will still send someone to watch her just in case. She still in Dexter?"
"Good I am going to get settled in the house I own out here. I will be back for the meeting. Remember everyone who is involved that is in Roswell needs to be there."

Cal left and Jeff opened his desk drawer and pulled out the vile holding the Antarian drug. It was only used when a couple refused to mate on their own. He hated that he had to do this to his daughter, but tonight she and Max had to complete their bond.

Lizzie, you will forgive me for doing this to you one day. Jeff thought

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