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Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:23 am
by Stargazer's Delight
#209 Taken by Cassie

AU with or without aliens ( your choice )
CC, M/L M/M & A/I

I should have posted a little earlier for more time but :roll:
I would like to challenge someone to write a Christmas fic to be posted either by the 24th or 25th of December.

I have included 3 scenarios for you to decide which to imply to the 3 parings for the fic.

1) One couple getting married on chrismas day and it does not run smoothly.

2) The second couple of this fic is at fault for the hectic ceremony with an earlier than expected birth of their child causing the hitch.

3) The third is not yet a couple but sometime during the chaotic wedding and birth of a child they discover they have feelings for one another and take a chance.

*Musts* Happy ending together for the 3 couples.
No mentioning of unconventional pairings in ANY form for the 3 couples of this fic.

Yeah stupid idea :roll: but i'd like to wake up to read it Christmas morning :oops:

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:06 pm
by nibbles2
211 on au thread, taken by Dreamweaver.

Liz, Isabel and Maria run a wedding planning business. In their professional lives, they're experts when it comes to weddings. In their personal lives however - it's a disaster.

Wedding planner 1 is planning her own wedding. It's a huge event, one she and the company have been planning for two years. However as the day draws closer, she's finding herself growing cold feet. And the main reason for that is because she's falling in love with somebody else.

Wedding planner 2 is living with her long term boyfriend. She's madly in love with him and knows he's the one. But he's a commitment phobe and believes that marriage is idiotic and hates weddings.

Wedding planner 3 was attending a wedding conference in Los Vegas. One of the other girls had a brother/ex boyfriend/ friend who was in Vegas at the same time and arranged for the two of them to meet. They really hit it off and in a moment of drunken madness end up married to each other.

Must be cc.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:16 pm
by dreamerfrvrp3
#83 a Crossover Challenge taken by Myself!

Couple: Dean/Liz

Rating: Adult

Summary: Liz harbored a dangerous secret from all her friends while her stay in Florida. One night she was bit… by a vampire. After being forced to be a vampire Liz abandoned her friends and family to search for the truth and learn to control her problem. She couldn’t face accidentally hurting her loved ones. Though, six years later she finally settles down with a small harmless nest of vampires, trying her hardest at hiding her true identity. She worked on blending in with humans by getting a job at the local bar when she catches the eye of the infamous supernatural hunter Dean Winchester. Ignoring the warnings from her fellow vampires she befriends the Winchester brothers. But when the word gets out that they’re hunting a nest of vampires and they won’t stop until they catch them, Liz tries her hardest to break off all ties with Dean. Except, Dean won’t haven’t that way and refuses to take no for an answer, he wants the truth. She can’t hide much longer from them when a few familiar faces show up in search of her.

Must Have
- Dean finds something off about Liz and wants to pursue her to figure out what.
- Dean learns that Liz is a “vegetarian” vampire she has learned not to kill human but other animals. And at one point Liz becomes very close to biting Dean because he finds out about her and tests his theory out.
- Dean and Max must fight over Liz because Max finds them in an accidental compromising position, when the pod squad first arrives.
- Liz needs to be a very independent and strong person, even though she’s insecure about being a vampire it’s her only weakness.
- The pod squad comes searching for Liz after leaving Roswell because of the FBI.
- I adore Liz and Dean banter, so that’s definitely a must.
- Even though this fic is in a way dark I want there to be some humor.
- Flashbacks that go from the beginning when Liz got bit.


- Anything that you want to add is up to you I don’t mind!

Important Details

- *This might be kind of confusing* Everything has happened up to the Graduation episode that is how the others found Liz because they are on the run.
- The beginning of the story takes place after the Destiny episode and in the Supernatural timeline probably around the time that Sam leaves for college. When it speeds up to 6 years it’s about five years on the run for the pod squad and in Supernatural it’s the beginning of season two episode “Bloodlust” without Gordon.
- There’s NO Jo.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:52 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Taken by LizNdAlec4eva

On XO Challenge Thread
Jezebel Jinx wrote:#12

Dr. Troy Will See You Now

Rating: Adult (lots of nookie)

Couple: Liz/Christian

Summary: After Graduation Liz needs a break from all the alien drama. She goes to Florida and starts a new life, a couple years pass and Liz meets up with Dr. Christian Troy. Liz only wanted a one-night-stand, so did Christian (Author can decide where and how they meet.) Now Christian wants more from Liz and she's unwilling to give more then a few rolls in sack.

Must Have

-The aliens never went on the run after Graduation.

-I want Christian to pursue Liz and Liz acting like she doesn't want him around (although she really does).

-Many sexual encounters between Liz and Christian in many different places (Christian's office, a restaurant bathroom, his place, her place, anywhere else the author can think of.)

-Sean thinks Liz is too young for Christian and tries to get Christian to stop chasing after her.

-Kimber makes an appearance, tries to hurt Liz +/or tries to get Christian back, but he wants nothing to do with her.

-Eventually Liz gives into her feelings for Christian.

-Happy Ending for Liz/Christian.


-Pod Squad making an appearance.

-Liz going back to Roswell for a reunion and bringing Christian with her.

-Liz gets pregnant and doesn't want to tell Christian, she's afraid he might not be there for the baby so she starts to pull away.

-Liz works in the same office as Christian and Sean.

-Everything else is up to the author

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:22 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Taken by Lilith Fire

UC Challenge Thread


Liz with Everyone Challenge

This is a weird challenge that I thought of while thinking about who else I like paired with Liz and this popped into my head I will understand if you all think this is too weird and no one takes it but I had to get it off my mind.

Rating: Adult

Pairings: Liz/Michael, Liz/Max, Liz/Isabel, Liz/Kyle, Liz/Tess, Liz/Maria, Liz/Alex, Liz/her teachers and possible other pairings are Liz/Jim, Liz/Nasedo, Liz/Pierce and Liz/Phillip and anyone else you can think of that you want her with.

Summary: Think of Liz as the town’s friendly and accommodating lady of the night.

Must Have


-Liz is either a nympho manic or just really enjoys sex.

-Her parents don’t know (they are the only ones that don’t.) Basically everyone knows (except her parents) and no one talks about it unless they are in private.


-Liz can receive money for her…various contributions to the people of Roswell.

-Can have aliens or not.

-Everything is fair game.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:19 pm
by Roswell Slayer
Taken: by lizandzackfan

Crossover Challenge Thread



Pairing: Liz/Dean (Drifter)
Timeline: After Graduation for Roswell, and Devils Trap for Supernatural
Rating: Up to you, but I have to admit that having some Liz/Dean lovin' would be a bonus!

Summary: After being on the run from the FBI for 3 years, Liz realises that she doesn't feel the same way about Max anymore. She tells him she wants a divorce and wants to split from the group.

Max refuses at first giving his usual 'You can't' speech, but then gives in to Liz and lets her go. (I don't want him to be too much of an ass, just at the beginning)

After Liz gets Max to sign the divorce papers she got from Jesse, and changing her last name back to 'Parker,' she then takes off and travels round the country. She keeps in contact with the rest of the group still, but doesn't see them.

Sometime, during her travels, she runs into a demon and it attacks her. John Winchester happens to come across this, and while trying to help her, he witnesses Liz using her powers and killing it.

After they both explain to each other their histories, they become friends and help each other out once in awhile. He teaches her how to fight, and about demons. Liz helps him with the occasional demon job with her powers and researching things for John when he calls.

A couple years later, Liz is still travelling around but hasn't heard anything from John in a long while, and then gets a vision of John in the car crash with Sam and Dean, so she tries to call him and warn him but he doesn't answer. Liz then goes in search of him.

After that, it's up to you. But as usual, they're a few 'Must Have' things from me......

Must Have:
1. Liz's character gone through some changes in her years on the run. Such as being a bit more confident, and her dress sense isn't so 'schoolgirl' anymore, and she rides a motorcycle. Michael could've been the one to teach her how to ride one. Basically, I want her to be like her character from 'Darklight'. If you've seen Shiri's role in that movie, you'll know what I mean.....

2. Ash. I was so pissed off when they killed him off in the end of S2 Supernatural, cause I really loved his character. So I want him to be in this story. He and Liz should become really good friends.

3. Liz and Dean having run into each other once before (during her travels) at a gas station when he's admiring her bike, and Dean makes a pass at her, but Liz politely rejects him. Liz also speeds by him on the highway interstate and cuts him off and he gets mad, and Sam thinks that's hilarious that she rejected him and cut him off. Neither of them remember till they both get a flash when Liz touches Dean.

4. Liz, without knowing it, gets jealous when she catches Jo and other girls flirting with Dean.

5. Liz and Sam bonding well, since they both have similar interests like school and stuff.

6.. The Roswell gang showing up at some point. Dean and Max don't end up getting along, and end up in a fight over Liz. This can happen before or after Liz and Dean get together.

7. Liz and Dean both being hesitant about being together, but eventually their feelings win out for each other.

8. Liz's bike has to be like the one Elle/Lilith had in 'Darklight'.


Re: Taken Challenge Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:36 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Challenge reposted.

Re: Taken Challenge Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:38 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Challenge reposted & taken again.

Re: Taken Challenge Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:51 am
by nibbles2
#216 on alternate reality thread. taken by SpiritedPulcino

Max, Michael, Kyle and Alex are brothers. Their mother, Diane Evans, was widowed at a young age so they are very close to her. She adores them and only wants the very best for them.

The problems is that none of the girls they date ever come close to being ‘the best.’ Diane has driven away every single girl that has dared attempt to date on of her boys. And because the boys love her, they never stand up to her.

Can Liz, Maria, Tess and Isabel ever measure up?

Some possible scenarios:

• One son is dating a girl in secret and is too scared to tell Diane about her because he knows that Diane will hate her.
• One son wants to date a particular girl but has asked his friend to pretend to be dating him and act really horribly so that when he ‘breaks up’ with the 2nd girl, Diane will be delighted that he’s now dating the 1st girl. (Maybe he ends up falling for the 2nd girl.)
• Diane is desperate for one of her sons to date a particular girl because in her eyes this girl is perfect. But of course, no matter how hard she tries to set them up with this girl, the harder the guys try to get out of it. (She can be a Pam Troy type of she can be one of our girls.)
• One son dated a girl for a while before Diane drove her away, he’s never got over her and now she’s back in town. It’s clear she still has feelings for the son but doesn’t want to risk the wrath of Diane again.
• One son is dating a girl who Diane hates and is desperate to break up but no matter what she does, the girl is sticking around. And seems to enjoy winding Diane up.

And/Or anything you can think of yourself.

Must end CC.

Re: Taken Challenge Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:51 am
by xmag
Challenge # 81 on the canon thread - M&M - TAKEN by ArchAngel1973 and Ashleyt

Summary : Post-Graduation. Angsty, and bittersweet. Rating is up to you. CC

- After a few months on the run, Michael is killed. Maria wants to use the Granolith to go back in time to save Michael (Tess brought back it back in 4AAAB). Once there, the Granolith refuses to send them back in time to save just one life. It had let itself be used in the first timeline because a whole planet was being destroyed.

Maria is devastated and the Granolith asks her if she is ready to do what it takes to find her happiness. She agrees and she enters the Granolith. She lands in a parallel world. She is lost, wandering around this world so similar to hers but at the same time, different. She doesn't recognize anybody from her old life, in this Roswell. Guided by a feeling, she leaves Roswell and finds… Michael. But not her Michael, this one is the one from that dimension. He spent his life in an orphanage. He never knew Max and Isabel, he doesn’t even know if they exist or are alive.

This Michael is older than Maria’s Michael (he hatched earlier and is 25 years old), he has a job and a house. It’s not love at first sight. Michael is pre-pilot Michael, ten times worse. Maria is angry with the Granolith because it wasn’t what she wanted.

From there, write an angsty, angry fic, between two angry and hurt people, with a Maria who feels like she is cheating on Michael, and this other Michael who refuses to be second best.

Must have :

- Maria yelling to New Michael : “you look like my Michael, you speak like my Michael, you feel like my Michael, but you’ll never be him. No matter what the Granolith thinks, you’ll never be him and you’ll never replace him”.

- Have New Michael having nightmares (I’ll tell you more in a pm if you are interested)

- Michael has a past. No love but dating here and there, one night stands, and still being a loner.

- Maria wanting to go back to her world because she misses Liz,

- Michael seeing that Maria needs her friends and deciding, in the end, to go back with her in her world.

- Isabel reacting badly to Maria being with another Michael and telling her “"as long as you've got a copy, you are happy, why didn't you hook up with his NY dupe while you're at it!"

Happy but very bittersweet ending.